' 4 :l M 0ren "Ii tTtiiiea-tlt'inlo '"in She EeMa tfh. Srrnt Hni tirtj Cottnfrfl OOVMI Intnl. 4. I hi I i VOL XX, UURNS, HARNEY COU I' I (JON, JANUARY 5, I NO 7 YVtHT THi:i IMliNI) TO DO A Knirr, Railway eoinpany-r. CASH l:Ok IRPMATION FUND prmwniini an ownership ol 0,rf2,- .' at p-. Th road in iuentioD will bn .V. mile in length, of wliloh WORK ON PLAN TO FURTHER CAUSE rnlleeffonetituie ihe main line IN THIS STATE. ln'Mnwn '.inland mid Bantam tar iiiiiiiih nn Inake ri vr lleacrlptUn ..I froftrlk Intraac.! Th- v.ilii- of Ibid .tOok depend, I le Si Will dire Tta Thonaand IVllri PFIi RriON 0'1-ICIALS VISITING ONTARIO IN ie I'tirchn ed-Plrl lui llaadt t br fi.ete.aaa. Hi 111 :of r?nure,in the completion of the nl, tlit- pitta men I .if thn iinninn- niirrlv without railroad, and the development of ea o! ih- country. The If l.(llilnr Will Vein Same Sum "Stealer hart I'aihcr Rill. likely to decline an long ea iha STILL country oonttnaea to grow mid pf per, and a Htendy income ANOTHER RAILROAD t"rH Dr. K ill !.- guaranteed thn producer of od Hll.l.OniJl.u LINE IT LATEST ONE TO ' befgea. CROSS OREOON. : '" "We And the Pernhnrnn and Hal- uinn draft, hnrwa mnrn vnl. i. .!.!, fm laV ig result h U 'i r 'I MM mpletelj woman for f 5?E our purpoaen than any other bread, CeeiUeeiloe ! lertrtat to laet Harri- man I and Hail of lacaea--nara ul diig 1 ..iM I k "m . vii i p the t ii latino I atioii, and i foi the -nli- per mile o ompiete road. I, 'Ik- IiIhjM through line oon II- J mUinei. will ad-1!1"" of thi" mam diviaiona, Firat, mil a, ,,,,. .,, ,.r Hi- I'nrtlaid ft rjantiatn, through ,-.., kaiuai and M rinn iMitinlte, itnou- 62 mil' in length. , I div.-inn. from 1, an, Mh.mlii lt ml, for inuu JjjMgaM.-rn font of the of II ' '"'" '" '" ' oi me noli-. Third, tin- Central Kaale-i f regno, from the Den ( Ihuli - to nakf nvnr I'he the item given tal ' il limit. .1 com of iimtnii..ii .. fsiii.tKHi, tb riirotiirh Klwooil Mend nhiaf of Irrigation mid ilrninage inventiga lopm ii runty and i rapid up- ' i. lh I. .u , i i28.2fi0 1 I half of llllll f II da oi ih Itra I a of which the 2,000,00U now I Kl I) wuler ejretann ami Malhi Ut fill.. Tle V. Mlaf ' iliMt. ..-., , I. Hill I i ' IMI- .IMMI ii-n nil ind . mile I v i.mdieaii, i.i limited to $25,000 UonBi lh" Nmmml ttfejt .. i proposition that If the Oregon 1 1 n r- will appropriate 910,000 at the January taaalon for continu ing work in lli- ll-Hver .Stale, "m-le Hun will provide a like num. Thi (i ii. it Include .foOtX) net anide through ii Hpei-inl nppropriation fur ' Igatinna iii the Willamette in nil theie would he t 0 available for the un.lertak- u i hi wolllil cover the opera- ti ta ear. Mr. Mend ha written Heoretary J. II. Liner, rj the Board of Tr.de. Ami Slate i liOWHI on the nuij.i II iiuii ,n nut that, aa there will be 1,000,000 aoree ol hind a. hi i.ii I'oionuntion pajrpoaaa Willi ili i 'iiipli-lio ol the (iovern menl mil private irrlgntlou project lllldcl ay, II l- III pel itlVe llm' ex- i Mih-.r I with lixnl l.o.l.nt-.raat at :. er rent on "trial fritn I'o'tl and. 'he total aiiounl nfauthii'ineil inne A ai . i the pro at thi rate itWQjM) per mill tne mi. id-1 I.. ' '' "'K a aurplna of !.- I..: 1 Hi I HM I'll Wi "V I. i-Vllv 'WlaLW ' ! It- if it be found nee- ftlnl ioned. a tnrplu of !. wd' remain fr dlvidende on lhi Tie firnptrtii and Induatriee of deration are el in'ilied aa fol low: I. TraiHportatii" mmun- iii '.'. TiMvoaite and homeH, rauni- ipil . nfririae. i mill. I In. in ' iiinei I. d with Inn. I r ii.u i n! n I i nmineteial The Meroli ml I -1 tin ut V .ml. Oregon, will in ...... vlill. take charge ol ati'i inveal a further ami the farmern up oolintrr are lie gii.ning to realir-e this The tar of obtaining thene hreed may eem rather high at Brut, but it will prove the cheapen! in the long run. ' The wild cayuae ha diaappeni ad at hint from the huiichgraaa pae turee. Their plMaa have bawl tnk en h a better hreed. The ca one, like hi owner, the Indian, hn ul llpiloaa an I anil A I'lirtlnnd paper nyn: l.flio-' it I lie railrond rumor in llnit (Jeorge I Gould, of the W'eHlern I'ncilir. und .lamen .1 Hill, ot the Uroal Nnlhern and Northern paeilie, have formed a merger of intereal und will iirray their engineering in- L'enuitv auainnt that of Kdward II. boc4 baaomi abwlate, where, a f.e ,rlmBn for l()) C!ol)trol nf lh,. year ago, hoth wre maater ,. f (;nfra ,, 8oillhw,.Hl. "1 here Inn the cayuae gone t., $n l)rryilll I .nigh, rapl hy ank.ng h-r- I,h .,.,. (,r(,()lji( )o m the Indian gone to? I t , mp( HtK pojnl jn u((. '""' Ill,n l,ir"" '' '"n ' (Oaiinty, prennmahlv Ukeview. reapniHihle in a large for wj, ,,,,,,. U).iern I'ncifu- li-.e from the dteappaarsa i tin wjnate, ai lbt Bnatt and the Northern PateNk a large number of the llltleaium.ii ,,r ,,rt,Mi & s.nttle from tie were nlnughter.id at l.inolon in the nU . ,,j,.,IHr , hrn,,, I '',r,i " - "i il.ee.,,11 "ii(,. The,e r,,. ,Hkl.v.w , Klamath Kail- an. main were hought ii ll.e i,,- , ,, HCl,InH h ,,, , ,, , ervation at 19 to .. each, and wh-n ,,, , HaaibatilD, and the Lake- tin mmit waeenun.,1 it wnn nhipp.d Vll. Kl,.mnll, lenlure in repnrled lo In Krai.ee. wh-n- III., p .1- hi.v- j , . ,lll(H f ,. Hewitl Iand learned lo like barilla The ,,,,, ,Vi of Tacoma, which ha brae aanulag baaiaaaa raa atrappad ,4, ,,.,,.,.. ,. ... ...,.. f r""""!"- '" "Iu,;t"1 """'" jbecaiH. the nupplyol wild ca.iUr.-M lini , ,,(. Klamath eounlv. Tl,. araaeih..un..d. '-Telegram. I wan nerumd for at. irrigation' .nil incidentally in conmc- mi nip iug area a .... telatiig arater (bra an. I . ,n ii that by l m Ml mad ,-h will irn, ... UUU acre oi land. A n niral irn i irrtea In water from t. rigated i een Iha aou h ' ninl i ,i. of I . ik i . land . dii ol Hind fru.i. winch will lie paid tn all ' two w-r-. ami are l I din id intereni at prorei iu abb lllc ... iiialilli:- of the mil ill till eectiiii. Miioh a courae would de- tern u .-.irately jnnt what agri- cuitir ii uaar tha land can in- beat u t in (I onnaequently nave I .i.i.. ti.ci for I ! ei II..' ofllak- pr ivni'tl ntiitin- t on the mi i until).., ml ha la t . lull at il ing aantiin, liivun. fur lie object the appropri i. of t :" daairad fund- IIH. have I.. .. con ill tbl Willamette Vain foi ul aa have value The ut per annum for itv vent f pavmenl npl . Argu. i t gan llaracy Count) Stltuola appropri hi for tha Valley exmt- loaaatl I ired largely through the Interval tliaplayed in the pr..M- il.. r. . .ril ill Trade. Railroad liuildiog la Oregon. ...I 1.00 at tbeCii D tig Su ". Trial bat He lien Blind Cattle I ..know ii diaeaee am mi; . n purled within tin im. kn in Orant con. il Thi" ,i..i ..flVct the hHodnea, 1 . II' nri led i i-' nf I, nng Creek. i i. .led hy a frol hill nth and cauae . vmdiinllv pre- I'lii" mir not b. n n. . Dap " hill Ii..' Iieoplr i.c.iiainte. will, .i li.a. (r. kfl"W how to I rent lh tfiillble It il"iH n t appear In in- "prending among the herd nf th' ran.!, r- i hn own the t ii.inli, nerl. l.o.ig flay I Iva .no Yea. a. howio Rcancc. wwce.MNT w. t scaatCC, vesr P 'aiotwT n. a cowocn, caaH.cn I first national Bank j A General Banking Business Transacted W OOWtESPONDENC I JNYITBD CALDWELL, IDAHO THE CARTER HOUSE. AilEKtCAN IH.4N (INTARIO, OKI N. Fire-Proof, Modern, Elegant. Rates $a.oo and $a go p r day. All Outside Rooms Near Depot Thi modern new !-otcl wa only " ;h-.i.(I to the public. Harney C'ounU PtOpla ..Iwnya w.-ltnme and courteously cared for. A lit-: . In conn tit ion. LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. Wa Should I'lanl Orchard. linn with the rond to Lakeview, whicii will In. eleotrified. In ll.e The apple i the kiuil, of fruu nume i-omiectimi it in atated ur- ring a full cen nn ii iaae of Mm Jennie Dunoan "I Humnnville. write ! . ' i lirn- i (tandlog, nuii mud. i well and and Hli.mld In planted la.gelv. ami ,.v.rH m the held for the Hili and -crupiilou care taken of it to keep (,,,ud mtaraate r. mU pajaaj hut it i.e.ilili.i .ind viK.n ru-. withdrawn, laioauae the plan IntioiiK . l.g girl." Bh lie .... i no elate or tern . a temp ta defeat Ham ..ml Liver A Portland buainaaS man who liiipH-.,i d to ." ! It over in Hake, .'iiutrked to a Hen o.trat repori rerj few people in Baalern Dragon raaliM araal the railroad . ... u . mapped out id Oiegon for l"li, m-ann in the lie. . i llm r have appro i i To date I havi viil'l twenty ijn.ii .1.111, and with ll.e . i ce ol It. iv Irwin and Mina- Id tWO l lllllte- We Ii .il the lutatront of . Imol patron ...id g ...lit. on relative to cli'-ol work on hi aatiafac rv. he f al.ire, buwevor, in noliceable, ami we -peak of n here fur the rea- thai ilia a geueral complaint lohere. ami it continued w 1 1 1 i pr lated aou.. "ti for oon- .., ii which price i il i:. an untie. .litis condition ul ttruotlon and Iwtteruienl work of ufteg fron to IOO per aore our aakaojl I ta a growing ten- wliiuh over IS.OOOyOOO will te apent lVt, It. n, within He af puplia of both aeaee ti t in Oragi I mMm Um o.iv niareapei'i un lencuer nui um- nuHlnnc ol tie to Mat flKntly on tin ..ml h- pur.-i.a Knrd the nn. i, and u..d..r the hi ' ihoaeii.ftuUn.nl). Tina oon- .iiiiilera, with the .-xp-.i..- if . no.iid m.t .mlv I... diaasurag M . the ii..ri- t'l pa rente and loacher. hut re , i th. iuuatetoi.1. ll.e leach ,i, ,,, , I, vol i - i"d pan-nle tfeoald meet more 1,,. pi III be often, Ui.derUlld each Other -batter changed for ihe .um- will i md blend I oloaalj c-ed !) per acre The vulu of la cultivating Ifaoaa principle, and nulil- mi th. iimolltit ol I. v.l'.pli.u Ihoae elementn inlniir Ij,,,) ,,, iy . nl g.rl that lead to the perfect I A.... .- hA m ik. ...M ..Ik... ,.t ..I..I lil .ill I. it III M III (lllftll. niaia.i it e-" i '' -., o. ..u .ur - Mj. . ,,. ir tie- hill .tcr before lajok education, latetJW B,ui I "J' ;' ' i laW 'wenty , ;,.. A- I oiitauued ch.Hl Uialrutia Hi will cud.. ,r mil II.. inli-e. u.e coiinn , an iiav.iit w.u.o. mjhub ul,,u nlliex, atlh the i M rhaae itock rsiaiaa; sari lumbering. Wa .1 -em- nig arc pn ..r.ng lor apring le ., .,,1 liK, ,,( proaperitj ati tea ...I u. the i.,-toi .i .Mih the exception of of the i-.iuiitr.v and before it rent i,- ii .hi. of the, pteierred a vaca- there wit: be left on th.- aboree of gal . to ii..... lei foh.Hil work the oth.r Oregon ma. , i- of i unit, all acbjoola eoergat il and l.uaineaa .. Ink . II... i ii in .In- ii.bi, and ii..... .,1 thoiuaml i ,, ,, , date, UiOlUUIiiK "ur ..l - md Ui.ly li'ttli cl. .'1 I 701, all ill' liinneale n ar. i. ..I die. i- -ii ut end. far oa The aaoi aapaaat ngautd ii implement" ' " ' ' oil heintf taught will be port ut tin ' u;.i. S 1 will nay now- ii. tie .. .ding x .i.iinati the wot on Hi' pan o! ! th. 1, ulun.ii Mi .th. m, who -.rah..- within lh t rea , tuliei i moat aaiiafaclory, a'have juat relumed from a two the United Htat.- in which lh. ap- mat) linil heen erfecieil pie ouiiuol he nine. lul I v gmwii. in .1.1 I. old lb Nevada, Califor- Outol.iv.ir :HK varietn- it only nlaAOragufl Railroad, atTWafUng r .limn i. imliviiimii .nn l(.i... v , and leal thoi-e nil! t ul .I.- for bin own up,- proj toted .... In I,nkevi-w. At var- ciul laoalitj loog titnea the Weatern I'.cili.; ha I '.. u. xt Map in tha proper ' credited with activity i. car. ul tin- apple in lo deununl, null n.c.n.n wltp the nxlennini. nf ll.e nee thai you et with each and hi . and tl baa Iwen ntftte.1 that aver ihip ntafatoaki I clear hill from Lakaeiew it would he puabe.l of heiiltb eiveu be the ntale eliun- Morth lo ain nn entranc.. inl i lie atagtet Then sou um- btir. of g.l- Willauielle Valley. Sou., iiiin.i.r ttiik! h i .m infec.e.l llotrk heralded th bnildlliR of Il'thie ie demanOeil and mir M Weatern Pacific to the Bound. niH.ii ami .... inleiited fruit inn nui. .1 while a paper railroad baa been oleeai" rdei (i ami hnlilv weaknenn. aaraniee ... Hr..g St.,.. I a. II make bargain mo. h n. the way of ind ban arranged u. giv. Waal who pay up - in advance U I le I in.. -II ,. . nu em In. p'.v m will alao rroele. anal aenl lo I.. Hhtpp-.l iii here, il will he an built fur Bill fraas tha .. ..rib-bank "oagaa ill il. United Mete aaef ...atler to gel and to Keep line f the '.,rtlaod A He.tll,. ... U" 2 clear of an Irutl eatn we yet haye t ulilinhiia, lo Han Krunemco, Ii hen In c, intend with way af Ihe John l)n N'alle), itroea- No faru ehould le- without it m I.. i :..lun.bie and l,.nwii. tl, """d ' reaaon- oruhard. More money ie inud- John Day Starr. The new id.-n la bU ptteaa. from on., to live aoree lh orchard fir Mill to meet t.oul.l nt Lakeview J,, u ,. I'... ..-Herald than from ton to ti ft v acree iiaed and the two line the entire nm fur geueral purK.e Nn other in- joinlli giving Rill enlrai.ee in lee " S i - nt pay aa done the orihnr.i. Bay Olty and Goald aa ..utlet .. p tr QPAMLETT Tl. .re leaoarcele a paper we lilt t the North If end. a propyl on " Iowa of the Blgill hranch, the build ing of the Ontari.i-N'atro.i line, re nuii. ling tMirtioi. nl the Houthern . main line mid the line down Snake Kiver lion. Iluntington, other new worl in contemplated which will brit.c. . . i ,. ajaay parte ol the Hate in loiioh In rail with the muii .,rhl i'h. -ii there t the mirth '..ank id and Ihe Milwaukee and St, Paul i mldii.n .1.. the niaie with tie- p I llll I v e lug in frm. i i.Muie, 1 I i hJ a ami i.illv walet w,. rend hut we aee aooie one alio ha wan agreed lot.. mid would ea.iW nuid hi farm at from leu to twenty gii th- bound on a trackage egre -dollar per aore more than I iieiuhhur, ..lid lui .he Minple ream... ' lh.it he ha a few u.re,. of hearing The Sliuppioi Habit orchard, juni think of il you aM - - get lltitKI lol'J'iOtt more for a iuur- Shopping It a form of cruelty ter neeliini nl land hv rea-.o, ol an Indulged bj married ladien toward oullay not t exceed $;i(XJ The 'I"1' boabanfjf Ii ,n n.sip.ent in day i not far di8la.it when we will roung girln, reaobe an active .-....- aee the lootlnllr ..I U.i ,,.. ditto., in aragaa, end ar.ivee al it teaming with the gold producing BMall vtrvhawt lge heiweeu the fruit, und not bundled! hut lliuu- MHh and ir oi married life ..and of tnm laden cam leaving A email, delloata, iltgltl, ajuraaji here for all part ut in. . ion. .aeuaitive e..u.ui., aim would faint I ua take good can nf out al the igbt of an empty in- treee get tbem bealtbt ami keep trap, will go I l.rougb the h .pp.ng h all uf Here in un. of the dlnlrict in from two lo neven hoiim, of pop-i moat etl.ciual npraye fur the aph. uui refrechad and mi.-- manufacturing, 'that I have triad; Bhaofcdip tobat- lamed b; nn unfaltering im-i .i Co 1 lh. coal ml ) gallon, water 20 b dii in g .ud, while gallon Bpr.i i. :. ami often a "l the n.l of 45 leaat Oliue jliat alter en. I i lea linn to l.e nam- d lun.r nn or bland ol th. Smile wumeu are In.r.i A. K. I li it, hut mil hnn il ltiri.nl Upon her. Alfred Jobnuou of Harue.i tv s'"u' "'"' and IfiM fur, .line I ! betl..lng oi Cr.Hik eounlv. wen .. .. ..mi., ending on Smu.- JtlLUK h. .i..uliibAMSrU6 Jbdc le liravr. All kiaUa.H plating ' l,; r- "flhlry . iiegon. Ik Lam Star RESTAURANT i ..ilor, JISnUH A! AUU HOURi Bnkweiy j i connection i .Sottiaiiv nl M Order. .1 a .lh ever) thing the mark' I ..llmiU Y. ur patron r paaV"JJP"aP llocnroM Naero. ! ' . Napton $.. 3ovd leal Estate. lines 2nd liiaing. rararra, Inteo t hitnrto oAe N - i it. .- THE CAPITAL SALOON, TRISCH A DON I ira Burns. - - Oregon. 3vTa3ce Tia-le Headq.uarteia. Wines Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. CHAS. WILSON. I .-, aucLtaaoa ro.wuo a Jtih' WW si V-J Jf if ft yii i Main 8t.f Blacksmtthias and Horsshteiig. Wagon Work ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED. Burns. Oregon to ICmjImH ui VSurk Ho nmrr t f BcnatiiB lODmma CHEArllTHll PaiCTiuiiii M II in MMMI jftiyfly STOIE .......tide foi v Hlil-' 'I'm t:nuk m' a - froiii I'. A . ( 17 Ii) aor. 'i win. .. iviiiiii ' qui i in liv . I.igb 'l"b II .in .1 fa.ttnrv ui V I. growing M.ini.i'in, h.iiiiiouioua au-inn rip through tlie region 1 1 tt)' v.ll beat tin., u. ui . " 1;J ihe in- eaa luoui.uinn Thev auo- ' .-. I. . ..oi of all. cKx'- ' car- And aitii beat are h.ullv a gmi.de-' . I i bap, wanted in .ml I . u t.. until lea- H . , uhi ta ..... i.ip. I'll. .,i, - v in truly, ,M r.. lu.iliv, IVfl. I. "Pt- ft" 'iu UANIi::) AgenM, HualJei ,ke and evuryho.lv enjov m g"'. l.ea.lj luol . ug in llu. ueigh- i are worth jaeMl ' ..id Ih.vid I'oiiud H In gui then, at dav an I .in . - Hlreet in thiM en. , Tl R Ml I ' Ur. J i . pinna ot ) ' I . i;.im.iu Hi. i.u-v I iiniy. The bride m well known in eanlttrn par lin ing lived i n Soon ill Ibe in Hlg p i'llin villi g. 'I.- early uipla a in ,) aveiiiii. i vilie Journal du in tune lor tit.- opera It pro- I I, ...it It u.ar- inliuen a uilg hav no lime lo i..a Miracle ulou ne. tiled tt.. Mi. Hie Holt of tbia il J ). K. Hoopr, rami , 'ajie wa ao waal- ad b oougliiiig up pu- fioin iter itliaga Ibioloin declared le end eoueaiiha. bei I. nulls bad walci. to' ll f g t J"WrTr'lrnWS I L aaal aaal I 1 I 9 Over BOO iB$jfiS' 'ta ,or ., j Beautiful HPrloa Llat Hi""5" Wm """ MSrWjB Otroutera. a - -3SiB Jal StViV m i.j kmj aaAauiaaruYA. BBAuTr rnuu.tiY '"" ' ' -' . r .tt al- HTMWaS ABHW ANO TOOJL CO., A M. L LEWIS a .11 be glad (a fgiM PARTICULARS and PRICES 1 myagji gjalrtaj INFORMATION. DESIGNS. -1 tSat lh. Muaic cure I..,., id ... uui.it film lor "I lie- ' il.tcti : , ,. ,,, ,.,,- ..... nm' Worth I" any poi ,, ( i on I .Itloi. i. . of III Keduratiuit cif dp nl ol" lie tapiul alock ( ''" Mi.i-Oitigun won who nella go.nir for a livnig It' .nit aal factor! inou.iv hack fit. .liar lor I). I. il.- I'li-ctrio (JoOtl tur.lli .1. Clf nreaa la muob than ihe .ro MBaal in Kantarii O nhingtou. 'I'he nm- lutiuatry does not do- i-r a. ill tliHie He of good boraae la . the hii.ll ill wrilen Mi Mar Hruwn '-'t1 I Mile r "1 lake 1. Kinii New I, lie I'll le. 't'i.t-v aie reliable urd plua-aut laxative I h... lound.' B"Hi lor tho hti.u.ach, liver a. J hnwcle (Juaranteed iru Store, Job printing ..Htt-tierah E. N. NELSON Watchmaker and Optician -T3nrr.a. Osei . GOLD M"AL ) ki i u i The Finest of All S MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY hr Suit Ofllv at Hotel Burn iCi w Bar Agents, Bums, Que ..goo Awarded tar beat work at a