I he fimcs-BftaCd. SATrBDAY M MO H lT. HrHW'KIITlUN RATSB: Our Taar Ma Maatfea TtmXnlM . .I.D Jl I RelifiiMK Srk. Siiimi month at ,."" .rt!iLLr( A Sund.iv school ten liet re cently naked hi? pet Kbofcir why the took Stephen outaid walls of the cit to MOM hhn t death. The little fellow a ent (or a moment as thou:, orbed with the prohlem, when brightening; up raddeol h ' plied, "So th- louU' t ler crack at him." l. First Chiinh Christ scientist aer ; a n. Mindav KvMning scr oll ed Streaiaa, MMttag a' -timlnv school l" a m. in Ifca) King building two door north of The Herald nflea Rg A .1 Irwin will preach at li.irnev tin 2nd Similar of each month a. 11a. m. and T JO p. n. Sahhath school every sabbath at 9 m Tli Haraay Sunday school mi t I'H'k ea-'h Sunday and cordial invitation is extended :m attend to meet with u At tht Presbyterian church i.i Irwin iwstor IVvitx terries the 'hiril and foartl and 7 :' p m. eahl lib acl l l i It PlM hi ' " ' -IV at HI a i Tuning at ii B ' an the III I'- A ual ' M ll ' IS Srfl Mr. ' ' '!. maii if a'k '' la i In left ii'k. nil.'- ......i an Kami i Bhtep men express ntii over the passage of the 1 1 i to tax outside heep Mi . Besides lit in from adjoining Mali eastern H Ai Bmn v Ml itl ; i ouo head ni more lo be mmmbd ii without p ij mil ' Ml I IV w ill h p vdei SU CA--C-'LVa 'S' SETTING MACHINE. tOU.tR BIASING. HIGH OBADS. Profile. Ednuin Bcrlbaer ti and prophet of this tv.h predicted tlie destruction of New York uui 25 other Amen, .in dl ndon. I'.i '. 'tin . out ing the . nmin poatcasion of further "1 1 He now includes S sburg .111 c ii.i-istnn at the head of the cities slated for overthrow. He has even gone 8 f.r place Charleston at the head of the list. In speaking f vised prophecy Mr. S ..irieston a fall then St. Peter York w in qu. ion. Of the d.i .11. nuur I know not. "1 do not sa) thi to scare, hut ' to warn. It is not the end Of the world, but the end of the christ ian dispensation and result in '.lu over throw of the existing ofsocictt. (in tut- ruins of the old order now, as in the past, arises a new and higio order in the up word trend. "Charleston 1 destroyed bj a tidal wave - tire ami tin- death aj tin and child. New York earth. juakr in a tin Pitts- ing tire and hurt m. .11 shall parish in a nighi; IMr.ut, the wair Laaaing, M an e.ru and tire ( iiukce and Muskegon. M rising of the "Of the other cine I know not their form of visitation. Denver, c olorado she w utter citied tin Lord pi antt pii- 1. -! am laid that l 1907 or IyO 1 O li.it ,.:. h will be the last of ies de stroyed. . i Stevens t:. cheerfu. pre.. acteriaei ot juDiict.- and redemption. I ccdom for irela rule for Poland in Apri. 01 Ma;. . the ni ihah ot Pi iration of iup'.. 1 in the Unit home 1 u.t- for - into lh K1 Ju! : in Pi. and III '. a' the suit- . I and Itali ' ItW in Put teinixi, .uid man u.iu- uf inter est through the tni".t' -1 .. Pioneer Pn- 2 s S -0' 9Ca I itf JWraT Km saaHaaaafl RaaSaaV sa J by boytfeg this rrlublc, Inwaav high grsd- - Sjm nurhinr S G tST GUARANTEE. National Sewing Machine ftAM FRANCISCO. Cast 1 uiwn ATaGLvmiatt tu. Extraordinarij Clubbinct Proposition in. Tint TlnriM llw K- putilit- ami unv line of thefol Unring ptspajri om y-ar fol 1: paifi tliiftii.iiitl S'liii-W-'kl it I oiriia "'ijiikI gJH .-k tj I'raii' :-" l!aiuiiiot . TUn- 1 .- .w urk W nrlil. Tlo Ti M"tal. 1 ha- -ul.-l to make t lur. a liai muoth uiol laflgf - mm i" tuma! Inlilntiy nvi.-t. To all wloi (my tlifir raberiitii iir in aiiva'i"' ttaring t 1 1 11- month ill -,il tlo T i'. .1 .-i. hWfiublic Loaas, ati entire y-uv In Tin?, will bt grion now Mb auribeni nm! old nnwi vlm i mm during the month. TV ll-talci. tlo publk nnd Weekly Mv-.nnai. -ii.- I jiaul tin.- Ii. DO IT NOW. 1 1 -1. ...... . 1 j ibia iiriceo. Every Heart-Ache . : il breath mo-.. . and it wi tin at .ear. It Strt: stimulates the hear and relieve the . make ; a er. licrv am: u cUaryt: uhUm cullw.:. i!mk (Mir 1 ImuU Ailtlrw- Ink . u Uultf., I'urtUii'l, tr Id say Dr. Mil' Heart Cur .. II . 1 o i'uyg.st. wno i guaranUM tnat ine t -t bottM will torwfit if il fail ha .ll refund your n.ony MUea Medical Co.. Elkhart. Ind 1 ro a ktl msrS W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. E ALSO HAS A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. All kinds cf Frh Vgtabl in SBon. CIVE HIM A CALL. Durkdehnrr Buildiag. - PBOFKSSIONAL CARPS. Wm. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW Burns, Oregon, officf flntt door west of Bank. Onc.fno-Brjfns Stage bine. leaves punts omiv mr ( 'f'ari at fl:80 a 111. I lv from Ontario at p m. j. w ainos. dai.tonh fhc only through psrne,.r ,. Rinas A Biaa iiransfrr routr fm .. ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW, railroad. g am, obs:(io. rirsi-rinis nrrnmmnnslinns Practice in all trw courts of Hrp. gool rating stations at 1 t'nllections promptly made dManoas alone thf rtniir . 'I v s WILLIAMS, 0 I nnHLr faasasa 1" PARRISH & REMBOLD. , u . .a- u. ourns. ' rragajl Attornpya-at-l .aw. Horns isml ('srifon lit ' '- All! prartlr In Ihr r.iort .( !! rmntroanUn snil In lh uprrmr 1..10 tat, sad also In I I land oflir Ohan. H. Lsaonard. Attokm- at-i , - ir r r o t. I. rt Mam Strrt-t ''arpfol attention given to OollC- unns ana neai r-svan- inaiHtm. Firv Iiisiit Notary I'lihlo RlHNS. Okk.ion : "a. -v--vsaBaaaasaBSSSSSSSSSSSSTTlS3BSSaaaaaaaaVl J J a" BV ' V ' t'U aoP'. Lsnd liitnra anil BnJ r air . aVt wl VTUfl . Kautiuuerur..ii.i it atlr 1.. Saaari , .,V I? lUsV 'i5 J f, rH'dTfift DR.M.J.CERDES r3 M J t' jTI . OREGON Snovp Lm j vmon Pacify far f ISt " I'l 1 ' '.M.nilM l'r rraal li Pfcand ffair (Titling r . llltlHIIIIIMtlllllllllll'llllllllinillllllllllHIIIIIIIIinnimmai::::::::::.. :::: DROP NI " ML I lN "W jartb IN isnoral Practice of Mfdieins and Snrgrrv. ('Il pmmptl anstrersd dm " IreaT. (Irsgoli J Ul. GEARY I'hraii'Un ami "rmoii Rums, - - - Oregon. Office In tii'H bnildlngsnntii ol WslaaaM harnese shop, M.oi t Vaaaa Halata. - 11 .1 ... -1. 1 ! ..1 rial -.- 1 S IT 4 A 1 1st'' , ' ' ' . J 111 aa m ' ' AND LOOK af 1. I " 5 anir no MO ssHd hueaoial . .nd !- N ..1.'. i 1 . . 1 . 1 . . ttVT ... as I ,in prgpartd to (urnuh, mi .usiumcr with the u-w.i hn;h 1 nd invite the public lo call when dasjirhsp ANYTHING IN MY LINE. Gunranttc linmls u d I'm incj kiocks, Jewclrv ti all kinds. Silvt . v ut Glass. Handpaintrd China at foal. Tiike a BMf M ) windows. W J Ci'l.l ! V. Htenngraph.-r ami No'iiry I'uhlic l't'M - Oat". OSit. I . . HaBI Siililn.. Ui. U HARSDBN I'litsictau ami fUfg Bt'KNS, ORKfliiN atoaf 1 gW Hi Pan! Wall I Ml I V N.i ml Kl III ! Ill HI l.tl . Carllaad H tag . - tn 1 -Uao.l. St.-' 1 f stu- I .. , . ri a w llfataVai 1 4 a 0-63301103111X3.6:. :::::::::: ::::::::::::::::. ::::::::: Don't Overlook the 5pecial Inducements Offered r Hi' interior aim take llic liuulils I' .- Ur .in lhajr aev.1 III tin- I. i. loir .ind at pri.v that would aioi-i-. M.n iei..l it lo lasserilst ahat Ml asm sa : a Jim" J. M. FARLEV. Ontario. OrejjMn larl More ,tWt.n PurtLand an J BoU HHiinst I. B MlkSanl Hibbtvnl At lawwmhBal I l N I 1- -. (irrir. Irsat taassaas aaatal ..( Tas I III.. .a N.i.k ?- as MllUsjell. A awhll - 1 " - - .-. --- - - - 1 4 im BsaffJ 1 I I . W. C. BROWN, 1 1 I I I 41 I kg itsaS 1 ""al DEUTIST. Hcass, tiaiL..,, rnr In lira land aaVa bun.liiik'. 1, , ...... ......1 aiN'imas. llaKM ua.'b a.. o. ai ; . a 1 a V u Jacaaaa. awratai. la H THE BURNS HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON, Propt. Ml KNaLODuK No r.. A r A M Mlar Srala ...Ull. M VI 1 MalaoaM. Baalalaf) INLANP LUIMIBNU 1 Mrxia.-..r) Tharadai ataalua Hail II U 1. 1 t aiuwu. k a DeVl'itt'-. Jiti Salvo e?eaHonable kutet. Good Clean McaU, Comfortable Hm DBMS LODUB Mo 47 A O For Plttit.. Burtsft, IB. a arary aaawud and Saan A i . K'tit.ins. Courteous Treatn.ent Special Accommodations for the " . Dili I C rAn Ckl V Traveling Men. DLLLhj UK h?ALC fikst i lass in eveky partutlak --- earlin and Two- ear-Olds in Your Patronage Solicited. Quantities to Suit. alu aar, Rial aad ibo.i frlda 1 . r awawnn. 1 arftar -airing - IRiCH'liLLNUiU STOCk CO. BO m, U r. I .. I : liali.ura aria arantai. aavi.iar.. M . a m u 1 u il""f niani M ""-' iaura lit.aai a l iTi-VlA BBBBKAU UBiiBBB Mu.ai. Maauanarr UtaudSd a B Alia. BS B. A I. M"ll Forest Reserve Sctfl For 5 afl era. ami 11; M liar a 1 Vt ill ii . j H. B. Cmpson I . v . -Pnt ijv sat smb is a r-a.i aj "abnbv vali.cy ( ami .un inci ii.Ji.i.nr. x ....., ...,.dr. . . .T ti I Ml. A Uaataa. tu . Cure Your Cough stop your Lung Irritation, relieve your Sore Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold, with the only cer tain, and strictly scientific, Cure for Cough and Colds: DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR CON MPTION i .. !HL IPTODATEPBOTWiKAPiltl. All tl.. 0 a .ind unproved phoiooj jplo, ,n .1.. iiuliu I'.niels, Artist's Proof .11, i ! I'i.n:i timslicd 111 up-to-datr ,' I r All sizes Irum llir iiidllat ' 1 h 1 10 tiioalod in An. 1,. 1' i lu- AmciK.iii Data Ii II r. to al baak. W TULB t'lHi'l.B Sw. lu.. uf M -aJ( Blaaaar luunli Tmaitsf IBf Umm ai.iiii.a iiara ... - 1 il ajAhjMslV 0 YEARS jysJbW. tV eXPCRIEMCE -af 1 I fesala Pa7 TaDr Maasia ftttf Ocs.i-aa 1 S "I'L Lh .t,WsaV I m v v . r !.' 5 I Ufa, OrcKu,, Scictiiitic American. itINM' Naflp A. $1000 Reiordl Aluioat "Our little daughter w wit 1 on of thf inui-j; j' v. lion our drui New i) . jL-ovfai'y. After perfectly cured and has Qm. A. EVLER, Cumbi VSVVVVVrSrSrS i M. L EWIS JOHN UKIKEBLING. ml lr. v two physicians e were almost led Dr. King's s she was le since." INSURANCE. Price 3 TRIAL B( ascoMMd The City ... Heprehents the.... Home Insurance Co., of New York, I. iv ci pool. London & Globe, Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia. It I Willi tUUUS tUOUS. Ban as. Oregon. lursar huutk ul Luaabui g Oastaa'a. i JgfWSJaaW. OpticitUJ I'uir Watch kep.inin A Kps laity. B. W. HAMILTON. Slack Issstclttr. Uarw Ussij. Hoiua addn i-r. Burin-, Oregou. . ... Ul Ii irafll Tluiii -,,n A. t). Bruwo K. A. huiill. A Ia.iiJiu A 1 clua MfMiuMan l-jii Vaaataf ViulriiM - lii'iii. buin.- I'arliea lulauUlu to Oiuvrslutk !..... 1.1 j givs tb lusowrtor or MaSSSJ .1. iiU) ion j .lays' uuUcc. 4 " 1. "i ta Witt ' fta Salvo rur rii0!, Bunw,! Salvo I