f hr fttmra-BeraCd. ATI'atlAT. APRI1 itr HrBMCKimON RATIO: tin. Year ... ill Month! Thre Monlbi woo .I.Oi) .. . JULIAN KTHD - - - - M...i.r Religion Service. mmmilfli Mump. ltlc "I on rlnhlal.li' mark, crop ."' iinrlr-rWI In l't' par. i'ro ami nt 'J nCliH'k pach Stinilnv ami :, sordid invitntimi t eXtfOOBd l" i! number contain thai who can attend to niftt with n At tin' !'r(Mivttrian ohiin'l. Hum. Uev. A.J Irwin paetoi icp tin' 'lunl and fourtl I). in Beard, the organizer of the "Son of Daniel BOOM." tell Ins vomit dub meinhers a stirring historical stor each month in the Weill, in' Home C'oinp.mi.in. Tin- Apr little tale "Tlir mot notorious of the renegades was 'Katepecotnen,1 nalDavineeeri the lnili.in c.illcd him. or Simon tint, .1 In ,i known In tin white Aftei mtviiijj in the Anienean arm foi .1 lmrt inn, . (im . In, MMM teal in Imaginary offense, dettfltd it anil joined the savages, fighting againsi tin- Amern.iti, .mil for twrntt ) tlu-i f.lftfi lived tht life ol .in li .h.in 1 hiif among his sdoped red. ,kin Itrntlii-t . Waging tun M.int tv.it upon the white and tie. Oratiag In lell with thr Mood - I in nw The three reaegadi broth Jamt I 1 G I ' t .11 1! Simon Qirty and two Free men ttt-n wish the Indiana who 1 iptnrtd Daniel Boeaa in 1777. (iirtt Irti tin .itt.uk upon IU - Itkm, .led it WM tintv v planned to ti m in Keatnckj Iron tut- poaaeiiion of the 'long kim 1 - a the llith.in called the while. it again to tin Bo) In failed in both ll undertaking- ll w.i- .' a in.tr ol grant 1 ooragt . fit and nggreeive in war, poeieering uli the conning and '. 1 b Iribottd tOtha red men; hut win 11 ut. Simon Kenton, was c.tptuied In tfie Indiana, ha did all in hi pOWOI t .ii him from tin tortni Similar ni naoh month nt n. ni and 7:80 n in. !-nMmtli srlionl nt " ' I'- ,,. i. horew. TV her ..11 II.' It) a in . I'vi'rv nannath mnrmiiK ,1 mark IV 1 Tviei'n at the Baptial ' ' irk, metal tk ehureli evert Nt ami 'Jiitl Sunilavs i- ' - , Varlet II " rlirlil mill. Rattle morning nml evening rMinrlat u ,, , ,,,,1 """ " ' aintlTV. prayer meeting, nveri Thui d i.mt-wi in left .nit! evening Tint itiiMiir ttill urrach at II 114 ooeiMiierl rk, iit,i.-ri.ii in Silver Croi'k the third Suntlnv ' !" hree month at 11a. m. and 7 JO p. " the munth. and at Van the 4th Hun i .. i.n .1 First Church Christ scientist ser- viees 11 a 11. Sunday Kvening ser- 10, Weil evening meeting al 7 :.K) Suntlnv school H' am, in tin King hiiiltliiik.' two tltor north of Tin 1 iini-lleniltl nfllaa l!i A .1 Irwin will preneh at Harney the 2nd Sumlnv of aoeb Sahhath seh.vol every Mhlmth al day Until further notice.- Re- :; """" n, in The Harney Sumlnv school net naker, Pastor, 1 1 printing The Timet Herald n 1 1 r lit. At W HI UK TORY -Ttrr nai " ' yf fmmm. y SHTINC MACHtNE. aou.BR BEARirra HIGH OBAM. HI Aummttlo WT1 k-171 ... HUl FT by Ni-HriR thU relUbtc, lionett. high irradr lew- ii: 1 p.ut tjivin roctntl) bj a indies dnb in Corning aid., the gentlemen present wen slip oi paper up mi which to write .1 description of their wit wedduii dri!.- A nne given for the bet denriptioii. lieu i- one "It was tjorgnooa! All the men went wild anil all the women Were jealous; it was made of bomlKixinc, with a henine frill Om the heart; it h.itl a bigk bokoni and Itiw skirt; henneti.i pleat w.i I ia up U.i bm k with the lull diawn in near the middle, ami n baantiful gort taonnd Vonnd and 'round for a ten-round limit ; it dragged on the llooi behind and had ionCNMtM tuioiei .tie.mur of gingham rahrai on each tide, Oh, 11 was t,'oryetiu' ami peupl. .out got tlnough talk ing about It ct. She WU Us pr.-tty " a picture, and has been every aba STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sawing Machine Co., SAN rRANCISCO. CAL. PAcroHV at aaLvioeae. iu. Extraordioarij Clubbioa Proposition A young puachei in .1 1 town was rather ncrou. ami 111 referring to the mir.n 1. of the feeding of the 5,oihj, aul unit the Lord fed live men with 7,000 loae anil j.uoo t.-m ' A. Irishman in the .tun:' out -Hedad, I cuuid 00 that metelf" There wa .1 general tittci aim tit. youag araachoi at some n imnii' . B) the next Bnodnj ha bad decided t con. Hid lebukc the rWtfl at the propm time he ,un refer- 1. to the inn. 1 sg 'And tin I. loavc ami two ftitm V Pointing iiis fingei t the Iriahman. i C i.ultl you do that think I iiu tl, 1 1, will, wi.i! I hail ovel 11 "-linn 1 . .. .- the v. ' 1 pi . -Ba Tin 'In..." H-ralti. Urn I;. public and un one ol ihelol l'iu 1 1 1 : poVptn OftM voai In Bfl 00 H i.aitl thio month Tb Boml WifklvHrtotin Jounual ni Portland, the W"U Itei Frauciaco Examlnor, Thriw 1 w .k Now orh w ortd. Tin- Tiiin-. Herald baa da fidfil in make tlii a banruiti month and offer aome hxi tional clubbing ratoo. To all who poj iliMt- ubaoriptiou om jranr lo adraace duriug thin month w ill mmkI tin Tw 11 . ,, ,H.k Republic' u H Looia, nit fiitiit- .'iu hfj Tin, u ill be y:ifii uen aub acribera and old onea vvim i. aea duriog tht month. The Tin..- Herald, tot ft public nml Weekly Crrajoniau one year (or $11 00 II paid tlii" month. DO IT NOW. LIA'iAZIO READERS VGAZ1N1. -iaiiiin r . q iiFsWm. "' CAMERA CKAPT (inotoi ti,.i u. .i.i a the r- llMk. IcfUuduclMMI el tkr bnt lj.00 vmi l wawu tad (nolwium 1 1 t ftM iiirnirifii KOAD OF A THOUSAHU WUNUSS ol 7S pyc,. conliai,v coloioi ulc(Mph ol So.C ,u. lv.i u. Cutofla oil licgwa luul C3-25 All for . . . . $1.50 AtUieM JI oiikfi to SUBSET MAGAZINE Flooii BtaUa n Kukiuo Every Heart-Ache ry pain in th breathii sel: 111 it effort to keep in ion. This is dangerous. ver- 1 aacartion or will completely the nei or rupture the walla or arteries of the heart. ai:d it v. Ill -'. tin-, terrible strain at with lr. Mile' Heart Cure. It invigorates ami atrengthana the heart m ami mutclea, etimulatet the heart action, and relievea the pain and mUerjr. Take no chances ; make your heart strong am! vigorous with Dr M "i . 1 U ad' Dr. Mils uf Hi 1 11 ! '. i'.rn from ullicrsv;. Hejrt Cur la toll bv rour dmjqist who n II gulrinl.c tht IM fnt bott.e Mill btntflt. If It fall he will refund your money Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart. Ind - NIV II. ll.il II M 1 '.lliT'l 1 ' hei II t I I 11 iimi,. 1 -i 1 sent .nut. hull , 1 W I N - left hoi .-it,,!, kit h"il"lf r Msrk, t.i. ..n .in Mrs I V ll',. htn I irrn-s i 1 II K. I 1 II I -I J'n ret 1 lr K ,i- W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. HE ALSO HA8 A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHINC. All klr.dn of F' -sh Vogotnblen in Snoaon, GIVE HIM A CALL. Durkitehrm BwiMiag aWnStretl PBOFK88IONAL CARDS. Wm. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Htirnn, Orefon. 1 mice first door west of Bsnk. I O r lUMb'i:. 4 SHIM.R BURNl . tOlN TflF: WIXIISOK 5aMataa 'IJ Siiavincind Hair (nttin 1 i:i:m 101 i i ... t:n::-j:ii::;:::::::::::::m::::i:::::i::::::::nn:K:;::::n::::::::::.:::;::::n:::::i::. i:::: -::n nil jlJL IN AN L(Hlk I .im prepared In fuinmh m ruftlnmrr with tin- n-n.il high 1 l.i yiuitl .mil invite the jiuhlu In call when tlt"n inr; ANYTHING IN MY LINE. (I'litirttiilt t tin dmiils n it 'rices Solid Gold Watchea, I ,nu I'lmk. fawair ol all kimls. Silverware, Bbonywara, Cot (ii... HeadaeJaled China at Com. Take a peepeJ an nHneoeni c3-cm.Toexllan.g-. . . IO' "Vl I , 1 m. . . . 'I.HH.H- iiMimwiiii ,k Ml v 1 1 r iv. I jn.i . IvtrtUt t ii.ii-li. ,1 l,,,ii, .i telid 1 , , ,' ?7" .1 N, I 1 1 . ' '' ; , '' 'i A Mr, - 1 1 ..-. r :.i.". (,'ail.in II l. keTU Makiih 1 11 1 1 . it 11 in 1. in ill It 'V l. ..!.-. ::::::::::::::::::::::t:::t:::::::m::::m::::i::::i::: iutuuuu::un::t:unnmH J. W Hlilllf. DAI.TON Htil'IH Biggs & Biggs ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, B RNO, nWMlOrt. Practice in all the courtu of Ore. Cnlleotionit prrJmptlv marie. II. A . RlMMLn U. w. PIM PARRISH&REMBOLD, Attorneya-at-I.aw, ltnrn (ntl ('unvmi (llv, I Off)!"" Mil prerilrr In trie rottrtti ( lUrnrv kutt .rent munllM n,l In thr m'r..mr rmirt nl the ut.'.eml alx In t'.H lenil nfllre. 'lia.-. I I. Irf'otintii. Atthknky-AT-I.AW, ni till attention given to OoHeo tionn and Real Kutnte ninttern I'jrr I it -ti r it Notary I'uhlic Hl'HNB. Ohkhhn. GKO 8. SIZKMORK, ATTOHNKY, itt'MNft. . ObKUON t'niirr.i.iiK. 14111,1 buitnaei nml baal KiiUIr inaltfr iiriitiu IU Itlantletl In Ontofio-Bai Stage bine Iave Rurna tlnilv fat nl ll:.'to a m. Arrivea at l:r lv from Ontnrio at ,rt p m. Tin- nnlv through i IrmiMfer route from Itiirn. railroad. Firttt-rlri accommtMlntioJ gooil eating utatinnft nt ,, dintanneit along the rout. WILLIAMS, 8ra Mg,l Dretvut-vj I Woldenbarg Jr., Agent, Itumu, m Odl Jv DR. M.J. CFRDES. General I'mntice of Medicine and Hurgery. lull, promptly anawerrtl .In W night. Dtetteo, Oreg'Hi. d Ul. CBARY Pbimiclan ami Hnrgeoti. Rurna, - - - Oregon. Office In 11. I1.11I.I111 e.inln of Wi'lmni. Iiarnriiit ttinp, Minn HI. 'Phone Main HA. U .1 OULBN Iff, Stei,iigr.i.h.'r nml Nn'nry I'uhlic Bt UN- Iiikiii.n lini - - ll.li k Bull.lliie LU Li MflRSDBN I'lnaii-iiin ami Surgeon. OREGOI 9Hoi;r and UNION PACII IM.irl ror Tiat t itt 1.1 1 Krem lt.tiiiet..n lire Chieagn- Suit l,itkr.)rii I'nrll ml Wnrth. I Imali Bpeeial mi Oty, St Leeii 12:88 Oaleana ntl Kt B Atlantic Salt LakaJ)atai I I Riaraw Wnrth. Ontalui, Kit- I in ,. Cn -1 ti 111 Cliiiii"' 111 .1 I Bi I'.ni Wall Wail.1, I., K. t V il ton, Bpokane, Minm I I.". ap..h. St Peal, I'M Hulli Milwaukee, Chi i'n ami Kant. d 'ei la aw -I lit I N anil lilt I K S( Uli, I l.M I'.iilla. I attMNN, OJhv nl rtiiiUne. HUM. nS aTJBF" '' N ' I ill tailing datt'K -ml. laya. I1 :. "I II I linmtitiin I. r, llll,b.rl lliltlxuil iV tii.wiitoii. 1 i x riHis. urn.. Hill J,ii Mil ol The! IIH.li. a.u. Ilurn. Oregon Don't Overlook the Special Inducements Offered r Mini lake tin' tlolll'ln t" . ''lie- In n Lit anvllllnil II1.1 ii.-. I 111 the V tfiv . in . t. Im.-.mil al n.e- lii.it 11 Itl -,i,M, ... ,1 iinltti . l..it om Muni .111,1 ! 'Jlm,, J. H. ARI KV. Ontnrio. ()rtK.m Laritat More ,ttel wn I'urtlaml anJ Hot. H I DeWiti'a Jf.'i.r Salve For Piloa, Burnt,, Soma. BULLS FOR SALE Nearlings and Two-Year-Olds Quantities to Suit. riug iii'imr. tl,. r. .,1 I II I . 1,1 . .., Hill lUI FREIVCH-ULEKN LIVE STUCK CO. Core Your Cough stop your Lung Irritation, relieve your Sore Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold, with the only cer tain, and striotly soientlQc, Cure for Coughs and Colds: DR. KING'S MEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION in THE BURNS HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON, Propt. kt-n.Honahlc Kates, tjooil Clean Meals, Cnmfortuhlc Rooms, Courteous Treatn.ent. Special Accommodations for the Traveling Men. m8l (LASS IN EVERY PARTirULAtt Your Patronage Solicited. w. c. brown, DEUTIST. lit MM., llHkn.'N Other III How laml iillln- bulltliUK.lii.il tlnor norlli uf puat ufficv. l.l.Mkl. Ml.., ' !""" Ti tlloii W liat.tltiiu. n , 11 Hp. nt Raterd Ii a ai HI. .ll- HI,.. ,1 ll N.'W LanJiiii.- m 7 a nt ttm... it. 1 t.nhia ;i; Teu.tl.t ,r I ... II., 1... Ml -, . , ."P" ' -.' ' -' ,. I r ,,J"ril 411.1 at-l.4lt.li.ii;- & Sal li a. in aiu.at.li. Mirer I I', nl. 11, 1 t'.irvalh. Thum V ,, , ..iimp Sal trriBk. HAKNKV l.tllxlk. Nil T7. I 11 t. r. ,-..l eeiuml au.l ..ui'i -anir.Ui In Uli .1 I my ui II W II..UIII..I, 1 ' Jei-keutl. aei-ltl.i, LOOUKMU.tT. A.V. a M . MveUevrt) Hral.1,.1 11.11,1 naiti.,1.. '"""' N I Caiwiuiri. M M 1 1 MelcutM, aerrei. -; JOHN McHULLEN, THh llP.TlMWTh PttOTOtiRAPHbR I IM IM. ItiliilKNU.M Kelt' Meeu .-,., lUareJ.) ei.ulu, i n in,..,. J! u " " HofkM . I 1 I M III,,.,,, k K H.lMlKNu 47 A.O.I'. M tleeie erer mcuu,I au.l lutirtli n.j.. . u ., . At tel..ui.. tl M clii.u. kMvrUer KKIIKk Of tt AhAINllTON apru.r tn, ati.l tlt.,.1 1 K.iu.j. ... H,.,. ,. 1 . , ' ' Mulhvrl.,,. 1'ieel.lei. Hear! ul.uno... aeir.Ur) ai'HNa 1 iiaitkk mi w, o k a. mJICu' Villi "" Ki '""'"' aouUa,., 1,1 u .. . '" t.'.wet.. t VI MetU 1 .rpeiiler, tfcntt ,!. Lsaea Itil'.na, Baaki i'i" I 10 .1 11. Ki iru i 1. 1 I', : . ii.. ah. IIiii,' A. I. I Wfl u-1. I'nrtluiitl Uf A I. M"lll I II I vlvia aiaaxAH i.ki.kki eet...r Uiauilu ttr.li,.. Hi. k. .. . K Alice Kiu(, ke Mollieialieail, N. i, All it..- i.i.i eiylr- and improvad photogrnpht In "! i'luii. Panah, Artist's Peoofatai I' 1 - - I'nulu lini-,licll in UD-lti-datf , ' "ii All kiaea in, in tin- ,in. ili. i Sll B X tO Hi. lain tl lit Anli. "f tin- Aiiit'i 11 .ni ikiipera ti II r i 1 .. , . 1 urma, ,)rt .-V ,--,. AlmoHt in Dcnpaii . "Our little daughter was given up by two physicians with consumption of the throat, and we were almost In despair, when our druggist recommended Or. King ' New Discovery. After taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and haa had no throat trouble since." 00. A. EYLEB. Cumberland, Id. f?rVVVVVVW Vfle)rV Vl. L EWIS S FIRE INSURANCE. Price, 50c aud li.ou TRIAL BOTTLES FREE MiooMMaMoao, ouAaANTeeo ANDeouav The City Drug Store. ... Kepii'-eins the... home Insurance Co., of New Vurk, Liverpool, London & Globe, Fire Assurance Co , Philadelphia. til IICI-. WIIM ttlUUS HtUUh nu ug Orejto t'ornur MMita l Lutiabui g a Daitun'a. VVfWAVVv luaaav vau.kv i Aiir no ui. h ol m Ket. .in, m.i .u.i . uaaMajtaaata. I ..I M kleeu.ier fuunli Tut-..u, lua. Win,.,,.. , I.,. "'"'" "'"" " '' JOHN (iKMHr.KUMJ, ii'wtii'i Optioian una l".iiiri;i ii-. I'm.- Waiiii aUeaitiag a sp,; 1 i.ilty. Forest Reserve ScJ For S I ,.-.l meervv writ., in tta.i- crtwaii.l tiim.nl. ri,.,n i,,r nun liar ami giiatuni, lll Inn .,.l ,r : .,,, riant-i kwaereieai m ,.n i,i .,,, r ,,,, nan .111,1 War q -i" H. B. Compson II aKt,UM khOG Nansa a BO YtAHil EXPEHItNOl H j ' a Pa Trfaot Maaa Ocsiortt Coftmimti 1 Scientific flmericai iflUNN f, f;o.3,"B'e. New Yi 3- W. HAMILTON. Slack isspccier, Haraev Uaaty. Ht.in. uihir. -r, liurn-, Oregon, in i-i Tita: Irani TbouiDi uu A. g. lam Ii A. Snntl, A l.unilin Vicliiv Moliuttaii n..... ... ;. .. ,, . .. ... uiiBuuiu.' I" luovi- atock thould tjive Hit, laieaetni Qt ut-urrHi ,l.,,y t.,, ikyt' 11., IjlHcll Vonutur Amli.- I'.iii,. btlllln $1000 Reward 1 1, 11,., , , ,m ni p. l,,l , kill. : V.. , , SOU Addltlun, kittari) rlicTli.ivf 11,1,1,1. )!, tt tt -2 DeWitt Jf.'i-f Salve kTaVAM aaaTMIaa BBk - w- -IIU5, Hm, tiff J