The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 15, 1906, Image 1

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    Vh w"tma-lralo
The I per ol Hut
line lln lirvst ciirtiletinn and is one of
Ibe advertising medium" in, Eastern
1 IrafT'.n.
9h dlfat Marnaa OTonnf r
' in area ol ,W,IKJ0 Mft Of
land. 4,7M,aW arras yet vacant anblrrt
In sntry nndsr the .nhllc land law of
the Initial Htatee.
Bah first
' B -' " " Mast
Mrf, Kd lor Work Thai It
CtcaBl ""riant.
another page. Another girl's Face
tells you flint ahc ia not interest. 1
In the dance but really de wili
the supper bell would ring
thru nanm, 01 er body haa 1
tha girl who aein tha sanie kind
of smile when the tlanoe thai
Kverv sul iched upon in Weald flair Maaefactertr Med .IsSssrs ,!,. when aha chops wood. I
"nited 8ta!ca. hut tha great major- TO PROTLCT RETAIL TRADE
itv of thorn are coming from what.
Is known aa tha "Middle Waal "
that ragion which includes ths MERCHANTS TO HOIO CONVENTION
Mississippi Valley and embraces j IN PORTLAND.
all the territory between Ihe Rock
ies and the Alleghsny Mountains.
o Ptlsilr r I asr lustra. I la
Sudanis I itl Pries.
taMW BtHioa
ggggggTi" Pacific railrond
Kfl 'ii to llunl-
larrirnan compan-
H a railroad from
Mlb' I'Wiaton. follow-
Bnl the Snnkf River.
B tha Northwestern
Hhon in that
gggOa Hlnri- .1 III"
theao cnruniuntoatinao, but those
relative to duiiyine eeem to he in
the Bajorilv, and fortunately for .. . . ., . n
J I ,, . protect rrtail trade in Oregon
eatern Oregon eepccially, tt Beem
,-enerallv mIiIIIiH that in frnm TC, P8
iMfl particular section the dairy- j hox-car pedlers. "dead beats," and
man haa fM pasture tha year I other demoralizers of retail buei-
around BM, a convention of grocers and
of living expenses la asked ,ui, , ri- , caM por(.
in many lettara, climatic conditions
form the chief note of others
There are those who want to en
gage in bee-keeping, othera who
1-I1 to raiM- poultry, Angora fonts,
land .l:uniiir lt17, by the Port
land aaoofatloa of grocera and
nriwrchant, says the Oregonian.
A atate ortianir.alion is to lie
imkI ibay have rle-'Kio ani aheep all receive their sWBsOiI, like lh. my other
. 1 .
B''M' II" ' ""
l' t '
"f. MBII lunibia river.
H the
oake rtvdBf" will In- coiiitnem-
mrton wil
ainlnr aodd;
nave haen i:
and engitrae:
grade eiakee " and
ftla feat a
PI - work
.: Mf!
i.f.!;on of
A few tunnti
attention. rrtm rnin'"'M .S .:
K course, a subject of sperm '' "''d lothe lenisla-
prominence in many lettera, but tur- full ' J I in all
remarkable aa it may appvnr, while part-of Oregon would give the
1 mitjority of the ietlere come from ''ale association soin- 1000 mem
wheat growing districts, very fe, ,M ' 'IV PattlMal Imdy haa 100
if any of the writers, ask regarding '- mbrrs nil if 100 IfM srncirs.
this iniMirtaut cereal. i. J lre. r
The Orev ipment lagm f" -'dint . (;-.itCe Lewis, vice-presi-
S Us central office at l'oit- '"t C Ii Mrrri( k. -, ,-retary , Pan
irtiid lias placed in the hands if Kellaher, treann r
tli. oixM-twi. organiiationa forming It ia citl by the retailers that
ita ii.etiilM-r-bip. 1111 npportuiiilv 10 HJ are HeiiaM if numerous bad
git directly in touch with people ptlMlMfa, Ii . Ii demnralixe tbelr
imii, i"
hrUfJ oant
1 (Kirleci fr'
nutaaa, bw 1
oe inake r
way ar cou
MMlt IWllil
ihata la a
luiuum ai
work that
..: nd utl 1
' vei
earn and
The reau
In K"" tap
e l give :
,tl ine tOllll
rd W4a
..eive ajaj
- .
..I mat. ray
. ,: I
m ma)
naai 1
at Rafc-
1 ; line.
1 fkjto tliia coiiipaiiy
i n l'a-
la Vale, thromrl
fair am! Ian
1. Ilii'..
1,- . floll
, iei ti .. 1 iard.
e iwiitd until 11
bad taam oonip',',d dent of this slate
slab fr
! Will
1 Kiam.illi lake
work I""'
4011 will, it is
. :!. al Hbort I
. t 1
Id in ale-yance until :,i. .ui tin- slate
is well under
etad W,
a 01 1 .
nut to the
11 irthweel.
I ernat labrer are
.ion uf the
rt Um unoiiii
vallay to LaarlMM will
eaat of tbt Cascade
1. 1 .! 1 i-. U will
iiu'h inii rested in t Ire
son to have written letters asking
ii'.oii "The beaver Stale" and this
uinitv should be in-proved by
each and every . for
when a farmer's interest in ant
portion flf Ik country is sufficient
I lid ai tmii lo write a let-
1- BMM 1 111111 b 10
etrnest !! ibaaM n ' - allowed
t 1 forget Oregon and Its special an-
vitiilauih until la
trade, mid tlmt trade aentiment
need" la l idiirnted to the iminl
"Cting oneself. Mo-t of the
M D III I n I oil In the
..ui initiiufai'iuters and ft few
Ix- made by law.
1 at d w :be
prn.i Ipla "hal
rupt- leciiinini. 'ui'iiiess. mina
and injuri coiiMiin. r
thai inanufac-
baoonaa a resi- tajrara abaJI prn.
1 jobbara, but also the
- 1 letaili ra nnd :
I lib r itli . ,. 1- Hi
' 1- aitl tliere
Ito ooriibiiiiitii'ii among dealers to
inn 1
tradesmen would havr man
ufai'lnri ra bind JobVAWR and retail
t rs und. r .' In tnamtaiii list
uf an active campaign by any com l"i aa, Qndwi penalty of being abut
iiiinial Ii,kJ i first of all to deter- off from supplies nr clnims of dam-
mine who shnll be written lo for agee. They ss that rate cutting
beat resulla. ThaS iti eti.-n is an- damages mnnufacltireis. b cauaing
a wared amplv I. U furnished j retailers to bold back their goods
by Uietlregm I level pineiit l.ei,j;iie m.d lo sell o I lie! -n which there ia
It is during the muter month-
that the farmers of the entire MlM-
issippi Vlle, and esecially the
leaeliled in lb" tat s
lll.'lltill!li.. ;,!.. . do III' It "
aotooi ling nnd they ought
to be given a cliuuoe lo li am all
The fouiidstion
profit, and that tbia ia coming to
le well understood.
The retailer would enact a state
pure food law to cnuluriu nith the
National pure food act. and would
ra ai! packages to be marked
as to lli-ir weight or measure
The pare Is poet ia opposed by the
retail. 1 .1 they say it will
enable . 1,1. lo buy through
tbe mail, at the expense of small
-sins public domain. He was dealers. TI nd the
Never was - lid and aooojoi
iual an opportunity praaentad Ik--iHiiuin
in ad
vauoe ita interests.
Laas lasaccier Uelt Jlasj
James Matlierry, govarnno m
veral days
here this Week lis. king afb I D I
raWceiU in the Seven checking up all lie public
try in ld.,1. . lu effect 1 trial ban isaan aotarao raoenti
will lie to glrittlt " 'i .itw has nol been com
plied with tin pnleiits Will be lasu.'d.
Kormerlv no attention waa paid lo
tbaae oiattera but M0I on r h "' -stead
and limber er, in inu-t have
K. mark of tba iaapacior be
(.ii a patent is issued.
Mr. Mayberry spent several
I weeks in llurm . county. -
proa pacts
II, Utoi l I Xlelit
it of Mie ilearwaier
UtVll.UPMI.M 11. MH I
rropoaUcaic Abeet Orcgss
al lis Isr Peslai.
National bankruptcy law, ao aa to
prevent shirkiiiii of food and other
household bills, under its provi
sions Instances are cited of er
sous going through bankropl. . to
aaoapa meat and gioc-r j bills
irndeaian Would also se
cure lawa nablinu' tbniii to uarm-
sboe the salaries of National, stale
and city eupluyee, who now fre-
ajuentiy Waul off the grocer and
Pnolfcs far (.nmrlfl aaailaUfrallvt s-
tsj far DUtrlksllai alr-Faas
nidctrt with felk Petr.
0. -nllv
iiiiltee of the water
Mivi-ntinn, which Dial
in Portland, prepar.
love sick gir! who proaafM h."
plexioo lo about the shade el
to soup and looks a soft aa sum. . 1
mothers maslu'd spuds Ibrille J 11
with undisguised determinai n
to lie a fancy dancer win
tnbe an angel. Aim nft ol the law which Is to U sub-
acter is onilined on the face aheti milted to tba legislature for eiiAci-
the mind is absorbed wilh th -in,. Kngineer l,ewi ha
eel melodv of the entrancing alt. I giyetl nut a synopsis of the prop...
One girl's fac looks like fta , Uw, which is as printed below
care a rap. Von aee the BM " I'be basic principles in the wa-
the practical and tl. Que tar law M adopbldl I iiinnt-
girl'a face looks like a piofe ai kl 1, ,. ,,poiui.. bv Hie I'ortlanil
humorist while right b. bind I 1 ,.ard of trade," aid Mr lwis,
wiii come the jtiri win 'id,.-a ,, J-li, r, ;,. ! ,.,.:,.!.:. u.
reminds vou of biretl chiiiesa pall- ... , f tlr pimp m ,,,.
Iearer Yon are always sure to gel v,,, ,,, galatai
a flash of tbe ia I0 . that tell- "First Tbnt all the waters wiili-
youth t the owner would rii!e llaiiaiaf the slate belong lo
wallx (ban wash disln s or karab I except aa lo
mother's kitchen ll I rights.
'lid That a ssetu be pro-
BXKRIMeNI FARMS NEIiDtiD. v,,,, ajbaOjl ,.,, existing right
I. lb. u-e of water will eventually
In a recent imi. . th- l.nll 1 Icruiitied. whether baaed iiMn
urged (hat the alate legislalu- or-lnp d riparian land, or
make an approprintnui of -. v.i W ". ""'I recorded In
thousand dollars I. mpial or rll
OOllOllllllO bv the national it llnrd-That measiiretnenls of
eminent, thia sum to I.- . I, "" '" "'''' - basis for
in establishing experimental faruu
i?i eastern Oregon, where farmers
lould see practical ib monst ratlnna
by experta lu irrigation metl
1 I wood Mead, '
rigali in and limiting' itions
of tbe department liture,
was in Portland d the
t of mud an appropriation
In lb, legislature no
llend Hull.
Al Pendleton, where lh 1
in., work done I j.
in. ui exert. Mr Mead p
to have several skilled irrigator
instruct the farmer, how to aOQPO
... 1 do water Settler are lloek
ing Into Kaa'ern Dregon and a
insny ul tin in know little or im'ii
teg about irrigation the woik ol
1 he experienced irrigators would
lie of inestimable bt n. lit to tliem
In an interview 111 tbe Oieg.
Mr. Mead said:
' I hope the legislature will -prnpriate
a sum to 1 p
ci-oiaratively with us, Ih .
an Hem nt considerable iiiijsu
to Kaatern i. gon, Eastern Or
Is in the lime light, and I believe
it is entering an area of remaika
ble rapid development
t'apitnlists ol tbe Kast have ilmr
tlregou, tin'
regard it as .. pr .lib. field tor
aouud iuveatiiieiita wbioh i
fore has been overlooked I
al Washingloii we
many. insn regarding
thai .e:iin "
Aids Haeey fur I Us
-. --- --- -f l..l .1... l.J !.... ....
awHKHiui i.uuiu.1 uo ..-. bebutcberb) means of laws giv-
entered under tbe t arey act bed , them immunilv.
.-. .-..mealed and be was f... , ar peddlers."
larrp-r a..k n. po.legc Ul. paraggj of conducting an ex- Hh , lliUlI1K trMpr, ti,p ,,.
f 1 bo Oregon
aaV' '
I ileal h-.ppiness
' IHair. school r ,
lendeiit. al St Albai.-,
alien the little dnuliU-r Wn- i
ed fioiu the dn adfnt c .m .1
oamea. "II. ajfOi M littk
daughter had Si '. .ui- i
the adjudication of righte, and tb it
1 mill ot surplus water may
1 1 a definite pro pad
eatabliahed for OOQjalrinf
ri.'bi. lo sii.'b surplus water Willi
iiirluiig prior vested rights.
"('.until That the stale relu.i-
-to appropriate wher -m Ii
... WOaM rob another of hi.
I, That lne,ial me
tbe basis, the UaO
aiire and the limit ul tba right lo
I -irplu- water o I !,.
and thai . without
i Inon tba late.
shall in no w -. .-iabii-b n rigbt
' Ii That fur litigation tbe
.111. mm of a.. -i used -ball not tl
oaad a crtaiti lixed ipiautH
I n That all rights shall
- .pi 'o specific In
legallt deaorlbed 111 each
grant to w.'.i that a transfer uf
.iri.s with 11 the right and
that the land the right
t be transferred, except bl
parrail Iron. Ib0 slate, and then
tiK white sui b transfer will worr
M injury
. ' 1 a dilcli
land not iom pio . n 1.1 ii
' 1 lit allatihea to
Hie land on wlmb I lie water Is
usid and not to tbe did I. I'l.e
"I the land irrigated mak
ing tl. proof of appropii ilion and
.! ..Kiln-ale be ng issued lo
bun Tba ditch own. r being s
.on.. in in earner and si
talatloa ai aaab, ut lis light to
eraloti of sad 1 1
luring a reasonable 1
1 . 1 I tl-. construe'
I0OJ and sale of water right
tin . MM r lo actual uaere
' Ninth That tbe water rights
shall relate bs. k to tbe dale of ap-
I I Mai " of tbal the
works have ba
il 1.
Heeot .1.
..' iu-
bv at
BMti . ii
ii ....
Orettou 1
lH-eu ft. 1
grew steadily worse until us a I i-t failu. lUub nr.aif wubiu
aiumatioii rni 1.;. ta.x me re- ll4rjuttj llU 0, ., , giTrl A. ,,ied Ko tin It inug of
1 place und depart Immediately 1 rejoice lo ay, lb. tattle a eff I nine for s.b.pial. in nor lie 1 . 1 inai Bt,.rard. thus injuring the busi- K,J u oiuipbte cut. ' 0.,i, K 'shall ikui
have been taken under lb. t a.e ufm lf riUbiieUd tradesmen, .-ure for 1..
il b. ilirowii optn lo sUle- Wlli;,j ,,., .e prohii'tted
tuei.t aa u, . uuiion g tm, ,U1 , wj, oott.
gbjoao tbal bo ni UOMI r.d.r the oruai.uation of a mnti al
OaOOataMJ i-ialion.
vt ,s given as lo this act
d as
much lie it-tt )',. Aueln tine
M 1 1
al debility, female weakne-.e. ,o,- Tcnli. I'lnit a e 1
poyariabod ' lad, whuaio all ngbiaaede-
H n 1111-
. Intaraata of
1 i- to
ward lie I - iinil, mar
ket . 1 Ol igon inatead of
II la of faulu ,
III slnll that now Ilea
rolling ..ti tb" ground instead uf
bringing n liiiii.l-niiie rrvenui- lo
tbe oanete of ibese neglaaMMl 00ao
ard- I'be new law in ita rigid en-
.- il bill It
is nabt lb r n lost') of the
stole is ol 1 , 1 ' 1
be ignored it. in HO are
here and her.- . . tay and tli- pro
dui lion id fruit means a
continual warfare an. I those who
tagjO 11 and pay
11 ilt .tepdowil
and out. I'ii UTcgreeoive, nggrea-
1 00 prole.l
d againsi i. . 1 or, bard of
bis tb ' 1 ihal is a
1 tor ibe breading of ll-
I 1 Judge Mcllrnle's
dei i-i in will 1. ml. r the comnils'
loner's task ot enforcing the low
and e locating tin l ople In the val
ue of prodiniiig .1 first clsas article
um 'i OOOfc Kural H
Horn In fhia rin I . . . I'.HHI,
lo tbe wife of llalton Higgs. a
dOOghter; -lebl i pounds lal
t.ui i- nil -miles be alwsa carries
a -mil" -but 11 is an extended one
now and bo will 0fM he wheeling
a huggy mi I Hill Sobs, will leach
bin o otOf ' llll-ll I .title llabv.
..11 1 r Argua
M N 1 I '. Agents, llusllsrs
who want- ' 1 goad hearty
luuub to lii lo
4ajoato.M Ufartb 140 to any per
son who sella i.r n living.
If not sal ir money
baek Ii -lamp I lo'
In Whlli ll I
lasKfi. ira v iiiik. mi aaaajg
K,v In l links haa
, . pill. II ilc
ui.iinl I.. 1 1 i. i he pmllii I'uiii
of lils MM H I n v li Ann. in u foi
1907. This vihiiiIii! Alinanur ia
n. iu read I aii b) nrwadV-
ui pool pa id bit i
bj Word and Worki I'ublishmt;
C ompany , Jjor L'kusI
l.ntiis Mo, iulilsbeia ill Word
ami W .0 k dnllui
ill.icj.ifio. k 111 Amei 1. 1 tine ,M-auhaci'iiM-
ky howord atanct. fsetaeaaarr w. n aoaatc. Vtaa r 'araawr
Vi m. a cowdin, caasaaa
A General Banking Bualneaa Tranaactad
S. coaagapoNugNCH rNvmo
f ir$i national Bank
" oan
Made l wTdtr.
All tin oaraapaeiaHy
1 urna, Hi
fat Uai Star
1 uwsU.
B-ikry In e-.orieetion.
A Souialij al Sboti Order.
1 w itb evi rytbing
. ida I mit patron
l "ll AN ft AN
Fire-Proof, Modern, 1:1 vi,ant.
Ratca fa.oo and j go par day.
All Outside Rooms Near Depot
This ni.xlcin new I nlrl waa tally retrntly opened to tha)
public. Harney I. 'mint y people will he alw.iya wrlcomr
and iioiiti inialy tared (or. A lirst-claaa har in i-ainettioa.
lloaeroM Ifirsin
, i.
Napton & Boyd
Real Estate. Rises isd liaioc.
I'tlSTIS, In. mi
inlari.. I
Maw wiioua Brtok.
TRIHCII A IK)NK(iAN, Propriaiora.
Burns, - - Owgon.
aO-lCO TtLlo XZteaViVLaVCt
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tab
Club Rooms in Connection.
You 0000) l" hsy tba "wmntf sow
by tin ear, ' llr II ::ht. Ii -p '.-
I i
.Hid ai d to you ami ..u all s
Did u Ever NulUr it?
I pa to a dam. ,
remarks ibe -u. . . , baaai .
'i oao
l bat
Guaranteed h) i itj
Ntl I i . i .
II inn . I i
pre 1 1
y ,i
, t
Ml ren,rt i lie ..a. 'I ' f "' l'"'r Ra0ti
. :n, i.i 'i""' rbetorn
" " -..
tiLs. I, l a i . v. IIhc j i..fc.i.ctf.c wyou
viUm 1 1. 1 mkmm
owe w i Mm Mio,1K ir' ,uui
and U I. I p
''.' Hill : ' -' , at I " ' - wayaaa . . I i , u u
ia.iI. tilt ilia. I. . il, ii aa litatA I
win uta '( ii. "'" ii uuwt'
a i t . . t ft rinlluii:
BBBBBBBBBBai . t 1 l.. T.lil ia..,- II..II lllllil liV lite V I. "'," - -v- --, . . .. .,
OnOOOOOOOTl t wy -,. ,..-..--.-.- .... -v. , r-m . t -,- lubn. I r. .. . 1. 1. ills..
It laagu u bhi.i uw. i . .: i.i
.-how iiisutlici.i.i i.caibtble water W01"" " '""" ' ' to 0WO) in urace- ,,.i...m . . , ,,,i ,,,,1
,.....:.. .1 I. - l ---- --
iimn. . - i. m. II as future right
li .eoii.d shall I i. d
ii. no, r that an obflal
of all y .I.'.l iiwl.i
I n il an iidiiiii
le ,i l.l .
public ..
aroily, aid that the
. aoDc' i -1 1 1. 1 aba nod h
I aitb p. d.i .
portious ot tl..
. . .'- "II...IHK I. "UJ HO .Ul'.
i a .iiij.Mtii.ii ..I ttbetbur tbe ts-rrp1 riu . all louder than ,
, a trigbllul .'..u-li hud bronub
, llot) wrda tbeii deieraiiuouoo u do or
j. dii. A ii. . I i , liiin, ui-r.u i
llr, . tbie time oeroM v.ur
er ItQI will
iii tb. li
Tuck. I, of Aliiunce. 1 a a yeai . aatar"
ot i.i
. t',. uilr I kill I MUM Alius
,1,1. v, an "' Olr-e M
n .- .. i . in like
s" X?iiJwA""
I I A , : A MLil i
Main St., -
at: aaaafPHafflBaal !t!,T!-T3 AS HH u'l1H" mi
lmiriuuil b in
ggggggggggggHHKJgggggggl imm 1 mil
' omraoo H aWMl faw
-..J1.J luutttia
Ej tw, DsBlna. H CWaiatare, '
mmmmmmm i mmmmmmmmmmm
w i 1-HPl
g J.1.U..I ,, aau as
1 I I
aucocaaoa rocwuaaw a awmiom
BlacksaithiiK ui
Wagon Work
Burns, OreaM
W ai gial to laratol
i. srovoai
. UllJ. LU,
..I .,, J li.l.Ul
BHBJBJBRBr lulmmullou. a..u oil . jseupi- li-il i upproyeu, . . Consumii-.ion. auh Hie oat.
radiant fa ces vou tbal
-. :
boa bean
aiie ad
il'"- '' '- '""'. " '"' ' " - " timeb... Will
iuk throuKhoul the, leatiuiui.y bs i...l yet betn review- etarn.ty to tl,. pu, otialag (jo.rant. .iiuks
Miuiiaaou, Miofaigan, lod by tba tooai load) oalafao, ibere- wr uver tbe waves. And tben ,.,)Uglil ,u ttl Cny lfug
i, ! Kansas, tore DO dt. '.sion sOOsaoaad. This the girl with wistful eyes and pout- store. Price Weenie aud II
nearing upou an 'B course always there. , Trial hot
lobuuia, indioua and Ufilo other Cttrev scl segivgallou in this tier facial lines tells ou tbul tier
ally, lb.- ranjie of ei.ijuiriee
luiOsl tier pari of the
Watchmaker and Optician
H3-u.xrLs, Oxm&on.
Vallev and was Ibe only one under ambitions rise onl to the poiut of Plenty of iiolatoes at aBf
culisideratiou before ine otlicn
atobiog that the fiddler would pla Meat Market
Awarded lor Beat work at a compiling fculubiilou In tturupc
- nstiifcaan m. m ta - . .aaak
ait The Finest of All at
Nr Salt M atj
Hotel Burns Bar
Agents, Burns, Ore.
gBaT-Koihci d Broo., DistribuUrs, i'orilond, Oragaa.