The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 30, 1907, Image 1

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    : fti Ytm-lHraia .
TheOffhisI Paper otjllarney County.
ha the lrf.t circnlstinn snd is one
the bft advertising medium in Kastetn
2 Oregon .
t Cr
iMifr. Ih
sty ' wlr w -
rh wWesrl, Hwrnesj ttonwtrg
('..vers n sree of MM.H0O seres of
Inn. I. .TMCKWaerea yet vscant .nrjrct
In entry nnlr Mir Bwwwt land laws ol
llM liiilcl
t'OL. XX.
NO 19
Will to ftresfht I At test las (
MM --c'lslsis Ttot Have
t bases Pis.
line Mountain Eagle says:
r Irom rwnator ruimnvo
jhe, of John Day, recently
in the Rlue Mountain
hrongh the following
instructed to begin to make such 'SENATOR FULTON EXPLAINS
rrmiU for grating tre.pss on the
national forest a may he necess
ary to secure a final adjudication , not ADVISE TO lONOtE RESERVE
upon tbe validity of thr criminal ,
provision of the Act of .Inn.
I harp no desire to do anything I
in thi mattpt other lhati thp dut '
imposed upon ma by congrpaa and
official oath I bevelled through
out in acenrdancp with tha advice
of lhe attorney-general, a I waa
hound to do, and will continue to
so act. I am sensible of tha wis
dnti) and moderation of
f Tk
Ocletalt Pewtr ts Psslst Trs-
Jamea Wilaon. secretsrv t'irial cnmmpnt upon the
Iture Mr Wilaon taker and I thank you for tha public
ts riaw from Senator , fervtce you nave rendered in mu-
t:d in order that atockmsn i"g it.
Senator Fulton emphatically
denies the implication contained in
a diapatch from Washington, pub
lished in the Oregonien yesterday .
your edi- that he recently advised his consli-
ld vised as to the intentions
rsrnment in all instances
t regulations are viola-
soretary'a lette' ia puh- NO APRIL SCHOOL
OB, 1 0 . March It, 1907
le Mountain Kagle.
Canyon Cilv. Oregon
Very truly yours,
James Wilson, Secretary
potion has heen called to
rum Senator Fulton to J.
dated February 4, and
in your issue ol February
Hp rrgulate I heir occupen
Hc and to preserve the for
kn from destruction, and
Htion of the prnviaions of
Hr auch rules and regula
Hl tie punished a ir provi-
gS the Act of June 4, 1KH8,
sectioo IMS of the re-
the court. ' 1 ou will
e that congress I as
y euojectea to nne snu
pent an pirn.11 who vio-
regulation of the sec re-
School law. Subdivision ,, of
Sec. 20 fnuud on past 17 "f the
school laws of 190.) in outlining
the superintendent'", duties, iv e
the following: "He ah.ill make 1
an sppoitionmont of the entire
school fund then in the count
-........ ,. .!. I...... 1.vn4a .n '
,m vour editorial comment ' J
M The regulation, fotbidd- October o( each vc.11, and at uvh
:&g without a permit on the other limes during the yeai a he
Htore.ts were made under may deem ad is-tnle."
authority of the Act of I In making an apportionment of
797. (.10 Stat.. 84-M) 'school funds, I have at heart tie
Kvldea as follow. interest of even school under
'fccrelary may make such j my -mpervision the rural school
regulation aa will Insure a, we , lhe ti,y Khool--and it
e ni aucn reeerv.uoo., , . m dirr ,0 make iheappoi-
1 tionment at such a time and in
such a sat aa may bctl suit the
schools aa a whole.
My three jears experience as
lupeiintendent teaches me that
A til im m It rl I i.lrSAr Sea Ui ! K 1i
H tha Act or June 4, 1N "' -" " ... ...-...
LH aafltioi. r.'WH of the re- make an apportionment. Undei
Hute.of the I'nited State." the old la, when the atho.'
ftiishmet.t provided for in ended in March, it would be all
f June 4, 1K8H, above right. The school diattut- then
"a fine of uot more than Would have a full eat in v. huh
iprisonment fur not more 1 x ugc tntir mnt.N Hut now.
ye month., or Unh. .1. the lu.n g noo, ends in
June it work, a hardship on the
school district, in general, and es
pecially the small country . I1....I
In explaining the reaaon. (01 t h i.
riculture made to protect i l "" ,0 ,,t,r ,nc b,,ik ' ,nc
al forests The ooustitu- 1 th"l money (Of the year is ap
of the provision of thi- pot Honed at this time. Few ru
aking violation of tha re- ; ral district have vhool aftet the
rime, has Imh-ci ques-
rite di.lru-t courts of
. allliinua. t tall and rart-
jiiigtoii. hsye decided
eoo.titutini. alitv The
urt ol Arizona, which is
ate court with the ill.
1 juat named, baa decid-
of 11. constitutionality.
l-t court of northern Call
, decided again. I iu coo
lly, but after tha I'nited
tirst of April, i if they do, not
school sutlicient to use up this ap
portionment, and according to
school law, Sei .;;. school dla
11 ni must n tin n all over and
above $50, to the general
fund. I Mease allow me U
pltia the result of this: The
large districts of our count) have
long, expensive term, ol school,
and as a result use all of their sp
un court of appeals at portiontnen., hence the money re
lco ha decided lor the turned, it any, is irom our .man
iialitv of the atatuie in a country school.. There arc 2t
the .ii.triut judge fur districts in our county, and about
1 000 pupils Dials. No. 1, 2, 13
and 15 have 500 of ihoc pupil.
If a smaller di.tncl l.ould return
$50 and it is reapportioned these
four districts named will iru-n.
one half of the moist an.', tl.e J4
l alilort.ia. whtiii a lies
preaenled to hiui over-
earlier deeiaiou, and on
1UO0, iujKM.ed tinea upon
trs of the graziog reguls-
matter ' mrut. in Kastern Oregon to ignore
the rules and regulations 01 the
' Department of Agriculture for the
grazing of stock in forest reserves.
Aa to other feature of his pub
li.hrd correspondence with J. D.
( ,mibe. of John Day, Senator Ful
ton ha no apologies to make, and
in that connection yesterday gave
out an interview setting forth plain
ly hia own viewa on tbe subject of
forest reserves in their relation to
woolgrowere and cattlemen, especi
ally with reference to what he be.
I.evee to he exorbitant grating
charge, impoeed by the govern
sjasjl "The lett.r I wrote Mr Combs."
.ini Senator Fulton at the Imper
ial last night, 'waa hastily written;
wa not designed for publication
and waa in reiponea to a specific
at ate merit of facta by him. My
letter wa. not so carefully guarded
in language aa it would have been
had I any thought of iu being pub
liabed, and it may be misleading
without a knowledge of tbe particu
lar facta to which it waa addressed
"Mi t'ombe wrote me that cer
ium Government officials had noti
fied fanner, reeiding in the vicini
ty of a forest reserve not to turn
lock out to grase before Juoe,
I tbn.k it was, as no stock would
intted upon the reserve un
til linn, and if any were found
there the) would be taken up and
tbe owners prosecuted That, in
euhetance, was bis statement as I
recall it. He further said that it
was a great hardship on tbe far
mers to oe compelled to keep their
stock up until so late in tbe sea
son. Iu mv enewer I had only
that state of facte in view. I weot
so far as to say that in my judg
ment there waa no law making it
a crime even to drive stock Into a
"I did not advise, and certainly
would not advise, any such action
1 aimplv intended to illustrate bow
far the law was from making it a
crime for a farmer to permit hia
-..- k to be at large, and by reaaon
thereof' to go upon a reservation
without his direct agency in tbe
Now, while I do not believe
there is any law making it an of
fense to drive stock upon a reserve
I certainly would uot. and do not
advise any person to do so without
tbe eonseut of the proper officials.
I do uot belfeve there is any such
law, because 1 do not believe Con
gress can delegate to a department
official tbe power to prescribe what
absll or shall not constitute a
1 rime But he that aa it mav, it
must be conceded, 1 tbiuk, that
' oogieas Is without authority
(o make it a crime for o sj to per
mit hi. aloek to goat large within
enact auch a law.
"So far aa such matter, an
earned . the relation of the general
government le its land, i exactly
the relation of an Individual to the
lands he owns. If it ia tha policy
of lbs aUte to allow stock to run si
large, and to require s land pro
prietor to fence his land would he
guard against tresspassing, then
the general government must fence
or otherwise guard against such
trespassing And, wbils I do not
believe Congress can delegate to
any official the power to make It a
crime to drive stock upon public
land, still I wish distinctly to state
that I do not adviee any ereon to
violate any such order or rule whan
made. By so doing he invites
litigation and trouble.
"I do contend, however, that our
farmers and stockmen have the
right, when our state law
to turn their stock at large and.
ahould the animal, without their
connivance, go upon a reserve, thr
A M "item Mlr.tlr
ion Fad. tsoel Tto Ureal
Harety leastr That Will Mlrsct
Mttallea al Nawtkra.
Prulj mil imi
. ..I l 1 M I II 1 ol tin-
1 0 1. Rtseper,
-II ni 1 . . . -.. M A.t-
e.l Im coughing Up pu. Irom her
liit.u Di'i-ior. deelsrrd bei etui
.0 near thai her lnniiU had III I.
sd by h 1 bed -.Mr fori right
hour, alini. I1 m illicit ...iie.t
Mr C. C. Conner. of Hel.z, I'm. (r Km,'- Nrn MgMVet) aa giv
tills county, who was here hart (1 ,,, , vv ,,,, ,, ,. ,,,,.,, t(l ,,
month ami bought lai.d. ha. written ,n(l, ,,,,,
the Fast Oregoiifau af follows tu.ur.l .1..111 , pi. 1, U
nnewemig main inquiries in re- ,.,. . to . h In woman
ours tor
noil II. OU
Trial I... 1
to day " "i 11 '
cough, ii.i'l ooMs
al the I l) lr.. K
tie fit
gsrd to Harney .oimly, Oregon,
which I have just visited, would
like to say something of it through
our column
HsriiPN county present, more ad
vantage to the home.eeker than
'any other .rot ion of the greet we.l.
I It offers a more attractive field foi rb wants to afttol a k.hhI Ii.hiM
permits .. ntWT .,.iirr. ami ureater 01. lumrh la bbsmI Mki lor 'Tumi to
p..rt.init for tbe capitalist. eek- Agwwtl W u M kn M " '
ino i., for low value, in '.. w n n. go.... ,or a living
Intnl. with a future, than am sjasj
Watchmaker and Optician
E-ixxiJB, Oxeeron
Awareed lev aesi wesh st a Cssaestrtlvs BsMMtlew In
WANTKll n. nte, Hustlers
Salesmen, l letks .ml sVefvlaOlll
grn.r.. v.overnmen, ,. wi.i.nui ,.. W wt f ,. KnoVi.p Hlr
power or authority to p..un. ,h.- m M ,. Urg,.r ,. Ih. ,1(I,H
took or arrest the owner, and f. r()f m.,,,,,,.,.,,,, . , ha a p..,.,.
any official to do the one thing or Ui() of , ,. -, (ul
tbe other would, in my judgment. , . ,;,.,,, Ml .crea of va
be a clear violation of hi. duty and ,.,, z,,wM,. ,ml y ...t.j... .
ins law.
"I also wish to aay that it i not
my understanding that Secretary
Wilson contends for any such
authority. He is one of the most
just and conscientious men I have
ever known.
"As regards the change made by
tbs government for grating on the
reeervee, I have alwsys contended
that it should not, in snv event, be
in eioeee of the actual cost to tln
(iovernment consequent thereto,
which, in truth is practiralls gel
thing, as few if any a.ldltio.,,.1
rangers are required hersuae of the
preeence of tbe stock. The pro.
to entM This parse h.iI:iI ion
ia not due to urifavotablcne-r of
11.. M)il M .limatli- condltioii. bltl
to the fact that it ia isolated, and
consequently large unknown lo
the outside world.
Unmet embraces an
area of U,.t8o,tsJ0 acre, or
10,000 sipiare miles, ami I in the
soiilheaalerii pari of the tate It
consists of agricultural, grazing,
timber noil mineral land. Harney
valley ia the largest level body ol
latal within the atate, being l.'i
wide ami 78 mile long, aa
. p....i.... imiii pose. I .if a dark.
for a
astisfsi'tor v nlir in. in I
.' lor stamp ' In
II not
I r hits
tor. Ill
tomb t '
TK1SCH A DONKOAN, Proprietora.
Burns, - Orogou.
lalco X1.Iq Hctd.q.-a.43irt:
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
Hsy Live mo Vea..
I'l.e . b .... . - tan hying a full IM
tur n.e excellent In the oaee ..I
Mr lennle Dun..' ol 1 1
Me., now ? Sears ol.l MM who.
1 I'
111.' I apt -11 - standing,
and made me tV. I .-.ell and
Irong M voting gfrl." Kl-.lro'
llltl. r. ..ire Stoma, h iin.l l.iver
olseaser, I'.I...h disorders, Central
Debllit imI Lo.lih weaki."..
Sold on guars. lire at tie Citf Drug
Store I'ri.e
swecteaoa tn.w.ians 4 ate. roe
BlacksmtlhinK and
Wagon Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon
Main St.
hesvv anil, eelrectallt ml .1.1. . I In
charged by tbs Government is not , ih, urumivft f ,, Wl,, The
only butdsnsome to the alockinen, ,HH,g, ,f ttig vsllev la IMOsWt,
hut baa already created a large Wl mi.r,.H,j,.g -lllHisl pre. .p.
fund which is Ireiug employed in I, ,:,.,. g - --
pert, I am informed in forestry es
perimental work in California and
other stale Sun ly such a tax
should not lie imp. id on nor
"It is true that stockmen's asso
ciations have, o . occasion., approv
ed these charges (nil. privately
they complain to me that they con.
stitute a burdensome tax and that
their approval waa due to a convic
lion that otborwise thsy would have
Owing to the distance to market
tin only exports Up to ibis time
have consisted
uinles. horses, wool ai.d borax
1 he liverloik I. driven to adjacent
.hipping (Miiiit, during the sumo., r
an.' fall.
Hi. 1 will niak.
thia a bargain month ... the wuy J BY
subscriptions .....I hs arranged irgetfTt it
to give the W -t Lome
I ill who j ,
arrri.r. n.l SjSM (eat in
I In I Ml IU
ere wtm '.. ... ...In will also
receive this great I
weekly NtMMIN ami family
. . . .ft..
f cattle, sheep, "-Mm"
1 lhe two paMi. une i.,.r for '2
fur do. 11... mi. anlj
'.: Keward Thi II. o Mi Itap
id Traiit t . will iiivi. $'Jo rewar.t
been .liscriiuinstod against in the ,, (:olljefAhis portion is de
allotment of grating pnvilsgss In VoUhI U. this industry , wheat, oal.
that oonviction I am confidsnt they harley, ry , kjgpg .ugsr bu. po
wers mistaken In any case, the ,.,,.,. ppl.., pe.r., p.
opposition I am making against ,une., plums, apricot., grapes, all
sooh cbargss is entirely for them, kin.lw f berries and y.g. tat.l. .1
and because of tbeir appeals to g,a mn gsgsssj there
to that behalf, and hecanae I U
lieye tbs cbsrgee tbe unresaouable
Agricui.ural pursuits have long fr ,. ,.,, ..,. , lV 1 f the
paaaed the experimental slsges in
Haruev county. Although there 1
no demand for grsiu, vegetable
and fruit, exuept for local ooneuuip-
parln who reinovetl -irap
ollnr property from one of
coach. .111 iln- in ninlalli
B . saw .WBSSSia
rRicTiciLLTi in
isswinnn Ik noil
Ovsjf BOO m m
Bseutitut 1'T,V- L'"'
Pee tana. 1 Otroula..
Ofc-C- -eVT
fan e t. g
1. 1. LEWIS
WIN es la It lllsss.
la tttett itrtag
Sw kts IttdtetH
MM Ik Kill Ml I) BUS lMM1lf
wale It Ortcf.
All kiii.l l tStlUkJ tablea
aiu asxl II ' Hoi
and uujuat.
BewgtJl lwBiir
(irain is grown on without irrigation,
nub goo,i Ik Letc Sltr
yields each tetttw, and crop have
never been a failure. Samples ol
spring njwn wheat on fall plowing
wbn 1. svvrsged M bushels and
Negotiations that have U en 1 tested '-"' pound, can Imi seen al
pending for tome lime between the the I'ugel Hound War. hou
Bumpier Valley Railway Company pauv's office la l' nuleion, alao
and Wallsr Kisk, involving the samples of apriug sown wheal rai
Pisk ranch and virtually the whole ed on .! ground win. I. was plow. .1
t'liiua tieorajs, I'miMleter.
Bakpy In sonntttlon
A Sfcciallv tf SwsTt Oricri.
mt vrhrrul lariiv
m ---w r- ' ., ..
opinion that tbe """ """' ""1" "
nal. and suicgeetod that ptoportion to their respective
roaecutioii for ursxniK ' enuiueialiuo, the smaller di.ti n t.
cuutinued in all dis- and the ones thr iiin-t 111 11. .1. n- 1 he limits of a Stale.
e no U.i'irl.iii- a.lveroe celVIOL' the least. u uvvoici- "Whether or out land ba bt.
UlUlioualltN have been ipoi., kChool IrfW, oiliool ii l fenced in order to guard agaiusl
rder that some uerron ,,,.,.. hi.. m-IikJ ibi--muiiths in irenee bv .luck ia a uolicv that
ightapp.,.1 in the high- .... . ,.aI ... orrfer i0 igist as a I ujusi be determined by a Stole
IV'I furnish. I .th rvtbln
of tbe Austin towosile have been 11. the fall, and which averaged II the mark. d " l'."""
brought to a close, the former pur
cbaaiug lbs same fur s considera
tion said to be 6,M
This deal gives assurauco that
another big mill of toe Oregon
Lumber Company will at on. i.
1. ... 1.. .- ami le.te.l po.imlr, si.d ggs solicited
reraged 'X) bushels .
per sere, ami weighed 'Ml In
the in. I sack can lie seen al U
same pace.
Arujnd II..
sH The Finest of All a
Hotel Burns Bar
A ints, Burns, Ore.
fo" 1 .1 Hrot , Distributers, Tort land, Oregon
borders of the llai-
t year
scIkkjI district. But if apportiotv lKilature, and not hy Congress
nici Ml mm mi .ih.,ut regard Oraon has a fence law. If last
lu ,i district an,Uu .-".'"Hiuvtn.ui.ntsouldpr.fsot
..m k ill tto.'k lawfully al Urge from goiug
lime when the) would be obliged .
to return a pan of ihcii money,
many of these MHtll uts
would be ciowd.d 10 the- warl.
Tins coiiditiuii Aould not only
work a hardship ou those who
live in these districts, but on the
county in general. Km .t must
be re.iiemijciiu, mat
id thus cure a linal
Illative il ci. n. of the
klion. for up to 1 lu time
gsMsi ba had no right
1. criminal case. 1 am
f any declaim, iu the
lOregou Mgiiiust the coo
lly of the statute, and
re in duly hound lo
the slteutiun of the de-
of justice grairiK tres-
juntled iu thai state.
ulficleiit anewer In the
1st there is 11 1 law mak-
lor cattle to be .lnv
IM Lll it 1:1 I ft .teal
----"- . . . . . 1 1
1 . . u . , the rapidity with w hi. hour
kut approved March 2. r
uv.,.ue.,i is now au- 1 "W ttt' "
carry Uirrctl to the hrfvc " fof "," " l"c"' tl",tr,cl"
Urt any criminal caac a ag"'. peop.c K. ..L.a.., ...
insi 11 under certain . Iwoking u i-i a new ..unity with
when the ground of the ohjtcl uf rleclii 1 Mlc for a
it tbe invalidity or I permanent boine, will always ask,
of the Htatute cpon ' "How are tbe schools.'"
jdictuieut is fouuded. Wll (,.. it... tui.i two isasasal
I WW VH V ... - - -- J w
have been Irvine' lo eliminate the
If lhe goveruuieut tu au- Ij:u 1... J k.. . A ..r,l n.
U...I. U... ll.auc tj ". ".. y-
ine supreme court a de ooj-.iyooL The law does not
US quest 1011, sua under
lof the -general
forest officers will be
built al the present lerminsl of the uey and Malbeui lake., particular
Sumpter Valley
ci at
railway I
1., sod in ll.- whole vale) proper.
ugsr l-ei. are grown to perfection,
I 1.. thousands of ottoin
land where native wild graas luea
dowa sUiund. are really the beauts
eggs from and pride of Harney vsllev. Tbe
wild meadow grasses consist ol
L'lnvsr and
Upon H- lands it must do at Other
i.tiiue I 1. 11 pigs four )
I now have for sale
ay pens of H C While Leghorn.
White Plymouth Kocks and Single blue imi. I, red top
and lea comb Khode Island ii.-d.
After April 1st I can enpp.v egks
Irom pens of fiarre.l Ito.ks and
Black l.ang.hange. Circulars of
priest sent upon applicolion
Oka. x b Lam. riiiHX.
Burns, Oregon
For Your keul I state or Business
No NtUer What foot Prop toy it Worth, of in Whet Touil City. State 00 ftrsito-y il is Ucctttd
Hell Ike VVerle wuwers
lhe other half lives. 1 1. -
proprietors must do, namely,
Us land, or police the. 11 with a suf
ficient force to keep the .lock off
ll may ' that f'ltejgtnrt' baa
pow- 1 u. in .ke It ao .It. OSS to
drivi sluek in u a reserve. Indeed.
1 au. i' cllund tu think It be, but !
our school il ha. ..ol at., unle.s it was how
. . . ....
A. . .... jlr.,1. , ... ...... cu.i.peienl lor il lo delegate to ine who use Uuctlen s Arnica
Ik .s f A I Is ....-L I 1 M la. . .1 - --
and school house f..i apalt, and "l"'"" " g"eunur -uu. W0CM 11 ll am cu.. -u.
power, wnici. 1 deny 'wounds, bum., sore sn.i an ssin
S11II, all 1 wa 11. lending to be ;ruptlons, the know il will. Mrs.
understood as ssyiug was I bat net- OralJi hhv , 1 1 id K. KeynuldsMl
uutv-r nor the department ' rii.rinwtield 111. atvt: "I regard il
COM .i.i'j-cl an owner of st.K'.k to a ullt u( the sbeulul uecellie ol
penalty Iwtcau.e his stock, being housekeeping.'' Ouareulee.J kg
flawfuliy t large uuder I be atala City Drug Store. Am
laws, g.w. 011' an un fenced tract of
public laud without hi counivauoe.
That very tiuestiou was discussed
in lhe United Slates Senate during
lhe last session and the leading
of the aeuale, notably Heua-
.rfO-" yi ""..
tja set . 1
at W
.1 ik
I .
I i....
I Ml e SSI. I
W. T
portion.... in
even suggest '.hat an apportion
tor Spoouei. ei.phatically and uu-
besilatiugly expressed the opiuioo
Sojilh hsa authorised s
luoetiug ot all who have takep
boras claims iu tbe Swan City dis
trict ou April 1 at Cleveuger' lur
uilure store for tbe purpose of or
ganizing tbe company, electing tbe
directors and such other bueiues
r. v r. N a
l, trtn
ri.toik, l.v .
ti.tfi.UI.. Itu
M i
J. s.TtVi.1.. '.. OLCO,
e. e so so.
.J. k0 pi .
' lief, lo.ii)
1.. yu etsfst
oUUi 1
V A 1km 5t a. iars fr
f 3 'jBsW"
David P. laff, lhe land Man, 415 Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kansas
(Continued on page four j 1 thai congress was without power to (as may be ueoetrary.
LmwMmmXMmmmWmWmT 'V H tmkm
If i un waul lu bell till iu, Cut Vol and Mad ledav
Igsajl mt ei" ' I" " w elstkag tf
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