! Wh Clmta-flernla Tin' i Uncial Paper ..(.Harney ('.unity, ha the larni't i iieiilntioti an.l io one m I l.l n.lvertisini: mediums in K.aatern Oregon. . VOL. XX. .. - . i- ii i- I ... i. T I T 1 ' Wt rai Marnarj Coanlrg OMM n area of n,4Ift,0Q cre .f 2 land. 4,7M,3Wl rre yet vacant aaftfl tn entry nn.ter the public land law ol 4 llM DfJatoa Ktataa. UURNS. HARNKY COUNTY, ORKliON, FKlftRI AKVg, 1907- NO i a TO RUSH RAILROAD WORK EVERY INDICATION OF IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION. me Sampler Valle) Usees Road lo Aaiaaat at Oae Million With Which lo Tap flreat Haraey Coaalrt tentioii more forcedly than a month full of intentions." This bond ins-tic i significant since it is the first time "in-h a move hat been made by the Sump ler Valley 1,000,000 will not put thia road into Riirna, hut the people H ri- nut hunted capitalist by nip means and may haye sufficient to extend the fond The Stunpter people have long chi-rixhe.1 a de alt! to tap the Harney country hut have been more or less handicapped in their efforts. Thev really did not realize the vaatneaa of the ter- A NEW LAND OF PROMISE show pli"lv the diatance bttMn THI:Y ARE ALL DISSA I ISHII. places. The railroad aurvi - of lh Oregon Kastern now being ! Hi J H M'MULLEN DOES MISSIONARY l located and completed in thin CATTLMMN Cl'T Ml FROM KM I WORK FOR US TOMFD RANOF. 1'eroistent mi I road rumors of the pBSt week in this city indicate i m in.ilirtt" construction work to he gin on the Oregon Kaslern and if report are true the line will he i iimpleii-d tn thia valley the com ing season. While The Times-Herald cannot vouch lor the mfonniition it seems from a Mil Offltlfl snurce that Mi ImIm, tim president of his Chief Sta.ldlav has definite inetruc- road. It is a very desirahle terri- in rush the work it- rapidly as pne- llOTf for the Sumpler lIMt i i order that A Aled-m Miracle. I ii v mil i rliii" SW meil II e Mr M III Hall of thia l 0 K HiMipt.r, Vi ...llnrd. I In- wa so waat- ri! In I'uighii'u up puss from her lung M 'lirisrtd her end so near that In i familt had watch ...l h he i bed-aide fort) ight hmir h n, si tn v urgent t.. pleat What is believed I natilU )r King- Raw li-..y.it was giv rminlv en 1 1 lemen nml iithira faitil- .... i...r . -1. il.. ...i..i.i..Iiiii. i...uili of a paitv of thirtt -three vout ... , . ., . i liar with tin riri-unislancea, tn l.e a thai i.nnr.n . m-n gsn in ! jrank i- justice in the iIiii-mii ol tinned until aha MlMlll cninplclel) ramiu in I Km llli... M.tiiitlttii. I.tii kl ............ I a... I ... , l.i.llli i MMHAM ritniy or its wonderful possibilities, from an unexpected source throws j 8 He-. puhli.her of the I'a. Hi.- f m ,,,, U1,1( led ht the , ,Ut nN fr and fits' Trial to valley are also shown A cut of this map has lieen ordered of suits hie size to be printed on the hack of Writes la Raster Few' at the Marat) ordinary letter heads Many local Oae Haa's tatlkatlaa far taste which he Ceetr)"Telf. at Hi Weaaertal hnainca men will use these be " ! r Year. Reele h atojaJMlMMMto .hnusend mill be printed ent - Fervat mrv, Offktal. t-. - ,, , , c .. tie sent out upon applicati The following is taken from tin- ,, ... Miss Helens Swain, who I Keputiiican- nice puiiiisnen at New Kichmoml. i A letter re- ,,(1iB , ,.,.k lrln lo .,.. i,n.,.. ceived the other d,sv bj P. Phillip town expnaition as guest of Philip E. N. NELSON Watchmaker and Optician GOLD MED AL Awarded lav Mat wotk at CewaaHWtv RaMMtta to Banal. however, until Superintendent Bar- "' interesting light on a oouniry , """-. s.ippne,. -,..-- f,,Mrv o(Ticials in charge of this coughs and .mI.I- ... I . . .- . i .a: II- I . flilli'll til LlirliiiiKi n.allnr aa ulm ran toil's trip here last fall He was nereu.i.ire praui.ca.ny uiiannawi ... . - - vc upon J H Cherry, the pto- .ttheCm lrn, Store, liapl overwhelmed with Nn thepnl,l,c, but which it affMN cnnvenientlx carrx Thi ittieman and farmer of the ii. . . ....i.. .. ..ii.... . I. : ..... a. .a auibantujUy of Um Breiitneaa of this valley and no proipiaaa w f aareiof into a "-- -.... ,,,,, KM.k d.ril., l m -II 1 t ' rt laaaa-a nl I at la. I 1 ..! aiuxifl aWaaaw .' ,,.,!, ,l,. donbl bits tnnde the faots known to l"U " miiaann nonev ,M...... ...u,, , U,e pa-i s tears Mr. Cher. S i letter is from .'i.hii II McMullen, 'inns ol i lie .outing-well as larnis THE CAPITAL SALOON, TKISCII A lK)NKOAK, Proprietor. Burns, - Oregoa. Valle eon of U MiMiillen. both well known here Mr McMullen is a orchards, schools, puplic huil nVVflM novel iiaitr to exploit i Ibe past S tears Mr (bent WWII- ' V.nl". Iluatlera has been ranging hia cattle in what I Salean k and evertho.lt la known aa the Hark Cntnn di- w tin wanU to enjm a gmtd hearty -. . .1 ii . . ... . . iil.nioL'rMi.her hi l.ii rite llreirun in in' iinrne t ininiri io i-ooori-i .on coiilriictH for I those conn.i'leil with therolid have pim'otirapiier ni miriie, tin gnu, in . .. .. . . i. .1.:. .... i i i r,,di..g mav let and work begin as ' vs. .nnber interests along the line 'he Harm v valley, and write. In.,,, -" . - -W . .... .i -- r. . 1 1 anil no i no it n.ime ol II,. in nil .1 rjoiidilinns mat beanie- being conneoterl wilti in.' i""'- "' l ....,,..,. .... .... .. v i.i i b.... ii Inken mi hv the "I n-b ( nb later .1 I I ... j.. I.illirUi'lM Will . nii.i.i .... ......."... ..... . nf .. j ,. I" ' early as aaal bai nil In- lei in -.ctiiiii- ol from i N 10 iihIhh frnm Vale lo the western por s I .SV for "Tips lit ' ii ISO to any H I in who sella good" for a living If mil sittiafaci.ii roar KtOfMJ l.ai k i iicnbir tor stanip I be isHnunli.n. led held tor sugar beet of the conditions in tin- ,,.r , . if i " ioui..l lo be willm. M ch M lb. .. r .1 . . .i.i. - r i In . i in r culture nml otters s most excellent mr no inner reaeiiii i nun i inn on .- Inn. nfll.is vallev if repi.rls are site lor a tnctnrv migi.i nnquainv ...tiers ... it, e-peci- ill 1... W itb ii it indications t oar-aliv anv ot wnnni you am. w win, Such unselfish interest up..n tin- psrt of busineaa iinti ol Hums to ad- tricl. or .n the head of McKat l.iiigh In link, mil owns land witbit -Ii ol ili'iiii.-e of the resntr if ; tota He haa i.ccupie.l no other range. (. ,,i,. ..,., t,o Cmb C.. , Heca has built mi his cattle industry lur. Ill nd bis nee of the range in tiietinn has never Iteen questioned, hut nt the Sumpler meeting, at mIiiiIi the range wa allotted in ihe lilne nioiiiilaiiia reaerte. Mr Cher .... . . . . . I . a i . . ... he wurked at the -..me tin.eprovid- nre sum. In be realixed. Willi the 'hit.k I bat t. this age lb-n co.tl.f j aaasa wj wvwrj wa wwo .,.., r.r .,,,.,,(. ,,,arang. ,,. i r i...l....,..nt un.l ,,iliH..il,. ,,f n, In- mi -ntirrlv lira and iin.cll ., ' '" ' ""ri v .leveiopmeni ... ,ni- mug en a siniici.'iit ii...nf. "i ...1...-V .............. mi. -..... -. ..... unknown to the world flay I It um tn -. true mid ns niaiit contriicis win i.e ,,. ..,.,-. w, - negot.H.ed as itossible-the roadbed lainlv look g-od lo our ,teople and are looking for a good place .,, settle - "'" '" raa..ffj M Q ,rl, mlrfjilisiat.ee named may ! that the hope, nf transportation and make a hnme V.. M would Harney C....t. t should h. Hie vul there lill H bean a market for the valley, ex- aim Ii can I" driven out t" the rail- a : i. . . r ......! ra : .. .. ..a rniit i ri n a ii'i ii iti ..-..... .... i.. ... t tin niiM ii iirrfa it irri!:."'. in ii ill' "'""-"" -.... UlTF IIIHY i" hfiiiim "- ----- - .- ..., Hhnulil labor be found plentiful land the Harm-, country will anon it f onh baoftHM it i unknown JiJltl 111 irnnfjimr-' WVM men at Un fr.mt ranks of all Oregon. "" !l - nnd.v. ,., .1 Tbe Har- the cumi.l-liuu " ' "'' Krade work II will be the We,illhleHl oolinlv in " ''" !l' N ' surrounded by ,non- Ihis s.iason and tic taWttei nl dia the state and capable nf auetaiuing '.imi un.l is dillicult for a railway Iributing lies mid laying rails does more people ilmn ant oilier portion to enter There are tm rivets n ,..,. n.iii.ire ,. ataaH aaal fat tin f the wnatem Manln wb.,1, tn ship out the prnducla of with the preaiinl mod. rn uuthoil of I a. !. v,, DpviKlfIN III I IMI I4W. 1)11111 nill.ll "..If. ..w.- w wn..p iOTTCW l.oginerir Millftf and crew Oept for horses, she. p and cattle, have lieeri hrotighl here from the A riM-cial dispatch Irotii Wash mil will he Ingtonlo the lloi.e Shilesii.an sats sTaj "'. ;,...: I ml don pnrticul.it ivork in tin- Time will lie no revisn.n of lb. t lk rallt If kg valbn .ind net. v.-ei, her. and Vnle ,1 uwnl this Mat either here, and thai I making at least six -lill-i aur- will cnugreaa pass Senator Carter' ,l'"t ,: v Ii bus aaH a special vcv;ng pnrtie- BHffM the two resolution overlnrt.iiig Preaidenl agent out and II I now ,,,, (, i is now at UmM.evnlt's order uspctuliug all tt six" tlioii-aiid inns i work in Crane ceck gap mailing public land . nine, until 1 1,. can th.own uhmi lor lino.. -leads in tin soundings nml ascertaining just be examined on ground hy special spring The land i run and lb. what is necessary lo make ilu- re- agent, and at the aatue time the eye of the peopla ltd all the parts iniretl cuts lo bring the ra.l. senate will refuse lo Increase the Of the west are on the Humi Vi thruiigb tin- pas on the (air c.ul tippropriations for auil agents, j ley lilst came in deairetl Some ! brntiglil the tu faoiltUte these ajajajej The iVfaal tiklul.on.a Indav Win n w. news l.ittt aoluul wurk on the road- coneiUence la that there will l- ' r.tilwi.y- in. we will have bed had kJM Hi tluit section but linpr. ceileule.l congestion in the everv modern itupioy emenl and ,i. only testing HJ iiscnrtalli land ollue and interior d.purie.-nl adtaiilag. that ,.u but. m the nature and charade nt tin and entries now pending mat tut Kielnimn.l or el-.wle lorn. allot, llnre in .nl. i Ifl uitelli- be paleiil.d I... years unless some' "I have taken a Imilieatead, after g.-nllv roinpul. He -tim.iled c.s teliel is offered bj the nest con- being Incated ill Hurt,- .. y ... y . an- if cotmlrucin y.r H..I rather greaa . Tin if -id.i.t order wa wbei. 1 first cine I could bare aa- dillicult por lion intended to fore, congress to so cured a claim unit a mile or two lii.al-oruuioredlb.il Kugtiieer modify the laud laws as to mini I'ooitown. but now I am nine . , M ! romoUd and mi il.. , i. uii.es for fraud, but llu- mile nut. The land is us rich aa it a- snou a- he has linished the par- house public lands OumwitlM is M uiound N-w Ki, lunond ticiilar work he Is now on he will packed auuiiiHt this proportion, toucan imagine be placed at the bead nt ate ' "" making legislation linposail.l. Tin stfuolioii work 'I. 're will nullei in conaeiji Il is further -tul. .1 upon good ol this deadlock iiiithorilylhatiii-iialoi.isp.il to Snnalor llunshrough today in- I ' "" arlall M ajsj to buaine ti xirein. tioilbern purl of tbe troduced a hill providing that kl I. the climuie is not iuite va. lev with terminal at this oltv after homesteader will not he re-' uua aown on u. m.rtn line nificetit Inland We Shoeld Take Mart letrresl How matit ol our M I. ol l Inid- The rh un for living a full oen lint a. I - ni in the case nf Mr- I lb i i in nf llaiueavllle, :..) in ooan violation nl regu- Me , .,..w ,iiy.tr. ..,l l,.. wrilea, latii.n No M I the raarrve rubs. "'I-1' ' ' I .... ,,f . br..- whicl. gite. neathv land own.r- "" ' ,(,l u --landing, .i.i ' lu.ilil.r. aasaaaaaaaa i..and mad ! M well and Wines Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms In Connection CHAS. WILSON, aucciaeoa ro;vmeoj a air-row Blacksaithinx and the rang. n. the reaerve II was offered an allottneiit un- parents Off ti ' n. ..lii.ni- r tinge in the Catnaa Prairie .list r,,i or even know the aWaaWtl when aeecluuiof. nnltt wbiib lie nun Ih.y meet th"ln on Ibe . . ,, I ..id where il wiil he fo llow many klmw what t hi . Inldicii p,.-.i.e in Imld bis cattle without ure study my or bow ' l. are pro . Ifaj I In in and he fe. la "g" asks the Keif! i, lhal a .lu.cl blnw at his kaj ! mii s of too who bay. a hi mi. k l.y f.instry nil building to iinike or a fe to bull. i ui bun mil In.n. I be I Ba a draas in make; a hni.se to x . i . of Ml just right n. the or whatever I he job nun ie (but raaH ,.....i I I i laf uipl.iiiii in II. re a'. lb. li.e umiI. and ma- Ibis ell v last evening Koreal HejajOT terial, go ahead and d.i it to sun ml K. I'ottei Inch he has u.e I for the .ling girl " Klectric Itinera ure mid l.tver nlse. i -ral li.lnliiy nid i..hIiIv weak new. Sold on gu.nai.i-. nl lb. ' Hy iLog 1 be I II. . .id will make bargain lb. lu th way of . pli.iu- nml ha arranged Vi .hit St I... ins .i win. pat up ' hi advanoa to N. a aubacih- I era will pit III ..llu Will also yours. II. .ml il will sut a against Ml Cheery and gave the ; receive i in. gr. at ttaiioi.ai at .........I.. . ....... k. k. . .i...,i... aeekli ..t.pie-r and family on. llllll -III. limn. . i you Re "I ..iiiij. tciii.ii ii iip. .1-. 1..1 ..-- . lilnan lb. I 11l.il Stale. lug with )nur child.. 11 .m sat bj ia I IH teaia, lo t harle- John- tbe aeUoai Hora is m) MU aoo Mar w.:i known aastopaMM . witbit IxMiks. .M'r and pencil lh H :. iii-.nit ftiEmwi Uiftd Main St., lliagai. e 11 Ibe I mini The Iw.i papera one yial for t'i for ibis ii who lis .'.n.KP, pfi-l Moiin-iiiiiiii-i" ii'- ...f.m.i m Ive furnished material and to dr. I'm .tills cstt I. n nlmg HM Tb. Illo. Mi Itap 7 M educate him as you like." Now we oter lOOU b.ad ..f cattle and a ,, ,.N,,,. i a nl gite f .' reward! X I h..ar aoms nl yon -s. .... .jt, g er knows better whal tiny .-ughi air Jol right in the same j p.rlie. who r. moved alraie and' ludy llian I do" While that m. ! tl .. serve, according to loth, r property Ii ie of the HOsfUMl DOntaiT f BTTElijTB lanmmAi JbwimwM piicTiciLLT b in lHtfux:i::e J 1TQIC O.wr boo M awe) tor awautiful BPrtow Uai a Paahana. BJ I Oteoutara. Pi Horsslrteli. Wagoo Work ALL WORK QU AH ANTIKD. Burns. Oregon what il will lie when the railway open up I be lie re i going to la- a great chance to make money h.-ic that is he in part true, the cariwiiter or i Cherry and lint also feel that dressmaker, or a painter kaM i.. t. lei i.ueint-.e l Mag unwillingly ler how lo do the work than you d igm ullural dr- i vii do not buy.- it all to pat t u.eni . through the arbitrary In the using general .fibs n.r.str v officials in (fare .if il ' barge I.. nation Patron, and pate. i, take Among the ratllBli of I ma- more interest in our aclio-l. and 'ilia rouut t ah., hav. ranged in yi.it then, ajkag ..... I ! y . ' I 'I ' I 'ininl. i aoooagit' year., arnl I agatnant. ask them how ymii i '. . I gl Im.d u. lb. i id -nd have reli ate duiug Perhaps a few n, in- b .11.. - I h r. 1 ml aim are .i.'ill.d utes' talk with lb. in will save loir of ibe range under coach's on the 11, oiiain F. E. BRAMLETT, MIMkf vltHMIIi IMIb ANII JeflatS lafc Wrtkr. - 1" 'taawjgllf lsS3KLiQm 1. 1 LEWIS 141 aw tlaf 10 lira PARTICULARS and PRICES Ti apaerirtv INFORMATION. DESIGNS. (AMY, All ai.el. 01 I I the plan is to make a loop cover .piired lo live on their lauds during the state wa Rgjaj in.e apples, trou,,. mat v ars to come can law regulation, are W P Crd Such a move would practicuily I I elude possible competition in the vallej and inuy i intended in pro- lecl the H .in. man llnea from a northern coiiip -tllor In thi ne. mg the iiortb i-eiiirnl part of tin i,,eiber. January, February or jieactjee, grape and prunes Mm. ValU in Hum- imd skirling the Man 1. I i..- lull stipulates that seaaons there is scarcely any win lootlnlls on the a. -1 back lu tin- their aliaemi from I he laud during I ter. Tbi- winter we have had sltaiglit inn in toe vicinity nf I log ih.-e mouth ahull nut be tied... N MM wealher back ihere mii Mounloiu or the O. 0. Kanch Iro.n ll.-.r porlod nt N ulenot. ""U1' "" f" '-u,her in bar. I In- mouth of U 0gt0u M I U HIM SI-.KVICI.. was line, iho we are now having il nights. ' 'California gel- belter service "If there are any people hack in from the Hurriinaii people tin. .'v wh.. want to ae- clion the following dippings m..y Oregon." said Tliuui.ts H (irant of . ure land Inn, liny ought In lose Iht.iw soio. light on Hie until, r of Uurhugton, Iowa, who passed ..!.,. m. n for there la bound Hi.ch a deter...... .linn .... tb- par' -low .. the I I V g Portland to tie a bi(' bo.-m end uu awful rush ol il..- people now at work on the I',. Mil. Way In the spring ,, n,.H( -The fullest .tains and C -JUIIN il MM'I.I.AN l)n lusl Mouduy ll.crc w 'r' '"' H.irriu.a. go tlk Count) OtotW li""""- U a of 0K,ie,i u..., WILL 100T 0UK OWN MUgN deed from llu Sumpler all. y Hf. hH l"H Oregon a sorv.ee w to John Pingree of 1 ml. 1- iiu' .ual to it 111 any way. laaTlOies Herald certainly com- .... -.:....!.. .1... 1 . 1 1.. .. -M 1 .. .C.e tlf '! UlUllllo . was parm '.. . 1 .lienor loe punuc spirit Bliowu nt .. . . .. r . . 1 : 1. ... .1. - l . : .. i .1. T call, il to Mil. iaoi uu wee 111 i ne nu-ineaa wao 01 nurne in me - . l(( 1)J(( ( , , kiiloU t.n. 1. It.tei, wh. re I wa- UOfDDaib mailer of ad y erlising ll Pruuinif slnai. I ed lo wail lor the fust California , H , ,,i, Al "'""K Bl ,,y -lore wl... train yyholi ...in.- lUe lhi..iigbofi. Club I. .-I Monday y -r load laf all mail from 1 bit e bu u fram thuu-.i. d des. rip .,, ullll, ,, u., 1 lan.ive building operation ll...t mioweat in.... im 1 i,v,, , rf printed ootoi u. dhurdivb. M Ko.6a.a to. at ..Me,. , , . nouiredtogolo K.y .r l. U... . .. are to. tb. main r, , , - John lb.), gg U.e wi-e om-iiown IWUI ,u.ing .. lo D.- I on at 11 sftaW ,,,, ard H..Lr uirv lu... ..r y. il d I he 1111 guuol. uu.e ..e Biiouiu ... uo... eutn.ril.. iataUayna. I'lil adv . r mnlil Hi work on ' i-e ..... , .. , i.ui .. i- .ku i.. i...i ... ... .1 ,..1 .nt. Alu 1 the n.a.. ...- ti 11..-I. nud Ii .11. ,iMllV ...a;l, , .. ,,, . ,.j i pub inai vliui it o l-l ..11' ll.-l. ... . trustee, In coyer lb ISati 1 1 IKHl.tKSI wn'lli boofil Tin- : ' any kind of un It mm ..gu u-t that properly and 1. . dual- s thul pi. per.ilioiis arc being made : iieteriindo Think aboul llu- and who own. M) head of cattle, M. A ..k youraelf if ou are doing right Mindivant. 7', Hat II... Hi. .there. US). V II Kvai... Wialrr Hraaiaf el Shrah. llob..r,l , Jai.o. Haw..- M..I. li. other.. .Ui; J. Thi I a good mm tb f..r ptunm in the lawn, gaid-n slid orchard lb" call ! men inlerenl. .1 lu tb" Nature is taking a r.-i m.il will lot laiige ai out be disturbed by tb trark .alter of fori knife and sbeai. TfWMi bushes orgsinalion iliiotigb which lode and vine- may b. pr.n.e.l and n ml l dual right of tb...e 11. iil.be. 1 wilb inaiiiir. n. g. ..1 ad engaged in that induatiy vanlage Old raalierry and black- li. ll.e bear.ng Isulor. Mr I'lt.i tierry cane, can I tut aw. y 1.1 v t ning Mr Ji.biiaot. wa. goiatelairry and tuiiai.l bush, s mm r. pr. - Han P Sujylbe U- thinned out. Paw this work OMffM 1 Igma good sharp km' I tbe beat ers, asa .. latum Mr. t berry wa lavol If the fruit tree- ui. wilimot legal aaaialm I . pruned and the brain 1.' ol the scale remaining thro A dai.ee will le gitm at Ham. . . .l music Majppaf aj I to Hai in 1 Ik Imc Mar RE8TAURANT 1 i.i. - rgi Ii .tiiialor, 1 1 i.aets. JtHBALiS AT ALiU HOURS BaWwry in aonnaation A Steciali f Skari trtm. Hi . y.rylbing tbe inaik. - Ml patron as .ollc ' The Finest of All as MARYLAND CLOB WHISKY fcrSikM. Hotel Burns Bar A ;nt, Burns, Or: gajrKolbci d Hr. iMalribaler. Portland, JOB PRINTING-THK TIMES-HERALD IF YOU WANT CASH For Your Real I state or Bualne55 I CAN OET IT It Bajtoj What Your Property it Worh, or n What Tcuift at. Stat of Tarwttory II Li Will . he t)i. Iiuiii pulle.l ll seems lhal i'ortiand la us im portant as S.10 1-..... Clac. Haaaeu gi.s lioiii t uioagu lo I'ortl.ind -t...u..i i.ave equal servna nb .;. rs to lis ll r 1 at. Cisco, ll in.- same 1-. 1 he road. This U tary uplift ' l ..- i. procure .Ilimj -lock iratn, the UUtOUl would be the it. - d.lliculi uider- ""l abe.ul ol us Inking." Bumpier A min. m. Toe I'rairic CUj M ' r miiiu- i.i -. further: The Sumpt. r ' Ii In- iaaued one . lib dollor' w.irlh ol bond-, the money Is In be 11-. il 'II I In 1,. ..I on from A1.-1-11 I i o pears as though il. road will be pu ii- it onward ihi.- it boa fur or 111 wb.it iltiectioii reinains u mystery in so lar a ant aoooitnoa in. 11 1 in. 11. . .ti.. ... is c.iuci.riieil llelore the sprlllg se.tson is lur ailv. inc.. I l.owever, events will signify llic railroads in 1. liuiili., il..- entire tl.iiney ( ounl . ail bout paitialily tu any particular section , il la gen eial mi fat mailer is complete as 1 ill per mil. cut and pr ul 1 mang- ggg 1 1.-- trunk li 'be biani h le . ' ..ol. 1 1 leaving the 1. - fie uup' round iin.brellrf .1. i th mosi iii s.in!.. baaj .mall sbroi's .. Open I ;. n glt'e ulei.lt of s( 10 the fi 1. A most complete in. d up to dale frui's nml help liiem lo g Hi- ........ .....I ...lu ..1. ll... h.t.ii. hvitmn . , ... ...... ..r eoliir ill riii-. elms 'I l.e construction ..f tb.- r""" " 1 irawo 0) tm- " "I"" di-.i. ........ 1 win resuii aaaratoryoftaaolubattbalisMaoo. ,'"" r" . , . 1 Dliooinu tb oil. ..I 1 Ie un-1 u nt 1 v '"'veiling mat ,.d B(H ol our progressiv. real estate ,, maklllg ,he ,Jirul) luurisl ir.tv.-i ... Oi.-gonit U1e, w hid. shoas ll..r.,.y county uniform Inaaota and peel it becomes gen 1. .Il known in the eotiiely and sullicient of adjuiiiiug 1 farenl kinds work no the tender eu-t." , i iud.cate the rariou branch. aeala will Mr luaut is here tor the purpo . . be found encased on the eli nd.-r . ' . sluue routes and ral road points 11. ...... , of loukihg oior tin llinher land of " uvc """ ",,,l ' ,M11bs I ul them awat and burn the wisie.n pan of Oregon and ia order that bou.seek. is mav see just u.,OM. rprillK ad UlUe get .eolud in bringing bon.cotekers how lo reach lliis land of nromise ,:(j ,,f many troubles for tb. . pj the I'ucilic cousl Ibis map also gives a scale liidUng afaWOa. Ibe Wcsltrner. 11 1 apBBBamjaxaasajBBaavaaasaaaaaj aal W ' aWTWuaP f . 'B M 'JmmmmWwmmmmrtaL ni.ii 1 ii.ii -. -in. lot ka IliU. TeU.wute, I lej i arAVsaa hmm a no 'iool co. " . -A 1 'U.i ll .!. I ....ai I aa a Ma s Free of OlXAstrar ... Tf laeaeaaeaea I - -" - , 1, ...1. .1.. : lu. la fua. si aHeWai- v aBP' Klavitl I'. Ian, Ibe land Ma: 41s Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kansas If lag ft.l I. Iter l-iU -, Cat Ul mi laii laOi) If ,us waul tu Sell .Ul M, Ul (M aaa Maw Itaaajr ... 1 ' ""i11" a tasl buyer iOI U uial ol loan 1 ''u ...w ia . .i.iiou ijiwett ai Name A l..i I aeaire lu be) ruarty tor reap miiiug ai,..i.iaislely wi tb lolluwtag ajiawiiaaltoiia . u luuiil) Maio frio belwavu ami I .. I iluwu au.l Ualai.ua Keuisrka Nsiu . .