"4M the ItflKft-KrraCl i SiTTTBDAT IK' II - .:. BI'BSTKirTIOH KATI Oa Yaar Ml ... Tr MomIM I.SS 1 I IA BTKB - - - - ... . I . tor. Mia Ix)l B. irkers and der.. Willard W Drink water Juatiee Harn .Taper Ihvi nfftoiating Mie Vtrker wa a popular voting larlv of Harnev. bavins liv .d here all her life She wan at tired in a beautiful dree of white embroidered net Mr Orinkwatet wan brought up in Harney rv,tn' and is the aecond eon of Mr and Mrs Rnht Drink water of Bttrn I Koa.l atwSM All- M ' "lan.ldaM . 1-aiuter. Bia Abrey and "iilirnnia Spring net i: lh natnr.- tlieir rlaim to aid "I l -.! ,,,,., . ..i- that all advert- claim of the N i,. be Bead oVIemlaale be aefcisasbaali forauVera fr ,.. dii'ing the " "i IMSBwaala hare Be intereator next tw- monthe Road A Olann of pn .,, i.iim i. it rati' NoTI. f t US l -t.rn.r Ml M Teddy not a eamll addition to among the pinner of this cnnr' the forest ri'vrvfj out hen be- Mr Mmkwater i at preeent en fore the Fulirn amenrlmrnl km ceH " Liacksmithing in Rurn made ;t law am way. OalyaboM M""v preaent and n,wimm a a. .. - after congratulation all were in- In tl the -"lat. Haraa) . Ii Kttaaki - - t tin- I in) viied to the dining nvm to partak eat . , .lS ... .,-,... I II M--nt ilmwil ' III r ll.f--.. Willi II Wir llliriru r.-w Beoplt KM , rvalue th, h flf - . been re,,- rapidity ol the aettlement of thii . . . . .. l-i in nt. aad ' ' hom' " noted for t hoapitali'v , .... . , .! I " " '"" v-ni TVIM The het wish- of hosts af aMaaaflka - go with Mr and affl -'-' md .1. it the Mrinkwat. - to their new honi- ll real t a - Th-hart voung roupl-arv i .w ft. U I v h-nn- ,-upving a Ij aad - of )..- ' reeJaaaat r: at i" .. i .i n. Ms t- section .New people are coming in everv day antl ear fe if .m hafeta lacaling on land or buying property : On- U U - 1 Tin I nited Stain aeaa i tov he hu therefon The manager of tin Mi mi- .i . pattta i ambition alas' SpaoBWI has eni ibein agUanmei n aid irofrt ami that Plain rTa to .- i irMl, ami enjolaiag Iwsesi llietnet ,,llt. (,,.r,.r frawi asserthag any rlaim thereto that the IMeml.int Marv line lli-. a, In v I in ila M. l-ao- ni- Km ni Abrei ani! Siphronia -prini: K- teiiirr.! ! i-te-iit- I l"ed in p'aci' ( a lnt one to Rdjwafd I MaMaWM or 1 1 tha plele'lrT, lhi Harney fount y llank I.-- MM Sorthlnlf of the N -rlli . i .1 aKtlaa t . ami one to Ihf I'! litOitl l"rnk M lordan tor th.' t ipiarter of the North weal n'heranil tnrtlier rli( a I" thr .-nnrt n BMHMM Tin" - i ''TI ro pnhlii-a- II i. I I rtectur ninntv jtnlreof llarne i unt 'ron. t 'i t male an etitereil tro lillh day ' . preecri'eil fur eek mill lb 'lateol poblieation at lln tuaimou l Kibrnar Ml 1 rl:l.t-M a RRMBnUi ti IMatntlfl 0 Calkin i in the market for all rour hide, hnrae hair and coy ote kin II want all of them and will pay good price. no mi no. fliintiiig i forbiilden upon my premine Trepaer wil" be pros ecuted. R c LavMa, The were the reetpiruio uf MM) M f dlowing being a lit ln f ?.." water et. iJranlo ffnwer, i rltnaaf plate Mr. M rhna yiaaafa, rock- i -iitiie Vicker. ai'ver Wni Farre h.i iH-in re '" '- Wafcafa, larg eti and eonlirmed ai reenter the land ntli. at tin- pl.n Thai i a fitting reeojfnition of hi- ell -cient aarvtaai el the past and i itifying tt. the pat ron of thi ntlice The reap-pointnu-n; a-unsolicited bj Mr. Farre of '"", i - i I i - l K.ln ''i.-k r. nillh bowl- ,(. Dnokwter. cow Mr. ; . The directors of ikl rlaVMJ CarJBl Fair Association have in contemplation the erctmn uf a large and cummodiou pavillton. uildin will S sue at lor the purpoac of Dritik" -' full dinner et. Mis I ,a lei V water, set ile' knire Rnhbta Dntikwater. sil ver t. i tons T 1 ffowaar. set I Mrs R dowser. kabls iln-' Laia and I-rrrl' How- m dl'lie. - K How.. - V Mr I. K Loajan. water et ami trav Mr. and Mr- J I ianee dish- 1. k; affi Mam) i .'il. et glaaawar- I hj frail dial Mra. Kato i i.r ..i. ki i . i . .i i i "inn" iiipii min gravy t ' a - m writing to an! iv oiaa, If ant il.l not i tli th. ltd il .nt An.! .1 tl.it tlii. I ' i'rlwad oar. a ek itnee-llerald. ; . , ' I SOTICI " I :n l I.I ll. I ' In the i oui '( Ur. . itv In the OKltH- of thr K'tatr . ! '--.l given that Krank II. Rawtpl Ike .lilniitn.trator of the K.t.ita ai v irret ntaaaas asaaaassXaasMaa hi linal aceoont herein ( lli adtnini- tration I m. I SMaan . aad that Mondai . UN Mr: i Vi HI, Ml at " I M i !-. in Hum . n. ha ! n tppointad hv tl.r juilg.' of iheabovv ntitll -'tirt tor Hie hoarint; ioal a.Y. tin; and Haassal Ibsrs Ami ti .it aaMi thert" s aaid admiiii.tmt. r ; i: i The Tune-Herald ., wk (or NM 0feeivi week Fh.imi II II Urn L)y bateat Idea- in RradU To Wear Garments t'rmn tfftHH-at mi KMOT in -nnntr er nt Minplt IS. CIAS. WILSON, law HARDWARE Of All Description. PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, DISC DRILLS And Everything needed for the Old Timer or the New Comer. Are Pleased to say That we Have Re sumed Business at the Old Stand. Yours for Business, GEER & CUMMINS STTTS, - OEEG-OIT In Hi. K. J James, sat aad irons. I.uth-r a h" ' set large va.-e. J.mea ami e It would iie ITal pu' '.randnia anet, t'hina M M - Uf and suitably arrant" . I t dan and Mr D H arien. vacve MM iin', tiieatruala and nti. -na Kni.ke. china cake pit gathertnga The Asaociatu v " r:i" 'ogjran. two Im.i. m.iv iu- aaai ' ' V Fihd Ru! aarsja aaaasj The Tkaaa-HafsjU ,""',",r M'" l'"rl ,,r,, liciriw. .:..,,.,! m-f With .... ""' ,,U,n" M'" V,",i' .1 .. klU .... 1 Veraal anarnvjl bv .1... .w wm-.i. wo.... y ru. p.ic.u-r Ikj a iucIi a building l need. The Times-Herald has been more than once taken to t :renuou" pt u f this country and n. effort. . trinj; in net. peiiple and a' BMl SB .eptional resource. It has ...no u tnd.reiti recently : !.., . :i. -represented the H ney country. In our eiitliu.iasmj it may appeal t. tin aad I pessimist that tae :t, tor sertion r: made Tin u.an bIh can are no future fot MOh Haiag aaciion a u. nun". tily has j.itetl." with his digestion am: Wt WasjU recommcuii dMMsgt ol liniate anl Mveivr Mr and Mrs. J V glass butterdish M aar, ubie imn Haraal Rsjg. sell, two linen towels OwMwM I'riukw.ter. silver Ubie spie.n and rug Mr A K Co-hard. ..., two largr pn tura Mr and Mr. Cla'. CUtmaitv linen towling A W4.MMj ... i- i '. St apiwwr and ntul.! . hetat asses tuau stx Itat p.b. . ! if you Ml -.:..- rv I vi n ii .. igal '.iHtiui aatit llarnei .nt a Ii ;: .pirn, as null ai - ii m iuanti ' ' ii W il.l II r 'rsgon i dill' HODGE & FLOYD General Blacksmithing and Repair Work. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Customary Prices. Foley $ Old Stand. "uens. Ogon. vou P foi.aga Solicited M M sMl. M Hart -! Ilaaebasan T J . I tl M I'. I i I i arlsaa Ur.t i Mai . am M M I- I. . II ltr..n iltliir.1 Hart I . . In M I Nil! 1 .1. l allow I. lit: Hmytl A. SCHENK, Merchant Tailor 5uit made to order that may he tried on before finiahing. making; Aure of a satla-t.-ic inn fit. All work guaranteed I STILL IMI UUMMj. KPAlalFri ANg !'lflIM, Fricea Soa.scn."blc. A. SCHENK. Merchant Tailor. McGee Bldg. Burns. Or Burns Meat Market Ntirlh oi I'om lliliiik h Mam Si. L'ork, "uni Kolojrig ;md Liver SniiMtfli b in .-m (inaiil HANM v ' -up M W & n VjlT lair aalraujrc sakikil M J : Tilr iiriTn himvir TniN I PC riUlCl DUKHi !3HK. Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line FRANk IETSCHAN. Propt I would lik to war. i my IrMwf and tin- general puhlie man named Htein who is now pa. rasjasj Msng hUaa Ii sasas to m with a prupoaitnu. i . partnership and contr 4inK of tbi section Ml ll. further aaid 1 wa in the shade a tin tier. I've Wailed fur tl.ei. Ilia- !.. grow faint with each wmti. Ml. it' Mralj '1 Here BJ no more hu.. iel: it tree, the blossoms are will. ah, me' the ire where I wailed lor changed to an old chestnut tree, le M.L. MM '!' ol the H.-e. with a bi. lliu'. 1 swiped ti .ii. in;. wilt. I m waiiinj; and w.i bj Uce' Of da,;ei- Ma lure, an a. an. you sec, llun' next u In Ii. of '.lie Oai Apple Tree." Lx pg in Ml much fur MM tad tb.t aajMag logalhar w. could re - -,.'r I would Hot tiler mi' collusion with inn. he i n. out in the eounr U-IIli.,' n customer, that I an. not paying -ii'ii. i-'ii.iigi, tor luiia anil f - uietlioil t.. injure in l.ii- 1 further add color I" tin ' aaaertion be also tails people thai be bas bought all the hide I have, thus trxing to prove bj n.i'eranee.' IMI be waa paying Bjave :. !. 1 an, I il ' not oijact to bin. i hidaa or the people selling to hut.. i '. desir. be should i.e expense of my reputa'. He Ml ni Itougbi any bidee Iron, mil I am still in the busineaal .n.l ff,..tt. .an... . . .1 n i I ..... (ui.iiwi ...i iu euiivii.ij. il. i I .idea, paying the higi lip market will justify, (1 W Ci oaeof yoo bit. ' rru(, ami . . I by pabiiea- N ' ' ft. :. ! :.nr- iin. l-alT. tlssaa riaa.i will .pi h Irperatiaf fraa Aisho via Prairie Cilv, Jeks lav. Caavaa Cn in Hira. Urtrea i '. daye hroai Maker City kp Hums. Oragyja. G nf.ntuhle inineyancea Careful awieaai l'irt sjf the mute Railroad to Haras radj i , mill ile. auk Sfl BflllL- Prorrntof. Fine Winps iljquors and Cigars flints for M Tqiand Club Wb skg. CLUB ROOMS IN COHfUQION EVERYnilW RtSI Courteous ud oblkjir M ol. ii. Ir II i-n. I in tiw tor. Iu i I Mltnl.h PtaMM M I. -r in i:i:it!i"i el Tlioasa ' Isaasaaal. -vii appouil' a eiitllled vSUIa - iain agan-i' .ml wuu '-aar yoeeU-r a.iiii.i eta asui lata iieraul la Ik 1 j irrgn.i. or St lo-r VI- Win Mil. r- i-. Horn.. trego'i. Itasad -.' icroii. M Wl..; i utrix L. WOLDENBERG. Auditor Oxeg-cn WWiiv I .- M '''. ' ' . eeesee.e s. . vvaya. J t PURE FOODS AND PIRE DRUGS J Jan. i the new law kw int iuu i what .. iiiormii-. lb. id als in forsjet rcieri.- n ma. I. i head off tin 1-in on amen praCUcali) pu; both th k mm -liurg ami Oregon Cil) trtci out of bustnea.. a- i in mii .in- v .n. .in laiui- mi. inn iiu- -,.riag. Burns Diamond Stage bine I. II veil I. I'ruf. Lawvee Hum. M nlaw i i. . l .n. age, asaakag 41.'! til.- Il.-M tU Ml ul .11,1 a 'liar iii.'orni.iliol. i mi., Agja Our Fall & Winter (ioods ARE IN We can now take care of vour or ders for everything in ous line. Wt have just received from the Fast a large shipment of ribbons, notion, thet land floss, outing flannels, drea gooda, furnishing goods for men, .omen and children Overcoat, rain coats, leather coals, duck coats, sheepskin lined coats, n..Kiiaw and warm coats for winter, blankets, quilts, etc., calicos, percales. DROWN Wa guarantee an DRUC . s.ld by us .obi PURE Abb DRUC.s that go to ma. a youP PRESCRIPTIONS ana uuhat your Do-t.r or darad. UaVX'S ESTTCh STCIZ. H. M. HOR'I O! Peru, a'' svevo-avw - gj . v svgj . -. . ajal j BUKNS LIVEPV AND EEED STABLE. COL MS COURT HHKEfcDINUS following prix-eediiij;- ii - I J T barn road pfeaj Ur of dislru t Nu 1 sbownl ti. r bad rsceivrd the uoj of I.: - i.radeceMor and Ilia' n- bouiiii.i ' aaaaaaai iv saMfta . for araal of a ''"', leaving Mataaa laict ant: :ii 1. i bis iianil of l-.ltf.64 Mai . - of . (.rillin and uthrr of it- lerritury n. a , ,,unty road waa euusideri-il restive, i ia Kuril, land district .. . .... oi..c .U)Uuu,uuo .. ucej vacant land subject to cntrj ahoulil iii.v be bn.uii'. to the forcoroui.,1 ,n orde. In , at, ., the mmn " v"'w',", 1""1 ' tide ol enuii . ,,,. '"' v, and lav out a eon.. ino U. the west on a tin- txjard of road viewer. to proceed to .in! U . out said road uf Koad viewers instruelii i ' U metes) .arlor ol oiinty. M i :tammnn:::sit AI. C M U.OWAN ajj !.-ii." i. er jak Lat'. Scrip aaajal aae iekl. OKI L N aUTM. MKVtiUK ii.- i . Ualbeor It . -,. ral Hu N at- .i-l Mreait. lieaMag r::;:;:::::n;ttnmanc:tancKru;:. SBUJTER (tuejw7 npaaaaW, roa jSnx claut - r , -. t. - i . i l.h Ifl I HI. SifcLul Rubbers, German socks, felt tots, fjluvo. boots and shoes, trunks, valises, wintw shades etc. N1 E Special Attention tiiven t to Coiductiofi iuoerals NEf ANI ACCIJlAlt iCALL to COMfcClrOft I illl BAluN. i 'nu of the reduced railroad rale- The "I'ush Club" will certainly acn.iii'.-.o. ,,r tin.- .,iii.iri.uii farther mleiests of Marnes count bv K tv road oetitiu.ied fur Jaeksm. and -' other. 1 I.- mailer of tb. petlUui, of J old and olhera was cotitimied i fur the term I'etition of D V "X fur a BJBJ of M.ce.ii was continued fur the It appearing that Road Diet. undd- evening at ti 1 wuuld need the sum of $3M Air ami Mm T J .1 . to be -i jwuded (iuring th- the wedding uf tbeir oldest daugh two ujuiitbe, that amount waa or WMiwATEIf..VICKhgs FRUIT TREES THE B ST THAT CROW R- ised b jneof 'h? Oldest ac-.u CDos' R Ii -. -bi Nu-SePiea in The United Statev AT PRICES ONE-HALF -- i ii .1 i i ng. TI.EES UNEQUALED IN SIZE Hardiness and Fruiting Ability. I. S. GEER, Agent. of all 3dn.d.e. W a in. ii. tti- ii bit. l call nt as and look n.t - ur . lo.k which ia larger Uaaa ihs Uelo.. It ilAsUfiTS SATBFACT1W Pllt llblll LUNABURC c DALTON. , -msssssss-tss' " im lasaaasaaaeasi : , . I ii ia )-f ij a I llii i - Tlxo Oreaton Hotel AH FUNti, Manager Kirat . laaa a iigill.iillalMa with aaat, essen awl eoudurla l-uini ii.iu his fruuuie to Stop with him alien iu Burua. Tableell iuruianed. Msaia tb cenla ::...::;.;.. iimrrmtit:uucumf..atnHiiimnuK J BURNS MILLirr; co HORTONt8'!.B,P,lp Rough and Dre&sed ' mbfcf, itustic, Flooring, i.loulding, Finishing Lumber. raAflrAat ftaujMill . n. w-we., IO BUrns. Qood Roai Lumber Yard in Burns.