The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 09, 1907, Image 1

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I m Vimts-9lrl6 .
The Offlrial Paper o(llanioy lmitv,
haa the largvlt oircnlatinn and i !
Ilia lnwt advertising meditima in IMM
gj)e pmt
limit k
Vl orm narnei aroanirf
t 'nvera an irM of A,4SH0O arrea of
land. ,7N,W( m yet varan! anl.Jn t
In entry under Ihe t.lli. land lawi of
Hip r tilted Hltlrt,
NO 16
mis is oonn
Thf Knrayth (Mo it ) Timea hNH
LoilNTRV HAS BEEN UNAPMtE- direction- f..r building " t(iM THF ()ITSTIO, RF WE WAX.
CHTFD FOR VFAfcTS home city and giving it -i Hiding IV NEUl.ECTFO?
D among envimi compel '
fluxion- to ilis irngp i t growth.
Nat Preel Hare Eer Da la tae kwlt whil thic I V KV
. .... . . LI. . 1... ... ....
ir--a row cwaaaia ra r paper na in ;
Urala. Fralt aa! ViielaMei. I j,,tereted in jrnrjf txarn ntnl
etand hv it. If a rich man Mart, a
All IfOUts I FAD 10 0RF00N I OK
karty nt ;. or .- -"'" project, encourage If h .,rmn.
baa for the laal year been help him Hoot he afrail to atii k
. -v f -.. '. 1 1 .. L. . If . ...
Ing on ID wregon r.nirin " jimr naiui in voiir itiri n you
iila mountain diviainn arrived have maana inveat in a:niething
igene veawrdtv and departed that w
HANUS OUT ANOTHER BUNCH Ho claim oonarohlit of 2.000 acrm COIOMSI
of wild mntintain land tl. '..and
onltiv.ili-e enough af it I'm I
need Near hi eihin I
low atunia. each inhabited l a
enlnnv of lieea. Hcmvh of alml a
believee to le hia liee dlecoTWM
"It i a at range mongrrl honey T" '" ,,r" Petal Fraaj
maker Th J i i . r to h a mix
ture ol urn I humhe
and fallow tnvi limn v bam.
A V n Mlratli-
JBaj tes.-Ras; zizsa.
Tkf fircjeatii' Twereefft leaaklfr
Ceaflliee la Cfetral Soethtiattra
Ortfaa Afili l)lrl.vrl
Moat of them an a large a Italian
I , Nl 11,1
M. ,.li- II,. I nt Ihia
I o i; Hooper,
WoodliHil. I i on . aha wn o wail-
.I h QiHIghing Ui pn from her
III 0rr TW '""' '' ' 'I'll'irnl her and
I'alir Siai-4 liraal Rata at " i.iartliai tin i-iiiiii nail watrn-
Haatraafktra Art Tacitr4 ..I bj In i bad lida fo, m eight
ROtjn In ii nl n. urgpiit r..ueat
Tl... .ol.... iatrataa from all H" Of Kit) ) waa giv-
in the t'nited Siataa t, Oragoo an li.i. nli t' aalnnlaliing result
Again it broomaa Un painful
i . r;. -r: II u . ..11
IIUIN 01 I lie i i rp-n.'iniu n. can ... ,
..... .. . . iiiiptiii rtam 1 Li .
the attention of th Oregonian to ! .,,,1 ,i... , i, , i.-i, Man h lat, and the that u, gan. aid
ita diairepancia in certain utter- i holaa whirh tin aioavata in gafallo of tii'kala from ri ntera waa
give employment to an me- anoea in ita aupplemenl writeup in gronn.l Tin Inn, . i-i,a. or aai-ka. larger than war txifore, aa ya a ape-
ronatat of a i uhatam ial i'nrreaniidant
al-out ah thiol a. mot ltrtii ganerallv known
i n.. Tl... Ii.i.f v .In nnl kwk nn i-vrv liTnl., . - i . i i .-' :.. .. il. ......
If naCrftnieiiMl Tlir . i ii . -.t -v --- - j ,. - , . imny jvuhiunt f iPPiif- i.imri un t -
a .1 ww i: cadi mi.rntfutitititt (-tt iif 1 1'i .1 . t ... 1 il'.... ik- I Aff
111 ll.r Lllf riRrr mill llllf ' ,mmr,vvwmm ... a-....,-... ...- - I t'l. !). WrrKUII VMITri I lir
" mr " . ...1 "
ih antral Oregon are practi- ia not at sour ft" floor Do all Huuir H the mie-"""""' rl ever - .a.k .r . el! thai theaa tiokata ware on aala frwrn
Itiiahed The accompanying v" '" ' ''" ' " n(1 takea are not ao glaring aa the ""ntatna anout a halt pint ol 11. ,r. ,, Ul A, f..a-l.
ahowa ggjfltlgdjgtgladj r i"WrJ He mendly I, In Una writeup a con- "",,,,,M ni,""N '" '"ahle V ,, ;,,,, .,1 poin.a in the m.utl.
",v"r '" ' The fact that ticketa can l. t.ongl.t
l.i,.v and it acta lift! p. ..m, ,.,,. L, j ,,. ,,,,, A.rt, ,,
''",,,K-',,n fHM" llo' iin-nwr. I ,,,,., York -'itv lo almoat any
Inmev Mtll tha.1 .h , . ,f()1, ,,,,.
of aweetner- -.itl. a lot ..1 li. cni- ,(, filf , . ,,, pm,.wr for .
-in fart, with a WHl.r, ..mnall and I axille f...
"A g.anllv -I tl I l..,,,l,i. f,.r HT.M. and that ,..l- ,,, ,nll , rr ,Vailahle at
. . 1 . town in the teirit..rv
-n.n.iliiiliiig lhee i'itie, will l.rini!
lln.ainl nl Pfppla Theae ratea
ii. baltig adifartlaad hi tha varmtia
bat haa been done. Selec- everybodx ami 10 atrat.g- .,,), mile porinm of aoiithraatem
llhebaat route ia all that re- era and never forget that ,.u are i. pra. tirally akipd . n
ho l done lefore c.mlracta pari ol the town ami mat our ..-mi tir,.y merely mentioned in paaa-
deportiiieiil doe- it-ahare u, giving 1(tf H. t m -.nil. I inter
not generallv believed that m me town iia cnaraoier .eu aim t,ni are were an unexplored region
Lan'a oft-reiealed purchaae ''" all v.,u can .it Imtne. Stand (lrt, B (,.n ..uaalionalne charactera
vallia Kaatern will have lV all oilier enterpnaiiig oil I - , . tti, , ,,ir on account of a
"eel on the plana for the Ore- ano o reaoy 10 un Mime or me ,,,,, B, ,, ., , ,i,ation than lo
. . I ..! M......IT -...! . I. ..'.... .1.1.. .,. 1.. Mi.u.1 hii.ili.n mii,!. , .li,i,Lu
laatarn The fact haa iieen waara. jawiaaii, " i !" r n k. liom. Iietler ur coiuIiiiihi " ' " "
i.lliaha.d that the beat route or aiiend -ur I. in prnphea.v ing ,,, ,f,. . (,, ,.ur familie. up "I"" """ '"' ' '" n"'" and otlnr
ulroad through oantral tre failurea. aimmg moral
a aouth of the 'A alker range I hat there are anme ieope. at t. Oregonian would make the
. ...Ii . 1 .... 1 i.i 1.1 .....
the Southern Parinc will leaai. in 1 nniaini arm n--i ni- , I i nm all of Kaat
tiiiii.d until nlie tlnally i plalol)
1. .1. Hiul ia a liealths woman
to day " 11 anti ed cure fur
I'oughe and cold". AOv and $1.00
re. Trial dot
tie fr.
Watohmaker and Optician
Awarded far teeat work at a CaaaotNtve
creeping thing" in aearcli ol
I'" dearl love I
advice ia a fact well known and , rll , ,. . I l.ringa tin. cunt v ''"'" 'I'"-"' '- ' ' !
rulroad" throughout tin- I
Sinlea. and Ihia. aiigmenliil li tlM
Ithe line now under c.natriK
mu Weed lo Klamath FbIIh "d I v deplored h all enterprlelof, in Hl; -with other conn- ! "" aUccM-d in lie -Liiti , . I ill tl oflbfft f the Portland t nm
.a . .. . iL. Ini a A man if liim a in . i . t 1 1 r
lence norm nun weai over inr ...-..."-- .. ...- i- - lr. mm are uiinnreiia in roiiea
lea to Natron i a fjragone haa to wait a few minute for a mW(ly and have i .thing in common
HlMalft.r I. Ita. nd,i,..,i,i, I,. (Iwlnr. . . i e ..
laion .--...-. ..... - win, un ..ini,g m a iieiiiuie na-
ovar tba mountain range that 'the atreetc. .f Port- ,lf, lf ,,,,. .,, 1f ,,
lo ha enough eo far aa a land ia al. I ..r-t u. , ,l(.r ,,,., ,!... ah.wmg
Oregon etleneion of ihia any eltj el the land" ll catighl t((. m,,u, f vacant land avail-
ia ooi.oerned ll.aiu.'. .x- m a ahower in m.daiit.r without ,,,.. ,,,,,. ,,. ,,,,,. ,, Uwp
that Harriman will again n.a umnre.ia. ne j..,,,. ,,,e , .nmr- ,u u,.rli,in ,,. .iimat.c .ondi-
.be Caacadea to tap cenlrai nia next l.. bin. in .le.Uring that ,,..,,lig ami would
, when he can tap it direct raina perietually in Portland, re- ji .,1 Ve it a rather un-
Iha Klamath exletiaion gardleaa, perhap. . of ihe fact ll, .1 ,,..)i;,. .,. , w,i.l, t.. I..-
'-- ... . i... .-..., ....
are alill aeyerat purveying una .u..w-. ..a ...e .,,,, ,,.,,,, ra, , ,i( raaioraall. hot.
n.rkiug on the line In trio- dava or two weeka. Purtland hi ,,M .,. ,,rt ,,),) wi, declarea. la alow, and the evi- ,,,, pvlitt, nUnfi ,. , i,,u,
rill aUy in the field until the deuce that ia found. I ni, ,,,,,,,;, r,j,rr than inapire a
I t 1 1 - - .. - . .f I.. nil.'. I.. I..! ....I,,..
eotalon IP maue le-iween ine - ... . ....v. . .... .......,.- reader to a d. -in I.. ... le in aouth
Ithe Oregon Kaatern hn aur-
lastween the Walker range
:ie Malheur river.
kl the interior of Oregon haa
for- man v yeara uiieunder-
ind unappreciated ia confirm
W I I ' gei.ta. Illiallnra
Saleaineli. Ilelh- n..
h ho wniit. to i I'jov ii giaid heaily
laugh In aenl ll' for "Tipa to
Agenl- Worth HO to an - I
a, in win. -.Ha good- for a living.
If not - ill-' i. lot v ,.iii nionev
I.i. k l in nl ir lor alniup I I"
r . lie I., in.- foinl. t'o . DMg
tur. Ill
,'la live law Veaia.
IHlst II Pt HONK0AN, Proprietors.
Burns, - Oregon.
vvines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
luiiiitim fo.wuioa 4 llaitow
gnored by hiui. Mi. in. I II taw ... ,,.,,f i irrp
deign to. admit ia a grand and
lieautiful aiglit. I.ut In- qualiftei
II, map printed mi one of the
pagea allowing proixiaed railroad
thieadmipaion with !,. ,,.. ,. !aoafarce Any one can
"''' " look at I map of Oregon and draw
Portland i Maw to have an un- . p.,,,-,1 tr,.i,rhi aero .t from eaet
Ithe eloriea of engineere who uaual number ot ,- , ,.- ..i ii , 1(1 ...n it rB,,0B.i. hui
Lfjg the laal year in that olaee men win. vaunt tl.. ...permr wie (f. ( ,,, ,,i(. It,.rlr ,, Ih.
Oaa Ol them aaid
cbarmaof Sat. r iggaa iMMilnlnd mil. 'h enawrai
Bmamton thai there ia friiat "t .-pokane and m oitiea farth. i t, p.,,,,,,,1 be w,,.,ld Hud it rather
Idav in the year n. the- Hnr , f-aat. tu.t difl.culi to . vt.-i.d tin Corvallif w
ia untrue. i v of tin ir . '., .!. by remaining KaaUtw railroad along the line
... . I....I I I . .1 .. .. ...!
laaw no troal Irou. April I n. iuiui.iii.u. mm .. auggeaU il l the I IreguMan
iuber I laat year The .Ii lor Portland' g.a.J On Ibe i.tbei reiljer ,.h condiiini it ie no
I verv fine and . favorable hand. how. vr there ia a multitude WOIH,r lue irM .r ol the ante ia
lib, fruile and vegeUhle. of loyal cili.ei.r who are rend y at kept in th. kaaat ground If tl...
lare railing polal. ai big aa ' all timea to aieert that then ;. r,. ,,. ,(ll) iBUnw, ;
o fiita on the eidehill ,otber atale eijual u. Oregon. anUtlou it wouldn't amount to
I the firal of January tbie v ear climate and reaouroee. ai lot a h.-n the aame uiatliOwa
Animated that there baa been other city ,u... t 1 ..rtlanu -a , prw..u.j at practically every
Mbeiof raiufall in the Hariu-v place of reeidem trouble i .,,,, ,, flllr,,Bd a I
eaB. a la.: 1 t I . .. I l. "L......L '' i Ilia. I. punncaiioii laaueu " " u. .. ..... .. . llve r., trt H
Hoard of trade plated that tin ... v idenue not becau- 1.,r (,v..r.,l journey tu the
Iprecipitation in central Ore- more uumeroui. but Uuauae lo i,ret M.i , try If coeof
lap eight lucbea in a year make the im.-t no. Kami a even aat one ..uaoUew
IP not true of the regio.. piideand loyalty to home an v.r r garding thlH aition. thev are at
I. which the I Iregut. Kaatern tuca nol inherent in hn- nature, and once eel uuun l.v a lot of hunui v
lo all appearance no attempt war gawjvep, uioetly made up of what
made tu iiniiuti. :i..o. in hi are let m. d 'wide a.kc real ealale
I. ringing up II. ,,. in rally treat- a I... iH-giu telling of what
ed Willi diaapproving n mialake it woild Iw fur a
he indulge, in man lu come lo aucb a n
tirade agaliiat ibe " In guli (liiiiate, ' u locali ITqIom the party baa Portlau lolly up hi mind lo pee th
and adapted lu the ralaing prubabl . on tie
krythiug that grow, in Oregun ia a waale ul lime lu u.i.wt-r a tool -uucea idt Iran
llllude average about 4,ipp. ai.-curdiiigtub.ri. Ol gonial.
Harney valley, including
rnuui loculitlea that are OOO-
ll uuder that general bead,
le from the divide at Sheep
Italu lu Crane creek gap, a
Ice uf 50 Uillee. The aoil ia
l mi. id aeveral dead akunk- m .r ll . I t lub-Oregon IVveliipmenl
honey dapoaitonep where lh hae, ., g rampaign. will cerlainh
bwn ailing to death put thla Slate '.ii .In- ton front ami I
Sume of th- MfMJ '-'- in r .,,l in a largely increaaed popula-wat.-bed
over by from '. to lot
Ivea. The larger fnuiliua. ha Iveguining in the latter pari of
Iwayp help tie endangered K. I.tuan eitlavM of Portland and
amaller I aa am Ii fa 111 , in Oregon were buy lug
alwayp make their I, , . i- ,,r their frnnda in the Kaat.
tin ir more pipul.tia m ighlii.ra uinl thla can lie Btooinpliahetl l
' The new kti - ula i. .- Hie coat of the li.k.t
work early mlln- inoiiui.g and uu m,.. any .yi nt. throughout the I n
til about ll..- middle of tl Orogon
iio.hi, but I r.ev.r ,...,,. , , 1MI11 .. ,,. ,,. proja-rty
ering awilneaa aboil. in- ,,,,. r- .1 ilie it - a Portland are
eel .eiliimly .-oll.l.alaale relet 1 1
-Tha muiigrel beea make hone) , ... w ri,.. a, , HkaaraUJ
where ariat.Hrallc Inn,, y U.- would il.n.g their money toady.'
atarve to death, and IwOIwIb raaMM Baff OggfJM
their great value They galle . card- All road
aweetuaa on bltckjack. ,N to Oregon" are L. ing rIiowii
awamp will. .. un. uiilain (uii,ii.. ,,,),, ,i,,low- .f the More, and
plant, on Uu pr. valeiit br n .,th, , . ,,i ' ii.d. whnh gaveilu
weada. on watermelon, .weeloom, detail I pailictilar of the col
aorgbiim cane wild tH " ; .,,j ii,,.,,. ( gjjptj
puuiach bloapoiup and imhpuo a in.i .. I.i ing more ihorougl.-
I'li.i. beep are great eliemiep t.. ,, ,,..,,) Nver until tin-
Pliakea, gopher, lain and noiaing ,,,, ., ,,i iM-caaioii haa Oregon taken
doga. A cur that bar ev, r kowfl full and complete advantage of Ihi
along by one of them can m rtuoitj 10 gel mrn aaew Innii-
be coaxed t again ..... around r. lion, and now that lb" ratal are
their honey ball- available Iron, eucb a vaat (airtuui
I have be. -i. ..ting with ,,i ,,ir, averv coinn
tin new found hob-y galh.rer I ..rgnnual n the .tale will
have la. i, try ing I.. 1. 1. tainly Improve the chance, I. y in-
that they will in. I and live with dining the gaWpta of tin aawtl
u.y civiiiied ...dd frieuda and old
en are in-)M. i. . I I tin ,,.,,,, ,,,,..,. , which they will
old Peltier in the hollow alniup ol jjlve giaal and aulllcienl reilolia
bae gum (Nat I I tarrlaV holtk by Oregon i the -lat. u. wnub
lkea place, bull nutt.e tlnit ,i..
a moth alt- mpla t-. nt- r .... I.i-
Main St..
Inline- for living a full I I
luiy a v.. in lb" cat-' of
Mr- I I ,. : tu, of llaineeville.
. ... i . i. - .1.1 Sh.. writea:
: ii Hitler- i-ni, I i -I t'hro
i.i. I v -1 i '.ll veaia
and in inle ...e t'.-.-l aa well am!
trong a- a young girl " h
.. I. and l.iver
ulpeaa,.". I'd. a..! dlaorderi, too -ml
lelnlil and I.hIiIv weakneaa.
Sold on guarann. .1 th. I'.lv Urug
lb. I inn il ruld will make
thla a bargain month in Ilia way J "
uhecriptioup Bltd baa arranged
Weep I V St l.ollia
ill who pav up
nod MM y in advance !n
I In I II mid N'-w ul .Cill
er, whop, ii in advance will elan
receive thla great national aeinl-
Meek I and
magaliin in Ibe I uil.d Slatea
The Im.i p.ip. i . r I,
for tin inontl U
I lb. III,,.- Ml Hip
id Tranait lo will give '''. reward
fur th" iii real and conviction of Ibe
pari lea who removed lraM and
oilier proper) i Iroin one of the
cob. I., a .,., ii,. mountain
I I m l flmil I
Blicksnithii ati
Wagon Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon
iwlaH m
Over OOO H wotwl lor
aVaaullful !) Llel A
Poaagna. M Olroulaae.
-. e .. ..
MUMiaruaT. ouao
tlllM t, g f
Tl MTOaa fkaairag
baAt e i i OM aawwrMB.
lie ll OffJaf.
All liu.l. ..I plaling lal.leaaraapeeiaity
.in, aiel II M. , II. in.-. Hi
ll. region lucludea llarnei
Malheur lake, Silver lake,
leeiie Arrow llcad-
l'.rlu.p- l:,c rainfall ia 'ai i li
. lupared Willi the Willamette Vll
tiuu, but a recurd of almiatl
during tin . 1. it ii t the Ui'Mlgreta
oeaee llghliug tin ir ei.ina ami
promptly deapali b in. kotl
moth 'I ben I the artat-
U-ea clllrr HllO alllllhle I.
Hall Ihe World w,,hIcii
Ik Uk Star
, , - pllalur.
boa Ihe other half live!
who ' - Iti.iklen'a Aronu SaUe
,..' r if it will in
...III all m I .1 i I 1. . aw If el Ml III foil L. I 1 1
laliobr with Ihe n 1 ,. u
arUpllUliP Ibe. know It will Mr,
I nl St
Springe valley and other 'I hut Indian urmw lend, ! met
la embracing a vaat acreage, in Urge uuu.ber ah I- -tatiun here ia not po had for an
j ip government land available en, plain., un not t n p. ml made arid at-cliou, eapeciall) ainoe gralu
.here. fi the arrowa uf the Amer icai. lu- y ield waa aa biirb aa i, I', l.u-
lm! water ia found at deplha ufdiatii and that the mound., n aage bruab lenu without
lour lo 14 let-t 11 ip only monlv accepted aa the work I Ui imitation A for ibe hot auiumere
tuitf litem i ruwl inio li.. i
I am watching th.-
prooaea with kern doligbl -I will
.oi.llliue to inlrodi
Up Mongrel a I ear.
think that, like Purl. ink m Ho
vegetable kingdom I UiB) -uopeed
l.ea laet year aa rbowi, by in producing 0 MO and pr..
the g. it weather bureau . Ulable bouey boot -i the range aiiualion i
lo the world i. ,,.,,,, ,,( ii,
Bakory in onntion
A bptviilly if Shar I Offiafi.
I I M, . .. ,l,ll,g
the in I I " l'"". .
Kpnugfleid. Ill a.y. i regard ll '"
! the pb-oiiil, in. ..I ""
pillg. ' 'e. d by
ii The Finest of All vii
Hotel Burns Bar
A Tents, Burns, 0n.
gST'ltothe. d lima , Dlelribulare. Portland, Oregon.
try to drill and put In a
to gel pi. nly ..I tl Ibe pull
.Icauic aal. that la underlaid
aubaoil uf clay and rand
ddi ibe rainfall and preveuU
red men, Were made by aji .hcr we wuuld like a cou.pariaou of
race, .y lo, I, l.v. d ' - ! ' " ,uri a on that n.,re ,,i,. 'ak-
can Indian, I. til ltk.ll nl i tbuae who have lived
Or t bar ha .i.d in, uf tl,. ptale. A
,,i Indian, a bo li now ..o ;- unknown I., re. Tle
dieappeanug mto deeper mg Ibe member ul lie S.oiu kaV boi ioall Maaw aO ' caogw
At the preacui lime the lion. lr. Ka-'.n ' -.,..,.,, I ...... and other
Induilry la hvealock. Crupa moat dlatlngu knowii aa u.
11 uo
I In tailo,, , I ibe grazing depart
.nnl i" -i. p up manfully and ad-
ai.'l lioii.e
UVSffa U 01 li Mom
J. II- Harriman, I. -
'iiildir bar bruiigbl on a cri.n
i 'not ,,f ih.- department
e i. ,l th range oannot ...
naaafulv Ita ail mini. t.r.-il .n-,i,l
WwhiiNlio. ftrahw day .ml.- ((l f riUe(i
awing ll. ,..v..,igit....i l.y ., , , .
i. .an' -
i , ana, awaaa.MiBawaaaawaa applawwaaawMa,wHpjggpipgP'PgtigPW rwaaBwaBwawaawBTeawaaawawawaawaaaBBPaBairaaaBaBaaa
,,r Yuur Real I .-.late or RualneM
Ho Holier Wbit Voui Property la Worth, or in Who! Town City. Stall or rinlto-y It is hecatod
the Inler.tatt .mini r
a.on in New Voik, .aid
I I . ,
put nl
wh.,1. gil
. . I.... i ,.t-
own be railed, but out. Hi .cull- ... . 'ir.gui ai" Uol ao r '" "k"
market owing to the American Indiana ..rig.naied tl.
tranap.i nation liut-finiuled ar.u or I, grunate evari...-,, i ,rie of re-
iruey alone i larger and n a- ducint. ine vield in auv vear.
M w Ili.M I HI I
lv thai .
and Corp. ...
the elaU- uf Maaaacbtnielta b.iwkl. and bellev.-- ..." ai uci. . lie ii.ieia'. '"
a population ul lea than row headr f. i . taw Mw Hum I rill
louli ll weat we.. , It. i
lit guvernmeitt land yet nil,- roam, d lln bull . . . t'aittati, Join II, .1.1. , a ho It ve. I Ou.oiM.rale w n I, ' le ' -niei-
. .
eutry Wheal. oaU, bailey, the lil... e poearn- in a cabin in the Arbuckle n la ol liie ' "-
rye, PUgar beel. potal.rsp. ap lion of n.e,i, I! red all h u Indian territory believe tagomiiug tbe"- I" l " ' '"
aare, peache. prune, plumr, life, aud la n- ,. ,d a new kind of unfaii meltnair of i
all kind uf U-rrMM a:id a a will lie. - Irv log to cruaa tion, a- .' r ud "in lJ ill
Iblea are railed for local con- of tin Pak- ui. hoary bee, pay P lb laion, there i- n" imei
lull liralne irruw on aaae- never kliowu an Indin, a V,,rk Herald. lie linnkr that ,,,.n lu lie an. lam
laud without irrigation makeunanow bead, ul ever km a ,i ; , ,,, gelling ibe cruaa ure in ihe pod tbl Aom
Ir Wheat ll ralbed un Ibe of uite beinu made. ... w breed he will have i.r.M.need a bee ai.irit will urevall. In.
tba purpuae than a 'j
ogMMMfJMfJff' ,IM
,i .
i .i.. .
,.. il tu..
Free ot OX&Ljrfg&
I ' l' R m
lid PBaSflO
H. v ofj "AwjMk-
David P. lafl I lie Land Man, iK Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kansas
land Huk aie fattened on I any ihiltk! ,.l the or.u.n l the ll ml .Ulterior to either, becaune It will
aud are immune In. in noinl- Ki"ld and K.ii ... better adapted tu that country 'e may have a pu ll but
r" Portland Journal aud climate than any bee now I unfair 'oav 1'batN cema to
Hi W. t'. Biohii. J). illie known. c among all u,..-
lu the new alone building north pi ('bptaiu Holder' bono- ia on Col p ,-ple I.- aor-ail thone le,
ib Poat till... bttft Of c.-k U mile weal of Havii.l ceaaful
tto-dale iub printing at reaeon-noee.
ii . ,
, moa
aravaaa akmi inl. iuol uo,
OMiwy ir.ll. lua, VII
If in wan lu s.11 I til ii. Cat 01 atuj Mail Miy
I.,.,.- a plan lui ttudli g a .. a. I.
B .,1
loan I ,.lllll) blata
I oil Mg ... ,.li..ii
lxjv.t-.-l laah put'
i Nauie . . - -
If Vaa laal la Kay NM la. Cat In tad Mail laga
I deaire tu buy proiawiy apprtulaiatwly with
tha iollowiag ipaciOcatiowa. Tuwa .
Oooaly ante
Price bataeau aud I I waa
f Jow.i aud balauoa
Santa Addt...