j im i f hr (Hmrs-ltfraCd. SATVRnsT NOI RM1 Its PfWICRirTIOH RATES: 'affairs, will not bfWlftft .-ihnut IVES Gl'il T. OF NSL.taHTEt NOTICE Foil P'HI at this meeting. Ob Tmi la Months Tt Montaa IVUM Htlttt - - - - Mr I i ieary is circulating a petition asking the chj .uitliori- Meii with large stock interest outside the county are here de manding that they receive the MBa treatment in the matter of ' nMsJt allotments as those stock men who result- ir the count. am if such a course v sHio'irnwl !"" BtIIm Bfraalt court Wi hrM bar thi- wwk at whih Alt trid for the iiinrH. r f H RunisPV. Hi". I li Imrl fiird Ml l formation charging th i f.-ndayt I'mni iiu Jlml'T Is hrbi NOTI kTION CLOSING OUT S. with iiiurd." H the ttr-: itre and is followed Wl(h , . i),.,,,,,, i.0. h) the fa KIM the mat ,rd hndrt tn raM j,, Tfrv ter of rang'- allotments will n. a ,. rj I Th- prisoner was have to Ih- arbitrarily set- boMi 1 ltigg A tiw to lew a small tav will which W th"' ,n charge and this l; King . I ... - in oiiiv m.me contusion hhit nw" " - ' Eagle was HltlH SCHOOL IITRRAR SOCIETY, utthatrial mi t- Jaek Th ,.,! IJtara N M I'd.- - I-1"-' v ) .! R K Kdi; l Tl-e 'Er-tlxe Stoclc or GEER & CUMMI i. .! .-Hi h ad van tags 'ih- to maintain a lihrarx Laches' afternoon Dab I "nl ";"' ; "' M; some s; hundred volume is then intention to turn them i puhiic library if the .mcient mm. . . , ,.,. - furnts:-. th m. lights and pay cail fm Paul. J C libra-i.ui Th-v i- a cumin : t . I : dable ,t t P .-.11118 n ren-i si u Stewart heart support of all. ll rru-of I'u haal ihiog evei under- i . If . raise amount hi liee voiun: SllOllili 11 ..k up tin The CwJ ill it v a ;.i question .: the petitmi simd P ever . nit hed was d - IT Mill- th" ratifad all night 1 - ughtr MM I. K H-l Vnca -Hig! - - Kiln Pag "rl ( urt - N . : vtmr Mil and Tne court sin-'-xt Books Tt.r. aaaaiat aaatom Mm In KOI rtiee wiTf Ma- rtoonet had mMmI i Bet-retarv of the Interior Mitch wwi .Mmm Swell cock, as- ,-,e special gov- ' ' i.sf.ttw. Ahe-Sws.k. fr- " " I - L-.HHAH.l I.... T. - Mr. 1111. J iir.ih! kv tin. .. mllMlini ernment agents, are drfendin-- i.n.t, it 1. n Tb president appointed Erurna l" ' g ' '" asufliei"ti: Isnglb enator hulton in the L matili.i . ,. . ,, . Mul.er. critic ivtac Jordan. '' and land fraud inves-.igati,- trud, H.m ., N-a, nidge refer Ikt ju-v assert that 8 tl 1 ullon M ... lhT Ucid-d ;. .,, .(! . ., (,,ur no way imp.uatrc "ative. 1. ...-; wi-.i . ip I ll M b the Oregonun Thi Times- V.al Solo Nsta Gear lb"- wji . h-inl the .-riiUnoe in Herald is certainh .. Mtfea tt-orgr Mars.i learn thi la fact I - - luntai luet :'.i uardson x i.-ti la him guii- :ie lirst I'.yrd and Myra King laate Lsnd thieve- tJUai Lata feaaa : it is high time made a very ginnl rr- Taen m m an the ; of thi " "'' stopped, vet tin ma ""' ' " " carried too far and P ,D,'a w TVmTr P'f r . bar 10. w adjourned at I . t '' wrong m.i(H' Must be Turned into Cash POK PI bateat Idas- in fad. To Wear 6 MBS. CflAS. . Drecwi Hardware, Crockery, Lamps, Tinware, 25 PER CENT REDUCTION On nearly every article in the store. BUY NOW. WHILE THE STOCK IS R L SAB Assignee. Fran! i . ... i (Mai j " realh had no intention ol to sulle: ! late dale lo begin investigation of land fraud ever, and looks very much like ik-RliiUM'S IN Ul.hTlK ' M ii.i Ik. ...aii Caatcrt W(aaaa Ntgbi. thr V VattVrtv M 'X-"l:'. urr cmipert was iMtp.,i,e.l ae was stolen" i mn 0f g hi big land grabbers arc not to be I Ik tm.ir last week. caught iiom i t forget taa nan i-.it. It will begiven at Locher H . in UVd naadav. Nuvamlwr li IllustraUd and comic songs, parudie. etc. No pbotiigr.pl. fbe doctor The Times-lleraul mar been taken to task by one man a: least, lot i the home ; giug The cnn .......k. . I L: . . . -a ana m enor w.-nml to none, and II br 01 w !h Miir : ur mOfl home inatrutioos to the entire ev - umiied elusion of the mail order houses. ""' "ur ' This man I laims that local mer- I guarantee to give you chanu art- iinvini ptti t. . ,. ' ' " thi- bars i Oat Of this county bj not doin butnewt on a closer n n id he bought all his sooda here sow. h,- r. .....I .., II .. count. , his : Mould h ver vi. iled vour I iwn V . t ad ver motion p it we ad' n. beaide. nur mint Imaimi'iill r auncrctj. uu! ttic MCI been richer. H, caatl-. submitted an order I v.inier supphj of good - we carry merchants and one firm v him they dui - of what he wanted, ti.ercf-rc J not lii; in, ti-ti. j ii,,: tary Road . inches had an agent t,.-- this week i. and aanj i large mnty and Malhwat river I "f th under- takitik' ami will i of homes for pa pl whei ir.ied through lily a iOi ItVM iin'i! lie at n- a il ! un der Wu ver praoii. tied lo 1-- -ia-ing i i ! n 1 shall pros - i Imi issing trr. --Herald A. SCHENK, Merchant Tailor : v uits rT order that mny be tried on h njr. making; 5ure of a 5atl- irk guarantetil j I MILL '.iN6. KmiRIMi AM' rES5IMi IPxicee Sesu3cra"fcle. A. Sl-HE? -chant Tailor. McGee BIdg. Burns. Or nn. r Harm wind d edn-i M Burns lYIeat Mar t: North ni Tost llfficc mi Ham S: V ---tk- S ' (TW J lrU I 1 vl"' i -' ef tnhwr t. -M lorn k-.i FOR tr patroaacc salkihi. H. J riANrE !'nli oniur f he CI Si ST. W Hlf Wt limal King li ii,.- ber.nb.1 Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line RANI METSCHAV Propt Oaeratioc irua u iMi Ci:. Johi III. Cuvn City tw Banv Orcfea ilurns, ' I -Careful drivers First Kaili m to Uurn oniv L. WOLDENBERG. Auditor j-jLxrS, Oregrsn . ( (ireai THE HOTEL BURNS SUM BAILEY propnetor. Fine Winp;. Liquors and Cigars 1 1 flints for Maryland Club Wbii I '!" CLUB ROOMS In CMKI CVtRYrHIHap1' Cflii'N'fiiK ana nbirtuui Munlrvlt:tc ' ' " ' 0 ' ' "- a . ,. I rhile . imi aartM orua. RTfTION. SsiaSr inr.il all. while others v hifch in tiicir pri n.I never had occasion to . compare ariOM points, but it ii . for pairoiiiiin ing and .booting ui .i ami oth local mi ductmenii. it cannot aspect then tr ' .-. - Coasajr -uuimm. nili jmI i.-. ,UJIll. tli.B . Ike rvcii,.-: HmM .... was Kamsi a J "ktlailiii 11 V- -1 - lDr. ! I raiu 1. Andsrsow ' .. ! : ' Our Fall & Winter oods 4RE IN We can now t'ke care of vour or ders for cerything: in ous line. V from the l at a la, "i ribb:iiiti, notioiis, shet- llting fiaiinc-ls, drch!. guoda, iitri.i-hi! Js tor men, ornen and children ( its, rain coats, leather coats, Uuck coat.s. sheepskin lined coats, acinars and warm coats for winter. lunket. quilts, etc., callOM, percaka. SBU5TER 5ROWN r inr ii ii ii i i n ij Tia I .-4 J M- r 1.4. jiCtt i(li Im I he Largest and Most Complete ,nc Of drus, rn . Jri'gi: perfum . statKnu-rx . In. 10J plies, et, mi brought to burns, finest wtnef and lit purpotti ahirays on hand. Agents for Ao I'eriodical Publish Mil DOtlOlf PRbCltlKTIUN WtN SI'IC THKCITY DUOSt I H. M. HORTON, NiE AUiTMENT MfcETIMi g .ii tin t,, afficiaia in charge of the waalara 'n of ll, M niiitun icsire ranyc m :: warn iii grgyr ,i iiousi iii 'I i,. i. I beinj; w an ai I ii. l ii- had an .-iiik ara Bj afur tnry i,au gotin and raplanatlis oia.l l .-Tt ilia ii.- tr.iui-ir n. La Lacmun -teat tsialc lar buk now uanee '.lie ao- - i lor llj AWCiil! McCiOW K i- : : NWS LIVERY AND FEED 7"xaSKs RuhbiTs. (icrman socks, felt boots, gloves, boots and shoes, trunk valises, wiooon shades etc least two hundred men. .1 cue tnaariaalioa of J roportion of arhl Kiasict for ll ,.g outside the county, are in at ten ' 'r,J ul- "anmr, was bald 1 Lawit at interval during 1 ivter, ot Wranbiagtoa v I) I igani ol the lor- ' ob Plwi" ll " rpartment, U. li. Shelier, i'aUu'' H'- fur ll u"1 nfliaka. City, wpenatandeoi ol l""'"." " Con:!ud"! ., .. . . -niay and the prisoner allowed tin Mine .Mountain lo-. eland, of Pr.ncv.lie, .. , ..pr at the spring ten supervisor of the western division jUrt of the H;u- .Mountain f . . . .... chool buiie in lbs r f. d ae.ve, arc here and MrkMg ban. ... . conipU(e,y to bring order out of u.aos rvd liy fin, ,Ml mimmilj CamiHiaai hi iki ten d.- aaithaw tai. left trills in the division Law ieeil a- ...ve at the close of school pointed to apportion tile ra libg and duriug the 1 and it is hoped by the augnt iue wood 111 ihaiyc that b the heip of "round Uie mpt- The cbildi.n 1 LOiimiittces tne mallei of '""it all toeir ixtuki and Miw Anna rai.Kf ajuiortiunmcnt can be '-' - '' holdm- amicabK laltlad aWMNIga rumortl,c,'uo1 ttt lbt lAn-ledt home. ait nit thai such a conditions of Job printing The Tiiuva-Herald Laaa np iw4f.ii tuti St. Of all lirdjs. Vali 1 m .'. ii II l'n.j-l 'a nil louk thriiugli r tl.ai. le H (iiai;.-,iij si:isiAimtt -iia iiuiii LUNABURC & DALTON. i I Ul-"1 ..i.al li w .1 Ban N uaise ail V 1 K ti 1 ...- ; vi 'I Oh h ,1 I, . V li's Tfc th IM tw a; v 1 &- .. Hugiag ur Ckristauu Uh) Uitll. THE OVERLAND HOTEL special Attention Given to Conducting runerals NEl AM) ACCllUTt U SCAlb COfthteilW allN bAK.S t III an M to w -J u . olii'ii niijri- ,)! i iliunu, Beer alnavs on Tip FIN'-: ClCi kKOlC. & BlIkUtKOt. PruprauM Lsckr's Hall. Haras, Orctsu. 1 F. A. COLE, Propt Burns, Oregon The Home of the Stockman, fasm r and Tourist WESTS MUST COlKIfcOLSLY Finat-Claaa, Wall Appointad Houae t'vulrally iixwleil, Wall liiniUbeil ublw, cuudiirlable rnnais JOB PRINTING-THE TIME8-HE. ALD BURNS MILLIIVO C Q sttvui Rough and Dressed ! jaB Rustic, Flooring, Moulds 1 Finishincr Lumber. - Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Coo Lumber Yard in Burns.