i .1 f hf tirs-9rra(i. -utirhay NovSMiirR i im SrWH'RirTION RATE 0 Vaar Ma MoaUta I l.fa .. .W For Sala Fir ehii-" lot m Sundays of MMh month at a. m.. J ' Ontario. 40 Into inl-awan. 10 lot ami 7:80 p in Sih'.nth -"-lio.J at in Rum. ItU' acraenf food land a l" ' ith morning j 01 of it natural meadow M bUw p,M -(MI of Hum. unimproved II ,, ..,, .,,, ,aer near Saridl.. Rutlr with pre IIl0 .t ,IMj v, ., fnt crop of wild (tra standing .,,,, V a, , B n mvn mmi - - w. Fhre-sixthe of the state o( j on has never been m.ipped v hat a honae and g.l i.c IV rneettag rsda I- nMamnl at this nlng Th paatnr will ptv . - can thf third Sundav the United Stain . nurw,r? I mud nr' PMi'.niii i-rii Tanit i'iv . . Try. i my a narrow mP .irnunis .....i.. , ln-i,a in inanarl i Hi- ml at Van tl-- III Adam tieorgt can furnish v. itil lurtbt R ith to ' anv kind ami 1 . Min.-.Sfr. I'ulor. 'Ming Tnr iv- M.-raid "1 ha i r ' M : ' .-,,.. It- .' I II the outer edj ml furniture hv this (treat liepartment of tn- ernment ant! ,t!l :ii- tOU BALI h as much unkn.un tol f, , ernment engineer., t, from M hr-,nth "! " hand' high, weighing ft 0 the aOSH 1M) aaafe, rn - ut. Wl guarente-il good eration. aorjiethmg nl Ihe need of and at a a standard governm u of the stallion with a record of 2 R Tl W'lutf Front have i-c n it. tin-.i; and boraetaen an i , , . ted to call and " lh I (-. monument! h been plai tion. Tl stales a-i open paj m.i he rea ler. Iln- in : l MHKiTORY t ilt top. k I lrt .; ' . : ' ' ' rwaaaj , M t-n ecu e-er. iwv f.t ; aM 1 ' J4i ll't Hlaou H . aaaVraii la ; 4 ' , ' ... kip. Ml W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. If ALSO HAS A LINE OF CENT" FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. All kinda erf F- . ah Vegetablaa in Season, GIVE HIM A CALL. Durkhetn PROFESSIONAL CARDS Wm. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Hums. Oregon. mice flrat door weet of Rank. Main Street j w Btuua. dai.ton mea Biggs & Biggs ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, R RN8, OHKflOR. Practice in all the court of On. Onlleotiona promptly made. kmhu ' ' ri PARRISH & REMBOLD. Attornaya-at-Iaiw. Horns iml Canmn (it. Oragoa. lll prrlle In Ike r.wrn al nni t..i rmni niiMlta ml In the mprvme eeurt nl Ike it n1 km In I' S laml ultle Orj Sti lsiaj jte::iH y from i in (n I'aniiinr roa mi'i road. FirM-clu, food satiib dis(nipe 8. 8. ILijJ L. .... Riitiua lankM ii ra - indaj Beea -vi aveninf nnH-iing Nnniiiv iiihnii! 1 ' m in the ofThe br.een frraptty, e I-rld oft: water supp . ' .it : IT' V s V LLBTd STONEI URNt O I00N THE WIXDSOII "lf 'haw. II. I itsmnrd. ATTKMNK-AT-I.AW, I'arnful attention given to Collec tions and Real Estate matters Insurance. Notarr Puhln HiHNa. Ohkoon. rcaflu -""'' (je.i u ed page ti tne secke: al nnow The La' ' I that thu app The nernmen: stand i bear one-half of the rspantg 1' is an opportuni: lo tu-r ll oo Ori J Irwin frill preach at Harne the Jmi Sundav of ech a. 1 1 a. n.. and Sahba: I very sabbath at 2 i Tiv I Sunday I .-.ool mnte uoday and a i - txtendad HI u- ii hurch it . c e-0 B SI7.EMORE. ATTOKNRT, ttfuyts, Oh niton ('IIk.'muv Iuinil htutnasa ml Real Balat matter pronn th tiemletl lo. ivinand Ijair (uttin N'tfTikf . a a -! ' :ruu DR.M. J. CFRDES. (taneral Practice of Metlicine and Surgery. Calls promptly answered day at night. Prewaey, Oragon. taattt V J !-wti tMfcjtlur act. ec:-r i taj: If ionyrr- tar Hit Uresi of : pelleil to pav ttibg erniiieti upw.iri! ai ; 1,1.00.0.;, num There Arr upw 500,000.000 acr tad in the weaterr laud. The .1 tetliemcn' km Mot hern n; The title la in tht g -uent. The arr pen to h tr under the homeiieu: .n- lt the recummemiatii ta". ii: k are atiepir. conre- r further enirv can be upon this land . - Extraordinary Clubbind proposition Ttiuvst H-ruld. til- i;. pnblk uii'l niiv ocm of 1 hi 1 i"V mir jiaj- v.-ar 1- ;.aid tiiiMiit.iiTl. Tli.-'iiii- U'M.'ki;. Jounui Tl -1 ork World. Herald ban - .. - m ih:m ini.i vin 1 JWV DROP :i - kanf, 1 IN J. LU. GEARY Phvairian amPSurgaoa. Purna, - - - Oregon. Offica aacoatl tloor north Frenr: lltilel Tlitina Main WS. Pi aaan r. 11 aaaaal '"s rarniuaet Port I t. ', rtk 4 " ' at irua that Atlai : banes , n a i'i AND LOOK :: 44. RMarM i:. I niai. aa M :: all when deairmfl ANYTHING IN MY LINE. Hamtpamted Ctdna at W .1 OOLIMAJ tenngrapher ami Notary Public Kirns. - Or oH.. I- tiar hank Mull-Una LU. U JVARSDBN I'livaiciaa ami Surgeon BtBNS ORgOOX. gJ0 '. . ma) n ho b . i- httt,i"n WaaltB St Paul U -.lb , K at Maul t..i i , rsupialH Ot t N uud BH I I Bl 1 1. 1 ttN-.nl Ac i'vaUMWri ar laaia. 4 n ait a r . . . .. .:.:... . I. I llmaanJ Mitiw Him. I i:ntih rm OfntraiaaaraMt..'Thri inataa Rank Oregon. aadjBBaBaH S a a. ""t- A 8 ? liliiiiH . I.Ufl Ml v Don't Overlook the fecial inducements Offered u xx-nitxxx- Line. W. C. BROWN DENTIST. Ill . Orruor. Oflto In ne land otflc baildlag, Beat duor mini, nl ?. at " Taasdaj ,, uH Sat . -.4 l A married couple . naiiaaj out of the hou 1 s;'ccii:ii' . To all a hair pin in her m d . Ivano iiuj pair of tli in- don't ;ou dreaa tf g tfrow!,,: ..Uo, woman put on her - Ike atreet ... , swill I- . -lli.- and men th I tUld old OaM who diop Tuner. Herald 1 mail OO if paid aocigTiga. 1 11 .. m'J. H i ki L . Ontnrio. Oregon. Largvat M BBJ ,Ketwn Portland aaJ Botag. Ii llamllloa. I..r Rliaru I L'Oa ll ; uj a UJ U. IBI INI Maau. R tr. a u I I I l-raif arri.- ! OeWitt's JBSJt ForPMaaj, THE BURNS HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON. Propt. MtaMonaMr Kaith. Qmwi .-lean Meals, Comfortable " KN" u'lH,K "" ' ' U,.,.m r,...t,..., : T--... .. -7MiWBaaMaerU .,M. "' '. wui it.uu.1 ncaiii (.111. IWI nili inianaaii . I llajr'4" Tfc" ffafja U. BM. ataaa.1 r. " -"- l Forest Rcse Fa The lit. Ira V Itt.k. m: ilatu. 1 R Hi beer man of hi w 1007 Si . in. ma.ui 111 Anicru 1 ( )n- Al- man. 1 DO IT NOW. BULLS FOR SALE Nearlings and . wo-Year-Olds Ouanntics to Suit. Special Accommodations for the Traxeling Men. F1KSJ LASH is I m i PiniODUl 111 Your Pot'-j.-tage Solicited. A 1 oBltRRorWAaAlSoIos rat. aieaian.aact. ram . HArTKk m ailSu'u "C,'L -Me,la -- '-!. w aa 'tsar, Laraaour. aaaSrr Every Heart-Ache IKtNClMiLlNUi' CI SETTING MACHINE. bhbhbs. aoixaa BEAaisa m ' HIGH GRAOC Ja " 'TTafci aaajf V -av mi Vi ebriTflaTan rrladj I Wl FVIf9 v ;ic LLJ relubic. hon. ni"' high grade acar- - . ... in -. It in-. the the your Gore Your Cough atop your Lung Irritation, relieve your Sore Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold, wltn the only cer tain, and strictly scientific, Cure for Coughs aad Cola. DR. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION . i . MclULLEN, ITT FUOTtHiKAPHliR -VLVIAMBBEKAHI.R,., -a. uiaiiOau a'..!,,,.., Allea Ki,,. ac"li,J",,,,, inpi nvcd phutotapii P .r'.ial'a Pit. ed in up .-i . mi H l u Mo .:, I 1), urn.-., Ore-aa, $ M. L, I i. .t.ri: I auaaweauawoaa aa. m.w.mm. " " aad aavuud T-ml.; a a t ' ' ' liiliii, . . ,. BBJ metrwi acrtja all.! uar and g . wm l.1 p Ittr BBfetaaj 1.. lean anil N H.B. VIA VVSV4iAiVyV3rK EWISa. $ - JOHN t; Kittle LING. svwaior. Opttoian ' IllilcIS 1 I 4-vs ? Kine w-e lUpairioi! A Aim oat in Deapair. "Oar little daughter waa gtveu up by two physicians with consumption of the tht oat. and we were almost In despair, when our druggist recommended Dr. King s New Discovery. After taking four bottles she was perftetly cured and has had no throat trouble since OffO. A. EYLEB, Cumberland, Md. FIRE INSL a KANCE. I '""J Price, soc autd i.oo STIvO.SGtisT CUAkA4TE. National Sewing Machine Co. SAN rRANCttCO. CAL t-Acruav ATato-viotiit ax Or M. your drug in ho will rl Miles at If it Fan Ukhart. Ind TRIAL BOTTLES FREE atCOajBUMDa-p. CUAHAMTMU amo aou av The City Drug Store. Home I C ., ot NbM Yoik, Live poo on & Globe, ' (trance C nt'auelphia. bu lis, Oregon. itr treat! I l.uuabu g A UaH a'a. teGArwa&3AnAtirtw&&' jw B- W. HAMILTON. luir, ogrs: less,,. bai 1.11. nai-i a B, i,i.,u I l.UlllIll, Aiclii MeUoan aWiatt- .Uy.,rt, '"" , 9muM aaH 1 aj ,. mi4ha a pt' "" l'aili. 1. wilfiw dit 'RBBBBbI 1: $ckrif mi A bMatMamalr I T H .' , ' all" , tAAr'r I) J TRa Man., -1 al iJaaBBBBBB tllid . tadja pe- Ik4 a SOo A i ! , I I m IlBiaaaw ', Ortgi.i Laauu V. . . '""" If ual Vi.tlra.ak- ' O 111 no DaWlti'i.