aeeetnteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. The Official Paper of. Harney County, IM the Urgent circulation end It one of the best advertlting medlamt In Fatter n Oregon. She tfbtfc JiHJl villi U. 7h lrtat H wmry T ounfraj invert in area of fl,42,,K00 arret ol lanil. 4.7M.:W arrea yet acant ul.j. 1 1 to entry nnder the public land Ua of the 1'nited Statet. VOL. XX. 7Z2 BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, ORKfiON, APRIL 27. 1907 NO 12 TO LEARN THE WEST MFTHODS OF OBTAINING THIS KNOWI.F.DOF.. riailar Safftttt That Oevtra- kal Offlcltls Try a New Plat ta I Tatlr CeeUasltttd Vlsll. retarv of the Interior Jm. R hi, expressed hi desire to trip mrougn me punnc .late the coming aummer for irpoae of familiarizing hitn- rith conditiona in the wet .i' may tatter underttand the Iiiiiih coming up netore nia an ient for settlement It ia aln lhat Secretary of Agriculture rill make a trip weat for will not Many of them refuse to CROPS WITHOUT IRRIGATION one aenator and one ( ongreaa Wll I. CHANOE 1 HE SYSTEM v m 'm aign any statement, but I don't know that It made any difference in the election, aave in the oaae of rjgvy one man. The idea ia to have the legislature elect the man who haa the largest number of vote It la a good law and will work out ita own aolution in time." The governor roaated the United State aenai? and aaid it was the moat oorrupt part of our gnvarment and the only way to atari a fight for purer government waa to tlact aenatora by popular vote. He aaid the aenator thamaelvea invariably alood in the way of amending the cooatltution to elect aenatora by direct rota, but he be lieved the direct primary would help wonderfully to remedy thia, aa all legialature candidatea could than be pledged. Then the man who receive the higheat number of votea ahould he elected by the legialature. FARMING MRTNON 0 SAVING THf! MOfSTUte. man from each atate and one le!e fat in Congress from each terri tory. Oregonian. NO W. C..S.II Ofvt Seat Vr lattrtttlat ta let Sakfect rladwta Tat Meltrert Prtatriy. V10RF Tirs TO BE OIVEN OUT ON PI Hiu I AND. DEATH OF MIS. P. C. PETERSON H'ih' purpose While the in jB of theee nfflolali arc good id lh"v are aincern and aim to ob- Bll the information poaaible. B are two methnila of obtain- BBl.' knowledge which theee mis eeek. One haa been em- BBil by cither high oll'mials and ; Dim! at hnr home in this city ilnuhi proved aatiafantory to 1 laat Monday morning, April Ti B, while the other method, we Mr. P, C. Petereon, aged 41 yeara iHvn, haa never hern tried While her death waa not unexpeel hied molhod consist of, drat. of the Itinerary. the numeroua reception ar id for in the varioua large and then the hoarding of a In! liver at Wanhingtun, I). C, ed, it waa never the lea ahook to bar relativaa and many frienda. Mr Petereon had been a patient sufferer for many yeara, yet ahe had alwaya been cheerful and pleaaant to her frienda and Any man can grow a crop with out irrigation in an ordinary aaa ann, ay H. W Campbell in the Mnuntainhome Maverick, if be will only husband the moisture aa be ahould do. The firat atep to ac oomplieh Ihi all important reault ia to get over the aurfaoa of the field with diak, acme or common harrow at the earlieat poaaible time and thoroughly looeten it, thut forming a anil mulch for three rea aona or purioeea, to atop the evap oration of moisture, to prevent the forming of a rruat and admit the air into the noil below. A few people are beginning to realise to aome degree the importance of Ihi work, not that they know juat what the effect ia or juat why the yield it o materially increased but they have aeen the reault through pracli- 11 -even- cal demonstration Winter wheat field ahould be 1 'Truly mirii 11, . .1 f . recover 'in- ilace," a. r:' .1 0 I. ! Woodford, I-1 . i . . the ss .uwsal ed in coughing up pu from her " '"---" - - ---- - - lung- Doctor declared hei ami v ... .,,, ,.,,t-. rrin-tir (hi'imimp -- -.- .r ,..n ik r.. l -it laat I Rti.arva la Fain the Oregon aheap commission will ......, .a ., ik. ... ratatctine May Cat! Oaly fl ofllciala and their aiaff and ' immediate family. The funeral have to aolve, during ita proposed meeting in Portland thia week, ia the schedule of rate to he charged by county inspector for the in spection of Mock for scab or other oonlageoua or infection" dieeaae It la probable the solution deter mined on will be to turn the duty of inspection over to the govern ment inapectora, especially east of tbe Cascade., and confine the dutitaof the deputy state inspect or to supervising the dipping, with their oompensation fixed M at. baaia of $.r per day and expenses. say an exchange In order to make the expense aa light a poaaible upon the shrep- men the commission tirat decided : upon a minimum charge, of H oenta and a maximum of I cent per , head per flock, where the number did nof exceed l(KJ head Then It waa thought a maximum charge of II per flock would kej sullicient. inaamuch as there waa not i h so near dial her familx bad watch ed by her hcd-..le lorn eight hour when, at m nrun.l miueat A recent Waahinuton disnalcli m. l .. . v . .. i i . w i'i. nii w ,,rw i'i" in' m up poT- aays An order was issu.d llm en her, with tin aaltwiiebing ' nil ' r (iartield, and another that unprov . m-o hef an, aiid by I ,inuni-i.wier Pallinger, of the Untied until -lie llnmh i pleielx E. N. NELSON Watchmaker and Optician GOLD MEDAL AwaraVd for west atfc at a CotnaatHlvt HvwIMtlwn mswmmtmemmamm - - . - lei r wwaw. m correapnndetita to keep tin I posted on the reception al ii by the official party. The il taila into Portland and the aeryioea were held at the Presby terian oburob Tuaaday afternoon. Kev A. J. Irwin conducting the aervioe, and interment waa made harrowed for the reasons I have mentioned. Moat fields of wheat re now ton thick by 50 or 100 par cent and ahould be thinned to some degree In such caaea and where the sub-turfaoe or root bed baa been lined and firmed in the fitting for the crop, the harrow should be set fairly straight, thai oaae the seeding haa bean Ute and the subsoil it more or leaa loose Hals are met bj the mayor and in the Hum cemetery. A large it may do good to the surface. In number of friends attended the funeral and praotioallv every busi ness house in the city was closed and the plant leaa atronglv rooted, out of respect. then more oare must be given to Mrs Peterson was born in Sbaata ! the slant of the harrow teeth and others of the select sooiety aaV" where the pnrlv is elabor- entertained during their stay, Lite member are also given a co to tell wnti inev annw oi Brest and possibly apeak on the county, California, September 2, ' the seyenly or depth of loosening una canal, or In Japanese limn or something of the sort, they are whirled away to Ban iclsuo where innv are again 1166. During her girlhood she had the misfortune to fall and dialo oate her hip wbiob oaueed h r more or leaa trouble all bar life. She ruined in like manner Then ' came to Harney county in IHHH are ready for the return trip I Married P. C. Peterson in Deeeoi- 'ashinglon, Itelieving that they I bar. 1D00. She Waves six children. tow in possession of every de-1 four by a former marriage and two coiiuerning conditions oi me its to reugee, stock, the allle- of the interior, range wart, Is, and alto apparently beliey they have been in uloee lb with the dinU life of the r-ti-iiili r and stiKikman and exactly what hie position ia how to mete out justice to him. hen there Is the other method One statement may .e sufficient to (inert the farmer to quite a degree in this work Cee every precaution to have the grain flelde free from crust and witb a loose mulch when the foliage or leaves of tbs small grain reach that stage of growth in which tbey cover the little ones, the iaaue of her laat jsurfaoe. Diak the ground early, marriage Ueeidee ber children especially the part intended for work connected with the iriepectinn, which consists principally e tak ing a hirdseye view of the flock and looking for outward of acah and ticks, and require only a few minutes' work. The federsl insiiectors are paid by the government at the rate ol eiiasr pr year and upward, to gether with their expenses and there would be no expense what ever attached to the sheepmen. Whether or not this idea will work out aa well in Western Oregon aa in Kaatern Oregon, where therr la already a large corps of govern ment inspectors, well acquainted I Land Office, ench intended to put a stop to practices which are regarded as evasions of the general , laws The order of Mr. Oarfleld jtjeovide that hereafter whenever land is reopened for settlement after having Imhhi temporarily with drawn for proposed forest reserves or other purpose no entries sbsll be permuted until after the fact of i the restoration of the land to the public domain has been printed for 00 days in a uewapapa. of widest circulation nearest the land in Cjuestion The Secretary aaya it haa come to his notice lhat heretofore when land have leen restored to the public domain interested pariiee b IVs lM-en notified" by wire from Washington on the da the order I Il i-Mied. and person have located upon the uiore desirable portions of i ttMi restored lands, thus obtaining an advantage over others. ('oiuinissiorier Hallinger'a order t directed in an alleged abuse of the lew allowing the purchase from the government by auction sale of I tracts" of land The iiuiii.. loner believes this privi lege ha. been abused, parlli ularls a- one applicant now has (.tending riln iiioii to purchase difler- lit nutated tract" The order cancela all such -Minding applica- - and makes a further require- red, and I In ulib' no to day " tiuarmit.i .1 . un- lot cough and cold. .'' and $1.0(1 Sltheti' Drug St. Me, I mil bol tie free WANTK: Agent-. Hustlers Salesmen, t leiks and eVeryUsly who wants t jm a good hearty laugh lo ei,ii BVI lor ' I ipn In Agent " Worth Ml lo si on who i fjexxas for a living If not satisfactort your money hack t'irculai- lor lainp. The lr While electro ( ,unb I',., Deca tur. Ill flay Live lee Vea. The chances for living a full gfM lury aie excellent in the ra- ..I Mrs Jennie Duncan, of llainesvllle Me , now 7H vesrs old She wrili . "Kleclric Hitlers cured i bin nic DysK"tii ol Q ems standing. and made me feel a well and trong aa a young girl " Klectro Hitlers lire SI aeh rflnl I olsease, HIimmI disorders, 'ieiiral llebiltlN and ImmIiIv weakness Sold on gusranlie ai the itj Orug Store Price op CO TO THE CITY MEAT MARKET for Clean, Wholesome Meat VEAL, BEEF. PORK AND MUTTON Pickles, Cheese, Chouiehou:, Olives Onions, Canned Goods ALL KINDS OF STAPLE AND FANCY (iROCtilES Apples, Crmnbmrritm, Potato, Salt Pish, Soap CALL AND SEE GOODS. A. E. YOUNG. with conditions and will, the coun- ,,"", "'", " MPMielllll hereafter try. remains to he seen. .d will l" ,"v, ,uo" lfauU ,,d l "' doubtleea be deurmined at a meet- 'mUl U -"""""ii hy an .11. ingoflbecomm.a.tun d'X" 'Ul," U"1 cided that th. UaaJ .,r e v i.. P'eh-r wishes the land for speclors do the work there is a .lead purKeed and nut for .. ...i-.i-. (uestion if tbeyoould afford lode- '' '" i vole the time lo making the in and husband are Jamee Simmons, Mra C K. Johnson and H. H. Sim 1 iiioi.h of this county and Mra T. M. ; Rose of Stockton California, ber iwnJsiHier and brothers, Mrs W. C. Brown, Mra Fred Hoott, M.s dames V. and Frank Cawlfiald. corn. To the average farmer who baa not giveu thought and study to Ibis f'ueeliun it may aeem like a waste of time lo double disk a piece of ground aix lo Un weeka before planting but tbi ia of vital importance, nut only for the pur poae of holding the moisture now tieurge and Taylor Simmons, and nrim. g the Weat," which is i Mise Maude Simmons, half siatera , in tbe aoil but lo utilise the effect untried l- the high govern- and brothers. Mrs N. J. Simmons, of lbs warm usye in earh spring The soil beneath a loose surlace crushed. Tbe warming of tbia ollutal, which consists of the the old and rescted pioneer lady, al aotusllv being on tbe now so at-riuusly ill, is her slep- d, not iu it private car Dying mother. (ID mile gale somewhere in the The bereaved relativea have tbe Mil ia very important in two ways stale, but standing upon consolation ol feeling that all that The firat and moat important ad- ll.ur earth with his own feet, waa possible was duue by her lov- vantage is the development of bac- seeiug the trees, the graaaes, ' iug husband to relieve ber suffer teria and nitrates, which requires creek and lakes, tbe. cattle and ing and prolong her life. She waa ; both beat and moiatura. Tbe aeo- lep tiie homesteader and his cab- surrounded by every poaaible com- . ood Is the warming of Ibe soil so nut photographic views, but tbe fort with skilled medical atleu- I tilings, itud talking to and list- dance, but still they lost ber. spectiont at the per flocks, when widely scattered rate of even $1 (he (locks are so S. heel (Jsretai Merc Irrifslios for Malheur toe irrigation sstem it lias pur chased along Willi. w creek. If the north pari of Malheur county becomes warm .junker than if lelt portion of the ditches are ajtatejl 'lie Imi khent of h nation's prosperity it (be man who makes something grow. In our country . the iiiriiir ( Nature study is Tbe Cooperative Christian feder ft!) in its infamy. The mhonl ation will neat week begin the aitlm that was once pooh-hool.- work of surveying for extensions of ct H (oohsli (ad la now aitepled The Inn.- will make tbi a bargain m. . nib in th any ol suliecriptmo- and has arrang. .1 Ui give the Se. ..I W'.eSlv Si l.o.ll- . 'public lr. lo all w bo i up arrears ami one tajM in advance lo I'he Tline.-Meisl.l New ailbscib ers who pin in advance will also receive this great national semi weekly and lamiU magasiue in lbs I ' mini Hiates The two paMrs one y. ar for '.' for this month m) I'iA Reward Ibe Ml Kap id Tran-ti o will give fJ reward for the arr.i .il I ..I tie parlies who removed It raps and (imperii (r.o e .1 the cos. lies on il. . mountain 1 a HI THE CAPITAL SALOON, TRISCII A DOSKOAN, Proprietor. Burns, Oregon. HValce Tlilo Hevd.q.-u.strtexe)- Wines Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. CHAS. WILSON, SUOClttOH rO.WlltOH 4 Hl.iN Main St., Blacksnithiox aad Horsshoeiof. Wagon Work ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED. Burns, Ores; on toads, and it ia now intended to es tablish two laige reservoir In wbiob mil Im. accumulated the water of tbe freshet wesson for use during the dry mouth "The affaire of the federation are In tin- I ml. il Males ' 'omiintsion ei ol I .ilui aiton and l) the lead inj; unn.i-ilic. of the land aa vi tal to out pu'.lu school )(riu gfj ii hi iiijj of any sort," i I). Ward in the May W ouiuu's Home Companion 'The first si Ine. I jj.imIi n in llu- I ruled Stales was stalled six! moving along satisfactorily." says yeara ago hy Henry I,. Claim m that we may promote rapid, healthy its attorney. Wallis Sash "Ar- ilu flajgep I'uiinan d. ..inn..n lug to the homeaieaders and ckuiau talk, not by means of a nnugraph, hut be in actual oon rsulion with the real men them ves. Lakeview Kxaminer. flAMBtK LAIN NUT A CANDIDATE. ed. Journal THUMOtUHHKfcD fcOUS I OK SAO germination of tbe seed when plaut- Muub baa been taken from this ed One point upon which we oan- huabai.d and tbe little children, not put too much stresa ia lo never from the lonely relativea and large let the aoil dry out. We frequently circle of friends, sweet ties have bear people talk of aoila being been severed, but much is left, very fertile What is tbe advau- Tbe Christian's hope and fadeleas tags of owning fertile soil and then memories are atill theirs persist in so handling it that tbs fertility ia never available vVhui ought be termed the taste May Slacker inching of IbeChamberluiu aeua- Ta Diataa Oeveraaatal t Uae Heltt. tal boom took place iu Spokane In tbe office of Caltanacb A Mondii evening when (.over- Wood, of this city, can be seen the A moyemeut looking to the cou- r Chamberlain mid in an inter- model of a uew hay stacker luveul- eolidatluu of the states of tbe w that while be is not a candi ad by Fred D. Shank, who reeidt Waal in opposition to Ibe Ueu- b- for senator from Oregon, yet in the I'pper John Day valley, the eral Goverument'a policy of tying bad nut stud thai tie would uot patent for which is pending in the up all tbe public lauds to tur ept the nomiuaiii'ii A dispatch from S,,i.tmie aaya uf veruur Cbauibei Iain's visit there tl of his sentiment un various Hgon iUesli'i.n Governor Chamberlain of n, when asked last evening if he that is invented Lv Mr Shank has that is pritoeed lo I ht-ld at Den-' prices sent upon eppl motion old be a candidate for senator, uiaoy improvements over either of verJu.o Is HI '1) ,.i which Oha li 1. Mi-siiik . id: thete, which euablea tbe farmer to al! of the stales west ol ti.e .M.ssou- Burns, 0 1 aw uot a candidate for sena- harvest his crop witb about half n River will i articii at. ', but do nut say that i will nut the urual expeuae. Tbe purpoae is U diauusa tbe re- , In polite Ki.glish Kugtne nept the nomination under any Attorneys Calianach et Wood, laiion of I be Western states to I be ' Debs haa called Mr. KiMxevell a cuiuHtauces, for I do uot know I who have charge of the aecuring of public laud and if p.aatble Iu agree aoo-uf-a-guii Now iu Teddy's nit condition may confront me. a patent for Mr Shank, have re- upon a general policy in regard to turn, and if he does not grit his sunt to get uut of public life and ceived assurance from the patent to t.e urged upon tbe teth and call Debe a din y liar tbe it first refused to accept the noun oil. that the model sent Iu Wash- lieueru! ( luv.rnuienl looking to-, American people will Ioum I tun. for governor hut here 1 am, iugtuii was being favorably consid- ward a mure rapid development of deuce In tueir slrei.e.m- hero d I have fuur years yet lu serve, ered. resources and active settlement by Prairie City Miner. ,' tern expiring January II. 1911. The Blue Mountain Kagle ia of cilisens under the homestead ad 1 the opinion that this invention will Uuveu.ur Chamberlain is asked The Pierce stable of running prove to be a fortu e fur Mr Shauk to appoint leu delegate al large sea iu which ere the star performer, and those associated with him io for the state and commercial aud Kondo and Sweiter, left tbe city F. I. BRAMLETT, Ml VIR Kill N 1 1 9 MS AMI SntS Ma.t la Or fkr. All .llel. ..I l.l one l.l.l. .... SO. .let II HI. II. Ol... . ' Tat Lea. Star RESTAURANT i Man. si..l II -lisei. MB A US AT AIjU HOURS Bakery in aonnaatiort I J IT IkACTlCilLT I abb furniab .1 luial m I in Sf en it without tbe market afford ...ic Kii,i is far ahead uf us. sue s.dici. .1 rbarft i twenty thousand rangemeuts that have been a long Si hool in lb. .ton. OvetSoyeait lime in the making are not, . aa ajM Aol'.ni.i and Sweden bevan Sfctull) sf ikerl UrAcr. iug around lo desirable shape ami ,l)(. ,ovrllle) t present no ' ',1, fumisfasd wee.jwci vu proceeo Willi me rail- , ... .., M .,.,. , Su, , ,. u.h...l the msrkrl sllmd road, irrigation aud tuwii.n. peg jeclt of tbe federation this year Kiii.i.clal arrsnifeii.ei.l. Iihvm luMtn practic.lh ,rlec.ed -.,,., ml tlnr.y thousand ... and we are some ... ' ' ,,r ,v-m wh U,hA Oregou The federation is in bel bVpw. aft fosl.n.l bj loirlgn Ur shape today than ever Ufure, U"vcrnuienls it that wherev.i and we think Us success is assur iRfM rxil then- it a cleileaseol i.n.ri) . it) and an in im in Ibe bulb rale ami m llu appreciation of Nature." patron V ECTTttm Ai taaaaW OSArll THAI m !:Jcj!iu:.::f 1 ITOIB Ove IOO , Mtk I f r Iseiel fsw eautifut BeVK,. Llel A Oeaalfjna. I Ofsewtia. MONUMfNTAL 0inwZI COMPANY. BJUiM sjvaalawSi. I. L LEWIS ffSwt git. la (faTlfaa PARTICULARS and PRICES Ta Mew antra INFORMATION. Sua. In ill i ai DESIGNS. IF YOU WANT CASH patent office at Washington, D C. est reserves haa beau launched by The I'aiu and Fleming are Ibe Uoveruor Henry BuobUil, of Colo- ou h stackers of tbt large number rado, in acoo'dance with a reeolu- that have been patented, that have Hon adopted by th recent Colore- met witb aoy great degree of sue do Legislature, aid which may from pens of Barrel If... k- Ors- cess on the market The atacker Uke detinue form at a convention Black l.angsbaugs. Cil alas ..I 1 now have for sale, eggs from JmutW HittMl ,,Ild r..lllly iUrUu toy pens of While Ugbor,,. for Cedarville.l'al.f. Tuesday He White Plymouth Buck, and Siogle ,,M brouflsl pr-pertN there and anareacomo nuuoe iveos. .(ake it his future home ..." After April 1st I can supptt eKga t,,,,..,,w JUII,.. For Your Real rotate or Business I CAN OKT IT No Hatter What foui Properly it Wo h, of In What Town City, State wf Tsrsilory it la Uocattd ii i : i ie seuilorial eleutlou cornea up in ii years." i 'ouceruiiig the initiative aud re niidiiiii law in Oreguu be said: 'It has been a success so far as 1 uw At tbe last election the oocrats all voted fur the republi i candidate. At the electiou tbe islalive candidates are supposed sign a statement that they will ..port their party candidate or IU ownership - Kagle. yesterday via the Humpler V'ailey railway for Grant and Harnev counties to take part in Ibe race iudustnal bodies each five delega tes, and the Ciuverncr ia also ex C. J. Johnson left on Saturday peeled lo designate one Coiled with a bunch of cattle for tbe Slates .Senator and ooe Congress- meetings scheduled fur tbe interior Shepherd place, near Paulina, man from the state lo serve upou country Democrat. They had been wintered ou the the committee ou program, wb deaert and came through in shape, will baye geueral charge of tbe taaVJ Up-to-date job printing at reason Prineville Journal , ventiuu and will be composed of( able prices. ia? . u. I - ,li mo ..b N 'A A J X . V Cta . "Bvgo of Otxari-fHro ..el lean Iwl lal.. . tl I S .1 ui.U... II ,..U ... '. IU .'! Iu )vu. .i.m W Bl II.. ' m wPA . rfi IDSISWxm S. r David P. laff, llu land Man, Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kansas II Km ail l Sell fill ia, Cal vat aaa lad lalajr i'lcaw.- saad, with. seal to nut, . pi ". a saak buytr (oi u.y nruperty which lasiaia .l fava Count) ftlale frulluwiug it s Im Iptiou call. BfiM NsBi lllJllln. IMsu .aal ia May NM ia, Cal tal aad lad Isday I tj l.m ..roiiiy cuirasoiudiu apyo.tuu.tely w.ih iLe killuia speeiacalii.u. I . I) -il. Prise betaeee auJ I dmu aud balance Heujurks Namu IdJre.s