ftht $imc-$eaCd. HATt'RDAY. APRI . 1107 HPRHrKIlTION KATICH On. Tear Mil Month! ntM Month! UflO ... id' n JltUK HTK - - - - Master The tSSpsysra of HtHWjf onin t are riTtainlv most f41rtttt1.1t i- in thai then- are no exprnsivr trials. Circuit court has hern in vision since last Monilav, hut as there MN M jurv trials the jurors were dismissed Tuesil n that inestimable privileges are he- We also lad thnt there i h M re intr granted the Western stock- ro'd k'l't bf the school g0atiStan men, while as a mattei of f.i.'t it ,anl "" ,,v '"ir'' showing K ,,, i, .1... nnnnsil.i ,,,p IM'IfilllM''- t it till- Ctll)lU ll!S ie opposite. (IRANI) JURV REPORT tries of lira 1 oiinty. nor is there .11 J miMl riM-oril rt Herount kep ill. Ik eountv school ilistrirts nod tin in the t ireun 1 ourt 01 the mate 01 .Jitioo of miv school district, so. I Oregon, for the Countv of Hnr- sniil superintendent is at a loss to nev Ueotilnr April. 1!07, Tern..lknr,w ! receives the cliittrtrt There 1- sill! much speiulilioo as to just when construction work will bsghl n" '' railroad through this vrllex and still I qmiflOB M to tin HM loiiti . ur vex my CTSWI are Inoat M thkk N and tlicv arc niakiny piclinnn f ic- in all direction! In the matter of the final report 1 the dram! ,lur of said court to' said term To the Hon (ieo. K Davis. Judge of the Ntmve entitled court Cutties now the grand jurv tliilx and regulnrlx empannelled in Iha the above entitled court for Iha April IttOT term, and heg ttsfl 1 siilunil thi- their final report. Wa have Iteen in session four State vh Martin X an Itlacum Assault with intent to kill. 1'lend Binllv anil nenleneed to one year in the iinililltl;ir . Btsta v- William liiiherlson I.arcenv from 11 Imililina. Iicmur rer filed mill slislsined and d-fen- showmg 1 he tin oicial con 'limit held until further indictment or Information filed. Information Died. IVniurrer to last informa tion overruled. Plead not guilty and ease set fol trial econd ilav tit Orloner lerin SiHie s Jonn Oaborti Lsrtanj Plaad MM llmltv and case Mi l.u tria1 nexl term. iifing which lime we have exanoii- il 1 ill in ! r- '"ought tn inn itt t.i ... a Ihi'Ii we had knowledge, and Lave rSfM lad A lelcphoitf report Thttrada) to the effe! that all tin i.iilroatls from Chicago west were tied up and 514.0011 men were out on a strike, caused conternation among our cilien anil much commeir M to the rvaail llinvcvct. yes terda r w.i- lonnd to he .1 mis take and thexe who were loud in their denunciation of the president codii 1 into th - II I I 1.1 lru liills of ill tent ami 1 ' 1 hill. . have visited tin home of the aanntl poor of the eount . ntnl Bad the inn tie- . well and 1 il ' pt ni..l pi-'ivided for: we ho ited 1 bm al tlie -I'.-ntl ahrffh. tleaur. id iin e.iiiotv ami find said and the rssaffJa thereof careful and neatly kept, luit m.i much a- tie lotinty court has had k and accounts of said olio-. 1- reiently exionneil li I expert, we have not ai rier k's annual reports at the end oi ihesci whether the nituiei as shown liv the report as being B parried by snoh aah I disinei 1 all tin ui'M v -,.,,., veil li naid ills Irn't iliirinc llie ve.ir or not. an ex nni.e oi tin- k i ml heing seen ii Iha report from the Drawees choo dlalriel for Iha vear 1906 reiMir- -oon1 i "... n iroin ... It. H Sit, v- A H Swain mTiiimi -ii''rii:ieiiiioi in oe more joiolioii o 1.. - nitti'it on lirieln I ami riasidad In vacation J c. Isstt) re, 1 !arl Thompaon ' Injunciion Co tinned no formal I' I. Ill I X S I o v- .lnier llavi- el 11! 1..; hi I III (It I I'M! . !i. J , it onler i 'oii'tmied no form- -III M hthaf Tcpoiiihie for the big strike said nothing. I: HHM the railroads and employes made con ceaaions and the trike w.i .ucn ed. Mr. Harnman wrote a letter to .1 fncnd tecenth in which he said lie president had solicited funds from him during the 1904 campaign and that he ha trihuted $50,000. In some way this letter got into the new-r ver promptlv hi ought out "liar" from the "Strenuous one " Thats right. "Teddy If this third term luMinilet is to cut anv in ou just as well appt MM temptnl li m.ik' no lamination tin ii.cui, .11 1 oiiiii-ot any of said oilii-ers I lor alleiitioii has Iwen called to the , iralaaa manuar in hfok the cinoitv ch hiI puierinteiidenl of iiit v i ronducling his oiiiii and f have made a careful and thorough nxaiiiiu.tlioi' into the re ports .mil i-li.irgea ngaiust said school luperiuieiideiil and find thai said school uperintaurienl has been extremely careless and negli gent, and we think has willfullv violated his oath and disregarded his official duties. A list of the grievance presented against said school superintendent are as fol Imn c find that aaid school superintendent baa been careless and negligent in the examination than $ft00.0fl leas than the amount m-Miiiliv received by aaid diatriol durii . - la winii Ih-- roiio al 1 10- amounl nl mom 1 li - grand jur i 1111 ihle to - i W 1-. tiiul that there 1- M re cord kept li sml lehool stieriii lendenl of iha mooaya received tor lertilicates and fertnit- l'l. m-tiliit. fund of th" cotnit iin- len eery m-gligentl and iniiroii k pt. and the nion- dtahoraad Ibarafrom without anv vouchers or ractipta i" ihoa tn iin- I W li el that tin- grand iurv can- I imt ioi oananra the said school siieriiitenilent for his care-1 -- and negligence and recntn mend tlMt the MBStj court see to it thai :n iha Asian iha said -ci.ooi UerintHnileiit shall 'rform ho- duties in accordance with the law order AmericHii I. anil A l.'v. .1 (' Itently liijiiiictloi. Continued on former or.t - une vs. John laililiingei 1 u linoad on former order W l. Ilullman rs Kannn K Smvthet al Iniunctiou Coiilmu ed on former order K. A. Young M I'.eror.l of Hums et nl Writ of Keview Contiued on former order II irney Countv Hank v- loin Hemiett e nl and sani v- Knit Terrell et al sun- to ipiiet title. Default of defendants in both cases and decree thereon W T Smith v. Htm Smith I Divorce Iteftered 111 olhcial re O. Calkins is in the market for all rour bldaa, horse hair and coy ote skins. He wants all of them and will pay good prices M. I HI -HASHING. Hunting is forbidden upon my premises. Trespassers wil! be pros ecuted. II 0 1'iCVKNe. Liatcat Ideas in R'.idq To Wear Garments Knni irrtt'-t uit limt't In romilrv it niw -.iiiiit" HIS. CHAS. WILSON. 'Buns. HARDWAR Of All Description. PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIV TORS, DISC DRILLS And Everything needed for the j Old Timer or the New Comer. Vt Pleased to say That we Have R sumed Business at the Old Stand. Yours for Business, GEER & CUMMINS: BX7E1TS, - OT3EG-02JTS 1 bar his i in 1 sistent. beside- it isn't iikeK uti der present existing circumai ' ln' financial report, ol the Dis that he'd he "uiltx of a second of' lense. or that you could even ex pect his support -in tin- countv and bas allow ed said clerks to submit incorrect and erroneous reports, there is aUi a neglect on the part of said school superintendent in allowing some districts of the county to continue without making an final report. as to his administration of national or M ' A"' reports bare been forest., including 1 7.000,000 acres n,lld" lo 'd boo Hupermie,, recrntlv addc.l to this domain, r. - "" r """ """ 'BI' " ,, . . carrlees in hi- oflne and lost the pnru 10 1 1 1111 1111. 111 no tun iiiii- Gifford i'tnehot, chief t" S. for ester, in a statement recenth made ftreaa. Hi explained that it aaaj mi odeil tn classify as soon as poaaible small tracts of agricultur al land within reserve that that We also find that the said - superintendent has been careless and negligent in allowing incorrect or double enumeration of rahawl may be thrown open to houicsiead children of the ...uol man. ..I tic entry. Miners, he said, were not i children hthaj "numerated in tuur. reslruii-ii 1mm prospecting in for- than one district, even I be school Mis. All timber, he announced, superintendent's own children 1. would Ie sold to any who wanted '"8 among this nun. to hu wiihou ie station Whiai that the tald aiaaai an Hitaiann vmu. pMiaghjariiitHiirt ha- aiUaUj violated - - ' ,,,r ,"w "' apportionment of the . Lul J , l- Arfl flsk h W d J.S La AA.a ijji Hum- ui nir count 111 inif no fee will be Land tnat the said school superintendent Within reserve. 1- unci) In IMC "" "i" uuarar iiir uuesuviiurii mills, resi- . ... . ..... ..,.. 'mibiii 111 1 a i e-sr ui III a UUI1RI aite. lot hotels, storej ajfjsjccs, ami other ..-y.11m.uc pur- wlll, tl .Ull,lllr , the hands of the poses Improvement. ..I al. mihI- di-iri, . lergs at the end..: ti.. are wehouic, declared Foreilet school year against the accounl- ..t 1'iiuiio: Maxwell' Talisman. said district, and deduct the unit The Tunc. -Herald ask. the heat Iheil next apportionment as atockmen to compart tin- Mats' H '" rniuired meni with tin gUafliaai U' Slssisaj that the apport.01.- of 11.,- resarvs Is thk section of "- "3 said school supahn- tu..l.l law IUiaU. Mliir. "". -,. the slate wh.ic an almost piohib-'""" -luu" "'"" '" " ,u itive sraaia I (SCI an uiiount eijuul to tin- bUBM oaid b i'ii stock owners This or refuse to SMM Wt ii.. marie an examination ol tin- i oiinty Jail and find the sunn to i... as neatly kept as posai that the said jail l- in i .ne repairs, and desire to MSSBtSMaf t" Iha Oasat Court that a new llonr ! provnleil for said jail. And now BSVisfl finished our tlianktiig iha ourt and - lor i heir curtesies and .-on- sideration. we raSBSSJtfsUj ask to - hnrti-il. sV i"elfullv lllllllted, li 1 llughcl. Kor-ii, in D Bsfcsf 1 I Haley 1 II Ma field M I. Bsrhsj r.nldoik II i.oggau. LIKcl II ciilKT PKIICEEDINUS. n islsf April term af ii r. nit ooveneii Monday morning win. Judge K Daeia as Ms I MS) ulioiich. Sheriff liu'hard.oii. Clerk Muliershead ami other afl nt V grand jurv wa. drawn, tie rr- porl of which will l.e f,,iin.: ahsfl m tin- i.sin It was liiiind there wre no reqalrins the servo ot ., ind the judgi ra dis- ehargad iha juior. An. i atlotitaj - in m- ior'H,,,,,r '" ,:,''' sastlsasaj reference lii H A '' ' ', "'' "rmmmmtmtmmtt . . i ; . .mossssssawv. Mn, . i' ". Mori, notary public Kn ciiinly Oklahoma, to I take and . report such testnio M ilefendiint may submit Marv Woodl.urv v.. V T i bury Ihvori John li Thoina- . - ' hin.nneiiix Poraol n "t morl gage. Settled mid il l-lli..ei I o:.i lOBX I LI ! inn et nl. Da inurrer lo romplniut overruled h. i.i !; p Is d. OaS H Canier.u a II H i ,n leinurrer con. plaint overruled Psfcsdsnl da dines to plead further llnilt ot. red ami referred to ndloisl portal to take te.iiiiion U 1 1 Ilullman vs. Fannie HulT ; man Mandate Mandate enter. .1 and adfSMat thereon I I.AM .1 I' DtwhaSSaS M Tom Allen, 'sherill Kecovery of DlOliev tin tri-,1 I.. Miller Th.iinp.i.ii N 1 1. I 0 1. Neil Attachment. SeitL.I nnil distil W T sasHs a Kish Vajaaa-- intiog I'emuriet Coiitiuu ad lor Iha term l. i i..-iii WHITE FRONT LIVERY & FEED BARN . I WILLIAMS proprietor CORNEV OF FIRST RrlD B STS BURNS. OREGON Wp H-ve Fine Comfortable Ris and Good Teams Il..re. rnlriMle.t tn our ear will reeeise best ul attention. Passenger, taken lo all rU of the eountry Your Mitr..n,re ...li. u..l aaaaswaaasaaaaaaa Burns Meat Market Nea Ssop Optaiilc the I ml Nalioaal Bank Maia Si. I'ork. iei ndioirnn ;m HODGE & FLOYD General Blacksmithing and Repair Work. HORSE SH0EIN6 A SPECIALTY. mMS- I f .Hi aS 4 1 War palraatfc talkiicd. Liver S.nisitjH Bef in am Viiantitv. H. J HANSEN, ProSt Customary Prices. Foley s Old Stand "urns, Oregon. Your Patr-o. ag Solicited I lleiinj unalile to ive our ier .1 attentiui to ha I'olleetion of the ac counts due 11., t, have bean Sjssai will, Mr 1 II I. ltd A asr baring el.i . me di- isd 'A II Broke and aalstlnn of so stlisaiahli s aiaaipl I'allon lilgus ol Ontario. I ourt IStUaaswalsflBSaSaNsa requested 10 eai'ii sihooi uisinct in the eoun . t., while the law provnis. tlm I onlv shall Ik- MBfllHSBld to I 1. district and the balance of the will adjourn i losing ore th- Burning COIN BtStsn r rink HollhJsf As sault with llitenl lo hill. Uelen- .1 .mil pis o! 11. ii guilty t for tria) lirst da ..: Ier lerni Sinn t Assault and batten I lelend.int golltt .1101 , in pay a llll. .It' .INI MaHsIiI.N Al. Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line FRANK MITSUI AN Propt. Operaliar frsa Asslio via Prairie Citjr. Jaks lay, Curae City ta Bans. Urtfaa 1 '. duys from Maker City to Hums, Oragaa. mod, comfortable omveyancea Careful drivers First Lias. Stations aloitj; the route Railroad lo Mum. onl 1..1; mile. I 1 rile, ask L. WOLDENBERG, Auditor Orogron J aaaaaaaajaasaaa aaaaasai A?.W!,'SSS.::: no rsi HQ Sotl hj given that hunt- lag and shiMiting upon l' laud, of tie A111.M1.1n I..1111I l.io Hlock Co. is .imliy lorluddeii Any Mr.on or person, found hunt ing or irsasssaisg will i-prueeeuud IS tie tui .v last ' the law. 1 B Hill, ICam.'h Man . . ajjgs : .1 .1 .1 .1 I.. .. ..!.. I. in, in. in.Hi use., pj ...- uuioo- . ,.li)ol Iu(i(, n, )n,J , . istiatmn in neat. ' 'l'""- ral district of the count) a.-. ment tn it. loie.t tasorvs polity bag i tha number ul" children r. 1'coplc not actuall) SCqeSswtsd lag) therein between four .ind sj OsdHiooa .ire led to hshsve 'enl -rare of age. ! ! G-E3MTLEME2M ! ! ! Don't muw sating my tiKtAl SPKt.Nti aatl SLtlHtK LIM before you buy Clothes 1 have them 111 tin- Kichi mwM F.uhioii.ihle Uu.iime- OS the i.t. You ' J" h.ivr .i suit from SIXTBEN DOUUARB UP A pan of trousers fioni FIVE DOULiARS UP and no more liouhle about thuin because I tuaruntec a lit. I still do clsssiagi prsaahtfl ami rspairina at vcrj' reaaonahlr pi. See A. 8CHENK, Ths Merchant' Tailor About it Burns. Oregon saav r KIP 4 i : WW 'asaW. Igr Yt If f m 'ORM ONE The Great Black Percheron Stallion VENIN ill s'antl tht Season at THIi RFD FRONT BARN Bl R. OkhOON Tld tear we 1. . in 1 tn. I. . think ill l 1 breediag ieral uiaias Brill given iui' t .ear ail leruts ni.llirr ol H RICHARDSON, Secy. C. D. BRANDOM, Mgr. Our Fall & Winter Goods ARE IN We can now take care of your or ders for everything in ous line. Wc have just received from the hast a large shipment of ribbons, notions, Shet land floss, outing: flannels, dress goods, furnishing goods for men, women and children Overcoats, rain coats, leather coats, duck coats, sheepskin lined coats, macinaws and warm coats for winter, hlsnkets, quilts, etc., calicos, percales. -t-. mw' KE Vll'aggggggCLT'"-"""aalBBSgaBV h rat I I S" si f t , BrshajsjjaaaJsVJaav fiursX - JYVT XiMKf- i Tgggf2. "CSCErtm isNMiQis sirvaaiaisAfl"u Ivmjl aj.T-f I C13A10f3tl 1 yflgr - 1 THE HOTEL BURNS BflR. m mus pfopfntor. Fine Wines, -liquors and Cigars, flints for ffirujaod Club Whisky. CLUB ROOMS IN CONHECTllW tVLRYIHIHG fimCLflSS Courteous and obliin; Muoloiits 1 1 fa 1 v PURE FOODS AND PURE DRUGS Jan. 1 the neu law goc intuitu ii Wa guarantis ail PURE. DRUCS acid by us to b a MM l" a 1 a) (. m u AUb DRUGS that go to mks up your " ISCRIPTIONS ara cuhat your Doeton or- ' PRBSCR dersd CITTT IDK-CTCV STOKE. H. M. HORTON, Propt - - 1 agaaj 1 1 WSH" svwewvwsi4 mmmtmnn;;ut:i;:intitmumtmm jujuihz:;::::::;;;u:!!::::::i!:::: FRUIT TREES THE B ST THAT CROW Raised by on: f th Oldest and most Relia ble Nu. Pifta in Ths United State AT PRICES ONE-HALF Or ia lli. in Yau 1.' Ing Tl EES UNEQUALliD IN SIZE Hardiness and Fruiting- Ability. I. S. GEER. Agent. ntnuuuuuuuttumuunmttntttmaimunouuuiiiut(uu: ...uuiwuituiii; r4A019 TU1GWVQ Rubbers, (ierman socks, felt boots, gloves, bouts and shoes, trunks, valises, winnow shades etc. E of sill fcl.nca.s. , iiimi, last public lu call on us ami look ttirouxli ui . 1... h li it'll is larger llisn ar bafoie WE ttUMANltt SATISFAiTIIM -PUCES atlUlf I LUNABURC aft DALTON. VS!S! I BURNS LIVERY AND FERIl STARl 1 J lalWJI f ..i;i.i 11 Paaali V" '"' attention gine igti 1 1 a ij" i r hkbl Ua: tAUjH UKNUL1S. ll"! " ' nhruii.s on lm uti Vour gali ii( aggak Main .-. ;.,., OreK0 Special Attention Given to Conducting lunerah NEW ANil ACCURAIE Ua StALb IN CONNECIION wild BAKN. as It? rL. ..? & AH Kl'NCi, Mauagar. Kirst'cUssaci'iioiiiioUatiuita itti aaat, alaau ami couiiuiu rasaa. ' "k uviu iiu Iruuula u atop wttti biu ahasla llunw Tablaa wall furuisliad. Maala 6 oauta. -J. -.. . .,- BURNS MILUQ CO. HORTON A 8 YERf Pr p(6 Rough and Dressed i : mber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, rinisning Lumber. Jrns. Good Road. 1 Nearest Sawmill to Bu Lumber Yard in Burns.