Ik lioKS-SUrafd. lATHRIlAV HA Rt'll I tT. I HUlWrRirTION RAT1W On Vsar tit MoaUM I nent, and as that i of particular importance we are going In get the line p earlv a it can In- put thmugli Willi such men Harriiiian bark of the Cnrvllip Eastern it reiary and treasurer i. nltn.vit asatired that lite Ymjiium baa ! Will be BMel inti n -Inn; mill good ! ill .Mm Im complet ed noil th'' viri n i -t- Malgpud. Tin Mvr King, nr- iid ! Reed, ec ( iirli-Siniil. .iiiri.in Jtt.lAN RTRtl - - - - Ha will Iw made one of the moot ami l-inn valed , tnriau. important harbor of the roast anil In- influence mav get government N'iMh r III ! ITI.KMKXT r? aid in improving it a a deep w' Tin- Portland Journal afaia harbor JM "hat effect thin Ml show its thorujjli knowledge of huy will have upon the wealer. tl.. Mami-v In rwfwrrin. connection of the road through till- J .. ... .. ti tin- mem ni. image ol one nl In th -tat. i.f 'Wag II I'lUM . In the our estimable ladies it itn i i-nt.illv speak of her M the lortQCI ti .n i er of the village Khod m .1 WH) that it would appe.it our Ittl had a nne-ni.im solnvl house with perhaps half .1 tlnrn dhtj scholars. The I.11U 111 qu never did leach in Hunt, ami tin eight te.nlui- BO employed in tin m hoolr .it thai pl.it i .in Mid in their respective department! and Hurn will not be wlthowt t.n her- tor the re" of Ih 1.11 at least v i 1 1 .- i' not vt known. It is pee aibh that two line will he built 1 roil that ii from thi piace m to the West, tm i M. Merrill aaeeeterri l.ranch toward the Klamath -e rt' 'l-ceas..! 1 V l,ia Lun ...... lion through Lake, and th Otbei 'I I. sai.l ' : . Anil r.mneet with the Corvaili (ft Kasl ,jn , t-ti MewwUkatU ll -ire titi.m of the d fhi? tin- sRTF.SUN WEIL MsCMIM Of DEVI H ..... 1 ,.. .1 .. .1 - 11 -.! l.. ' v - announce thst local people hiivi (iovcrtii.i Oi. uiiiicri. 1111 bfl t.ic.l the hill c.irrving .mt little rm-asli appropriation for a count) fair. In justice to Gnvrr ... rtr xv il ; ..n that he madt -weep on at. MKh bills, however, anil didn't pick M out alone. Now i! .imi one will teat the liar: sheep grazing hill and have it declared unoinstttuti tutionai m will have DM usual blank. Goose egg. ':.;" and other "etcetera" that follows eve ion ol tin Iregon legialatu taken in. in. nil -urn m..i. pronoei I earn 1 Nm will In h a soon ae the roads BSVCaH The m. 1 hine liaa been ordered and I W M 11 - Ii ie07 at 11 . n. . 1 1 i- Oft I 11 ' - nl senium WW ft. King, the prnminon' Ontario attorney ncian. has been appointed one of the upi. i omniissioii- 1 imberlain '1 quite an important position as the com nuttioiiets have practicall the same power a Ike supreme judges and sit on tl,. oench with them. Mr King i rocaiviaj) the heartv congratulation- ai In Eaatern (liegon friend where he ha had a varj tcnii practice will lie , the twilrwasl about "' I""!'-) ... 1 Hie nnd 1st Ii 1- mixleru in eV. r particu ' Ml ll. lar. eipmip ,1 will, nil ilien-cessar v,, ,. -aral, K. aniiiisi. - 1 -ink in smj iiepiti ii. it. 1. . daeg 11.. I ! iiri'lieshle. tsilh rTf- ti-m nil ii eiHea eagtai T. I. . L. 1 ; ' Tin me. win. have taken this mat- lo appear at 1 . ti. n la rlttag te- in ,. m K Smith and A - u-ecunt aai ekaw eaaai 11 any Swan lotb are reliable men and lawn - 1 ill not tbe 6 I- I ne inn. the matter on a .u r. 1 hutinee I asi aaking r 1 emg under ohliga- I'bey hve paid cash laf the mschine and will be - a- MM as it i on 1 lie ground n..' lack for work a mmlt ' sir-a.lv talking over the matter ami Hiere pr.n ' 1 -uf- rk in iaht now for eiltlie .el. 11, The will be preiNir- , ' In 11 ed to sink llitve dillerent sue holes from four inche up The matter n, of charge bat not vet neen delinit. I in.-e nilli tli. I n.l It 1 I tint thl. u rn-. Ilirnev I l. M I Ml l:l Viewing the result- of the leg islative aeaaion jut closet this long distaBH The Ticne rlerald 1 of the opimiMi that the paapie of iiarne muniv were particular!) fortuna'.e in having Senators Jolinsoii of llentun, and t tirant then- l repie- ent u I) Milled - i- a tin-ve that will receive everv encouragement from ioeal people who have long deeirvd that a th.ir.iugh test of tbe arteeian poe tin. die. in this valle While we have every assurance that there i .irtetian water here at a reasonable l-ptli the matter baa never been given a aiiifaclorv teat The (iov erunieiii ntlicial connvcUil with I I hennell, . ' itilT I i.t (iovaraai ba chaand tha order ( linnj:- il b) handing u Immucis in tin 1 . lemons in the spring ll In come.- into these m " lie will Ik in ilangei of the geological work have been verv (Mteilive in the assertion that Hu ts an artesian ttasiu. Heretofore there has been nothing to ennmr 1." 1- iiie 10 put anv large am. inn lata such machinery, but now with ' unng of tbe railroad and .. large Hallux of aetllers who are u , mg up sage-brush land that cat. you ar. J to jMar ami silllll'. 1 AII1-.111 BamhW i..nlan, l.la M. Ijninor. 'Kninis Abrey snil -nplironla Sprint set fm ih 1I1-nstiin. ni their .'latins to said thai all silver, claim .11 the r.Tiiniieil , fur a ileeree Unit Hie IVfi-nilaiit-. nave ll" interest fw .-stsle in at.l pteaertl ami that Plain lilT til ( 1- iT"fl. sn.l eiiiointntt lyfen-.taut- f.nei.'r from averting an claim thereto, tha' Hie liefemLints Marv I in. Alli'.in, Bandi M. Jerdaa, tila M. lain- ner Knim Ahrev ami Soplimnia prinu ka ie.inrr.! 0 execute s ileed. in place I a aa eaa, la Hraid m Haftlesaie a pIsinlitT. the llsrnov I'ountv leak, lee thi HeethbaHel ikaKerta aest inisrtr. - ' t -i. '.'I sml one to the Pliin'it' Irink M Jordan fa the .-r .if the Northwest lis-' ..I -ml e,ti.m '.' . (or socli ..her sn.l further reliel a ! Ilir .ourt msv eem MrofWri . for mt ami ilibnr Thi iiiiini.ni i- serve.1 hv pnhliea I' Keetnr. assjM) in. Ie.( II I'm. -. i . niilv. Oregon, InU rrni'le in entereil the Willi ils ! the lime presort' .-I (' pni.li. .ition i ix week- ami Hie .tale of the fli- 11 ..I llu- stiain i" ll tl ' PARRISII r 1:1 MltiH.lv tt..rn. v- sj I'l.ilntill ROTtOKOf I in l BsfRLKIIl In the I .iitni. ( .inn ..f the Stst. ol I Ir. tar Heme eeatt 111 It. the KUe 1 01 Ws-'.-i I -tev ,. l.niseil liven tli.it I rank II Howell tbe administrator of the Itslale . ! inee Neeaai aesaaaawhaalled his tins! ci-"iint herein ol the silinlni--M estate, an. I tint Moo.lav. i H i ri, rs)T s- v M M Ike roert hmise in llarn On ! n s.p.'inteil hr the judge of the above entitle.! rmirt (or the h-ariin; lion- t. u I. tinal s.x- unt an. I the ettlemeiil lli-rv. : Ami th..' there. .lid A.lniilnstrst - kf peblieatloii in The Times H.'. .... week Paaaa 11 Beeau itrator. O Calkin- 1- in the market for all vonr hide, horse hair and coy ote akin. He want all of them and will pay good price. N11 TOMPtttlM Hunting is forbidden upon mv preailaM Trettaaagai wil' he uroe ecu ted. H. C. I.r-VFI. Uataat ldas in R :idg To Wear Garments HARDWARE Of All Description. PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, DISC DRILLS And Everything needed for the Old Timer or the New Comer. Are Pleased to say That we Have Re sumed Business at the Old Stand. Yours for Business, GEER & CUMMINS. I m greatest suit liooe in . He new sample Kn CIUS. wILSON. Km -iK H of ill el tit OrtCM n 11 1 1, i.'i ni: 1.1 f liar llgueil letrai I II I'liei r.-.H rlfullv i-in ii I of llarnev .- n. t graa ne to sell spirit. null an 1 - 11 less i.ianti- 1 II rw 1 re inly, slala ( "rwtfon lor a pern I k nionll.-. a in ,ni bound weaver pray. HODGE & FLOYD General Blacksmithing and Repair Work. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Customary Prices. Foley s Old Stand. "urns. Oregon. You- Pn"Oi.ga Solicited Burns Meat Market Nutlh til foM Miliwi 1 1. V.ini Si. a mi- Isruig inun let pub- ; 1 aptasar, lar want V r't 4 - lion Will M... n ItsriieN i',,oiit I ir mi itlwrwise irrigated that a dsuiaud for such work llelore t. the eeaaoa is far advancwd we wil n .ieiiintely what can be ii--r. with artesian water wVT$ A nANCrllSI II . visit our fjir jjjain tin. I.n. mil .11- teuipis in ia tiic rate, .,,. ff.c ff m Uro) yivcn tiir wront: up atMi ) "me. -In year Tbe matter was taken under advisement by the autbur- At tbe regular meeting of tin city council Wninesilay evenn . M 1. Lewi, made applicalmn (or ui '" Tlir Hjriuv tuun latum is stili in businc .nni v.e'11 Hiin in have a (air too. . 1 a 1.. aai ' 1 M M I SMI, M Hart I. .In. Iltlffv lave lUnrbman I .1 '.ale ' V l Jill' M.iri iron M .i ! 1. Gate 1 II llrown J . esl I N C.Mlltliir.' Ken Uwl. lUbe Mm. 11 1 hevallsr lHlt.'li lilbl I.I Jl allow S401 lila.pl J..hn Binwtli A. SCHENK, : Merchant Tailor Suitit made to order that may be tried on before finiahine;. making sure of a satis factory fit, All work guaranteed I STILL Mi CLEaNIM. REPaIRINw AND PttSSIM. Fzicos 3Koa.scriea."ble. ! A. SCHENK. Merchant Tailor, McGee Bldg. Burns. Or e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeaeeeeeeeeeeeaeseeeeesseeeee n. .1 ear palreaarc jeikiuii. Pork, iniiiii, Boloirnfl ami Liv DngH e in mi v Onantity. HANsEM I op Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line FRANk 1ETSCHAN. Props. KwUew I berel 1 iriven that " Time.. .I.n Ike Uth d. of April, ImUT, th.-on- U e ( ...int. at) Oacraltgr Ireat Aastia via Prairie City. Jaha lay. Caayaa City m lara$. UrtKta .( orsvon. for llareey eoun- ,, . 1 '. uu ironi ii.tKer viiy id uurns, urryon. Q il, 1 iiiiilnrtalilt' conveyance Carrlul aViean I las S' hi. in. alonjj 1 he-route -Railroad to lltnn I 1 mid 1 For 1 itee .nl. THE HOTEL BURNS BAR. SAM bai late. Fine Win??. iLiquors and Cigars rptsfor n rghnd Club WbiSahj. CLUB R00M5 Ih COWttCTIOH VRY,- CUBS Courteous and qi'k ef4.. .' .- . - tbe UeawM gatag le-nt. ii.i 11. ti l 1 TO BUILD TO CIANF.CIEE1 Tbe Times-Herald ha iwe. en what la purported M lc a iraigbi tin on railroad Minding and 11 1. I., the ffstt that t. pea Eastern wiii be ioui,i. led ir.u, 'aie in Crane Oltal -i swe ll is known thai uisn are uow r 11 1 iuokiii up u title along Hie rigii'. ai wa to that point with ins.ructii 1 ik int. tbe title.- ..(' the pfesent owner wbeo tbe land was aaqaired and what III a.sesewd vain- ities and m baat action of a del. title nature will be laVen This - matter that should be discussed amoung the business men of ti Leaa time franchiaee are Im--lag uite an issue in al. bj 1 eitiea and towns Neali r Id Ith tats of are beginning to investigate Ibe a vi.ahiliu of allowing coucern. t... Ilai atitude id uch matters and 1.1 MltoLli . iiiiiitt -I M" 1 i.l:n;i..i. ule of Thossas haMliglsrsn S utitleU r.iale .... 1 .ill 1 1 ni estate t" pre sent ani. Mill. .rnnr vouclters within ix otonil.- Meat 'late hereof . 1 H Ka raguu, or lo 1 U i, Miller it llnro. Oretf.li. Itswaila-r 1 M . .111 IM.rn Ksecntrix aai 1 '. . laswBaswl '' WOLDENBERG. Auditor jj BuinS, OxegrcnJ : 'e. .. a . : PURE FOODS AD PlkE DRUGS Jan. 1 the at law otg inl , i c i UioAj to regulate llieii, in future At present such a franchise wouni he ijuile beiiedcia. to lb people ol aud not ueceasarilv o( any partsaalai value to Mr. Lwi. - ol sulhcient to justify anv material nutlav upon bis part rat ears 11 niti aa such a ffati- aaaU ' a source of revenue :ijuiiicitalit and be of euf tills WoulO . -nl iinuortwuce to the holder ...r( . :.it. M M . Ilia I M Urrlli, Burns Diamond Stage bine K IIAIM'I I. Iropt lasaves Burn, aver) Monda) V. I I nueU altti the AudreH.-ISinio tagv. I roau 1. al ... mi Nevada paiata 1 arri ",-. n. pasaaaaata ilai d ia mw, Aai linn.- Oeeaaa. t. wiai tiie laiiroaii - , , ,unltmy Cooidrat. 1 N work 11. IBs I ll .i. I, ,-raiiliiig fran.-hi.es we shouni or. it ii.,- toaiaatita - look to the future iaaaaaati not lung reman, a ., .. . little citv and al least pla. e ill gove,,, tn.-ir luture ,.rri.iii. re,tm.tiuns and some ,. '"l tbe : powei in the cil autboruie.. u..re .an irBn, ineir wora who a n, regulate tbsm. The Times-Uer- deiiniie nlati ll wil neves in eucouragiug all aa every industry in 1. -rnrises of a Dublic nature so Imui irtev el L'"1J"lr .- il dose not conflict with on,. 1 . ' lor ' rel I , WC 'll McliOW AN Laa. LetjiNH. . I i.. ler Sail LaBu S.i p latafcl " Ji". 1.1 1: N ii(l HON Our Fall & Winter (ioods ARE IN I We can now take care of your or ders for everything in ous line. We have just received from the Fast a large shipment of ribbons, notions. Shet land floss, outing flannels, dress gooda, furnishing goods for men, women and children Overcoats, rain coats, leather coats, duck coats, sheepskin lined coats, macinaws and warm coats for winter. ttLukets, guilts, etc II u: j be We guarantee ail DRUC Id b PURE. A lib DRUGS that go g m-.i-., up your PRESCRIPTIONS an tuhat your Do tor ordered. H. M. HORTO calicos, percales. BROWN ; Taeee ere thoee sfa . faarwd ihat il.. Harnuian 11.1 orvallie A th- work on the line interest of the name nature An ordiuaucn was also 1 '1 ting in- salaries of the oiarsha. be re. order and treamirer to III.", :'. t. N. iHllll. MrOfclOii ule i -i-'. ui -.enn iiir .r.ii.ner viallieur 11 1 ...'. . ; i.eu.-ral W. nil Water ii,.,, ami -tream Ml I'raflu.K. Sst?Bl5TER tRE eaVaw''l", so.tw. esweessaeAew, e-e vv 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 vvevw BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. I I U Is I utt .11, I KubbersGerman socks, felt boots, gloves, boots and shoes, trunks, valises, wiooow shades etc. H V "aT L as . Ii r I J al II let 4 Hi t a, j eaa I i. Special Attention fiiven : to Conducting I unerah E I NE1 AND ACUKAlt WW KHI IN CONNrXllON tilH BARN. abaudoned but there 1- do indioa- Wlll In- dune Tlie Work . aiearaiii c- will Ixr Bad 110 a month respecliveh M tnattera coming up jusl lbs oily election are of parti .las rapid iv ae po.-.n War interest to the Ulpars and ll were merely a matter ui toi.n.i-. and the opening of tbe interior gf tble -tale for what bia! I111-111. - tbe re 1. in night or what might ne created bj furnishing tran-, lion, we might well be concerned by tin latest acquisition of Mr tiarninaii But fortunately for u iile now leing lurveve.i givee thai railroail svsusm .(uite an ad- should ba looked into particularly lllllM SCHUUL CUSIMfcMtMtNI Tbe I'.roT graduating daae of the Harney Couut High .School hae o'gauutu aud active preparaliun. have begun for the commencement exercises to be held at the close of Baal in May. The ciaae null. vantage in lime across the cunli- i bers ten students and the exerciser u...i:::;;;:. ;:::;... .:::sn:utamxu:a::::::::?::::::u::ua:ttl:::: S FRUIT TREES THE B ST THAT CROW Ft isd bj n tt aaa Oldest and moat Rt-li.-bi- ,Nu kaStaal m The United States. AT PRICES ONE-HALF Ir ..-- llian on he 1 Tl EES UNEQUALLD IN SIZE Hardiness and Fruiting Ability. I. S. GEER, Agent. ntm::i::;;t;:i:ni:;i;wim;i:;::;i;iu:.nn;;ii;i:;:;i;ii;mwii ...nnnnnnntoi; of all lclnds. t e null, tbe public to call ou us ami look through . 01 . to. k wlncb is larger lltao aver belore WE ulA-AMkt SATlSFACTltfl ttlCtS Mil I LUNABURC fc DALTON. m&i-svss?es99&s9&ia$immMmi :;....,.. wsswaasataaa 1MXG AH Kl'Mi, Manager In -t ilasaactfusuuiodatioos with neat, clean aud comfuru room. Kuoa insltes bis friesuts to slop witb In 01 wl.cn in ataa. l'ablesell buaislied. Meale 16 esole. .- u.e . -- BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON dt S' V iT .J' c . r. iDis. Rough and Dressed mber, Rustic. Flooring, itloulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road Lumber Yard in Burns. ;