The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 02, 1907, Image 1

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    I rhe Clin-Wer,a 1
The Official Paper oljlnrricy lonnty,
hM the largest circulation and in one oi
the heat advertlaing medium, in Ksatern
Oregon. J
.... ...
She Uimt&WtMb
.,- -.. ... , T. ,. M.. M
-- ' IM " " ' ' "" 11 i ia, ii- , i .... imm
a aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseee
r he ossrt Murnvq tfcnnfrg
J rovers an arm of n,4W,SO0 eerec of J
J land. 4,7W,3f aeree jrH vacant nm
t.. entry under the .nl.ll land lawn ol
J the I'nlled Malra. 5
ami particular intercd of the pour
In fart ire are r.d.t in the KEVOLT ON LAND QUESTION
m All of thia in in the direct
i Rtteecta It l Wall Ittmtmttrti
Tkaat Wke Hate Rea aatleen
Par Ita Rariv OctfUaaifat
settler, iindpretmid. and ( I..- ,,. HlTCHCOCkS JHM.ICT IS SCORED B
tereate of the country Diane the
I bjOJJgoMw and . the people of thnt
city reall understand condition
makea an aggriRate of ffWO.lKV I'lNCHOT TO SUE CATTI I Ml N
he rained h thia hili alone
cnurae thin aiim will Mil ipj
ed in nnr year, two. thrr. mm LDIORVIM) ITKEMN IN IIMUIM
A VI it. r n Mlratle
NO 5
11 ' i.
Another measure involving a large
Ptim h th.. rNfl i.f tVlumhia hill
The ( oniiniinn i author n. I In
in order to tup
port the state government, normal
nd.nnls, atate fair and other 'pie
eating" oonrernr, good, had and in
differert. No, we are not neslected
in thene ementinl things, 1 1 -have
no complaint to make. It
would appear moat ungrateful up
on our part to sa one word againal
atioh treattui'iit
SJe.Ott to Advrrtinc Orcrnn
audi aa thin" We a-k the pt
of thia benighted region to judge
ineer Millet, of Itae Harriman I F"rlhpr w" "'" '' ""
, . it cornea In taxe
i who haa jual located ile
n Eaatern, thinks Central
n "ia the greateet atretch of
doped country anvwhere,"
knowa of "no land of audi
ie that haa lieen en lung neg
" Neglected hy whom?
Timea-Herald will anawer
r naving firat hy the ( iregnni
ond hy the Portland jrthbcr
jet by Mr. Harriman The
tian haa never made an el
learn condition, here and
I. -pa of thia Hirtion of ita
tale than it doea of the
one Inland. It haa i
led a true atnry of the Har
intry in the courne of ita ex-
i to our knowledge 1 1 tin
lad a reeponail
thia section
heeti given auvlhinit tangi
ii which to haae ita opinion
ountry. In thia respect th
ig daily paper, of i'nrtlaud
l ae had They make no
nfforl to gel at the true oon
of thia aection or nee in to
ita pneaihtlilicn Thev have
in in here to "write up" in
)regnn hut have llelnted
mm rapnaMtitativee make
rn way hv "leg -pulling' and
ve given puhlicilv to that
Haiti Caa4taia4 iinI Hill AawaaX
Ta Prertct TW Settler.
in the interior when lbJ advo,:ite aa.pilea Taat Wkek Wtet I INaaeMtt iaaue M00,00() honrie, l.tit tl,
huriln l,rni. I,v Multnomah, i'n
lniii!n:i no.l ( 'lalaop, with
cent of the epe iae .1
Multnomah For the A leak
kon Kxpoaition. lial.Otx) a
prialed. Itt,0(1 to he available tin
rMr,MO,000 in I'.'.is and
in 1m.
mm risirvis
PiMvatrv tweanawal will tfk Hr lahiaitlaa
Ktatrkllaf taillr treat Diiltlat
lata lafeectd Iihoo
M -lie
mi'il f
.1 I ..( thia
K l?oowr,
' wnal-
A recent Waahington diepatch
aayn- Tin- Hmiae in committee of
the whole placed itaelf aitiareN on
'I ti'dav in favor of limiting
the power of apecial agenta of the
I ifp-irline. I i ( ll.e Interior hy a
The Koekv Mountain New re-
il hi .-oighiog iii ii"M fr'in lier
long" I her end
-ii in i- ii hi : v had wiiicli
ed l Ii Ie fori eight
a Ie n. al ii urgent h iUeal
IV tM giv-
I lu.rn hii I.A..n -i ill
vole reat rioting the uee of the ap. . --"- "'"" '"""'
. . I for an annronnalion fur .immrlM i..
nroprialion nl 'J "it 1,1 It VI covered I x
the -.'iiiulri ,'ivil Appropriation hill
io pay the ealariea of foil agenla.
I'. it vote m! n in I7tl the .
tie adoptee) M MOMMlaMM nf-lell,
linriiik; i (lie work of
While there ih a largi auin ii vail- . aajoCOal agenta waa aeverelv oon-
ahle from the lummean men and deinned and order, of the I'reaidenl
properts holiiera of I'orlland to regai. ling tinul proof on liomealeada
adyertiae Oregon through the joint oritfoiMd working iiiuieceeaary
work of Hie Portland Commercial hardahipe iiinu -itiler-
lull and the Oregon le elopmenl ,,i,.j, Ii nilmenl pr.ividea
league. Mr Theo..,r. I : , i) part of the aliprnprial I
ilerepre... ''""'"" I "" Iv.cuuve Com- f-J.-Mi.iNai for the pay and traveling L '
and therefore "'-e of the cluk. ,, , , .,, ,M.(,., HfffrilH ,,,,,1,, JJJJ ' P,W
the League, haa iaetted a aK.(inl the . iiartmeni of the Interior, to
JRMtl to Hie V7f i baMd lb. , .,. . ii.ii lao.U from ille- ,
I ortiann i ..inn.. r,.IM t lull, aaalng gal and Ir.ui.lulenl entrv nhall he
for additional .oi.t,,!. ,,,,,,- .,,.,, i ,,Hl, , , ., ,, ,aJnaj ,,f
large advertiaemeni- mr- I,., run the l-i.,.l .luLrmel in anv entri up
in the leaillug !aM'ra ol ll.e innlill. M winch linal proof OM (
weet. which wii, n.' . ,,,,. DrpsrlOient ham
ratee to Portland and in.iiioii turnmhing gmal
in Oregon, hut m a Mala to .n-e-. I fraud
meiil reUi n ulture, dairv M I.ll n.eiated that I ha
Ih- huilt h the iute. and flU
waa given for tin- parpoM
of the iiio-i k-wnn f 110,000,
for the entahlinhmeiit f a heme
for the fehle mindeil (n of iliix
num the atale hoard in to purchane
a "ite and ererl I. ml, I ,,-. .
patienta for thin Inottlwl
l the Innane An lum h .1 I
mg a home of their nan will great
reiluce I he iitiiMTi.i i
III I lit MM.' III.. l .. ,
- - " ... n . i. .ii imiiii
alao received an approprial
'ii- -lllli- e. f,,r
Tiewa the trouhle Ivtween the , ,1 , v r.,,
th no n and f o. lrv .(Vieinln in tin ,a!
following manner: tinned until arte lleillv pleleU
ci.Lf i :.n .. i i ...!... .. . i. i , , .
. ....- iniiimi i iiiriim oi trie mi- revovereo, aim i a neaitny woman
reau of foreatry at Waahington in Imlnv ,nt... cure for
gifdj I . the federal cotirla cottghn an I . ..Id- Ml and fllNl
'MoioUon reatraining all at the OH I nal hot
eavk meft iii Colorado from per- tie Ore
milling their cattle to grain llii
forenl reaervea without pertliitn WII l tgenla, Hunllera
Should theee proceed ing he auo Saleuien, rinkn an. I fWJtjgrf
'nl the kiiK'kmen would le fun bo Wanta In enjo) a liearly
pay fien fur the permiln M '""K1' '" Ntlei HM for ' Turn to
) P their i-alllc fenced or clone """ """' -'! anp. r
I.... I-..I I .. .1... . . .Li- r.i
in inr rveiu in ineir inn- w
ing Io com d v they would have the i,.
Watchmaker and Optician
Buma, OzgrorL
fiWIfffQ IOC rM Wftf g)V
aliule maehiner of the government
working againnl them and would
I I..' ml of the callleiio n in
i-i in t'oloriido in nigning an
"in to pat no more fern for
Kilting on nireni reaervea ! likelv
non .li. i . 'i Ki.Mln for a livina
k Circular tor -damp. I In
lr hii 1 1..,..
tin. Ill
11II0I A DON ROAN, rmprietoro.
Bums, - - Oregon.
laCal Xlilo
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
! ll.e ai.
The i h tin ... f,.r living a (till rem
tlll II, e el) , II, III in I ,.f
charilahle iii.tiiuiim,.. nuel. m- il,. . l, plan. -
I- prove eontagioun denpile Pin " ' tn. "f llaineevtlle
U( i" old She wrilm
ltah hiiini . Kl irnce t'ritii nil. ii ....... ii. .t... Kleeliie I .I tin. of il.rn
" '' ir airaiiging ior
n. .me and the l'.,,v . ,,, i . -1. ,, iiieelinga Io tike aimilar action and "" ''' -landi..g
S'"'lx the iiat.onai foreal aervice la up
The liahing indii-tt , n. . igalunt a h ir. ,rni...ioii
hired b) 110,000 for I i ice haa hewn act
i .!. 'nai f,,r ih, ,ett ..(- mg under ih.. ,Mrininaion given the
ing. logged -off land . Jruitn, wheal,
irrigation, reilainaiioii fund,
minee, hoie. nuraeren. hv
lich put up the canh without !n,,d lMul,M '' '" '"I"'1
at in hoal- ami IttOO
ity of njancial ageni wan known to Ih- Mat.r Kih War, I
i er on the public ' gi lear a H-
.1 iiiaiii i" 'wo Sonlhern Oreg
nirniaii ol the puhlie Several new wave of aaaaa illaa
.. .M..ta. ...... i... : .i .i .....
to the truth Theac papern "I '""'.' ll.ePrea- lUOMf .-
ally addreaa the writei and j '"""' WM tt '"'"1" ,t waa mucere u. h.n -(!.., in t principally ii. : I
he act a. correniH.ii. .nt rr"' """ " "' " I illi. navn H
lortland i'orrenaitdent.
-I'Ntarv of agmullure bj OOMfjfwM
to make ralen and regulation- l.i
m and government ,f
f the regula-l.'ii-
made tnii i , harge a fee for
iln r regulalion waa to
land lawn and protect
i In land
:' II. i,!- dared that
nl a more Ii nt Sectv
r uuhlication olfering u men
i for the aervifi.. Thin hae In oloeiug In appeal Mr W
imptlv refuaed. lie would ooi aava. "Pa otiieihing .m,, if
.hat capacity moat gladh l'"' """'"' i--n.aU, want your L. ,.f ,., lajaariaa
... .a fiui.ikluiriilliili tan aaatl i . .
fompenaauoii or inner re- -r - -- "'- emi imnei, . .,,,. wim wan more
I he trend of immigration a t,o
way; lel'a puah il ltl iiunl
Tbil advice apii
I I" I ' Id Mild will make
Ihia a bargain month in the way of
"I han arrange.!
it a . rn in .1 olleime for a ntiM-kman WeegW St I
it all ah
and made o .- well and
If, mg n a ,,nn girl" Kleflrif
Mill Htomach and I
illnei , ral
I ' ' HI ami ho4lll nkoaao.
Hold on guarantee at I In Cilj I'mg
auccitaoa lo.wmoatMnioa
BlacksailkiiX and
Wagon Work
.aMaW a JanU J0
Main St.,
Burns. Oregon
ian to have the aalmfaclion
ig autbeulif new go nut to
'ide world. It in not junlloe
aturT aeul out to lite lug
iHira that have no truth in
liaiaver, or noine ntor no
d that it ia redtouioua
tlaud papern will not pub
thing from here an it in
however, aid that in the
bey can gel tin reaponaihle
it act aa regular correepon
'hey Htiii to think that
liere bave uu idea ol w hat
and they muat "doctor u iheir veraioti of a
V'e may not know u int. eh
aa oihere, but do ktma
couatderetl uimn I.,
Had tiie Portland paiern
iy mtareat whatever in in
'egoti it would have
ore rapid 1 aud baoa
letit to that city in a com-
vboleaale kjajaj i, thai
ve worked muel diligently
the interior in the hack
a tbay have had Ut
in ibuae parte for many
d ao long aa we were with
rally asial
anawered Cuab-
altng i and m
nffioee tll.tka, mile,. - ammala to ,, hPdU Ire, .,. all who pay up laCTICALlT
IfttaMlpgf dlam pn.vnl. r",r' "'"""" lrm.a.
Ibeee mam ollice. will ,.,.k, -""' "' "'" ' ! ' ,,M Nl " ",t,,M5jl-
............. ..... bi.... . I- have been to the effect Ih.i '"' will al
" "" iur - i iihiiiii , inn
Ik- mentioned w" "'"'"' agncullure haa n
ki. I,. -iiiiM-r and Immli
Inagaoiin in the I nihil htnle.
,r fur f'i
ound rum
bowing what lm, miiltitudiu .... r"rl'1 " '"Akv " " ' !
will amount la I r ive.t,M,k to grae ,,i,.,ut par-
l-aoey o tiwaard bia dwfeiiee of MObOOOjanliaawaae ikaaw na .ImJ. I "" " r"" '
muuily in the aiati Megrim . ,(l.. ,,.,.,,,, wll anuiaaj. kiuaai Uk iba Miaiti.n
are being rwoeiead from i h- g.,,.,.1 ,!. hud ,r, ,, gteallv malig. ' ' " ' 'Urged for grazing la: tu. Ml lUp all .1.. ranroa.i- ,,,, , . ,.,,.. ,,, , .,. g Nlll g. tj. m 11.. t a lax and thai the eecre- ' id Tra. mil '.. a ill uive f '.'.'. rewatd
The I Mo
Inr I Inn u
Dec Nut hVlioc tu).ili- Mar.
K A JenklUN. w Ii . r. -iden noulh
he doeen i lln v. i' . alorj
ptlhliahed Ifjgf week He Mjn ihnt
J. Hill 1 -hole would
nun Ii h.r n rr a iiliar-
IftBOtM i.-r of a mil. up ., i l H ..rtli-r
numg that tl,. ,( in lL ,-w
ginning Mar, I, let. and , tinuing lr IU. .aughl -..,.,. BNttl bk
.....:i a ..-:i . . ...
"VT """" '" I'l'," W l-w. It wan in the ,,( M.dran. wr, ..Ml,,,,
rew.aaaaaiw. ami : im tunlill. ,,,t.-ial ..I honeet aettler- that in
e.t lutoi, m a refill aj in. geewr- japaolorn nhoul.l not Ih- hampered in
al interest in OngJM ir- i Mirk.
tl... State prominent m.-ntmu hut (ironna told of the hardabioa oc-
eommuniiv uiut .to initiviiiu . aatonad bv the nm ..,.
al work anil add to the mu.rnuiiii I . . , i, , .
... in. . reei.iom nunpenatlig more he ntaloe that b- la aalialied
",rr',,"""l"" ' - r "" ""' Mtf n.meatead. eg- thai it wa. . ,..,, ,,.t had iba
the teacher, and pup,-. ;l haw ,..r, exam... ...,, fan be mml. ,,. , ,, , ,, : ,
"" "-'"' -leeoern. :M ota thought . coug.r'a . .,Uv
"""-"'" "'"' ' ' .!.... !... known nigl.1 of la.l ..k I , I
.lute, gg lb., M . a.l ,.. MliwWlal that would folk.. Inn itm , , ,lt(,r(
vanlage of th. ,.pr ,,,.
th.eSlale,,,e.-..o.,,n!,1, ,,..,,,,, ,lul ,M.tfW, Boud
Mf ' ' u-d He made the ,;, ., ,.
m .K-..1 o. the I ,, , , llml Mr ,.lnul,ot Mi. mM wUw jj(
-...uo, wmunn, ano .,.r a. a. .p,ro(, ,e dra.t. which know that the rock, at
., gei -euger agent .t . m arh.trary a any ukaee
the Northern iUilway ut am d I 1,,"
t. Paul aeod urgent njqnaot I Ml
lry haa no authority to levy or
ri.ll' . l audi a tax.
Aa a mailer now elanda the only
I -' r , ,, .- Mg m to
hril.g null agalnnt the owiNW of
I renerve for dama
ge. It will of ' y to proe
I I be renerve.
I ..I. r lie nlale Uw. i ntll.
mg upon unfile ed laui
' "imlii . ,. n lock men
lake the pnailiuh thai Ibe govern
no III I- II. the name ptwitiuii an
If land owner, and muat
' llbt -iln i ,.r m rililt
-. bj drifUog
I lllVII Hull ol the
parti. wlm i iraM and
ill,, r ,,,.,( .il, from "lie uf the
coach, a In un un tain
-ii jL canra nui
fc Bj, m
Ovr BOO lHoawflBl SeMMl tor
Beautiful leik.ima
Dwlne. 1
a. le a
moHumiHf al NOnjrt roMWAejy,
aajuikj . '
till be il. ( fi
It UTftM OMlriOf
bid Ikc Cawal lhtai
Nifc ! Ibtlvr.
Ill bl ,i.K i.i,i..Hi.-.. i.e .
noi aii.l Ii Ola , Kuril.. llragJBw
The Lotc Mar
l,n. i . nlor.
each aud every coUiiner.tul und in
dunlnal body n : tin m
at once package- of ad rlicing
laporlaliou fac.lilie thev ' metier to he dmlrihuted to p
flndi ' upon tM hueit.r.. ""tuiring alMiut Oregon.
auy feat of uomnt..ig Tlir auccenn of lb.- iiumlgralluii
Tbeee iwo factor bave movement i. largely n
the way of developing in- ' uewepaja-r. I ... ,, thai
egun more than Mr Har lliey have gu -i. i,, mud,
ii other railroad man . ll'"tlun and oil oiUoartl
tlaud given proper aupport (,f 'be eloli 'liming im
ipeala of Ihoee wbo were I '1'1 l'"' 'ondit;on- upon huh D00
ilereeled in I. ringing tbia P ' '
ulry lo the fronl, Mr. I Inr
juld have iinponded IoiibI lUKKOtAN MIS s C E.
iat place ha.- nl.. ked OMOb
for yeara. They have
toy or male
Moot looking lo the bolter
Vaijuma Bay timply be
Ibo fact thul it wo.iid
.ut ibe i. no., iliale extern
A Suloiu preee dtepatcb aaya:
il i. luunienlhlf lo mve more
n.e I l
pen are a rei.devoun lor a iiuuilnr
lee and that they are neen
ai.uueiuaiiy in that and
al night their l.n. ping dnti
down to town.
.lee have g(. . ,,,u to
uu approximate e. It male of thr- ol 'then, have
the appropriation, pane d hy the "'g "" wilbegood t.'eav-
Il i- m nut need ii ,. ...if. ..I di.
p,.t. Ii lo the I
Iroui Net .i I .
purchaeed the I ,- I
mad from A. Ii M
tluur ...Milll I. .Ml. .I.IM 'I'm. ...
--" w-... . i. v.. . rw i VI . ...
I an aero., a oaiuj ol .J.ll ant. Ii.jh .
I Mr. Mi
'.In tl I lie- I'iiavl.iii'. (a.. la... A.
- -- ' J aa ton III." .Ill
ofc.....ure. un.u w,e ...eanuro- are -' " P tiioii .,, u aj ( ,,.
'"'. '' round " dr.ggt.g lot i;(J ulk iu JT
.h.n. have appropri- .round. Woogtr f ,
"f ""- -I g for large band, of a..,.
' ( i pWTIMtMMy. USU ,.k. ib. ... ,
-. -,-,....,.,. avion ..,,,, a l.i. I. pro- froMJ ,,JC
v.. lee lor the of ll.e A juint revolution ,v f ..f
Offaoof tUki inntiliitiunr, aalanea Haneborough, of Norih I'ukolu ,lWaj , ajlUi
in .1. . p. rating which bar ju.t la pled I.)
' 'he .' nery cougre.. for I
npruMi .ire nuui- the arid region. .,1 n i f in a I. a- Im "
ral bun- Ue.. dved by lli
ii il ap- oi i. ,
ie of America in an-
a- M.lli.anjc.m. .,, f,,,,,. (l. gj.k.ry in .onntion
Pine Mountain ram h tie .1, i
-...ih. Pnneville J.urnal A SfUUtlly of SMfl IfoVl.
Ming, a .l..r tn.t i. enough '' -Indalth ,.ithing
... make ihe In art nl the hunter n tl'O o.aik - pa Iron -
i.iiiiini-r nf yaiptero. w ge -olu U
looking for eatih- un il,. -Jeeerl and -
- The Finest of All oi
hr Sob) Ml j (,'
Hotel Burns Bar
A merits, Burns, Ore.
foTKolhc( J Hroo ,, Portland. I
ii.ouiiia.iin after a
now Thia year In.-
Ir I l.ri.wu l. ni, i OH,.
o.iln 00 build.' g moll, ol
Cor Your Real I state or Business
H" H.Her Whil Your Cropcply it Worth, or in WMl Touib Cit), Stalo or Territory ll io be
Ml. m 4-
!. ..'I M.k
aal Oluat b.
.. ...
if ibe o.d Oreg
l lli.rifulllj . W.amkm A...J al..lJ amak Oil m m m .
ww. .Maa.o .. L.U..DII1 ail.I B-.ll.-il millir- ij ri. ,,-. ,,, ..,-
, . voeae of it. pievioue uik.ii n.. , louioin,
.. . uumwiE puiuir an op- uri-(iin. li aa. nuui in u aeiii
. .1. -i
I to coiupele for tie uu- 01 led De 10 M-
ade of ibe inlertor. led
.ve we really been neglect- fell mio the .
Mibly in minor manner, luuud
u big Ib.nge. Korm.-lai.
o road oompanloe I. lull the v o, id HaMMf
wed io grult Ibtrmonde of (
our he.t land Hi
0M dm m i.,,ile ,, th.
DfOMM I tbe.e pcopl.
Mr H
in 11
' .1 item. i .'
alone i hi Irj; of an Unnatural iiatim
nulling p.,r are
villi -Ibe
voto 1. 1 l VaJ (),,. iron, llir l..i.. foj
I 'g' nth- Iron i
I u
mail ul ikaae "i
ie a
Orajgjou Agncultuial oolleeo ia a approval of ' ,ium All
a I lie i.tin-r i, ,rt ' I :, ,-e clone aecoml. will, fUO.lXIU 1 bin homeetnadi r -. m,u. I h,
win. UU rn,, -nt fund audi cud. lie- -halt make
never wiiin'.-r ii . . ut-. u' 1 Ji-i.OtaJ, and fTO.tHJO for mam- opplicaliui. auppoi t-d h.
wou.iii.-. horn- ,d .kin en;u.oe. r or the four urinal oetliim forth the fact.
ao aux.ou. to do .otui- j.fupt,,,, k. ,w ii will. "ool. fllT.ux) waa give... and lM Us re of aus.
the deviuji.ui : : ..( ii., . s, ,..,, ,. .. .. i,i j, ibia nu.ll naU.Md l.i -,l,il...l IU ..jlIo uml l.nno nl ImI.i,,!
-... -.....ww. . --J.
. J
u i .... .i.a
'UUll I
I li n oMM lbs nwamii
i.rai.t Hbv, Hi" I K
Hpringtield. III. Has.-:
I, next the forest reserve
lull.,, (.. ..I.... 1.1
"- ... nil. 1.1 u II lull i
hi og. Guaranteed
KU and now they propose !,. irll Store 5c.
' I regard it iht-Uiii.g Iban uuy other appropri- ottiue for tin di-inel in trbii I. lloti
J the balance of the vu
and lease it to the big
i. right!
I during the entire 40 day.
causing out the Jul. noon
d law an i.uuie.ine num is to be
Archie raised by luxation. Aa ibo bill
.11 fi.rlit i rig.i.
by reason ol the abaence allowed
hereunder Provided 1 hat the,
peril..) of nuch actual abaence shall
Mel iowau. the laud un... can find provides fur a maximum annronria- not I deducted from the full time
ore uol neglected by any vou a hover tioo foi kjo tbif.(of resideuce required by law
ejatesna a au... a.
ILaaaaw. .
David P. fait I lie land Man. 415 Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kansas
If Uu laal is Sell I ill w, Cat Ml an. Mil Iota;
I'leoae ml. 10 mn. a plan Ik. tlmln . ..
buyr 1 11. 1. 1, ul
Town . 'niiiy
Poltott iug l a !) Ion
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If iso tail la Mjf hll ia. Ul Ml . Mil Isdaj
I U, t.U) j.ruaKly aiuruxioMleiy will.
lUe Miuwiag ueetosatiuos . Tow or eH
t'uuoly Mala
I'rioe Ulaue I audi ...II say
I down and balauos
N...e Vddi...