The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 11, 1907, Image 1

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    I Tf lm-Urala
The Official Paper of. Harney County,
ha the largest circulation and ii one of
the beat advertlalng medium. In Easier n
Vf ' lariita. Conntrg
J (over an area of s,,4M.ia)0 arret of
laml. 4,IW,SW arre yet vacant subject
to entry under the public land law of i
I the t'nited Stale..
NO 35
hi llksit It Will Nat Dewe
i Na. 2 Nat Vat SatliM. tad
Ik far rialieH"
Kditor: We are to
we miiat admit that we
nderstand juat what ia
he signed article appear-
r last issue, therefore
for enlightenment. Who
tin- reoords of the School
HmImii'r office, the county
B S Gear, .1 W Geary
ft" J Donegan? IT tha
fkartv in this notion why
Bot sign tha article? If
fjH mereh Meatem
I and Ibmegan, it certainly
uraly a "butt in propo-
li the aupraaie gall of
to he court, reporter, ex-
and i'ii . combined. If
caw . aa it hai the ap-
of being, what nee have
r M more county court, judge
Hlf the county court were !
Ki put their namaa to ahli i
g ahouia inev allow our
Bfriend to draw them in-
wilhi it explaining the aitua-
a petition to influence you to have
thie dona. Tbia waa uncalled for.
My book are ever at your service.
Showing, by law required, the
innnnt ,,( claim presented, filed .nd
and al way open to the public, and CONSPIRATORS MUST SERVE TIKI- mr g.iaat the Cooaty of Harney,
liita 1
a tb"
and I ahall be plaaaed indeed if
yon will have them experted. Rut
if Mich ia done, I hope you will ap
point an expert that oan do tha
work without the aeaiatance of Mr
Bain. I hope tbia ia not asking
too much. T hope alto that Mr
Rain will be kept out of the hooka
altogether, and reman. bar that the
book are ready - .noment no
tice to turn over to any expert yon
may appoint.
T thould be pleated to bring
them Into court next Saturday, end
hare the expert examine them he
fore you all, provided that Mr Bain
i excluded With beat withea for
a happy aeeaion, I am
Ever at your aervioa.
M. K. Rmnv
'T am aending application from
different eaatern teachera to J. M.
Such faroioal attempla to "White
wuli" merely prolonga the final
aelllemanl of thit controversy h
muat and will be proaeculed to a
flnieh. We will have a court again
in October that will take tbe mat
ter up regardleaa of tbe teaming
indlfferenoe of the county oourl and
(aad to aay) in tpite of the report
of the would be self appointed ex
perta. Dtrr. No. 2.
Serrate. Palk to Straw a aad IXitrkt
Mlsrart Brlatal VinifK tn Him
Meat Beat Forfeit..
State of Oregon, and the amount allow e. I
I at tbe regular March, 1907, term of tbe
county coart:
After an. My Dear Barley.
n nln aiaar that thie re-
gaMfJ upon lha countv in
al account and that alone.
saBt lhaaa won Id be exiwrla
gam tv .cl.ool fund ac ! A '' daleMtioi. of immigrant
Hi expert them? Tbay ! ibrough v thit week en
jHn to aay that all tha re
Bi'u'1" to the auperinten
Hjcr have lieen properly
gaVcly Tin'
saMi).iiil fund are two dit
.1. .imnlv Irac.uac Mr etl place on eartb.-Vale Oriano.
i- ha- found vnuchara ami re
Kktitfy thece would be
route for the great Harney valley
There were aeyeral wagon loadt of
them and they think they iiava
inttitute ''Ptt'tad the beat plaoe on earth. It
it, next to Malheur county, the
reason Unit tin ieopla
Arthur Claypool, who resides a
few milee above Vale, Malheur
county, waa bare thit week with
He ttatet the recant freeze
ia a.
bbbbbL countv ahould lake it 'r,"ht
..i ik.i ....... vil,. ..u la all l hat caused to much li tge to
rauae it Is, not an.
fruit all over tha country waa quite
aevere at hit home. Tbe allalfa
in inohea and tbit
waa froxeti to the ground , even
what fund g.aiierriee were froxen on tha
liniht Hro Hurley bad lietler
come over and tee how tha grain
not correct tbe amount. f'uit nd vegetable, look in the
lllllii') luunirt II ! IMKJIT,
oroharda we'd furnith Malheur
ganaauld nltn draw the county
bbbbL.. ... .1... i k.i ,i waa up about
rj . i i '..,11,111 , it .. , ,,. .
gamve been better to elate
mar i and in
jBlnTH and receipt a be re-
gafArrecled b'e lirst reort
Hprialed in ibe count) fund
Krors made in that fund.
RaSii.,... fond .i.k-h not eflect "" w'"' ,ru" ln, y-ar-wiat ia
Hkl or help pav leachera, but
Htv fund doe.. Further,
H1 aocuaed Mr Rigby of
Hiri.iing county in.titule
W W.H count) B.'lii.ol t'linde
lftinati.niM alill tlauda unre-
the oulv drawback. Betler make
a alight trauapoaition Brother, and
put Haruay firat
Advtrlltlag Davcaaorl.
The TeleTam aava Franklin
Pierce Maya, former State Sanator
and once I'nited Statea Attorney
for Oregon, waa aentanocd bv Judge
William H. Hunt in the United
Statea Circuit Court late yeaterdav
afternoon to aerve four montha in
tbe Multnomah Countv jail and to
pay a fine of IIOAOO
Willard N .loncx, Repreaenta
tive in tha l.egielaturc from Mult
nomah ('ounty at tha aeeaion of
1903, waetenteneed to eiglit ninntli'a
County Jail impriaonmenl and to
pay a flneof20(N
George Sorenton, the third mem
lier of lha convicted trio, tailed to
! appear for aenlecce and on motion
'of United Statea Album Mriatol
Ihia bond of 4Mmi waa declared for
feited and a bench warrant iaaued
for hit arreat.
Ki-Sanator Mnve waa a pitiable
il'ji-Cl na he elooil l.cfiirc the I ,nr fur
judgment in the name court where
ho once himaelf appeared a. the
prnaecuting officer for the govern
ment. He waa utiateady on hit
feet nod tanned helpleea againat lha
back of a chair. Before the wnrda
fell from Ibe lipa of the judge, hi
frame thook oonvuleively In a
weak voioe be aake.l ibe Mtjffj if he
might Hit down, but Judge Hunt
hastened I.. imnnuiice etnlence.
Maya wavered umler the elmck of
tii. niilgiiK nl ; n chair M haetily
placed fur 1 1 ill hv D Kliliili,
hie liiwrar, and be fan I "Hapeed
into it 'leiire n Ml
face and he gave way tfl bieemo
liona. Wlllnrd H receved bit
tenlence etmcalh . but n im plain
to Ih- aeen that ha keenly fell the
ting of fate, a aTafM n Ii- more
were added to the eenteiice of one
year', itnprieonmeui previoutly
impoaed forconvicil I oonapiracy
in the Silat ICeaarvatiou caae.
Judge lliinl in ai-nli iicing June,
made an example of hie fortune and
dwell tellingly on the avaiioe that
ha. re.ulted in Ihe dnwuf.ll and
diagraoe of many men of reepecta
ble pareuiage and training June.'
aggreg.le fine, and iiupriaunmenl
amount to IftOOO and M month.,
to waoa tatOBD inTcui'D .i in
Mary 'Tiffin, Hlb grade
examination I 9 00 9 00
Phebe teary, dlt 00 I M
leter Haw.ll too. dlto 9 00 0 00
A J Irwin, tearher ex
amination .14 00 It 00
H A Plllard. dito it 00 0
Tr. L V Smith, depulv
health officer .. M00 :MO0
j Welcome Pharmacy, aup-
pllea Tft 76
1 B W and Annie Hamilton
care and keep county
poor 0 MflM
W E Huitnii, auppliea for
jail ... , 1 00 J 00
flu i Nat Saiie4 la Salt la tkt Oaritlaa
la Ctatrat Matt. Hat l ran la
Ta Ptrllet it.
The agricultural paper. f Ibe
central atatea are devoting.
arable time and ice in Rgaring lhal , , ,v aegjait, .-d i
A .Modi Allricle.
I ily mirnculoua m it Me
I Mi Ih.- Unll of tbia
. V It II i
n . 'he eo waat-
ed ! c.iogbli.K Up .n-- I her
hiii(j i,.i.,i.. declared hai enil
an near Mint ber fannl bad natch
ed bjf her bi .l-i le turn eight
houri; when, at m urgent r.,ueat
Or. King'" New Iicimi waa giv
en her, :ili 'In attntiiabing rvtull
Watchmaker and Optician
o O out how the farmer can urnac nm
tboutand dollar" er acre on
acre fii'in In to the preaent time lo (,v " fJuar'
they have not mcceed. d n nlvmg L.0ughe and colde. MK
the problem, nor dnea it reeoj B4
liable that they will The rjuealion t,. f,,,,.
would he eae of aoltttlon In 'be
fertile weat, where it i a OOQJIBon
linued until bc lli.alh cimpleleh
pad, and i a heallh woman
cure .,i
nd !
i tbe i ii. l"m St,,f,. Trial l.oi
3 10
' .'i
3 10
.", !
In no
I" 70 19 70
l.tinaberg A Dalton, aup
pliea for county aaat 21 75 SI 76
Bancroft Whitney Co.
Oregon report. 7 80 7 M
M W rieveager. burial of
Marion Alormer 57 00 67 00
9 G Brown, lie! of landi
for ataeeeor
I' T. Randall, l.-i. of
landa from I an. I Office
TioiM-Herald, publlih-
ing delinquent tax liat
etc . hu 15 au )6
A. McKentie, road aunt
dlatriet .' .. .moo
J T Barnea ditu Dial I -J 00
Harney Coanty Newa,
printing Inr achool
aaperiniendent . IH 75 U 75
II E Thoaipeon, of
Pearl Wiaa. returning
allot box Callow prect
Peciflc HUlea Tel A Tel
Co. Telephone aarvlce
Jamea Mearhart, wltnce
Plate v KoliarUoii
Ijiwaon Newell, witneaa
Ht.le n Ward . It 00
Irwin Hialaon Co, poll
tax receipt. fg
Kellogg Stage Co. fare for
deputy aberriffi from
Hrewaty 12 50
Ham Molh.rahrad, caah
a vaneed lor enmity . 101 if.
I M suuth. conatable fee 3HA5
A K, jtllar
lee etc . M 70
M I. Hhinglederker, re
bate on laser 7 ntt
Ii W leataVj " monlln
lea. liar high achool SN0 00
II A I . . In.. .:! ii
Mary tiodfray , dito J00 on
Mrt. Wlatert, '.' mootba
janitor high acbool
Malheur Mercantile (' .
freight oa dealt
U (ioodman, aawiug
wood, high achool
I lei t lllbbar.1, Itbor ott
root, high achool 06
li.rney County Lumber
Co lumber for road MfN
C It Krye, viewer, road l 00
Henry Ijindretb, lalwr
.hi road
WWII' Agent, Huallere
occurrence for a farmer t.. r. l ,, I.-kih. n. t !eika and everyl..l
from 1.1.1 to fjitl per i
augar beel, otaloe or ihiihiih, mid laugh
where nur hiiHu'iilturlit make
frnn (700 lo fltNNI er acre mi,
Iheir iieacbcc There nr ciiumi
on other r.ii mil faf which nur
farmer are realiting prnporli.inale
(roll I !. and are awelling their bank
a.vmii.t h ii huh 1 1 lin d Mee In
Ihe eartern fanner t to inme wet
ami aolve Ihia gjfMfJlfgaX l- Kit "W n
8800 a.liafactiou. Itancb ami I
llll WMIlt- I" I IIJO)
a gi.iMl heart)
ami But fur "lipa to
ijtantl Urth In any per-
in bnll p'hhU fur a living.
Il nut allfaci..r ,.nr
back Circular nr alanip II"
Mr While electric C, .nib To , IVca
Inr. Ill
flay Live tea Yearn.
Awarded far beat ,wafh at a CataaatWtva BawiwHIae) to
Profanity ia the obJtOl of vigor.
WOH :ni0H oua cruaade thai l being ,
M,e Ki.-t .HMi'" all OVW the """ " I
,H0 ,,, .,.,., ,t have taken Ibe cudgel l"" " "' '- .. ii, and l.'V.r
The i ha me fur living a full cen
tur me excellent in the m
Mra. Jennie Ibinean. faf llaim ville
.' ! ara old. She wrilea,
I, Bi tiara on ! g f Cwrw
I i tpg .-i i ,. .Mi ,. .. .
hi.iI made me feel aa wall ami
girl " Ki.
for Clean, Wholesome Meats
Pickles, Cheese, Chouiohouu, Olives
Onions, Canned Goods
HopUg, CrnbwpHfe. Potato. Salt Fiah, Soap.
mi N
I'M!' t'l 11
not ii m
lam lam
Olaaaae. IUimmI dianr.l-i u-ral
Dwbilit and IhhIiIi weakm-"
i .in guarantee al lb, ' i'i Ibug
I. i ild will make
Ibix . bargain i Ii m Ibe way (
tllbarripliiHia and baa arrai.
In Hi aall
ii Up
ira ami en iii advanoe la
I in I . t . - - I . ' ill. I . w ml.
era who gJ in advance will aim
Wi.rd. can .1.. thin,'" lhal make '"''. Ihi- ,'' nannnal -
weegly ne a pnM r ami lamllv
magaxiiMi in Ihe l mini nite
i. ne year fnl f'J
HH.II..W l-i' ilenl'lig ' h"W
Hi I- III general I lie
i. mi I '. p f r irlie laleh miide Me
i p i i lobji i t for a eeriimii in
MPJ , I, I,, aanl in pari
"Ai.N imm a I. tweat - diauloeet
tbe waakneaa nf hi vrx iinilarx
la know lb. r Ilillea
Dglith language, a Iik-
tha akill I" rim in (.ii : -i i i' . Ibal il
will -lit tlie auiiitnil I lire he
want. You can d" alim'-i
m 7o thing with cuiiimiiii wnrd
IKISI II , DONIOAN, l-roprleliir.
Burns, Oregon.
u i ics Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
wu natoa io.wiiiiimii.i
ibe .tiliimr bil ..I n f.uiilv took
like acarerrow Mlffwneil up with a j ,t ,
feooe .take The cure fur prnfauH ,,r tin tb.mlv
Jiiniki ia mcrel) nil enough In handle
mum wnrd, n Mini aring will
aeem like bah) talk in eiiinparlann,
Prnfanit) i an evidence that tlie
.wearer, uu mailer how gfwll ducal
id In mav In in other line, la' Mill
Hinlh linking In lb' kn iwledgK of
tbe Kligliah language Itohemla
Nugget I
gftcked bv the expert'a ra- Homar Uaveoporl, lha oarloouitl,
Hgrand jurv reMirl and the baa juat oioaad au exoellenl adver-
liaing contract in furnltning an
Arabian atallion to the United
Htate. army to be ridden acroa.
the cuiitiunnt from SilyerUm to
J., tO teat He el.ilur
taibie that Meaara (iaar.
kd Donegal! have been im-
iii in their innooeiiae and
unaellialily IfjfM into the Morriaou, N
Mid give an uubiaaed re- anoe.
fe ara inclined to thiug thi. Tbe government doe. the work,
lv that
new hat
............. ..r i.,..i. u .... M..VilV
.,,,, ,,n, l 1. I, l, ll in .,,, ...... v.. ... , .
7 H.-ury I liapin dito
'"'d II H abariM-uIng
K aigifloant remark waa made by j tool
W D Kenton, in Ibe etlecl that tlie i J W Brown, wrk i. gg
diapoeitiun of two caaea alill pend-, Amu ri offloe
n,riiy i ! i.imni(
Co. bote for gaeohnu
Unk ..
Oregon Library
I no
Ibe lllll. ll K.p
lil l'rai.ll In will give '.'.'i reward
fnl llin arreat and conviction of tbe
partial win. removed trap and
.lint n..H-iii from one id the
cnarln mi tbe in. milium
:'!io leO
are willing lu and DuvenKirt n airing of Arabian.
rilh each of the I which ia on tbe market, will get
that at least a portion I the glory and tbe return..
report ia falae aud ahould
te the wager we .ball take
tui up and publish the re-
Ihe investigation.
bounty court doesn't .eeui
to lake this mailer up
and ail'i it to Ihe bottom Hi. journey
nr to allow u lo arm wim
I deli in le or satisfactory re-
Itigliv seems lo be tru.l-
Icilly, the word of other lu
ll ia ealiiiialed lhal this Arabian
stallion will make tbe 3100 mile.
from Silyerton to Morriatown in
100 day-
But what ot tbe Uregun horae
wbicb accompanie. the Arabian?
ill excite no admira
tion, no wonder, no effu.ion. of
proae or verse, uo magaxine arti
olaa. Ha will plod along at bia
uaual gait, aud perhaps smile til
ing againat bia client, would deter
mine whether an appeal will be
taken Imm the finding of the trial
court Mr. Fenlou oleraly intimat
ed that if the other two caae. were
diamiiaed, hi. client might entor at
once upon service of hie sentence,
but that he would first have to con
sult with Heuutur Mays.
Mr. Keuioii referred to the story
printed before the trial in Tbe
Telegram, in which it waa staled
au offer had been intde lo Mr.
Honey to plead guilty aud lake a
8ne. This, said Mr. Kenton, had
beeu done with a view to "termi-
I xf
I n
110 41 i on J
See 1 be Petal
I aad Inlric arc U. K.
Jamea Ma) hern, a aM-cial ageiil
of 111 department nf ibe Hileilnr,
waa in i'rinevilli I..I wei k nl
ing lb. gaga) iinibi r iiii ii.ii
mud.- lien- duriii.' tin -' I ighl
iniiiitb" Mr. M eg.
enli a rareful ecrtlllni
aeveral applcaula fur land
who Inve nut pat, g4 I I "l- I
t l.i-1 r ri i-inirce m. I , I I liar,
tern-tn , and iluall I al
ciinclllal'iii that I be ii.lili" g
Uinalide ami Ii u n '' Tha
In I..
patent aa ijolckly a eiible, an
lag lo few.
Ml km. U nf plainer table" " iwclaliy
in V .,., ,ii. I II Hi. , Itorii,. iMaaJnii
lac Lom Star
ualing tins unfortunate sttair," but aid, "1 could have aold
Au exchange aaya that the olhei
aay a mercuaui napieueu m see a !.,,,.), i,lV,,ve. ,.
farmer receive a box from tbe de
pot and noticed that the came
from a mail order bouse Ha
notioed alao that the goods ware
right in hia line, aud the ggggg '
bad carried for year. He imme
diately approached ibe farmer and
Mr Mh In rr Mated- H
Mr. liiann I II .
tun', ..Id ' in
a critical OHsditloo at In lini..
Mil" illy He ha. been ill fur
. i ,iM,rgr, I r....
i M.i.i .l 11 H-lreala.
Bakry in jonnation
A Sfakially of Start Qtktt.
I. in. I, Ind with rylbiiig
lha mark ' Vnwl PaVtfwH
Main St., - -
a -
jk otift
b? V ICTTllin
HiiHTisnu tMtmnim
pxicnciLLTB in
lUatmLtic 1 ITU I
Over 0OO B tsjr
aWauliful fr.iw ti.i
Pfna. 1 Oarcu4aa.
BlacksmithioK aad
Wa(on Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon
tS to Ud lo fori.
To Mjoao aMtriaf
MUNUMtNTal HHOwtfeajaAMrt
aaiiMaxat. ouai.
had not been accepted
article vou have there
you ever
for lea.
in.iiiMi- Huntington Her
Mr. Bristol .aid Ibe caae was mie : money than you paid the Chicago
le who seem to know some- wardly at tbe boaaled "feal" of tbe
I . ... .i , .L j . -. l: A
Uearing ilirecllv upon the son ol uw umrri ii ui
of which Mr. Hi.ney i in othci.l house ond
charge, aud il ha not yet beeo ' beeidee"
aaved you the freight
Then why in the devil
The arch of ibe muatang's neck
may not lie so graceful, tbe delicate
outline of the chunky Oregouiau
may uol be so graceful nor arlislic,
but he will travel more miles a day
lemeu: Il will be quite for more day. m ibe year ami iuu-
nient forme In meet with aiat on lea. fauoy food than any
Arabian that ever got into print
lolwilhstaudiug. Note tbe
gg loner which is senex-
Honorable County Court,
ny County Oregon
turned over to the loci man Hull didn't you do so," answered tl.
he had uu ojecliun, so far a. bi. farmer. "1 have taken the local
office was concerned, allowing the ! paper for a year and haven't aeeu a
matter lo go over fur while, until me about your selling these goods
il District boundary board
Idav. The petition for tbe Lasteru Oregoulan
oi uisi. to will come up
n w . - i j:J .... ....
tauy action you may lake uauy may, a spieumu .i.c m-ic
tgard to (be same will be j helongiug to J T Briaboi. fell
tory tome, only keep a ra-1 dead oo the track Monday morn
the transaction that 1 may ' ing. Baby May was sensitive as a
in my hooka. child, ami uuder favorable i undi-
lo employing High School tiooe a wonderful runner. Bui she
I would advise that we took defeat hard, and somelimes
lie tb. until the May meet-I it seemed ar mougu ner neari
illhutigh. should you con
choice al thit aes
ilh you Saturday j"Pfl oalaloa baa been learned
make a
pan meet i
lave applications trout aev-
Itern teaohers. and I believe
touch with a uiau that ia
at we
bould you desire lu make a ! u,e
otherwise I will
w tbe above.
a to tbe exporting the
ilendeiit'e hooks, I under-
hat Mr. Bain has circulated
would break 1'erbap. that wa
tbe causa of ber death, though no
John Dav Newt.
1 an prepared to do ge
laf J J .. iniaiiiuu Siuu
want. This ia Bug-1 verv "a ""'"' -
on Ihe street or phone nagey
gladly Fenwiok A Jackaon'i atore Cortea
May. could make up ins mind aa
lo wb..t course to lake Time waa
finally allowed until Nwuiberl,
in which ihe defeiiM- maj make up
tbe record nu aii- al I hi. pracli
call) 'i.e..-, iL
feuae a i' '- ' ' 1 lo
declU. wl.i.1 lo do. 1 1 ii .-noulU
conclude al any tun. waive ap-
'peal, Mr. Ma)- may i-uiei up. hi Ids
Alex Sweek. Sun ii.. i. .- la wyar i
made an al i -' i ' I ' ! - iilenl,
' who, be ,iir. i .i i a know lie !
was Urtiiltd ui. d nu- i. "I en'kiug lo
evade ,eni.i..i Judge Hunt
though' thut ! forleil hi bund
would baip bring I"'11 '" "" ll
waa ordered loil.-ned with liie un
der. lauding thai if he were nrudu.-
, , 'ad within a day or lao, the order
neral de-
This mail order house sen! adver
tising matter lo me asking lor gaj
trade .nd the) got il If uu have
an bargains why dun i no have
them pul in tbe iiaiier -.. wi i unld
see wh.l I hey .ret"
Being unable to g. raonsl
alleotl Ii In Ibe r .. i ' I Mo-
couula due u, the laBO at00 been
placed with Mr I J I I . i. i r.l A
year havn-g tlgoaed ail I Ibf d'--
m illegal m of ih- i
Maii'I'I N A '. ml.
Fur Your Real I'state or Business
No Holiar Whai Your Property it Worth, or in What Totuo City. State oo Territory it u
i aa a raaall l
.aol4 SM 4
.h . iufO M I
SaraOal SfSI ia
I llaa
I nugoi UMbW 0 BUGS FUR Ml r
1 now have for sale, eggs from
in . pens of S C While leghorn
I'I) ii .nlli Kocks and Single
aud I'ea ciiiiili Khode I, land Beds
After April 1st I can supply egg
from pens of Barred Bocks aud
Black l.aiigshenge. Circulars of
prices sent Upnn application
IlKAi . B. I.AMesHIHt..
Burns, Oregon
1 Lai
would be set aeidi
Sorensou will be aucted as soon
a. he is found
Bunt 81) acre farm near
Uu-to-dale iob printing at reason Burns. A bargain for the right
If vou plant but one fruit tree
have it the boat the beat is none
too good. Vou can procure the beat
fur ibis altitude from Ad.m (ieorge.
Hir company take, all reepou.ibili
tv aud will replace. All tree, war
ranted true to name
(.., I Ui.
... .-.
Ill U.l
''lei " ""HSr
David P. laii, Hit' land Man, 41 Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kansas
able prices.
I man. Call at this ollice.
Job printing The Times-Herald
Ij. irtvi;. - 1
r. c.
aaKwaMUl . sau.- maj. u. S. A-
If too 00l U UI m Sj tal '' ', 'J'
Ptaaaasead aiUeoa aa 10 aa. 0 plan '" Onding . taab
buyer lui u u.i,i ui
Towa luuiily UlaU
l-ol.,wiiiK ia a hriel.deM:rlnliiiii
I ..
It Yoa foal lo lay rill a. Cat (tat aal loil lataj
I desire u. buy prupafty coneapnnliug .inviaiaialely wiU
lu follow lug stieciOealloua : Towu or city
luuoly iaie
betweau aud 1 will uajr
down aud balance
Name . . . Addi.