The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 23, 1907, Image 1

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    ,) eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
rdt Vmt-ftvrlft
The Official Tuprr ot.llarney Conn,
liu the larg.-t cirrolatinn and i on (
the beat ndvertiing mediums in Eastern
L :
! 9 h ? Mwrrresj onntr j
(over an ' ' ,400 seres of J
Isnd. 4,?I,.TW sere yet varan! snhjsel
I., rntry under tin- publlr land Isw of
J ibt tmted Htate.
Aacteat History iM Palatt TMa
Real Slack Na Trail tor
Fiaaiallaa al Tojw Ml.
re ha been considerable di
aling of land title in tne
land diatrict by government
who hare found out while
nlrer land of western Oregon
n fraduleullv si'itiired by
n capitalist people of eastern
have been grabbing land
the deaert land act Thou-
of acre of a fine wheat land
e state have been taken tin-
, law by people who have
tip and got titles fiom the
Hiiciit without making any
rHt bring water on the land to
dtw cn.-. while other have
place on running creeks
erel . turning the water over
d a first clan crop of wild
Issen produced
e is land claimed by stock -
10 have hired their men to
le claims under the deaert
nmestead law and then
tberu out for a small price.
of the land held this wax
teen found on investigation
been cultivated at all In
esse no houses have been
show that a seller ever
1 bis claim
thing good in this line, a line of in RESCINDS PATENT HOLD-UP rent of the man who wishes la shin
struction to the student howei I in the society of the capital and the
Compositions must he written in verv position of senator forces
sets of three, that is. each student (1 AKFIFI.O ISSUES OtDEfcS TO LAND penses upon a man which ! twM
must write three copies of their CnHMISSMNER. scarcely avoid and retain his in-
composition, one foi
three judges. Have
each of the
NH teacher
tluence among hi fellows. It Mai
be readily seen how an man of
I I l-'Ft 1
poi icv oors
JMM Settlers-Tee Lacsl uffkrrs
r laslrrclr lies.
driven by such conditions to resign
his place rather than submit to the
According lo a Washington dis- ,"nuh of t''tred society under
ine aiiernauve ol driving hiraawi
to the poor house in an effort to
t...t Intfl.sil. Palau i
Tkf lisaeaiato t.tra,tla
give yon a number the stme a m Halllartr ta t.seatto Flaal CtrtMcatoa at pride and limited means might he " lrtlMj la ifc FIW w.rk la Ikl.
examination, sign tin- r to
your cnmMiition and not vour
nime Place voir number and
i 1 . 1 1
name 111 an envelope seal aim semi .... ,, a
. lent Roosevelt, finding
it 10 me. All composition mil
be in tnv hands b th-loof May the order holding up titlea to land
a I have agreed to mail tin n, to is working a hardship on settlers,
the judges on that date h- sent the Secretary of the Inter-
Kollow instructions carefully and j(,r a H,Pr cancelling his order
with the Mai wishe, to ,11 1 am. Lj frfc., j If, realty In the i-
ery Mi.cerelv yours ....,, (lf rvj.l,ne f title under
W ' in Mir il
friily I .lite
lie Holt ,,f this
I 1 ' i; II
0 asl
oithinu up puss from her
I lungs Docl'trr declared mil
1 00 mill il.iu In' hgall had wmi h
by n r brd'Sld (..ri eight
1. .... . kaiM ,il al i.r.i. lit ! .iiuial
H"iir- "ii'n, 1 ','. is p 1 '
smir 1 k prii 1
On April I I In 1 nacled
Ibt poblk land laws.
The reason for the cancellation
1 ;hat t'ongress did not appropriate
h ullicient amotict for the carrying
out of the purpose of the order,
abeep law will g.. inn. effect nod as M1 ,. , m order it , eegpgggs
a result every sheep in the slate. , hive ,nfl loromiasioner of the
whether alflicted with scab or 1 . rill i,an(1 office detail all of
keep up the social pace.
Many a man who has gone to
Washington with honest purpose
and with a wife and familv itesir-
will have to le dipped
Those found affected will re
ijuire dipping twice The dipping
must be done letwetn sh
time and the tune when the sheep
are started for the mi miner ranges
in the mountains
As IheSlu-lier bill contained the
his available force in such a man
ner as to handle the work most
rapidly ami prevent fraud
The day following the above dis
patch the following made its ap
pearance in the public press- Sec
retary (Jarfield of the depart-
in. ir 01 uie interior na- issueii an
northwestern of the Han
man railroad system, ha- I"
reel, d In the I' aflrOM
s 0 the hone I his is ill
wilh the retrenchment
Ih.Iicn which is credited as I eina in
ing the pleasures t the andai r,.,i;n on aoooonl of 'wOOtlta
whirl has been driven to the uc h-u.-lation "
cepunc of bribes and the betrayal .., ,mV(, m.,.lv,., r,irH , pgaa
omiaown in M M IOHll. A
realm the financial ,., ...,,. ' -' ..... ih.i
to satisfy the demands upon him, WI .hlw for i,.lf.'
and the probabilitv is a large part Although Mr OHm.. gave ei-
of th corrupting corporate inllu- ,,r, M1 , ,. ,,1,,,, , ,.,.
enoe credited to the national aenat. M.r M1,,.rvw t w,,rki ,t ,, ,,
could be traced lo this cause no apparent ,tl.,t up..,, the woik of
The codfiah ari.t.Kraticy of ,,, ,, ,., ,.,lgmwra in the field
Washington ta p-obahh the mean- ,,,, ,)., the contrary the aclivilv
eat and most ending in th. world ,, gtMfllj increased II.. Bft
m its efforts to ape ihe courts of , fllM,,. , Bc,, , 1(11 and the almost total disap- kjgfajj ,,,, ,.v. n thing N,inf to the
pearanceof the simple ,eri.i, , .,,,,,. ( ,.,.,, ,.e trans
life from around the national cap.- , ,,Mii.e.,t.l line through lius ser
ial ia one of the deplorable facta nf ,,,,,
(i.neral Manager O lrnn of the r King's s giv-
emergency .l.use .1 will not I, ,.es,oner H.llinger of hC ,,m,"" Bg" 1 h" V1 """ '-' """ "' be v,g,.r-
towaltlHi days bOaWtO going int.. , ni , ,,,,, intended d,r " ,h'1 '"" ""'"" " '' """ V "" i the work waa Ihe
effect as was mi pp na.M ,,.,,i.. t,. the ntmoal the iaa... I who '" )Uin- ,,""""i filitan. -rijVal her- this we.k nf a large
to Xpeilll.
Watchmaker and Optician
:E3-u.rnau Oisrori
Aarto4 lav toMt woth at 0 CeaaawtHlv RaMMttow ta
ttJ iL. a. t . I. . I
,M'" ",r l"" '" n'" '" am. of patent, lo .Ul.tkNI enlrvmen
all dipping .. .. .earned, ,p.,,cal.on. have accumul.l-
,irr "l,M,V : .ner.l land office Th.
ioopoolor who will wo.k ... en-,., , fmn,,, lUtomt.
eration with lh" stale beep Ooitt
sBtoaion. I'r M in charge
of the fedeial work In the northwest.
. . . , .
pioverniiieni lias neeu iniiit- erauon ami ine state -neep OOMI- v , . r, ... acj0(l making easier '
U patents on deaert and home- mission. Hr Met lure, in ohorgl ,.,. ,,f ,,r,,VMu ,,,'' under
Hentriea until the special of the fedeial work in Ihe northwest. ,,, ,,,, ,, ,, r, ., ,,. ,,,,.
:an make inveattgalions and j has jus; retun.e,! Ir ... at, , ,.. ,, mo, , ut.
o the government. There Boise and It ..,. preparing plan, , ,,, liCliUltn lms.
d proaict of veial deaert fr the dipptng work, .axs , v iu , ,,,, Wfm wjch
nterie. being canceled.- change , hmn .MUed
Mi Journal. In this state . b'h.iiI '.'.-
yarding to the above uoe .'mIO.OIn) M'.eep and in
ill - ippoee that Harney county , properly Mparintood lb. .1;
laak'iiUv treen overrun by spe
' gi i riiineiii agents and thai
Kiltier luan living here was a
Ir Mrl'lure stuteil that In i tl..- service ..f about iit
deputiea in addition lo new
Kief. A a matter of fact, bo under him. In dipping the .lock-
Mactioe was ever tolerated , men mut use one on the Hi dip
officially reoogniti 1 l.j the Imreau
of the 111 dis ofliciall) recognised
h the bureau of annus! itidu-tit
The hill u. , wring dipping was
attempted in recent years
ra a lime way hack it. the
l a when one or two tug cat-
srns loumi tnty were un-
boid Harney county all to J passed in hop. s that thorough
vea a swamp laml, llial
holdings were secured bv
Htots of their employe lo
r komeslead and pre-emption
igp, and even ibis is only sup-
there never was 0 OOM
where men were hired for
lovaliuns were few, however, hle
ng ago that a gOVOfWOtll
anyone else could not le.l
time whether .1 had ever
It.vaU-d or not
l had been issued leu or 15
B uiuu would out l . iwcld
H the evidence of hi coin
with the law on the place
Be did not need the tmprove-
ir desire to cultivate the
ia found lo
i.plete and tin n " no trend
ing pi ibjeclioii the same
will he passetl to patent in th re
gular or.l.r The order continues
The Ureal officers will proceed iu with the circular of
l. .,.,. , l's, , governing the
..ivu.g notice of final
and the action taken ibereon
.-. -li them maps defin
ing (be mineral within their re
's as soon as lhe
are provided hf the (Seological
All locations, selections and en
tries) ol land in nunmineral area
will be considered b the local
officer under the above circular
with a view lo tiual action bv litem
though a wealth) man, has mil I.,.
fore now set the seal of his dinp
proval on it and atauied out the
official aristocracy which i- le, ,.n.
ing a canker in the ho.l goiitio,
He ia the one person who could do
it and shouhl do it Salem Stale,
TbooMee'a Art Arrlttof.
Tbe campaign of
Miiio.ii.l nl .III. i- I, in i, tore and an
increase nf the clerical force in the
oflee in this iitv I be Times
llernhl has been given to r
aland thai t 'hief Kngineer Slraddlev
will make Hum his m ruiam nl
.Hurler in the future
llarrtman inter. is having
I i . light wilh Hill on the
'. oi h i' ink right of way and tin- t rrilory to lln North
. in I'm lit' baa Uly. oi Ihe hue
win. I. ha Iseen conducted during ..,-. ,(,, .,,,. ,iruh ih.s , i
Ihe past ;ai day t.y th" ci inner
ctal liodlea of the Oregon levelo
that id. )i -
til.,,, d Until ' I'll iel
;.d. and Is I l" lih wiilnan
to iIkv '' for
cough- and l.(i
al the I 'in !' I " il hot-
lie Ir
S N I I .- ..I- Hustlers
.- mid
who wentl i) gooo hearty
iiiitgh to send "' for Tii lo
Agents orlh foil In n I
son who well "! for a living
If no, -, 01 monoj
hack . lor tH,u. I In
Mr lot. Ileca-
tur. III
1a Live lee ra
Ihe , I, ,1 . I M i v I 1' lull . l.
II li-l tl
Mr I hull, mi of llailn sville.
I I BM of t'bro-
ni. I
nml ini.ih' I . well and
strong as a ill,g girl H.leclnc
. h and l.iver
-. I Hood ' .enral
)wbilll llll weakneea.
Snlil on gnaranli. l tin " i Ihug
will mak
Ibis it bargain n lh n. lb" way
,,. has arrang.
In tfl V t eeglv Si l.l.lll
o .ill elm pav up flACTICALLT
rtlftCfl IKNK0AN, Proprietora.
Burns, - - Oregon.
Ecl1-o Xla-io XZoa.q.aasZtez0.
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
aucctaaoa ro.wusoe roe
Blacksmilliin jnd
Wagoo Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon
Main St..
dipping of all lh i-hr. p in the
stale will So obliterate ihe ca! that
tbe present federal u,t.riitn
be raised. Bince tl.i. b th- , ase,
It I deMle.l !
egfootively. and according t i lr
Md lure, the dipping
as near a peefee ,-. , rmul . . sles
After th. dipping in Ihe- ., , j
.pr.l.g the .beep will (1,,M Bd elltfjM
NpggsJ return b ..,,) , ,,. gejageej areas um
tbe summer range and all found urtmg rule., hut
After a infected must r again ! ,lm u, Ml. u, fll, r,, or
fore being allow, d t.. go upon tl . al exoepl upi.n the report of
a held officer.
You will instruct local officers
thai u i equally their duly lo
leeuauce ol final oerti
A recent dispatch I'm:. dte l() i,, jj,u MUUra ea to
the Oregouian ggjsj At i, ra utirij ljt. llller-l- of ll)t, publu:
lar meeting of Ihe Male Lgaee ,J p ( j,, prey,nlu,K tile-
Board today 1 burke appeared p eejlajeg ejkj that, 1 1 the perfor-
before the members with an trriga- q,,,, uf ,jleir juliB t,ey will I
lion contract, which he wauled held l.-iiici account for the eer
aigued by the hi.r.l ciMt 0f m9mj d.irelioi, and uod
lo install pumping stations, and ,u,Uujei.l. Il is esuecled that
oerl proof that has been reclauu aU.ui IjOOU acre, of arid rlsgeefl ami Receivers in their
tbe past several years has leud io Harney ooQul) i-' lot ,c diainuU will obtain
u attempted without some 0f w,ii,.. , wledg. of ihe ueneral character
...g mad. lo gel watcf on Governor Chamlrlain stieuu- 1 ud oulit v ,.i th- ....hi..- I. ...I vr
winter ranger
COh TRACT IS gfJVftaW H Kit.
asMrtioti that men have
jp and got title to land uu-
bcm act where a alream
lb, ugh it ia abused aitd a leu
B school boy that ever read
log, laws would know better.
ii.ent League, ia tearing fruit.
Much credit for the success of thi
campaign ia due p. the preai.
Ibrougboul the atit., which lis
rendered in
ploiinig the oolo. list rales which be
came effective March 1st and
which will continue until April
'Itith. ears a Cortland gam
The rates are the lowest ever
made by the transcontinental rail
roads, and homeseekars. uick to
lake advantage of them, are pgsjej
ing into Oregon in constantly In
creaiiog iiuihImts, While many of
these have come through to Port
land, larger number I..
ed to various other parts uf the
Stale It I now lbs dul) of our
ciliieus lu make there f-tianger
within our gale feel entirely at
horn. We abould show them
every attention, give them all
oesearv iuforuation; the .11. ri . I .,
little enoourageiuent, a little neigh-
or weeks, will be marvelous, and a
tbe , .ii.m become belter ac
quainted at doe range wilh what
Oregon ha in store fur them, they
will be thoroughly glad they are
here, and will wonder why tin
did not ooaae before
However, it must not Im- forgotten
tbat tbeae low rate, will continue
fur an week mure, and that great
work may be dune in thai lino
It has been .aid thai I'.r.lsleni
a big h.Mi.t, a it is now of IMort " '"
lillH, Itame before to complete lln lio.
erswhop.. in ad VI will ..lii
tin- gfWel national
w.ekU - and Uo.lU
liiagaine in the Cull
The t.
h.r iiii. month "il v .
i ml a a lime saver to the
coast Krom what can he learned
lh. II irriiiuii, ndverliMiitt bureaus
gun a systematic adve.lia
ing campaign of lln great intern..
gsMMetry t-Mi, which is conclusiv.
u.ean to bring
lias line through and desire to in
Ihe hi. -in. -. ..I I i,.
.. eW ,t I hull!
lime-Herald igsjg n. I lake
the retrenchment policy as a re
lallatlun for ho.lile egilalioli"
I'beri i loo much
al stake and the Hamman penple
are not going g stand in own
way to gr. ally li.crea
in.- Taking into conahleralinn
ihe gnat p..inililo nl
tur t..,.iH. i.) thi n.w road it
e..iild -e.ui that it ii.ii-l Le huilt
at uii. V I. I., think I I" "
that practical.) all Ihe vacant laud OF W
I i i . Mi lUp
id l'ranit Cfl Will ,'ie
for lh oi il tin
- wh move. I .imp and
..ilr r .rnM.rl i from one ..I Ihe
OOech. son lln- tiioiiiiialn
4 -til.
II imtiAn
r'f ; in
Over BOO H
eeuiitui !,.. L"
Pookgne. jjfcllMl Osrou4ee.
(l '' pis,
. s ..
mwmwms as
Iff If UI la ririial
li MJOM telrigf
bet Mi !
taruev. uusB.
laic i9 wtaVr.
in l .....
lell in Hie slate Ul Ifregon I OOll-
tlgin u lo Ibis line and that pwuph
uiii.l have tranauortallou f... ilillea
, during the lir.i few day m . ,,.,, aBLi Ml A Li U HOUR
iu hut such fad, lie. will ba Bjk-p)y in 0nnotioi.
forth, o inn, g Willi i hie
,,,,.,, A Sfociilly f tdjerl Orleri.
uih.i ihe lane) lire, ball
It lh" ad iii this issue
lb mail
i li.
ui The Finest of All
lb fete Ml 4
Hotel Burns Bar
A linti, Burns, One.
gVKotbct I lima, Dlstriuulere, Portland, Oregon
- I -
.ml in He tii.pueitioi. of caees be
ously obiooted to
articles are a great in) us- foulJd ,u-i
e peuple realdlng in Ihe ,cre u loo high and Ihe dale ..f le fur theeewflSoere the) shuuld make
auu a rellectuui upon tbe . , .;..,i ,,. ,,-. i,ri ,. mmU. u .a.. i.
,pi,i,., ,- . .. . . w.- v, .ui u .iiu..tiur. riiuoi lit
icer. No good can come M J.llUary I, I'Jli. Alr thai aidog the entry men or iu nreveul-
iablng such rot and we nurLe .u cou.pai ,ni( an llleifel eon v a. the oaae
dv.M? tbe JiM.rnal to inves .,u .,1,. ,,, ...u, c.nliacl and !
ch matier. t,iufu making LbIU-ji aawwvr. but abioid awee net '- ---- ;., tli confer-
rlluu. It II eapecle to be Ju ti. e m fmfy 011 w,tl ,,( ,., w ,, , w UMyc jj)uj u wj
ast.i llulii'u m . at i.uiv.i.s ior ...
.,... ...,,,-r,,., iiiutiou until o. I lie j OVOf not at o.u . lase such action
and Stale Trea.ur.i .-.leel were e.l- eel .- to orga
.met. Herald loe. nut wi
den) thai there ba. bee
land mattei in Ihla die- ,,, rjkel I... ,.-!. I. , , m l effec-
bere ha there not been? 0f , lrll,, ,,.rl uf . a utel) carry ..ul the order cf the
ever, doe nut juslif) a umuMd lo .),,uary 1. ISMJW, at 1',
lie and sweeping Malewteul .hich I..,.- ' turewill All regulations or inaliuulion ...
lournal has made , ., ,,,! ..,,,, i.i ... .. .1 the con tract ,..nll..o kuaaiik ... - a
led Kurk.
M M,, WASnlMilUN'S CO fL llet
Il was lin.i n.iiil.
commencement , t ,,, , ,i,.w I ili.po.Uion lo puke
l' P.i-. " I- ..., . llrMiil.
their jurtedicliou eitenlt, L, u - . j . , ' . .
. J I'm, Meufurd and Ashland hay
I in- rep.rl that Hum I' rii.h was
married i. it ml. take according in
I,, i, ,. .i.i '
Mall Ik WwM Woweer
how the other half Ufa I
wi... in-. Book lea ' An,. Holt
never w.n..'.r if it will I
a.und horns, ors and all skin
a ia nee-!
.our field ,
" iing to sign lb. .lib Burke and olh.e force, e th.-r by way of
r" lor the Land II be I nhulion a.
become hrm Isslievers In thi. dm -
.inly last .. I I hi
cial Club of those cities, assisted
bv Tom Kicberdaoii, manager ol lbJ "" ,l '"
lb. Portland Comm.rcial (luh, iu- '"' K i"y""'''-
auiruraled vntoruu. l.uhlicltv cam 'l-nngli. Id lh key I regard II
paigna and r.s.,J gOtd sums aes4t ne.-..ll.. ol
y for pu.p ' '"' " 0rMlwd b,
., 'ore. He.
If other UJ'JIUIUl .III... i. "
acuve. will boledhiW lite .jumple-
g m i lor Ibeili fun i. w
week, and advertise to all tbe
world what they have P. oiler tu
liomeaeekera and li,vel..r. the
pupulaliou of the I'.. '' wit
urrl din le withu. vi h w
y t-j 1 1
Pbr Your Weil I state or Husino-
1 1 Mdi'rr Whet fou! Property it Wor:h, o in Who Toojn at, SUto ftwloey it le uucoked
.III I. . .1.1 M Will ' .
evi t.
Sth LtTTtg 10 SIliutNIS.
lo l held on tbe l.lh of u) M Ui. , l(i , ., d all- fu" ls o r of eVleouusiu
IMOkOtOrlbKtbbOu.S foil SALE
1 now bav.
fur sale. gg Iron.
romiae to he one f the puliU: u, i ,,. - Burke on uccounl . his rerignaliou from my pens of H While Uageeru
kleriaining a- w. li ... mi- ;.. ,-;- ,, , IBMi Ike plea that be While Piy mouth liock. and
iucatloual meeting, uf lh wofk ;. .Jc
im for the meeting la near-
lele. and as soon a outside
ko, i, i.i. led with the . xercin-
beard from, the program
published iu full. Some of
, .in. .
f I
David i. liiii. I lie land Man, 415 Kan. Ave., Topeka. Kaisas
A U Hui.l.r 15 bOW I" TrJta.
according lo a leUsVJW "eeived
by friends her.
Peunle coming in fruu,
I tiuancially lo coo- and l'ea couib Knode l.un.l It. el
tinue 10 ll.e olliie, but hi action Ik After April l.l I can supply gfllt
based u,n an unfortunate condi frum pen uf Barred Kock and
t' lu ollicial life in Hlack l.angsbangs. Itrcular of
ngton, which force a man pro e miiI upon applicotion.
lo cither live a o(i hi. otti-
ciul income or else be content lo
nut, in fact, meet uf them points lepoi in. roau. impru.iug lye om.oUoed or unknown in ihe
Iking earueetly on ibeir H rapidly " ' naiiy ad higher" aocial circles.
Mons, and tbe parents and pla are found al ifcit Ume
1 a I uited Hutea
Oba. . B. I. am 1. -II 1
Burns, Oieguu.
Kuglisb Murpme seed oats al &4
cent per lb. C. 11. Davis, Harney, i
public liu expect some-, Johpriuti. .me-Herald. ; neutttor will aroely pay the bouse ( Oregon
Kin I
1ZZ1 If Vet waul lu bl! WI il, Cut OhI 4 Nad letajf
I . Undo g a
I . .,, Wil. h .11.1.1. ..I
i ii. ..I
i... .MU. I A
ili pi I.
II I. sal la Key WI it, Cat (tat a. Mad leiar
I d. .ii.: lu lu prtiiaMly eufrwapjediag sptwosiaiatvly with
lb lulluwlag saeciaoalhwa : Toeu
iv Mate
hain tarn I autl l . II pay
ili.wu autl balauti
Nam i t.ln