The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 08, 1906, Image 1

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    Vfi Yimt-9teralft
Vlleiel rper nt,Harney Toonlv,
hn the lntt rironlstion anil ia one of
tlir Wt a. Iverti.n indium in, Eastern
I mpi .
pj s&xmt$
ah rt IHftrneq etotinf r
( overs Sn HM 0( ,4J.0n crS 0 1
land, 4,7fl,tto sere jrst tttn J
t. entry iimler th pnhlte Un.l lav I
2 lira I nltwl Plate.
g fc
fATCH THR ORARBERS T. cnnith, of Oregon em
-.gory and J (1 Kellr-y, of Tori
w H. MUST OKT CLOSER TOQETHI:R flret big conlrBi ea ths K .,.,, wis I IS TOO OVI.RCROWM I
fenoi in oi kw w ii i
Bhi Mi. Says Eieeri tomes
Wk. l la Perllsse Is Mt
ifalloa Caejsritts.
School Hupl. Kigbv writes The
Tini" Herald thai the local insti
tute scheduled for today in ahis
city, had Ih-pii postponed until
later date. This was determine)
aat i
a ajabaau
and c.i
Fall end of the Oregon
lioad. raid to be for a II
A MISllrWE5T.M,vG THAT WORKS 100 Blllf, A'.-hie !"'
A HARDSHIP. had pergonal dinvtiott of t': work
la no on the war to fcrilaos! I
fer with hiartnera am!
Tkt Rttallrr as iMNMf Skesll Make lial of the railroad, it la Mated, on
Ckaaff 1 Ralar MtiSaSa far
Tkrlr stall. I R.atflt.
If home People would lake niorc
upon after a consultation with the interest in ih. general upbuilding
teacher of the public school! ai.d!0f i,,; inatittitiona, encouraging
hifch echool.
Il '. iky .la. aim i.rSl.t.f Ritflu' lit
. work together in
eel aa large an attendance of both
leachera and par-nts aa possible,
and aa every one it now buss pre
paring fur tin- holiday it waa con
sidered het to wait on that account.
A nut lif r good reason for l
and legitimate enterpriaea and
all matter par-
taining to tin- public good, the bet
terment ill BBttStJ or the develop
ment of the country, we would all
be belter ..ll VYc ahould lake a
nterest in the general affair
ahould hare a law defin
. , . .;.i i
1 r ii inn water mm aim
g the monopoliiing of her
rers h private interest.
I atate grow and develop
power will become one of
int resource H. the
I Motion looking to the 0011-
' these invaluable I
ahould not In. delayed.
water riant ahould be
ttia r.:::! iSal !.? -i-'
ad in i in if title to land,
iple of Oregon -h mid le
ll n inler
bt atate. and it i only a
f lim. unle preventive
it enacted. Unit the val
er of atnte wiM t , i,rg-. owj,.g ln the fact that the nd ahould I practiced b.v bmne
ptnilll M Ml no.leratand that the P"l '" "TJ
ii.atitute wa for the Ix-nelit of the
pair. ma aa well a the teacher.
The date of the local inatituti
her ahould be annnunoad btaferw
what i appaientlv auilin c in
ii. and arrangeno 'i are
leing inane for a tigorou wlniet
Awarding of the contract il
Mmiaiil Oa leal In Ski T Tkautaad
Skra la Nw taalwrc--Uer la
larall(al( Caalltlaat.
Ilie Salt Lake F.veninn Tcb --a-
thai the tranMirttion
dent that tbe intenti.-n of ll,. .. '' f"" "- overcrowded re.
genieot of the Harriman lyalein
il to complete the entire line from
Natron to Klamath FaIN daring
-i . the -i
tled Irai l . I tin- New Kuglinnl
i a rather uuex pealed en
1W7, and make the thor.Mi,;! American hialorx, bnt
more tl
p l private nionoolv.
ater of the elate of right
the whole people, ami tbe
n water Int
Biercial purpin""!- i nothing
in a franchise, and
1 a uch
nd dra'n
tigatinii being mducled
Bat pari in' hi of Agriculture,
Bb I' t appear bofaffw
Bittee n I' I ' 1'irl-
Bat' i to draft a water
Th-fft ar. snnn id thesu
of lKhl Mead, ol Watbir
ponenient ia that Snpi Chorchill. ,Tour communtiy ami county ano
of Baker I'itx, has signified hi will- '- ' "' - "..neb to g've the other
i,..... ... !- .,.-..i - ,'-l"" reapectfnl coaideration.
thi. inslli.ile. I.ut found .1 lagWMl U' "M ' ",,I", ""' f,cl
ble to con.e until aftei the holiday ,n' ''" "f u are biR enough to
The superintendent was assists 1 "" !' ' "-'' "'"
. K.v Irwin and Uev. Mins- "' 'MP'" ' f n,,r ""'" " w"
ker in a local inetittlte at Prewsev " l"r-
l..l M.l.rt.. Thaatla.nilan.wW9a l.o . alt v to h' o nien.l ibli
alk of life I al
institution! should If given the pre
ference kg ev-r instance. What if
ii .1... i ..-i .n BOM to buy from
tli l.n.i.f.'ltaiit ? Ifcii't he en-I
I, , ill in order that ihose it terested t- a prnfn J H .... i I.
in educational affair may make
arrangement to attend.
by way of Weed a realwit
s.Min a the line I finished to
nuth KtUK winch will lie
The contract was gnen a) lbp
Portland linn some time since. Itul
i li. i... I made public fol
reason satisfactory to the railroad
ollicial I'lan t'.r Inl.or are well
formulated. I.irge 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1
forage have ksjM pnii bed in Bf
.lit t. keep stock in.w on the canal
at work through the winter in llu
vicinilN. and il the wealber ia fav
orahle much progress may be made
-olerable atone wmit i- U) )
done and will U- let to coniractor
il ia underot . l
vour pr ..l.lif, help to maintain the
ihurche-.. citv and count v' 1 . n' he exl-nil
'it I r BKMtthl mi. I months''
the average individual atop i
A Hak.nnt dispatch to the Tel "'"' '",w l",'f',' """
Hart Railroae Evils
egram. m- If a Railroad Com-
n i BfHwUMMw in Oregon.
made ut of the right men and
chant to the interior hit uieotlsai,
t r his foodl from
bl ahi-ail of ihe aea
son ind that (he whole sale hous
io lb- Telegram .
agpl. Bt present .lo not clothed with sullicietn jxiwer io reg- niual have their money within six
i.laf i.,lili..., r...M. 1 i.tir li.r. I .. a. iku I....m..l9 ta il ritft.l
e tin uIu.miI the water ,..-.- , ,. mmm .
the atale " aaul Mr Mend "" no reason wh It would mil th.o. to lake vour cah i"d go ela.
n iplv i. so l"uve a good thing naior ,g accommodn
.' nan a no re.reaeina i.aa'i. ion a a I I. '
Malheur and Harnev .'intie- n .. ,... abotlld atoo bMT m mind
iigh to
m for all. and t VM
ha. dri'Htii'd a few
UKlav 90 per cent of the I n of a commission
the state aaeenihlv S-nalor Hart thnl li the linin.
nit himeelf to the t(IIIMI are cnl ntl working for the
coal :
BBBlip; ver
d "Mt ii com pan
m iIimI ll.. pm var Ian reltiadiea 1 r
easl oi mei-" "-- -
tbe existing railroad evil, the .
advatiiftiient of the lounli v R -l I
move is made lo bring about i.- -
conditions, not oue puhlii ei lerprias
lablishmenl of a commission and ( num bed lor hi g the
il. hut that Ihe
May form Wool Pool
American Stockman. Then t- n
growing possibility thai Ihe I'ock
masters of Wyoming. Idaho and
I if the plant contemplated l.v n
prominent shi of Soda
g. Idaho, are carto I
will be (onfroiiteil with the unique
Ml of 0 weelerner lerdilig a
pioneer nn'V. ini'lil to aet(e n
A aiihatantial aheepmnn ol Sudl
ftpringa, who i afraid ihal the
' lullllOII ol III'
ern rne,i Hill 'omi ruin ln hul
now caating "alo i
'toward the wild of Vermont fol
i.i-tiire e hop. a by trans-
l.i- Iii.iKK) ahii-p across Ihe
c nilinciil to escaM- the intenae com
petltion Ol the wealern bnalli. "C
and io liml a M lomj . mil r and
'il condition within a few
bundled mile nl Huston and Nl
. rl
i proa twoi thi MktgM
d through Sail Lake yeaterda on
hi a i . lo Vermonl, where lie i-
Mouloiia may join ami form nagoliating for Ihe purchase
a twxil lo disMee of Iheir wool oil pi vra thoOMIld acre of land If the
deal I" auci earful it will Wlln. -
the '(range spectacle of l(l,(Hkl
Hi ep locking eict. i ..
c.i.M.lidiiic iheir lataratM ..- ,,. .
as a feaeil.le plan i- i l ,.,,.,.. ,. t ',ui,,n-
the annual meeting ol the W Idaho man In l.iierfr..,,,
log MS." lation. wl.l.h a I pl. .,,,,.r ,,, ..r l,a,
in an eli..'t kg nil mil lh middle
man and obtain (he lull market
value ol lb., produce Wyoming
and Idaho have siren. I agn
ii r i oiiiliti hi thai Int- i.rih.n in lli.
MolllitSIII lM(e Mlthlll tin
N It ll I)
I tbo i irm life i. Hi.- yoking
' r- l'..r ihe i n buotllng
..I I Iim ii iilai-l . ..nlala
Tl, rrtl legisiauon, nu. ii appr... v oommunnv in gener
OrogkB i take warning early '" lowrJ tl" f"r" rr ,f ukru ' bioi men of the home town are
alnlirt OMPlaill IlliOaa aa I t I . ! . ..I . .( ll l llil.illill.
water - "-
Senator Mart ay tbe railroad
are abusing thnr privileges in Ore-
rrvetit their valuahle
ngbl -kaWataa
nl.lili a .nil II.
1 - - a a M .
.1.. ..l.r "". " "'"' "",ur ,nu '" crruia
.. J by tbe i oiii-
:.. ml of it ...i -. H through
at their j ersonal They
ore oonlinually oootrlbuttag toward
charily in one wat or another, tiny
ore ever watchful of the interested
aRggalfef Ilia fiilire btate
Kbe stale in. reaeea in wealth . in giilature. He says ihe fuel their customers, aisisl in the dls-
lamllie. the elOHBf Of UM fcastern .xwition of tbtir stock, a .ol oi other
Oregon iui.ilaer mills and the injury products and are always pleased lo
Blpulation tbe water power w ill
RfJRfAe more and more an impor
i transportation l :' and grain inters! by ib general public p
i&uvgtl a resou
Ml 'I in lit np.ll-
litfOor the alst.
tbe shortage of cars all point to the
DMOWity of providing some relief
1 'hi relief, he i inclined lo believe,
urn poundi of wool w. O..I
create a sensatn . kg tl I l 1 mai
ket If thi enortnou tonnage ol
'.mild Ik- nlored l..r i
and such a thing l not ,
hie hilt I h.. re nil Would
.. i i l .. -i ...-!
Ol Hie liollie in a lit aa luao ri-ioaioa . ,
" lie far reaching It would
on J.miian I' and !'. the matter
Hi laa dlciiel al length. IMl
gate from Idaho mid Montana as
a.iiiatiou will attend tin- I
In. ii. and in all ajrohohillt)
thing will bo .lecided KgeJO),
a-. ine lare.l wm.l prml... nig . ,,,,,, wor,. f,rill ,r ,k ,,.
atatis in tbe tnion, Monlaiiii h. mg ,I1r- fr , y,,i,g , s Knglatid-
lirat with about .'MltllMlsi ,.r, .,, ,(,.. farm trncla have lieen
I kloBfl MV.liil With p,r..,,. J , ; Ihe Wilde,,.. - I I
''-1' -"' l-'Ui.da.and 1. 1..- Vtn ,!,..,,,.,,,, . ,,,,, frmer
ho third with about M t'-'.'s-l. , .,.,.,,, ,, IsjoOOs
i m, lunation of these three .(at- ,,,. , hrmhe groan and Ihal
ai.U (lie (Hiillng ol appioximaiei. ,,t. ,,. .wdiligbnck civihsa-
Whal if it cine to a propoaiiion
it. ilit at all and demanding cash
-a whole thai the right will be found in a slat. . omtin...... aith hvmi order the am as out
- entshlished under pro - hs.lcrn te be belli
Mandates of I
atatatas wuiet lanur or
BBjoiM'- i a franchise . and ahould ultiou
BBjpted as such He would al-BBbbM-
tste l.. grant Iran. hiseS
BBjms use bt private ooucerni. but
aaaaaaU iruard ooainat aucb grants
tual and lasing given sppeal have boon i -iveil at the a big amount invested in an lioial-
Iniled Stalea Attornev . ollice af- d sectiou uae .u. narnry ciiunir
.,; the de.iei. i, of (he l.,we. where il I imp. .wihle to get good
court in three i-ef or .ughl by the
mmeut against lbs Oregon A
California Railvay Coasptv
ide ooooeri. Wouldn t be U-
ju-iified .'lam oondlUonsf
If he gol Ibe cah for evtry ale he
mode be oould sell on a smaller
margine but be would still haye to
make a profit and continue to have
tii.iil.i mark ll
lion amoiing the bu (line
at leoal. The wool groa. i- of lr
tbroa aiatee aie linaiici nl. abb la
carry out an arrangem i of ibis
kind, and Ukf) are already in U.e
ti. ii and l.riiiging hack day- aiig-
I it. tnnea ol l'jhan Allen
and I leroga II. I. -cril..
-. it. I ii aou i pr.. nling
ill ill oonditlom tor sbaep, ho that a
.lord A'et Ii... I
" : lug ii
i.l in nothing lean ll, u
I ih.iIioii of 1 1.
lion, t i lioieul of Hi,
.1 groaiug and hay lamia
laid the Idaho man i i I
.ghl in
I obeei vet imd
. n'l at"-
i ..I ..o of dally
, i,i;i. of the
I t .lit have
- h whom
. imputation
of n ii lUppleH
, l -renina
, tor .bllc
I iniiin-
, .. ii ' rial de-
iii. . -as
r.'lin , . ,. lerulng
water availwhie can
i, i h I ii'in .my other
I h if. . I Idaho.
Wasbi". i'n ia aeoaea-
,. tbe 'oliimbia
river no. I H i ' - though a
,. eastsrn Hre-
gon i in Idaho .i
gtl o me gee t
mi Oregon and
i ..! -ir-aina
of minor liopot
h into lb- I'ioiI'ic nci an. A know
,,f th.. loo ii'lhee alreams is
most ini.--'i I . I he iiidualrial de
i lopmenl nl the region
,i -how Ihe riven of
the Hi.- i - Ml iplealioll to I
ii mm i - ii i ' .. tor com'nioii No
failing oil has ! n re-
I I, irkahh-. nuililioii
of alia I t ' the uuiiHlial
. if. i limn during the
WAKTl kfNrtg
i I gaj
who a j.. a g ...d hearty
liilla'l. Ilia In
I " in
- , n for a living.
or money
I. ti k -I p I he
Mr V hili i h. ,
tur. Ill
TkeUc. ha If llitk rw? Aleisaat.
Ran In K link hi
ll, i n . niii.. 1 1 ii i ihe pi.puhn ih
minil i hi pudlk
nl ln m II Aim. ill. ii (ol
i.e., I lid i. ia
., 1 1 iicwrstlc-
t ml lui J5 otiMa
In Word anil Winks Publishing
I'niiip.on . i I . o-t ""i tot, -si
il.liialll I llf Wi.lll
iiml . , .. dolloi
magar In Aimn. . fine Al-
VMlll 11,11 allhl ll.-
Ul coliiieliealluii lo the slate
BMW of the main thing to tie
BBWi.,.-m I egi-latiou is the
BBjau.''! I oi ti water code thai will
lll, title '
in during tbe aim.r mouth
On ll.. 'I., i band, Mi Merchant.
ore you la no way to blame fur this
mood. there I. i, a III -her. ,,,,,,, oo flgu,. ,,.
is a way, and it would not ' aui
priaing to ie the oboes deal go
Mad Maeoy for Ul
rigs the r.ghie of settler lo slate of allairs? otitining noBjo of S. '. Hlair, hi..i U
wf aa laws al ataaaol ptaKribe homesiead claims in Oieg..
youraeif lo a strictl legitimate tt,(a.ut. al St Alhai.- W I'l
paotbod of . title to
aaid Mi Meade ' mil
The lands involved are in, luded PfaOlt Afaa JTM a Ntte inclined irM t,f huU daughter .
within railroad grant lo the old
it dm 'ng .1, Central Railway Company
to "gouge" ..n some things? Could
you eliuw any reaeoiiahU man that
Ihal t- whal I am th ml
ii ii I . . .It. I i .milling ll, if
I am ... tilid with ll, I tl ial I
deal will If m. I. N. -in h nib r
a lhat lor lil-l laa- paalure sni
hay land- i. in. ni n
Cuiidilii.n ale I. mi oven mailed for
a thai to i
aii)wlire nu of do. i- On tl..
..ll.. I.... ,1 j41.... ... ... i .
d- ...I,' I ....III '.I I "I.III.H I." IM IIIIMII
f r. ill. (he .11, ;n , ,1 , .1 :,,..
. ' oi una aimi are n ggmg
liBpplue ii tO lb-
B.VB M;, s u BUS AMSniB
Haas I Orair.
.tlilii.. " -irtwtally
ina iii,i Boras, Oisshjo.
Ik Lmc w(
11 street.
Brfwry In nnotlor
A SoccMli; ul Mart Orlart.
ltd . . i , thing
tho mi I 'i Ml patron-
kit rule., which later I -tame if he took into consideration bis j,.Jgjt,r
l v li
; ate certain lo be uusatiefucioi .
w huh i li .'. Ire., mt .t Out
Calif '...UK, i ,1. luii- and eine oi going io ran
Oboll prop.1. let I - leged Ihal the compu.i) .a ,, ,h ; l' lor .upp.le. y.u could ,jrr.w .leadll) wurae ...,li r .
d lo Ihe baai ol an admini.- , .issued "'' '''" i"d"c for Uw """ r. ami w.. Iff. I
I should favor (lie oll the ground thai the right of '"" ll your customer paiu m. ) ,tJ .
t a' tWaaaad. J 'a II . . .
,. Ihe land had inter veiled. CM mreye,, pur. na.r -". J", lUICI ..!
1 l. ........ .i.- ..u :..-.. r. i... , . .
The law provide, that -eitiere ur .'"' '"' "' j""' "' i ure i.r nervoua OOOIptao
pre one. and
lion ol couiu.isoion io sot
I .
later ei. (i .
Wo If i '
Mil Me,,
Legislature make an ap-
ri irriga-
II, ell to lll'trucl
i . on uuurveed l;u.d sk
iiorruwiug Umi money at o DOT cent !a ,e,
puenhed blood
, i-. i th I Ins
oi . io .i-
i.ol ex- I
r . l . . --a
w is the cae.- in the present Inslsiit. "" l1,,l pl'wc
I 80 day fn.iu the ' ' "l "b"Ul ,h" lu"U-' iusranteeJ by Die
. . .-...I.l.-- 'I .
of eurv... in Obicl lo tile "' ' ine laoi. i.e.. . u VlUr
aid leaiU ,1. ,r. to help
. thai lln mu.
or uoh o oasskUaiaa
i.l eYl y, . .li it help ti
aiUes. he hnlpa I If 'I
Tin.. -Hisld make, the asaeriioa
ihal ' r. can
i . . . , ....
A.-iiA.. aaa ihe., hroonl.t lo can- pl'Caui uutaiue V -" ",.!.
laatVaal the ct ihe palrii'. -ind M.
eay lo irri
inalsri .
buiaotoid ap
It wa. alleged in tbe suit brought
farmers re- that Ihe railroad In I gone
ij the uae of a. s.r for irrigs- ood mud. N it
purp.r.e HaW' pi 'pIS Mr g.,,:,: .,, ahull pat-
d aays, know i. ill. n,- of (be liaaued. before the WO dsy had sx-
tical aaoa of ootor iii irug lired ami tl !' ni. is tied
he bolieves ihal much more oere in several - in conflict
tho aioouiiti expended would with iba prior rigbU of aotilers
i l.y having a man n.
Igat. .
i jo lbs right
ii in'
ie pror
I .poooer wn
II l l
A ts.r ol bin d
' ' will long
il wail '.hut un ichaiil I ,,. . in (ha lum
' make good. '; ..u,rwi.e it oao d faokel, of I I
Cmml for th. The rail
mad coinnanv aooealed '- ver.v litlle " U '"Ui "'"1 "uch "'
..uri ofAppe.le and that ui- vertuing i a .. . Mr. T. krl's lung
Ix-nelJt. 11 tigr. nualli-a. Uielli- aeeu.ed II' wrip--:
ods In ind buy Iroui . ji,g fiom in-
the home io I B mat- a Irig u.
lieud tor f sentiment ll must be shown Bl dst' "1 I a-'"1
for lt i Mllal V'i lliiol.l
strasors Walsr io Ner ikac.l
A V i-i. ugh '
... I..
llinglon and Id thi Is.t
i.i.iii. li
survey no ludi ihe
. mg U:i '
Im hav....
arid a. rain or si... a until it j
i th" great oaviif
.-ii i slotions an man.
ii. in all '
,'i iy t o
i il.. keigbU
tits gauge ma taken and
aBT ' MM " "
Baaa. I,
4. aravaas am
aa ' i .
, b. a. v
at ibe hum, llgh( of (he
Stll.g I. 01
members. Vlleti, chaii.
in vtiwn King, oi uniario, j
rerglne, .1 MedforU H. H
iia.ui, of Echo. J. 11 Lewis, of ih. week at t
Aud liuiitvr urriva-ti n
la. Friday and has been .nemiing " llUel" "liiutl-
Joe Hunter, Ho brought with biu, Uliou oi Setdci. UeiuM ws Appaat
Il uddiliun lo these, there is an a load of apples from Hood itiver
-4U boxes- aud
Mvie.i" commillee uonsietlng ot
phen A. Lowell, of Pendleton, market fur them
Olbau Wbealdon. of The Dalles;
S Hart, ol lisker Citv , Frank
found a
A press dispatch says Mason,
Davis it Company , of Portland,
cuiitraclol of the first unit of the
Job printing The Time. Herald Klamath project, have secured the Trial bottle froe
Wig Dr. King' New I'.
CoOOtlliip ui.. with tin- j.l nl.i.ii ,
result that afit-r taking I
I was completely restored ol
time baa proven peruiain nt. ,
cd." (juarauleed for sore lung.-
oaaffdxi aud colds, at cay Drug
Price 60 cents and al.tli
Watchmaker and Optician
H3xm.s, Oxegrcra.
A...J.J Im beat work as a Compstll
. . mmmmmmmtmmmm - - mmmmmm
reiotT w. st otUMCI. vies
a cowocn, cseants
first national Ban!
A General Banking Bit si tie Transrectal
AitCNrCAM I'l an
hire-Proof, nooern. t:iivai
Rates $j.oo and fa 50 per day.
All Outside Rooms Near l)e
This oHMlern new Intel waa tardy rocrntly oprne.'
piihlu II miry t'ounlv people will bo alv.i)a
.iml oiliti'iiualy i iieil (or A lit l laaa bar in 11
1 l .
Napton Su Boyd
Real Estate. lines aid liiiBg.
ll. r,
1 liiUrm ogtee New Wlksso eVtoh.
TKIHCtl iMiNtnAN, I'ropmeioro.
Bums, - Oregon.
aJtvCflLJce T3a.l XI tAq.3xt
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Ti
Club Rooms In Connection..
succinoa ro.wuoM a aanroo
Main St.,
HldiUmi.h-.nt: and
Wagon Wei
Burns, Oj
atfaaoH A3
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HE itoii
Ovor Boo I lor
BoOWtlful HrrM,, Llel a
Dsasione. B OlroMaOSW.
oaaMioruat. ouoa
-IW Cta I
Ta aataaa
.a The Finest oi All .
Nr tetf Mi at;
Hotel Burns B.
A 3nts, Burns, One.
goTHolhol d Broo., I'l.lributejs, forliao.l, Uregg