fk (Tin s-fcrrafd. SATTSDAT N vRili ' iwr. rUIWRirTlOK RATKH Oea Year BU Monlae I AM ... .n jn Of iaterest to Orcasrditt. It is a we'.i known fuel that in this locality rabbit da no! visit foot bill orehani' ami ii - The confine thii work of liistni.1 tion to orrhariln planted on the tlat land, anil for the benefit of gur, either of the following; prevent live, are effectual PhSt, Staple D four or I'-v two mall wire f.taten around tre. .bint fatten 10 tree but lirtv two -.take in ground at d with tine wtr, to t. . I i ti wire wbirl t lapi-l I Th.e protector .ie u , Hi! I'"'' Another g: van hy Klijal ' Take i : ga buttermilk Make it., a pate thick enough t - l plitl with a hrusl, Om ft iltr- alad rt-raaj H If at planting lion iahotod trees, or par you' Irres ti prut,, Whip, elilp Oil top- I" Bwifk watit tiraiu-h- Then p. see tre i -at. or ar pel infected Seed or plant- saucer or other dVlf dish pntir iiitu it . Iltt. Man Ikw lid dkntti tuthtU These luu M heavy go at the bottom. ai tba entire box btww lilir.1 with the poi.onnut gae which aWk i i aniiiiai M Mew ' t N Bam of at kind iMtr ll placed, a very explosive, and ka e' breathe nooe of tbe futn while handling The aksjsaj bit rtowdy and sure to kil prefer tbe lime and itilphur : It prepared on account ef it. aft mil with r: -tn ap plication will kill ev ecale louee, even tbe loose of wn i i tin locality A I Rtlifiew Service. Kirt Church Chrit scientist ser 1 a 11. Sunday Kvening ser vice 7 :i' Wed evening meeting at 7 :! Nun.inv chi"l 1" am, in the KiniT bi.ili ling two door nortii of The -Herald oflice tfWii Will preach at H.unev the 2nd Sundav of each month at Ha. in. and 7:p m Sabbath school every Mbbath at I Tit. Harney Sunday school meet at 2 o'clock each Sunday and : cordial invitation i extended to all who can atMed with u- .If l'reiytenaii ehttrcl Itiirni Kev. A .' Irwin ator Dwtritw nrvfaMI the third and Court! i in.. ' and 7 b i'h(Nil at I """, I" a looming ,--.. i . . ng ailll ' eiliu H .. o Sunday at 1 prayer i I 8 Snnd the n. Bun- ' I o:v "l " rtgrti len ear, erat "t at -r, nth! hip. Baal rotrrav I oa t mart. mtal la . I a-Mtta rn llrle -alHe m.: Mi ami oa . . . i'Ml In ten Ml In - t.ftahr. k raw anl' . - iplt. In ki ' ti,l on kf blp - ,i SITINC MACHINE. taaaa- tOU BA!f0. W HICK UKADS. A HMIkaaaaaaaV raeXal Br mark W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. iE ALSO HAS A LINE OF CENT? FURNISHINGS. Hats, Shirts, Clothing Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. All Winds oT F"h Vgtabls in Stison. GIVE HIM A CALL. ..inicr Building. - PROFESSIONAL CARHS. Win. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Barm, Oregon, ivflire flrat door weat of Rank. Ontario-Bunns Stage bine. ' ! fi ll a m. Arrhraw t Bbtih lv from Ontario at f p m. transfer rttUw tom Rurn railroad. Firt-cla I W rlliKia. DI.T",- 1" Biggs & Bigg ATTORNEYS -AT -I. AW. Rt hi Practice in all the court of Ore good rating itatiom at (nllection prompt K ,m..i1. 8. S. WII.I-! '..a hMM PARRISH & REMBOLD. .. Worrlenherg Jr., A Attorney-at-l4w, I'oim. t ragJ Harna land t'anv lll aeaetle la Ibe roana .ranteoaaUaaaail In ih- l ahu In I it huid ." M.itti Street . . -l & m m. . ' J -aat ,W A having r r . i 'line- 1 1 I 9onord. ATTOKNKV-AT-I AW. areful attention given to ('oiler- tiona and Real Estate matter Fire Insurance Notary Public Bl'NNt. OaUnm .E GEO. S. SIIEMORI, ATTORNKY. Hi-ana, 0 ..l:i..u. Uml I.,., I Hnl tM, ,,., Miate mailer promt n alien. I'.' ' i.. m, rmai OREGON Shohj LlNI wr UNION PACIfti it jiVT DR. M. J. CFRDES and naip(ultin tieneral Practice of Medicno and Mirger i all promptlv ffMBafaw 4 I'renaey. I iregon by baying thai raliabk, hooeat. high grade aew inf machine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sawing Machine Co , SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. e ac roav at lv nx v i ul.l MN n! ll.irritnan' itatemrn; in hi tettmun btrlon- the inter commrrcc rommiaaii In had .iiit.imtd paaaeaaino of tin Northern Pacilic. a In did of the iithern Pacilk, llic Not tl would have been 10 ol what It I in devrinpmen the xiutlnAe' t of what it would luw hgajal i: had nut gained lootrui of Southern fttM tone crcdei rc n Known, but do- .. an)bod in Ortgon. I within trie Mat year m M Hurt man has done almost no tinny to develop n. judytno by hi re orcl here, t: had been in control of Ik em road imtcjd of M W aihinyioti VMJuai tune iccn in a f.i cnijcii Domini M 11 is now. If Mr ti.rrio. management of tne O. k d and hh pOilCN in Ore;;, n a be taken a. .i criten loi. n.a;. v. i . the Spkellian-kevn nietii'Ai- i nil. MM linca have occn open to crit liie I oeen as a the country ti- nut tOawnartd wni, M saiw nieitai the; jo) am: deli1 ti.r re - run n . . wouli the I. ti.iM nalpad ' caile:n W ai I U i. il ao M on tiie comnikaaiuo m other v.c n. c ii n , I1U' I . t . j.., !i . .: tin lole of tin j,.r. ! Joui Extraordioarij Clubbiod Proposition Tin Time M-rald. the Ifc- plllill" utlii ..Ii V OM Ol tin l ' - ' 8 00 H paid tliiMu.intli: Tin r .-iniiii tii.- -k.i.v - I'rain 'I'lirt" ork U Olid. Tb Ttin 1 l-fiii. l iiii- H eioVd to tiiuk"- thie u iur . month and u0m - mm f- rliilibiurratev. To all in tli. - .-.rii!ini -ur in uiivuii" dating month e will ul iii- Twin l..nilili l.-ni:- in, .-ntir.- .-iit ! - Will le- ., ll.-W fill. dcrilieni nml - ivbo i mm during the month. Ti,. Tin. Ii.-!ul(l. (hi !; public ui. luiuu .in. iiul tin- mm. DO IT NOW. i y DROP 4 IN I AND Ale. "' : i av M-i.-.r. i 'BewT illiillilt'ilti ,v IT Ml ... ft . i T"i a year aw iiuaetl n I I il . , tini a "S I T il LOOK I MB prepared to furnish my customer ttli the tnual Mgh il.i- i.l invite the poblii to call wl.en dsjaatfwg ANYTHING IN MY LINE. Ouarttnti'i- tin- (iuod.s u d friers Solid G W'atcht Clocks, Jeweln si all ktniN. Silver nn ware. Cut Glass. Mamlpainted CMm M Take a ieep at my window Don't Overlook the 5pecia! Inducements Offered nlarior mIio ukt 11m lrmill ( oiiti. in it-lr anUltiittf hoy - I ii DF'vi.arnltxXaro I Line. - ii. .1 at -ri.. thai would -... 1.. laMeril aTaaW . want SBal ! Jim" J. M. FARLEY. Ontario, Oregon Largest Mare .between PoetlasMl and Hole l. UI. ceRRv I'hrau'ian ami Snrireon Bums. - - - (rgon. Ofliee In nea buil.linv'eoutn M harneaa shop, M i Man - " i . ir 1 I ' a J. an III -I 'CI u J OUIsCM W. Stenographer and NiHury I'uhlio ft us ' . KaakBa' lit I W .ml HIV III III MIL! a4 - j m ' t Ul. Il WARSDBN I'll k an. inn .on! Ht'HNM. iiHiViioS (tfitr ni eeisVws. I I" m I i r I n .. .iwnaa 1 V r,. 1,,, , I U;i 1 I : - oin. Sre) 4er aaat ol The Itiaeaa Bank. Bara. Oregon I StimU id in f W. C. BROWN, ZDE:3srxisx. Heaas, Oaaataw "flee in new .land offl.x- bed duor Doetli ol Mait iitBae. Tan .uw..i. i.wk ' m p sii a. Taawlav I Ttnir- . .ai Saaawagi I WM'ttrriRa lUSStV MltMiK. MO If. I ". .. a.i..v.r, asaaaal aeh aaaall. al . i a. A II. .Mat. Sarretan si MksLotioK no aT.a.v.a m ...i) nt.l .. Ib.rO an. .. a r ' . u ISLANli UiUOBNo . k aaa.a TharaOa) .vealaala u.r hi... "el ii mi u aro.u. K k . OeWiti 5 Sa:r Salve For Pita.,, Burn., BULLS FOR SALE THE BURNS HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON, Propt. keaaonabk Rate-. Uood Clean Meal., Comfortable .Sigi: Roomft, Courteous Trcatnient. .l.. iucii ' special Accommodations for the H"orwA Traveling Men. F1KST (LASS EVKHV PAKTlTULAK MaaSa aearv Imi ui iami v.,.,.. "all Hula'l.,i.l I . feati V S las SUM. MWU) (j I HI 1 regal I m Forest Reserve ScriJ i For 5 I .i earlin and Two- ear-Olds in Your Patronage Solicited (Quantities to Suit. Ncaas . .'HAirek Maaia ar haiuiI aat tea "all i. .... Mall. . .iimoU. a. a u Every HeartAche ti and it v.i. lerritic strain at Cure. I: invi stre: the the Ae your IKLVCNilINUIU. STUCK CO. Cure Your Cough atop your Lung; Irritation, relieve your Sore Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold, with the only cer tain, and strictly scientific, Cure for Coughs and Colds: DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION mm JOHN McHULLEN, THE IP-TO-IMTE PHOTOfiRAPHKk ' ; i jS.& M ayitra aaafj unproved photoiaphv ill 1 1 I'diicls,', Pros, in (i I'lioli.. hniilicd Hi up -ti.-d.ilr i All Safa l.uin ll.e amallesl .! ip I., .in b v o li.o.lml III Atlnlu is Hit- A inc. ii .in n i(n 1 1 ti II r ,, 1 1 I iii s.iio a! Bank. . mru, Urcgon. a. 1VLVIA aiaCKAH liKUBU Maauo.r) latau.l . t Alio. Kiac. a. bra . .n H. B. Compson - H J I t u - I HAaaay ra&latl unr Sa M, a u( Kaau ..) am ai.0 ssssasi i uu, i a ji. . W. A. Oswaa. (.lark. Maau.v.n hMina Taawtar , Marv . i.. . loae Wi,iiib. BO YEARS' tXPCRICMCE 1 "wTOl -aaa J ' 1 S ivi HM ' Traoc Manae aaaaaaaaaaaa" "ll,w' a ' r ti aVa4 tftO! BaaaO Mg jr- f wI'UNNa - -. . .-w. Cg Stienti'ic flmericaft. - -f Mew York l fluting I ii- I i U Xx3r TJs i. re aatl BaSSI liaSlaa ui.lraa cullacl.ui- I I 9 nui ImuU J Almottt In lecspaii . "Our little daughter was given up by two physicians with consumption of the throat, and we were almost in despair, when our druggist recommended Dr. King s Near Discovery. After taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since." Gm A, EYLER. Cumberland, Hd. a w bm It. aad as rrtce, 50c cud ki.oi. Ttieni. AdilfSalS aoaUAN -! I ' raul... II Jg I'urtUi. 1 lira Dr. Mil' Has your druagist. .no en. I suaranue In at In In. t ball, will bnni. If it IaiU ha wilt refund your money Mile Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind TRIAL BOTTLES FREE hm aacOMMfcnoau. cuASAKiiiu aawaaaB a asu solo av i-,Hm The City Drug Store. tiVftVVVVV5WtS 1 V L ! EWIS FIRE INSURANCE. . . Kepir-senis thf.... liumc Insurance Co., of New York, Liverpool, London & Globe, Fire Assurance Co , Philadelphia. ggfBJg Willi MIUUS UUMik Bat aa. Iteefwa Corsier MMith ( Luavshwig OaH.,a'a AviJ. JOHN RHMMslNfl. U-wtiler. Oijtuiitn ;tiKi I .IIUI .11 .1 Fine Watwh kep.iiiuij; A Koa -ially. B. W. HAMILTON. Sted lesfaxtor. larac) Uash. Hoii.n atiiirr, RatrcM, nregou 11 riua: $1000 Reward! SHI AJJIU 1 k, laass 'iiauHi A. g, Btwwa l: A.banUi A. Luudiu ichie Metiuwai, l4B . I.. It.. I Aiiiiri.a Uiiin- lartioa luUmUiug u, ajut. iotk twoald Hie Uta Uaswctur st nearr.t .1, ,,uiv ajj Jays' uoikc If a I I M -1 DeWttVe U 6alv r or PtiM, Bifcrtiw, I