The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 24, 1906, Image 1

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    fit Timto-Wornlo
Paper of Harney trnti, 1
I l.'.i" lnrit,-t cirralatinn ml i one kf
i bit lvMtnnf medium in Faster n
i-n ,
titt e&
fit wtrent Mrni Cwnntrq
i" n nre of l,4W,l0( acre of
arre yet i arsnt Ml
In ri : lnd law ol
lbs 1'nltrd Slats
t'ommrnting on the activity of
the merkr-t in general, the ltel
Rulletin say. on SPRaVINO
The mill in general had gotten
down to lower stock than varictifly
estimated, in the belief that the 'I Net tree StttrltkaM. liter I Ultra
m.rr.t - -- l An. ll.- Kr.k.n Tarawa wa--Crl Grctar!!
The smaller consumers had been
Utt .r PreMfk
.-S.raastsi Wit
tsttrletial te Cetsaltt.
Oreg mian special from Oregon
I'm , savs: Horticulturist are murh lk. a.. i. ..f .U ft .-.
.reP.ople f..rnn -"""- -""- -"-
can t Pollen I'nmtiativ mhn-b n,,r-
B. P. Wood '
rvrr, i-aiiie sooner man some nur-
the national ad-..ra..nM,Mi . it ... ih. rl,oi. pleased with the outcome of the
it poblic land wool had not bii mirchase.1 too OtlltoodRoW suit, in Ik I'lronit
If i wrong pin'lv. f..r ilirTerent manufacture u" mre iat wee. nt wnicn me
flttiMRi wtt. from four to J PF.ARY CEMENTS ROMANCE
ounce of pario green to VI ,rll
to act a fungicide and inaewi
oide at the MM llmf. Tl MT RETURN MEANS WEOOINO OF
ck wove h
ber 1 1
-t, they 1
t rt of I 1m
m up 100 actf
fl 1 '.. i
ta naturally fob
ha rauaed a
scoeoioi.. and in
. rib) of repro
svstsm of land
rli nur hulduig a
hold it. he and
varan! a, .1 un-
. ha
other ami
rest,. 7t'r
rifl Ui
had been figuring on them for aoote '" making two snraving of
lime, a fact which become known orchord laort a sustained.
to the large urr of wool. Little
time wax then lost to obtain poe- 'suit, sprat ing will he more general-
BBMtnn of thero 'v rcnrled to during the ensuing
It i claimed that manotacmrer. ' bs
realiie ihe fairness of value at For the mforina-
the apparent imoeaibil!tT of ol - I" at ' robwfwkeH to lha Boot
taining any lower onee for ome " nana laf iNOtiap with
time, will now eowa in and pur- "-et in thctr orchard. Fruit In-
plicati'Mi tboold Ih madejuxt afitr
the petal have fallen from thr
bloaaom and while the little app)
I standing straight out The nh
l this i to gel some of the
poison in the blossom end of the
onng apple so that whn the larvae
attempt to rat hi wav in at the
1 a v. his usual point of ititrance.
he will I... kill-
Mall two spraving will be
sufficient for Summer of earls all
apples, but wmtrr fruit xlioiild I
sprayed from four to -in UwOOi th
A a result of the verdict m this )ni time as late as Sciiti
stone acta,
ii a prolific
Jer eaemphiv
glfl In
' that i
I .""tales tna)
chae generous quantities of wool, speclor A. J l-wis has volunteered
The continued activity of the differ- i'me suggestion- to (ai-knas
ent classes of consumers seem I orchadJats on the subject of
IVm- nf.
1 ol
hear out the content! hi
are not as anxious to -ell their .-prayiitg la an insurance, ana
k as they were a few week even frtiitgmwerahoul-l be a polic
ago. and a much firmer front in re- f r Um-. "Mt-v
gard to prices ia being shown buy- farmers do not see wby lhe get eo
; 1 valuable '" '" r"t"'',, from their fruit tn-ea
Krerything considered, the situ- ttwj bJ tree, set them "til ami
eiiual riglit to atioo ia bettor, and the movr . them M further attention
Lrl, ir of the available wools is on in ear-( 'he tree, u.ii-t tij;ht weeds, fungus
win has the same '' ' M'-rchanta are more optim
1 t lb-re 1- no sUfc iti regard Ii a maintenance of
hif.i K car. in. 1 values, and manufaci ur. r are up.
ami insect enemies all the tiim
and all alone T4en the grower
wondi i a I. I . nut pro
as there are several bfOOda
moth, in fuel the apple (boold
S'.n'r:' wtlh t wi,, lr.t
time the petal fall until 1 tiiev are
harvested. For subsequent spr i
ing for coillin moth, arsenal'
lead is recommended a lielter thin
any kr.oan !ini of poiron It ml
not injure the foliage, no mailer
how strong. It require no lime
- not cltag the noilli'. is i I
pn pared, rem ,ins in sua I I
Willi ver little stirriny. atiik- to
Ihe fruit and foliage i i Her i
pari gr.'en
"Koi 'sucking' in"i'i-, uch a
i the dill-rent kinds of aphis.
keroaene emulsion is on
peat and liel n no
but not l"t to m. ike
srdWaa of H
laud a a gn.t Pfntly sattsDeJ
ind hand out ''"
tiiai ainl woriian,'
hot he or
f tkl W. ORFU
torairr ftara B talll Marry 5ttlhrirl
f Hi llsylHMMt IWii at Sllrrls
--Htr ftretatr With Party
New ork lilbeOn
. in in a A rumam-o lhatiii-
I on the safe return of I
t' nsnt Pesrv's Ute-t Arcl''i ex p. .1 1
t M I" i-anie known tialav, whin M
ot wa maite of Ihe en
gafewi-iii ol Mis Bopol Wolf. i.
STRorion. Or., sinter of Hr l,oni I
!i. ih ii'in to the expedition,
Mini I' vYllUrd tieer. ot M
I'liiios, N. J, cousin of Homer
Da von port the rartimtnal
Mi i.i.-r noil Mi Wolf hae
liearts from rbilifbi I
Thur allirlion rlral manifetel H-
ell alien Vtmng Geor, linn a risi
f OrOfM ' 'I a clerk
ship hi the atnra if .,i,.if ,
arteo, Not oiiIt did the
theyniirig man into
In- l.iitne establishment, but he
I bun to live at hi home
While young (ie.i chummed with
Load Wolf, ba MMiMitiy wa
Ii hi alteul!oii upon his
Ii'. ii. I . i-Nr. bul hi suit for hrr
hand was hot successful.
"Wait a while; you're too vnun
n i
, , Kil
ill who p up
r rears In adi nice to
I'll- lin, It i New ei
er who p m i h ill also "einl-
oeeklj in iiml lamilv
tuagamne m the United
The Im
lit b on I
Mowaoo ogonrc. atiDNT m.m otawc v
n a cowotM, CaoMtea
first national Bank
llillii- 'i
IM HI KM ion
to pay current ! marketable fruit II- to k-i. he best result, should I .
Mrohahlt U
of Ihe l he
I ..I I.
i.f., iiiv imi o-.pi in iiiu.r , ,, ,.. ., , . , ,
t" o arrj . Mia ..If rhnled, as
praying a succeaa, a gool pump i .. . . . .
' Hoar nske. hi-r to prom
an absolute neceil Ant iri ,
' III !! I.
load !ote U
t I
ottiva oortoi.
womei- b
i irrtamdra i
k .. ......
mi ol of yn
i-imr ui tl.
aratooot k
raga them
lo tba Bra'
e !"UItU
f otw a
ad bO0Oa
n trim, -i .1 I
Tift time of (imiii oome-
1 I orobaril
Tbe farmer of thi- will " ""
i triof sen i.eglact.
uld have been' tbe trtiob ... alfalfa boa. tl, h" ' -P a be
Rky Mountain Husbandman, .f ''' W1"
M .t Fall. Mont: Wben Mor.ta .ilure wilh ibam. He
na land i fresh it Ii rich and fer- Woiaolf is at fault. Th- man aln.
I. OltkUH Hie. but - it will not stand ll pklOt fruit tree, and neglect
r that tlteeo men oniir.u. u- cropping and not tie- ""' : " """ ;' a cure to
i iand'cooi exhauslnl and land rich m "''' l""t-e.U'g section where be
at a -II .. v. i . i.i ... UmI mm lit r mi iil Im in vniir rilv
i i ft . - i. . iik.- ..r it ill tuuri rirn rnia nil iiiii himii e - - -- -- - ..--
4tiaaa- S W j ---. -- .a f w f ww a. -
I . aeil it to the i lacking i. tills
When Montana lands were new
ooaM fabulou crop were raised.
... . ., , , '" " lorgel the si en- ol Ins
jgets dtsgtisted and savs then Ian applied in ii tine mi', and to ttb- . , ,
-fill niakiim. deer
lam that we must hsv. a prs- ir. , . . .
v tiirio-d In lai-e eastward, ami
of from s" i l N p. i'ii .I " . . u-iiii. .i. i-.iur in .inn i ora,
where b Joined Ins awwaia mi In
(arm at Morn I'l.nn
l.igbi. - . . hi Wolf waa
Ifraili. imiln-nl college
in. I a. invitation p.
w..k- mil, M i,
vii.m- Plain
Ml w V.,ri ..n. rii..rn
l '
O certain
wore be to negl t the proiei sani
tary csie of hi premises, and should
be dealt Willi in the same manner
.... .1 a--el fta.4l a ..!. . x a a. a a. 1 -. -
Mil.t with the land -l there tin. Ill came a time wwMl"- " '" L,'u'l".' -"" " '
it i .. . i. L - mM i I "Fruit iiintiraiii-M e.iii.i.t. of urn
wav: lie sain IDe "" " y ieiu were wurea no ---
The Uallatin valley
richest valley In oil Montana
e r iilthation and pruning ot the
tree and sprawng at tbe right
time witli the proper chemical for
o specific purpose. One of lb ab
solute acoaoitlao of ui noofwl
eraiely eu
o irauu
ce it had offered began to wane in the mattor of crop
..tire claim yield bwt the faruni introduced
rould take thriu, " the legumoa red clover and alfalfa
I . . ! 1- .1 I ft
.pfOOOtOOUrt of and l.ow the Vlel.l l built Up again "praxiug is iiioniugnnrs. n .pray
; . in fa. t ihe g.neral average yield not properly prepared ami apph-l
ha. tsaen great! v improved by ay, i verv Jikely to be worthless OwJj
tematii ami farming, but l wa material bould ba Ud,
. .i u i.. .-
pay out on it i a aooiroo Of great grauoooUou i ""u " i,r"ijnn uoum
dge itftw use ..f the t u lo know thai our soil can be oci ooo an iii.tructioai oiooeiy toi-
rii for tbe mooot recuperated ty tbouo of olover and !o',1 """'' rw ou,1 '
iiual certidcat wa- alfaifa, aii.oe tbooe crop are about upp.e that la making It-rdeau
s- . the rsMoj a. Mj tliefarmei . .n -lU MgMaWatJ Me
bp i- f or tt.e amount grow 'thr the ooppor sulphur
Tbe only thing be i A ft -r land baa been exhausted iuiii.ii p.mrea into the milk
is to pr..tul.e in ad- cropping u n, ,,,,, wheat oaU ai.d " " "' T'ce versa, but our rcieu
tbiaaol. 8oilim barle it urn l restored iu a fea iu u u tuagr all the Oitlrr-
lbi.mpl invited .ear. to iu original fertility J wa fa Ifco world Hy pouring Ib-
Made rtaapy tor Llf
p pi now cano- into ikw
C Ulair, .i hool M .
Albans. W. V ,
aluii ihe hltb' laughter wa restor
ed from the dreadful iiplainl lie
"He sas "My litt!
d..ight.-r had St. Vim' DaVMO, "'' ''''" September ..f I l yrr.
wl ich iiuienl i ui ,,f R lawaKwO Ifwtk fwfwl
grew ateadily worsg as a I t ibal I . r. ;
we in.-.) K,., trie Bitter; at i """ leekmg a pl.-.
I r.joice Iu ay, t br. - awttaM flit- "Twi had voluuleereil to Hi-company
id a i otupleU- ,'uirk sure l'"" Mills aavl noilh. I.ui none wa
cure fur nervous complainle. gener : i
I'd like to I'oluuleer lo go witli
' Wolf con
fided I" hi I' I oil
I 1 1-1 ok I i an arrange it if you
i i Mr (Jeer
.i aniai lor I'eary , come
:. in" ami I will re. oininsiiil you
Thru- hundred and twi
er i Hi. ales based on f.irgel appli rru m in N. w V,,rk , Mrlle.-r
cation, for s. h.ail iand OOtwtil n.l intro-
aWi .ertili- f ,IM ,.. ,,....
caiesoi saie ui mm. dial. Iv a. c. pled lr
Koth glveo to the Slate .it
Urogoe. tl.e Itam.'V .l.
iiieni tataaaaay a... I Mauris Ftts4leral.l
It Beiei loin n i.t. t U.i.iant', unit il.e
I . Hi. : ...i an. I am
ami all l'r.
leataati i-e. that aM
I lb. I. I
ii... luterkwot
May , IWJO, hii.I "eplemlwr ,i I. Ml
hiiI lotion "I" of the
II. .ii 1'nnimia.ioner, I lb, d May
I". MR, ....I --. i.teii.her I, IWM.
apaotieetjr, rsaorvad b ih I'. t I an.l
IMRee at Itnrn- OraMaV snd on SI
ill en -ui .n. I i ol '.-nee la here-
will, ma I.-, i l.rtrmg will Im ba.1 at Ilia
I I ami I Mlh e at Burn. Orngun,
..i. Mot ..!' I ill. IVWl, at 10
o'etock a m in the matter of the seise
lions of certain land itualstl In Ham.
Cuoi ragoo, tlOaWi .i t Augnsi
MR), ,,l II.. Male
MOrafao, mbrwld in IM N. A, 8iu
hi sail lo. al oRlvo on the llthilsy.l
lulv IV.1, In Ihe '
bshall .( Ih liar) Vails,
iiient . ..nipaiil, .in. I lor a
Mateniem in. I ilemripllon ol said
lafareoce I herewith mail lu sai.l list
an.l the arii i ttia.1 a part .a tkl
i.oi..... I .'.. to aliii'ii ca be
by any .iml all (ssrsoiift in-.
i.iii.i- ketog'
T..l..l. S..i M
.. M aj
A (Knernl hanking Bualnc)) Trnncted
.it . I- ii. ale weakness.
p.v. risli.-il blood tod malaria
(iuaranleed by I'm Pr.ig t . r -
irsai u.
; r e
-l.i.rl -
Id reeiM ' that
Y Ojol promising in nil
ii whoa.
Bi ur ofticer-
bjr it, had
' ii
od Hi
i- -I. . . . .. .
few human ppmg it lo red clover or alfalfa "" " "" r "ll0 lDe PI" "'
for two ur three tears. phate solution or uriug tne two
Very gravely, .ton. laud that irtlri "f aterettbe
poaaoase but litt.. lunng wawllaaw a perfect Bordeaux re-
ftmm in it original stale frtquent- ult'- ,illt " t!'- "I'l' sulphate kj
j produce, immense crop, of al- P"" haw be milk of lime the
f:fa and after i-iii- cultivated to Pfp'"" ' practically worlhleas
p mat alfalfa for a few tear become to II ,,,ul 7 IwU M
ferule that it pi nop of tWf tl .nl purpose of the
,.1,,. terent sprat. A certain orobard-
r of final Mounuin slopes covered with ' !"" .eea will. Hordeaua
.rally a BOM ' unker worm. Clear
Eo too fllmst a distit- ol land, i readilv ferliliz I with ' ,"v'' d'"'' J--
. Ui grap, ;iif reiut.ilJ Ian I as the worm esl k and
if a Ma .. borrow 'wnu bouideis and there is scaJoely leat ee uml ihre I nothing in Hor a ho wai.U lo enjoy a g.
Mll-y- Blow pi-lht, but after 0 ''"" '' ' poisonous Mad lauab ' ! kf I,.
i-i '(! 'i-t I'e cuinvaliou, ll.e haul !'" '" added il would Age,.i, Worth .') i p.,
... i. pi. .1
pur.haser., hav. I i n ll.e lt.NHw.veU. while
"' wl S.l.n. ,, llirMlli ,... ,, ,,,
land board. This action wa tak n . ., W1,h farewell message. Iu Ih.
when known that lu fraud I i ,,v pl.t u lane faunlv
practiced upon Ihe boar I IH tarj) . .i a hat I'll do," Mis
papmenl or, the prii.npal sum. due Wolf sold 'If lysine pjag back
ba been made p. an aggriga' I II promise p. ..
All f the brged I I,. . ngageim i l . . - si-. I the,,
application, had -en acknowl.-dg ., t;. ,, 4I., w ,, ,
ed before BM II Turner gr , , ,.;,,.,:...,,. ihe. safe
waa a justice of peaoe. Oram nrm, f (..,,,,, i, , Iv.rv and
liuutiug it forbidden lip in ii. v
premise I r. - laoere will bt
II ' I
WANTKIi A . i- Hi
oav Ti
' Mat
if ! .
A Ve.r ol .
h i. ng ..ll ul ttic oig boulder an 1 g l- bave Ictive Another aon who sella gisai I
tn .-o h ;..d lulu aitaif. r. make Bproyed kill , - kreei If mil .stisfn-'ory
.a ...I later ma b. M kill lata apb ilar lor (tauip.
.... I I. ..1 .. .. u Ii. ll'l.. I. ...! I ..
ki OonVeileO llilo a good grain Delu "' "" ' imtrugu inui ueaa " . una eirowii; i ..... i
a that u mgie ill re- aaata" lb- u.mser of g ... "I'lilo, and tur "'
wifl ol u.yone p. give . cup rating land and making a ' V v pope produce ,!-! will, ..
,urn'. ,.( tfOO) . ker-
BJV .. alloi, i .,. mak- it ferlllv "" luaioil
RHW hltPMN ARE JIRM.4MT. nature made it 0O (at ao fgataM
..t ..!... U. I .. - ui mi. i-l. n.t.f .it
ft urn mxtiritx in .u-i. ii. - trixi UCH l- - I I
. ... .lawkaniMl II m.-. . i-..m...i.l.
2t overoofljto taai i Hi nine, and we g- uix-ase, ,pp.v ssab, iaf ,
(... .i :ir..iii -r. is.-aei g mug. ,
OI tl e I.. . k u.nui talu are ". see u..Ku. o.uan, rov
building delightful homes where grape! rot curl, leaf of ( ahti.
the pioutn lulu tli-amed a habi- autbi l ami mil. lea are
taaasW mold l ert
I i.
' in ihe I. ..
Tacket, .,f Air..
a a
1 1. . ,.
d is aW o VcccaUy SoM ol 2a
B Ceaift- Sa;cs Sria.
kroclll.g uioel al.
b Bar i.i
B: .re In II.'
PM' "" pound.
' -ternd
tUd a Jo-e CeU
II. sit !l
.; and
'- r..i . .. .i. i..i . . -ft..
Ibe u.oet ..,.J all can U -"" uu -" "'""k'"
ofBorde.u,, . gUlt a fun '"" U K"
l Ollgli .villi III. I.. i -tillin
nit on ii. ' Labrador
or wa aiiiong the firrt to r.
. ive a message fnon I'r W..II lie
telegraphed Ii provisional li.ian. .-
tin happiest girl in lb.
Vlll koOf mv promise to
II if.
Mr to marry just
a. I' U .!f re ..
I am. u. .i.tke H eaer..
on t fan, u sink- .- ak- ,
in II.. . i. I .. II, King
I Uh W I,. ,, 1 1 v- r 1 Imiw.1
I it.- i ..iii kU
i and lists purifying Work
I g b i
glip-tli .. be and did
I' ui i 1 1 I u ug Kiore.
J Ii . leraoo uini II A. Mur-
old last Week tkwil interest In the
I ' ' efc lo
Cbas ' . i Frank KabUr will
c.nti . portuor of Mr i .i.g
i n sire, tor lit
"l i iklBf .ml receit-
ing ..ih. i . ...h'nee tuueblag aud tsgarU
tlig Ibe siiftioisn, ami keotatMUty Ol
ll.e wall r. ipilrsd for the reela
ui any or all ! .d Ian
sell at au tin I matter or .
koortog hi . ii" i..itniii) of said
Htale's .r.,p.M.i ftcheme of irrigaliao
ami i. i.,1... i.... s . ii iti desert
uy ... all .l aai.l Is
germane lli.r
covare.l raaald leilsrs area da-
. ,-,..!,.
I late.) this loth .lay ..I Im , IWM.
t a I ikiift, Keglsler
A V UoWAN, llrtviii'l
-I pubis, al
lair Mlh , ItATat
Ml WH Uli, Mill IliS tsu Sfl to
awl It wTwr.
.a lli.l 'iiagOO.
Ih Loot Star
Hi .... i ii Rasas,
Bakery in oonnootion
A Sottuiliy f MmmI UraWt.
I a'li Ion, ii,. d wilh i thing
the mail. i ,r patron
ige .nil, II, .1
Fire-Proff. viodern. Eieftant.
RttcH $3.00 and fa 50 per day.
AH Outside Rooms Near Depot
ll - Intel eu (Mtly letrntly oponrd to th
publi. Iliim i.uintt (troptV will ho olwaya wrokcomc
anil 1 on. i , n.dlor A tirt class bor in eaaWOCtiww.
..i.r..a NirTua
Napton &, Boyd
ileal Fstitc Mites aeJ liaiaf.
Paiaoiki inn
Owratu. Urates), fl
ogtee New Wliasn aVtab.
11.1 1 11 a nuNKi.AN, PraprtkRotw.
Burns, - - Oregon.
2tva3CO Xl-LBI laRaid.qi.fertiaaaa,
Wint-s Liquors and Cigars.
Killiard and Pool Tables!
Club Rooms in Connection.
u itaoa io.witeOoaaes.iua
a y
Mali. 8t.f
Blacksaitdiix Mi
Wagon Work
Burns, Oregon
MP'P'JlVffw jHoiiurnnii
Bar-fl I ! Oewr BOO r)i' k..i
iNVMk-Bi' ' Mtrlut L'i ! 'HtooUawa
aaaS-Tll -lkal Paelan. It) Cii.ulusa.
z7f I i
VsVw-n T IIP Y
..Itle or 1
1 ibe time lo bate tWiideaus.
A dinger
-.ft A large tnvolviua tbe i of a malig- mlil ar one of the uiiut ul-v, .,- Urge a. my band , W. .give
i.e fr,,m my daughters hip. wa pr- tbo trees a tlm
If OOntr. It l raid Veuled I.t,. I, ..f liuok- '" """ '"-
and well-known clip leu' Arnica Halve." key A. C
alU-turtl . kel. ui' uiib-iug, V Vk "Fares
juirt there tur tent u. u( tbe ealve cuiupletely
ls. but there 1 uracil- cured eg Cut, Burn auO
ll, g bellg a.'cumpllebeu Injuries, -m: at I i.y rug hi
It is claimed that Nu 1
.. .u r u ji- .i- "" - . -. .. ..,
kbout - N'w.S.awaal Jubiirn. Uruld,"-'"01"' ' "uuiu ,,V,B " Ml ,..,. i ibi. ,,iiw
le.ull that .iliui tofcing Imi' Unlit.
I was- i ,! mil
time baa ,.
rd." l . iung-
L.iugb- ..i .1 , .'tg, al
rUnrt. I'r i. .rj, , ..,. .....I ills.
few til But the lime, sul 'M. I, ,i, . ( ,.
phur and salt la used for San Jore
scale, this spraying can be dispena-
'lerald will mak.
Ibl. a bargain monlb IM lb way ol
aravxa Aktia AVD TOtaV 01.
i ru.. i . , u a a
aRONUatCNTAi. OHOsjrF rof.'PAaif.
1 41 at tlat t$ (ir
U awJOM aVaaTflf
. t Snr.inu. V'mIImv .Irv l.f.,1
ed will, a.- tl.. IktaW oompuund is
- i anana aee.i can nuw r niuu ..
hut for 1 1 . ..n i
first apra, ... gin tl.e spring for cod- .
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aliHj a good
Watchmaker and Optician, Oxegron.
Awartfcd ler best walk at a Coinagtltlv I hibllloa to Ba
. The Finest ol All a-
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A lints, Burna, Ora.,i II'... in. trihuter. Portland, OrfO.
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