T rT J i Carrol Ooil and mi Hnm-r were S-JMlU.'.nlh city last Htindny. .rartt ha creamery mB I L . 1 t.f) tilAM " ine no.'i v -inM.1 i?wi-. 14 Born To Or. and Mr. V (M Rrown last Sunday, wn Adam (teoift i now ready to take order for spring delivery of nursery stork. Mr and Mrs I W H owner have been to enest of Assessor Lnggan MMwMMs winter end wife a is.rlion of tbe week r iatioh or IniTHiarouwTT. ' K I !. Nev l' rntf . STATEMENT OP TMH CONDITION f tit First National Bank BURNS, OREGON At the Closa wf BmsIw.s November nth. . Are vou aware that Brown's are ., 1 H desert land loca- direct dialers in coffee , You are B '!,,! Lining quality when you purchaee L .1 ;, . .;.; Teas and Coffee' at Brown's !! Nggggggggf' h. eek. J. M. luoii, representing MM ,, j ladter Bros., waa Uking orders MJ, H lll 1 1 rw-v""i Ms' T Smith llig ball given l It quite a am Cash Bond Bonds and Secoriti J Premium on V S Bond. Real Relate. Furniture and Fixture Redemption Fund Loan and MmMMM site! I I rrwik W instltni will he I next Saturday, Bt. For among the merchants of thi cit Wednesday and Th nrd ay rn Iac irohman ha completed the taking of MM in the land conteel and ha taken hi departure for San Francisco Caldwell ha again opened it. Wimlenr Bar to the nublic "i"l rvlW IVnnsils 80,000.00, Circulation I ndivided Profits MlV MjrflM Capital MW oo IJSOlOO 114.02&.M uo&uo . . . L ptk rlook the Clothing ShIi Hmwt t i i iirm Spring, h day id -pent a I am.u. Milk ji Mkawg. mot i Th most fnninu lrtVe In. I in Hie i ti.l ure Pr King'- Ni iMV.W" i .,, When livei and howele m a strike. tK. qoh klj - aide, and the purifying - ;nht on. Il'l cute 1 MipttioM, heudache anil di?r.m.-- titv Priig Si :?tt;.218.27 THe 8ATIBPAOTORY 8TOHEI . i .1 - Tl....'. n..ll.jn., Knuranar cmlll i, is in s v iv, neveryiniim aiways. i im uvwhV ww., .onmi Wn in tliis store bill what carries our nhtmp of ;.itisfction with It ntina ,,nr i.n:irantpp for thp riHhinrss of roods, but for the tint- IH'l I V Ji- ni"i va p, ...-..--- - - --Mr- tlim ur pflctl W: count this guarantee of ahsolute atltfacti-n m t b k ts II the hasls of our succw. The Largest stock of general Merchandise and doing the Biggest Business in Harney County. EVERYTHING TO EAT, WEAR"AND USE TXT "WMja-t TTovlx S-u.Mln.eeQ. Trade uuith us end ask for our Tnodinq Stomps. I DEPOSITS: January 29th, 1906 43.34"4 Nov uth, 1906. - - $24.43-5 UNI1ED STATES D POITARY M MMMMH oiit I rOM im ILICATIOI Ituturirk Batternaat l.unalntrg gt' me innor nar w uir iunii .-1 ....,.., . Barmetit ofever jnvj,,. nj, 1H time- patron and and DMMlV " v friend to call. Irfi l-er .". c. nt K), sn(1 u,0 Buchanan and Ceo A Arnold and wife p-nt 1 mle are in the cil . -pent a li wek the ThiiVa0iviic her with hi on Hi"l fiiend. Bn, ,U,ight. r who ar staying with .;,, 1 IH I MM nd at Hgtweek soffering . mini. I Sh- .- ISM in- Aimtn ..lnian' woxdaawi V1 still In commiseinn ai d will make tli lioKeMmd tla l-oggan ' your wood M l"'k like W cent 111 ,lAtD train 1 -' " a h"rt lime Heal0 ha a g'od Mr. lMMnide application -upply of rolled l.arley for ale 1 'rnt ' ' Jaaper Dati and wife were down k.;R..-Hr. from tliir homenear Harney Mon uipU Hatww. ' ' day Mr Dari was here as a wit- - in the land suit f the I . I.. n Mm MMMf Valley In.- proven.' 1 '4V 'n '" M It ward. one of the pr tu I' who lis. t.re. ,n,t .(,., kinen I kjMt ofltiei ktrli troiililn for ii,,.,.v .. nun, MM in the ciu I ' 1 l,,.t Mo ilsv attenumg to aoial lit i-t week. ii u.mI'. r- i.. .king after nth Li. b ni that plM I. unci: giKtn of all kind at the T.iiay Corner Store." I S Qravea was up from his home near Lawen Tuesday. lir W C. Brown. lenlit. I In lti near Itnnr lillildinB lolllh if -i OfM. MMMstl ' now prepared to do all kind of plating. Se hi card mi tli li'l page. N wl In lh penitenliarj 1 - l. is ia is4r gaye him hatevar It ,11 111 D tj waa qiitlo and adoid t' gap I ung in tin I .1 IVm. jpvi. iwal are ling La.t. of the cnuie 1 1 LMai- that Id . all Stage Agent ...i nlwrg arrived heme U-t evening fr 'in a trip (taker and Intermediate pillite. Kemp Ha'distv wa among nu T.n -i)i He 1. turned to ,,,. 1; home imme. liatelx M l as Wi:-ni li V i her fall an. I a inter ihiiii!' 1 tinting The Time-!!' Haled hav at the Citv M- ,1 Mat Ml 1 Orange, lemon and citron p Schwann I'lentv of Klatoe l the City Meat Market. Brad Mom i here under the car of a phyaician surTennf MM a ha.l Iv sprained leg 1k Out at the safety Ii n l.ator. now it rune without I ... V 1 Smith shout it. 4 ... hi The electric ligl.la NN llaln in Oreaoa. v r. 1 Mill. 1 i-tii; PUBLICATION -tftflf 1p;"-UUmmmmm- wol ijf BURNS ORE,!. ON. The Satisfactory Store. r at Citni I Mjniii PUBLICATION 1 Ml' HvrtiB. nir . NorvmtM-i rOR li turned 01. laat night I aatisfsclion ..I th- patrona Concern. id. id. p.rl, nr, .,..,. ( . .. k It. well MMtpil (rain from tre..a.aii.g upon m tt me 1 1a1.cn farm MTU M Hum,. I -hall pro- ai.. ll I" .rut-any ers..n fi.und MMMMMJI da. (Jr.. kaJklM. ) J Hiii'fM t tin Burn Meat m Uew.rd-The MM Ml. Rap-1 M.rk- -WMJ bMl MTra: MMM4I I " i yoong mat. wart tad We hlU aud for III street ai of the vim removed "trap and iirmiertv frntu one of tin .... I...M .... 1 1.,- ti.'t.iritain . ,. .,- the name of N Skating prtie. are iM m.i.r h.r. .ther tl.e .lax . tmmmwmf ..,.-.... M.t.t 1 hr .nah the Ice on t tie rtvei i " rUTuiotM ' W,"",,' "? ' . il and a tune uoua i" niaur m mr t . ... . fair ground all this .mnger win w .I.... a'aV tar 1 1 tl ol,M-k H . Ly The contract- As a r. -nit of a time wltli Hie Lb VI " " "' "'"V "' MMl M ,. 'Ut of tl.e mouth of an , old inoffensive Dutchman, ar' Welker ha spent the pt I the n.Ulltt J Hi "' ,i. fault of I".' i""' al I, Justice Davis pr.- -r I .ppM. at tin Mil erltad Stoci . , rl .l.nng tern. -ourl A part " "' U' . .r.i..l ' i-m-m TM .rr ..f,l the l.al.nce .lariiad la ' John Car . rtgaf liii 1 1 'i iarltoit ,,..- t - h-araals for tin pi of "A- ; in Japan' I y IM I Ik. are prograMiug MM aati.l . h..r ull wool horse hist kete. all it.. .I sail. He hlankels. all wool Img gv rohes, gn to I C. Well - 1 1 you In. out of teWS), " I nve . I. ...king-Hi-Mail D. jmtiiii. nl M LmI M. Ilruwn ' liar- Hank Hum Ora. John I'arker, one of nut lockout! tad r:i:u'h-r-. has dirpur ed of his stock and liav and all make Ml 1st ,.!. in Un- citv line winter. Mesdauiee Ueed V J0I1 ..1 1 liave a. II.. I .nine nioe holiday good to millinery .lock. Call an I 1 the novelties and doll. ii.i.i, a a I .. IDMIXHrTM li s"l" 1 rr.lo gtVSW llial Hie ' .-.I l.s barn S.- 1 .' Ik) Hm ' ' "" ,.( Mat. ' '' -laie..l , . I 111..I lia il-l Ml -. M .lalsaa I IMMi n. mi' t ni regular l.laiv ! l.ii i". in "' I .iiegnn, HlU. ii..-. I ei ami lulv Mlll 1 an oil. Iiom the lateolllila t.bar IWH. , . 1 'III I I It. v lii.int.lrator LIQCOU 1 l. ' n I n ini.iv LIVERV, FEED AND SALE McGEE 8l SMITH, Propts. Wa look charge of, thl harn M Mar I and have .M nipped li entirely wlih new tig and fresh, well gaiied Items t - a position to accommodate the puhlic n .very particular with eeoifortahla conveyanoaa and spirited teams The Rati FroM ntrally locaied and convenient lo the leadms I tM cily All stock lft in our cars rerwtree our personal a Hows InuinltMl by the luy. wek or month n. n... aiiaWsktaii I legal votart d i.H.'i i'i: Li KS 1 BTITION. , i,i-,...,i n ,,,,.. .,,,1. -ui- ned legal votars ol c.,,,,,1, I ..ml . .tv.KUta tat-.il ,, M t" I ' 1,1 aell -i nilii. mi.. Mall sn.l 1 . ,, I 1 1 ii--f In I" ..ialillll tlian . i..C I III Baikal in I'-"'''" MM Ha. nev .1 " - . 1. 1 , man an. 1 tiiinii u.i. , ,ii .'. .iiwi. . .... .. ...(......li la lea MMlltiea than 11a . rar. Qragnii. ! it.-' pray a. hi I .11 l ini.l ' aill Naiat- Wiih a Check H.M.k of the list . u County Bank 111 irai.dma Hsvea is again at the tour ymi always have the right ohaage loon M Brown Carl.n 1 N . ,11 -. l K II 1 i 'ni . li U 1 m puokei , lffl, a, 1 1, it... 1. 1. 1 aIH. I.I .. II Ki.laeil rlau .1111 Mi ivern Jonas S s 1 1 1. 1,1 Jnauulne Ih.oIiw. rer Uollinca are over from Mlfti srt) arwak having come in to six 1 Tbankrgiving with then wives. Manr R. J Williatua and Oil- ...I arra. will i.e forlhcotning m a few daj ly rr n'l tbat ui.i- II ki.ii receiving Uu.. off - una lira B L. Hherwin. i.rand T -t "' th Man. n of t!i 'I ', arrived v inlLiscity laat Sunday ai M..,.d.t . ..tt,.,.lly triaitwd Chapter She w.tnea-d .iatiou of a candidal and " . j ..:.. ,... .1. 1. .. . .-.. .,,0-1 siicimim many goa un.- .... ...- ,ltl,r h.DtH order Afler the regular MMMI l -l,e I.Mge a han-tuet wa i.t' , !...... f li.r ilauehter. Mra. W Hill after spending a short lime with her sjii near l.aaen 0 ',kins is in tin markal for all vour I, 1 hair and coy ote .km Hi aants ail of ihem and will pay good price. I'romptne.e. Courteey ami tare- '., nlioti lo the watita of our ia tba aaUhliehed p-.li. of il.e Wax. kf Kai.k MM , I..-.I. M Brown Ca.ln N,, -. ttlrra all over this valle have legun yelling their laud In .l.aiK- for earlv seading aud plant ing Many nea iiooies have goue M KlUCerald I. fi this up in tlie past few weeks and MM for 1'ortlai.d and .tl.r p.inU. Hi are l.uiUlug ' accompanied !y bit l. n saa. 1..1 1. . a and lhe will be placed in - .invir dowaii jf the local land . , 1. . while Mr. Kllitjerald will tak' OCOO wi ave tomorrow for Fort- """ " . ' . . wife lo Waa itngton lo .N-nd lln .. .1 II.. .WIbBeIB III laaa HIMTIIl 1 atlltl D vaeva moal of the uioiilh and will spend - IM-Ieultsugli l i iK'lelllMilgli II..I.0I IhHin nlo 1 tank A.lrlan RaMrl lillliam I Mnllii.U ale IMIelllMllgl. S II MMMI I 1 I'uterssaa Oscar Swain, Irr. (lark and Ml of ihe Tipton l."a 1 une up A LMMlTlMMMf to spend Thsnk giving with relatives I- 1 . a lot of l.a.l.e. and I 1. 11. Underwear and slocking Ml. Ha.lie e Al.o son 1,. a hat., Irani.., learners, Call and see Ibeiu I rank I. kkHiBrann .1 I ill.ua 1 .1 int. bjm Mm . ' . 1 iil.i. 1 1 M I ' " li... . r . . , ..,.,. i .i II 1I0.I..11 M '"l" " osmbsr. IM, I . I., in -..- ' going a XS 1 lUiaas lv Reserved for th- M. M.CO E. A. Fraser. Manager. Ontario, ( fregon. (i.rl.liusa Willi hi daughter. Mie McKinney, ai iVndlelun A letter from Portland stale Jll '"I yU tn . ralaM mi mm M .- -.'.erwin wa a guest at ainur with her father and her Hi trs. I'ln many frien.la of Mr- ,ai. are laMwl pleased n learn of the complete recovery ! her health 1 line. -Herald an! mak. Diewsev M rcantile DMF.fXISBV, OREGON General Merchandise Complete stock of Boot , 8hoei, Drv Goods, Blankets, ttO. Hardware, inwiifo. Groceries. Civ us u call- THE CASH STORE. ...aaaessaeeaeesaeesessss "HI !' ' ssssssssssssssesasssssses ...lii I aiiil .. 1 it, I., tiMriiMiii iiioiit.i 11. Mm way -' t.a.i lias im ii iii.j af-11. .11 r aii'i - " M the hr.de I... M-r-.U me during her stay ... - .ulsscriptiu... and ha. arr.ng. u ,1. .1 m iiv She left Wednesday r -" -"" -., u Willi .Tir. ai.u . - --. " -... . pa-' several ye-r. rnvnn and other point TOE HONOR OF YOUR Presence is Requested at "The Busv Corner Store" K. J ... - If vou an I. .1 a cuaion 1'he Holiday oods are now i I . 1 it 4..,- t'aahlei Harn- , ' !S..i.k fxhilMion throughout the store. 0ff.g to giv. Kepul. lie free lo 4.1 aTM pay up aireur. and oik tear in nlv. II,. I ... II. flit A I dMM era ah', pay in advauoe will also receive thl great nal.oi, il aaini--..Ll. .a.iuii and fainlh "''; ..." - 1 MMMMI " aM I "iU'1 Si The two naiM-re on year for 'i w Our lung esiahliehed leputalion for .hi month onl f .r prompt and ssti.tactory sery.ee V . V ... .1 - The good people of Hurt.. W USa IIIUID.KU ur iiuuj.. 1 "i y..v..w 1 , called upon U coutrit.. "' ,,e of our '.jsineas -","',J ,: ... M Un ' rMaMMMj Krown "'" " '"""" '""" ., . iirueiit-ri. I I.' 11 r i .. turning home. Joe Sturtevani 1. again at home itlrr ee. ral e. k.' atav at the Hot Lake in I'nioi. county wh. ' . lit .,1 In. health He i. c-oueiderably improved aud hopes (or a speedy recovery frotn bl ailment t-nt I CO TO THE CITY MEAT MARKET for Clean, Wholesome Meats VEAU, BEfcF. P0K ND rrtUTTON Pickles, Cheese, Chucjuehoui, Ohves Onions, Conned Goods ALL KINDS Of STAW. AND FANCY CiKOCtklliS ,,M : : 1 I JM AM s teg.gMbitd -LSTH ' vH C StvW. ikaawfwm. and paaWt nt in Y 11 VW vary Mrwaaai. I H Don'l pay kar a sail of out cluAaa M BH imU you are oertVdy isnsksd J B S M qAkloMaaBa.our$lli H J k x 1 I i II arm Bl (MjMj V BJH CARL JOSEPH ft 1 I it & company mm L MwrcUat TaJbra, Ckicngo M oaOrMS TAKKN AMD uBgVgVgfiHHEaMMMMl Acplu, Ci'etnber'r'Haj, f'otta, Stilt Pmh, Soap CALL AND 8EE GOODS. ..omp ,ities ; lann i- -- ,i . Mr. k. J N-iwell la up I. . m her n-ir 'ii-sdit-Mii"n wi ... - ,,, to lu4.. iid luxuries usefuls and or-;;:;:-jr ;--- and nave Mf Pr tals, ann what not that go to nake iristmas more enjoyable .t)(ulan(l vour menus. I he . .ail if 4 L iish BaJrchase or not. In thi connection, too. paring for lite VII Mrs. h J ' li o.'Ker are own hone at Kennedy Mr at beei'oll and literal, y as liny al- ti j I Une case was a 'rr fauiily tii.t had juatootne In ami She .. ,. .... . , .,, sin. on ineir a luriun i .. ... - . I Tuner Hi I "' lid I of u r I - M i .. A. E. YOUNG. SAMPLES HAWKY. KKNWl('KJArKS()N. DRY ttOOUS, FlINISHlNiS, SHOF.S, MATS AND UPS Fruit. Vegetables, Soft Drinks. Confec tionery, Clears and Tobacco. mttin -. SuMMs. 0f9oa. a a Bucks for Sale. I Burns Flouring Mill ..i ..i 'i'i ,,,.1.1,. ..i w,..i.,..i Kim i. Mi. n and tl.. li luuda nr nroviaioua ao nlacnl ail lt urouerlv handled. I I M '"watioolli i,r Will be a!l" I Wkiat .ullicieul Mui u, i,i mu of big hearu.i ii V ' J. t -. t . . hail : i -t- it la infi i net nu a f.ruial invitat.ot. to you to , lien. ;.nci is oftcf a- ou iiKf, wn ntrr you and sill likely uiake fcedlliK nsOMgftfS froUl HOW M TBfUM'AHftlKti i i. ... . I,.,. ,i i,l 'rii(iinuulili..i Kfurtt-nd l rvil I ohout I M -TOOl- -A-XTID MVTTOIT. K mi- i ..il xi. Ilnl all on 01 ...Kli. .y given that horn a . . . :. u kuit.r ..- i.n ii nnv .mil i.ru,i nouie ueouie are ore- e .. .. t. .! ia. ...a... ... il.ia arinler lo be more sev liof and ehoirtlng Uon H- p..rChBtma-KiU-nowtnn wiiu..u..ta. w. - . - - - a rowti- 4rr dennr and our tore sti viw 18 trlMl to k . ve 8lotk Co , ,lr,clly W. D- HUFFMAN, Andrews, Oregon. itmojt .SCHWARTZ. nothing lu lear To he sure there ia , An jKirBoi. or per .n- tooi.U l.unl- not un .ver nl.undance of hay, hul j ing .'Sing will be proaecuUd isuftjcieni lo carry tb slock through to the full extent of the law. .n. ..... . u- i ii., i unite 11 la an exceptionally ian- a- ispriog. Hai.ob Manager Tlxo Oregon Hotel All I Mui.jgir n mttaM tU i.iforu room! r'uug iuvtt bl friend to .top alto bin wbeu lu , ,,, rUM well lurul.l.wJ Mi it . JOB TUnTBVANT, Brop. MODERN 80' I B MILL PROCESS IS USED Fully ju i !( '" ' " '.' HUftcivHt cixi t'fdV o ti rail tun of ' j FLOUR, ROLLED BARLEY, CROP, AND All UlmAm mi Bill IWgJ alaVSVS AS MUti I ME VbMi BIURET MARIE I flUE rAli m iWMI iiUw WMKAT .J a I CUSTOM WORK DONE Good Seed Wheat for Sale