Times-Gerald. t i.arakot nminATroK or nrwrrifH iNTmriMiimrY. m-rrauaT. mar h wc. TIip March ivrnl! lintterirk Patlirn at f.nnnhurg an! Pnllnn'r. Wra. fra' baaiata. WHEN Jame Bunrar The gr.'. ; al Schi Local News. kpr Iavl and ron Charier, arnv j-raloM,v rer from Harney today i Itomeateari ami h krney Count r Hank of Rum. -ttonr m J. i inriw. enr-ouTager ami weleemer th- Knelisli Son ml of WOMKN. ,,t ner II. - t I! dik Herriron ha- moved into Orejrrin I ' 11 (.) iiil i.( ln-llh from IM iy ,f it .r:mi'lion. it I I hr Mien rt, islnn I al on . The First National Bank of Burns w inp llgiuix. liirli I ll, in it l.n.n r f .lBnillr,lh M Merritl reeidei e which Inderrland be bar pi.rchaeed. in w intfrmen-r m G R Aurmiir i among ihr hurinea visitor from Iht I.aw.n down dirtrii'l t-tii- week. We wrdttllj Invii of people Hrio Harney Uwrtf Raiik. Rar Young, ployed here l I hir Silvier borne Thursday if Uin and looking alter buaineer. fir 17th of Ireland" will lie on the 15th at Locber'r hall. dai.ciog public rhotild liear railroad, la enjoying i Mate in mind and attend bin wife mid littl- Ige Rettot ia again in the city , bn Caldwell bar agi, : It prerent holding a term of i). 'indror Bat t Dm i V court with hir arrociat. ,,,Vit... hir old lino frtemlr to call. Drafl W POSITS l'iti- I iiatad, lUOw. mil. 1006 moo. I '.Ml. I 04,478.43 0,900.40 Il7.809.lfl 190J79.7S I Ut,fttM 71 J.M.I 1.1C.I t Mini suns in i.isirA vai" . liaaionrrr Stallanl and Bert. in the market for Harney l.iwl. I .ii ... . .r.tt'.t.l nrt.li.rr. ....." ...... me to deal direct with own K. Linlhacum. Burns, Ore. Bucknum came ntrer from City Wedneadai mooaa- by K'n. Hughe and John fv, both of wbom are Inok- inverlmentr and land IN Nelron, the waw-hmaker itinian, ia moving into the Miliert reridence on I In leading In the court houae he will continue to attend litlv to all work in hi hm- i M Kiniie war tip from Nar- ! I' 'printing M rearon- able price. I P Hullo,, i were bnine home at W kg weel I'lo report rtock u I tered well in Ihal - Hightt prior paid f. pell. I have ill niPlll to ill ; and ruhler ISM me. W I lr W 1. M Mr iia'. perfori upon Mr- Chin I lay. Tbi i wa quite in ot i. ,i t nienoa I until M.n ll Mr nili tin Mr- I ll. i- week III meet i nut in tn ollicial oapaciiy mater of (lint .Itmi, lie lilaily paid In laXe. growleil ,!, ,,, The I t hav- ' appi'i1 v i. r 1 1 - mill 1 ill plant loll one frnil IBM It the Ileal the het i- liiine mil. 1 on can procur.- tne nert "li th. llhran I in Will I.. I'articnUr I ' vn-iiiiiv upratlng Miittie ii ii; "i tin whaea ! laat L 111 i I and i h i Mill r i a M n of friend in thi- . 1 1 . aaVI rnl thir week I 'I Have and wlf war 'i . 'ii-rtr of retail! ., thir . It" lal Tuerdav The latel rtflr hat- f,.r Mom To Mr ami Mr- A Cm.. in lhii-ii Ut Halurdnv. I ilmu-li trr t'lioii-.i Snrpne Vll--1 . aa. i . i . i ai" in i i'dii now t" tmia.nen m at the Hum l.ivrrv .iiol Feed Ham, or at N UminiA In 1 (l 1 - . : t l.mtii'r' Afternoon C'lub .on template moving their librarv I ! Mi" i l li.,ll ar ronti n uitnlile ar- Irwngamantr can le made- Tliev are .'oiKiiloring I he matlrr tlii al- t- Ml TMOIrOtOHBRFOROtlS FOR SM I I now have for le. egg from i White lghofi , ii i. I'ly in. nth lin'ki ami Stnark atid I'-a C"iiili Rhiwle Nlnn.l i .nl l(M 1 can iipilv m from p.n- -f Mrr. 1 R.i.kr and Rli k LangatMiig of ; n pclii'Otl.io Un. i H La m -iniii Hun.. Or. 1J..11 Minn SCHOOL IITIRARV. SPRING ARRIVALS W ir -low showing; a few things for early season of .007 Our complete spring stock will be In shortly ;uu! we will show some new and natty garments In Shirt WalstJ and Skirts. New effects in goods of every description for .Spring and Summer. If you can't coll end for .Sample N e will attend promptly to your order. Trade iuith us and ask for our Tradinq Stamps. At tin Hireling of the Literary -li-rday aflernoon Frank le King wa elected preident Mil he llnrlloirl. vice pnaiileiil . t'he- ii-r lallim. eeretnrv. Helene Mwain lln treaanr. r 0fk jMaB MvS p BURNS. OREOON. The Satisfactory Store. aprlHf will ha m . Khibiti m al Mr Hatii '- m il .itii'l Ma rob 10 wire tnming .luring lln- R R Stir. Adam Kr.. Otlrj and wife our l.awen viilor i. Urn hi lm. ii. io a It it .it.. . Stale iie. whether l.roki t tin broke '.'i Iteward I o informaimn that ill '-ad i i Ho' nrrel and oon I Ii.' following program wa rend- vii-ti..n Prtl ..r MUM Ihal l.roke I lit 1 1 in v I io on Silver I ' . k rVmg l, S.M-ieiv Nellie Oray and r..;. Led ii rfMatwIlM m -I oloili- Keadiiig .. II Irving ing oine lime tba lili.r part of LIVERY, FEED AND SALE a VV H. t'enlii.i.l t i rat, i' erw I iio ir i .!,, itai Mn I I .. .! Mr ami Mi i . . .: vi-it to Onlario and l.lali r inn Mr . id .1 In- all., died Vocal Hue! .t (MM Madge Miller rllgbAskMl Note lleorge Mariin l. lute RMMMw Tlial Life In nrai.c i a Hem I'm to Mankn.l Mlirmative, Cheater Halton. I"., CM Sweek and Willie Hnllman re, .!. 'lln. in).. in. Ki.lrri II- nn. It iiml Milli.. Hiirllmrl I . I.' I in.,. n wa appi.ml. i I'nlilMell Agm - vr ami , llarri Hm k i judge deeideil In I M ,.l ll.e li.gll I la altitude Iron, A.Um rge. ' Irwin ban impan take all rep.inil, ili rill replace All tree war I true to nam. m Jan. '.'?. wa leiru n, III. Week bete known a ) longer or I cided at n nn paople lotnnrr A CHK(KIi cord vo in accurately k mailer alraighi conreuienoe tl...t afe. imple. iMiiiil urn... unly Hank I Sam I'aii.-'. ll.. l.mUiiii'iim ami In part v 1.1- I..M I. ..!.. . t. ... ....-.-...., ...111. man. ab . Inn ih-hi - lava looking over portion of I rallev during the week with nil that all have M kra Auallli ami llui.L'ale tool. lepurUire Tburada . the for loltig III Holee. Hie lai' line in I'lillmai, Mr r rei.rl, I Woldeulwri. .11 nl nr one of the part v. ha jo I te,. In rr during '. iilroad rurvexor and will after the lui ritb tbaoi for an iud finite Uapid Trnn-i' cil elect,.. 11 proved ipnle a there war no opiHieitinn it marabal Hen Hmwn war ill nominee for mavor J in anil leo llagev were ill I'outiciltuen without hki- I.. !,ei. recorder. Km- Ueaaurer. The three leer for marabal were Tom ML " ' MM :. 1 .: -:: I - I, urn lung Tom AiideMOn MM l.lniii II lilri dim I nn month. .' ll the -Ii the I prll I I s I'', and 1 roeil tin plain with In put- nl- in 'thug on Willow creel M i He wa married .luh 'Jil . 1.1-- 1 -. win. ' "! """" now live tn Port I an It In ami tw.i .01. 1- t'ratie crrnk. tlu . Nathan I 1 il of Montana. Mr I I I I Mr J I. I Walla U..lla. Warb !' MM-I had come her.- nUml a year ago from bU In. mi- in Jan or fore pail ..I 1 in 1 lll I Mil Ii I nl MISSUI.I "I'lllN Sotli 111' 'In- pirlnirhip Ini ling under III.- Ill II, ,11. .1 llillll A Hi. on l,n ing 1 i..,,v... l, uin 1 11 I . All 1 will Ik 1 in ! ' . III II Hn hiirdriiii. I nl nl all the oiitlaii.llug mil. I,n In.- s'"l ll Old Kolkaal Mom. - .,.1 lale linn ol lUiles A Hi. hard-I .,.,, nl lucl ilo bualMMr Co id. hunt. . 1, 1,1- own a, Hum. Q II lln 11 inn Hum McGEE & SMITH, Propts. We last 1 harw of lln barn on Mai I anil have eiiiipim It hi 1 r.. s ith new rig anil lreh, well gaiied team We m a MMiti..ii to miiiiii,Uir the public in every .'ln'i,Ur with . ,m!'iirlahe 1 onmirf and apirn.l l-mr. The l(el Kronl 1 i-enlrallv IimhIi-iI and I'onveuUnl to the leailinc Imlela of the I Itj All loi k hfl in our care receive our are llors4's lin:inli'ii by the iluv, witK or month .. Ill. t I I. , i Oiatiou Vocal Koln lion '.uitar Sol,. Mvra King 1 -11I1-Smith leon Johnaon Mami Smith R nl ku.g Alice Hweek Song h S.m . 1 . 1 beer Ho I 0a I inlay aflerniMiu. Mar. 1 .1.... in 1 ii.-.i.. . . . . . 1 Veil nf "r" ""' '" " """" '" "eiiaiuiB nig ami t ing ,, ti.e anwoaM iH-twienthe two tectum of the Bd.,,fih. i... in .n land ,V Live I ami Klov I'h p-on, .ell Hlock 0t I rUfeUj l..rl.id I. ,, IrMi.g lli.rca Sweek. Mammie ,( ,M , f,..in.l hniil- Winl.f., Kloi. Thump., 1, and j,,goili. , 1 . ,.riHHi'iltrd (urn- S,,,, , were appoinleii ! ,,, ,. f,,i, 1 il,.. law N a program for Ihal afi , ,,i Itanrh Manager mi 1 u 1 r Notil ' ,.i 1, Ihal hunl Reserved for the M. M.CO. K A. FrasbRi Manager Ontario, ( hregOD Itulherforil. ami of Hoi, 1 wiahe of t ' their In 1 . ami 11 a road in ,1 i-rv arrived , ellurt to gel II,. pri Mint week tl lll- I -I III". 1 1. vialt to rorlland ami othi r Hanle and the lirat of thr wife uipav . d hi were . 1 . 1 M Mr Huiilri had the in,-- HI e to fall and ae rarely cut on.- ..II,, . ,,. .- .1,, kVodneedav evening. He waa inform n he window and threw hi band The I'.i calcb biuiaelf hut tie force hie Him k Hi the glare with the almve re- Ulllv homrn ll., The boy al the ranch will foaled, or rather I, that Hill waa duh aobcr too The c .It wa aim Ihal he baa null hir awkward- winning nut, thank for the accident. al the Lewi 1 UST ARRIVED Married--Al the Anden-on holi-l in ilo t-it laat .1 l -1. M A H Mimiki 1 1 1. ling bad ,iili' a ir. mini lino ,,, ll,. ir lor iiIIhii-, l.ol .-ii on lln roiuai 0 .me lo 11 I 111 pan 1, 1 thai -'I 11. tin- .mn 1 1 nl .. bi in-law of the hiide lie ini-.d that the young lad 1 tta- lint III f age. hut ),' In- l HegMiJIi -- o I Ii . long nail 1,0 legal gi. ik i-Mi'-.l H .miii 1 In- ntlid.'i i it oph- that -, -r. il,e ,.iii,g . .. ,.v. r In . .r- i.f age IT,e f pa ' - Ieiiteill 1. .11, a I, ' Mi Wart - 11, pie col. "g. 'alii tn. 1 iu wart'i boo ' n the lirst .Mountain w 1 , in ihe their h me Mr .. a ri 1 a graJ- ...v good uale of Mo- A-til , lag 1 1..- i d u ! , ,,. ,, ,1 tod gJao Deputy !,- 1 Ai- U . I'M , I : I 11 an 1 a- an i 1 1, I . I by I ' ' "'"" , ,.,,,, hoi,- i - Mr and Mrr, eart 11 lilV .1 prop.r,i, - f tin. har- WHERBDO YOU BUY YOURFUlT Tl Mil miiIi W ll.i 1 Mm NUR5ERY lOYp! NY. IMIM OH60M SE3C."CT3X3 - ,1 revpon.il 1 1., -o ireaaara all aeaMa i t-1 I I.. 11 tree are gr..i. ,111 ahoh 1 - ' I I lall.llH'U lllll,'. i.Iiiii! ! lor hip t 1 1, u ,i, at, il,i-auue m all 1.. Ilil are! ion I. I fall - n I ireaw 1 I .. , .... il) man "I I. Me ill tree a the nnli-r , ailing- I .ill, . . , ir yuu uerai .. ,, 1, 11 1 iraa. arajsaaeaial 1," n,., Mr 1 i.-orur a line al l-twi-u llrrgji A new line of Perc hams and Calico, also 1 1 late? things in Ribbons. Onr line of shoes and hall is now complete. full line of mens ! on display. . SCHWARTZ. "The Busy Corner Store" orESCoisr. J C s W I 1 f:LC0MF:&c(N arness nd Scddl Makers Headqua ters for Celluloi d Hand'd Whips and all simitar supplies in our line. REPAIRING Call and get our prices Burns, Oregon GO TO THE --sv CITY MEAT IVlARKET for Clean, Wholesome Meats VEAb, BEEF. POvK tfD MUTTON Pickles, Cheese, ChoLuchouu, Olives Onions, Canned Goods ALL KINDS Or STAPLb AM) FANCY OKOUKIkS Aoplaw. Cwanbapriiaa, Potacua, Satlt plah, Soap CALL AND 8EE GOODS. A. E. YOUNG. ' fl hi "rfl hi Cnaa the araalew daaa U aaka- vj I V-H " -"Vi. ifceti4ui. in paiaart at ai I L ' V -1R S, Dua'l per (ar Mat (4 oar rlaftiai M H A H unlaw you are paaiaatjy ataaied fB A H 4 Aak Io aaa rnaaa of our I S RJS K k ( inllaiar f BBb ,L 1 M mmmm. Merchant Tailora, Chicago OKOU4 TAJUM AMD 1AMTLU SHOWN V I HM.KV. KKNWirjC I JACKSON. m (iOOUS, 1 1 MSHIN(iS, SHUFS, HATS AND UPS GKOCEKIEC Fruit. Vegetables, Soft Drinks, Conlec tioner.v. Cigars and Tobacco. fTlaiin Sto., Sunns, Orgon e Brewery Saloon 1 1 Br"s Plouring Mill I again .( . , an. I an II. 1 Hal,,,, ,. . . I, 11 I, 1.1I 1...I.I1. 1,, ,r... I, . , BEER ALWAYS ON TAP WINES. LIQUORS, CICAR8 comfortable Club kcoms ry au.l H.xla wuili aill li a . a, nl In, ,, JOB ITUXTIVANT, Propt. t : : e a a : I mown mi1 1 i;k miij. pkoass is used ! h'ullfi niiiifii 1 in 1 ii mi 1 mil 0 sit jji, t,i,i vupucUy to .sutf,ly Mo country I m 11 1 a 11 u.i ii' IIH miles in bread "SH ! I FLOUR, ROLLED BARLEY, CHOP, AND i All Kinds of Mill Feed always m Mat. mi m ni.iLM rariu met nit hm sots miuhmi what ......... ...ai... .M,.r,,,,...,m.i.a ; . ,, m m RAKIfcl HHCt I'AII HM wwff SWaUM WWUl J Your Patronage So'icit d. OUHTOsj WORK DOME J lill VAIUV NEWINC COMPANY. ! j Cood Seed Wheat for Sale I ,, MlfllllMMMII.il a