Th Ciana-lir-IA tic Olheial 1'iippr nl Harriet I the large-it rin illation and it on of Ihwl advertising mediums in'Kaalern nn a She pin t Pefwa .aas i ?!, ffrtat flnrtivq Cnuntri 2 i r n nre. -wo sere of J land. 4, I J i , .1 BURNS HARNEY COUNTY, OR Ft iON, NOVEMBER 17. I NO. S ft OWE WATER the reclamation service We have closed our eye in day dream and have en the barren plain tran- IT11 TCSSES lUWCHTION firmed fn waving field of fertility. ESS. the humble cabin into homes of ease and plenty, the dimly road into buT highway of commerce. i IV Cawlcr lasiasstis. la i here are those anion? lie who have It Mmw SMlc--irrlfie received great benefit from the Reclamation Service, hoi we of the Malheur, the land of the mischance, while we may not wish to expreee 01 R CLIMATI: IS CHAMHNO ItM Us P.-. Wekteel. Hahle address Htv Surveyor I N SOME HINTS 0I: CONSPIRACY done in eepia and placed in a wal nut frame. Then followed the pre sentation of other gift which in S6NAT0R FULTON IS SUSPECTED OF eluded a gold watch and abate, a I MRU TO ADVANCE A CAUSE FOw LAND FRAUDS (Hd lined tea et and other suitable tat Mr. Sweek mother and hi aiater were the only outsider al Owraaieat Afcata tUkH larettlfaliMM th jutMlee I hev presented Mr. Iwrllll Rrtrtles--Prslest d Mm i; with a gold licrry spoon and the picture "Fifty Years ' trried Life." The same dav rsllikiaa Sals' ta ar latslvr. TMF CrUVii v Ola Tlatrr Tells a Pristilll Paarr t asseratlae la Trarstart al I ultra Ortfaa lalrlt I in full our feeling on the euhject. Mi ' county before iMTe here to drop al the altar Hg of the State lr- of our mined hope, one pitying held at Hood ar, mr a government so eiruiig arm viiile in its principle yet o weak and vaacilating in it practice, that tha political scheme of the few can the Lest wav In rnm '"' """' '" ,Br ""' for the ake of OBITUARY titration it i our no and pare no crop and for the Rliitc. in andHl oil. "(retching m a i)4 pe ll, o.Ulfe 1- n4t in e 'iiiaat start .tedgwale Mr. Mamie Gibson, nee Wilton, wa born Sept It, .171, In Union Ing with longing county. Oregon, and died Sin rk of the rookie I'". at Harney lity, Oregon. Her nee beyond. 1 parent, brother and sisters reaide nut with the nften in I'nion onunty One brother. L "a. iihi much Frank Wilson, wa county judge r "' Mr frtier ha hown u, there for several year. IVoeaaed wlMOwlwopc-e feet i now ned. had lieen a eiifferer for many rear a taoh Ball that i ne and Anally paaaed into tbe rtithlea Over la'Iwalhcur the result of hand of grim death. ((ntramei neaureinent She waa united in marriage to mine ntnl inveeligation of the title to certain land in the I'm till Indian reaervalion now in pro grea i Mieved in aome quarter lo lie the forerunner of a systema tic 1 llort .Mi ihe part of the Land IVpartment at Washington to 00 neot Senator Fulton in aome way with the Oregon land fraud, aay tin Oregnnian. For aeveral weak vcrnnii nt ha had a gen la al work in the I .a Urande land dia trict. gathering evidence on which to bae an attack on the title to certain land purchased under the act of July I, IJtO'J, which provide that where an Indian owner of land on the reaervalion diea without heir hi holding hoiild revert to the Government and Itecnm sub jeel to sale at tiilii i- million, the purchaeer agreed lo reaide upon the tract at leaal one year and cnl- a alo the 30th anniveraary of the marriage 1 on, Ardie. After dinner had ham nerved Mr and Mr (iage Jr . were given Iheir utprie by being pre ented wilh many handsome and useful China gift The following Saturday the l.x-al Grange, at Oaw(o, had 1 11 golden jnlil for the It wa to he a aurpriee and a the letter wa written the Mb. M-. Sweak knew nothing of what the program would Ite. MM 00 to in m. mi n s The I'rineville Light . t t'ompanv is contemplating set'ing up a plant at some pi. ml on il. !echtHa The ,ea Ml kilowatt generator ordered aome lime nto I now held at Shaniko iieuding ar ret! that Under the Owyhee at. tit 'rtfp irhgatiau syaUm !, fau-aM ("vl WM v" '" . while lhirili-. Cfaajk valley thirty njb away, where the I is fully ifcrcat, and the far- furoajp through failure of inpoiy to Ho , the miimci James (.ibaon five year ago this Nov l!?tb, bv Ilev. A. J. Irwin, and while her death uaais a gloom over the entire community, let ua try to imitate her Chrialian example and at lal Boot her in tbe land of the Mtatod wbotv pain and i their land once are unknown. She leaves a hue would come cor-j band to mourn her whose kind and 1 one acre foot watchful care and ileyotion ewaOod tl Mided thorou- never to tire. tivate not I. than 'J.', acrea K.fore!''a'n''nl. w in the mi.kiug, 1 involving tbe iuatallation of tin anvil, n lln.ul and aft. r IPiB" only one irriga- Tbe funeral aervicea were eon docUd by Rev. A. J. Irwin at the n . . . ii nyierion cnurcn in narnry a; aw of the water in our 1 1 o'clock a m, Nov. 10 and the re oea con mains were laid to real in tbe Hai- H carelea mainten ney City oeoaetery. followed by tbe HHrlJBileil land, imiroper Krgeat concourse of friends that HliriMi'ii mid the !rver attended a funeral at this place Another friend and neighboi kaaj Immbu taken from ua A Fkiknu. BaBBBBBBBBBBBBaj r ( I II e II of goMing too httle While we .ttown by M I .irtieir and Mr. bareoh UMU tin IbiuIh itself 1 uicbae, we must exiM-nii.eniH are Under ideal condi- would really eoono- gel together keep land in proper con- H., aswar eaa vally awd. 1, and if we 1. or aiui' dttohwa ami oa, affttab t and ktut h Jt while ,1 lb wu- the aw "ww af low ir im to- 1 1 1 I Steia Will liac Bra leak. One uf the most iiutiortaiit step taken by tbe Crook ( ounty t aille tumi'i association, wbich wa in P measure- ..j,,,, b1 lu ,1 UUUM1 Mt S- aheii we have bad !.,, mmt the adoption of a brand book, which will he prominent work d.ian econo- fmmlurr fr, ,,m on w,ib to own- era of stock throughout tbe county. Notification will lie cent to all owners uf sloct residing in the 'fitlliill' IA fnPVHfil In ilia mmi'ImImII "" "" I I I I ! "' -w.- . of the aociation all brands and other marks showing ownership H u s march ail(j UNpj ,,y u,eatockinii. The 1 aaa, li wa the d.,-rt Ural , ,,riind mmt, wi t9CQT j,, , 1 water, every-1 keu. b- lb, -.crelarv for thai a drop lo drink purpose and will aerve nicely a a water 1 irrigation, airtH,tory to restore strayed eloek e waler is storage wbcl nM ,, uicked uu oll lhe d at this point to I r Tbt) omwtt br,Md mtrktl ures stowing the ' m-., wjtb bjg ,mnB ,DJ ,, ge Ukii, the climate (,0B wi u fu lmt use, let us not r we do not use. n at a goal ani of ID.'hsi ltcre feel lU.tKHl.iMK) acre hi coming entitled In a patent The present investigation is be Ing condiictid ijtiietly by Edward W 1 1' ii'ii.nfint in charge of special agents for ihe district ompriaing 11. I'i mlleton nn that lliis-ioii It l hmt'il that the gin i nini nt f preoPedmg on the h p..Un-i thai fraud wm ifnciiced from the start in awcurinc title to these Innds, and the Senator's ownaawtion Kith it mm have had smnething to do a it li his Nt ,re the auh- colutliitte) ol Indian all uri in Feb man llm.'i i secure the passage of all amendment lo the act of July I, IMS, liminatinf the residence feature of the old law, and oierat ling as an act curative of all irrrgu laritie in purchases prsvioosly mad. It is said the lirai intimalioii the Land depart men t bad as to the true Value ol Ihe lauds in question was embodied 111 n report of tbe geo logical auivey Tracts Inch tbe I purchase. s are alleged lo hv de clared in tbeir allidavits were prac tically worthless for any purpose except grazing, it is claimed, war found by th theological Survey lo be in tbe heart of an agricultural district, and capable of producing big cropr of wheat and other oero-als Deschutes wal-r Miwer plant It caae the company secure a suita ble location on the River the pre sent plant will lie worthies, and totally different general' lar to those used bv Portland Hen eral Klectrio will laN fier k Used hen- If a power site i an be I at a reasonable ligiir- tl. change will be made almost at mice, and bids for setting up poll -usked for If ihe holders of powi i sites along lh- rner put Ihe price 00 high, the company a 'II in its pre- t ami run lv steam awhile vet U oocl in coinpsratnelv hn N r,..l,l. the -i.ran ranch ' ' :iiaw creek, and ha lieei. a 'idenl nl Fastern and I'i'iilral K in lor nl year, canie Into lu. 'dy on hu-iii. M Id mphaticallr assert" ih it itrai Oregon'i climate has nn k-.iiie a remarkable change in paal twenty-rive years, Tliiiti I , the t 'I'ltiinl la r ued to freee over at lallea so thai callle were ilriv.o -a in hum hi .n perfect ai l'hi 0C1 urn d often Almoat ev.o i wii.i. . 11 ul.l he .'i." helow 1 "k at a time The writer has seen, in I I calll.-. horse, and sheep afVwa serosa Ihe ( oiinihla, mi thene ry bod. I in Ihe Dallea who h nl a l 4111 nn. I .utter went nut nn Sun day nit. riiiHiii. and for miles tl,, mi of the river was dott.,1 black with aaagw driving along in 1 ap Ml Vl far as we know of, 1.0 such 1 lung has happened since the a inter of IfeM Mr T.. 1,1 1. lis ,.r the slarlling change that has come over Oraal c uiniy's climate since 'ift yeara ago lu Ihe Suaw creek county farm, rs pagag small fruit- g I Itui sw lbe nn raise a) thing II, -! want lo and not half I temperature baa lieeoa c.hiIi r in summer ami milder in I In- Mr I ..1,1 ,. po.ilne ahoin W'liilt. l.eing untitle In ad- Sal for ib- . l.aiiae .e - that ll has 00D abotii, the most maike.l aaOal scarce, hut .till there is ataMagh to tatloa having come along shoot supply the company for man) yeara. I'. inevillc Review. Israi las la Drusstc. or the pnrjMise of testing the praclioability of farming on the . ... operative plan, a number if laud men who nan land in the Des chutes district have pooled their Intereals. formed a corporation and will enter upon tbe rii lillui. business in the valley on a bmad acale The corHnrtiou ia known s "The Baldwin Farms, nnd the nt. iprise w.lll be conducted lllid. . a single management Articles '(Mirat.on w, ' filed with the Secretary of Stab Tboae aaid lo lie involved in the yesterday , the incorporations of re government investigation are W. joord leii.g K A llaldain Alfred r and " is duty u( oul,- we to bad ibie. Ota le of Ul .sag. alter aaoi ibl Jai, ur colli : tug to prove to ou .t only all the s could be brought 011. but that our hills wotaVd D meagre and uutruat- iby taaH used UiU we kl.uw ge waler supply ion acre feel, we an instant's perusal of the bout r pages will identify clearly all stuck owned in tbe county, lu this way ownership can U- established, with out danger uf error, in a few sec onds time I'niieyille Journal. Ot, Met!1' , : . , . 1 , ,i ul rutaiud l we ant lireal happiness came into tin u. le feet of Ibis . ljOUJe f H ( m.,,. ,cb(K, ...per,,, .is. a, res of land ,,.,,, ,,, Mt 4pjgM t V J per cent of the ,,,,, lbe littla daughter waa rlor iu.g di wii lo ou BJ ff,u . dreadful complaint be you agS trying 10 drain your "He says "My little lr tt. believe 111 irrigation dajgbler bad St. Vitus I leiuen. b ! I which 1 ielded lo no treatment but Bcueaaar -sV-Tar -n.atiil mrs--atot4- fcVud.Coi .1 tried Klectric Ibllers and tlMttBu Will, but irrigate the rejoice to rat II . tirat." j ad a aaaaafas tuick ruie Mil. uiiiioilal says, "We cure for nor vous c plainU, gener- ibibenUin grows oil tbe Ml debility. I. 0 aki .11,- Ht "i' lb. Appeinuer. poyerisbed hi. -ed and malaria. UWaBul ue bate eeeo th Guarantee! by City Drug More rl sUtfced oul 1. lor. ur gum, prlcr r, aaw ' .mdlees and oaiu.Bp tawn.y nakedness uf A Washington. I' ' woman foregcou ae it recedes, pen- promi ent 11. tbe official ael aj the ii Kcli"! by the cane.-aiug NBtiuuul capital lelU 01 a function B,rc into color of! 10 which she had invited an at- , Bkr. purple, violet and lac It of one of lb ! glioiis famous , Bg in ib baay diiiina for bjaaatraot poiiieues 'ii.r n. H utv of II., vKatlo.i was foru. alii auoepled, but .mil- i BTi ' beaulifu', on the morning of 1 he appointed V tun paiul 111I0 these days, d g unit Trill bf HBli'ie tbe aerinity of lue diplumai r v.ile! and couched ,ga, Hpol.- .mil homes clusU-r- j ibe following tenor: Btlinr among tbe tree "Senator Blank regrets much Hr grain. The Sabbath's tbi ),, w, ot be able lo attend H faithful land From Mrs. Ko-und-So's reception 00 ibe ar a church bell's met- evening of ihe fM instant, a he is d here a child happy dead -Harper's a musical resonance thought splendid re- Up-to-date iub printing at reasou- lo b accomplished by ui,,. prioa. J Fumis'i. reining president of the Pandlaton Savings Bank, who wa a candidate fur OgfWawaTt. 'M and was defeated lv Oorernor Chaiuberlain COawastJ Jam il Raley. a promineut democrtic politician of I u.atillu County, who wa spoken of for ppoiotunt as Senator Mitcbsll's successor; Frank Curl, prom uently ideulifiod with the political and ooumercial n.ier est of (matilla County and 00 of Fiiruish's staunch supporters, aud Thomas 7'houipami aud John I two leading farmers of Indian lands in that section It is alleged that Crow farms more Indian lands than any other one person in I'ma t illta Count On February 7. (fOg H'e time the Senate's s dimi afliirs met to consider the In diau Appropiiat, .11 Hill, Senator Fulton appeared before it and Wa Bile aud Jeaa Huarns With taaa men are assN-taied a half doaao other i'ortlsnd huslii met who own land in the valley. The capital stock ul ihe com ern is , . 000 Mr. Steams, in explaining lh scheme this morning, "All of us own land ,1. ihe Des chutes alley, and we belieVs that we can clear it and farm it al lee . l- 1 se aud to a greater profit hi combining uur in ures Is a-td con ducting tbe business Bndof on management lhau by winking sep arately Because of th . hav iuoorairaled and - mana ger, wliu will look after the w .rk on lur all the land Wa p ogagi in regular fariuing puruil each Stock 1 . bear In J,,. exM-nae and reaj I lip .-, pionta. of in. . . .istinn li r. 1 t IBM. Sine then the-e I111 00 appreciable change Ottsfft in 1: ki 'I the same thing, and l( '" sbayatingei genaration, Who 10. o.oriea ,io not reach back u far. to ,(ll. - 1 o, 1 bam I I W ...i . k. who k, . p. ihe guv- tnioeiii insiriimeiils, says th. N bag l en no change to gag ak of dur- .' C the lime b. ha had charge of vill. weather, about I ntsina ll. ie.or.l- e al ..iine for the same tear ami a dlfTere, I" dgr w.uld lie I ird to find Review I arm us kit Iks II sa ti. Hi 0 -' l,iiiia strike breakers land are Dr King I. ile Pill. When livsr snd I I sink, (1...V iil, kit selle uble and the purifying work Ileal nirt lor coil- ', headache aud du.i '.'m at ' 't Drug Ml ubacrlpt rl hi. Arranged ' I o. a pat up ur, ., n.lviinee lo 1 ..t .llh-Clb era b 1 I ill alsn Ml great national n 1 1 not family magaitine 111 Ihe I 1 it., I Stnle oe year for for tln looiitli In 1 ,1., . I 1 nine al llniii". Or. KOTtCI l"K ITHIHAI nv Ih suta nl Oregon. Ho M.irii.'v illei 1 111 prove- nipiit ami M starts I llsi tevaltl, lis ftslivtiin on. .,!, and lh it . anil ant and all I -' I a Trn- leslant", or otliei w ie, lliat under . ml In t irtiii ol di . i.i'iis . lion I 1 Ihe Imrrlor uf 5-. .-. 1 sMtav "i " uf the 1 I Mat M, UU.. and -. Ilenil.l I '. 1 1 !. lively, n 1 v I and Otic at Hums. Oregon. 411.I therein and lo alo.l. reference 1 will, ma h', baMwa wtH aw had at tha 1 I it... I i nil. ai Hiiriis. Oragos, lay, No.rrabsr ifillb, IWO),, ai m 0 . 1.. .1 in .nine mallei ..1 im sc-ior ii,,... ol awtai 11 land situated in Harney I'uuntt Oregen, under Ail of Angusi l.'.'i. of the Stale ,1...., , .1 in list So. A, tiled in aaid local the llth.lav.f iilt. 111'.' , hi ih" Slate uf Oiagon ,.et twhnll of th llamsy Valley luiprov rr.enl l'oniiai. , ami lur a detaih.l Ntaksiaeiit su.l ileseiiplmn ol said lands referwii, Ml aaaasl to said list audi)., asm li mad a xtrl .f this ,. mfj t" 1 In sin had all cer llllete-sled, ssn I lands bring' stlna's u 1 iagi 1.' ! a t ii .1 a 1C " Jr ho howano wcaatr. pacamt a a c. w a atnntt. ver mmoKN, caaHit a W V y y. first national Bank CALDWELL, IDAHO A Ocnernl flnnkinv; Hulnetts Tranagted CORRESPONDKNt I INVITED ;TS -!?Jgg-TaTagr JVeOBStmaWmWkmfk ff 3L THB CAR I IM HOUSE. aftfatlCAN Ht aw ITAftlO, )i:K)N. PlK-Prpof, Modern. Elegant. Kntva $ 2. tio and 9a 50 per day. AM Outside Rooms Near Depot I'hl. IIIimI. 111 uct Intel , 1. only nterilly opened In the ptibhi II pie will Ih alwaya mrkomr anil 1 lli .1 t lass bar bi cosaaactkari. LIVERY BARNIN CONNECTION. MMl I m , . I .lull S ., . .. itova I'SIBTTS, I M MKD Agent. Hustler. Clsrks and 1 very bo I y oho wants u enjot a good hearty .ib to asi.d for I ipa In Worth .') In ... - ,11 who sella gissl. for a living M not aatlsfsitort our OawwaW lor s'.amp The '. . Ill in the arm lea ilu 11,1 urporali. rs blanket bat t..i ..mi fta a . I..- ..11 ml ennui ninn ..,..11,1.' a re, l,.r il. ill iklag l.isl ilitniiy ami kfg atbat aulac laarbnig and r.gard me the .iifln irin y and atsllablhit M the aster Mppl) ri.puretl lor Ib reel. 11. .li it anr or all ol aaid la ell a. mi) oilier mailer M gnafwaf, "1'1 Mm lasslbilii) ul said Mate's pr.,.. .1 M-hauie .l aad reelaanaii .1., a. well as Ihe dawarl character ul aay or all ul said la, 1 mailer tf.ruiaiie ii,.., n, .,,,1 i lo HealoreaaUl letters aud tie- . . I.. IIS : IM. lOtl, la; ..I... I..I.O, tog. W u I MM . It's-isler A. W IK.a it, I I ' "I Ursl i.ibll, all, hi anl In l.i I ''' Owvaaso. )ai. Mniai Hrsstt. W Napton &, Boyd Real Estate. 'lines ast iaing. THE CAPITAL SALOON, ptJwwWw, Burns, - Oregon. Wines Liquors ami Cifcurs. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. F. E. BRAMLETT, Ml UK Mill M IHII l AMI tftfi aic I llrggr. SsStab.a bid llwiu.Oi lata Lac Star RE8TAURANT 11 ll kt i Mttg', I i 1 j.u mihJ MBAL8 AT AUU HOURi Bmkmry in aonnaation A lifakUillv ( Skarl Ofatr.. 'I a1' d Willi t el V Olios' (I, mar., i Voir patron- ige ...III Hi d k ; s-aWW- CHAS. WILSON. tic. liiun ro.WiiSOH Als,l a iilacksmitbiig ui HirulwiBg. Wagon Work ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED. Burns, Oregon Main St., beard in relation lu various amend- to iiienta al. ad submitted. buy and sell farming laud. ruus surgical 0srslluii. f ii malig. build and e.juib faro -hours- aid Oant .her. a. Uiga as my band, lo build aud oiarrale ee. in ligh' Ui my daog' t's bin waa nr. .tT taaf bj rfr Ur ! say A t' lend lo - i Up w. V. " p.aer ' I fuii.ri ,. p 'v'1 d hi- llorus am. i. , Inji.i . , Pr farms will uiacbiiierv wilh it.lh.y lib. N' 11(1 M. a plant tut that DUrpG . ... ol Blu J Mrs t A. Hw.ek. tti.., went to WlllaincU. tu attend the gulden ng of liei pari Mr and Mrs J I' tiae, has ttrittu iiome iolk that M faai m i , eiigbtful family rauiiioo, et of ibe Gage's being prist l,' The day seennd lo be one ( hap g'lu J i.l touching surprises Mr Mrs (Jage had d..u.d thai tbe children ii., i, I, . .no I ... a Limit Itw) fwaM I9M will long be re rcuuiui, ai.U mjueeled that no prea- u in ihe I gj in Ibis they Tack-1 of A lane. Kj a v" disobeyed as there were uiaii) ; of blood wbiob floa , .n.l eleganl piesenl. revealed lu tbe old Iron. Mr. Jacket's lung people upon their ou-nng the I seemed very near. II. rooms ttbere H I displayed '.ere bleeding Iron. Ihe lo, , Just before dinner ibe ceremonies a (rightful ugh had brought no bea-uu when all were ushered int., at death . dm.r. wb. n I gun tak .u.. t i ii n ing lr. King's V I'- .'ery for . 7 . ( oiisuinplion. with the asluiil.b son, maae a lew remarks, callad .!..,,,. ,hal alter taking four I roll and wuen be reached the nan e ! 1 wis completely of Bee (.age, a daughter who died jtiioe has proven p. in Ibis city some years ao, be uu- . ','r"lB:,, ii j . , . ' cough and te.ieu... ,g. pmureoi me young Hlrt. pfic, jjy a) lady ahub Mrs.Haeck bad ordered l Trial bottle free. to Wt ''' I j j K J1 rilCTlClLLlHf- bj AMY .v4wffiflV I llMJIwtiAl T' ' ITOII YEKr-'-' 'i'' rrt '"t?f' t" aaaaaW r,'v ' .' ova 00O ! ' Ml tod' l wVs atoairllfut ,' Ma Is! WJtimr il HaM. gVi3 M '' aaW ' I aaaasasaaiaasaii.Wpal - I. L LEWIS .llb. laj to (grajgl PARTICULARS and PRICES I aajwM gajaTatf IMORMATION. SmMi Hug la fori, d b ., up. n my premises I ii .passer Wll' ii Lmnm ild will make this a baagtaiu u.onln ... Ibe way ol ii i J. T.,vsja dVttMii ivo TOO. OOk, DESIGNS. MONUMtNTAl fa MUlaiaaa . n 1 in gun las ( lll.cotei. tbl I "lITad.. " aaVlsaw ling four bo restored und u- j jj fur sore Jungs, jj at City I'rui' mts and Awarasal lar E. N. NELSON Watchmaker and Optician HB-u.xxis, Ozegrori. GOLD MDAL t oik at a Coiupiiliiv. I .lublllo lu Uurups j The Finest of .AH aH MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY far Salt Italy si; Hotel Burns Bar A ints, Bunns, Or. JfgTKu JOB PRINTINC-THE TIMC8MCHALD