The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 03, 1906, Image 1

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    f lie fimt-Mrril6
m l'iiWr ! Ilarue. I
i tlii' I irJMt in filiation and ia m .
I beat l.dvi'Ml" lltf llU'iln.ill-ill la-
Wat fEinug-3
t -ait Warn Count rq I
HI an area nl A,4n,l0n aere J
Intnl. 4, 721,000 aeree yet vacant Mtf J
rv under the public land lift nf j
I hi. tnited Kletee.
(JON, o EMBER 3, n
NO. 50
itme ri
TH! Saw
IN fl(K)D SHAPH ten he w foaled
It came about in thin wav: Potn
i'i Ohio there tin a mare culled
' Mabel that produced a colt that
trolled in 2:27 a a four-year old.
Ueorge Toledo, bearing
the mare wa to be aohl at miction.
Acktrraia la BIbbII
Sa Karateey
out Slate
hut ton optimialK'
-tail' are quite
v ha v- mil reach-
Hiltioii. I th.'
hi Hrti I "ay thev ar'
B I mean
Kin now at wnik
Hmiii lii'liinil Id. in
inufMH mi nil aide anil
k , . . . 1
MBHHWII..mll 11 Mil III-
mia in
r change for
I -'ill SlljHTI lltl'll-
Hlii-t r inn
n Hkn'!i' editorial iH biennial report.
Htlni there never
lime 11 t In' hii-tnrv of
'hen tv children of lh
nr bitti' ' rained moral
i ami 1
. 111
w v. , All-' I'i ll lie
'!!,, Il.llll .
MPK'" B'.iiik on
HajlH. in On l
Hiii' 11-
Btl.- i" ' nii
SV He the
B tin 1 M
kii"-- purenl
iJBft'" I In
n.lH ! '.
h "I li
oil lug pi' L'feae and tlia.
ore Midi that great
ly ha i
HW lB uaunl, iUile !
and MBrui i-h tin- i.rdeti
it Bati.u'n a cniidi
in- Vl evalnui nl the
ncraUBeutiiiK Iimiii null
ghlb-gru exatiiinatioini,
ry atu.uil I'oiiKolida
1 'liirit.
UeMt4UU leneher' eala
.' naBtlite, count, lu
ll! Inge, auppl nf
Pullman hy Profea-nr Bilk
Mr. Lawrence, with gratifying re-
nltfi. The aeriea haa covered c -
eral year of wmk Ry the
ing of two varietiea of wheat, a ni w
varietv haa been produced which it
in belie, ed in verv well ada I
other waa the man that had the
auctioneer eye, ao tha' Ketcham
fin the mare for 1250. Wten ahe
foaled Creaceua the vottngatur waa
a moat ungaitilv. rnmmon-lnoking
ti'cinieii nf a trotting horae No
one on the farm regarded him of
Ml) H.aaible value.
Aa a yearling the hnitn
waa attacked hv epizootic, and to
hi neck. Aa aom aa it began to
heal it itched, ml tin- colt walked
to the half-door of hi atall and
rnliliiMl the neck until a horril.le
gaping wound that eipo-i-d Dm
windpipe had heen made
decided to id m, her up to 11500 Ftitea Mea at Alkali lake HiaaH hi ' thia country, alatea one report, ll
But on -ale day two other men. rMm Wrrcma--CkM WiRNir yi-i,l,, M l.uahela pr acra and
.icing in concert, hecame mixed Vl.ltt Tkat Tkrivlai City. .,,,1 ,, ninlv, very littW of il
m their Lidding, each thinking the i T I V II liing ahallerert
Other experiment hava been
",,rn " tried l.y carefully aorting the rar."
road, returned to Lakevtew a waa t)P, 0f w,.,,t, and aelecting for
lnled i The Examiner laat week planting in a given plot, .mlv a few
that he would While he waa very of l" '"'" graina nf avanef
pure a inter wheat Th recoil nf
Qnilai Prnalla far Caailat Vtir Will it
Mtai tmi Mlalairat Nalft IM
Tk l'allr Sfaaaa.
can fnl in what he aaid regarding
tha company' l.uaitieaa, he gave
tlo laat experiment ha' In
ltd ,
TK .. n InHtinJ 5 "
' - at the I hi i a
out th- etaletnent to The Exam rnr Rj,,,!., guinoy
in an interview that the Oregon Pullman
Kaetern railroad 0a la three
crew of aurveyor at work in Kat-
irn Oregna riniiiing out line for h-hrid aim i wint.-r wheal
..I 0MMN he ha n-.w at varietie. and more will he ,.t, in
Alkali lake, admit 40 mile due t, apnng Sample of hyhri.lized
north of Lakevi.-. r.mintf tin , ,rie.l wheat h.
nil would h. here in a month to hrn.T. , varmu Imalnie all
Kill htm" ware the inatiuclion "r ",x w,,"k" T"-v will run frmn tt)e way from the Krili-h In
Alkali doan to Alien l.uke, thence .,,i11.m, ,id.. m,...v I...
'he lake hiir.' to theiwer
l og will tie held at
1 ' I itv. Ori mn, Nov. inli.-r
I 'n, hegmoitg at 10 I in., for
th iirpoe of making grazing ah
I la la th ' "in Ihvi-
l Mountain Kor.'l l!
Mi nig interested, aa yon no dotihl
It if .i allenil
Now, if there la one pninl wh.r. ilir
average etock-fann eumlove halke , "
It i. .. Lilli k. - -- i. I end of (he
i' in hi niiiiif n null-, 'i"i- nn phi u
till" iiiii'ting n .1 will he to vmir
pre, nt a Inn the nM I-
tmrnkaM are made, ami o iiiiihihiIi'
of land, whirl, haa been anwn, ,,,1 , ,, ,ilt, , , n
hould Hint' i a iitl.-o aulhiiinv.
di legate mn- MM In act lor x mi in
'he allotmeiila madi
a' Ihia meeting mnl he ahnled hy
during tha i .i"n of I'.HlT.
tin dllVeWiiv Will he eatah
liabed i.(h ii a hli'h Mm k nni-l !
h aakjt,
aotinu would te humane
tint cult Inoked Iretter the ilm fol-
Inaing hi entenue to death, In in hang around and
g it wed nl once. Tin n he waa
iiroken to harnea and it wa week
he could trot at all, l.ut
dually In- balanced hiuiaelf and
Ho i, In- OOUld elep "I goiKl han
fnl a arliiia. And then began
in wonderful aartee uf thing in t
Creaoeu dnl the winter I. futi In
Wa B tan tilt ilk "I Kiel
n a driven mi tin enow a
Toi do ami lould heal iioal i f the
faat one there in the hpru.g he
i. in il to ! luiinid. and ii
time at all It Wa eeli I bat he
would he up to a rac II-
iwn'i that NHM and won I
nud race in 2:37. 8 86. l-eallng I
In Id nl 1.'. Tin m ii lniri'mHii
Would have mmi to ii that mli a
cull gut a nice letup until M
lowing apnng, but Creaoeua waa
workeil leaailv on the aim
""""" r.'.iniiiimiizeu mieai rniin l.,.. ,,,i ,, ...
"Waucan tnarah, ... ...h.T ii... ..,! Ii n, I 11..1
, . , ' - I lila notice ml rin- ouinlim.
Oll.'hll. a IMIIIll We.. t III lh ..i-l ,. ,.,,, i. .,( h nxiwrl I .la. .
tlieenmi- nl the expirimcnl -ta- ,(,, ,,, ,,, ,,,k arrangem. nie
( abtu mining diiricl. and alwiot . tfr .., ..i ... n.Mi , r ,,,. . .
lion atan ma. r.anli in great . c ,,,t.r hreedlng. M h.r forage
.. mI'Ii- In r.'M di omic value
- nil IIII..T ao M till' III .
DB'I 1 tlllk-sf. WAN II II
ng In the roadiMl condition
I the rang" a reduction will In-
o the iiumhi r nf i heap allow-
.I in era. 111 1 he raaarva dariwf
All perioil lor lea than I'"'
Itroan -I.. p aill lw allnoed In 1I1-
All I I- fat ItMM) to lLNNI will
ouiio valor
10 1 In 11,111.. mill a rallfnadi luence
ID n I . t ..iviii rai ell no
tlrook 1 ak, Bf 'hat creek ami
ver the In pnaa lulu ( T. (I,,,,,,,, .,-,.,.,.... k
Lak Vallet at the north, and to aay of iheetralir hor-e
" that cii. flue wmk
ll. .nl kj mad wool, I U limit Cutting lMit ll,.- te.enl ..
I '. ,,r ,.,., irv lm I
xiale In.. 1 .i-k'ilil oullil lm ..nil In-ru lull
mm Am it iitnluii il ir u .nil iiiiil,..i .l 1 1 . .
, w'"- wmmm or" "'" ""l r' Ire allnaed I.. ...creaae to 1900
III ill I Ii III Mull 1 1 I nt I Ml at I a- I nil frnn. a 1 M .. I . I .... 1 11.
,.-. WIVV, , wrr, nM ,,,,., Al) M.MI1II, fr HN) toommt.
a cioaer quizzing we area in. m ,, ,.uti. 1 Dralter on ll,. nlhr
' I, -o.l, .e llMM
00 nmlh. Irmn whirl the Anytlnin' I.I. mi-l.e.l. . ., ,.
ooiicluaimi i! .old las I iimed ihui he ,,,, ihr light druiug order
ilul in. 1 1111. 1. , aee that mad make w I ,i., i,.:.i ,i ,, t gra.d
aatj rapul h.'i.daat. and line aouhl matket h.r lima. - in a cla- and 11
tu.aii that hepr. I. r'e.i the lm ni.r notormual v bad one for atuff thai Likely left for oatuiotbe olaa.ifi-d tnl h) aliif
1 mpaiiv He went to l.ikeh pmg uut a lot tif alutl Mr) in. u.
'. reduned I cr cent provided
that none are reduced baeMf 1200
All peitnlta from .'" 1 In linrtl lo
he 11 .In. . d I'll p r 1 10 1 .r..Mii d
.a .'Um
All permita f,.i t N at i t lii.iaa
' 1 . 1 need 26 per
cent aa provided above
Ml permita fur oval 10,1100 to lie
ami ..iiirn.d d 1 reel ii. I.akevlew, popular order could a learauoa Ml r, r Mnt
a. . . I Ibuh. aaa.... I ! a. ..a Bt. l . 1 a It 1 .
ell. ile, I
Alt inaikela
and Irom here would not elate
poeltively where h- wouid go, hut
kM ..... I il.-i I... ... . a . .. ll J .1 a. 1J 1 awe
K.rlv the following June he waa " " f. ""' "" ' " "" "K"l .tun
atarted ,., a race with tk mber W,'b " r"U"- 'hr,,UK,, l,,U V",", A "' "" 'd "" "
i , j and will now turn In attain ion are a lot of uatomer bera thia
tin. . ear-old and wnn. "' """"' re no
leinpi.rariiv 10 i tie other crewe ol week looking fur big rugged work
ore one ,, which la m the jboraea, alao good expieaa and full
neighborhood of t'liriatinaa Lake, made wagon hureee, but all olhei
the extreme north end of Lake i kinds are felling bad.
county. Thia crew ia pulling lor t avalry horae trade la over fur
th. Heachutea river The junction the preaeul, and there ia abaolui, . ,lM..,
when the little dauahler waa raavor-!" '" "l W"K,"",r" One crew i no trade whatever lor awall aoulh- . ,...
w u n u i njriin.riBu in -,iii noun, in r
ed from the dreadful complaint be '" ""'"" v.ne7. rar. naKKuer en.era. ii ii e not make any .111- y k, f A.
'.i. at happinea came into the
houie of ( Hlair, echool ui.rin-
l.'iiileol. at Ml AlUat.a, V a
report a ii v ........ 11,..,.,,,,, ,,.,,-.
.miliar glutted conditio,, .,. r.g.r.i. U) ,)f , u,
ami ..I The Dalle Military
I o Kuad
'ury truly youre,
.at Huparviaor.
A Vaar ol IMwad.
would not
a a a. m BBT 1,11 II (Oil a. .. I IA . J I I .a.l. a.,,1,1.1 I ... ..ia .1 1.
name 'He aay: MV little "' "' "- wu.m i.rriur wiibv uiey cull, TOU aimpi
leachera' a,aJ00iid'ull''l?r h" Hl- V,lu' lJ,,cri lvu,ml w,iu '""' ""l "'""". cannot aell iheui here atall i In
. 1.1-L. --"-' a. ... . . . i.... but It la I'.'rtalii that Harri uiedium drivina lu.raaia n. all taav,
U, and the need ' "m i"iu iu .... i..-..uln... ..... .
man km. we about Una II.
-tl aarviM,.... of 'rew eteadi ly wor.e until aa a laat "'" """' """1 "'" '- o- u.g plenty of money, with nobody
. . aa. . .,.. . tfMalM lhal .Itllll. IIIOM tl.M Kill. I I. a. I, a,a. ....... .I...H. .a... .i I .
roaorl We trie.l r.lecirii- Itinera, and """ -. ... --...... .... .o ... a. u ma him
I rejoice to aay, three bottlea effect- 'acilicCo might buy the I ( (I 'Our advice to the elnppniei.,
ed a oomplaU cure '' (mok aure "d "'k" " ""d',l gauge of it go careful frmi. m.w on ami
cure for ... r vu- lompla, lit, e.,er b.n uaa-.l who waa back of tba i nothing but a gtwjd ab-i
..aa a. a I IrilOii.l H atatlalPli lm l.iaiii. lliu alal.. .it. 1 V 1
mmm mighlv trullertal debility, female weakuaaaea, iiu- "' ' - -""-; who euiue aiae. , mi .... nuv -,
laaaa.Hu. i the track .1 I LH-vertehed bluod and malaria ,vJd '"""Br l1'"1 "u dldut """' a d horae with .
I" IJ.. ..II.. A .. ... .1 . I. : . .... .
City Drug Mlm. '" ""ru "' law awiuioerii , acioc ,. may look high, and alill will
road from Natron acroaa the I'aa uiake mon. ) , and a .mall one i a
driver, no matter how
lance, K) .. aa a
I which flowed n copimial)
from Mi la. ket'a lunga that death
aeein-il ver, near He wrnra
other da) and
m '-' 15 the aoir
ib all Sui'ubility waa the
flh lurf hi. lory ol
K lhal ever
.., .-. iBtdeed waa a pity
i ., L e been Bent out
HU'-iii man. wnn
n the appoiiite.l
tallion would i
(JMMI condition
;. kg
Guaranteed by
Col. C. E IS Wood, writer, poet.
aportaman, politician, agent for I he
. i M S It Companv
and all round gentleman, drifted
mil. I'rtiieviUe laat Thureday, while
li hi way home to Portland from
,i. extended hunting trip into Har
ney oounly. The colonel waa In
BoMCeili-' aboulllig (jarli but in.l.illll
i.coguiX.'d h' " n ! w ilh.l o. ill' a
cadea ami the cotileiiiblated con- medium
i... timi with the Caliloi ma .orlb- cheap you buy them, ate le.und lu H(o
Wealiin or Weed n.a.l at Klan.atl. i l. .1 . n
loaf- 1. 1, to.-. oi... ii. 'iu l. ! eon.,
Kali He alao epuke l,i a aiieeril.K ga, ,JM, !. irwdi i, jUat . i
manner ol the
the and
I ul cough bad brought me
when I n. jj,i, tak
ing In King' Ni w Diet i. very for
1 'I'' 'on with Ui.
r takm. ' m h nil"
I a i.iupleli'ly i mil a
I ii 1. 1. ,ven jhiii. , . n'ly cur
.1 i.uaranteed f o MM lunga,
ul iiy Drug
I (1 .1X1.
Il.e ll..i.rlUIr lle.l.if llll. pICIol
V. aeni
.1110 n
in.' king
ive.l. a lion
Hi. 'I, : ,
I . I a .'
11.- waa irav.hi g
light, huviug ui.lhing Willi him luii
uia tin on. Pr
IK . i
, Uo.u'.ll
Oregonlau'a reciuil a' all olhei plact a ll la here; ao
I, J Hill Would We ailUae alnppi re no' I i no. I. em li,,0 r:WAKll 1 15 uO
Hut vou need not lie afraid to 'Inn
aomeg.-ed aued h,..-.- I bay cum, S ,.,. (,. ,.,..,,. , that bunt.
i Upon O.e envloaed
' 'In An.. .V Live
.. , . ,e., . , ,, rttiavt Co located Ii, lowitabipa XV
I r. . A t . 1 1
I - tt,,d eve, ' -o.h,p
who w. ' H K Wi K W M
elai.-ii rnl that
build a road through (Jooee Lake
valley and down Put river.
Mr aggulo i i. a nice man
pleaaai.t lo talk la and talka a
a i in n
In I.
in r.
i miike a liol. iii.iiiey un
der praoaul oonditu.n-
M W kISU U. Will Al
Uut : :
V .. 1 1, 6U '
D .
Di I '
.ripiion" ni ha ," d
l I W ,'-ll Ml Colli"
K. o n Ir. . up
I - HO. I I I to
I .. rim, I ' N'W aillw.'ll.
erawh'ipm m rJ Vance will alao
v.ihia jt r . : , t aemi-w..kl-
newapaper and iimili
loagarin,. in lln- Ciulnl Malea
The in., papain .. .ear for 2
for iliii uioiith mil.
la Ii
linn., i'
tl i I- I i III ll XIKIN
Ifiveu to th Mtate ol
Oregon, the Hariu'V .ill.
I e ... k , inpany, and an.
and all ..Hut , afBOM inli r.a,.., aa I'i,.
leatanla, M
r virine ... ir.-..i".i- aa . I
Httebeork, Sacre -1 Iba lm,
Ma. .', l--.Hi.. nn..
eh, a,l laiti I 0i
II. .n r mi, i
: ..l.'ll.l , r.
.(.. , n. Iv , i I'. 8. I and
OMee at H.iru, Otafao. aad an Ma
therein and to w I del. reference la bera
with ma le, a liearu.,1 will M had at (lie
alureaai.l I an I , nil. v at Bui
.ui M I it t . V... uiU'r ;' IHU... a. In
a'aloak a at. In the mailer ( On aelec-
tlvna ol eartaia landa itiiaie.l m Ham.)
I 'mini.. Uii'miN. under Ail. I AogWal
tVS), ol the -lal.
in i, So ft, III
in .mi I lm al .uSee ON the 110
July, IHOa, b. the Stale ol Oriajna. OO
hrhall ul Hie liar Mg V ..Hey luipf..
n. nl r.ruuaajr, ami lor a delade.1
Slaleaient and ,1-a. I l.l io, o aaid lailda
relaran la MM hat
aaaaa t aa.le a rt ..I o
Mollae and aoaaao t..wln,i.
I., ant ami all gMMM uc. i.-atej, aaid
laaoa being gHM
I... ...I.ia, u. ,V h.. . I
" u
Mowawo etoatt aiotrT W. R atancc. v.r - .aiotarr
m a cowotn, caamaa
first national Bank
A General Banking Buslnetis Trannacted
and ...mall a. r,-- l..r tha
..I taking l.'.nniunr and raaatv
niar .'Oiar eiulaoea tour long aad reaard
liiK O.e aullii'ien. ) and ailalillii) ..,
the aal.'i a.ip.. r. .pnrvd lor the reel a
asatloa of any or all ul aaid U
well aa an) nlh-.r mailer .a maiUrs
bnarlua MJO0 O... lea-ilnln. of aaid
Mate'i pruptaard aeheiue ol liilaatluw
and rvilaiiialiuii, a well aa the deaerl
t'bararter ul any or all .a aaid landa, i.r
.r mailer avrruaiia I hereto aad
.-..vere.1 I.) lie aloraaaal letlere and do
. lmn.Ha
Hale.1 tin. 10,1 lM.
Wa I aana, Kegialer.
A W Ouwaa, lien I
I publlfal
AnaatCAN ih-an
Fire-Proof, Modern, Elegant.
Rates S j.oo and $2 50 per day.
Alt Outside Rooms Near Depot
Thia modern new hotel wm iny recently npcncl to th
pulilit Harney County people will he U.iv wotvogM
and Kuirtooualy cared for A liral , laaa bar in cownoclixM.
it ' i -k
Ila.a 1 ,a... H..VO
Napton &. Boyd
leal Estate. Hies ate lining. X
(iatarto utwee Maw Wtleoa aViefc.
MMk lo Oroaf .
Ilelab.w I
The Uw Star
It hlreele.
Boikory in onntion
4 Sfwldij tl SkMl ktmn.
I a I nnlah.d wTh . .. i vlblna
the lliara. ' .11 uda iairof
age a.iltUlUxi
ITtl sell a DON ROAN, Hropriotoro.
Bums, OF6go&.
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
auccaaaoa ro.wueoa aatatua
"lart""V; PkV
Main 8t.f
BlicksBithiif ni
Wagon Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon
.ml .
I ia it.iie- -......., . .. i 1 1.
..! ..r hi ui); in pcraoi
i I In prulllnlt tlar
kopt..iig around a j,,,. , I,,,, ,
thoroUKhbred mid will a-
S nl ei.ili.
-'"'a' " .... k. - rrealiai a,.,.-
Jlalell Kir
C ul'.i. .llril
.. h.lM ..I Ii -
kr tr 'tl. ir
and .
Had a i l c call
"A dangeruua uperalum
in. u. ih day In involving the re o val of a malin
n. glial "'"it uher, aa harpa a mv band, All'aliu
libit m Wndiitu, 'rnnj " dnughlna bip. aapr-
M:0o in i. am re- tMilod l tile application ul loir..
eeudoiir in 1;00 '"'' Arni.ia Ball ral A
oking Ui th Hl. Of tttilelua, W. Vi Peraia-
I, ,,. tl IH 1,-n .1 the B.llve I lll.le,, ,
kpudiatad h tba unred ii ' oeoa Cuts, Home aim
waa a autoeaaion Injune:., lc at Ciiy Drug Slur,-.
linptin mil il ippj
It, il.e laai-nau. ..I '" " i- orueii, iwiiiiai. i-u,u.'
laving a part in In the new dtuue building north ol
be louf be- IM l'ont OHici .
i ) i . , . ., i
airioo d ii A ui n tmu r
pr, a-rlt will
I," pro-. f.ilj e.'enl ,.l
I i avid nee that will
' k ( o,
I B llll I IU.M II Mi.U'.la
Hunting I. lurinuaeii upon mv ;
i -.. I MgMMN wil1 be proa
11 C LavKNa
Herald will make
Ibla a bargain mouth in the way of
PJpJPJJWJFfWII imaTtmij k tBira mi
K I nt 1 n k ri jLCTlCiUTft Hi ur
T-waT Ovaar BOO H ond m
ifSfr ii oeMitlful Laat A
' " . mt I I Mir Boom... Olraiafra.
wM i.Oi
HeWMEjTjgggOM'( T,
I I I'I Mat
f M M lMt It laraiah
4. Taw aj
I of
Ml l M. a
Iba Remarks
Total Ni, tuna ualivc
IHilalock :..
ii. Cabbauja
Watchmaker and Optician
iB-uL-CaOLai, Oxegroxx
Awarded lor boat weak at a Competitive fcanibition In fcurogo.
.a, , i -mm nWrnwrnwrnmrn
The Finest of All .a
ft !Mk M j at;
Hotel Burns Bar
A tnki, 8urn, 0p.
BafKuthui d Hrua , Uiattlbutere, 1'niilnn.i, 00