The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 04, 1907, Image 1

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t .. -tlrld
The "Hi. ml Paper of. Harney County,
lies the larn.'it cirrnliition and It on of
Die liest advertising mrxliuma In Eastern
'OL. XX.
jmt pmIieMiX
91 r-t, flnriitg romili-Q
J lovers sn area nl ,,4ff.,n00 acres of J
land. 4,7f,im sere yer. Tar-ant inibjert J
In entry under the mihlle land lava of a
J the f'nlted flats.
NO j4
)NNER MAKES REPLY men are already accumulating SHEEP DIPPINO IINDFP WAV
Ihtrp inrtone Enn franklin!
county Waahinirton now foremost'
ir Caeitlc aad Pointed l.asfssfr
Caeclaslsss Fraai Ptrssesl
IkMrvitlaa aad laaalrr.
chaae said tract for Ml own indivi IMPROVE CIT. OE THE DEAD
dual uae and actual occupation and
not for speculative purpose. A)
A Mod tP Mir-il
I 1 1 .
among the wheat coon He of the SHEHP OWNEtS ARE COMPlYINu pllcanta will .1., ha limited t the iHt i .iuu .M rn .mc M rer,.v, rv -.f Mi. t,..i II . , ,. ti, I,
UIB .n.l - - - - I ; I ao - -- ... . . ""' '
pliiimtiiiii C. ( Conner
descriptive letter of the
oonntry which waa pub-
the Pendleton East Ore-
f Mnrch IH. The Timea-
ntprinted Mr. Conner'a letter
aue ol march .ill and Mr.
Iroteated in a oommutiica-
ii. Hia prnteet waa given
in the Raat Oregnnian hut
atala, and through whloh Northern
Pacific main line traina have run
for over twenty veara; leea than ten
year ago waa considered a poor
home for even Jaok rabbits We
might go farther and atate that the
Terra Firma over whioh now domi
natea the great aeal of the Htate of
Oregon, ii supposed to have lain
here aomething like 5856 year bs
fore being admitted to the Union
aa a atate. Juet each hair braina
aa Mr. Otlev ia what haa kept the
. . i
unearned portion of our great
atate In darkneaa from the actual
homeeeeker for many year paat,
in the meantime allowing road
companiea, rail rood oompaniee,
l.ecal lsctrt Have Daty f
Tai at W Caata set Head ee all
OattMt Saeee Ceariaf la.
namber of auch application of sale
tiled by them and will not be per
mitted to apply to purcheee auch
tract, in the aggregate, eiceedinit Mayer Ilea Rrawe Will Ask Cltr Caall ta
Make aa Ape MfvaafJH far Para
-Lecel I adieu hi Net
ir failed to oredit It. Mr.
letter that follow i really lumber companiea, Kaatern ayndi
for the I 'iid let mi paper,
nt direct to The Timea-
Helia, Ore., April 23.
Indent I.mchI KiiMiker
I.awen, Oregon.
(Courtesy of Kaat Oregon-
catea, and moneyed men to enrich
themaelvea by eeouring a great por
tion of the beat land. Never bay
ing met Mr. Olley I could not aay
juat what kind of a flan he ia, but
The dipping of aheep in conform
ity with the law paeead at the last
session of the legislature ia now on
in earneat and will occupy the at
tention of grower for the next few
week. Credit for being the flrat
to dip In oompliance with the law
belong to Dan P. Hmilhe, secretary
of the heep commlaaion, whoae
aheep were dipped at Arlington
yeaterday Under the euperviaion of
Dr. Pinkerton, deputy federal in
epector. A total of 38,000 aheep
are to be dipped at the Arlington
vat, moat of the sheep belonging to
Smyth A Hon and to William
The aheep are dipped immediate
from the nature of hi proleat I
would judge that he waa either one . ,v 't"r "hearing, and aa a reault
whom had enriobed himeelf in be countiee where ahearing i done
Harney oountv prnpertiea by tbe j arw atlso araj the firat to dip. Of
Ir: Beg pardon for not abaence of population and atilllln eaatern Oregon cnuntiea. 011-
your proteat aooner. but , wlahea to increaae hia holding, or liam. Morrow and Umatilla are
busy (minding my nwn.elae he la one of theae indolent, idle among the earliest
. , . . ..I i a .
I urowaey. individual utterlv devoid inorner to properly euHrv
lilting a protest it ia ou- of ambition, whoae ole exiatence ia the dipping. Dr. S. W MoClure,
eel forth a few facta and baaed on the thoughts of happier i had ' the federal inspection, now
lrH) acres of land, which is ati-letl)
in accord with the apirit of the
homestead law
It is apparent that there has
been son.e speculation in the pur
chase of these isolated Ir.rla lie
pereons who, after purcha.e. hold
auch tracts as an investment and
never take up I heir reeidence on
the laod o purchased or attempt
to cultivate or improve it, thus re
tarding the development ol MM
community in which the land i
looated. It is believed that this
requirement will reduce such ,
culation to a minimum and
aarve aucb tracts to a large extent
for the benefit of the bona hi.
home-builder All pending appli
cations not in accord with the
above will be rejected
place," v. nil .1 i
Wondlord, IN in, "ha kh an weal
ed hv OMfhlRfj up p - trnm her
lungs declare In' end
so near thai her family had watch
ed by In r bad ataa Foti) eight
hours: when, at inv urgent r..iirt
Dr King- New Ii.... was giv-
a vlctnllv last vear. i a-. ! ii.i ,i ,.
ass i i , .i I i i o . iir-ii.i irili I'BJ 1 T - a f I
Hums cemetery, at ihat i.m.r.. nt W trail I MSB
the suggestion ,.f The Timer-Herald. ljllUP( ,,,.. ,. ,,,IU ,.,.,, .,,,
has m. i with moat gratifying N recovered, and - atlllj -on, an
aall not that ao much haa been uday" tiiiHiam...! ore pW
nplished, but that It ha coughs and ...Id- Ml and IK
creat.d mnre intereat and waa the t the Cim l.nM,,. r,, i,,
The move
Ibi of thii
I the
ment started In the
Watchmaker and Optician
H3-o.rn.ei, Oreeron
Awardtod fer beat were, at a CMwaa4rtUa FNetMllow hi Farwaw.
loot -illation of the anil for
purpoee of ggMfawigaj it lor tin
production of clovct III .ill ill. I is bringing the matter ford- te free
l.l to tboae who will finish the
w.rk M nicelN started WANIKI' Hustlers
r He., Hrowti has taken the Salesmen, I l.-iks mid
nailer in hand and will ask the who want P. . nji.v a good heaity
n.-il to appropriate 9101) toward laugh HI send .'sS fed M.
prnseculing the work of making the Agents" Worth "ill I,, ajaaai
i-' a more attractive place ' 'o ho .- ,r living.
The Im-al Maaomc end Odd Fallow I 'f "ol "'"''"" rear gaonej
, . .... , , back t ircular lor alamp I I..-
wmZT ' tocomnniiie (f V,, ,ie,tr,.. C.,,,1. I '., . I Wa-
i Himilar sum to assist Theae tur. Ill
MM lodges have one-hall of the i
of . . ...
piai aim win no doniit look after rtay Live in Vea a.
Il.-ir r.sp.-ctive M.rtioiis In fact
katead of asking an manv
and making ao many
baations, your inlerogativea
eaaily answered, and
Ihing, but do more toward
your ignorance
auv nnea mind
daye U noma, with the body cloth
ed in laal years garments, and a
mind dragging along in the middle
of the 17th century; who will stand
in the middle of the road and Inspector Lvtle
than sh.uit failure to the paeeer by until Yeaterday a eeeeinti
' he actually ha to dodge to gel ..ut , commission waa held
haa 1(1 deputies in this atate and
all of the dipping done must be un
der ihn direction of one of theae
men or daputiaa named bv State
of the sheep
in Portland
pay was the satisfaction of the wav of the man who ia auc- i and the subject of deputy inapec-
lul.l my friends of a good needing. Now my advioe to yoo tore, their instructions and other
and every statement of Mr. Wiley la, tbal if you dun l like topics were dlsciiaaed Also re
Ions duciinieiii I can eaaily Harney county move, gat up and port regarding the prevalence of
get out, and do it quiok, fly to the Mah w,'rr received from county in-
In miiti.ui I gained b rid- hack woods from whence von name . , leotnra Aside from Commiaaioti-
nl looking at the country , Lawen will never miaa
lug to respected citizens of community ever profiled
illey (I did nut meet Mr.
tuples of wheat, barley
fa whioh 1 brought home,
b nan atill be seen at the
.iii.l warehouses oflloe in
i, and at my borne, and
l (or themselves, waa
by Mr llniwii ni' Hum.
Be of the proprietors of a
oantlle ealahliahment in
lao an extenaive stock-
vou. no
by ih..
preeenoe of a knocker, they are a
uienaoe to aooiety and a diagrace to
a graya yard; on the other hand if
you have either, accumulated such a
fortune or lived by tbe aid of the
charity of the good people of Har
ney oounty ao long, and fear you
might starve in any other commun
ity, acd wiab to stav, bury that
disgraoeful duaty old time worn
battle hammer, resign your posi
tion aa oblaf of local knockers, open
the Harney County Hank, i your eyaa, gat interested in your
of aaveral hundred a area surroundings, endeavor to attain a
oat of which ia under oul- higher standard of ctlixenabiu.
keep your mouth shut, mind your
ed through the stubble own business and trv In let in. like brought into the atate. Tb. aiu.r-
aw the straw stacks and you know something ' general waa aakad if tbe abawp
era Hmythe and HleualolT, Drs. Mc
Clure and Lytle ware in attendance
and laal evening theae two men
left tor Salem to consult with tbe
governor today, before returning
tbey will make a general Inspection
of the valley cnuntiea. Commis
sioner Hmylbe returned borne this
At the request of the aheep com
mission Attorney General Craw
ford baa given an opinion regard
ing the official upon whom tba en
forcement of tbe Hart law falls.
Hy the terms of the law, which
peead at the laat legislative eee
aion, a lioenae of 20 cent par bead
ia placed upon all foreign sheep
It IS nil. i tl. nil v aura thai nn ........ The .billies fni livmif a fill
not such a difficult ... myet.-rioua ,.,, ..,,,,. mmd - , . .,,,. , , t, v a.e ,.,cee,,i ,., ,,. ,..,.
procccn.nK as to call lor the no- ., , .,, , wm(.h WP Mrs. Jen.,,.- I i II,.,,
sriwion 01 m icnurn .in pi.pitfii ,- (,
matenala or ap.-nal kn,, gykdjgt ..I ,!,,, half doxen ladiea of
chemistry. It is an aid of which Ihlf pl..c h due the credit of put
any farmer may take gajtraataare 'In that moveiueni int.. execution,
at VeiV little rot. While Ihc Niet ..tgst. ..I and anliciled fund
Department of An. ulture at ! wiih the amount ao contrlbnt
WaahinKlon has hei-n ,,t "' ,,,' . P" P '"-r
in am..ll lir.nU. l 1 1 I... ""' ""lllmill Slid also ail lllllll.lise
-miwii irviMvn tl r-v a. 11 III j i ri I r. -
..... I.- a. . , . tank It hss iHsnii hard work ea
teiia from which thr farm.-i ni .
-- a . ' pet' as lhe have tii-l with in
produce more by placmej tb,
' dilleren. . bv p..,,pe that aboiil.l
inmate.ial.n arhith .1..- h... .. I i ., d uk).( mow
will multiply, it i noinn,,.,,, ,.,,,., ,,w .ha. mature busineaa
for the farmer to prrxure hia seed ,. I14V, .,,,,. ,h. mrk ,, ,,
in that way. lie can take a few ill relieve these ladies ..f an fur
bushels of soil from a lirld in that NeyoathtlltJ and tbe work
which clover or alfulla has made finished rspidlj
a (rood growth and sow this soil the first work lobe
over hia fields as he would uras '' '""' '"' ' clearing the plot of
aeed. Thus will he- .unnhed ih. . brush, old gra a, weeds and
bacteria which will make condi
for Clean, Wholesome Meats
Pickles, Cheese, ChotxiGhouu, Olives
Onions. Canned Goods
noplaa. Granbasslee. Potato., Salt Pi.h, Soap
TSfSOl i IKINKOAN, Proprietors
Burns, - - Oregon.
Halce TtLlai Xgsiea.q.a.svxtexai.
M- . now Til V a. a i., Mi
"Kleclric liitte'a . o. -I kro
nio lysie-si ..I .'"I . ... -i .11. ling.
and made me C-. I as well and
strong aa a young girl" Kleetn.
Hitler uure Htomacii and Liver
olseases, III.Miil iliaor.l. r., fi.n -ml
I '-!.. lit. and I-.mIiIv weitknee.
Hold on guarantee ai ti,..-,., Dmg Wines I iauors and Ciirars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Store Price nlih
I In- I in,. -Mr .Id a ill make
Ibi a bartfain monib in the wa
sub.. ami has arrai."l
to (IVe Hi.- .. n, i n Htlf Hi ,
Republic free to ..II gfkjg pax U.
arrears and one lear in advance (,.
I he I - II. raid New subs.
era who pay in advance will also
receive this great -. ....
sa- . . .
ib'-i ni.sighllv Inter and Ihia will I "",y '-"la"-r ami famiU
... .,,.. ... uiaaaiiue n. me i nit.. ntaies.
ttona more favorable lor the atari- ZTlT "!'"" IM '' Tb-two paper. .,. year f..r v2-
mK of a crop of clover on ground " "re.ue,,. ,,, oomioria- for lni. , ,,.
a I. .. -...,.. ..v -..I. r... !.. ...-.-.
viv v.v,r- .,, .,lw, - lf ll.lliril
that has never been used for that
purpose. OreHontan.
nil. .1 r I.-I,an. haNJg pump
will have to be placed in the well
wi'b proper aoniieotions to the
A prolific cause of thronic in- large reservoir Just what mat hod
diHesiion is eating from ilut, ti piping the water In the varioua
and aimply because it is ineal time part ol the cemetery This will
mod others are eating. To eat uk ' '"'erable money and will
when not hungry is to eat without '"I"'"- "on.tai.l eipeiiee to keep
relish, and foud tmkmm eaalfcaaaw " This, however.
and saw and ate fruit
ni... .1 in llartiev vll.-
menu l considerable
thai part which is sulli
ippl the demand of the
s of the valley, and what
the use to raise more
l to be hauled one bun-
Helix. Ore , Box tt.
A Caaaiaatloa of Bayers
. oiiiuiisMiou waa required to oolleut
tbe Us any in bia reply be elated
tbal the nomuiisaion ba no juris-
Idiolinu in tbe matter, hut that the
collection of the Hart lioenae recta
The Ranger baa interviewed a "'lb tbe varioua county livestock
number of sheepmen in thia neigh
borhood and the vicinity of ktonu-
liv.- mile to the nearest ment in regard to tbe wool situa-
Siill I have experienced lion and we find that there ia a
mt I pleasure of eatinu ' combination of wool uu vara and
inspectors Kaal Oregouiau
Price at Draft Slalliee.
bad been freighted from
uuty to I in m 1 1 1 Ih county.
her of acrea of vacant land
by subtracting the num-
kree entered at the laud
iib.i .vise disposed of by-
It seems atranga indeed. Tbe
imported stallion. Urifiou, waa sold
in Heppuer at foruoa sal for the
unbeaid of prioa of $760 Tbe
borae was put up at a public auc
tion, and tbe highest bid waa only
other interested parlies lo keep the
price of wool down. Tbe current
literature upon this aubjaot in the
newspapers, it ia believed, ia for the
express purpose of oouveyiug an
ideal ol cheaper pricea prevailing $550. Sheriff Hhutt. who bad
krunjeiit, from ihe total , in order lo perauade the Oregon charge of tbe selling of the borae
acres iu rtaruey county, buyer to lake less lor bis wool. A declared tbe sale off, owing to tbe
said the many laud looa, number of wool producers have low price offered But now comes
aid laud locators, many ! H011 lr " tat lhy h the strange pari of it. A little lees
hlnnk more of ihe location tend to ignore the wool dates aa aet i than two year ago, ibis borae waa
n the welfare of the loco-' by the association and buyers and only a three-year-old, not fully de-
subject would have been Ibat Ibey will not sell if tbey can- veloued, was sold by the Pendleton
r lamed had not part of not get a fair price. importer to Mureland Bros, fur
al teller o.-.-n ..milled i. Tbe cry for cheaper pricea raised $2500 Th. l.i.ra. k.. n
, . . - - - .- ajaiaaiw rw W Vl ,
by tbe buytrs is made before tbey kepi, is juat coming five-year-old,
have had time lo investigate the ' boraea are woitb today more Ih a u
conditions iu Oregon ibis season they were two years ago, but when
and seems to be made aoleiy upou ihe sheriff telephoned to the par
the hypotheses thai ibey paid loo , tiaa who sold the horse for $'2500,
much for wool last year. Better juking them lo Uke him oack for
quality aud a different market '$750, tti. ,,Ur was ..fused Did
that over should demand some consideration ' not want the animal ..t snv uriue
entries have been I and an inveatigaliou lulo local cou- 8eyerl MJ00 hor.e i,..- laseu
he laud ollice during the jdtlione should be made before tbe , told in this country tins war. It
price for wool are sat. Laiug Creek ; begin, p, i,M,k like th-re might be
Ranger s little graft in tbe borae business
Heppuer Tlmne.
1 ref.-r lo Harnev
K.-ieiu Oregon, My
also published March
d of the .iiith, iu this
usual 12 daye in the
pet on outsiders mav be
by the fuel
that I was only in tbe
w .Mi, while you per-
i lived there for many
' explaius the difference i which can
it only tastes a few daye
heoplc to grasp an oppor-
lie others ipy live all
iu one town and never
MM of their next door
(unless ihey wanted to
irtiuu that it line county
it would be settled is
aud to prove this let me
aileuiiou lo the vast
Hid iu Texas, Oklahoma,
through which railroads
rsed for yeara, which
been settled in tbe past Burns.
Kid uu which energetic ! man
The following simple remedy,
be procured at any i
relish is not taken wisely With
out relish the salivary glands do
not act normally, the gastm fluid
are not freely secreted and the
beat of foods Mill not be digeded
ao readily or ao eaaily a tbey
Mi Reward The Blue Ml. Rap
id Transit to will give $25 reward
for the and conviction of lb"
parties who removed alrapa and
other proper t from one nf the
coaches on ihe m.iuniain
Club Rooms In Connection.
ut .lotos ro.wiitoa 4 MStllS
BiaKksaithiiK aad
Wagon Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon
ft "
Main St..
Ml Vi-H (N Ml.lf BUS 4.MI M Kb
laic la ttfeVr.
will not fall heavily Umhi any oue
M 1 1 ... i . v will contribute a
small amount ... I. month for I bia
1u . All Initils ..I I'lsling ts
This is a mailer in which every ' M.i.. a... I It ei. Hi..,.., ...
H ob uld lake an interest II
II n. pure popular , ..,, t , i I,UI lo.te ' $ BBaT
.i BT
should be. Mans h.ti mless dishes lo carry tba work lo eoiiiplein.i,
are condemned loi no other rra- and Mm. r Im Brown will reoaipt
on than they were eaten pci fun. f'r any such contributions. Mr.
tory and without lehsh due to in- hfj volunlanlv iaku this
1 lunger makes the plainest
foods enjoyable. Tbe de
aire (or food cause tigoiou se
cretion and outpouring of all tbe
digeative fluids which air the
sources plyalin, pepsin, trypsin,
etc without a plentiful supply of
which no foods tan tc pari ectli
The adviit- pi a i . en'
is to wait for an appetite, if n taJUM
a week, rasiing i ooc "I the
aaving graces. It has aspiutu.l only through it
great physical iuipvitani t
breakfast is a bore or lum b g mal
lei of intlillei tin e, t ut uu. ol
both of them out. U alt loi .In
line! and uiimistakcn btMlgdjr, .ton
then eat lolt. If .,i ,lu tin,
you need ask frw uueai . i
tbe digcslihlliH ol what you eat.
mail, i np and be shw.iM Lave Ihe
acln. "ipport of our public spirit
ed dim -
Think of Ihe range horses
which wen a.. Ill in eastern i.
g..n lo ears ago f..l $5 lo $7 sge snllciled
ptH I" ...I .1 tlien iliink of lean
aellllig 111 Ibis my ( $450. II
ung man l in years ago
enough lo have
n.ues until loda) ,
biaM rich i hi nine 1,1 sia with
liuaini is when ever) body elar
ia '1 ricg 1.. get out .! u ut 1.
waa tin gdjgdj with ihe horse buai-
oeep busi'irss and isttle
ll trarcasy ever fails
ii.i' ..11 ei. 1 of proaperit) ft,ll..w
1 .l.-presaloii in these in
ilu.l. 1.
t'l.lea (..-..ra-. I't.'l.. i.'i.'f
. Man. ai.-l I' MieeU. ""
Bakary in aonnaation
k Sfaciall if Sharl hratr .. X
'la'-b- fun. lab. . I with s ml
Over 000
the market agwrd Votli patron
I m
HeVi. . Liat a.
I saMwu'a'e.
- 1
MONUMI NT ALfBgW (0 at lAM r.
SaUajaJsj. OuSB
k k Lajj fgffjith
T$ ai JMM fcejrigf
aaaa a - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMi
Pur Your keal I state or Business
No Uef Wht your Propi-ry Wop.h, or in Whit Toujo Cir, Stale or TtrrUory it i bootlcd
a g.a.1
iillll raau't ut
f HUtrUtUtlBKbU fctidS H)K SAlf:
1 uow have for sale, eggs from
my pen ol I C kVbile liighnrm
White fly in oil. Books ami Hingl.
and l'ea comb Kltode lolaittl Itt-tlr
drugstore, is given by Belle M After April 1st I can .upply eggs
Williams of (iaaelle, Cal., as a Comuuasionei ballluHer of Ihe 1 from pens of Barred K. ks and
cure (or the ating of u rattlesnake j general land ollice has issued in- Black Laugsbangs. (ir uUrs ..I
111 the April number of the Na- I atrui-tioi.a lo reaistere aud receivers orioaa sent iiuoii eimlicolioi..
tional Magazine: "Sal ammoniac ol '" local laud oBice in tbe pul
moistened and rubbed 00 is a 11 "c 'ud state and lerniories chang
cure. It is well to
rrv a met t- nf sal ainninniae in
. . ... . .. . ale ol isolated and disconnected
the pocket where there is a lia
Inlity of meeting one ol the
ing the procedure which haa here
tofore obtained iu ibe matter of ibe
Ukai e B. Lamimiik
Hums, Oregon
Ksut U
acre farm
liaols of public lauds
Hereafter the applicant applying
for the sale of an isolated tract will,
iu addition lo furnishing the evi
denoe heretofore reouiied. be re-1 ranted true to uaiue
bargaiu for the right quired to furniah an athdavit 10
Call a', this ollice. I tba effect that be desires to pur-i Job printing Tbe Times-Herald
If you plant but one fruit lite
bave ll Ibe beel the best is nun.
too good. Vou can procure 11.
for this altitude from Adam lieorge 1
His company takes all responsibili
ty aud will replace. All tree war-1
-A "iaaaaaV ' '
S ... . Free
kZ jka .y-Tn
aaaa? A? WmTm T m. .Mas -aafa.
L U LnsaaaMkaTafaUaHKBTT at'- S I M aaWsial 4ia1c liul iu aaj.i
r aLaakeafllB I " t '
Tja! nr" "?SSEw
.J0UBi M
"II IMaatafallaaiU I
I a
l itt'" "ili, Mi.-' ll glkt ,uU aa
kaaa .
.1. I Out O
.to b.ob. H
I ..! I
.. I
1. aJua hi fWi. ae
. tail
of Oliarfje
.Ml Will ko l Soal laiua U
.01 alo tuu Ivaaat ll
....I Oil..
id P. lali, I lie Land Man, ji; Kan. Ave.. Tooeka. Kansiis
1 '
i.i.i I C,.., I
axavaaa asms amo tooi. co.
if IM Waal t$ ball Ni ia. Cat 0c4 Mai Bail Taaa
I 'Isaac cu.J, will. "til .oat to lue, a pi ... loi in. do 4 a
buyer for.iu) 1 ropertj which c.usisls ol
Town Couiii) nut.-
t-..l..Mug is s l.rtul tlast rij 1
Ixisaol cash pile.
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sob I .liMiru to but property cor reap ittd lug pii.itualaiy w.lU
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I ouuly auta
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I Ueaaarks
Name . Aaamsa .