fchf (Times -Jcta(d. ATimDAY. MAY 11 IWT Hl'IIHCKIPTtON 11ATHJ: On. YMt tt.00 l Month. 1.00 Thrr Month. n 'HI. IAN BVKI ----- Muum ADMINISTRATOR'S NnTh'i: plutntlft wnil (jxinl Ml natnr-il ilMenilmit- U linn ami l.mira Kinn. hm wife, Tor $1000.00, pi iin ipnl nm. willi inliTiml thereon from the 'All .lav i.l !'. Iirniiil I"" I ftt Ihl '' "I K pi'r Mnl par annum ; foi .' ! " ' ' attorney ton ' ,:i'' iHtbdf ef uii Ian .i mil (in . rrniiitf Intel " I "- " HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. Th.' Murine County Hunk i to In Naliimahaad hi onoe Tin ap piioaliun whm approved auoie ffk ngo anil iIw ohaftaf will arrive tbr owing wvi-k. Thr capital 'lock in 2ii.tNi anil l invnt'il li sunn- ,,t Ihe must (imminent and influential men iii Harney I'ountv Thov are ' men whose linanrinl stnntiiii". will l)tm At her home in tin cit At once inspire ronliile,,ce In the BlttlOa n today. Mre. Nancy .1. stuliiliti of Um eniu'ern, fur H i BiBRHHM) $ il 89 v.-nr- BrM hml xtrirllv BOOM itititiitinii with even Nti -nllei ii.; luun Ml ! tt the ienn of III stock held liy local i itomnch for several month ami her wanted a part in the piecing of the quilt that enough blocks had MM Kent for two quilt. '" ""' m""r "f lh" of '' . , . . . Ilni km , liii' The ladie met earlv and went! v , . , , .... notice i- herebj ilvan that tin onder Hiiu-kly to work. At noon a niot jM.,, mM )lllv v ,, ,n , ,. ,f(,. bountiful dinner was served wlnoli par, Roe. Coontj Jattg M Harney all thoroughly enjoyed. At 8 p in. aBly, Oregoa, tbt ftth deyol ' ;.....!... f ik - r ii... 1W7. the inlmiiiistr.it.ii nf i! Kataii-nf in Plilie in III" ui rn 11.11,111 in i.c , . , ., , , Henri- I.. Hnrkei Mad Md M"'- ahlcll Judgment wa .lull gent omen present that no work . . ,.,,.., . , .., ,n...i ..,.1 ,i,-k.i-,i In th.- Clerk'" " (111 V n.l:l .Ilni A iwrmin Iniv nu I elirnlleit .lllil lli.lKi1.lt III 111. lirrK" ivoiilil lip .lone where there wan n much talking going on, the quilt to areaant thaw, with the proper ww wa taken froin the frame entireh are. within Mi ajontbi from UtatMtaaJ quilted, nml after dulv admiring lhl "'""''' '" "'" aaoraajnod admtnle- ... - c tmtnr, ill Itiif ii-. Oiiweii. or at the nfli.i lie lieautv, wo ellle down fur a! , ,, otr.irri.li A ItamboM, Mums, (ireu'ii -.ma, vi-n torn couple of hour and ,,,,, s. , ,lh ,,M- then separated for our various H.ini.l I llrk AdmlnUti . u.i,,., :...!., i ..i.i i. .... ,..,..,., ir.i ofnv in an I cmiiiii mi the inih day nl - """ i home thankful to have heen nl- lu.ieil in enjoy uch a thorouh'y .1 lightlul i.. . A Pabticipam tinancier The stockholder are N Hrown, (' K MoKinne, W.V. Cecil, Fred Maine, Isaac Koater. death im. .( iii.xp-'led The il will ii k- place from the l're-l, terian ctiurcl. loinorimi V V I'eteron. .1 V Hector. 0. A IWflWOO at 8 o'olock. Rev A 11 Keniliol,! .1 M D.ilton. Kreil I. una- Min iker will ..mdnci iheaervice burg, I. M Hrown. Hen Hrown. I im . highly respected National Hank Kxnminer Kugene pion. r li.lv of thi seelion She ADMINIBTR i ' i: - NOT10I i ha .'n mven that tha ninler i sign i mi- M . It07, 'lull iii'- H'inl'. ii'lminnlr lie ..i ihe .lnle ., i ' ' i T i misI and Ii-. il ilv I ill pert ni li ivlag . lalaji atriti! Mid r.ireil (a pre- ".iii th r hi i . proper i '.i liars, within i the .late oi tln- lo Tiie at Turk I'laeo. OfajM I'.t.' I Mi , i JHMM Mvirt, A.lminitrstor, Lm Crtldrtell Im agaiu openeii ihe Wlndanr Hur to the public and invite Iii old tinie putrim mid friend to call. Draft beer o cents NO lllKSHASHlNti. Hunting I f'.rlniideii upon my nremifeu Trepnser w i I ' lie pros e.iil' il. H. (?. Lkvknh. I Wilson made an examination of i imey t'ounty Hunk WV.ine day preliminary t..n- baiog merge.) into a National, and found H- all nr lu a most sAiisfacturi ModiUon From Mr. ViIom' MaapttfliMlar MpMMM one I lead to llitve thai hi- r-p Ti will ba ni"i ll.ilPr ajp .mil in in. wie qiiulilii.l I'd MM i - P t"r the n-rt iii gaiiu.itio:. I tin Harney t. unity N.iiion.il Hank It H certaiulv a W.I-. Ihe in .tiler of ev n children, allot' vi lion, survive her and all ii nilh her during her last d.n giving a much aid and com fort a pnatible. Her husband died . ghl vear ago The child- : ren ai. lr J t iillie,, Mr F. .1 ( '.w I Held. Mrs. V. C. Hrown. Mr Fi.il Scop. Mi Maud Him- iiioo-.tt.o iu,aioii. and C I nnn. ii- Four st.p-childieii Jallle- l;iiill M", H. , Simiil mi-. Mill. I ..I fMIRRtl I -Ml April, I'm?. An. I nl i" it 'M fur- tlier ot'ti-riii Mini ,1. ri.-i.l hi the I 'mirt ill the tbOTS enllll.'l rill" ' in.iiii'iwi J property, to alt, i lock 2 ol Hrown'- addll ti tl Burns llsrnei Count) Oregon togelhar with nil the nii'ii ,'- I.er.-.liM ind appinl "ll line theie Mil" I" - longing oi In ml.l t" "Uti-fi CriiliiK Inter .nl . IBM Mill.' anil n In-.. M OH the I'J'li April !H)7, an Bei iltlon as ilnlv )ne I hy Hie I Ink .( j.l ( "iiri I'on.mim.linwr nniler'-inni'l "h.'.iir 10 ell i'l mortiraue.l pi nmrwrl Now .I. h. dlanes t" tha i'oniinai'1 i H'nl 11 'I h, i irlin . I have i" thi Interosl of all of -.n n I .-len.iiint- Il ami to I lie linn. ,1..-, i .I an. I will on M ..mlai the I'.lhilsyof Mai HS17, at Ihe hour- k p. m. of niiiil .lai , at the ( our! Ii "Me in the (itv ol llnrii.. llarn.M . i ant I it.-1 (of .le at pnhli' rendu to tha credii to ii town the six- of Hum I" Mi- I M I; anil Mrs.C S John- h iw i.i.. N iiional hank". I ' i li ip t .. "tin p .. ii. it,. H - "I il. same populallou can l.at ucli a i - i tin. it., stgiiidoani to not. tint aoaoortra Im mm . Bo have the fi.ilidi-iu . ! pfoajMtf th IliStlliltion. It i an llnlex to ill general proH-rm am) voltin, Mail "I tin- Hario'V cnintrv. Il h.iw that men of affair-, have liii -ii - in it- future I'ln -ii .- ol'in. arne . nal Hank is a foregone .-oi with the 8Mlal hacging i i". UajMtMf with t .lion nl t ii' mauag-'iii' ot anil the conaarvattve intMM that have characterised the busiues of (in instituiioii liiat i ma to be merged II- rapid ami c intitule.! growth 'lur ing vear ha wat ranted Nati'iiiHiu itt. in .I the 1 1 . -' 1 1 1 1 1 ii The i. il-r.i'i i- indaadt grat Hi- .1 t" I I' till" fVldell. - pentv ami i- cotislraiu.l I gratulate ttie eopla of li . i .iiiitv that M have i.cli hrighl prosprct for the lutur and iiiiHe such in .million pussihlr. , ..ti ti.-.. Neitt' u. now residing bete. is n brathar U Mr. Simmons. The Tuiie-lleiAid regrvi it inahiliiv to pulilih an uarv at this lai lour, nut will give it nti next link. DiKH At an early hour U,i morning, Jam H Ganlra, aged 78 years. "Uncle Jimmie" had Men i-ni of this section since 17.! and wa a well known character He was a gonial old ieliow and a grneral f.ivoriu-. Jimmie was n I nf the coaat and spent hi nine I iff on the frontier, parti. -. piling in tha wars of 18of-fi and was a c.iurier and scout in th M .h r war of 187U-." He had been practically helpless for the pasi . .tl!.. i..l with para lysis He was nevar married and . ".in ralatltM. The fam i.il will dike place from th I ger undertaking parlors tomorrow innriiiiij; a' I ck In the Circuit Court ! the stale of liiiiin't ami bet bidder for eash, all thi ii tratj ' Maty, right ttthi ami lati i trla daatsln and tobtnek 2ol Browa'aaddl ot lliee't.lleol lo'.n II .lone i, ilecea. (iaardtaa "i lb. "I lliiitv I .lone-, t'hftfr l.iie and Hylvla Jonas, minor heiraol " ltd J .lone. Plslni i A . I Ian M l l.nira I inn. In- mfi -. and l P, Bonn li, IM. mlnnu given that whe.e-- 'I. in nth ,,,, ,, April, 1007, la th.' Circuit Court ol Haraoi OoantjrtOra ana, n !. m. u- ami decree wa- r. ier.,1 iii in I tin- alhirf naiiie.l ti.m t" i In- (Hi of inn.-. Ilarne) Conn 'i.i Mgon, logeihi r with al I n r 1 1 " appiiitenanie- lie leunt" h. longing to in anywine appartalatag to Mils) ).l.lIIiient atlnrnei fee- . "' ..ml 'li hnremiit liit.'rft ami a.-.n. Mroataaanl ail aaat Md oapanaMOi sale, uhjeit I" lie right ol re I' ini'iion ami .oi'liiniatioii ol It nrl I K Kit II M.I'-liN. .-her S Ol Hat ) ( "initi .l" Pal. I llo l.'f' .1 n i in. 1901 kj li v.VI A jnr Mr 411 Liatest Ideas m To Woar Garments; I in ninDtrr ' iii naiDpIp" MRS. UllS. WILSON. Rams. HrerM HARDWAR Of All Description. PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIV TORS, DISC DRILLS And Everything needed for the Old Timer or the New Comer. Are Pleased to say That we H ive If sumed Business at the Old Stand. Yours for Business, QEER & CUMMIN ct:r:lts, - DAZZLER 1:96 U, NO. 15847 Will make the Season 107 .ti BIGGS STOCK FARM i hie mile north of I DaZZLBR bretds ic. style, innsli im speed a . . in J ,i sin' ut ncf hone I how i orst and a sin-' t show horses. Th only Stalii in which h;is evei su od oi public ser vk In n.ui, inty wtth a Standard Rei rd. in only Stallion In Harney county that has re: indard Record hi terms and particulars add I. W. BIGGS. Burns, Oregon scuesst-ssss ws9w',wlaMS WHITE FRONT LIVERY, & FEED BARN H WILLIAM5 proprietor CORNEY OF FIRST AND B STS BURNS. OREGON W ve Fin? Comfortable Ricjs and Good Tearps HONM enirnl.-, tn our Mr will raculvr bait ' .itl.ntion. ill tl of the ooaotry. Vour patroni nollcit.xl TWO WEDOINQS In, A. J. I rw n. wa i.v K V A J. Irwin ha Irmlrrrn in- re.igi, nil, in ii .ut,ir of ill. 1'rri.i.vieriitii iliuiili ..r till- rill Tbia move wax tiroui,ir.l on nr count nf ill health Hi- .-.ngrrga- IIOli are loalli in ae.'spt Ilia Naiglia- 1MB, in fill will nut do ... l.ut it Mari.ev nraneauay wtiere tie inn- ,.,, lmru (irc..ivii to .. ,.,, forme.) two marriage e.renionivr. ,,, uf ,,,,,, ,,, h.-e tl, . , . Itoth -ere nl th home of Mr ,u,.i U)ty r,,, hi health Hv Irwti. Mrc .1 W, Hbown Win lallvr. - i .- .- "- f"y bia -ui. unite arrive- to rthei, hill. It la unfortunate h th.-r. .- aon an. I Mi Naniito Hover anil J. H. l.ovil and Mia Kin tun I ware me comracun ian.e,. in. llol , ,orr popular ruan .. II. tt rat named were married jut he- .,.,, He bar the r. and to'r " "I"1 '" oramony wan goyj w 0f eVar.v individual of In followed bf ii tine dinner Mr anUnillUnM and all hope be will Irwin wa then talced tn iij.rn th. ,. , .. r..over and reiume h.. latter MUDM Tba brtdat n. -i- g,,UB work tera Iii Mn-. Shown. Mr t itt. r ISlhaai. of Mr and Mr- ( -'"'"'"'' li""ton. ia a n. I) N oi Ui v"' mi)" '' her,t " local- i ha. r.-nied ID llnaaei-lloi. tor -'enlly. Mr ,nlth patdlli- bjm M L M Ml v., I the other dav den t ol 11.-., i .. "' ' H pnMMi arlUnlp gal II ,,,i j..,,,. anoalrjr m4 will have a mm iauda in extending lulniioni Hut be received a copy ..f il, - IN U . laaaSNBS laUIMal Hit '-a! rrli"u- wiy ' Mi in Florida laat winter and tl M . .nam of ttie HMfllllll worn out in OaUaraM aad vlM ,; wb.. were inter, n ti.eir i to i '" ,u' waali lake part in the qaUUBfl ul the LlVE STorK INifRANCE- fttaHHp Qllt wbiaa taalr tritmil MrWM tneure your horaea -e, bad pier.il tot ti n ii l ( Tnruey. I 1 mmmF : ' n aJLai T.-itraiiiiaaannnni If """ ' HODGE Su FLOYD General Blacksmithing and Repair Work. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Customary Prices. Foley's Old Stand, "urns. Oregon. Your Patro. ag Solicited Burns Meat Market1 New Simp Opposite (be first Naltooal Haul Main Si. Pork, Vie hniorn;i an Liver SiiusJ Detjf in Qiiatitj lasi P-lrMajrc Mlkited. M. J HANSEN, Pr..j. Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line j FRANK METSCHAN, Prop!. OpcraliuK B Austin via Prairie Cil. Jaba Bay, Caajaa Cily to Burns. Uregau t d.i li.uii li.ikct City lo liurna, OragOB. ii. . iiiiiiuit.ilil.- I'linveyiincea Cui.lnl cltiver Pfnl 9 iM.iiis iloiiy iln- rouitt Railroad to lluni" rail) i mil' I i-.k L. WOLDENBERG. Auditor i i yrt ea Orawnn I ' mmmmmimi - - -aaaaaaaaaaa ayaj ? Tllr tlnrri nilrNVir rr ipt fiuitL DUKHo dHK. 5flM BrtlLEY proprietor. Fine Wines. aLiquors and Cigars, flints for (VaniM Club Whisky. CLUB ROOMS IN CONHtCTION LVERYHIIHG FIWT-CLflSS Courteous and oblnjintj Mixoloiits H. ... .. . - .tva .v.,v.sj&-ss-.-z.'.vs.-..-,-.r.... anaw The Most Popular House in Interior Oregon NLATLY FURNISH ALL 0LTS1UL ROOMS Headquarters for Traveling Men and Tourists I ADELAR RACINE. Manager. Bums, Oregon WATCH FOR SUMMER B i i ii illH llleliil i'.i.i... I.l.r tl.ir.t.it I I... nnjri.- .-.... .... oonveraaliou .Mr Smith raaaraed cs-E:2srxi-E:x:E:T 4uS tt Don't miss Meing my HEAT SPKINO aad M'MMtK LIM before you buy Clothes. 1 iiait-1 tii-iii in tha Rich tat aad ' I ubiooable Ciu.ilitie- un the mi tan ii.iv e .i mil fiuui SIXTEEN DOUUftRS UP A i hi ut ii oumi - from FIVE DOLiURS UP no n, un irullhli- about ItlL-tn ui-. 1 j4 u.u iiiilcc a in 1 still du cleaning, praaaing aod repairing at very n-asunabh pricea See A. SCHENK, Tha Merchant Tailor About it Burma, Onagon f f t !t ........ The Great Black Percheron Stallion VENIN W III stand the .Season at IHE RHD FRONT BARN ' lilPNs ,I i(i I I In- i' . i.v- wbieli h- th, nk nil be mil. in ' mil ba , . iu.'iu'ii un iruvi uf . I in ' ut .i-r iifi.riiitiMii mnl lermi laajaii H RtCHARDiiON, Secy. C. D. BRANDOM. Mgr. i ANNOUNCEMENT ! NEW GOODS NEXT WEEK ttemSTER BROWN OUR NEW LINbS OF Papers, Drugs, Stationery Confections and Cigars are now m O TAH-NA Choaolaitaii, Eaton-Hulbu ' t St tionary, monogram, Banquet Hall, Post Diapatah, Nathan Haia, ate Bylo Taleum Pouidai CXITT IDI5XJC3- STOEE. H. M. HORTON. Fropt. w -----ww -a.ay,'.ejk.,ej Btttttttti .t:iiatm:m:.:u;:. J. J. TUPKEi MITCh LL WAGONS A BUCGIEs Fumpf , Wind Mills, Curden Ko& Gasoline Engines C re m Separators All Kinds of Farm Implements LVr".S THAT TTuBjSTtR BROWN 5TOCKIN0 -JllJ-ileiak U A BOiON X MOTHER J A SHAP tu rjT,l"J, P"aapL FOR JAOA Cl-AW - "ijiir a Utturvuo GBOCEKIES of" all 3slrLd.s- We limit' liii- aaUk tu call aa ui uiul luuk Ui ii iii, ' ii r Hi.., I, blab in larger tlian ever befuru n UlAHANIfct SATISFACTION -PIICES HIUI1I LUNABURG &. DALTON. j BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. LIWJI I 0ABRI n, Pwpy tiyt i itn u in ii I inn i-ii ii .. ... i , j iwmi u ii insimi, i Jirnjhl ,,, Hm s,s kc, I by tin vA 11)1 li,- in I,, ..,.11. 1 TTrin'!i ty1) l& I $tt Tik V ""SI CLASS l.hK ILKMJUS. TalSjk WB aVClaWaaaL I j Unit nun grain uluunjti on n un I "ur palruoaga nulioi llaata Main Buraa T frtiu Special Attentiuo Given , : to Conducting .Funuralsk nca ahii AUUKAIt MAY SCALED J? IN C0NNECH0N WITH BAKN. H: I :SS ' , ..i ge: pric-s before i urch isin R: S&r MACHINERY The Oresfon Hotel ?-w 'ORM ONE OPPOSITE OVERLAND HOTLE Burns, Oregon uutunitu.imnn;;;;:uiiuintutmtttiutamnu::i:;;;;;i:m:::s:: ...!tm;;::;i:. i! AH FUNG, Manager l: i'tiiiiin.iitiuii itl. neat, clen ami comloita rooaa. h'uuu iuviuw Inn frieuUa to atop with him when in li'irns. Table well (urniabed. Meal 96 ceoU Mt, M ) -afc. BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON d. 8AYER, propt8 Rough and Dressed I -mbcr, Rustic, Flooring, rVlouldm Finishing LumLcr Nearest Sawmill to Burns. C.uJ Road. Lumber Yard in Burns.