tl tl rite Cim.e-Wernlh 'ix ial Paper o(stlar . ! e luf-" circulation ami i ne t advertt. nc in. . j i n m in Ka.tei n : a 'nt be mimtMtMk Cf reat. Warn Cattntra Cover an are of a,4M,MCK iwm of land, ,78B,!WB acre jet tenant tabjeet to antrr nwler th pril.lir land lawn of the trilled Hialee. .URNS HAKNKY COUNTY. RKi,oN, DKCKMHBR t, ig 1 'WBfj ' lliWI B ' "fl MMT of l.on-ria ht kaea found to be th cau.e ami to ream it thev are tri be circulation the kind Tat Rclt. Hart Bee arl . r let nf fluid lliHi will arrant the ravaire Paci at aa Sewe of Mn HHHB TAL SHRVICE 'eno - to the matter of STATE linman di.ea.r-, r'n: Ar.t Radlaf, the IM of the deeay. In the in i Hi income in un- ei.noea mating to truu treee a in B' Alt). hiiinaii ailment, a rertain i aver.aitat aaa Seer hie ty Hall aaa Warn i.';l from Vh- Sam wili B lurn over to a Bli' mw The joint Hgre-- lovaatifa. IM inmri hi, a hirh h New York, UNO SALES PER CENT DECRF4.5E OH IN(i IMS AND IBM rRElAKINU FOR IM I I NSI II lnl IHSM U TO APPEAR IN THE LAM) I RAID TRIAL. Prclo.t Parxaatri. RUSSIAN BARLEY FOR MY I AND Sale, of Male land during ! vaar nf IfOB and 1906 amounts I Thel'ickeu.nt.i ,N D ll'reaaaay. ;onlv . area, or about 1 1 per a leading of nt aa much aa in the prece.ling LESS ' oauallv a aafa di.iane. lav LB v atick of dvnamita wl ' Ml tea aought to thaw out. Sudden ly, while Mr Hatea wan gi thing ready, the eiploelon rame and man, bonae, Move and grub went living in every direction Mr. Vim rushed lo hia hi ipttU llir Car la at talltd Decrwlwr .ilanot. and found bun inaelioal AialaM sui.r. Haark. .. W unhurt. Birth nun returned l.t 7.Hn aad Hill. .1 C l'lr . farawrli farmer in IBM RMMMH Callalin val- j,, w.Hr ,. ,. , aggregat ion tr the paat two yeara en- ,, oy 4:;;;iM1 ,,. Tnj, d. paged in dr land farming, ha. . j,,. u.,,,,,1 , ... icreaaeof ner: '.K),r cent la due 'leinowOBNRBB neynnd a pflBBMBI doiilu that a new. no,!, haa let. ,l" ', l-eaMBture .opened lo ih. dn land farmer. " raiainc H- l",, . fl.SA . .evening to Maker. Mr. Bales tbia afternoon war on the .treet. gelling .' ! ailb one crutch 10 aeel battered lega. lo today, and During . ih- Bast two yearn Mr. -'" lr are. hut BM iM HI MO, Dawea hn iimiilflid ! WBJJM '"M '" "" ,''n,, M of Ruaian l.arlev nrmluc- "njr1 ,n ""ginntng prn-e,.,iion ,.. on tbc Meppe Minliee with a aubatautial Ur.ln I i' n8er h th.i: i . ,.ii who ' man t a PBB W ii ! HI on the ateimee of "I" '-ulatora who were purcha.n.g !;,i-aia. This grain diflern BMBf ""' "' violation of law. il bualneea hat from native grain. The bead ' ,"' " receipt ia not BB i. at of wheal while the a' """'ver. I night kern, 1 bJ l BMM a reaemblance lo U"H 'r,,r '" " '" ,nr" ol.ject- I" tbeaame cr.a! M bualieU of '" ,m.oi. fr,,, have l..n w,n.(1. train can In- '""""" Tl.- I.lii! r..Tipi. f r k ii. one i.ire t.f -Im BMM. I-i-I "" '" ' '""- " I'- The ir.,,, Hill lW' U:.-..N!SWI. a. compared in about '.Kidava. thti- it in p,a.l.le ""' ' for the pi bvearlv ai aeold ibr .,.i. r The great derreaae In mak. . u.etli i ; iii nt lig baia ORTOON ItOFSNT OWE A SINOLF CENT. The operatiooa of the Mate treaa urer during the period from (I I, l"i', o Saptembi ahnwn b the laat 1'iennuil iii',1 i, MhI Ireaaut.T aWl that tlo any kind, ann a naianre of raeii n hand of NUJ40.W, aa againM ;i i.:. H. .. vll;.ll-- litre, covering I2K page, and gives the condition!" in each luud. ac the Telegram. In the editorial Treaaurer ReBBN pai in pari "The linancial adaire nt IBa ate in uioat eiceiieni ierhapa lietter than at any oilxr mtioiI in the elate natnr. il t being tine ab liitt-l no dept of am mih.Tii.g mil of late July and Auk from ibe ditninu , jj,,, ,,,.. i,pl gauire haung u-t Tb.. year Mr Haweaaeede mil ! apparent in llie hlf grnuod .. April I". and Julx 1 ,-(.., d-f-r- the reaimra were ruining. Kuaai.n r. .1 .-.-u.i i... i.t- .t tirevioua aalee barley can l threahed and ueed a Coniiai.y aa prrciaely a- ' I in whirl. Mr Dm will Have h I and there will be liiil- n. nei I- i. i-aldi made dur i. j. I ".i i . iiml I'1 .rly all lliB.I. l,r,iV,hl,il, l.,r I I,.. Id, ...m.I ..I w-w ft .' - (r.i ,,., t. ,'Nllliril' '"I outaiaiiiliiig "wainp land warrama of over IflU.UOO, which have i lildge A, M Hennett, of I h- arrived In PbHIrbbJ fr fewdiiv- -i. i-i.rdav, and while I., re will gather up the tag en. In of the In nee w blob will b- .1 in the .'ininn )eeemler -, when W V I II Hi ...In, !, I larencf 4aeerv, .l.hi. Ii. Hal) and Kdwui V ill I,., railed upon to face lerl tribunal on the charge ol illeiralU fencins in (loverninenl no atate del. I ol Ian. I in hi i ...,l . near il. Ju4m Bennett dnnMBBBB land fraud caaee with a inn Ii iithu ain I lew M if he bad on the loeinf aide in a ,.f easet where n cllenlK a- HOW involuntary gueala of In i I, Sam nt thai famotia Winter and IMBWMI renoi', Mi'Neill' l-lm.,1 "I iiuderaland, ' remarked Judge II no. ii. n oin-li ilantl , al the I'.-r- kin" II. til laat night, "(hat theae H) lie rall.-d on IWeinlier I Inn'l know that to be an ah- aolnie Ui'l loll I have been acini- tuted the only inlere, bearing ,1. 1.i for aome yeara. The warrai.i all fund' have iieen paid i to rely Bo Mr.ii.glv upon the 'infallibility of newspaper in keep ing tin ptil. In informed on em b !..) I I....- ....... ...! ! .. , i limn , r,i,, il HP i none having been l.,dor..,l If...,...,,,.. ,.. ... , 111 -nlliT-flll Mil I, It" ent a bontri ol ,,. mt,.Ir,tr( B,i mtlc, he haa '' !-'" '' "" ' r nuiiiot'). in .i .... ,i t ...i . inatai imeru nan. ine mirrnaeir . r. .... t i . , - lir-llioil!! Hl'-U IIP Pll'1Taflll I. IP " l'.'. .'! tfftllk III IIJIIIIP. l . . Ir.ala mIhiII u . it. I.. tl,... ,.l. .i ii, .. .i Uki.u I lira i.i f .in . .ir. l.i n.iiki .1 .. , nir imii nk- 01 i.naeian grain in tue - if pi .naineur nave (ail. anil mlr.m ( .. iatl. am' : '"I B ,d all Male tux.- d.n lb .. . ., .,1 e ! .1. of U ' '" "-- 10 1 In (llW . (ir., ,.,f ,,f ,,i. : 11 th- .Main. , " U"- ''l ,w" tax. log lo 1 ... run. .1 - ..f il . "' '' ; P lr all !.ilf.. The atraw la lend. . - .1.1. Inil in the i ...himl, Agr,. ultural C . . al il read 1 have Opening The Publn llnmain ule and I . I III! re Wire i- I i-tTtifii-alee wf ale I'uring 1906-06 I only '2M . i '.,7 'ie4 The I I at aWaHr4' pr.ii. I, I -. Inn. In are mm Ion. mortffagea and and inleri m on thai e in., kj will pid up. Ill' ri Bailee, but delinquent. Hut f, niori l.nie ' oaed, and lb, ha- BMOtred ii" biriii on ae, i Malbe.' load land f ,). ,,. ( ,,,-- A report la ool bore, that a g .n g i. oti.-ee an. unl now due on ontitandiug men in , n . ilmt ibev muni re- Ke'.Jl .' T'i or mlv alioul ball the i all fenoBB oocloeing portionn amount due two eara ago ne public- domain m they a ill! Tbeee Ag oree are g. uned from i i nled. Beveral of thin rwoieJ reiort Sute raw ir. uatnaaw td tr wwaeait raaml l.-ralle areaa eneloeed, .. i haa been gir- braeka il tbia i BrBt we have heard of it Iwirg done -el-linn id the oouotry. In '"'t furgenea, it haa leen the coa rta who on tbia county we Itelieva there baa I lorn of the board by majorii Land H I alao re- !'! Mm made I gent Weal nod Bay a that v. aale were laeued to genuine iiereoue and up .1. tt.p'iiatioiia ilia' The t.i.lea.b in lhe on,, eeoooi lumi i f l.l.i'.. 1. lit), coil amting of chkIi, morlgagi , loon, water ami .h.iriet BWBjwo, who ' an mcreaae of Ii in il.. iniiil aaaoool of fuoda In ti. jut M e have in all the former I really can't mv what ..ur deftMS will ! V.i'i Bee I am b., laird Willi oll.ei all it we have filing l lolllil- nil. "Wl i, lb. eth , ' of th. Iandfraud ra alrendi il th. judge waa al I ' Potting a Ini men i I th.- bei - i d with . r "The laml-lr iud d fei.tlaii'- Iiiiv, not had ii fair ml , a ,li-i ii.-i o ol ,ii, . bill I he) haven I bad a leal I linn.! on thai Hut, ini baa beoooae Mi rRE8PA8tflNG il nnlliig i fiirbi.idvn ern a Biuall amount of thi ena aaaaabei . .v.r,.i i baajbar- nina iatamel Bppoi '-al for ti. and that oni lia.iitiiiK- i t f ,lrl i.iri Augu- ui tier bad eneloeed aiuall lou.Hei. rtihcatea, 1.1WW, waar -alula th. areaa adjoining li.- net, home. an. Boalat on , .,,( .,,i,., Auguat I Mage --uuiUr order in aould whJOw iBtdtafent waa found aaiiil j-aa. mi .. i . ,... i i -r f-BjjBJjWfJJpKv i. uo turn-a .jt ik hurdMiip nv. r r J " oreaae .,1 - rtaa under I' uggel Board further rvcilea the rUOBfje. It I. lion the An Qaajral .e MB that enere cerilicatea of aale are o HWby raoBi " 9y " MeaJlag' BM fraud the holder are ' ppineae came into the entuled lo repavmenl, but ein.e innuait. ,e biard ba. no au'hor,i of law landau! t Si tJM '" rr'"N "ll'l,"udl ",i:uu"lu"" . reatnr- ,l '' '' 'B'-' ed from th. dreadful complaint he '"lure pa., a-, ait the Mv little u'r, l" '-l'"v IwXI .eport lay tor bud Bt. Viiu- ! ! Mm only juat lo tod .la no treaiue I... bav Ihwiu .o un- until m a tool fi""'e a. lo purcheee the -u Bitter.; and ' tr' "J '11 "- u ' o the ale will have the .1 ill It, Inn I liel liiallli HIM, down department, and an mere... . , Y .,lngt.u. I h.venl heard a thing about thai mailer for 1 1 in ami I bad luppueed rigbl tlollg lb. I ll - to be tried Mllr are inter- ii nil,- of lb tl caae. Iheiu I leally aleli ,.e llt the m.lter gi .mil. .mount iiive.ted in url murlKaKe loan, and M-hc.i., i i. ,. .- u... aajfe ,.. hand ha dei rea.ed The ann, oni of the ooataaa aabctil I ...i 1'aker aya '. I the I i "liiiure put n . .r. , he Will give tat ill arrive (nr tim,v n - p ' nei . nioiiib iii I two are already vn hand l'e and I - b .v i n or- -iil will bring the lot il ,.,..i ,,o to Ketwoen I'J.iHk) ami 114,000. I be nee ina.'hinerv Willi 14, en thai i turn 'out the I eg I r g on ' iii. m . Ir i , Baker, plant a n .tailed by bin. In IBM?, and atag ued b Inm eight yeara W i. I I aadt .uooead ed Baker . Slate I", nl. r in I Sl5 he dw , ' ... It .liar aa coot- pen.) in of Ihe net profile si th Mae, aeoefdlng in Baaet - . Wh? I Slute I'rlnt.-r in 1 HKt u.eil the plant f ir th la.l fniir ear.. iiaMiig Biker a lental nf !' a month Baker aa. that b de.irea lo ih" pBMI la Ihe -tale, but ill, I on lea. the .tale will put the 1 - .l. il will ba of no tiae lo the Male. Mnce the gift nould oalj in, rea.e the einolu- I MM . Miller. lin.iirMiri Harata. hi. g.H.'l n-i ntoiial notion or fact thai H . Iliilah, a native Arab brought .v. i hi II, oner I'av I lo tend hi. Arabian hofaea, ea taken ml., the New i ..rk bor.e ,. M'.iIii.iii S.jtMre liarden !a hen be aw lb. b.r ae. i he brawl "Il li ! . e'nt.g, W here i. -I, li glorj ' ! their iii ' When ii . eipl.iueil in III in that ihe tall, a I BB tile thought II I III i :iearaiiee. Sand Abdullah mull-i'-ii a praver lo Al lah and en. I "i I. i,t ... I I,, tall, the I ,'. (lie bead' Thev are all ih i lake one of" All... getb. r be dol mil iii nk much of i but when hi' attention waa .ailed hi the III. li II. th I i lae-(l hi- hand, and '(plained "Ah' lb I BTB tl." Imurl. nl paradlae, Thr u. " Alter ail, what I. the hor.e .how for f Son. .lb Id I Ma-- ) lUplihliean i4ic-, y Howano aiaagi. ewieiaeNT w. n arawct. vicr e n. a eewoiN, ctt.u y t y w y. J ir$i national Bank CALDWELL, IDAHO A (iciicral linnklnu; Htininca Tranaacted COBIBK3PONDFNCR INVITED " BJ JL raaapoiu'.i -1. Au.ocice.ti i :i ilu- rujuii to .,e goeri.- 'Naratf Nocr Agala Ckcap . laaera ail' I II C l.r-VKBB fll.g BV. tbr. aura land, a c.uieiderable ixirtioii ol - Bithii, y ereated .e.knee,. i.a-i.n, Ore fan. cwi and malaria. ' ' ""'' ' the Ktate a. (..... ra. , lee J by I u Drug Stoi ed of at 7 bt) pel ., bark go to - loli- BtATS I Ml kltURU i-.W NfejB the i oof of hi. ' ' ' u be lb.- fearful I Y ANTED Agent, liuatier- HaU-.uieii, rierk. and ..lit. to el.jii) a gi.el bean, laugh to - i . i I ip. i, Agent. " Worth BIO to an .on who Belli. go-Hi. for a living If i.oi aattsiaalory our uaoaay b.ek r.riiWr I ,r -!i,iii, lr Winn tur ill. A Year ol Blood I (BOB Bill l, Tak'. of Aliianoe, K).. a. I I I '..,-!, Il IB. ' t' lung - I Cbartai A H.H -f PawdUtaa, in the ril with a carload of due il. work hi -I driving boir, - which In from Dm gun In diapOH of Among ih.ui m -tliorougbbreij .lallloi a and alao a lOalUat driving lean.. Mr Hill ba. baaa de.iing bj i.w r I it a great iiimo )e.r. He re in, i. who. hi Bjbt ' ' N 10 l ay. ijtlav tb.t aniuial. .-I that nringiiig .'i4) in the market. 11 aaaa will never l a. cheap . ! . years ... I III M'U ' Af ' u. alter will n Ihe future I will I I he 'b-oiiol 'a giead r i,n w thai, il . ting II re. V.k.- Jnh printing--TIm- I 1 1, raid F. E. BRAMLETT, MIWK tUHMIUllh aMJM1I2 Rata la Btatr. ' plating labl.' n.i Hun... in IkcLaat Stor RE8TAURANT i nrieter. Rata an, I II htrwU. MBAU8 AT Aub HOUR Bakery in aunnaation. A Spuuillj l Skatl wrlem. d with . w i (hi. k tl.emaki BaBBfwa Your patron THE CARTER HOUSE AflCRrCAet PLAN ONTARIO, OREOON. Fire-Proof. Modern, lilnant. Rates Sj.oo and $2 50 per day. All Outside Rooms Near Depot I In modern new I old waa only recently opened to the public. Harney County people will lie alwajra wekome and 1111111', iu ly cared (or A lir.i i la. !.,. m i minectKio. LIVERY BARN IN OONNECTION. W HoermM Stem. Dae i ... Hnva I Napton Sl Boyd I I Real Estate. lines aad Mining. i ' Uetartoowtoa: New Wlleaa Rrtak. .' THE CAPITAL SALOON, TRIHCH A IK)NKI,AN. Proprietor. Burns, - Oregon. Wines Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. CHA8. WILSON. awectaaoa re.emeoe eaeetoa 13 14' ILJBM . m . a . """" """' u ' " : "' "I " 1 frig HI luruiifth .... aa oa . . ' "-' ' " ' I- uai. Mit jiiliurl. u.,il ... d. I aaa Wawu p-loe by , Far bom it' th. . xino.-ii u. No a w.ii reaiaiued lime h. nroven i, . n -in- Hoi ib-et . i 1 erett b -trucl- ,.,,. 1 ' ' Klloti bu- iriued Bit MB rb'MIMj I'l tM r Bf plant 1 I'uiiiwav, ,...-in. will lake plant, obi,- I I...K.I log rtmaiued od." , re lung. " " "r !--" "" . nngii- -1 ana i iuuiay . a..umpiioii m cei.l. II,..,.!, l,.i,u,ii 11 I'l. Ni- t.ku.g I BwwrV ' 1 itut mdg. aad .. A ,1,1 TaeKct. Ir It llkk. HW7 Alw.Mi. 1 ! lit, tun: , l.niAl, Raleavaa ankart. ffc Raaa ti the exnloaioii hurled bilu through th, I mid it waa In l Hicks truck ,. . ihe lieavv l , ,, , . 0 ah A 1 111 it 11 Iviug ih .1 nf a malig- broken when a "V7 Thia alpeudul Alu a. large u. nv band, beav. UoiUr hi burled uKain.t il ,l"A " a'' ROT M vdc 'u from my titughler biu, ne pre- Til accident ocoureti ab,,ul noou d,r. "r "1 ,-l.aiil to. be .ale of I i plai "fed e i in. I a pi Main St., RR-RR-lRR-RRmR -RRRRR rjaBBje, S BTTDUI RajBaaaaaaBnaBBaawHaBBBBji laammu j cHCiratnii t I 4 I n Kj mcT1CALLT m , . .:$&&, X;'$& iRWnnaii 1 ironi Z!Z Iprto.U.1 BBJk -' ajjaaaaAaaMaaav. I C t f t , u i aai at i y II y u 'f ! RiejTBTi ' ai PBRaa . "aRBw gj a ...nil . I i. .lava.-a. AfcMS Ami TOOL CO.. 4 Blacksailniif aid .tursshocit Wagon Work ALL WORK GUAR- ANTEED. Burns, Oreqoi 1. L LEWIS ill k lai la fwrawa PARTICUURS od PKICI Ib aayaas autfrMBj INFORMATION. )m la Imaiai Db'SlliNS. HaB :i BjBaj I lluid phoaliuu of Kuvk- ,ierd. Mr. Hate ea eu-pioy- ilvo." gay A- C ed '. I H A tue in doiug develop- .ir traOfc.. .. Vrir ..,,.. iiurk el the Kooeevell, and be of the iii nrd by Word and Work I iiy, ijoi Lot u-i Sti el, Si. j publiaheri nf ami U -n- ,l I he beat tuucb a Injun ealve c.mpleU-ly aa Bg Ihe diunur whib ired it." Cure Cut. Burn auo employer continued to work iu the, u. mac goea with every aubei at City Lb tunnel. N-r the atove, but what ion. E. N. NELSON Watchmaker and Optician, Oregon. GOLD MEDAL Awarded lur beet week at a CoaitMtltive k.bibiUea to The Finest of All MARYUND CLUB WHISKY far Saa M ; Hotel Burns Bar Agents, Burns, Or; ganritothui J Hro , lii.tribuur. Portland, I I JOB PRINTING-THE TIME8-HERALI