t thr (Timrs-ftrrafd. CENTRAL OREGON ROAD A Sl'RE 00. BOTH I 01 IIM1 Triur. march iie- SIHM I..ITION KATB Construction of railrond to cost Kit M.-r'-. TfcrwMi 11 ; I Ml n ! rr 07. tin- mux- twin nmrr Hian wwkit from lli- tl ' lt' tintt'.ui "f tli" IMMM, nfl if vmi fall HI- Hlll ' Itat Ptalnllfh .iHapnt) I" H' itmrt (or wl ill tti niilamt. tivwlt That mi i . . M Tfrrell. I 111 KTRn - - - - - iiimrlcr of .vti.ii Hanav ll.i-nt" i OUMJ irrop ttio lint- Man RUM JeepM I.ii- haa an art.. the March niimSer of the Port land Chnmher of Commerce Hm etin under tin- caption "H.irnex V,iilf .iv :: , rd 1884 - '" ,r"m Portland t. and ic" Mi 1' Irca - nou" Ihc " n . In .uidil.on I the-, J Ham. ' . and tin lup- em nil, : in lint ibrOMgl Mm . ..t i , .yi 1 , aad the read aow w u ' K -, in .i k -:.i mr.r pini.nl t rmroi at tl ! '"" Mang, .him brinj "',l1 iv Ha hatnrovrn ( mm ol n" under actual . ' " ' di.ui .1. imanta c m - - of I ar to have had no Tin- limt.-Mi'.i 'tM In orticwi ataaraacee - an unfurtiin.itr '.atr of afl .lUlhorued 1 .it tin- ' "i. aaaaaaaahv- I' MM if 'u " up at tin iMrucuiar time, nut wc till h.ii man' haRHaanf lira Und ipea foi - In the Oountf Onatl ol I llnrin $.24,000,000 in Orcpon n announ- 1 ced a ve.ir aft, will be mrned - Morrit, iv,v(id. forward to completion 1 he r. . , , , ... , h.isi been no ground fo. statement 1 m .r "'l "' -,-tni to the contnirv. The O R. & N. '" ' v -it. .Iwwwl ... " , . ., innei m twit itii- in Mil complete the Kipntui- ,, artUaaaa .,i I.ewiston line, the Elein-oetdi that 1 .. hwn Hint with mi .' . BtaanaM and the branch fro,, "- m.tol,!! J.II.M I . . ml ih.t tl- " "" " 1 endelton 10 I .lot ROCR I Southern Pacific will build Ihe . '" '' ' :r.n t Caaa b w I w ini in.i nam 0 (alkino in in the markft for nil voiir hub--. h.ir' bnir ai d coy ote pkin Hi- watito ail of thtn mil trill i ' anofl pilaaa. I i;i r--.ii, Hunting i fiirlmlden iinn mt ii'iiiii-- - ! aaMMUMfl wil' be pro Dootad. 11 i Ltrmm. v"l NTt COLRT ' il am ,1 tin- iin--llrail '' 1.1. ITT. Hat. or to? tn. i -in! othsf urnl ! 1 i hur - -1 - Atl ' tlfl .BBBBBBBi ..r:i batst Ideate in lij To Wear 6armpnts Ltvufl hit l- .iitr tirw - 1K. CIU.V .MIV Ku-n. UretN HARDWARE Of All Description. PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, DISC DRILLS And Everything needed for the Old Timer or the New Comer. Are Pleased to say That we Have Re sumed Business at the Old Stand. Yours for Business, GEER& CUMMINS li Df wa Iran .- - Mil 1 1 '''' ''I ' ..I ,nl b prompted R im. - . . remw a loMM i f , iiiiii rating and iiiiw HHM : that h.iv, '-l ..i-ti.iiuiinw aamluy WMMta a4aMto ection """ r"c"ur-" of Harm-i r,iunt and 9M0 to ht ud a pr-ir and oecuring xnibtu of lb- r- - The man Hut would bee. me m ,t tbe annual fair uiwiii. mdependantlx rich in I hort time 'latt Randall appoinUU ! expert haaidu gainmi the everlaating tba bonk of tbe couoty aoaool aup- gratitude of tbe people of thi tec- rintndant tion, riMMaU .ulleit a nut- herd of "" " m good cow. and go to n u !l" uudtraightrd I. tcr It la simp impoMiblt . of lb City of Burn aWmtJ t tli.it commodity a: tii time ( "U,,M Oregon, hereby ft and Ihc Mnu prevail. "d ' t0 clo, our "P about half the entiri cat. Ih ,,un bouaaeoo Hunday l-t.- T.-, L Vi.ril l.t and July l.t. It07 a...l ' --aaviMiu nag v-aaiiv ui uiiinn. . .1..- ,..-, K-l,. 'r "" O0"" Cl0d " - - . wva - Hiiur aonieont take advantage of the I In ti Mil II M I HODGE & FLOYD General Biacksmithing and Repair Work. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Burns Meat Market North of PMlffla 'ii Man. M.. Customary Prices. Fofcty't dd tnd. "urns. Oregon sou - Pifo.-igc Solicited VHO ' and all of aaid Sunda- n it Son. LunaiH opponun.-v tnuaea.on tt,- man- .,h..rtz. R ager will borrow gctt) and - , ;. . . ( aj (. ne mt : much a k A J.ckwn. lame Ha WnWl j j Tui.krr .: atkullij bloated ninii..ii.iitf ulthki v,iUi . I H n.itmn uuiiiiiii. t lir..i H J A I. -" ; I " Alllii'Uff- br v J H I. been mtat plcaaant tlu-;. 1 pa.t fr wrrkr and Hit LIKU U PtKMINU nev tnuntr and wrath tion. x far u thi ' aoajiaM ' vteckin thr 1111- rnmen: i.ed. TV HH4JUN . i'K w hen -" in lb latan - 11.. 11 n r .ant tlii'ro(. .1 liar - llanrai and ih-1 ,, 1 ' . A. SCHENK, Merchant Tailor vuit made to order that may be tried on before finishing, making: ure of a satig l'ait"n fit. All work guaranteed I 1iil 1MI CLUMMi. RtPAlRINi AND I'RbMi. ZPxices 2Soa.so23.a"blc. A. SlHENK. Merchant Tailor, McGte BIdg. Burns. Or ' aaalLBBBBBBBBkk- ' V JaaaaWtaTaO AaVia Taa? r .ataawiBBBBl ' ' bbbb -m eaam VlaaBBBBVaeVaalwjT H jJUi aaaaK iavl A aVaaaaV It A CjAaaSSTI cC ull'ataW w gr aairaaaxc sakikd M. . lairta. fur mat anil M '. I II I I s Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line FRANK 1ETSCHAN, Propt Upcraiiu: tram taslio via Prairie City. Jaa Hj. Cuvaa City lo Burov Orc'vi . li.ike. Cil to Hurn, ' 1 nice Careful drtean I irat iht-rtiute Kni load to Burnt " Port Vifim Bolfraii ;nnl l-lT Sailrs;lir (' ' III .111 Quantity. J HANSEN. Propt v.. j THE HOTEL BURNS BAR. SflM BAILEY fVoprwtor. Fine Wines liquors and Cigars fluent1", for wrqland Club Whisky. CLUB R00M5 IN ONWCTION EVERYrHING fU5T CLASS Courteous ami oblijir Mixolo . : . .. ....,. - &V.;:..: .: .: ..:: .:,'.:: H.tnif. . iu.r.1 arm hanking H.o Ma lilt- con I ii iiuntry Jaut" I'oiivgai. ami W u. I . h a lurin .. - iriii an A aim I in a posrd U riru -ii bYHhaw laphiM aha mm id wi.ii.1 Ii- aaa can no 1 - me 'r iiliil ' -II L. WOLDENBERG. Aud.tor J i 0 0 ' 0 0 0 fy'fv ' - . , PURE FOODS AND PlIH DRUOS j Jan. 1 the new law m kj Into ciua .... .......... our Fall & Winter Goods ARE IN We can now take care of your or ders for everything in ous line. 1 have just received from the Fast a larc: shipment of ribbons, notions, Shet land flos.s outing flannels, dree Kuodt, turnishini; ujuods for men, onun and chiltirtn Overcoats, rain coats, leather CMItS, Jutk coats, sheepskin lined coats, 11. ;k maws and warm coats for winter. . lankata, QiaUta, etc., calicos, percales. We guarantee ail PURE. DRUCt, sid b us to be 0 0 0 0 Alili DRUC8 that go ta make up your PRESCRIPTIONS are uuhat your Doetor or dered. CITY Eie'cro- STOKE. H. M. HOKTON, Propt. 'X-v I BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. : -. . 1 ajovarna . .- L'-rf aaie 'r Hn. Thefreal Black Percfceroti Siallioii VENIN 5ROWN A I'' ' and corresponded il ilia: tin prop 1 ata'' iit tu- in man' thousand homes' Tri im'. a U(H - 1 if iii.- t niifidani itr : 'fc'U- Uiai - . rd iii 111 . .-r ili.v Miifi fiimiil tti -MtlMr 1I1.. coming int. 1 r ... u lacatieaa. Hi w,,li"- -!" aamtfMd eaehfa nr torn H I- .. iBfl ul.ie u.id willing l Inn ' 11 - ii inforn... iiiii.ralr in caae ufa pro). 11. require 41 . unlike 00. of Um fau. ill and ha anwin D FR0N1 111 KV . OKI. 1. A! H RICHARDSON, Secy. C. D. BRANDOM. Mgr. - .,--- 'V'' aBUJTER ' ' i BBBDaaa'V'.-'a a a ak T s LlftaV THA.T Tn. BUSTOT tatOMN STOCKINC "!3trr HaWr ro MT' CLAW - -aaaai iaT aaaa aaaaa. yf .bbbw eaaa'''" "i.a... ! ' 'trial 11 ' Rubh-.Ts (ic-rman socks, felt bouts, gluvcs. boots and shoi'S, trunks, valises, ninnon shades etc. T ibbbhbIi ' jr w .j'vJ JaBBBarT - -xt BBBBBr ' 3Hr aaaVT afLta ttm ItT tv "i1 1 'wl j md Jk L 4V IbTi J- agj aa Ik. : : : :umm;xz:r... tidcn. eaahiag Inolii i!anni Hand in in- d to think Pltaf la ''biaviaf aa ptclc'.. it would iountr . T1.1 H.irnes Count) 1 mil will have Ha pn-ni fur tlir tair tlii- fa! printed iind in the hand, of . txl.ibitora Minn- note neat asoath '! I he quite an advantage lu ..II coo d anl Mill yiv .1 hetlt-r mil) in i.i pi ui the Ii l inn . ' KtuiKiit-r and 1 from Hunting'. art no. quartered v. nun Young III thr utlicc ui if the Oregon Kaal . tiiruad in llilr uilv Mi Kiulkin-r n peaUiea of ahi.1 giafk am. Mr. tiluck ir laaaaafafhei '1'nie addition in th wurkiiiK fctma i.f tbf nil. warded as ngiuumi.t 1 - THE ' FKUIT TREES H Nu ST THAT CROW t 'he Oiaes. irv. fTios' Rtli i.fi; ir. T-m Ur iffco Sto Of all lci23-d.s. a.- itit- Hiiiiir to tall no im aoii luok Ihaaagf ui 1 . rf. tiian sur aaaatt U ill ARAM EL SAflSFALllOiS Special At tea 'ion ui:n to Conducting luncrah NL AMI ACQRAll Ua KHI U UWthtCIIIMi irH BAR i nun abi-ent hut ir 1 . .1 .... : (iccic-u 111 iivuin iu iuc imu iuiuii AT PRICES OlMEhALF Ti.EES UNEQUALrD IN SIZE Hardiness and Fruiting Ability. I. S. GEER, Agent. LUNABURC 6l micts kitji.i DALTON I: '- - "jriTiTiwmraaaaariaa.aatiiTnn iiini 11 Ttie Oreon Hotel 1 All Kl'NU. Manager ationa itli utwt, cltwo autl comluru lunin. I una inwU'i- In IrloutU lu atop w lib Inui wliun 111 Kuril.. Table well lurnUiiad Mania 6 eeoU. . Iilji itMniiitSl ;;;;;;;;, iittttnt! BURNS MILLIfO CO MORTON AS' . , P, pr8 nuugn ana uressed ! mberJ Rustic, Flooring, -uouldmg, Finishing Lumber. .M.ei auwmiii 10 Burns. Cood Roi Lumber Yard in Burnb.