f If tttfs-9rtxCI. AATTftnAY. V'YEMMR i; I SIIWCRIPTIOK RATI Tsar Ml Simlaa Thra Mentha t I its i an J-abSath srhool Ml" j nrlSV can j i i.iak inn - - - - IVTOIHTF MR)Et. fnt Hair Fiv chntr-a li in l Sunday f foh month at a m Ontario. -40 lots in I-strrn. 10 lot and :,s p B in Born, 160 acrs of fwid land aj U' n ro. reef Sal-bath mornint part of it natural meadow 10 nnlr-f- ftJBia H t aba liaptisl east of Horn.. unimproTMi '" .hiiroli . vrr 1st nd a vs. " acre nar Saddle Butte with pre ., ;l,, i , v,niiii Sunday Lfaarl sent crop of wild gras standing: ., h -uuday at 10 a. in )Am haa a honae and good fence Tar- prirw aaMllag start 1 huraday :: ticnlars can he ohuined at II ,p The paistor wiii preach at , oBlc - rer Crk the third Sunday oi tl nd at Van the 4th Sun Adam George can furniah vou "til further notice Kev A with nnraery stock of any kind wad 1 afiaakar, P- nuantitr He ha nurserr stoor . ... , , i. .-. .! .. hp l.nea MeralJ ' trntn llH nnziara dsii aernon inn peopl" are invited to mapect H -11a achool furniture FOR SALE Mamouth Black Sampson Kentucky Jacka. from 14 to 10 hand high, weighing from ! ' Hih. raiaed in Harriet com - .; guaranteed good cover and aafr Aiao a standard-tins! call and Farming and farmer of Ameri ca are up-to-date or they are no thing. Farming is fa! vominj; to be the ooh realh iuxurou life. Rack in Wisconsin on t: day, John Ht-ndrics.. a rich f.ir nif went to the town of Hen-1 druks as ote. While their he' .uued 10 celebrate and did M bj ta hipping the town marshal. After he had recovered the mar- thai Baser, cut a warrant for the .up,ion with a record of I I Th- arrest of the lordly farmer and it animals are at the While Front was placed in 'he hand l.arn in Una '-it and hor-emen are ti- stable lot The COB Stank K.n?w t1" and ih aided there M of driving nut into the country after him, so he called hitn up over the lelephone and asked him town and answer to the cJm The farme1 told him in kM i'u .md demanded a trial by teleph mm Im ar being examined and crow questioned over the 'phone and the farme? found guilty and fined $5. which he sent to town that evening by the rural mai' tamer. 1 e Tnr T p.- Herald ruttoe j k wh it I Saan T Hi :TB!CT 1 i., la - ... M 1. i '"a. Sara, haw,, or oa W H ttuwaj. Nar hvfa. Man! aw left - ." an.- h. 1. - . -,,,(. I. , ),., . w W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries. Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. iE ALSO HA8 A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. All kinds of Fh Vegatablee in Seeaon, GIVE HIM A CALL. Diirkhfinii- Building Main Street PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Wa MILLER, ATTORN KY AT LAW. Barns, Ortfsa. iHnce first door wtst of Bank. j w !!. PI.WHM Biggs & Biggs ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, a , omMM. Practice in all the eonrte of Or. Collectiona promptlv made a. Imau ' W. f a PARRISH 4 REMBOLD. Attornaya-at-Ijiw, Harna land Canyon VU Oregon. lll prartlra la tlJt roarta al Harnrr an) raal roaotlca anl li Iba auprm eaart al lk HI aiao in 1 a auia oinr. Onti Sti lav.' t fi SO a If from on The , vmtni railroad F'irs'-clajal ool eating diatanr 8.8. WTJ. 'i'lenli RctitMMt Servkes iaf Mawaat la Kirs, t'tiunii Christ sciential eer- vices 11 a n. uuday Kvainngser- V. -,', BMaaiag meetinpai Sundav . h a m in the Kinf biiildinc two doir nortn of The TiiMa-Herald office Hev A .1 Irwri will preach at Harney tha Jnd Sundav of each month at 11a. m. and 7J0f I "al.balh achool every sabbath at I p m The Harney Sunday school meets -uoday and a cordial invitation is extended to all who ran attend to meet with u At the Preai.ytenan church Hums. Rev. A J Irwin pastur aarrica the 'bird and fourth . .. 1 Tte 9. rf lAUbON 4 .M TUr WIVTMAU 1 iii. ' 1 'i "ii uaas oatoow .... . ., w art. -lnvata; la aaU I , I f ' w "'! , j -j a a Jf pi F 1 Vlla.U ' m La :AOO. and (taip(u(tin a. yi of forth desirable results. Where every one in the city helpc even public eni- . d puth in unison f 1 any aajji , jusc the results aj y arc manifest. An arm accomplish wonder act as a unit A dead town can be nised bv its reidr: r man wrh COM ner goods man never doing an nd the man who forget hi buwaeaa that he ma visit the illage loafer are the w :.. nment that repre aent the dead town God. in hia .!.!- ,.,.r m.t- ll L.A. II" I IIUf-llTail Ulf !- men. He m.ide .r he RObllr ami a tit of tli-fil tramp am! ihe bum. and be.nj; 1 ltillg -HJ. e im 11 he had a pur pose wher he treated them and that was aj examples a, iw all Oriaao. Extraordinarq nit I 4 Clubbind Proposition laianaa Baaaaa W iiiwlaa ' ..im, I or Hint I ( l UM ) oaiiH-. . 4 aa4 HKAMi ( M 1 " 1 a Majj m4ni Is w tl0K0 Inw AfeQ Ml .- a ' -,.f aa mi at i i Itrf; tkorv 1 -J DROP IN AND LOOK I ai nn.h in customers with the usual ''lie ti call when desinn,; ANYTHING IN MY LINE. I 1 , Prictt ' elr of all kind. I l.miipainted China at 0)1 window. flu. H. Ionaixl. Attoksv-at-i.aw, lareful attention given to Col lec tions and Real Estate matters. Fire Insurance. Notary Public Br. OMkMai GEO ft SIZEMORE, ATToaKKT, Birr. t'ollrraoo". Ind tmatiMaa. sad RataU waller pronn Mi atlandsi . DR. M. J. CFRDE8. (ieneral Practice of Medicine and Surgery. (.'all promptly assarted day aiyht. DrvwMT, tirrjon J. Ul. GEARY PlivsM-iasi an,l Suryaoa Burnt, - - - Oregon. Offios Moosxl door sorts I" resell Hotel. I'hoM Main aa. t ft aaalfr 0Uaa f it.:t. a. w j mi KM v Stenographer anil Notary Public Bras. - Oaaooa. iii LU. Ii WARSDBN !'! ician aud orgeon. taraaia! tWhv Ira I The Rev In R. Hick, hat compelled r the popmat de- mand to resume 'he pud uanai for 1907. This aipendid Almanac i aow rcad. For sale b newade alert, or seat postpaid for I -bv tt Ha and Works . Companv, 2ioi Locus' Loom Mo., publisher of and W ork. one of the beat dollar magazino in America maoac goes with r "cript- lon "Ml paid thiemoini V sMui-W."a'kl rir Jurual f I'.irtlatKl. tli- W.-kl. -liai! - 1 AamtDer. Ti w -,. . otk orkl aToMr !' (ra Jlal ttaadii 10t ' 'BSSS 1 atas aaT sdHresead Haasped a Masager SU (' at-RK. Mrat 'tmvimn. ,.M..o I Atlanti. - . Lafl itX-i Epra t, tV4f ata1 oraaal P.al UiWIH K H Mail t t SajB"" of I m a p I 1 W MbbbbbV INK A and M kaaasa nflks t Tp. sawaB 8a4ard Don't Overlook the Special Inducements Offered he anviiiisf m ull to mas I1 N.a, r-. il ti.- lata or Mas la 1:1. tai DC '.' ' .. - -...( U,, , .. o Ma- . ajaasja : 1 :.r !:.. .. aoaasas a auiatl tax spob , sbail 1' : 'it vcrf n . ' 1.1 UiUi ; ! a work os tu. road u' it. -eaac Casta are ao Stan., lut ua rv,-.it. 1 L- k ! :.. ) : '. aM hi (act. aiauipa arr uaad uulj far SSat aa. Loadaa NlaadarU Tit...- H-rai.l .. --id-l to DUaki mouth and (?! tioual lul.l.iturrat.'e T artaO put their hiih-jii- -ar in advaor thiani'iDth e will aoul th l;.iilliln . Till- Will la- irix'l llW eUi U'- I ta duriujr the month. Timee II-!..,! , I; public nu'i w oiMrjrar for $3.00 H paidtkiM month. DO IT NOW. 1 new boot 1 ao laaat 1 lasts ti lrptinut' i '. 11 u.'ir,-lu.l Bsad u- JOr 1 :., and wr wili aead dj . t BRTI a I rlia , v Furniture H-iiio. ,- iiiat aoiiid tessetw ' !! mat,! an H s Brawnwa l. B RlMant Hitbnrd At Hhiwnion, DlA 1 I-I-. omr. ti 4mm aaa of TW CrUaaw Bank Barsa. Orafos. W. C. BROWN, DENTIST. Hiava OaWMik iaSOW.ISSd ullia bOlldlBC, IK'Sl door sortii ul poat ofltor. aa Kn'imii m" J. H. FARLEY. Ontario. Oregon. Largest .-tnra , Between foreland and Boas. M . DeWitt's JTJl'j Salve f'tr PMC Burna.1 THE BURNS HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON. Propt. Reasonable Mates, (jood Clean Meals, Comfortable "lM'"' u"w a r - " " evUli "! "'-art Sritar Room. Courteous Ireatnent. I .icu.rJi U4KS LOIK.B a- - 1 ., 1 MwUa.ari aa.uut aat luurM 'alurda t atja aiuaital. .. , It II. ,,u. r o Jactaaa. laaratart BtBNatUOOBXO r. A t A k . asory Ian aad unrd swate is aarh ' M t I - at, aj a 1 aaa-a- . I UMS0B lURIW p. " " " ' Baattatj ssaahai a .., 1 . , 1- a Sn... KB " "l Ii- rairt M a4x Mhrioajd Tuhrd . arSa. , , mt aaaaatS . 'ilasB tl'tfl .IBt'il at'u ;.iaeal urajt I lia t 6 a. 1'ui-ada Thar a Sat Lrarr K: Kiparia I SO a it, II Gea. Pa- vit I A I. Mi Hi I Al SWING MACHINE. BBaaa. aOLUB BEAKISCi. i HIGH CJUtOL jtiaOt? V TavDS aa BBBBaa by buying that reUabk, licat, higii (rrade aew ii.g nnrlaiac bTKONGi-iT GUARANTiX. National Sewing Machine Co., SAN rRANCISCO. CAL f AC I oat ATbi Every Heart-Ache cry pair. 11; the bre I m . -. Soto aiertior. or con1. '. aUf or tr terrible strain at once with Dr. Miles' Heart and atrerik'theris the heart nr and BMacies, stimulates the and relieves the jair. aii(i Take no chances , make jour heart strong and vigorous with auSarwl a Salnat pfcTalaanT'lor mT trookS - kaa tnla af a hum i:o 11 .r. r b 1 . Is cr town 11. aw our cuadHaaa. . luandad lr Mliaa Haurt BBS) l ni' I (ov it li:ll KttaoUoo BUI my toliun (rem Bcu. I aoscludd to try It. aad ass itlaaaiil an amy n.iea uoiuaa curaa BILLS FOR SALE Nearlings and Two-Year Olds Quantities to Suit. bo aaoa sl Baa .id ivraos desiring in aad ill tall Bat FKtCB-(iLtNNLILSTOCkCO. Special Accommodations for the uaiMi aj-u.,.,, ., , 1 rnaa,.,. haaauri tai... ' - '""o. rr ts-wn nsxriltrj in Traveling Men. ratST (I IN KVKKV PAKTKTLAU Your Patronage Solicited. WBalMlai suaui. aatiaiar. IN McnULLEN, lt lh!0-DATE PHOmKAPHEK Core Your Cough top your Lung Irritation, relieve your Sora Throat aad drive oat your Chronic Cold, with the only cer tain, and striotly aeientiflc, Cure for Coughs aad Colda; DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION aad unproved pholojiapii in I 1 I'.infU, Artist's rN iiuiiicd hi up io-itatt-- 1 1 (Hii 1 lie Miiullrat v lo tinishi il in Austu n p.iprrs I. t! Bak. i JaKW. rAVWS t M. la Deapair. "Oar little daughter waa riven up by two physlclant with consumption of the throat, and we were almost la despair, when our druggist recommended Dr. King's Mav Discovery. After taking four bottles she was parfJaetly cured and has had no throat trouble since." CsVs. A. EYLER. Cumberland, Hd rrice, fac cHAtujea ooobRicsL Carutheravlli Or Mils' Haart Cur la aoia a your druufuat. wno will ouarantca that in hrat bott.a m.ii B.nafit It It falla ha will rafund your manty. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind TRIAL BOTTLES FREE aacoMMutseao. ouasast aat ai sola a The.City Drug Store. L BWIS-- S FIRE INSURANCE. I I sxV ssrVVVNVvjVsXVyvvs4 ST? vyoi Forest Rdsl Fori Va dBBBBBM Kara! s MaBJ aoraa and a4, naBBJ sat aad asaraaMti BBJ BVtll I . - . lor torsi, aw lean aad tt.i.i'atl a,.... asdas 1T O -ti 3B n. D. Vaassssl N lb.. SAttass ... ,. Iir BBJ lli I tLVlABBBBAAS. tJBBafak. .9 Saaua.arj Ul aad M a4aoata Ji Bj. I " m iPBl ""vvAi.utvtAa-a, au. ., BnaataialaV aft . aaota atar, am ,od b4 luaota, K gBJ X! .a Vsfl F'H t Tl'U! . 1 Mi LB hu lit, h a; -1- V , """""l loan T-artaj .BaEaS' ioaasuuiu,. ,,., aartt.Ualuw... u , LjsCK "3 tffi i aiamw. 'aaBaBl I 1 ii ,-i iWeiiiticM tatr aV aaaW aa. " '""r ti arn. Oregon f v: . WBajBMF' ! -f aVA $100U1 JOMNtJKKUN(;. 'tki. Optu-iau saaanaa rme Watch K lalll) . iitd! teprfinnj. A Sp. ... keprcsents thf.... home Inbuiance Co., of New York, Live pool, London & Globe, ' mtmftmHM Co , Philadelphia. m 1 n eioua a atous. a, M, oregos. rser ooutlt i.l I aatStiig a Oatta'. B. W. HAMILTON, iaiattier, Marat Ca.j. wuujo attar.., yUt 1 .,.. jit:'."" 'f Jl "(, Ott-a-uu I'M'! T!fc jraut Tliouiuauu A. K Btooa k A. 8mitu A l.ui.diu A':,i, Motioaau 1'artlMa Inl 1; "iu lo move aUX'B - ' Lasas t.u,t A nd raw. Ujuio Butua ii m ' 1 J 11. r. Htaa Hi.. DeWItt' far Wlati I