Times-Jlerald. I.AR0118T C'tRr-tll.ATIO Or rspAPKR tit this oooirnr. rutuAT. APRM.i" mi. rtnlnn ..I. .1 V-il.'. a I - " '"(".' A BANK TT1AT YOU CAN HAflK UN" Statement of the Condition of The First National Bank of Burns At the close of business March 22nd, 1907 .ooal News. . Loan Discount Ick Pattern at I.unabtirg i U. 8. Bond, Iton 'a. . i. .. B hi. IlM l Premium on J.fl Hwiiri in uy i'"i - "'R r. hnmslreri. Ho Hteml anil de.ert land loca- ee J. C. Turney4 ihnunn And little Hon ware Calamity yesterday. Lliau Clul) eel wheat M ll and l.inolon rd nat M Stewart. jrter was in the city Wed- knd wan accompanied out M A. Pry Rondu A Securiti. Bond Relate, Furniture and Fixture Redemption Fund Caah 9153,894 44 Capital 50,000.00 Surphi . 18.540 7.r I'ndivKl.-.i I'rofit 2,000 00 Circulation. I I)pnit, 0,000.00 j 1,250.00 92.023 S) , ahoul the hnree how? The Overland Hotel want a girl j to work . Mra Byron Terrill ha been quite aick for the last few dam Mr. and Mia. A. L. Mackintosh, of Paulina, are .i.itine friend in 25,000.00 j tDe city thi. week Prineville Re 10,000 00!view 1,477 92 1st printing The Tune-Herald tf you intend to build ee Adam (tcoik'' R. will furniah vu plan, purification, door, window and hardware for .bout half what win dow formerly coat. Add re him at Lawen. WOOD WANTED. Sehool District No. l,if Barn, ' I readv to receive hid far the de- 25,000 001 202.230 86 i Dr. (J. W. Farmer of Spokane, i livery of 40 cord of wood on the among our visitor at thi lime Dr. Farmer elate he i merely here ooking around 323,708.48 echool ground on or before Sept 1 Contract ! he let June 1 to the loweat responsible bidder. The La Caldwell ha again opened ,,0'lr,' '"JJ ,n" riht -N- Country mail orders solicited. the Windsor Rar to the public and ""' " " """" i . I. .me. Clerk iist Spxira.gr Sla-o-wiMLgr of XToveltlcMi Ol'R NI:W ARRIVALS OF 5PRIN0 WAISTSfi AE IN We have .Well line of ladies neckwear In novel and attractive effects In lace. embr.Mery ami braid trimming, hmbrolderled shirt waist fronts, no two alike, just out ami the latent. New and attractive Kimonas in Japanese Effects. UIM ns -. arrive in Piald.a, Romah Stripe." and Dresden effects. JVovr XJnciojr'wctjr. rT7eSlLir1aa Wc Saw in stock a new line of Spring Parasols. Silk and Mercerized offectsin Mimnicr I ires Hood-. OUR WMIT6 COODS DBPARTMBMT IS VBRY ATTRACTIVE S262.230.56 S323.708.48 Deposits Resources UNITED STATES Dl POSITARY. ABSOLUTELY SAFE eeeeeeeeaeeeeeev'e.'e-e' eeaeeaaee f 323,708.48 j invite his old ! friend to call. Mr. Cha nnunc that pie are now here and lad'ea of thi vicinity ee them time patron and Draft beer 5 cent. Wilson wih to an her new spring Mm- invite the to cull mnl Trade tuith us and ask for our Tradinq Stamps. DISSOUTlov NOIICK tnt 80 acre farm near ' " T"M "i A bargain for the right i Garden seed of all kinds at C. til a', thi ofllce. VoMtlvV Ni in-e i hereb gives ihl the co-parlnerbip heretofore .listing Iwtween Rej Mclte mnl (Jen. Smith under the firm MfJM ot Mr ,,, A Smith. h been ilip.nl veil . v . mil er nent a it .1. v . m . r - " hv wanted at the Overland . O. t'liwllii-ld left thi for Colorado where ahe relative and friend for lite time. Patterson came up from Dlerday. He report hi (mewhat improved of late re.pnndinglv happy. thi' market for Harney d" Unimproved preferr- re to deal direct wlthown- LiiitliHiuiii. Burna, Ore. lilrnail rsimrter aeema to on a strike thi week ve nothing new in that n- nut 1 1 id ii v If he come ut fur a double doee next Me Oriann repnrla that r Messni-r ha joined her and Ho", are now en lioin lite ruilruiiil to take teaidenoe on the new ION DRAFTS We iaaue ratta, on all part of the "hey are payable in the of the country on which drawn. Harney (.'utility turn. luki-i and Marion Spawr tan, iiHiiiiigton. arrived Tueadav evening, having ill the way. Mr. Ilaker Ito look after Home laml urahaead by hla brother, ter who it In liuaine.e in W. Geary infortna Tbe braid that the net receipt nancy dre ball given by m' Afternoon ('lub a a ineilt. wa IISUS. Thi. laa I - 1 1 turned over to committee and will In- ea- ir additional bonk. mlrr.-Hliil in aeouring Hui in iiimu will aav prepared to convey them inl tin . furuiHliiiitf the the l.iiml Ollii'r mill in. per day for team alan myaelf and team. No li ui I Jasi'kk Davim, Harney, Ore trl-iin i tin proud poaaea e very hautUome Arabian I M. J. Nah wa on our treet yeaterday. Girl wanted at once at the Over land Hotel. Stock See the ad of the Farm in thi iaaue. HigKH i. nl Hotel. The tage are beginning to ar riye nearer schedule time. F. R bramlelt and wife returned from a bulling trip. I). R. Thorn came over from bia mi city tin. week renewing ac quaintance Sam i soliciting or der for groceries for a merchant at Paulina. Tom Sager p-iit a day or two have this week on Spring creek catching trout. He han't volunteered any information a to the exact iium 8 Iver Creek home yeeUrday. He I ber he cuhl nmiiisl consent Roy Mrtim . Minim.. lt,e t.iiame. nod will pat all nliliifmii.ii. of the ubl firm ml nlsncollect all outstanding mvininl Ryi Mi-Gii IlK'O HMIfw Dated April I. IVO? - FRKSPASaiNU myB pP- BURNS. ORECsON. The Satisfactory Store. reMirls everything fine in bis section. Miss Agnes Sweek arrived home Thursday from a viait with old lime friends in (irant county. Hefure buying a aewing machine or piano vou should see G. V. .('levetiger. He is a home man and ' l. I- In make you better prices, be- aide i responsible. The Tiiiihk llirald is informed thai James Thompson and Chester Carter expect to atart up a new hummer in the near future that of J. J. vehicle The greatest Spring anil Summer ever at HohenkY G. Griffin was among our vialtnra from Narrows during the week If you are going to plant garden get your onion sets and seeds at Voegtly'e. K Hearl of Dayton, Waah. is here looking over the country with a view of locating. To Rent 200 aorea of bay land and 1 ( M i acres of agricultural land. I..u ti i ii. :. limit in ii, I. iiii.i-ii - . ' looufi'i lioncry, tobacco, cigars, and Mrs, V. C. Peterson, who lias other m. in. in- been aerioualy III for aeveral weeks is reported woree this morning. Wanted Two or three good ac- work at good wage. Please oor- ceeeable homeatead and timber lo-1 agaaajawj oationa. Give deacription, location Wm. Ai.tniiw, and fee wanted. R J. (.ilbert, nil Drewaey, Oregon Grand Ave, Portland. Oregon. , . , KniiirinliiT it i up to the hum - Judge Wm Miller left here laat , mm men It make good for a lib of week on a business trip to Portland ,K ui-ii.... ti. .i .,. and other point.. He was joined at ,,.,, H K((Vrn lh l of lh , to aell, for yuu to list your proper. hake, Cltyl.y Mrs Miller. Hrd..' ,.. tinl know just how long he will he Tupker will soon opens Notice ts hereby given (hat hunt- and implement e.lahli.b-,'"! ,,l shooting upon the enclosed tnent in tbia city and will occop.i lands of the Amertoan Land l,i tbe R. A. Miller building on th.- Co is strictly forbidden Any person M ersons found hunt ing or trfpaing will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law B R Hill. Ranch Mansger Dr C Hrown. IVniist. Offlc in tin. new atom Innlilmg north of the Post Office oori.er opposite this nlln-e. COUNTRY ACCOUNTS We 'give especial attention lo out-of-town accounts, and we spare no effort to pleaae our patrons. II A K I NKY COUNTY, BANK, of BURNS, I. L Poujade and wife and Mr I C. W. Jon, came over from l nw creek Sunday to attend (he funeral of tbe late D. M MoMenatny Many old pioueera were in atlen- AlMINITKATnl('H NOT1CI dance to pay a lat tribute to tbur Wanted a lady liouekeeper of friend. some I'xpenence, could cnmiiieiio In Uir ICi.tr ..I Jiwlah Mulkey Notics is b.rebv given that lb un .Irr.iKiiiil oe April sjtb. IM07 duly iulnleil AilinmlMrator of the aburs l -i i. and Ii4. duly qoallfted. All per Mni b.vleg I'lalms against said KaUU are required lo preaent th.ni, with tb. proper merli.r. ilbtn nmatbi froru Tbe premium li.t for the annual 'be del. ! tin. nutlce. lo m. at Barn. City Restaurant and Bakery "lUm JAU III. I'rngH. rtl Oflicc Itock. Nasi M.. Birav Ore. l-ri.li ni riser! M I irl i l.i.. Il.kri in iietlion plr., i kea,breas) . ookle.,dnugbhiil 0PM DAY art NIGHT blm s .11 LIVERY, FEED AND SALE McGEE & SMITH, Propts. We took i barge of tin barn on Maj I and have entirely with new rig and fresh, well g.iied gSSSM We ai a IHwilimi lo aiTinniniMUte the public in fvery particular with . .ni for l.b conveyance, and apirited tr.ins The Real Front is centrally loo. led and convenient to the leading hotels of tbe ii All .lock lfi in our care receive, mir personl Homes' iNiiinltMl by th ilny. wk or moufli fair thi. fall wll! lie issued .1 once It will cover praclically mvery in duatry of Harney county and thi' premium, will lie aonaiderable larger than heretofore. Tbe time ha. come, if vou wib tlregoii. ur at tb uflee ml I'.rrl.b A Hemliold Ihilwl April M ItSJT I HANK O JALKSU."). AKClilh McCJOWAN Lssi L4gliMS leal blale far Nak Laaa" bcrip Beaf bl aaa Sola, in k' in tiniUMitnnu asaaaawaaaaaeMantttttai aliaent. THE HARNEY COUNTY BANK OF BURNS,-ha. achieved a lepii latioi. for HUPERIOR BANKINO U in Alinnw and eon Albert were over from their (Hi creek home during tbe week. Mr. Allnow Hr. ha been en loving good health and 'Ktnli-N tliat tbi'i bavr bail a flux SERVICE, by oon.Untly exerting, w,lw j( y, every eOort to meet the require ments of Its depoaitora, irre.pective of the extent of their depoaita The I. die. are trauaforming the council room at the city ball into a moat inviting and comfortable reeling plaoe for all (hoae who pal niniae the library. The bouse cleauiug and re-arranging haa not yet been computed entirely, how ever. C. Beary, our local gun amilli and plumb. r, expect, to leave hSM wait time next uionlh for Coo. Bay where he may locale. He te greta leaving here at thi. lime, but hia wife i. not enjoying good health and he hope, she may lie benefited by a lower olimate Mr. David Kuatvn and little tiiibroulerv work sent him , daughter Regeua and Miss Ida ,d frniii the old couulr Kreiman will lake their departure aeveral very handsome tomorrow fur Portland where t bey He nl-.. received aeveral will vi.it a few week, before guiug Do ao at once and get in the wim by Hating wilh Smith A Sweek, Real K.tate Dealer Tbe boy. in Chief Engineer Straddley'. office are moving loda into tbe King building ju.t north of Tbe Timee Herald office Dralumai. Young .tale th.t the office force i. lo be enlarged and Hanlcy, lefl bare a few gJLj. had lo find larger .uarlers It l. understood the ; (tin I Kngiueer Straddley ladies aiicntiipanied by Mr Mr day ugn and and The OVERLAND HOTEL F. A. Cole, Propt. First Class tUell Appointed COMFORTnBbE. WEbl. VEHTIbMTED, Hbb OUTSIDE ROOHS Guests Courteously Tfaatsd Nothing but White Help used Home of The Stockman and Farmer UMIULLY UCATEJ. MAIN SUM. HIIINV ( nnnmiinniHiiiiimHBBWBiiiiiiiiiii e tannitttui Reserved for the M. M. CO. r. . FraseRi Manager Ontario, Oregon. parlN have gone In the P Ranch for a few day. rustication Dr Mar.den and Ueary pi'itorm ed an operation on Mr. Wiu. Jacob, coacb in whiili he .ml hi. prmoner A letter from Sheriff Rlcli.ril.uii atalee that be waa in the reoasl railroad wreck over near I', ndli Ion in which four Inst their live The l.cl Moliduy tor HIUM'l.illrltlr It wa a dilliiiilt operutioii and rrtjuir ed a una h longer lime than u.ual The patient i. doing very well at C'ba. tin 1 1 no- ui.il on the road lo reoov- hurl er were riding wa. juite bail I dam aged, every window Iming brokeu, but fortunately neither iilln.ell. Davi. or the priaouer were Jo Sturlevaol i. home from a J. 8. Moore. Mooe who died brother of Dan ao auddeuly here visil in Okitthouia, and brought laat week, arrived here from On of hand carving and in- aa well aa two tray, that gen nut of bra. Willi a a very aril. tic maimer. all fine niece of work valuable. to their borne iu Alaska. The have been the gueaU of their ai.ter Mr.. I. Bohweru in thi city aJatM laat January, Victor Epetyn will Mr.. Sturlevaut with Inn. Tbe lady wa. foruierh Mrs Carrie Wer liae Joe made a sneak on ua and wa married before we even knew be had left the mill. We'll for give him tbia time tbougb and lend a hearty welcome lo Mr.. hlllPlHUl.nl ut.ll l.UUl M.iUl.. ..m 1... ' . .. OT.v .,.. ,, .!- e(1 n0B, pioeas .Mr and Mra. Sturlevaut are now at home ai the grist mill gun lily Saturday night. He at once arranged for tbe funeral of hi brother and the remain, wer. laid lo reel iu ihe Burn, cemetery Monday afternoon Rev A. J Irwin conducting a .hurt aervice si tbe grave. Mr, Moore ha. return 'TjCCw&r. BUDDI8T-REB. WO. 2853) long hk. ib. ip.tiMuii rvvea'i ' lie. .ver Imn-o kuowe in tb. borta Lire,! ,., Iixln! rj tl gr it Wotikl seam at If liter, uiual tie n. i I un. 1. it are liirrwt.liig at I . i ar, gf Ib. Iii.r.rl reeutw. oaaaplled b 1 1.. UssSfl culture go to .bow thai .nluii,..i, ba U uaed b) U praawieeled ledualrial and ivotuien lal 4e Irinai.Jiug anlllou awtf. botaee Ib.u r aei ir i Iimw tha lacl Hi. I prnaa for Uvrm lb. I . u - a Metal SMre tbaa 86 per cent ailtilo two .ia In. r..ln.'. tbe luaia iuirvaM Iu tb alu ol Ike Soraa . t. .,i... I... I.IUUo, i.gra.Ur by IUa,ISMi,ISJ) ib.a lit. tulal ul all il.. I .r.e. .n. in ll. . I inia-i Male, un Jan. I, ISOO." r I BURNS COACH MOK5I S ' -- -.. - V1 o. Married At the home of tbe remain here until later when be bride', parents in this oily today will accompany Ike Hobwarw out THE QUEEN OF THE MAY ; sisD fs, her cousins, r aunts and all her fem- ne acquaintances will make this store headquar I. js this week we will receive the very mer- ndise needed with which to properly celebrate real arrival of Spring. Word gfe nuleed fcty things with which to exp-ess ihe beu'y desirabilnv of our assortments invite you then to come to the r and see with your own eys well equipped we are for serv-ou SCHWARTZ. he Busy Corner Store" Miaa Ague. Sweek and Edward Soutbwnrtb, Rev. A. B Minaker ofliciatiiig Tbe bride is tbe eldeet daughter of Mr. and Mra (' A Sweek and haa been a reeideol of line my ajggga childhood Mr. Soulhworlh i. a stockman ot Bear valley. The marriage was a com plete rurpriee to their frieoda who nevertheleae wish them h.ppines. mnl prosperity W. R Daw.on came up from hi Dog Mountain homestead Tueda and took bia departure Wedueada morning for Whiltier, I'alifsrsU, where he goe. to look after buaine.a affaire and arrange lo bring hi family out later Mr Daw.on w.. aaked a. to the be.lt h of our friend Bill Blult and remarked rather ig uiticautlv that Bill will ure tecoyer hi. former good health imuiedi.telt Juat what be meant i. not entirely clear lu tbe writer, but au iuterveiw wilh Blolt may iliruwsntnr light on tbe aubjeot. WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR FRUIT TRfci-bV mi .buulU but lb. I. I OREGON NURSERY COMPANY, WM.IM ORI UN :i3E:ctfia."CJSE: ' J C. WELCOME & SON Harness and Saddle Makers Headquar'ers for Cell ulo i d Handled Whips and all simi'ar supplies in our line. REPAIRING Call and get our prices Burna, Oregon eeeeeeee. .aae..aa.....a..a. . A 1 ( n- die grrateil ilrgree of aaSe- wafsas bacesM a Uk rgki J Style, itaaiarwna. aed paw.fl it m every ganeaot. Dnn'l iy lor a Mai cal oim liaaVaa unlc. you are prrliVwy aawaftaai. q Aukie. mmU. $11 pgataan CARL JOSEPH & COMPANY !V) LV si I .1 I lila If a la.ptMt.iblc grut Itaair trreaar. .11 OuJdl .tut. I'lMtr Ua. era gruwa mi wlioia-ruul aaailliua Kvery tree i. aiauiiuail- IimIu lJuai -l.i. ma ul (riuai ara tit. mui to all Tbeir abluutant lu ll.U aralWu l.l fab aa. II Irvu. ever re.ij bar I I. .ii i, , icMlit.liva- A il iir..i.i lily n. an ..I Ui.uieaa liougnl. -iel Mil! Hi will lake aa g.x.l aSM el Ua nnl.r ai. i. Ii. i. . tra. aa the order calling lor ftou traea, .ml anl all aalei l tu. k aunablu iu our l.i.li a.ti'uj. . If yuu immmI an fruit ire". uru.utaBlal Mr niorgis a l.i.e at iWau Uig Merchant TsAera, Chicago oeocas takem and gAatriXS SHOWN BY HAbKY, KKNWK'KAJAiKSON. MY (iOODS, 1 1 KMSNINIiS. SHOHS, HATS AND CAPS aocEieiss Fruit. Wjetables, Soft Drinks, Confec tionery. Cigars and Tobacco. fT)stn Si, Burna, Oregon. s t" Brewery Sciloou I again upu lu ll. aie I mi i i Ii.li. ii i. a lamb ill' aeiteiai fi.l ll I ilr.ij. In uiaki It., n BEER ALWAYS ON TAP -VINES, LIQUORS, Cl AR8 Comfortable Club kfcirins ta wuik. will aoou U- plactU ui un ni i.i nca and it : im n ami turn 111 Your Patronage 8o'icited. Burns Flouring Mill a it : J 9 TU rTdVMNr. Prop MOUt-.UN RO" I l-.ll MILL I'KOIil tittfirinl t'lxnii lu Miiply tkt . r rudiu of lutt milts i ? HOIK, KOLLLD BAULKY, CHOP, AND S All litis of Mill Fed ilwiys oi Hud -l MMMtSI MAKkti rSICI: CAW HM SM MILLWH IMfcAl CUSTOM WORK DONE I HAKNKV VALLEY BllliWINC (DMI'ANL j Cood 8eed Wheat for 8ale :