.- ?hr $tntc0-9etx(d. .TfUDAY )vir i itar KIITION KATEH ."hi. Moot I I I KUII Har, OP AGAINST THE TRUfT On account of the vitv ia! advance in all clas within a short time peat The Timos-Horald finds it iitnessrjr to rharuv all dvtrtfajen snhsci i) tion for tin wr instead of in cluding the p:ier with the ad vertising contract as in the past. Tin MMgtl realized this stej wa hmmt)' Ronw wi hut hesitateil to make the an nouncement on account of his custom in the pas;, hut after re ceiving the hill for the summer Upptta :: Wll ilecidetl Uxi; a: fairs we have no use for politics, as the man is what we are look ing for. This is the proper way to look at such matters and it is just such independence that will bring alxnit reform and place honest and capable men in public office. If .00 are going to plant garden gi "nnr (Mlion ! and need at ' i wntl )'T pniinil NO MOOI Treaur department of Compt roller of thr Ciirrrm . Waahii i' i m it, pior. If those Washington sheepmen w -y vMaaa who are kicking would come over " ' laieigawd. It ha tssa l...- ) ...u.,f u .1 :..... ' ' "Tin- llnrnev H'-lt illlll IW-T- .lit. lllf milllWI UII'S . . . . , . ik of Hum-, lii Id.- are doinp to local flocks the. ,,,,., wouldn't think the sheep law . P Bed In the last legislature u;i at Mm mereh for the nurooao of keei- ' ' ' seajea' big them out of the state. The Denver News may le right in the assertion that settle men' and cultivation has nothing to d with changing climatic con ditions However that may Ih the "timeliness of moisture" hit us this week 111st right and w PJ open for more "timeliness" right along. If we get it the climatic When OfM Undo white pa- changes are of little con.seo.Ue' pr advanced from 86 to BO cent md ther, considers that the freight from 1'ortland to Hums adds boot one-third to the orig- ma cos; this step must te taken rder to make both ends n inning with the first of July all advertisers who receive the paper will Ih' charged sin lion. hilr thi- ia a small item to the individual, the aggregate MM - IT EVER Rlf HERE? II 'I. nil he un til. Imaine of lUnloiiL' : No" t I H I I I'renry. do lo rt Ij that "Tin. tlanaaj Count i I .ink o( llnr. Hie i it nl Burn, ii t .f liar- -"ii, i autlioriml i inking tifn OM linn 'I Stat- o' Tip . I ..( H.irn. Ill liaml ii In o( , I W . I!. Hlll: nil'tr. Her ol 1 1 1 i tiriv .loli printing The Timea-Herald AlUIM-n: VTOK'S NiTIII In Um maltt-r of theetatof MtMft L II i'k.' . .In lit" 'I ,,li. ,. i i ... ii. Kivi'ii iliiit lha nniier igii'.l -till v api'ini-l t I t Ker lor. Hon OmdIJ Jarlfa "I llarn) MMty, itregon, tlii- ?"tli ilav of April M07. Hi- Hiliinni-iro. " ol III- KtaUol llenrv 1.. Ilark.n. JlilSHll ainl li Inly i.i.ilitiil All pafMMl liatlng rlalni" agniiit mM I - ' ' r.inlml to prvMMit them, with CM, Ithtn ll month- nolo theilalrof :nii.i. '.ralna, at Ml ' . Of it tl of I'urri-h A K.l ' "Ogon. llarkajr. .lniimtrtlor ADMIM-l'l: l"l: M'TIt I N t o . i- I tl tha' lha ntiiler Ignoil w- M N i ' " 'I"1- i mi i ill. -title ol PMM 1 1 r ipi.tlirinl l .tlni- agatno ail etat' ir pre. ent thiMii. with tin- proper on,hi'r. within t ntontii from lha ilalo ol tin ' me at I'ark ' "ii Mit-i Mav i .ia:i - - Ml NOi A.liiiinntralor, ttp-to-ilale iuli printing at reaann uhle prices. Lae Caldwell haa again opened the Windsor Har to the puhlie ami mvile his old time patrons and friends to call. Iraft'her Tt centa. N0.TRI8PAM1MG Mtinting ia fnrhidden upon hit pmalOW. TreaasseMi aril' he pros II. C. Lr:vKMS. i. rnta o ' u i (i Young 6l Faulkner CIVIL. MlNICIPaL Mi IKRIdATION FN6INIERS i .imi .ni'l fuwalta Bail ft ft I lltastaa, M i.'in,v llrnfling anil lN-ining Irrigation a Specialty Burns. Oregon A good three-fourths of an inch of rain in less than fortv minutes is what we experienced here last Tuesday noon and this has been followed bv numerous showers since. While thi- :t particularly local it has rained more or less since all over the amount.-t, nu" iimi.- to the poor valley and has placed a very newspai-ei mat who seldom sees broad smile upon the faces of the over 0 a: OM time. farmers, as it practically seen-"- The T;mt -Herald would advise crops leave Harriman alone Thi- -i-ion had been needing for I spell and turn his attention ram for sometime and The Tin tmst. We would Herald man had been cons;. realiz more Ivenetit therein and inp the profswition of negotiat poosibly could appreciate him ing with the rain maker who is mor. U. are up against the operating iver in Sherman coun PJMMT tnist"" Car MB and if the t. He was only awaiting re trenuoi will make gtxsi sult over there to see if the man 've him all due ere- made good, when we received a most satisf acton down nour without any expenditure what ever. Seriously, though, the rain was much needed and was a groat boom to arrowing crops. Main new settlers were asking Ni it'll ,N l f nl M tl 'iml.T IgnelA.Ini' ll tli-will annex W . ' I a y ceaeil. ha I . mt, ami llarsaj aaatae ilav of .Inlv. 1007, a' II a oi. for tho taal bjj. (ount i Pat .1 U ;- M I.. Iltraa. .ltniintrator prrrnoN ' on liqi oh i ici soi V . . I he ui ltkc .r.r. . lUrn-v nniiin, tate of II; paillloa th H t, eoastjr anart of Haratft -tat' ol OfaaoMi to giant a II Snlna) t'onnv ni. .ii-. malt ami trinon liipmr- In le ipitnlltita than M gailon in I i : H.irn.- . .unt . tat ix in nlliv .i in 'lu'v I'Htiil iH F. WISEMAN Hoot and Shoe MaMT. All Work Neatly F-xecuted Kepair work turned out with promptness. Prices right. Jnrrenon lUill.lin. Ill WNs OMI (iON ARCHIE McGOWAN Land Lealioos Real Estate far Sale Laa4 Scrip Baajrht aad SU. Ill gjril, - - ORKnifv HARDWAR Of All Description. PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTI TORS, DISC DRILLS And Everything needed for the Old Timer or the New Comer. Are Pleased to say That we Have sumed Business at the Old Stand. Yours for Business, GEER & CUMMI BTTH1TS. - OEEG-O: .. BH I - - W WHO I'AYS FOR IT? ii formerly from the eJM at this office last and during our general :icuaoion of var: question "Does it ever rain marked that the fan .md in fact some stran- ter of the south was it asked the .satm ad formed acotn- aol before the noon hi in : wascomjH'lling themai - Tuesday. An old settler told pay their p them that he had really seen it In nao waisliuuoi I ruin here and rain good too. Hi- have been built ai UtOfl didn't say what u cottm. ik-1: and the dantert. looks implied, for fear no doubt aooiiaertl that the sneaker was formerly rom Kentucky, but they v. placed in the wan tad from Missouri" that was plain. I asjo unii. lb made good in less than an thi local classitication. putting hour. sent out The most wetness was oppor- manufacturer out of business. toasfcl more than one respect. The trust ha acceeded to the It made the old settler's word inter ami is pay. ' good, it made crops good, and him easts for hi nut made a good impression upon antf tin .,! nroapective settlers who making ojotl ojobms hr I nad just arrived. What is m- lied articles have been atl- we believe that more rain will ad about twice over the in- follow during this month that crease of the raw material. will make bumper crops and put The fact came u light when former yields out of business. .i.l KSl N ttrt- ol . 1 1 State of Oi ,iii .. Mm ll.". i'oont i in- . sial' M tit ami . i 'I4ii t il i ' Mar. - tin- parted .ii. I Kill T V P. I II II i 1 a A i.avltt I ra.. II 1 ra M i i v llalM Kl A ml'- i r Mm CtMS liiiilon ' I -Ml.ll, Jaaaia Bob aranvr ; II K I 'yar utn that on ISaa lis tin- -. i tin Mali ii I ng BgtMMM tilDM i ' ' I .i Wk I -.i ' as stiff i StffSS ll II I Hi. .it I Smicaoa. Frank I n M i; r K: II Klllotl cr ci .rwr. General Blacksmithing and Repair Work. Customary Prices. sssesossos rs II irn i V Hum- M. FitzCerald Tin- I'tonavr Ufa. I ' unl Lani bsasasf si Barae) I oaatjr. iMol Marc L. I Laad Office A Specialty BURNS OREGON R. J. McKINNON, Slack lospc-iur. Ilarac; Uealy. Hsoae addn - Huti Foley s Old Stand. "urns. Orapjoo. V The Great Black Percheron Stalin VENIN Will stand the .- ason at Your Pstro. ag Solicited Ii NEW! Spring and Summer Dry Goods, Shoes STOCK IH COMPLETE Dress Goods, Trimmings, Hats, Ribbon, Laces, Canvas Oxfords, Fashion's Lattst in Everything COME AND SEE THE MANY NEW THINGS . ,- ' N lt. THE RED FRONT BAIl I os Bl'KNS ORECJOIM :r ata have ma I.- i. i .' uli'.i at lliink .III li wolti ' evarvona, a "r - lirili u rvrra alvn iiill.a rolarlMti 'uof lat ar. For Inrthfr Information anil lrtn laqah H RICHARDSON, Secy. C. D. BRANDON. MJ - h Burns Meat Mark Ne Snop Oppoiu late First National Bank Main Si. BIGGS STOCK FARM S3BU5TER BROWN I uri local myrch.i' o! Hurn- srsre That's what we houe for sad ull notitied last Satunla that's what the people of th.- ! thrva. Harney country deserve. merchants have been esUiag thread fur tin naU per doaen Chief Straddley and his corps apoohi. The notice Saturday an- of draftsmen and clerical helj. n nounces that the manufacturer- :'t Wednesday morn- have advanced thread t. mi,' for Lakeview where they will .ore than we pay the retailer establish headquarters for the present. Frank Gowan ajojaj Thi? ii hut oas instance of the panied them having secureil a as one of the draft-sni.t livni Mgfctf ami it oil The party was joined here ju.st th pa Defore leaving by a Mr. Jour data paj the bflla ami let the who goes out to relieve Engineer STANDARD BRED TROTTERS POLAND CHINA HOGS DAZZLER 2:26' ,, NO. 15847 hotM you must ha His more money thun th. .re in style ai-tion ami speed. A for sale at all data POLAND CHINA BOQI 1 have purchased i.reed- fouad and have pip from them for sale either kin. I. W. BIGGS. Burns. Oregon ti&jg' IT.T Th-BUSJTOJSgMK 3T0CKM4 Aw if5 Wiar patraaaxc sakilcd. rf. J MS i i a A New and Fresh Line of other fellow gestion to atopim .:. or rather the constnir plant with which a irrigate ue esmeter'. awaiting water works will not me.- .iiin iiipro- al. A thi- work has air- ... it no woui nun- lt in that din a will not tax- . make the orator .. .mil tin- publl BMUsd ill o eatsi i. it can : lahed iii a day. or taia ittsr, then - loss 1st !-h- won started cit outhori ii. Milioi.ough. the latter ha been assigned a place on traotaSa work on the line huild mg into the Yellow Stone Park rStOSd u nuiirl .re A-i ISI H. .ill luriuali you pi iiiinir. Joora. windoara sod innl ware for ttiout half athat wi..- i.ia- I'.rniarlv coal Addraaa Inn. t l.iei Notice of Sale. Notice ih hereb given. That i.. indsraignsd, executor of tm ill and Testament of lalio - M .Mi .Meiiamy, deceaced, on the pasjaiosj of said deceased about .!. .nil one half miles south of Burnt) Oregon and on BAT1 BDA1 IKS OAT OP JUNE .it I'M o'clock F. M.. of ''''' wl" .. :.. will sell St public out- '' ..11 of the ersonai pro- if the purchase, ptrty lelonging on said estate abown by the inventory there will Ik- put W of now on file in the office of the ... It should County Clerk of said Hani.-.. U- ii. working order. County, and consisting of Live nek, Farming Implements, Ma- Tit.- re-election of Dr. Ham chinery. Wagons. Harness, House Laas M mayor of Fortlaml last hold Eflfecto. Furniture. Provis Mondav is another vi.tors for "J""'' elc- thai iniapioiiont Tutor Tho re- N part of the property will be iiiiblii-un maioritv in that c tv isiu Ior les " lne appraiseo J II ll-vIf of a.11 Trinds. Fine L.ot Of Delicacies Ofa in -it. 1 1..- ulilu lu call ul U ui.il look lliruunli . i.r atui-k wind, ia larger than ever I. fur "I (iLAlANTbt SATISfALTKRi PilCb ItlUill LUNABURG &. DALTON. VVSy..-. OUR NfcW LINbS ( Papers, Drugs, Stationer Confections and Cigars are now in l 1 -r u a.. . . w-i nn-nn wnaaoiataj, Eajtoti-Holbo t tioospy, monogram, Bunquet Hmil, ' Diapatsh, Nsthsn Hale, tc Bvlo Pouudsp CITY IDTJ-Qr ST013E. H. M. HORTON, Frjpt 9 i ojaaaaoasj ajsjaaaaaaai y aje)fjoojn v.-t '"'',i,,0,OO0OSBBaaBSBSBBBBSaaBa. mm BURNS LIVERY AND m M aulL The Most Popular House in Interior Oregon Ll M'KMSH 4LL OtTSIHH NOiS Hca. ters for Traveling Men and Tourists ADEL . vCiNE, Manager, Bur ., Jregon SfnsK3:3n: ::::::. :3i;a;..::ionnmmt::mat;ai:;;;:;::i:i:;t:;iai::;::amii J. J. TUPKER MITCH' LLWACONSdtBUCCIEs Pumps, Wind Mills, Garden Hose Gasoline Engines ( reim Separators Ali Kinds of Farm Implements Call jikI ue: prices before purchasing SKa ; -ty about WMMJ yet tilt- liuMUIiet: of that lwrtv eould not carry the clifUoit ami the city kuvc Gov. ChainiM-'riani I niajonty at the general election last June. In state, county and municiial af- value. The executor reaerve.s the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Burns, Oregon, thih 1st day of June. 1907. WM. HANLEY, Executor. THE : jTEL BURNS BAR. WM BAILEY Pro-rifttor. fine Wip . U( ors and (ujdrs or dryland Ciub Wb shq CUIt kUUM) IN C-JNKECTION tVERYIHING fl ST CLASS Courteou- and oMi Muoloi.b w&S ; H I i i i i lalWli I QlSRirr, PropM viiit it l t 111 II, SI ll j night hi, J 'ill .SI MM i A oi i , . IIKihll, . HUM CUM . iVUO N Ull It ll Ull lour ..i I'litli M ... . : Special Atteatiou Uivea to Coaductiof Fuaerah NEW ANII ACClKATt U KJJ IN CONNfcCIIOft sin, BaKA ! y. s t J Syavyt ... ..a ... SvSyO I R H1.IAH1 F ESPONSP LE UNOWNED MACHINERY OPPOSITE OVERLAND HOTLE Burns. Oregon BURNS MILLING Ol HORTON 4. 8AYER, Pr, . , Rmio-h vA r- a --&.. UIIU iiuvsea Lumi Rustic, Flooring. Mould Finishing Lumber. aMaCfcC aaHkO fO .. S a '-" wmni to Burns. Good IH Lumber Yard in Burns. 41