The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 08, 1907, Image 1

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    fl eTimta-Weralo
The OlRnial I'ajH-r of Harm-y County,
I largtaS. rirrtilation mul i-
lwM mlvcrti'iia ttiPtlitima in Eat."ii
WP imt$
fh rm Wnrnoq Countro,
HI an area ol n,42.,on arraa nf J
lantl, 4,7fk..Wfi awa jrrt varan! anbjwt
In antry timlar lha pnl.llr land lai of
thr t nltf-J HUlM. !
NO. 9
AND SHWIRAOr appeared in these columns in re-iO. E. NOT INCLUDliD IN LIST of ahundant wisdom and the ex- SET IT I MliNT AND CM W A II
riON HfiRE.
Owaen lo larrntlfitr
-CoaiailKr ppnlalrd
UlN thf Caaacll.
ply to a public letter nddressed
to the editor of The Patriot hy
Hon. William E. Chandler, the
counsel in chief for the "next
friends" in the Mrs. Eddy miit.
in which, in reply to his sugges
tion that 1 read the letter which
Mr. Glover had addressed to his
mother some weeks prior. I said
tion to establish ,ha' in ''"'J U,hout an-v "-
aisiance. m me sain letter were
ks and MMNH tvmnUk to Mr. Chandler's in
hat should receive bWaotaV, he would devise some
tion and careful means for getting it before the
In the prnpertv public even if he did not succeed
. in arnrfintr it intr, ooto-t
s. it means mucn " " -
health mul prestige . wr. i numiw-r nw ai lam reai-
.... i zed on his hopes. J he letter
v, a verv desirable , , ... ... , ,,
has iMH'ti puhlished - published m
ecesaurv WW ful ar,(i tlliU 9M what ,, wnn,
ton ivrtaiti extent ad
BB present time and After all. there is not much to
it when one considers the source
Hr called at the from which it came, and the pur-
JHrsday evening to hs. or purposes sought to be ac-
Bjecl. all present complished by it.
rabl in a Mr. Chandler is trying this
que Med iheirexprea- lease in the newspajrers not in the
tier of the prolm- courts, and a majority of the
amount necessary matter that h' has gotten into
i Hth a profit was of the newspajiers so far, is not ad-
rtar. missihle in a court and he knows
li' iiess. therefon
I di :lish
fen appoint a i is not some provision in the law
cr with the eit i,. prevent the trying of a case in
an me Mbik prints, and in our
perience of others permits
himself no positive statement.
Schlite did not !,. this. li
"in i, V himself to read an
advert isement in me eastern
paper to the effort that in that
Etry MWite Thai Eaat aad Waal Llae far awuy land a U-autiful damsel
Will be Ralll. tvertlaWerii ,,j(.,l and anmiislied for the I,, v.
me big hearted, nohle mind
ed rancher one who would give
her a home and shelter her in
tron across the state to the Snake his manlv arms airainst the ar-
River on the eaut was not includ- r. md the friction
ed in the announcement publish- of calloused world. The m
ed in last Sunday's Oregonian as thetic litti. . nt apiealed
being authentic and giving the toSchltte. He beoeJM imhilied
new roads of the Harriman sys- with the idea that he was the
tern in Oregon. This, ht.vever. man predistmed to fill this long
Is not discouraging or causing 't want, and to furnish the
anv uneasiness in this section i1 arms, etc The idea of a
Of a Sehuealtal Character
The Oregon Eastern from Na
irn DI Ml B MWS lilM'S SI TlsfXS
will return aboul the I li ..' u
While here h will confer
with the stockmen and ascertain
th. I fl the m.-ni. i The
tnation .'leatuil from this
sou in Is expected to aid mater
iallv in comluctinu the expt
ment Two assistants for Mr.
Coxille will arrive this vk.
Ilesides this experiment the
department will Bend an oxpt
entomologist during the coming
th to tletermine the '
cultivation is one that has beet method ol eotnl ttin the eff
issc.1 here m .is of the bark Iveetlethat ItdeatTO)
We have all contended thai iuk hundreds of a. it of ...!
Mich would ! the ifsult. hut the pole pine in the Sheep Creek
t al Waatc I aarfi li,r.htr the
Valalall Bat IW Nat lacrraw It
fa Aa) (Inat I tat
The question of el (Mtic chang
es M a result of settlemenf and
lenti . 'ays no ami gives
llowtng in answer to the
II. i- the i on itruotion of rceer-
H would assist in courts ut the same time. What
"' "'' to a head, a sad and hiieless muddle the
titionersin thiscarM would lie
Stnion Lewi-.. .1. , , .v w,,ri. barred ad mi
Young and .lulian to the columns of the newspa-
ited that he had So far. that is the only tribun-
!v to put in al to which they have brought
reaetmabk jM'tition. and
vrrant them the one is forced to the conclusion
other coneee that that is the only tribunal
to make thf pn. from which the) can hoe to ob-
garding the future of railroad mail-order wife appealed to him voirs and irrigation canals, the
building. Asa matter of fact ami he turned a cold shoulder to cultivation of land and the plant-'
all the new lines mentiomtl an ,n'l offerings and like many ing of trees affected or changed
further advanced than the pre other suckers, thought the gtods the Derm i climate m the i
posed road across the state, be- Br off must suivh be better than ee years.
sides those mentioned do not eon- 'he home-g-.own product. The News answers as follow v;
flict with the territory sought h Peter, with much tribulation! Answered. No The total
other railroads, therefore then. OODCocted an epistle, as tendei i precipitation at Denver ft IT
is no object in keeping the move earl turnip vM-eetis. ami with in- j years. 1N72 to I8M nclu
ments secret. Unite faith and blossoming hoie. was 24tvH(i inches PbrlTjN
The road across the state to turned it over to Uncle 8am' 1 1889 to 1906. inclusive, the total
connect with the Short Line is of 'stal service. In due time an amount was 22S.71 in.
answer came and the Writer pro These figures are from the re
ed to he ; i : lie kind of a worn- cords of the federal weather hu
ll r written, that he
wanted. The correspondence
'l Up. and tinalK Peter
with much hive and mm.' eonfi
far tK much importance to (
i put off longer than is absolutely
It is to l.e regretted that there i necessary. It will Ih a Bavins; of
considerable time on transconti
nental trains and make a mater
ial difference in railroad circles
Savh iBpMM M INiWia. Iiiml Qbbvm
lion Id h II. I.I in Onitrr Jan. H
A tierce attack un the presi
dent's pul. he land and f.u-est pa)
to Ih made b wsteni
ami memlvrs of the
house of representatives in the
Public I Jill. Is eotnenlion to in. .1
in Denver ea June in.
Thai convention ha been call
ed by the kfovernor of Colon
for the purpose, among ethet
things, of ngtxsing "iihii a oh
reau tf this dt) The general l' to ls urge! on ctngnss in
opinion obtains, however that 'stion to the future use of these
owing to land culture and other public lands. "
General Merchandise
Affenls for
Studohaker Wagons, BuRies,
But khoards. Sleighs and Sleds.
I)tc'ring Mowers, Bakes, Bind
ers and Headers.
Send in your orders for Deerine; Kxtras.
Fairbanks-Morse & Co. (Jaso
line Knines, Pumps and IrriRat
iiiR outfits.
We place an irrigation outfit at
farm and demonstrate what il will
do a payment is made
Complete line of
Dry Goods, Furnishings
Clothing Boots, Shoes
causes the distribution of
in.. i t-
all over th- we-.' 'h' the fair OM$M I pa s '""'' TWal BB, we
The fact that the headtpjartersi freight on herself (second class) "' I' nbjeettd i" i"i rents of
of the drafting department of to her future home. She didn't ram ..n the on.- hand, and i... In .
He knew
rbabl the
going over ihe
and mvestigut-
t rani oal heurti-
i . re for the
ond'' i ad-
nil thorough in-
OTt our cit au-
It themselves. It
memhered that
not ligurmg our
jaetioii hut oniv
i nat win ena-
II 111 the M'sleii.
I t a profit OH
tain a reasonable verdict, and
they are failing even in this.
ml ii" "! mple honest folk do not take
kind!) to this patent effort to
substitute ;ti. newspaper forum
for our courts ol justice.
If the petitaonen in this suit
bad u case or thought they had a
hat would gain u respectful
hearing in an authenticated court
room, it is liareh iMmsible thut
such stubborn effort would not
ie put forth, and such wiles and
cunning would not lie resorted to,
to try the case in the newspa
pers. Their zeal in exploiting
liit of testimony imaginary
or munufueturcd in the uewspa-
uat circulate M here a jury
and above Bright bo selected, is to our mind,
maintenance. I he start inim Mionir evidence ol the
rill have to paj weakness ..l the plaintiffs' aide
amount it may !. ..i tail proosedini and "f the
to pa. from 6 to e plaintiffs1 lack ol faith In the
or HOO.000 of their cause.
r for tbj s.ile to He who bus .iusuce und eUit
Byetan aW not : on his side, ami who Mieves that
im.iunt.s men- g preponderance of obtainable
eii hen- i.- a wide - ..videiu-e is in his favor, is willing
pinion BStowhal to his rights lo a fair-
minded Peiich. or to a jury of his
hut the lawyer and client
with u false claim on a sandy
foundation, ever strive to preju
dice puhhi -. niiinent in his favor
le. apisaling to the populace in
P. paying hand- advance of his suit, through
however. Why wriUeii or sjKikeii assertions and
teres! ill this and cmi. nifiiu thai :ire not admissi-
invesiigate BUffi- Me ... and if ad-
i. a of the cost missiiile. without weight.
emenw andnotgo ay that not bi
e mi. this ,,, : leal pro
i.e, ecauinirs in New Kiurland has the
ami be able to Urumeil in chief in a irraul suit inu-lligeiui.. ..ii.. I hisprofehv-
'e all take too little Btel) to that of a
...hliciiy agon iusMr. W.
pp.,,. to shift th indlerin thil case; he has
BttOTB Up- lowered the dignity of his honor
is of a lew public etl calling, and pulled himself
U move. tloun lo a level to which even
I of the committee third rate lawyers would not
latily Patriot,
y own.-rs and will
ind 1 noKOUOHBKfclJ fctiuS FOR SALE
ev wish it i act in- ao ,i '' aale. ggs b ",
would appreciate ,., . wt.nt- L-gbtrti
us, ihemon, thai way. Indeed hot winds on the ethl
she then and there cease.1 to fur When OklaL upied
i her earraapond with SehHte entirely a pasture or not occu
it this time the Morel au l",,(l :" " hat wind-, ae.umulat-
thorit lie. Indiana, ed and moved toward the north
where the fair dam. I held forth. ;i' stated iierhklbj destt
got bus ami bSOMM Map ros in Ksnsas and N-hraaka.
On account of the iUantitJ of Tin leitlemenl of Oklahoma
mail In'uiv received l. the mat ri- ah(' southern Ksnsss has Ian
mot, ial agem ami ranled it. decreased, if it has not entirely
Th. I .hi i ii I the place was run ihlitenitts the destructive hot
the survey has been moved far
ther on is in itself good m
the iieople of the interior, as it
BO! the line more fulb
pleted and that this season will
see the survey entirely complete
to the junction ej ihe west. The
routes have certainly beai sr
manently arranged in this imme
diato territory and it was a mat
ter of economy and convenience
that the cheif engineer and his t a woman and her daughters, winds. It is n,.t bo much
t at any rate, the
it I'malb.
i,'ihhI m i
mr domestic purposes
nun from tire
iderins and no one
staff of of! Is- moved clos
er to the actual work in hand.
We have no doubt but that offi
cial announcement of the build
ing of this line will Ik- made just
as soon as the present work is
far enough advanced to justify
it. The character ol the work
throughout tie pro
nounced by those who know us
thorough und convince them that
it is not of a preliminary nature.
Receiver QOOJM of the local
land office, who has just return
ed from a trip to outside points,
hat the impression is gen
eral ull over thut the road through
central Oregoi,
completion with the leant
ble delay. He was also assured
by Harriman officials thut such
was the intention.
The announcement of un im
mense order for constitution ma
terial would also indicate an ear
ly beginning upon this road. It
is asserted that this order must
include materiul for use OS thf
Central Oregon line, us it i
than can possibly be used upon
the lines of which announcement
was made in tin Or,Toniun arti-
I a miscellaneous amount of moisture, Imt the
Aitihes in ull
ausetl lo
the switches being used to furn
ish locks of hair from, for love
lorn swains. I wing thus enabled
to supply blondes, brunette
OS the glorious but
sometime condemned "red"
shades ut hair to tut all comers, lure season, when the erops need
The hurd hearted officers BJBe " m,Ml This data is from n
ed the shop und the matrimonial . rds kept at Kit ('aniii. ..I....
agencv will probably start in bus- "Ince 1898. The isunl is this
tribution ami utilisation of ths
ire that t crop
Been in our so-called dry bell
eastern Colorado an. I w'sstarn
Kansas the a rainfall is
close to fourteen inches a yeur.
Of this 11' inches fall m the . ,,l
iness in a new locality and gather
in a fresh batch of easy ones.
It is BOeaewhti tough an Peter.
It was tough to have hi- dream
ijrh to be
uwukened to tin facl that graft
is a noun of either m an. old
gander. Toagfa to lose the rh
i his home .omingat nighi
when loving arms would SI
eh and rt-ti lips kiss
away ull weariness. Tough to
B tlutt he Mould
still have to if. I, is ..wn cooking
timeliness of moisture is vastly
more imNrtani to farmers and
stockmen than the amount of
The proiM'r
rnoistur. anil fa use comoo
SSecp Will be 1-cstcS la aab Ull Hub
Ntl Hrrtfcr la Brac Ci.)ulc.
A special from Wallowa, Or.,
P. the Oregonian s;.
V Coville, amii botarii il from
In apMMiitmg a cmmillie lo
outline a program for the con
velilioli, the governor selet te.l
one senates and one repn
live from each of the states mtisl
interested in the pubhe land
question. In pursuance of this
policy numerous senatorr were
appointed w ho have proved them
selves bitterlv hostile bjj) the for-
strv plan of the administration,
ami personally unfriendly to(5if.
I I'mi hot. the chief fore
i Idaho, Senator Ib-v bum
was chosen; from Oregon, Sena
tor r'ulton. from North Dakota.
Senai M 'umlsT; from W,,m
ing. Senator Mlurk. and from
Colorado, Senator Teller, who
was made i hainnun of the ops.
mittee There are other mem
bers of the committee almost as
hostile, but none who have been
so active or out M,ken as the sen
n tors mentioned.
Because of the imisirtanee of
the convention. S' relaries (Jar
field ami Wilson will attend, as
will also F. M. Newell, chief of
tarnation service, ami if
foul I'm i hot. ehlef forester.
representatives of the ad
ministration will lie present i..
defentl Mr Kmhm-i'Ii
to the reution of larg
serves are not aiitagonisii, to ths
effortl Is-ing by ihe rechvl
malion -. i The mt inUrsof j
the . o.ivenlion will includ,
in each of the states sml ,
territories west of the Misso in.
The governol ol t at h
: .' H3
W IU...H V
Contractors and Builders
Call .in. i get estimates, Plnnn and Prices
ou have work in our line
simp on forita null. u' lit lwia A QsafSW bSWB, bSfea iNtjMi
for Clean. Wholesome Meats
Pickles, Cheese, Chorxiehouu, Olives
nions, Conned Goods
ADplaa. Crenbeepiea, Potatoee. Salt Pieh, Soap.
a,,. I tony her still the knowledge the Bureau of Plant Imlo I ,o has aMinUl ten deli
Mil-' II .V IMINKOAN, I'roj.rUlora
Barm, - - Oregon.
CeUco Xlxla IIema.aisvrteXe.
Wi-ie5 Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
that he weuld hsve t. eat what here fr m washlngtoa D I
i But the toughest inaugurate an experiment whieh
tun of the shok pronesdlnsjB
after all. WW tht forever van-
aniahed $40. 'lur,.- will heal the
it i- baheved will greatly increase
the grazmy caweil ..) th.
" ei .. I (own or. tibj ' h.Mii
The llarnev country will !. .voundx but he will have U hviel the Immilia n
one of the first to l- tappeil by Ket iii an i to the serve
any really new line of the !la, Still I'eu lt, an area of ten or tnlva
man syntem in Oreu-on. It is , hims. -!f with the leSsstfon that!)"" ' " H '"' eiichsjed
bound to come und and that helw'1' :
have no occasion to become di- without hav- land of
gules, anil delegates are also to
m board of conum
ami trade, real estate t x. ha,,;-.
lasaaaSanaaf stock
forestry, irrigate.
.ml horlit ull
t MS.oatO.wi I m
BlicksnithiBK 'Ml
wolfproof feaas
ami a
ing alv, to 1 'i' 'he worn
an. Capital Journal.
Uw V -paar I ana Iw Caarli
(iivc a Harsc)
Ciliicu'a btpcricaic
Peter Schlite of Burns Oregon,
is shy $40 in his bank account,
and still, at to seak "in maul.".
meditation fancv fa hlite's
financial deficit wu.-. eau.M-tl aj
r laudible desire to follow
the suggestion- enuoUJl
President, and U? pro
genitor of a family of miniature
Schlite. Now had Schlite been
is. 1 lie committee w im, ) ,,. . i, K .ek und buigl ...n lent to permit ihe . ,
e to lav bet'on the .,,,,1 IVs . .. I:,. I.- Uluud ltda ' true love to travel alon known
i tie sentiment of
A Colorado man tells this Htory
-tar Thf
A Colorado was
walking o .
other i, unter
I tie ' (fl.
gested tha
"H is," sani the
hunter "1 silled one of
-)." It
when deer may
not In thou
lillgs which have not I
will In- turned in th.
ad allowed u pasture during
tin remainder of the tunn
ll is oeiievoO mat Ihe n
amount of grass will u.ort
man., more sbt -ep v. hen the) are
Jobprinting The Times ll.-rald
Ik Lose Star
Bokeey in connection
A SaKaill of Ssert Vicr.
Main St.
I A .11,
(1- Should I,. ,,k.l afford. V
)wnei.. I tie niwii-
coimmtte- are no
fd than others and
wriie- for one at
in. duty to
fn business to visit
in expression. We
n Mipiv rgga j and oft travel. .1 bferhi heavy tine.
in. a. bsw ef Uarred Kork and ( by ways and passed over ihe lat.l, "Well, that IB a """ said
'tl,..-k I...1.L -ii o .:- I ir. ulurs "'--t -iLL-' L - -- ' u the wanien "and do .. know
g u!" Being
.d l ha I he iliil not, the otfi-
prlai aaol uu ipidbootiea. ( grass fed girl from the undula-
tiiiv. i I'. I. vvit.-utiio. ting prairies or nage-brush plains
u I .! Haniey county; one who oould cial osid: "Why, I am the chief
mount a bucking cav use and game warden it Colorado. " The
lone Whiting of Burns, chase down a coyote or even a I, taken aback for
. I . . k a j t i .. . . . a I I . J t I A i
er memoers teel was a iruest of Mr. and Sirs. C. i Umber jointed John rabbit before a mom.-,, i ,v i.-n ne asseu, aiiu
make it a K. kcnvoii th. lirst of the week, i breakfast roie a yearling or, do you know wiio ou are talking
with them
She bears the liistinction of be
ing the oldest lady resident of
Haines county. She left yester
day to visit the Jamestown expo
Mi ion. Ontario Argus.
brand a "slick ear." on the I to?" The warden didn't know,
range, all might I,.. i "Well, sir," .said the hunter,
Mind the h mighl apparently much relieved, "you
i" request.)
suae, an editorial
Job printing
for where there is a woman in
the case, even though she be a
Diana from the Oregon bunch
The Times-Herald grass hills, the horse editor out
are talking to me oiggesi uar in
the whole Mate of Colorado. "
Job priutiug TbaTiuiea-Herrdd
I the reault will revolution
M the entire x,it , , ib, ,,.
,l to tht
1 will have a
g U)li the t.M-k ind
The sam. iment will U-
tried on a small Male hi other
out Ho whole a.- .
as here on the imnaha.
The fanes will ..., ..t a
closely barU-tl hoy wire, Stretch
ed clone lo the yroi ,i
tlial with a triangular BV
niches, sig inches high
er g barbeil cattle wire and eight
ahevs that a imootli
These will I. bed on
eight-foot aaatii art two ami ana
half feet in the ground. (Mi
fence, it i.-, thought, will exclude
all coyotaw and other wild ani
mals which prey upon
Mr. Coville will remain h. ,
I til the first of July, when he will
go lo Washington lo report, but
t it. I.
ur ttr..i.
. SjSsT i9w
Sf p
, il Wf UTTI H A..3
KSalBTIli JHhfCttsniTilAJ
raaCTlilAlLM M INI
lUcitriclltlt W'")F' "Oil
Wagon Work
ANTCEO. Burns, Oregon
tS bj laf ib Israha
To sseao ankag
i. sTsvaas asms asu iool oa.
li. Mia , U
c I Oireuiarw.
M u liif
, bmB ek f 'rr V- liili si
- - i
. IMIiU .. .
The Oreon Hotel
Ul hi Mi. Mai.jger
rHN Kirai , Im. ..... .in ,.,... lull..., m iil. uu. ,.u. ...! ,h..l,u... J
,. ... ..... ...... v. u.. .........
f luum. I . l.i Iriau.l. lo .!.,(, ul. I., ... wl.-u n, J
il. liiini. t'ablaa Mall luriiUI, txl Maaia Bb aaaU.
ii J ' t.v,ftxj- ,a-J