f he limci. -$craCd. SATURDAY M'rll' ll IKr BtlBHtlKIITION KATBH: One Yser W.00 Six Months 1.S0 Three Month. N JULIAN RTRD - - - - Maaetir Reltflons Services. a Rundava of Hnoh month nl in. ' '" '. mark, rrnt. ami nmlertill In lelt i ail'l 7:80 l) in. SaMtnlll Si'hnol At nmler half rniv off rltht It'ir.i i I, ,, -..I, (Mirial anient at r. 111 i i .1 , Jalir, Viiteell Betas, horses, l.ai im tlln Mrst t.rnircn t..nrist scieiH.si aor- in n in. i-wrv Snlihitlli morning, .tin- mtic ittammi.i iwr on isii hip. mark vines 1 1 a n. Sunday Evening ar-r- . ,, ' " ' '"" un"T " ,,, , . rirai'lniiK irrvn ' at tin MniitlHt t) M Mr-Mensroi. Burns, horses. itrr t.on vice , :.i(i. ed evening meeting,! , ,,,.,, i. rutin, rant. mar metaltss church ivcn 1-1 Rlid ..'nil Suniliivs. leeaeliear Willi hill namran.1eiMres 7:.'!( Sunday school 10 a ni, in the . ., . vi . iron rishtstlfl, iiinrning and evening Sunday ,, , ,Hri.n .i .. Kind In.il.ling two door nnrtn ofThe , , j ,i,rM, i n.hte.. ' ' i 1 11 1, llama. Van. hnr..'..7l liar on atlfl.' rait li'. liar II. on left nlia mark. unite t 1 1 In lei, nar, nn.li-i al,' In unlit Ilia in Times-Heralil oil,,,. rillir-(Hy Rev A J. Irwin will pri-ncli at ..vet, in- The pastor 11 ill preach at H.irnev the '2nd Hniidnv of each BilVI I ,. aft the third Sunday of month a 11 a. ni. and 7J0p. m. u. montb. and at Vaatbt lib Sun- i lock each Sunday and ; cordial invitation is extended to ali who can attend to meet with u. At tht I'reshvtertmi church Huron, Itev. A. J Irwin p:- n I levine services the third and fonrt ! The annouin etnent that the government reclamation service will allow the Oregon Trunk railroad to bt hudt up the !V- i luitcs iim'i. .mil lata the broad table lands of C'rook lountv. will he exceedingly gou.l news to the rapidly increasing number of set tlers in tb.it region. It seems Iheie is Bat one pt.utu.il route f,n a railway t, enter that isolated coiintrv from the norlb, and that this i, , ute mul cross land resen ...I I, ii... ii !! ! i . I II in nil i ri I.I III. I I II in .si i v u I 111, the construction n( a power il un in the DeechutM river, but it has been decnleil on further inVCttl gallon thai the r.nlto.iil i oulil be built without itUerfeiing m tins will, ib, ni l.ituatiDn project ,n if the i omp,io will go ahead .nul Metal It road ft,,,n the HKHIth ,,f lb ' I ei hull's mil on tbiougb perhaps to Kind, thou sands of settlers in that region will be bapp . ami encouraged to put forth gn.itci tffOftO, .mil main oilier llioiis.in.ls will go into lh, i counlrx to acquire the mni paratiyely i heap lands that may In- secured there. Larg, areas of that larg, ,, gton lribu:ar to the to peeled laiiroad are already undei itng.i tioo. and more will be; but aside from thOH mam Mttlen ire ptoy in g that tbe i. in do f.urlv well In lr -J.itnl I. inning In tin- I amp bell method, raising good, tops without irrigation. As tins ,i. ,, Irrigated land is to be had , brip l ami thatl is a van atea of it. I great numbet of iMMMOOakan 0)4 MMH inc. ins. who i. inn. u afford to bin impniMil fatnis of ucbet sod. will he attracted to that re gum, ami will do well then' Hut .it lean one railroad, that will move uieir surplus products out and bring their merchandise in at reasonable rate, is an absolute OeCeti: t. success. Hen.. II this railroad, now that the g.. -1 Tin- Ttiii.'s M-ralil. th Rl ernment s opposition is withdrawn ,,u,i(. ,m, UIlV OUH f , . ,,,l should Ik- bu.lt. we may look l,i ,,U1II npan 0M v. -at Foi It Kill. .11, Him .llli .,i.i in -.! allfli' rlltlr. L nil li-ll ' ' mark, n ml .,.111 l hall I. mi', far ll.'B.I ........ vn h .. -1 on l.ll ali'iiil.li'i Sabbath school every sabbath at , IV until further notice -Uev. A lZSt,,$ .'.."."nlunT.ii"'1 """ p.m. M Pastor, I Jjn.. k ,,!,, ta, ni,i; t,. nsi. . tf. u 1 ..! I . i ,- . i, ii ii 1.1, ..., palll. I k ' ..,1,,'lni .1 o Ii ft l,tl lilt- mirm-v .-simony simiimii inn-IP- .lot. iirmiinu I Hi' I 1111,'s-lliTHIil .", .', ,,, .,,111. ..t ai, ' iiiHrs,'i"'l,''"''""-- -i - lial, . -,. In I, It 1 , aim.li. ' si'..i iMni I .,., i. i. .h. ,ul,,. i lattli-. I .a Ni i..mlil'ii.l ... honl.lrr; msrk, i'V i hsll np In s flsat j.,,, Hnov, Um. . :.,,.. .1,. In ir, p,... ot' pai Ii rar. hnlr In ilsli, OKI I. i II IIIHK, "Tom STITf OR, nslora IJnhn i Uraon I o rllllm. Iih M. I N llii.li.l. Waoii si.rlnt., l-altli'. Pa, irk. ii a, lli nnilnr rliln. - i I V Ulillamaon U: 2-t.fl-lx ?. SBriNG MACHINE. fJfjMjaj. IOU.II BIARINa HIGH I.RAUC wrfi Hi rif qui ''us WfKFtn t , ran lor. t , . iiati.i I I imnl.a, I VI. NO. i i III .'kirn,a , i. wait s II. a. i.i I II W-l RIOT l M.-.r. Hall.. Join. Ill.-riaii. Iliirna, U' I"-'1 .,,..n..f. rati I. , llj nil nshlslilf n,ark,.,lll ia ll, lls'lt. sam Khiv. 1,'nn. rstllr, S7 ..n I. It hl- mark h .ar. na,,l- im li-l, )a I. unlit. . W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. E ALSO HAS A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHINC. All kinds of Ffeah Vagatabloa in Season, CIVE HIM A CALL. " Hshi hip: i . ,srroporl a , , ,i,, .,,, lj,jni, - I iKima. i i.t. .mi, I ui mm inn i ouini, Main Street ll , Slmmnni i ll i . nml.n, Milt, i ailli . i in I, i niaik. I it an. I iittitp, hsl lion aril. I, Ulna, hot.ip. I.ai II ii Ii ,, titi tnaik .' Ill In null. II... n i n i 1 1 Main i. im n... h .... la II Ann I, ftlllti' l.i msrk.awslln 1 II .it ' I . r. mil ' II ll I, Inltil'll . mill : by bnylnc this relUblc, i in t. high cradr sew Im: midline. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sewing Machine Co. san TRANCISCO. CAL. HACTONV ATaWLVKHnie iu. I ll. la,k. Nl i rl , h ' mil'. Mil, II I M alto l l ll.., I '.a, I -. rlKla. ala.. , . . .a. liia, . , nk . mi, . Hasan , isi. orrii r. ,,,, . a, n Iih ni a, ., i 'I-,. ii i .1,1,1 ' " " " " .is. H k. tiii:::;ii:i:::iiiiiii:iii:iiiiimmiuiiitnmimniiiiniiiiiuiiiii:iiiiiiiii;ii::ii::.n.i:'mi ' ntnmlna . " " n "' s nMMMI, O' - I .till. , .. .HI ...... I. II lllll. iialiV' (t -tf ..I'jrjjjnBM- J -a J. y,M-ATiiVk itfand Ijair (uttind. lol.l, ' I I, . I i i I ma. I ii.. I on i. a -mark. ... . h m, III! t M CUM MN iii). i It V on. . Extfaordinarij Clubbing Proposition DROP IN AN LOOK II M 11 III, ... ' i ... . oil It'll at,,,. la lall 1 .ar.. I no ,i,i.ncil to (in oiah my customers will, tin- iiin.il high cl.is gOOCM and mvile Ihr publu In call when (leaning ANYTHIW6 IN MY LINE. (.'iiiiniiiii In (,'initl.s ii il I'riri'H Solid Gold Walchcs, I-ancy Clocks, Jewelry ol all kind. Silvei w.nc. i;i)onware, Cut (ilass. llatulpainled 'bin., at I 'out. 'lake a peri at my windows. even a lai greater development in that rcyion than has taken place during the past few years. The great n-ntia. Oregon lounltv smI, nior, iii. in one rail road outlet, anil tl.cn it- growth Will he ot inc health) Ihioiii oub i Journal Tin- lione C'ap:ial News hss this t,. s.i of ibe business man who doesnot advetti- "Tlu- man who does not adver tise simply because his giaad fathei did not, ought to wear knee breeches and a queu, The man who does not adci i ause It iols iiiuin- . should quit paying rent lor the HaM reason The man who does not adver tise because he inec it and (ailed, should thio away his cijjm be cause the light wen, out. The man who does not advei , .-cause he dot-sn't know h,u himself ought to slop eaimg be i.iun io uii't cook. Tin man who does not aiiw, li- i mebod .nd it did not pa , ought not 10 believe Ibe world is round bOOMIM Ibe an cieflts raid it was Hat IfjOa plant hul "lie fruit lire, have il llo- ifsl the lifsl i- none ton ((mill Noil tail irii tiri tie I" -I tor this altitude irou, Adoea UMirge. ,1 i, up. tin takr-n all irapnonllill - i anil mil nsplaeo, ah uaee aat I .in Oil lr us In ii.iiii. fl 00 U piiid thin month: Tin S'lui ii-ki Orogxin Journal ni Portland, Mm Vftaklj ten Itiiin a o I ixatninar, Tim, ., w n Nan ork orkl. Tin- Tino-s. Hamkl Iiiih i. ,iih-,i to tnnka tliif bargain month mul otit'i aonM axoHp i lonai dubbing rataa, To all who ni their miI,i ipt ion oin- uir in uiivain ilui in-ihi-s iiionlh we will Wad tin- Twio-.i i--k Rapublic of Bt. Louis) mi i-nt m- your fn TIiim will Iw g-iyoii inw Mith Hcribara nud ohl oaaa bo r in u during the inoiith Tin Tin,,-. H.Miiltl Um k. public and WTaoklj Oragoniao ana jraar for $8.00 il paid tUi mouth. DO IT NOW. " .arao - Tat iiaoaiat it II IV- i in.l V. II iiiii-i.' i i,.i,i.. ni ...iiii liiHiiiiii a ''''''' aim: ri'.ioini to. refer i ..I i'.tiiiu. ni. V.I.I. M. DM,. 3 om-loerl Ing- :::::::::::: ttttTttnnttttTiimin Don't Overlook the Special Inducements Offered am. in a- lor .invtliliitf I. II.. .a., ii, tin intanor wlm lake Hit- Iroubls Ii Ho i i n, Um - EilAG.&ZIls'E READERS IUH3.CT MAOAZINK . lairti.gsAMiata ins . -Ui ait'., ii. . tMUl t atlUwftiiaft eUaJ aillar lai Meal. wgaj CAMtkA CKAFT urvUcai eat)i ii.uolh to the ai- lilLu. IcpioUutltuU of ibr bct !gsl ,00 ofk ol .ti.aicuj aaii ofolcaascul a yHJ plsoiogi aiicf ktAl or A THOUSAND W0NDI.B8 a book of IS pagcft. coniauua; 1 20 coiuicd piMaioaaapKs oi q tjc patuieaxfur pu in Cabiofua aoxi (.iegwa. . . Tl . . . J3-25 All fur . AdJin SUHStT Flood UsUu . . . $1.50 1 all v i-ic 1 1 to MAGAZIRE Sw Kmbcmco Every Heart-Ache 1 cry pain in the breast, dif ficult breathing, palpii il fluttering or dizy spell means that your heart i straining it self in its effort to keep in motion 'I his is dangerous. :n, Hidden strain in, 111 exertion or txcitemenl will Complete!) exhaust tin io ! or rupture the walls or arteries of the heart, and it will stop Relieve tins terrible strain at once with l)r. Miles' Heart Cure. It invigorates and strengthens the heart nerves and muscles, stimulates the heart action, and relieves the pain and misery. Take no chance.s ; make your heart strong am! vigorous with I)r Miles' Heart ( "l tuCsrsd larrtbl srlll .,, dls- ASc I halu lj. 1-1. I,...ili-.l l.y different physlclsim tin m t, wlti.oj, rtkulls I went lo u Lnyal cUi, ,.'. Meuiyl.is. wlio claimed I ual dropay of U heaii II. but dm. and In conn. With . he csnie ilea, n.iK luff a iiniali of me 8011,1- li thla I. was In uur , v.u Hi- aaa mv and re. uuimendid Dr. Milea li . mi i Kin- it Intl.- att. rail 1 wlien concluded to try It, and an, plaaaed to any three bot, 'li lOUIIK'll Jtheravill.', Sfto. Dr. Mils' Haart Cur la sold by your druugitt, who will ouarantaa that tho lint bottla will btntht II It falls ho will refund your nionoy Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind atari I, ugh. Dm ma boas 1 i" Mosul M.lhlNu lot U 1- woilli 11 0 " I I I I .1 I. exilian il' -i-li I oi. ii I., as -,, "i Iioh I., a.. il Ser-1 11II1 , n.l 11- 0s I... lai ti . 1 ssl ni-, j vtlualil. 'ii 1O I"., un ,. 1. In , Caar h h u isois 1l1.lt in LaAl in- BeWlti'a tiS Salve Fur Pitea, liurna, Sores. ",,i'lei. Hun uinl at prlt-tM Dial would ,, !,- rM M.1,1 nil ll .oleii.i .1 I.. laMcribai wlial SM aiinl BSSa M IM SMS ..11 Jim" J. li. PARLEY. Ontario. ()rcjfn. I jrneat Murr ,ttlwsi,i Portland and Uais.-. - 1 The Finest of All MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY tor Sale Uilv il. Hotel Burns Bar A -ents, Burns, Ore. jfaVi.iit.ari (I Itrm., l)Ulfibutn Porllaiul, Orvofi - I -" BBSS -.....-... awawwavj Cure Your Cough stop your Lungr Irritation, rallave your Sora Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold, with the only cer tain, and striotly soientiflc. Cure for Coughs and Colds: DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION THE BURNS HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON, Propt. k'cnsonahlc katcs. Good Clean Meals, Comfortuhlc k'niiiiiM, Courteous Treatment. special Accommodations for the Traveling; Men. ngl (LASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR Youp Patronage Solieited. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. We MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Burns, Orwgon. Offire first door west of Bsnk. J. W BIIIOS. DAI.T0N milOS Biggs & Biggs ATTORNEYS-AT .LAW, II Rite, "KKIION. Practice In ell the courts of Ore. Collections promptly made. .. a Rias.ii.1. 0. W. raasi.H PBRRISH & REMBOLD. Attorney s-at-I.aw, Hams (ami Canyon Oily, drr'K1"'' 111 prarttre In the ronrla "1 Hsmei ami Irani r.iunilea sml In the aopreme roiirt nl tne aisle sad also In 11. H land nlll' e Ofttamo-Bui Stage bin Ohasi. 11. Leaooard, Attohnev-at-i.aw, 1 an ful attsntion given to (loller- tions and Real Kstnti- matters. Fire liisnrmire. Notary Public Burns. Ohkhon. GEO. H. RIZEMORE. attohnkv, Burns Oruhon UsitsaMoaa, ln,l SMStllSSSi sml Heal Ratal mailer prmni llv allemleil Ui Iieayps Burns rlailv : . nt 6:30 a in. Arrived at llj y from Ontario at A p m Thf only IliriniBli pastafl transfrr route from Burns railroad. First-class accommndiitin good eating stations at nog distances along the route S, S. WILLIAMS, ;,,, Drewon , L. Woldenherg Jr., Agent, Hums, . Ui. GEARY Physirlan anil.Siirrnsoii Burns, - - - Oregon. 1 Ufiii- in new Imililin sinitii nl Wi'lronir hsrnees sliop. Muni St. Thons Msin HA. W.J cm.i:man, Stenographer and Notary Public Burns, - Orkuon MfeSJ lu rllleeoa Hank HiilLllns Ui U VIA?SDFN I'livsii Inn anil "-in,. ..n naaaei 'jRJWsw in ni- II. S. Sreeruluu I. R llliiairil llilitmixl tV- Hrowutoii. DKNTIH'IH mitre Srst iIinm east ol The illlaeiia Sana tin r 11 a Omgun W. C. BKOWN, DENTIST. Burns, Ommihin. Hitler iii new latiil ullli-n buililiOK, ni'Sl Jisor m, rlli ol uual ofSov. E. N. SMITI. SUIVEVUK Vtalat. I 'It'irnu lieii'iiih llilrasjraibsr Mallittur rajsal I .ami, IrriKSllun ami 1 ral Hiirvvying Water Hupply and htrsain .Mraaiirrotant- )ralllii( SIMIKTIItS HARNKY I.IIIMir. Nil T, . I 11 1, f, Melaeer e.u.,.1 an. I I...11M -.u,,. in J""""' ' ' H II... ,,l.i. r ,1 Jaiaeeu Be... SI'RHSI.UKur NO 7. A r A sl.. Ueelaaler) Aral au.l llin., aaltiiila) lu aafU sauatli n 1 . Melauase, sesman INI. A Uli UltlllK No ;u k ol f .. ",?U "" " eieulua lu the Hnmi M astaiiai " "0"" ' ' JOHN McHULLEN, HI! I IMO-DAlt PHOTOfiKAPHiiK aTs- JTt'i All tin- I. iii -i slyli a aad iniprnvttl pkatofrraphi In li-i 111 btf liail. i'tiilili l'.iiicl, Arlisl'n Proof uni I '.:. , l.iil, ,' in , . I'liuliis liuislicil 111 Ui lii-il.Uf iiiiin ip.'i. .hiihi All sirs li um ilu- Mn.1ll1.1i ii 'ii Mill ,,i lu .111 8x li IiiiimIu il in Arislo I'.iti, "i. ",i .1111 nl llic Aliieiii.in UNBVn (I II r ,.pp i.l c I ii1 Naiiu al Hank. unit., Oregon. SUNNS LODU N 7 A.O. U. ST. ataaw e, er asooad sud i..ur,i. 1 , .1. , v .,k . elcuaie, W M I N. I oclirau. Renirder UARNRV VALLRVIAUf Nu SSI. 0in Keelaever) Aral aud en-oudiTueadar m . J Si, ..ll.. luui W. A. .....a., iierk HURNS , I1AK1 KK Nil u. u. r.. a. mHu"uT-ViZi. ,K'",", "t-'l ''"""' "'"ss. lu uaanuii Hall Kelnora !...... u, u Ran. aiuiei. Setrei.,, ""' " " SYLVIA RRHRKAH UKliRNK Sou Xeelaeiei) lalan.l 4j Wedneadai AIIKl.,.A-b"-'- 1, TULK'IRrl.K Nu lul. W ol W Neelaeiel) luuill luue Mlilllua. 1 l,it jaeeiaeien luuill, lueadar Mania liallun, ,, ii Almuat In UcMpaii . "Our little daughter waaglveu up by two physlclana with consumption of the throat, and we were almost in despair, when our druggist recommended Dr. King's New Discovery. After taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since." Ott. A. EYLER. Cumberland, Hd. yKrrs4VT , a atpwsr-a vTarvr , $ M. L . ' EWIS I r FIRE INSURANCE. Fries.-, soc aud gi.uo TRIAL. BOTTLES FREE HSJSJSJ RCCOMMSNDSD. CUARAHTSaO BBHBI D arm rolb mv '.in The City Drug Store. ... Represents the.... home Insurance Co., of New York, Liverpool, London & Globe, Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia. ill 1 IU WITH UlllUS UIUUB. bu. us, Oregon, tornatr South ol LuaMBHlrg a Oalton'a. iVWrW1 AA JOHN t.Ht iiMU.IM.. lewoler. Opiioiun and l'aiairuvoi'. Fine Watch Rt-pairing A Sp. lialty. Burns - Diamond Stags bine sFosBo OREGOI 9H0l(r and UNION PACI VI 101 IEJ Ml, nl.l I. S a ol 1 1 HI ingn Iteearl rr TISI null" llv i r rum ll.i.lii.rl.iH 11,. Chii'Si.'"- Ball l.skr.li.ii.', ' 1 I'nrll ml Wiirlli, On, ah , K 11 Spei'isl aas City, Hi Louis, liMfi CI,i,'nL", sml IhM 1 a m Atlantic Ssli lisli .hi in, - I , Kxnri'S" Worth, Oaialis. K 1 ..... ... . 1 .lti as 1 in . -1 i.imi. ps 1, ni ( liiiiif", 1" ,1 ' St IV, nl Unll Walls, I,.',.,. K t Mail inn Bpotani Minn. 1 18 spolis Si I'uiI, i lull, l,llMl,lk, i', ('!,, 1 sun suit Ksst in I VN mul II I M I,' si in 1 rrlla.l Ml aailn ,. i'Iisi S 1 "' I in Sun I 1 um, ri'r) T days. 8 p. n, letu-i.,. ,.., si...,,. r. "" I,. . in.l.. i, ,1 W.,'. t,"'"1 1 UhtUaaa. 11 . 11. Mlllaraelle Niter. 6 s a. """" r" N' li Kx,-.',t nt' "' '" """ w. SiindaN UaiK- 7 . m Wlllaaaetlr A taaiSii, 1. ,... Tsuada) ))ri,, , , I,.,.,, 1 l I'lnruv ....I u .. . .,.,1,,..,. n s.t ' a ni isf ' "M li a. Ill Jtlllaai.tl. Illtai Tucsdsy I',,, ii.,,,, 1 lurvallio Tliura i tad n LrtmiiiiL- Hal ' . uB Ilia tt sal Leave Itipans. aaaha Msm I '2 s in Ki in i" I.. , Dally. 11, ,'si , l en A . II,, lad Uutitiiigton, Oai A. I. ( KAI '.',. I'..- W' l'..rli.ii,,l U A I. MOIII.I It, I'n ; I, ai m adi Forest Reserve S For Sale I ",. -, .. In trail- I scran a, 1. 1 li..ui n.i.li lur llninl usa ami nuar.iiil, . .1. Will bin ...liliira' In, nl HiirraiH"! (or aairvn-i all I ml .,, ,.,, SBH -iml War ..I I-.I" H. B. Compson an RguH 110c ivmisun ul p .ia IVA oh 1 at . oat a is a I 10 I of Ilia 16 waaHatatal 6 VEAHl' ! SSk llV EXPERICNCaB 1 J ii j Kxn S SeSf ' I I k I vL' IH Hs&8tsraSSsvriaiJUS'- ... Asruaa asaiii 8U.OSI, ..',, ive.it II..... .i. aem li. r.li-in - H.uil nud., Trade MstH OiaiGMS s Cos.vsiil.mi s Ash .sKjya W" Half e'ia uiiii A ti . lit tbo Scktttifk JUtierkan A tiaiiuaoaaalir ir u t-ulattoii t.f am ,, 1 i'UNN X Co .,..,, 1 . 1 Milj an a, . ,.i, Mou $1000 Rewari " 1 u IS I ,,..,, -,,,--, '.'- "" 1 , i. in .in. In. ai. 1:. 1, ,. . am IUUVI.I1.,,, U kill, al.'ui ,. n. ,. I l.i 1 ,,,, "' r-l II I. as. 111. Ui .,,, ,s sou Addltiiinitl Kev.ard I . .IV J B. UAKi'KK, fropt tlurn. over) M.niday, Wiliiu. day aud Friday lur Kiaiuoud. Coiinecu witb the Aiidri'iin-ai,i0 aue, luakiiiu Ilia oiuatiiirei'i and quickest routi- to sll poinU eoiiili auU the uw gold iiol.ln ol Dyke aud other i,orlhrn Nevada iniinU Caralul attention uiveu t oaauiwr uud traight. For particular iiilornmtion apply to 0 W. Drinbwatsk, Agent Uurus, Oregon 'ft 1 In a.liliii." sUive I . n, 1.I1 1 Hi. ... tiasa Harm ,..,,k 1 II.M.O U.. II.. I,. - ,.. l.aaa lliri.nali I (I l.'lliil in UiucIS"! Tile -Umts,!.., ,, ,,,..,, " vi 1,11. 01.(4 DeWlti's y.' Sslvs ror Piioa, Bums,