The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 06, 1907, Image 1

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    The Official Paper CHarney Cnnrtlv, J
hu Urn largcet rirrnletion and in one of e
the heat advertising mediums in Kastein
QHH ill Jlli
h Ortnl. Unrneg Votintrq
Oners sn sree ' fl,42H,HOO acres I
Isnd, 4,7rW,.'IW arrts ;et vacant snl.Jsrl
to entry tinder the public la ml hiwa !
I tltt I IlillHl flUfe.
'OL. XX.
f an
loREOON APPLICANT. U All Sates est W
Oai-r Hat Vfar WaelBr
Menses' ar Net.
Is expected by many who
troied aa to affair. Ir
bee been chosen a a stale
lapeetor hy the three meni-
Ihe aheap commiaaion.
official aeleoiion wa made
ata Saturday evening and
merit of the varioua can
lad own gone over very
xlv.says the Kaat Oregon
do not dip under the direction of a FK.M RESERVE QRAZINQ FEE
federal or a atate deputy will nf,
receive credit for their work and
will be forred to dip again l 01 ORAM) CAUSES FOSESTRV OF-
tlairhaaa Llaes Nat Rctrenchier.
Wm the day numeroua mns
Hr' received from prominent
II all over eastern Oregon
be appoint in- mi of Dr.
Theae together with the
the candidate wae in full
ith the federal people and
inly eaatern Oregon candi
, Kde hia Detection inevitable.
Hie final action waa taken
for lr, Lytle waa unsni-
t itnmiaaioner Htruiloff
ith the eaatern Oregon men
terms of the Hluaher law
of the atate aheep inipeo-
be in ooi.neciion with that
retarv of the commiaaion
entlv Dr. I. vile will have I th rk
iuartera here along with
Suiyihe He baa already
hia poaition in the federal
ml will comiiicme upon
es at once He la required
ufl of f.VKHI to properly
H the work devolving upon
Varioua repnrta have been com
ing out of the weat in the paat few
dava concerning the improvement
and construction work on the Har
riman linea. One report alated
that work on the Alhnl hill cutoff
of the Cnion Pacific near Cheyenne
on which SO percent of the grading
had been flniahed waa to be i in me
diately diecnntinued and that 800
men Would be thrown out of em
ployment. Thia and aimiUr
atnriea if true would mean that the
Harriman roada were looking for
bad limes and preparing for them
There i strong reaeon to euapect,
however, that they were Moated in
the weat for atnck market purpoeea
in New York by peeple who are
not bulliab on liiion Pacific.
Meckatts tlllei 0 rat ley, F tt I a Dtrti't
Tai seal tat Oevtrsttal Ha ae
lii la twain 11
The stockmen of Colorado arc
leading a remarkable fight against
the payment of grating fees in the
Colorado forest reserves and the
movement promises to spread to
other states.
The contention of the Colorado
stockmen is that the grating fee is
a direct tai upon them and that
tbe government has no right to im
pose such a tax. Few applications
are heing made for grat'ng permit?
in the reserves and the movement
of the stockmen of that state pro
mises 10 become a national ieeue in
the administration of the forestry
in several placea in Ontario, sever
al cititens controlling the gas for
lighting and cooking purpose On
the "K. 8. A IV ranch, six miles
south of Ontatio. there is a well
that tlows perpetually, having a
decided petroleum odor.
Natural gas is found in some
places in Malheur County at a
depth of 300 feet. Standard Oil
Company experts who have el
arained the field say that it is rich
in petroleum gas
The Oregon Savings A Trust
Company has secured all of the
Rectal taeallsa lew Prtxrati Sklaswst al
I akrakr Herat lata That I'aaair
Will est Isttrttrt.
The Oregon Daily Journal eava
ol II HaM, formerly of Knit, r
orecR. wno 1 now located in 1 n t
da, and who is engaged extcn-
heal land, and aeveral other out-,'", ",,r rtlping from Hasteni
aide cnmpaniea found out that fact Wfctti Into Canada:
too late " eaaww, one of the lwt
The foothills near Malheur con ' ' kinen.d K,.teri, Ol
lain lame (luantilies of shale r.k. a"'" '" Pwftivwkl and of the atate
Aaked as to the truth of tbe department. A dispatch from
various rumors, K. II Harriman (ilenwood Spring, Colo, to the
says to tbe Wall Street Journal:
"In dava like tboae of the past
I week one can bear all kinda of
rumors and it would le only a
waate of time either to affirm or
deny them.
1 incerning tbe report that the
Cnion Pacific is retrenching in all
direction!, I can tell you that
neither the I'nion Pacific nor the
Southern Pacific is abandoning any
liu h it haa in hand
Rockv Mountain News, says of the
stockmen's fight against the grating
tax in that state:
Supervisor French of the llolv
Cross forest reserve has completed
or oil capping, which extends
downward to a depth of 11(10 feet.
which fact waa discovered by ex
perimental borings.
Al a result of the excitement
over oil in Malheur Countv, prices
in general, 1 r-glatereil at the IVr
kins aim will remain in Portland
for a week or so on htiainet- M
Habb la now a resident of Medn in.
Hat, Calgarx . Canada, where In
haa a large slock ranch which tin
of land have materially advanced. i"K the last three or four yeara he
and Mr. Boyd eava that that pari
11I Oregon haa a remarkably may
A aaloon keeper in Washington
hia comparison of thia year's appli-1 j, pasting around a startling I. usi-
r.non for grating permits on he . nrM 0(kf rf th fronl nf ,,.,,
applicants who received permits rj((U.d h, pr(i,lrlll ,nM. U
laai year.
Il ia on this reeerve th
members of the Roaring Fork and
1 iMlar.! Prmtf iMlnf MiwImI 4a.
,1- . n. , ..-..... 11...... 1. .. ..
. .1 . '' "" "--
e VV.U VI-.. I. II...., .
"'""I " "l""! ". .-.!.. -,.,.. f, ,,.,. ... Il, ..
Kagle Kiver Siockgrowera' aasorla-
and it ii ludicrous to say that we . tion range their herds, and this
are abandoning a job when S.'i iei aeociatlon ia one of the two which
cent of the grading it il The ,n causing the forest officials at the
roads are ml run in that way. head office in Washington conid-
M are going ahead and taking arable perturbation beoauae o( tneir
care of the big businesi which it refusal to apply for permit In
leiiig offered ua and making plant .rtT itrl, ,erda on the reaerve.
to ae that whatever buame.a ia in
Hf the first taaki falling up- tight ia properly handled when the
Bnapector will lie the naming time cornea.
inspectors fur the various
of the stale He baa al-
linnunced that John Hryaul,
county Block inspector, will
le tbe sheep inspector for
nty County stock iiiapeo-
rxiuired to give a bond of
aeven nf the aheep law
iint it shall be the duty of
inipeclor and his deputies
itigate all casts ol oonta
infeutiout diaeases among
ithin the stale and tu make
viaitt of intpectors to any
where such diaeaaes esiala
Mo v have iiifurmalion or
believe audi diaeaeee e-
"Concerning tbe alory that tbe
Southern Pacific ia to spend $.'(,
(KNi.iMXi lliiii aummer in new oeo
strui nun and that it baa II new
linea building, tbe atory ia (J reek to
ota. There ia no newa on tbe eut
juct except wbat ia contained in
tbe report wbicb waa recently pub-
lithed I believe this allowed that
tbe Southern Pacific haa about 14
lines projected in one way or the
"We are just going ahead in our
own way, taking care of everything
in sight, which means a good deal
of new work and a good deal of new
niiipuietit, and the expenditure of
The allotment on the Holy Croas
rve for this year la the aame as
last year, namely, '.'(I.inh) head
Tbe full allotment waa covered In
permita iaaued laat year, and all
tbe permit holders were in claaa A.
which receives preference and
which ii oompoaed of local appli
cants There were aeveral appli
cation! laat year from owners of
migratory herd! which were turned
down becauat; the full allotment
bad been asilgned to resident siock
growera. Kach year a data la fixed up to
which line preference will be giv
en tbeee local a took men, and after
that data permit! are granted to
applicants in order of filing, regard
leea of classification Laat year
many millions of dollars. Hut we , oe.rly all tLe local ownera had ap-
are not running ahead and tpeud
to inspect or cause to lie
any sheep within the u,g million pell inell purely on
nd all sheep brought iiiln speculative or imaginary hopes of
in any manner trom any what my be "
ktate, It rrilorx or lureign Tbe two Harriman roads are in
as good shape if not better as any
trovisiou applies especially of the roads West ol the Mississippi
slates against which uar- river to take care of all the bull- that tbe slink men are sticking
kioclauialk'iit have been ii- neat lb at ma come along Bulb closely to tbe agreement to refrain
the governor as provided ibem have bad many millioiia ; frolll taking out permits, for while
ae Hlurber law. A deputy expended in the past tew years to there have been aavaral sales the
r of one county may. upon increase their capacities and ibey majority of the salts were to other
from ibe sheep commission have lieen anything but backward
in fine wines and high grade
cigan." On the other aide i tb
ii-ion tilling announcement
"Frienda and Neigbl'ors
' 1 am grateful for past favors.
and having. etipplied my ttora with
a flue line of choice winea anil
liiira, allow me to inform you
that I shall continue to make
drunkards, paupers and beggars
for the sober, industrious part of
the community to support. My
li.iiors will excite riot, rohherv
mn! IiIihhI tiled
"They will diminish your com
forla increase your expenses and
b'irteu life. I shall confidently
recommend at aure lo multiply
fatal accidents and incurable dis
has slocked with the heal range
alock to be found on the ranges of
eatlern Oregon
In ii th. Mnli, ine lint dittrict
began to attain prominence aa a
wheal ratting and agricultural tec
ii.iii Mr llithli cniiceiveil the idea of
stinking the cotiutrv with eaatern
Oregon horse. 'he large influx of
filter had created ilemuinl
for farm horaet iiml the enttern
b.o.e wia auileil in many
aeclioti For
the pasi n r il years. In further
ance of that plan, Mr. Iladb baa
I liHinloails of borsea uortli
from Peinlhton to be broken and
sold to th.- ..I' Clgar
ucceasftll was Mr. Habb in
lo. y. ii t u ri- llnil i he Cansdlsn in
Inihiiiiiiit grew jealous of the Of!
iiml boeaa nul twff rwwatlj through
polllunl intlileiice have caused Ibe
.iiactineiit of a law prohibiting the
-lii m ill mi thing but Well
broken bor-e- inlo tbe distm I
The law wa has. .1 up n, I he argu
ment that the range horaea were
I and "i earn. .1 contagion
in the Canadian animals.
In meet the changed coiidlllont
a ia now the ii, lenti, in ..I Mr llabh
to Iihvi. ult horse Melil in liv liim
' Tbey will deprive some of life , ..
'. r broken in eatlern Oi.tunii I"
lllpllielll Bill Unit the conill
Itooa of the law. He will leave for
l'i i,. . i ii and other cistern lire
gun point in a abort time to make
arrangement! for bis annual train
load shipment
tin-re of reason and all of peace.
Tbey will make fathers flendt,
wivea widows, children orphans,
and all poor. I will train your
aona in infldility. dissipation, ignor
lewdness and every other
vice thai will accomodate tbe puL
iH it may be at the loss of my
never dying soul,. Hut I have a
A Modern Mlrsil
"Truly miraculous se ill
1 1 i i thit
... . ....
i ' I. I ,
o wast
ed , coughing up pus! lioin her
lungs I ii end
so neiir thai lo i I imily bad waich
lo i beil--i i t r ' v eight
li"iir. win ii,, ii n, v org. nt n.Oeel
Dr. King'- New I v wa. giv
en In i . with ii
that in pi' i con-
Hum d until -In ttnall) i
nil. niul i- h in lllbj wnmai,
to day " tin-. . ore for
cough i.n I Bol ' tnd $l.tlll
ill lb.- I i I ' . Trial bnl
tie ft
u i I : g. nl-, II,
ShI. mi. ami .yery b.sly
I ho wniit. t j. i ii good h-.-arly
lilliull I lips lo
Ageni. " Worth M0 kg mix r
on who-. Il goiii for a living
I I ii, it talis I ii ' o i y Ml no. in x
back t'ii.ulu l n stump The
ir IVhlla I., trie Ci.titii i De.a
tur. Ill
flay Live lew Vea...
Watchmaker and Optician
Burns, Ozeg-oxi
Awarwcw far best wark at a Competitive RaMtwllwn Iw Raraaw.
TUISCH . IKINKOAN, Proprietors.
Burns, Oregon.
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
aucctaaoa to.xwii.ioa htoe
Main 8t.,
The chain es for liying a full cen
tury ate oellent In tha M
Mrs. Jennie lliiucail. of llailiesyille
Me , now 7 U x. nt. ill I Me w ill. s .
' Kl.i Ine Bit It n Hi" ! no ! hi"
nb Hi n . standing,
ami mini.' I al at well anil
.(rung as ii xoiiug girl" Klccinc
Hittera i lire Stomach ami
......1 ilitortiert,
Il.'bllllx mil b. ililx w.aknett .
S.ihl on gu.iritnt. at Ibe ' It I'mg
Tbe I It raid will mak
Ibis a bargain month In the way i J ,J
ill.-, uphill, - and baa arrang.
, . . V .IW
lo give ine xxi. ki -t i.iiiii-
Keplll'lic II. . Ill ill who p .
arrears an. I I in mlv to
I lo I in. - II. i il.l . w sub. nb-
era who pax in advance wjll alto
receive Ibis great IMtUX l no
w. t'kl i lo w -p ip r niul biinilx
iiiagaiue in il.e United Hlaie
Tbe IWo papers in KM t'J
for tint month nlx
188 Kew.ld Il.e liioe Ml U.p
iti Transit Co will gift '.'o rewsr.l
for llie airetl Hlel i iiVI.'tioli of Ibe
parlies wl inuvil simps and
olln r propetti froil I Ibe
coach. on ill in 'ii, lain
swawaar s . -
I f L jvjgflUiX i
Blaclsmilhin? and
WaKon Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon
iuacticalltH Iw in
iLlfilTKaile 1 W ITOUE
Over BOO H weU tar
Beautiful H Uwt
Owwiane. M H OwwMlara.
mii'tumMa aa
1. 1. LEWIS
ill ka lil Ii fgrtitk
la gfjtM gwrsf
mu im truer, uuax.
plieo it) the liuie tue Hunt espireil family to support the hutii
Tbe time limit thia year was set j pay and tbe public encourages
for March !." and the applications ,,
now on file in tbe local office of the
reeerve show a marked contrast lo
laat year's (condition t. Tbey cover
about HiNXJ head. Tbia indicates
"I have paid lux lictnse iiikI the
traffic ii lawful, and if I don't aeli
it, souieuody elae will. I know the
bible says: 'Thou ithalt not knl,'
'No drundards shall enter the
kingdom ol heaven,' and I do not
a drunkard maker to fare
any belter, but I waul an easy
living ami have reeolved t gather
I now haxe for tale, egg limn
W bile leghorns
Wb.ii I'lx itioiitl. KiH'kt ami Single
ami I'ea comb Idiotic Island Kedt.
Igeil t I ,n supply eggs kc Laws Siaf
M4c la wtger.
tu ii.
so. an I II ei. , Hill
from mii. of Harre.l Hot ks and
lllack l.aiigtbangi. Circular! nf
pro . - -nt upon applioolioi.
Oma. Ii l.xxn smak.
Hun s, Oregon
Mate inspector, work in any
of tbe atate.
object of the present ibeep
lo clean the stale of ecab to
in this respect tbe pst year
Tbe Southern Pacific will bate
delivered thi year 1'.4 locomotives,
l'W pasaengri cam, 7,400 freight
i extent that the federal can loree lO.taa i-toi. ship and
owners iu tbe same distrisl. thuiii,e wM f ini.puilx and fallen on
leaving the cattle in the juriadic- (i,B ruj 0f Wy .peciea
tion of tbe rtarve, and bulb the
forestry official! and the county
lax assessor are of the opinion that
tbe number of cattle iu this dis-
SaWuld you doubt my ability, I
Mali the World ..dere
Ibe other half byes.
Use liiifkleii'a Arnica Halve
i ia. .
BaUcry in nntftiori
A Sftcull ( Sharl Organ.
Table I'liii.ishi il wilh txerythiog
- ill I I
Mine may be removed, lo various oldt auU enUs lue auoie trict have not materially decreaaed
the Slueber law provides thing lo cost nut far abort of eWt aince laat year
sheep in tbe slate must be .ti ttti .
at least ouoeeaub year with Neither ii Mr Harriman letting Ud Near Oalarle.
btaudard dip. regerdleei of the I mon Pacific run behind in ,
Ir the elieep be Uiaeasea or the race. there will be aeliverwo I I Lt, Orevoniau aava- IJou t.'ar-
bere abeep are found dis- i,' the Cnion Pacific tin year over os Boyd, of Ontario, Or , who is at
jex shall 0 UippeU as ullen 1UU luoumolives, X) passenger cars, i,B laiuerial Hotel. Leila an inter-
, , i ,i never wmn'er if il Mill cure cuts, ihamaik It
refer you to the pawn shops, tbe '" '""
. ., . w .on.! I. burns, sores ami all skill ,. ,,,lii'Lad
roorbouea, the police court, the boa- '
... i .l . i eiuptioi.s tbey know II will Mr.
pital tbe penitentiary and tbe Kal -
. .,, ,. , I. rani Shy. II. CI K Iteyni, da -
owi, where vou will lind many of '
The Finest of All
hr Sik Uij at
Hotel Burns Bar
A lnts, Burns, One.
fgfT"lli,ihi i I Hr..!, HislrlbuLere, P.rilan.l, Oregow.
my beat customers have gone. A
tight nf litem will convince you
that I do wbat 1 aay."
VYiiMrawa Fran Bescrxc
Spriiigliebt. Ill stxs. ' I regard il
'.I the absolute necestiln
i ' -ping." . .r.ioli. .1 hv
t it v I'rug St..
lb mclusi v e
I I I. S, It. 81 I W il'C-
ired by tbe Hate ineptctor ,U io coal not far abort of ll8jOBL ewng .lory concerning the develop- I be Secretary or ibe inienor na. llul) ,-,, , e, .,,. ti and 7, VV. J
ties or tbe oihciels of tbe 000. meut of uewly-diacovered natural , restored to eniry apporximaieiy mkjIioii N, . .ml M. W J section
of animal luiluslrv Ka. and petroleum deuoaiU ia Mai- J, 240 acres of I. ml in the valley 1 . , all s. Ih and I. J and H.
anuual dipping must be I liuvcraaical Iu Ksgaia I .alt. beur County. I of ihl south fork of lite John Day VV. J section I'.'
rtweuu April I ami Aug 1' Ibe Drr.mi Savimr & Trust Kiver. immetliatelv north .' !
tar. Iu dipping auv ut the' uiu Were Dle.l ,n ll.e i nlieo ti.mpai.y had uuiellx prosiK cled and about midway i.eiw.en ine
officially recoguiaed by the Stales ittuii court al Portland (ue counlt f adjacent l Ontario, hjiltf millilarv road gt.i In.
Staiea govel nineiil may be Knday b) A...- anl lnbrul Allor- for natural ga and oi; lor more a Wads It) I
id amoug tbeee i. tbe old- nex Jamel Cole lo cm el patent lo than a year.'' said Mr. Boyd, bind Cunmissioiier r-fl I'nneit
ud lime and sulphur dip 01M acres of land in Kaslem and Haxing become .atith ! il.altbe leads
Its regarded by many as be- Central Oregon J n.- stef are (irld a,, it , . . . i. 18, HMJ7, Ibe S . relary
k effective. Titos desiring dire led sg.intl Mont K. Hulchm- the On,,,., p. ople l. I. ,. i lur Us ..I il.e li.U.ii..f revoked the order.
tliun regardintr dips may son and Sadie V. Hutchinson, uaet ."kSK) .hi. .of Ian. I known lo ol a undraws! of Novtmber 15 and
' tbe VVillan.i I'.
ba.e i. Iian.
For Your Heal rotate or Business
H Miliar What Youi Property it worth, or in What Tuiuo Cil, Slale ur larntuay it is kxscAtag)
.&.U.IJ. r... ...... I" .u.'. f... i.ri..,M..I u.blllloti Lo
I w ...ii.iiic iu. turn llll(l.wi r 11. i,-v., ." y-t
I wo Ibe ,i,.i.r ol Ontario bad 14 ibe Blue Muuitlains forest,
in -of ir as Ihev all. Ol il t
the lame of any of the state James A KouUiatMi, H. A U. 1 uler
ral ollicials and Ki.'.i.nck A. Krito,
expreaely provided l.y the suite ure tlirecled .igainsl I'uter only eecortd like numuer of (ies Oregon, in.-of.r at Ihev
aw thai ull dipping ahull be aud Krlbe in each of nl.icb I'uter ' rcquirtd, but bad added tSSI itioi. l,,ilowina described, eod i
itder Ibe superviaioii of ibe i. sued a. a .nhseiueiU grantee, acre lo lve aiuvunl. making a stored tha same to sstllt o. i.l but
iM.peclor, his deputies or and Kribl.s as tbe pic, ill owner ol lolal -.I 10UX) .. not IO entry, niing or s. i. . lion uu
of' Ibe teii.ial ( tlte lands. a s ll.e I . leg ram. 'The Portland company .tipu- III after !H da s notice by publics
indu-try. Already Ibe gux - h i cbuiged iiml I he binds were late iu iu agreement with lite l'"0
ka been iiiUeied lo a.k ibe obtained from the ' nineiil by owner of lite lands bonded (hat n
lbe federal people and the fraud in the mclhoda of acquiring
ill be giveu il is ibe in- title by patent. The laud, are iu
In T Ii8 M K., sect..
will legiit .levelupujeiu work will.- I T lb S., K 'ii K . VV I i.l e
li. Oild.ysol lb.-dale ol ugrebiiieni, Hon 8; section 4 to '., I...lh n.clu-
lo have practically all of four aeparatt parcels ol I JO acre, or forfeit the turn of lttJ0i. The live; auction 10. ,. J of section l'i
Jipiug done ui.der the direc- each The Hutcbiuauo lauds were company . git. s to sink a well on 'all aectlona JO Mf ft, W i and p
Dr. McClure aud bl. depu passed lo liual proof before the lale each 20 acres of ibe 10,000-a. re K I of tecllon 8 i. Of seciion
the federal nervice J W. Hamaker, then a lulled tract, and machinery for thai pui- -J 1, all sections JO U do, bollt in-.
wv n BTjaaaaW
BMa Jtf fitttBSi Tfftw I
'jJLaigf '''Jiiaiii r. i
MMI 8" gW1 '
I Aw)
I I.. Mill II
ojf OlSLCtjriaro
i '
iu I IIH8J-V
i b f r i il. '
1 " i StiEfaTi'. B r
I . v ...
aawr SXWmmM
all, I lie Land Man, 415 Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kaosas
kin uud il will be ntcfaaary I btalcs commirsiotier.
many additional deputies
Ir McUlure 11 now arranging loKent SJ acre ol hay lanu
poee ba. already leeu ordered from elusive.
tbe Last The leasees are tu re Iu E. 17 8 . K 'il K., VV. aec
ceive one-eighth of all profits from lion 1, W. sud 8. K. i seclioa 12
tbeui in tbe field as aoou aud 100 acres of agricultural laud either oil or ga." lo T. 17 8 , K. 28 K., 8. i of see- I Im-e who liuom ol Ii. 1. Britco i Mr Hoy d .aid Ibatgas i.exuding, lion ., e. i eecuou o, kviiuui w
t. it i
I AVk.l' .k.
I, in ami lo yil rUI il, til tfgl ati 8'l lea.
. Plea.-rend, WltftoUt "t tonic it p- lug.
i buys' ,
I ulloW mg la a I '
If .ia tMi fay hll ia. cii wil sa Mad latoy
I desire I part) citeep tod tag .,.,..nmtuJy with
ttte follow mg soeclgaakluus !
-ti wil
true gfkl
Num. . . .
t Slid
down IXxd
A Jdri