ag, ffrii rtmt-wria The OrtU-isl Paper of. Harney v'oiinly, , 1 1 a the Urjril circolattnn end is MM "I the best advertising medium In Raster n Oregon. a SBje SimcG-iimila Tfie res.i Marntgj tfonntri r in area nf ,,4,eMl srre of J Intnl. 4,7M.W! rre yrt vacant snhjeet J v en. ler llM freecc Isml ! : lied Htate. VOL. XX. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OHW ON, MARCH I ioy NO 17 1 HUNDRED ARE COMINfi Herriman. from nodei iii) president. A l Rao stand, who r had entered into an nr rinit with NUMBER START FOH H?Ninr j the Cooperr-tiAe Obi -dera- COUNTV TIMS WEEK. t, on and given n iba! npi that organiiatinu Tin- sell llarrimsn BOMrtt I mi Tw Wstklaftse Tswa W Art I moment when thi f.'derati m'l head It law Pertrseeer al Tksasael nllieials were 11U nl In i- Was Arc lasklst Tkl . ver there waa an opportunity ..mam In mm Mtllumnlll ' id v a nee rapidly we have it to ll ia possible to bring thou that would beve inann d ibc . ie 1 sion of the road itil 1 Kaftern Ore- and connected it with a rival trans continental lin" For a long lime ibfl neftotl nf the Chriatinii lidrratinn for (he 1 of new people here during , urch, nf ,,,.. , w.. resent season and HMr U MliMllT ev the Hirnman in nome within the next two or ( lerwit(l ,though it WM readilv eeen months. Circumstance are thm, hou,d , ( favorable at thi time to ' lending the mud i lanah very effective advertising and, Oregon it wor." ..nld not mis the rhanoe. bringing another IraneeonUnental e iinfortu.-.ate that our road ,, jntn ,,.. the worat condition in the p,,.,,,.,! Haiti IWI BM ft of the county not on ac N y . . , ,, . , (f of lack of work upon the pari .. tmA.ti' .. llllin. f..r linai.c- penple. hut through weather ' ,hp mh()W in,Ji( , W( , ed with certain t ruei there. Slow I v il 1 w binned into eliai' in unity to gel into the Harney u, ,h. fln.m;i.r. ,, ,,, llmf. tv. but the aUgea nan hardly (MJ1 f(r tkfmm . ,, )(i ',.ugh with the mail alone Wd f-JuU J(i j nVi f ,,. aeema. cannot ,.,.,. ,v K.sM.m. rel lured. These people, or aome prtta, bonded 4 ,.; mi at least, have been advised . ,,.,., . atari for Ihe Harney counin s XSllilll.. ,,.: I April, bul they fear auch a hdrtmlu,u Hllll Uu,,. . lhat they mual atari at .., . , ,ll(.r .,,., wl Eer U get aome of our vacant york , illli,, ,, , menlland. were M I bf II Timae-Herald ia reliably in- ...- t1 .., .i... .,,., ,.; - - - 1 1 AT OP ST1KK GRAZING BILL collected upon the aamwiWit thereon, lor the full length .f lini that uch live tock ha been and ()l RIMUCIAl. LAW PASSED iV "iH I within aaid cnnntv. during 1MI lliiiSIAllIRE said year, according to the M levy in id home count v fr all state, county .r purpoaes (Iran Batta ay OatsMc Sketa Will Krlai Sec. t That r lefore the Seai Rftcaar la I atlrra Oettaa lir.l ,1,N ,,f IVcember ol' each year, Caall.A 0aa Law. and also at the expiration wf kV ful! year from March first as al.n said, the slock insnector -f auv afe the courlesv of Senator :,,. m ,,P .,. m (,,1nlv l,,vi'iK'k. the blue Mountain Ragle' the county in the state, ln lipil Ins received a conv of house hi II "r "e counu ckr. wnere life The Rl ue Mountain Ragle says: stock is pastured, shall make lo the countv r.nirt of such oou No 88l which was passed by the of the legislature and ahich.l II understood would not """l, m writing, ot the Im from other counties, thai is or M pastured in said count .!..- .. ... . . 1 r. 1 b r 111 vi i,d ii... ...i...i il. . -. li.u... ,...nti !.. ...-. ..., K' .11 ll-MITI Ul I.I Ol MAIT iwimi iuimrr wiirir ! in more than one c., and it is of interest be veined by the governor. i'i 1 in - . -j r u- 1:...-: .. 1 lie 111 1 1 iirii iuhp 10 1 lie i' v iiuui .. w . 1, 1. . coimlie. her.i,n' "- fv,n .--..---.- ....... , 01 K MINI S ARE ATTRACTING . Mlrl.- MINERAI HI I T tAI HAVK ORPATFR THAN wl: wMa -isisi District War cs Ureal sclhll, taU Saaa-wlk CtoM sal Caaacr rraaatcts. .1 II. e f Ml M A II 1 "I lhi I 1 ' It Hooper. M he waa ea nasi- ed l ocMigbing uc Bttss from her lung .Inland her end M miir thai her l.ii il had watch h I- ! m b fori eight hour when, al m urgent rnueal been up ,, K g . ,, ...,,., wa gir- suuthrtn rll .r, with '-li't'e result Id. J CCrtlOII bM from In- heCM in thi p. ni nf tin ceoatj f'i a ftw dajri thai 'i this week Ha itput general iimod until aha IhwJIj 1 pleieU n ilw I'm l.lo nnnino .hs r. overt). Hnd i n lit mHIi wnniaii lin 1 .,. ibis tunc and from indu.i- ""' f"r .1 11 i:lI.. s. 1. (Miugbs and rolo and ri inwia mvic win unci) u n 1 - 1 1 1 . . .. . . a the Cm rug Hlora Irial lot the 1 onopah ami (roUllnlds II' IMr E. N. NELSON Watchmaker and Optician Buins, Orogrori. GOLD MTiDAT. Awarwra ler heat werk at a Cosaawtltlva BaMaWlaw la ions mat are most unusual t of people are at the various id points todav awaiting an ll that two hundred irenplr Alienleen and llo.iiuiii. ingloii. this week fur burns. but an indication of the 1! trend even from this const. le real rush will be from the ud middle aula. The low I rate on tbe railroads will thousands nf people to 1 majority of whom are look r vacant government land, r present conditions Harney i baa a most excellent chance A. II Haiiiuioi.d pn iid nt oi Corvalli A Kasterii. was ready lo axecule thru. I uipam Il is kiinMii 1 lo aaj .1 cooperating will, tin varinin- 11 - the lime in lace and Nash arm 11 New VorL by secret servo, men in (lie 1 ploy of lb "sia. I When 1 be traiiaaction h.i closed to the extent iliat lie uuiie al . .1 a-ll Ming a large proportion of . . . . I aii . left for (.hicairo 1 liiia! emigrants I .. tmlMik Ml I lie Outlier L president' latest withdraw- , . , .. f p 1 In deal wild ' nadr foritsl reserve purposes ba .iiln our hand in a tuoel nig manner a ll ha cover Iclically all the vacant laud me territory ol two Oregon flice aitualed weal of lb kle and The l)albs land ol put out of buailiee uu ao- luf tbe removal of tin register burns laud district is there- e moat accessible tor ibis Ub of eastern people who kiug for vacant land Tbi 1 bar lu tuxi.UHi acre await- k bumeaeeker over 4,6OO,00U Wllblti lbs borders of Harnei l'bi fact should be as V advertised as possible and roper co-operation with tbe ds ma lw tbe means of ig our population wilbtu a van though we have uu rail- wiibiu our borders. Ills a that must be taken advan- 1 b the commercial bodies Harney country K judi- Iwurk at Ibis particular lime accomplish more in ibis aaou 111 tbe way of develop- t' Hiinliuglon while Naeh tH . . N ar ai ately oc Harriman lenr iortl thai il. v nlll A I closed on ler t. Ibe trnllic map Oiegou. lie Mi,! I'm Ik and raied his tl r t.. a sum II. ai Was llto tell ' an lo refuse. It 1 I H iiigton and MJMuOQI Im prtt , ai consists ul I l: ti edeat railroad In tolul bond and - i-k aggregating '. Nash arose from bl berth m morning as tin tr.un u- iign be mup band d a ii that informed Inn. ' ll tin- road lo Hurr.:, Mr Nasb b yiinlii.i; the attair, but il is kit itxri 'i.-i' lo waa uearly ov.r. BV a:li' dU poinluienl al Ho and ikiniin of (Jrant rounly. the law as is published in full I All live stock that ia kept, driven or pastured in more 1 county in this slate dor ing shy year c iiimeucing March r that is iiei untied to range or grsr.e in more than one county in this stale during any such ear. -trill Im. known as transient live county in which !on (tom lk IsWeW aa such IrMi'leut liee stock liny lie at lie hour of I o'clock a m. of March lirsl -hall I known a the nnlv for such Iraiiscienl live si i' k for tbe ensuing year l'. ibe word ' ear" aa used in this Act is meant I lie year , oiiiiuelicing at the hour of I o'clock n in on '. Ir-l Ail -ucb transient live ed for uiaesamcnt aaaesse I for taxation in the Iioiio county faf uch Iranaielil k for the year and not elsewhere, and tuxes shall Ire levied and :lml thereon a other tax aa on personal property aie collect ed 111 at c uiiii 1 All uch taxes so collect ed akwil I" divided lielweeli the t v and any other county - in or through which .1. . I ki . ill IV ; 1 or 10 ahicli such In permuted to proeirtion to tire Um V. shall have it Bihar county or a a compared with the ear, and auch home county shall be liaide lo such other i.tie. for such pro ji.ii lion of tbe whole tax for tbe w v 1 1 : 1 genU llusilera Salesnu 11, 1 'k- ami mi 1 I IkO Want! to enlo 11 good hearty diirint: tliix ncaaon. " 1, imp will ict tuinlv iiMin owner, or his agent, a proper de- tolheltoul m .1 irn -inn I tunc, scription anil nunilier and JMLtolftl ,i- k CuttoW, -'fot H i one ul kinds of such live .lock, with (lie ,H. )u ,,,., ,, H-lls tin oii".li laugh to I m al marks and hrH.,,1- IklNaf, awd , ,,. ,. mnn MNNN Awnli Worlll WO In Mfl showing the full time during .1,.. U ,,,,,,,,, ,um,, two fTOAIDI " ,iV,n,' vmr lhat uu. h ivm aik .. ... II ,' um-ikmi n Aer v iiarl 1 1 I Lin.l 1I...1. . , um i bimi m all. nf has lieeffi Wlllin. .111 cm . t'irciilir I'i lain' mi 1 ninny 1 uck. which vompiise 1,,. I'licc lr U bile .I., in, Comb I'll . lur. Hi Ibe IhaM 1 .11 .1 1 from such report such cuuli ruuP" M'"" ,Mn ' shall make and render I ItlMIIln "' ' Vl ' l"""';' "' h A "' court of ihe ' was ..pen. .1 up von. count of said live slock -Imainc IW ll i icvulcil lin 1 c such fads and .bin m.diMi: p, "en 111 that iliMm I .of the taxes due aaM arwmtt prospeclhig M ... g .0 tl.. . mm e.i 111 Section 1 thereof. it kj tbe gjMrral improai.wi Sec. 7 Tbe provisioi,. . f il,,. ,,.(1 IV,, .,, Winlu III .nc in Act shall noi appivio rt...-k -.i.i hf t, 1( -1. .1 m -. nic ..I ibc baaltons the owners thereof in tl.. I, ib.,t ,lti u I .mil lli.U I. . . . ,otv. ,.,.., a Inch lh. lul: , ,, ,,,,., p , . ,.. lat. have Ire,,, paid. !ch -sid , , , , . nM(K.r ahlc stock shall lie driven, .lupin-d . , ., . .1111..1111I ol v..ik in Ibc ncai In transMiriei into ollir couiilli Mile 'Ibc n.ilive luppci gffMMsCla utilising llieie .mil sui I. .1 liireje amount in 'lybt thai I .1 doubt line o( Ibe ..eili.Hls rf Ibe be kepi or confined m m m-u,. -for the putHise of preptii , same for market. e. s. Any p. ron ..r pars, tin and the managing agent of anv eompaiM .-, corporation, ""si ""inni: the owner of and have in Thw 111111n.1l bell is mm I, any live stock ill. in Hi- -,. of MaTI .Miiimvc Ii i licen Oregon subject g Ibe Bfovisia 11. Lilly Ihotlghl ami this act. and alio shall violate an In i .Inline iibandoned me of the provisions of - ..m,, ijinte nib. Ibis Act. shall U g.ulM ..f a 11.1. m, (Jggfeaj bail a talk vattl. Ibe demeanor, and B ....v,..,..,, , , ,,, .u, , ,.s lt,.yyuw v,.ik thereof, -ball U lined SM .ban . ( - , (u. (vrniv-fiv (!!.') nr inr- limn ... . . . . . ' uinl IimiiiimI Ui.ii ihry "Mil ..... I 1. ......4 .1., --- la I al U I i ... J 11 iv 1 iiiiiiaiii imiai t i nhttll Ih iuipriioti(l in (! ia.ffa ushLL lrn tbau ha been done in Die --- erMti.ii. m Itinir. huri! .1 VM.r. 1 in .11 lo n, lulu L'atlww o 1 1 .1 . . .. 1 :. . . jail not lea man mi days . - than one year, or both aorh Hm w" '" ""'"" over and imprison, ne, Wild llotsc V.illev . Sac. . That all Ads and p., 1- Should tbi In- ilchniie and it 1 of acta in oonllict beiewitb. Im. itud Ibc lo lap c lum d the same are berel.) reiiealed. Iln noinlv ,1 vsuulil not only mak the I'ueblo mining dialrkl lou-ir officials li.m ovci , ,. IVehct in the whoh I. a the lime luch looked a litilr mallei p. it.nni.,- ,, ;,N ,,,. U1 ,. ( ,. Hb,,, -nv such ,08r-xinrulf tl,.- ,.s. m. I..' ,, ......uliural t cuntie mmAh imrnt.dl4le .,,,,. ,,, W(1((1, "." 11 i only a gMtta "I .. 1 , W(1U, ., ,,. loai.l 111 making aucb . , . . ., ' .iMMmMchlraMtolir11-.-1 '"," ,i"" ''-'-l I "". 11c n.e lounty. 11 .,i.iiv - divi-t allied reaourci fact that a numbi'i d IfM Ml ,t ,(., piutnincn. e ., lb. ol ( muiily i-rie linn , ,, lMM1 kj tl,.- al.r. I lice on the reset vc vyilb Ml p in", any j;i.iiiio lac I I h maiillestly .1 inju-li. 1 In tin Hall the WarM w.,N4era time anv such tock if jreijj.-. sheep lhat ionic ro lai 1,,. . 1 1. r halt !... I boas -ucb other notify I (;, ai county j;ru N.-v il il wl. n Kockbu's Arnica Halve -pector of aid counts, ., wcl eslalilisbcd fail thai ll 1 1 if it will . ,,,. cut,- rk, if there be no 1,., j,H u) , ,. ,, Lorn,, sore and all akin k.n.peclor or bl. deputy. i()c ,ot ( , ,,, ,,,.,. know 11 .ill Mr. that be lo. . or intends t , (Irani Ha I IRQ J- It. vnold Hi .In 10 .1111 las a conseiiuellic alb- ' "'" r" '' r v noma n u I I .. m a . il jloh. t . 1 1 I . BU.utus.l I - .. 1 vaiiu t iiuui) wiitii kiwiiPicni live stock is removed from such r kept, driven, or MawJMR, or permitted lo range or graze in any count other than its home county, ibe owner thereof, IM Insauent, aball, will. in fifteen rte Live law Veai.. THE CAPITAL SALOON, TKISCII , IKINROAN, Proprietora Burns, Ortgon. Wines Liquors and Cijcars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms In Connection. The ebaiues for living a full ren (III 11 IW Ii- ni III the esse of (r- I. ,0 il I hM in of Hani. i ille i 1 Hm iviii.s. I on .1 1 1 I'hio ul, I tM 1 III slsuding, and inn. I n I as well and MftMsfMI 0i111g girl Kleelu. Hill, r- 1 ni. b and I fll.eas.'-, Wood disorders, lien-ral Helnlilv and IhmIiIv weakness. PUB Iff Ht.f S..I.I on gnu., .1 tl.. "(IV Ufllg CHAS. WILSON, u. . 1 na m.wiiaoe 4 s.TOM Blacksmilliini; and J M A a a .BaBsBaBafHtxMffffffai XI ffffffalA V 4J BaVBBTBr Morsshoei-f. Wagon Work ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED. Burns, Oregon JIT riUCTlCiLLI Tin I 1 lb 'Mid aill make , liargaiu niooll, 10 the way ol ilbscripl uinl has arranged 1 ..'uei'Tl lo give 110 .-. uu- , eeair - i.ouis ,11 ah., pav up Btrwart in advanee lo I ii. 1 1.1,, rterald Nm MwmN ers alio pa) iii advance will also (hi- great national IMbI weekly tieapaier ami faiuilv in the I oll.d Hlales The two paper BIM fni . 1..1 thli 1 1 1, isnlj 1;. ,-.i n, Hm mi itap I id I'ransil I'., will give I""... reward if fur ll. ml 1 .,. v i, lum of th partus wl. -iraii. aild ' olio r o..m ,1 . Iron, una coac In a on 1 In' mo III. lain S BETTER A-U kcHIimTHiJ ft jl AWT Over BOO B rd for Baaulltul Pv 1 1 H10 '' D.alan a . IBf I " ggg 1. 1 LEWIS ill M lla It llfttjft PARTICULARS and PRICES Ii fjffffj aMVlKf INFORMATION. Sat hat aaainni DESIGNS. f the MONUMtNTAL BHONZr COMrAMY, alUMi ajroat. oua a. F. E. BRAMLETT, SII.MR HOI Mil) II L ANHSrtiB Male Ii Mr, III and It IM. . Hum., Hregoii Tk Lmc Stir RES". AURANT ' '.-I'.i.ior. Mala and 11 street. fHHAbS AT ALU HOURS Bakwpy in lonrmtion A Sikxially ol Slwrl Often. th ',ylhiiig tbe lliaik' ' 'I I BUI palmii a The Finest of All MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY Nr St Mj n; Hotel Burns Bar R ;cnts, Burns, Ore. 4tfffUolbct d Una, l'ilributr. I'nriland, O; JOB PRINTINC-THE TIMES-HERALD .1 . .1. I poaiessioi. f in cuutiuued activity of th' Kaaterii railroad 111 keeping plan ci all Ibc dew drofM Incik- bo lb.- bcrfoic tin III sas "I regard ll 1. o. survevors ,., ib.r "' "-velopuo ,.' Was Mr. Ili.ii. ii. cp Ai ailu le ill iliwilule neoeeeiliea id seeping." iniaranleed b crew hilar aectluii and Ibe lurlber I impro.iou that actual con- uu"" '"' ' on work will beg.., on tbl. v"'"" A " anoouUiieutul cut of! is fur- ed. I Ibe interest ..f ibe Haruev 1 "' ""l " I It is confi.lei.llv Uhevad '" ... . r.v. I., ll.. l.'drMl, ' aids will be running to tlir llarnes Vallei bj ll- Uu.. Vefliaill MMMirv 10 fiisiMJiiu work " mw ' I. This bellel . ba.ed upon -1"1 '' " uUlautlal ludicaltuii. from , l" """ ..r.l -- mi .n. ...rk ! ' " "' eing pushed hf Ibe men in Imi -'. 1 s statu tl,. .Lie ul pa .I I be i.rouer dascriution. and ' dUbroiit knide with mark and "' ' "-"lr - (;,,. Urug Hg. '.rand. ,.l .u.b live.tock, in bis l1 d,l a'1 vsluilile (Mil O ggMBCMB) a under bis control, or ll.cieacive.ini rightfully hwfowg 1 judlar llie well known rga, coming into said county lo ibe lmciii sheep, 11 t Hereford ca'tle, Hatur- iii.d be shall make and deliver, and City Mm, 1 . ds ahaM d a de, for the aale it 'ball I., the duty of aaid stock ggBaIBac9BMXCSr 'ulla '" "' "anley, the o.r,depul stuck inspector or' ,M(Ko, ,ulll ,,,. Hn -iy slock men The l clerk to deuiaiid a written bulls will In duven from here 1 ..... OIIH OIIC-IIIIKI "I Hie llllie ,u ll.i staleiin-iil, undei oalb, showing tbe ' llUIIIIIII 1'rraeed for ai 1 if tie 1,1 peculiar iurn ' umtad and unaelbab action Vork. I.e ...,, . ... .... bad tiri-i. shadowed. 1 nuaiue.a luei. unu puuue cilueiir ihruugbuul liar unlry we may do ujuuIi tu- ft be upbuilding ol tbi. aeotiou, ie the laaatile iiioperlv , iiene schoola and greatly alimu e general busine.. of ibe , country. That hi what Awake eeollun. are doing and e increasing the wealth of rspcclive couiuiuin'. IN TOO QUU HMt etWtllATION. the reveln' . - made III issue of K le iiellew.; MMM - snd Mr U . and kept V . ,.-,,. . held. l tbiil Hun . be WOUld keep ., went to Ho full lei, gib i. fume during Ibe year laaafj and Ml) part, Kind bharaaaf ha. been, rtlid will ,,. wi'bli, -aid couiilv .11, . ,t -.,ol live flock from M) coui .re I he , ij'ir.llou of tl,, Dux ai v such fill ' as tbi tiuie dur ing v will remain in aid "nii'ii i! ahaJI Is Hit- duly of the uwn.-r or bis agent tu at once seek Ibe Slock lUrpMCIOr of Ihe OIUIi'.l, .r in- depiji U-rk ..nil make an additional statement. miliar to mat herein id tin I'dliailia l that be ha. tn pravralkag tl.e t.ik injj up of limb , I." ' Im- foaagj lha i ucawl vu e .ml .. mo lii.iiiiudc I "l. clar than the 'on. I nil "! 1 but There i a linn i" Ifaifafa, and then inlj diould e lo the f"H -I il ville Kev ii a 1 1 county Itak. r IF YOU WANT CASH I or Your Keal lictate or flusiness I CAN OET IT Ho Ha"r What Voui Property it Woiih, os in What Tcuin. City. Stale or firntory ll it bccalad I ii.l a.vcl . I I, . :.,,T i 1 JUT a, C?w I - ' r ' . pro . i -llrsal WUunJ Bays C. a t Oal lis I KMM m liaasr Tkslr Vr Noat. friend Iv band. Mr to stale a il ' a Ii illl of the Corvalli aV Easier n uegolialiour out, to tbe Southern I'auiuc baa or lur pur,,.lW r f hi,- trip from New loaad at Naw York, aaya the y lo (jbicago. 1 1, ere it d Journal. The road was U. . Uuniiiigiou lo K. U. " l'a!, ,,,ur A. M. !'' I kjaorie tb Home l -b ng Nl Ibe laltel applntn ... d -taling ihe clothes, is now teasel U i lime which said live order- for tbe mai bin-- II wilt J .nl .v.ll , email., in Im- pleawi lo give a dei,,i,.l,..i ,, u. 4er and ol tb.-ir value l.v uppl.v u. to Inin. i, ,. d (..lore Argus. pir.ili..n at tbe tunc named Ii rUieuient, a similar ni d ruib fact shall be tiled in like manner, and the home county in whii 1. raid iivo stock baa .saeaaad for that year, shall te liable to the other couulv for l ur portion of tbe .axe 1 H Holland, iioukkecp. tbe I' 1- M ' 'o-i aa. a InmUsMI visitor from liurus during the week Ike looks as young to us aa be ever did and is prospering In this good old world of ours. Argus- t II 7l Iv r , iv I 411. J. co. of Olxa-rj-o ' mtt.-Mj l kkin . Mi' ,., LldlsH ' I lei ' "'BBMasw. ul p, I an, I ho Land Man, iK Kan. Ave., Topeka. Kansas i ... i. p.o. ac x eai awKMsaa . aa...MAfc,e.a.a. I I iflflflflf laV ' caaMam. vgggggu imZ' '-... mmM1mWA If fig aail l Swll frill l. Ul Oil Ma ffUU TtMJf , ttudii g a ,,.l. buyar lot i I '""'"l. " Bj.. t oeat) Wats hullowiug Ii s brtal dM riptiou latauri Ntaie Address If lag awl Ii tie; NI it Cat egl Ma Hell flMjr I dc.iiu lo 011 , n.f.nv loiiMtiiu.luig iiniaiiaauly with the tuliowlug pcili'tloua luau t'uuul Mai UUeu f aud I aill Ha down aud balance iU Nilii.o AdUiv.s