; Tf rimro-Wrrold The Ofllelsl Paper oI.Hsrner County, .. i - i i. ,.i UBS Infl Urgf! eiri-uisuiin JIP'i ' "upv" the best advertising medhinMrin K.a Oregon ar m Sr 1 "T"ir"v IHati tmrG-Hcnik aw a " am " V, V r ef a ill jj Vf rm. 9frntj Cctintri t overs en urea of fl,42.,HOt) arret of land. 4,7IW,SW acre jret vsrsnt nu) In sntrjr nnder the public land, law of the United Ntstee 'OL. XX. DIPPING REGULATIONS - j j) jfc kjj BURNS, HARNKY COUNTY. ORKf, ON, APRIL i3 1907. NO 1! BD BV RRQIIKST 0 STATE INSPECTOR LVTLE. tearai ea N Rbmjs IMpflat of SWtflitata I, Lorrecllsn la 1 rrsr pine-Herald reoaived the Hipping enclosed in n km Dr. Lvtle of Pendleton. sgard to the regulation of dipping law and will b? of to the sheepmen of this to the fad that so rnanv report have been pub- the different stale paer PK the new abeep law and ementa in regard to dip- l)r IiVll. state inapeotnr, I the Pendleton Tribune Bwing statement and he I BJpreniate very much if the count v papera throughout sSwnuld oopv it. He say; Apw Oregon law provide ail abeep within the state I dipped during the year. Babe month of Aptil and I he states that the ninny lsnd loca- MAY CHANGE R. R tors here think mom of the location - fee, than the wellfare of the located In this I agree with him. "hut does LOOKING! FOR OUTLET TO WEST tv he stop to think ol the effect hi WAV OP BURNS. letter will have on parlies outside of Eastern Oregon, "who don't know this semisrid section as wejortfsa Tress, as TW Dsscfcatst Rrm May SURVEY sal. Jnns 20th. and will be good I MUST NOW PAY FULL PARI! until September 15th. Rates un made to other poinla to accomodate those attending the convention who THERE ARE NO MORE PASSES FOR wish to visit different localities. STOCK SHIPPERS. Many side trips have been planned and among them a visit to th- wonderful Yellowstone Park I VI- lattrvtatt CaaiaMrct teaal Rslt iti.i know it. and are looking for land. Mr. Editor I protest against the writing up of this great valley as Mr. C. C. Conner dipict it. If he wa stating the truth there would be no need of snch booming, "as the whole country would have been settled many years ago." cxagera tiona like this are unjust to the new comer Yours for common honesty, KREI) OTLEY. s.sslfclv h RaiisssHli tor Sarrty Of Estlraly New Rest. BUYINO UP THE RANOE. leep that are tree trooi he dipped once, but all found infected must lie What promisee to lie a spirited war over Wyoming range land has stsrted in the southern portion of that state. A dispatch from Raw lins to the Cheyenne Tribune says: Ranch and sheepmen in this vi cinity are much disturhod over the reports, apparently authentic, that Chicago and Omaha sweullor are buying up all the railroad land in this and Sweetwater counties in what Is known as (be Red Desert. This tract ha been for a number It is rumored that the railroad surveyors will not only again take of years the winter feeding ground ice. In this annual dip- " sneepuwner oi mis pari oi dips ahall be used eicept the atate who have combined to t are recognised by the lease the railroad land thus prac tically controlling the winter range. It is understood here that the lands are selling for from "Ac to $t.2.r per acre and what the eastern to do with the land unless as ha been nt, a list of which tnav be SB application to the stats pectur or to inspectors of an ol animal induirv riiinent also permiU tba buyers intend tin- made lime and aul- I a mystery which is made from einbt uggesled, thev n buying these unslacked lime and 24 ' Uda because tli.- are sc cheap llowors of sulphur to 100 lat the prtoe is certain to advance water where any of the litis are used it is also re- kat !! pound of Miilphur to every 1 1st gallons of If this btiviug of the railroad lands is as extensive as is reported, ths organisation whereby the sheep men have controlled their winter range will he disupted a the rail roads will not be able to make the desert leasts, which have lieen the key to tbt winlei range there. Several sheepmen have already taken steps to protect themselves by purchasing railroad land them selves in locations mot favorable to them It is the general opinion here that the movement means the Mid of the nomadic sheepmen in south ern Wyoming a the necessity now become more apparent for a defi nite base with a certain amount of laud of which ih- sheepmen may be reasonably certain. Lowest Polel la I sited Slates. lis dipping UlllSl tie kuimt- goveriiliient or Stat II'- lanil where dipping is done : .Hence it will not be rac- oflioial, and another rill be required. When sne Is readv to dip an in- U) i in mediately be sent to the mixing of the dip and ig of tbe abeep. lovernmnut requires that must bo in the vat from ! minutes and that the' ire of the dip must be I at a temperature of! to III) degrees fareubeit sheep must be dipped resent quarters and must ' lad to a public vat, but fable that clean sheep b j T" luited MatM Geological some central vat so that "urvv has just completed s line of Ipeclom as possible will be j u,r,t levels through Heath alley. handle them. up the Hage Hen route, but will al so make preliminary surveys aad investigate a possible route op what is called the "Brown Canyon" weat of tbe grist mill to too aorta of Barns, as well as a line up tbe river to an outlet over the pass at tbe bead of Emigrant croak. The announcement that tbe gov ernment reclamation service will allow tbe Oregon Trunk railroad to Inn Id up the Deschutes river has opened other possibilities for rail road construction in Central Ore gon nnd gives another outlet on a water grade to the west and north, thereby doing away with the haul over the Cascades. Whether tba Oregon Trunk is a Harriman or Hill project is of little consequence to the ultimate result of such a road If a Harriman move it is I 1 1 1 - prohshle a junction will be made in i In" valley with oue line to join the Natron Klamath line, while the other would bear to tbe northwest from here to either con nect with the C. A I. or tba Ore gon Trunk. If a Hill project, then Mr. Harriman must bead bim off by meeting the C. A K. In lor Dos chute county. The further fact that the present surveying crews arc aeoking out lets to lite south, even going into allow and Wild Horaa vallies, Mould indicate that the Harney country i the most important ter ritory of the entire oentral Oregon couutrv to be lapped and will lie thoroughly covered by tbe system in order to keep out possible oom iMlilioii Whether this southern road is seeking to meet an outside project or merely a feeder for the main liue is not know. At anv rat such activity is of much sig nigcauoe and portends a groat fu ture fur the Harney country. The Times Herald has nothing of an authentic natural to place tbe foregoing assertions upon other man a natural conclusion after looking into tbe situation as it ap pears at this time. While tbe headquarters of tbe chief engineer is in Hums, that office doee not maintained a news bureau aod has given out uotLiug for publication a in just what is now under own fider t nui or what move may be made in the immediate future. egalse to either tbe Bspti't Young People's Convention meeting in Spokane. July 4, 6, 7. or (hose to the Christian Endeavor meeting in Seattle, July UKh, should by no mean overlook the splendid oppor tunity the low rstes will present for a vieil to the 'Wonderlsiid of tbe World." All tickets sold via lbs Northern Pacific Railway to Spokane, Seattle, Tacoraa, Portland and otbe' Coast point, will lie good for stopover at Livingston. Montana, to permit the Park journey to he made. The tour in the Park usually occupies five and a half days, while one should, if possible, spend more time exploring this groat region, yst ooe can within this period, see everything of sm cial interest. During the Psik sea son of 1907 ministers will be grant ed half rata on puliation arrangement will not apply to mm ister's families nor to Psik hotels i no Mirmern i acme iiatlwsv (publishes several hesutiful hook let telling about tbe Pacific Northwest and the Park which will lie sent upon request directed to A M Cle land. General Passenger Agent, St Paul. Minn. tartlaktu of Stack SbIssmsU Msil Ps? Csr Par Seat ss Otssrs. Some of the stockmen in this section will tie sorry at the ruling made by the Interstate commerce cnmmisai'iii the other dav that lore after tliost. who go after animal a caretaker must pay full fare same I irtber eople rdmg to a local railway oili cial it lias heen the custom lor men in the stock husines if the want ed to bring a carload or two of horses, cattle or hogs from some point in the east to gel free ttans portatiun to thst point This is the way the matter was adjusted with the railroad cumpa in , Wdetn Mtrsile I iiy mim, nlnn aw mad It M Mollis ll"li of this place," rilt J i V I! Id Wood lord, Ten ii . sh a is M wast ed l couuhing up pn from her lungs Doctor declared her end o near thai n I femllj bail watch ed Iiy her l'id--i le forty-eight hours alien, at Bjll nrg. nt r.Uil Dr. King's New Discover was giv en her, wiih the astonishing result that luiprow i" ir '"g'in. Sl.4 onn twined until -lie Dually i "iplelili recovered, nnd ' 'i kx illwj wouisn to day " I lutvanti d i ur fur coughs and cold " and 11.00 at III- Dttj l'. v Bl " I rial bot tle free WANTED Agent-. Hustlers Salesmen, t'letk" and cvenlmh obo wanta to enjoj a good hearty lullgh to earui "i. tor "Tim to Agent" Worth ' to an Bel son who sells goods for a Iimii.' If not satisfactory your money hack Circular lor alamn The A ticket wss iMiigbt from tl.e ,r N ,,, . Comb Co, Dewfk- starling point to the place from tur. Ill whence the cattle were In be ship E. N. NELSON Watchmaker and Optician H3a.xrLO, Qxosroxi OOU MEDAL Awsrtfse fer best wetfc a a CeesaotKIvs BawlMtfew le les on stage cusch Iran- , , ,., , , ... .... lied and full fare paid and a receipt within the Park This , . .... ... . taken. hi ii the tmkuien ret urn- present year, no sheep lowed to enter a forest re- sss they have a uertiliiaie that the have beeu dipii projier oHioers, keep that have beeu reporl- aince January 1, will be ss iiiliu-leil heii at dipii- whnlher they have beeu the mean lime or not one so that when the au- pii'g is completed there little danger of them out with the scab again " California, and much to tbe sur prise of every one familiar with the region has ascertained that tin depth of that area is nut so large as waa supposed. Tbe tiual compula tion of the results have Vatec of a Ooed Lecal Paser In lighting retail mail order bouse competition, editors of local psiers can render eioeediogly val uable help aud the merchant who not yet f -. .,..- . ,, f,u.,d f th- oeen inaue, nut tin preiiininary . hgure glye lor the lowest poiul a LEV BOESN'T APPROVE. depth of 27U feet U-low sea level. Uenuetts Well, which is near this point, is 2Uti feet lielow sea level These figures uia be altered by two or three feet when the final compulation are made, hut they are probably not more than three feel in error. The Geological Sur vey now has elevation marks on tbe highest aud lowest points of dr land in the I 'nilrd Mule II is a strauge uoiooidence that these two extremes are both in southern California aud only miles apart Mount Whilm fool ur two oyer H.50U feel above ses level, while Deatli Valley, as strove elated, is '.'7t feet below before Ihe Halluu Sink also in .awen April 4th, ItfU.. Editor of Tbe Times- I nave read wilb great .lie wonderful d It-cri nil V e ('. Cimii .r, "of Helix ICounlv". in our issue of lb hium a ChamlMir uf or ''usb Club uoint of letter will be a great suc- boomiug this portion of utliern Caiitornis, was Hooded by )regon, but 1 wuuuor what tbe Colorado Kier, it contained kaid, "for writing up bis lbe lo,'t,'l Pou'1 "' drv lu'"1 '" tue of this seiuiarid regioo." l',,ild lt,. BP1'1 - ' ' belo ImUiiu in tins viuinilv a sea level. last mouth. Who has Previous estimulos of the depth Ini lu regards the sue of OI t'eaiu ain-v imm-u on usroine Valley, with its dark 'er reading gave lor the lowest point figures vaiviug from 250 to '450 feet below sea level. The level liue of the geological Survey is be lieved to be l be tir-l uccurali- de termination of elevation in that that has ever been made. ' ll cepcciallv adapted to lug of all uereula. . nd that' ltd never tieeu a failure. lilt v becrlul tttbri'-ali-i istderabie porliun uf Har- nly was devoted to tbe locality wheat, uals, rye, barley, ir beeis, potatoes, apples, NOTICE ocal editor is neglecting one of hi important advantage. To make tbe local editor a friend of yours, probably the necessary tirst step is to stop Wealing bim as a aouioihiug that must be main tained in order to uphold the dig nity of the town. Of course, tbe editor themselves are largely to blame for tbe geuer al impression that tbe chief yalua of a local paper is as evidence thai the town is fully up to date Alio, of course, many a local editor by bis attitude in approach ing merchants encourage them to treat him more as aa object of charity than as a fellow business man Bui entirely apart from its value as an advertiring medium, oouaider tiie usefulness of the local paper ill preeenliug argument which, com ing bom vou, are euis to be tor or Leas discounted a the uHrravtoee of one whose interest ar at Stake Whatever you or ii editor may think of v,.ur present local paper realize that, if good, lust paper would be a most valuable aid in lighting rotarl mail order bouse I "I . petition Then proceed io do all you cau to make your local paper all it should be Maxwell's Talisman BAKIIM VOUNU HbOfLtb UWVtNISJN QAMP. 0YIN0 IN RVMMt, I Sachee, pruue, apricoU, ill kinds of berries and : Being unable to give our personal i of every kind, and bow attention to the collection u( the M- pres does be claim as a I counts due us, the same have been able porttuu." wliou be also placed wilb Mr. C. H. Leuuard. A tat there are 4.700.000 vacant government laud I be Baptist Young People's Cuiuii of Amorica will hold its six let nth annuel Convention lu the beautiful city of Spukaoe, Wash- year having elapsed since the die- , iugtou The railroad companies solution of co-partnership u prompt have given a half-rale from Cbiua- t to entry. 'Toward tbe aeltlemeiil of Ihe same is requested go and other poiute with full stop- is remarkable dooumautj Maksukm & GtAgv. j oyer privileges. Ticket will be on The following touching scooonl of lb wholesale starvation of en tire herds of elk and antelope In northern Wyoming, is from the Plnedale corresKndeut of Ihe Cheyenne Tribune The correspon dent savs Tb condition have chaiufed to he moat unfavorable fur the game hereabout and many are dying This ha been one of Ihe moat se ver winter in 1H vears for t bi section, and at present tbe elk find It impossible to get feed and are roaddanod wilb hunger Fence no longer I ar them away from the hay slacks, and for ihe past week foreet rangsrs and ranch an have been al work trying to keep lbm away from tbe hay, but to no avail. Ranger George Glover returned Saturday from tbe ranch of George Smith, where he bad spent two day trying to gel lbs elk hai k in tb bill, and succeeded in moving about 100 away after a hard light In which be found it usvessary to kill oue mad cow leader, which had charged on bim fivslime. Smith came In yeeterdsv and rsporled that the elk were all ha k aud that be could do nothing with them, aud ibal they had already worked ou two of his slacks, aud rsfused to be moved away sgsin. He has about decided lo feed them and put in a claim to th st ale, for i l is a sure thing that tbey will die soon, as they have been feeding now for some lime on willows aud quakeu ash hark, and six weeks is a long as they can ' taud that food. Gam Wardsu Nowltn is absent from Lauder and it is imueeible to get in touch with him, and last evening a telegram was rent to Governor Brooks asking authoritv to purchase hay and bunch the elk tor feed lug As it now is tbe elk Of In ever meadow on Willow Creek, aud scattered in bands of from bo to 100, clear up lo the Newfork lakes It is estimated that about 1,000 slk ars wintering in ibis locality. Game Warden Joe tioulier came up from Newfork todsy to i.-ik after the game mu-iesis in iepons to a call, aud will U- kepi boi Some time- He reports that about &OU0 antelope out ou the desert are dying like sheep lor want of feed. Tbe coyotes and wolves are also playing ba'oc sithlfieoi, and there is serious boubt thai they will pull through. Hilly postal lis announc ed that be will take the risk of curing hi pa. Irom the State if the ' little fellows urr brought liilo bjg I ranch aud fed . There are about 500 in band i close lo Newfork and ranchers have gone out lo bring thorn in for feed! Chris Brand, while driving ou the j Lauder trail the other day, batl a baud of over 50 follow bis sled for two or three miles. The authority is extreme, but there is uo autboity for expendi ture for feed or care, aud it is too : big an undertaking for our people i to raise money for ttiis purpose ed with In animal anil contract In could lake it lo the local agent and get a relum ticket to the place from which Ihe cattle were shipped, free A he had M use for the re turn ticket it ha been tbe custom of ihe railroad company to ex change this ticket for lbs transpor tation he used in going after the lock. In other word, he would present his first receipt and gel a refund uf the amount he paid for the ticket. Now the interstate commerce commission says that such an ex change ia illegal. It will be all right lor the necessarv caretaker lor the animal to get Ihe return transportstuui to the point of ship ment hut they must use this them- Ives or throw it away, aa it is not trsusfcrsble The ruling will affect a large number uf Inland Empire atouk raisers sooording to lb railway men Kst Oreguniau ny Live loo Yes,-.. rmiROl'OrmRtiD COOS FOR SALE I now hsve for sale, eggs from my pens of S. C While lghouis While Plymouth Rocks and Single and Pea comb Rhode Island Reds. Alter April 1st I can upply egg from pen of Barred Rocks aud Itlack l.augahaiig. Circulsrs uf priaw sent us-m application. Gases B. LsMi-sMiHs Bums, ti Kslray One roan onw bran led K on left hip ami earmarked with v r ! j oh ear, cam lo my lei.l.ng place last fall. Owner will please call, prove animal and pat charge. II J Hansen Mums, Or. The chances fur living a full .i" tUIV ie excelh nt in the i .. Mr. Jennie liuucau, of Gainesville. Me., now 7l visi- old She wrilea, i Mt,,l no ol t hro nic Dys"ii v of .vi veal staiuliiig. and made inc feel as well Slid strong a a young girl " Bitter cur Bv.imach and I iv.t disease, Blood disorders. Gl Dsbililv and bodily Weakness. Sold on giiaranli- at llo CI I J Ibug Imn Prl h The I I- I will make Ibis a bargain month in iba way of subscriptions aud has arranged to give the Haaal Watftl HI Republic free to all who pav up arrears and in advance to The Tim-Herald. New subseib ers who piv in sdvaiiie will also reooive this great national weekly newspaMr and family inagasiue in lie I i.iti.l Hta'es The two ps rs one year for $2 for this moiiih only Keward The Blue Ml Rap id transit Co w ill give I'J'i reward for lbs arrest and lonvnliou of Ho parlies who removed straps and other proper! v from una of the ooaclus on the mountain OO TO THE. CITY MEAT MARKET for Clean, Wholesome Meats VEAL, BEEF, PORK AND MUTTON Pickles, Cheese. C hotxi a hotxi, Olives Onions, Conned Goods ALL KINDS Or STAPLE AND FANCY itOCEtlES Hppl. Crmnbrnrrlmm, Pottoa, Salt Pish, Soap. OALL AND SEE GOODS. A. E. YOUNG. THE CAPITAL SALOON, TRIHCH . DONROAN, I'rnprietora. Burns, - Owgon. o-lco XllaLs I-CesSvd.q.ajsvrtrai- Wlnes Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms In Connection. CHAS. WILSON. am iiascs ro.wusoa a ASMioa BlacksmithiDK aod Horssiwiig. Wagon Work ALL WORK GUARANTEED. .asaaSBBBeS sAjlBl E h ; r l tSsl HeT ' W W KaaaP swsTrrr Main St.. Burns. Ores; on F. E. BRAMLETT. MHIK IOlMill Hlls tMl M'lsN aic la OreVr. All kind, "l Mall Ik VAu.U i,Jn. how I In- other half live Those Aru.ra IrJao A Sfuiilly .1 btsKl fttTt Ik Imk Star RE8VAURANT Mala and i: -irswt. MBflUH AT HUl.i HOORH BajWory in rnntlon i bo use Km Ith-n . i if ll will our cm- l' : . bed il tlsilifj Wouiids. boms, sores and all skin the mark- .ion eruption, thev kuoa it will Mrs age aolloitl (ir.nlMo. 1180 K K.yn.ldsSt Springfield. Ill savs I regard it one ol the absolute ueceesllte ol botiaekeeping " iusrauleed b l itv Drug ht'.n BT B UTTlim KiEinma ciuLifEi nu PRACTICiLLiaj kp AIT UlairuUU 1 ITIII Over BOO I wswtw for Beautiful .". Liei OaalQO. k Osroutar. aaw I L LEWIS wrfl as i Is. la larai PARTICULARS and PRICES " BBSJ , INFOR! Sal . MUNUMtK Hit COatf ASIY, aauaiarvar. oaai. m v v '-"iiy 4 , if Try TJS3 W . , 1.. I , , , I .,.,, .,. I chsrge unlras culleetiuu Is asuV M' I'laase uui Itsnls address tsutoii Iti'U , ai.N Mi.. .mii . IF YOU WANT CASH lor Your Real rotate or Business I CAN GET IT No Matter What Vuui Property ia Worth, or In What Town Cir. Mat or 1W9m UomImI .4 .4 ......T.-ea eseafl f. .,JB Co I aX ik,. mtmm k a t t v r. n a in.. i,.b ai.au i. flsu j.iO Is IMS, Iruui 7. j(l 14 t I ..ajSl'l. f SS-Styl ' W, , , '...it.'' Fki-i- J. ITCVH.KJ ARUO ii 1 OOl. CO. S. U. Slut OCI Siaonrss , rsu... suvss,u. s. A. ..flaRSSSfe I ' I .. . IWIIlll iSt kfi i . . BSJSf''' t IU1- OC3 oi . t..i Daid P, laii, I lie Land Msji, Kan. Ave., Toieka. Kansas If luu taal Is Sell I ill ia, Cat Out at1 Mad lla; I'lsasu tend, wilho'it i .. ' buyer lm III) 1 u.isl. ol Toau lounty Kullow o. g is a I'.ii'l dsai rl It law f ae i. lay Mil ia, Ut wal aa latl Ta4a I dssiralu but prupsrly uurrespjudlug .iLi"xirualaiy with ia fubuwiug si'stidcslious Tuwu Slate ( s. am I aud I duwu aud ualauos I dl pay 1-ovtesl i Nsuis ah piu Address Zarks Itldreaa