Vh wMrtios-Maralo J The Official Paper nt.llarne County, lis the largest circulation ami it one of the beat advertising mediums In Eastern , Ore, en. --. be ptrit- Heftla f H rnl Mnriig etoutifrg f.HOO acres c,f J land, 4,7MI MMM '"!' ', tn entry u ml.T the piRn- Ik ml Iwk ti the rnitiil Su'ru. VOL. XX. , BURNS, HAKM.V COUN I M'UII. NO it OK OUR SOIL ANALYZED IRS WELL WITH THE PAWOUS PALOUS SECTION. Requisite tor Orowlu el Ct reals Hlk Capacity tor Heldlif Toe iltt.rr--B.tlrr TSss Patoaw. I.inlhacMitri hue just return- trip to Pullman, WasVi where he went to viait a few gn. He bringa hack the of a chemical analysis of 1 the h..iI of Harnev Valley il! he of more or lea inter- ur readers. 1 ne anaivaie Bde at the stale agricultural age i Pullman and the chemiat B)- a comparison of our toil li thi of lhi MMM wheat pro log lalouse anil Hig Menu sec H thm itate VW Thatcher, the chemiat wlm le tSe examination, Htatea that soil graa. aoil ia not well ad- d to cereals on account of the ill, ml ita lack of phoaphorio I, htJnm- and nitrogen, hut will ed food root crops He alao OS Ant it will raise alfalfa and g)i'iu weeded to (hat crop a Bu ttii- ami will become in- H nnil therufore produce I oart'al cropa. The llrat sam- rnfrrnd to in hia report aa re- Minting l.oiiom land, Ik soli. a. lie gtibsnil la from the aaoie Luil waa taken from ahout H one hull feol bolow the The sample of upland Heallv not upland aoil. hut Lrul character of the aage jHaina of which we have ao musaiul of acres. The Hraa taken from the Newell I Tuesday night the rohher took some meat from Gray 'a amoke houae and cashrd it in the Gibaon oaHn, whioh ia ahout 10 miles down the Siualaw River from Iorane. When Fenwiok entered the cabin next morning the unknown man met him with a revolver, which Fenwiok knocked aaide and the two clinched, FenwfcA finally get ting awav and wounding the rob ber with the rifle, and then the for mer went to the phone to call for help. The old man quickly bandaged hia wound and made hia through a window, leaving a pool of blood on the floor and bloody tracki for aome distance from the cabin. Indioationa are that the old man waa hot in the cheat and he mav have died by thin time. He waa tracked aome distance from the cabin, when hia ahoe track changed to a lean noticeable track like that of a mnccaain, aonn after which hia path waa lost entirely. Two poaaea are hunting him. but ao far no auccesa baa been reported WANT APPORTIONMENT NOW THE HARNEY SCHOOL BOARD QUOTES SOME LAW. Dtsjaae aa AssertleasMif ( Eatlrt School load Now la Itaasa of Trsasarcr With Utiaiaai aalasc. CtATP.R I.AKP TO BG NEW KH-.CCA. The Portland Journal says: With the opening of the tourist aeaaou of After reading the piece in your paper headed, "No April Arnwr tioiiment. and aigned by Mr. M K Rigby. we would like to say in an awer to thia piece, there ia no law eacape , Mf Righy p oju ug 0 t(jat will give him the right to bold thia year's school money over until next year. Section 34 page 33 in our school law reada aa follows "The county court of the aeveral rountiea of thia state are hereby reciiired to levy, at the same time they levy other taxes, a lax upon all taxable property in their count iea for acbool purposes, which ehall aggregate an amount which ahall be at least $H per capita for each and all of the children within the county twlwean the ages of four and twenty years." Thin Section I on page 17 the first li linee reada thia way "Me ahall make all apportion ment of the entire sohool fund then of locating his identil by the statement thai brother of Mis Ar;' Bourne's private aeon fear that he ha bam aftlliati il 1 M. A. Moodv 10 ISO ( ni I faithful are worrie.i MR. II I III I n M del a MlreiL' S (II HOHSr! IrtUVl (imik' SPORTS on iiliius sei nit it 11 m . M II ill ill ihia .1 0 I, 11. opef, ii '.I I'. ii. . -he a M so wasi ighing up n - - from her velopnients. and are " " I t't.aaiiii in 1 -,ii.'' 1 .1 Stfislle tnn'tuii ra rnl tmt. the matter to ate w Hi the political 1 r c I nf the i-i will make him qaalifli 1 office. Senator Fallon will city for a vborl time on lu He will start on hit trip ihi the interior : drat of May -Journal Oil f .r a 0 of July on the 1 I'll I : nf Burnt will . wiil R. is mi Rio tunni id Il ! 190,. about July I... (iregonn.ll in lhe nounly tro.aurv on the first hove a new national park, and one Mondav in Oololer of each year, of the moat wonderful in the world i.,i , , ,i,, iimM Mi,rio to offer for the consideration of sightseers Will G, Steel is pre paring to open (ruler hake park with a complete camp and way atatinns for lounata the ear not during next year) aa he may deem adviaahle. The county school fund, collected in pursuance of lhe achn,. im koftaj by the county court ahall he an Artioiea of im orporalion for th poriin--d in the following manner. Crater Lake National Park com pany have been prepared, and are now in the handa of the secretary of the i, terlor for inspection and )og Mountain and is ahown ' criticism. The articles will be filed aa aoon as paaaed upon l the de partment The company will lie capitalised at ll(K),(MN) and con struction of permanent linprnxe merits will be connected early next year "For the year I '.HIT we will rely upon temporary accomodations for the public at Crater lake and along the route thereto," said Mr. Steel "Wo will immediately begin con atruction of a complete tourist re moat mvoramy wun of the famous wheat pro ing .sections and, in fact, up ra to have an advantage in that s MPre retentive of moisture Mr. Thatcher 1 Blier sol la Hlhe ample No. IH5U represent led bottom laud contains morn potash and ahout ies as much time as our BBBJaoilH It columns a little ph' ihoric acid and very much J camp at the lake, with a first class ius anu nitrogen 1 ne uu aou niu-n . . iuo,inilrogeii and phosphoric the business that comes thia ear. I are Aloiii the route from Medford to the lake we will iualall way ataliou camps, where tourists can stop over night "The camp at the lake will he made as comfortable as possible, ami it will lie our aim 10 servr good food and give faoilitien fur a nl in the sample which I lirst-ulass outing such as one could ia nut greater than that 1 xpot in the mountains The Luld In tolerated by augar 1 camp will lie readv by July 15, weight in the -election of Charles lbs constituents which are u larger quantities ny ll other cereal crops, hence -OJojudge that this ami ir not ted to the cereals r ur- it contains alkali in which are dangerous to tnl"- 1 he amount of al- I'hen it giies 011 and tells how it shall lie divided up. I'niler these sections we ore en titled to an apportionment between now and the end of thia school year Mr. M K Rigb cannot conetrue these sections to wean that the children of Harney county ia only entitled to the small amount of 2 50 per capita this year which ia all that has been apportioned of the count funds so far. Therefore the hoard of directors of District No. 2 demand tbat an apportionment be made of the en tire school funds now in the county treasurer's office. Alao of the un expended balauoe that was not apportioned last October Hoard of Directors, District No. 2. P. S Section 37 Pago 84 in our echool law will show how the un expended balances la t j bo taken care of MOOimSM NU gAITO Officfc Fractional affillaliona bad no "Father of the It, Referendum' 1- tin been conferred by oral upon W , I I I;. , 1 Though the title h ,. ly conferred, with all ll contumely thai I cord when expei 1. strated the value of I he was not the Tr ibe amendment In 1 ture. r rienils of H Supreme Coin I ( that the tir.t 1 1 1 . principle-- Ptprt 1 I "initiative and h practical form in bably tbe first inll lawmaking bodj in the I States, waa in tin i.r 1 oeed atiii-iiiliuitiit t,, 1 lion i till "d 11 . ., I v atnr from Haker Otrd M the session nf I - taken at that osooion anil il 1 troilu.fd in tn . 1 session of 1897, when 1 ed by tbe I which did not Dfgai 1 action. Mpsl of tin present initiative and " clause were taki 1 : measure. To Mr I Ron fa accorded the oeodil foi tut lion of the aineiMln, was be who agitateii 11. until the stale oouvi il hot,, political partlea la 1 practically all Ho vocated il, thereby asojariag fiW II tbe overwhelming pogxtlai which itcarriej llregonian. 1 lust ' ! .li ' hi 1! Inr end 1 Mini lot fsnuly had watch. If : I vi heii. at m org. ot h 'iie-t R 1 1. n . 1 M aa giv en her, 11 li Ihi I that I HI pi 1 II 'iiiueil until -he llouilv complete! recoereil, llnl U i le ihh Woman in il h y " .1 cure f.ir ooagbt and 1 old ni'l l.u (in I In , il Uil- I ! : I genu . Ilusilera Salesmen. ( ietk nml Bvcrjrboxij Jol 11 gooii heatty lattgh lo aei.,1 'Hi' for ' Tine lo I .til. ' In mn i" 1 son who sella giual for a living It not n.x' l.nir ojortai hoi k Circular tor stamp I fait 1 r hits alootrh Conh ' tor. Ill E. N. NELSON Watchmaker and Optician B-ctxriQ, Oxog-ora. GOLD MEDAL VwarJfil tnr toll ik at a CnmpstltHe Rththltlon lo I' riay live I.... y I'll" ' '" RsI llMI'l! I loll .. o V Ilenl III (In . ,!- Of CO TO THE CITY MEAT MARKET for Clean, Wholesome Meats VEAL, BEEF, PORK H0 MUTTON Pickles, Cheese, Chouuchouu, Olives Onions, Conned Goods ALL KINDS OF STAPLE AND FANCY IROCEIIES Rrjplwa. Crnbppla, Potatoes, Salt Fish, Soap. OALL AND 8EE GOODS. A. E. YOUNG. 1 0 tbe some other alkali loving j which Is a earl as it is possible kd the presence of audi Ui get into tbe lake on account 01 If imtHsh 11ml lime would the snow ble to the growth ol vege- huugh the suppl ol nitro newhul lower thuii is ill- give Molds Wltliolll -nine litrogeiiuus fertilise. rbotaubsoil from this sauiplu I contain considerable al- eom- cariionatee ol lime nesia. The latter might pan in the soil under miliums, but is not pre W. Moore of (irass Valley and Louis Arueoou of Hood Kivor ao register of the laud office at The Crater lake is now for the first Dalles, accord iug to Houator Fulton lime Iwiriikiiiiiir to Imi r.i nun I .eil as ahit ia in il.e nitv I...I.1 one of the wouders of the world "There has lieon no'eflort on the ilhr..U,h ,0W" ,'"' " Kuieutitlc men liaye in recent years part of either Senator Bourne or beou giving the regio 1 exhaustive myself to inquire into the factional examination, and the origin and history of any applicant for otlico , been making auuie at' UKIWM 1 IIAI'I'lMMr Drewsey Imlg. N.. II. I 0 I will celebrate Ho- I m ll.e order April deriug an kogotOSUo ' . pared faj t In poople "I side, Beulah, JsslUl which will lie foil. .ml Kyer liml. mviliil The farmeii- ami bus have called a mi otii . at lirewaey on il.. to take up the noiii. 0 cmnpai. . to i line. Joe Hturtevant and i .in tb to Isrsi John Oil llie miii I I pa p nil I I- I iv larger BSatttl than in i 'ke now rests in ita lite lllg lie o (I aolls of Ibis In fact this aubsoil is quite SMtpoeition to some of ! hemisphere oause of tbe lake is being discussed There has been a great deal of tuis- iii public documents, ll has been understanding about lhe appoint estimated by government Keulogials ,,,,,( f lht, HI(J oHioe men of The that Mount Matama, which form- Dalles. The pritue requisite and erly lowered lo the sky where Crater lUt, only political requirement con- hollowed crest, waa greatest mountain on Mis of the northern part of county Tin- amount of Illicit it continue la not I lo piaille.Uiilesa- It should it lo the nil luce where il hue in contact Willi the awisg psrle ol the plaut tuple of uplaud aoil con about as much humus, and phosphoric acid as age falouae foils a little broken and nidered in candidates reoouiuiend by far the r(j lo us was first that they bo clean the western all(J competent men and second that they be Republicans pruveweuls, in Ho fence, aud tuildltlf W H. Howard, lb. hat just oompleii I and wind mill Slinking water Id I . i 1 Hall the ll i. me Duncan, nf Maun I lie, i i a akj Bffc nio I I im nl i hi. im Dyspt i "i .'" n -uniling, and maib I I as well anil ng ao 0 oiiug girl" Klertnc Ititlii- cure Stomach ami liver n -ral imi li. nlily weakness. i .o go trante ii lb 'i Drug I will make itK.ini mouth iii the way ol ' 'urn- mill has arranged . ill in i ui ill w lio pa up .- ami one enr in advaaoo lo lie I ilio HofaUJi New allbpilb on win pn in advance will alao in great national semi i I -paHr and family iniignine in the I'niUil SMlSI In- two ear for 'i Ibf ihia lli'ili'll null i ii.. Hat mi !Up in. mi fn will give ISA reward I. 'i lb" ainsl ami ooiivlclioo of tlo . ui.i . i strspa and i pioperli li ol the hi s on the iiiouolaiu F. E. BRAMLETT, Ml V If HINMIP MIS AND M1fc Nate la Orstr. I listing lal'i. - alii Sll'l ll M- ' -oil. las Lm Star RE8VAURANT I I, u. a i Mala asa I MBslUS AT AUU HOUR-. Bakwry in sonnsstmri A Specialty f Sksrt ttrstrt. .I with . lylliintf il,o marl I iimu. hi THE CAPITAL SALOON, TBISOI .V iXlSKii.W, I'ropriotors, Burns, - - Oregon. Wines Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms In Connection. CHAS. WILSON, i" i IIIOR in.WiltOHsAUhfisN SK0 s 01 4aT 'B aBoBiO i.akW 4.1 1 a ' Bar m W ax Vav aS Main St.. - - ET W lETTUAM ttdJTttTl UsBL CBiirCI THAN mCTICALLTB jA AIT iitatncuiu J'K! ,T0' O. of BOO H ena'w Soouiitut wf '1 ii B (. tioi a Dooino. y'Ugi olwu""- Black smiihinR aid HtTMlMaflf. Wagon Work ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Burns, Oregon i J sONOMtK NV COMPANY, I. L LEWIS 141 fa (la. is li PARTICULARS and PRICES Ti MjrsM aaaisf INFORMATION. DESIGNS. aauM aa . a u Helen Ainl. ra Mr. and Mre J II it playing near a lagi I the fauiiU SMbiog ed, stepped into ISO bol I Mount Muauiii s destruction ond "Neither Mr. Hourue uor my the resultant gathering of the lake alf iusisted that lhe be men who in its crater ia one of tbe fearful jmj i ,Ur )mM ur WM j ln- un. mysteries uJ past ages, wnion goo- .t ,,, Oppoaed to Mr Moody i got llUB 0f h. i bol logists are figuring out bv the aid r any other man We wore after ! youbger i. -, gu) of lava rock and pumice stone , oaptt, 0f giiIlg n... oflicoo ; .j g,drn . found in the region nithiu a rudius W4) ,) lll( ,lot vot&t factional j d but (tM fast till of -10 miles. diaputee or (actional history. would have fouo I I "Mr. Moore has lieen koowo lo gfeable to gro ;.;..... One of the largoat stock sales me for a loug liiue." continued tbe j roU B1 ,,. .,. , M ever made in the county win. con- aenalor "Mr Amesou I have ; ir.,,,M. sh aud about three times I auutalod last Daw Kdler ui-vn utet parootialty, kai he ia a Try "Co ti .&yz Tlao-m.. IP YOU WANT CASH Tor Your Real l!s,tale or Business I CAN GET IT N Mal'ei' What Yuui Properly la Worth, of in What Town City, State os feMito.y n it bocsisd , .i. i i. .... lime It ouiilil therefore ver fertile soil It cou- ttle alkali but not enough IrtoUo lo crops. It appears very high capacity for jotsture aud if proper tied 1 hhoulil judge that nouid produce crops with kpl of moielure. D line tppeare to bo more relon- lotalun- than i. ui luuiolte ils." gNWrCK, MAN-HUNTER. ll to lhe Oregouiau trout lya: After a desperate Mel Keuwick, tbe uo- perado who baa been op- i the Loraue neighborhood, lie place aud the noiiili- uuablu lo locale biiu. sold to Mr Diuue, of Hullalo mca- man e koon o to H. . .. t. . bourne, IHUIrUt tiltBWI l I u, dows, through Owen T. McKeudiee. and me m whoru be has i vet about H.tXHJ heiiil of elieep, to be couliilenue." ,,, ,ie fa delivered July l-i Mi Kdler gete Tin .ii ia going the rounds Uly paotf of ti ' Wl the wool and coouir lhe lauilis ihitt Hie appoiotmenl ..I both Mr. While l'J m .utb We were unable to bud out ihd Moore and Mr Amenon have not Ml , . ,.,,,, ,i, ;:, ... once paia lor I he sneep, nut were given the Urt ul r,iiietaclioii lo After April i el I can informed that il ' " hig price, oome of lhe old guard who bad . rruUi pens of lis aud lliut aboul f iU.UUU will change been consulted in regard to tbe ap- iiands. Mr. Kdler still owns some pjinimeniH In the words of oue large tracts of lunil, but is out of well vernod in the situation, the the sheep buslnere. Dave Kdler commlllee of iuepecllon asked lo has been in tbe sheep business bore eelecl men for the place, by tteua fur many year.-, and having started tora bourne and Fulluu is 'up iu with a small tlock. hie rapid raise the air" over lhe naming of the from a poor man to a handsome imi nun .Several consider it a fortune is interesting to note, it is Mood victory, and say tbat tbe understood that his desire lo sell men selected have Moody teudeu- his aheep was actuated by the dif- cies. That lo their mind ia a groat ticulties iu securing range ou ac- disadvantage count of the reserves l.akewiew No oue seems to know who Mr. Kzamiuer , Ariieaou ia. Tbe priucipal uieanl Job priutiug Black l.augslisngs. I I prices .out n, n Ml i '' (KAI I H I.AM lion..-. ( li. g- K.tro'. I i"' i K oil left hip and I over crop iu asofa leedniK place lant fall. please call, prove oiliai charges 11 J. Haiiocn, litil i. Hit Tin I ilis a Hi " sff . j 1 J I 4. arawa- MSMSJSJSJJJSJsSfjBsSJBJBMsWOJS I Wx-oo of Olxastrro . , .111 fltt ' BSBSBbIbT aBSWI AatoawAbaVMSm David P. liiil I lie land Man, 415 Kan. Ave,, Topeka, Kansas li Tu 8Bt lu Sal rl ' Cal Oal at. Mail May .. p ... : .. 111. '!i if a utb , 1 ni.i.r. ol , 1 n. 1 . hlalc 1 iliou mg 1. s briel ' "1'" u 1 ,u,n piioa Nauiu A, I, Iris If Tea 4ui it Mu I ill ia. Cat Oat asa Mali rsiay I .Je.li. I 11, with lbs i..llnuiug .pecincatioi .iv -"i" botaoou I ami I I '" VV Keotark. VaSM AdOn