The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 27, 1906, Image 3

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Ulill.ATlON or
from his linrnP-
i" Z
is op from h
ikct Shr-nta, just'
it HrowriY
I'nrtWnrl at
Inna-ing after
w.WWaS -
This bank tuBUs-l th- li''kinp; ccountH of firm anil intli
viduals. Opn an m-rount with us and iny your oldijrn
lions by ohtvk. This is thp handy way. tho saf way. the
businoss way. A chivkinp ari-niint, -nablos you to koep
bet,tr account of your bwAMtl transactions while your
cancelled clicks air valid rcfints for th ncoounts thus
First National Bank of Bnrns
.--. - - .&a.a. -A..4k k
.... ..t.t4llttMMMMMttHmTTTTT -w -ww w-w w w w w w
he In rttitil diar-annl M
Infected fruit of evrrv Vinil. I
the I,h (irmuln chronicle
Only will the regulation, l.e put
II the fruit iirntlucinR dialricta,
ibii.1 from thp itrowpr to thp den
tllbher 11. mt-
III, (iliiuli
At Mm
n is back from thp
ty where he has
1 a.nnetime
Mm. Hasties',
Rnht Sinner in in from hid hnmr
atearl on Silver creek.
Complete Ptnck of Blanket, rations
tjiiilts anil Mattresses at Rrown's. t n) ,,,
.lob printing Th Tunes-Herald Ralrit hav at the I it v Mpat Mar
lliunesteau and desert land loea-
Spp J. C Turnpv Frank Davis is down from liar
10 Ih sires n"-r
Mr V 0. Hrnwn, Dentist. Office wanted at the (itv Merit Market
in the new stone building north of Kmerv Hill i just home from
in he nk th'
button in
r.t.l. ,
the Post Office.
Pattern Hats, raps Adam (lenrge is now ready to
i . .ll: r
Ic. flail and r-e taKe orciers lor spring iini'oij i
nursery stock.
, ,,. ,. Mr.. Chan. Wilson desires !..
Tlnir-ln night lautea nl una vicinity m can boo rir
0. f '' I.llld
lor tne isiann ;"" " - .-...-.-.,
School laldets cheap at Mrs
tnilor. hua rcceiv- llattie MiihIh s Also pons slate
clnn.' with which and lead pencils call awl see her
miikr all kinds of
in d
the r ilrond with freight fol kl
Mrs. Ck)M W'ileni, ha r
hrr fnll Bird winter nniple fnr
readv made garments suit, OOSU
Up-to-date inh printing at reason
able prices
l,ook Out - Let the safely Incu
hator, now it runs without a lamp
W T Smith ..I... iH it I'nn
Oregon .
Removal sale, -flo to McKin
nc's mill for cheap Itimher, $o
mined effort tn ei,'..rce In tin Ust
I in iv wmv, in everything always. There s nothing however small,
Which nm this store bin what carries our stamp of satisfaction with it
Hot i K i , :e ntlnf our guarantee for the rightness uf goods, but for the unl
l ut i ur pth We count this guarantee of absolute atisfction
hi i , the bpsis of our SU-tOS.
:;,:;,;;",";'.,'; The Largest stock of enerai Merchandise and doing
ar.vthing in the war of that
' of standard ualitv.
I'ntotd iojnrv has tieen Infl
.those who haxe gooil fruit lv
- f ''it. cnniierie The
II have leen huving wor".
flnd scaly froit iIhmM biiv old
nn,l thee figure have helix-
market vulnea for frnii of
! j itn lit As a matter of mar
npetilion helween the two
ll th (rood has inveriahlv heeo
s'eil down Io th level of the
' .,1
Ml no more Th-
t lisve I lipl nnd lhe
mil he ripidlv patrolled if nece-
1 district coinmisinners
u notion with the muni
rs will see that in the
producing districts the regulation
the Biggest Business in Harney County.
"7"e "TXTeint "STovli -BvloIxloos.
Trade tuith us and ask for our Tradinq Stamps.
. ifl -iKWel P'B Kisy ,. P
mv'Mvj PP
r hlrt
nut ail of lie in
'.: . - ::::.. Rast'.c hr mewd ' ' to S!o for " in the niuifh
i I II tn N
The Satisfactory Store.
Miaaty Sunt li mil k'inp huve
lllie windmill and tower up at the
in the miirkel for ....ineterv .nul nrc now nuttine the
re Imir nnd coy- tniMN) ualli.n tank in iilaee
I . Caldwell has again ojiened
tin Windsor Mar to the puhlic and
B" ,l" popular grist invite hi old time patrutis ami
H 22 toi of suga' i . call. Urafl ieer .ri cent.
' fe I hi- season Will
indHrv pin Ht that rn'e"
- 1. 1 I
ny pefwn mini ircp iaing ,
iimip, (on Smith and wife are inum
l i ii i
from a visit wttb Mi .u.d Mrs. I.
bell nnd famih lift
Marie . vaMey where
i. .imi.i a lug riiucli
H over there.
Happy valley the lirst of the week.
.to, h Of Milliners and NotlOM M mil,rry
thehuildingju.tenstof the ,,i- MppiUmw ,.,,.,, .,,,u
sorand i prepared ... , n, .,, the
Meat styles. Tall and see hev . (.,
Having sold Ho furniture lui- and see them
1412 Imshels of harlev threshed
trnoi 14 hi is of land seems tn he
iln record o fur on "Hgp hrtiMli
ness. (' Byrd will now turn fill
attention to painting and paer
hanging nnd solicits a share of
your patronage He will also con
duct m cahinel and repair shop
(i I Htgal lui ' the anost
ve nd well aelecti d slock
nf wnll iater ever m-en in tlii-
nuni.1 1 IJ "'" design.
iialit are i.' that "no
land This ia claimed on land item ' Ho Is ail
I'.ii-n Heat il if m.ii i l1"" line of furniturp end has .'tie
of ihe roriiltors npiy
ary t
N Mallard at Drewaey
oeciin tin J. f lliirin
thia wit.ter
lllg SO'
ug eaj.!
' hlM hail heel,
If liinher H-ople In
rulioii for some lim
it -MB the mud between
k llennaviaU Ranch
nv oVWiHMr spring and
mm. a itrin ciiulaiii
Hwii a
'hill- I'll
I rewarded hy
xpi rli to leave
I I" -v will , ,' W .,,,1 .Uugh-
's.'l' Mr V.fl -I art.v.l I
yeeterday fiom Lakeview. The
Jefi CawlOeld came over fron ' over t . nr -
h. ' uie in Me i rciiit court was
ir.eil hut l!,. jiiu to agree,
making il mceaary to try tie oaae
again at some iniiire lime, p
ii. . .mil priug
A t. MucUintoKh. the Paulina
look man, was in the city Kundat
MM. i
.,,.... no rr.... in. ,.n roll,p ,() Af,jt,gl whBrr ,, wi,
( f'w ,i,,VH 'l,,r," v.s.l In .later. Ha will be aooom-
anmule home fr ... ,.;..! I...,. I., hi. a,il,.,r
r....... ......... .., .... u... ...,.
i.i u Han OR, No mutter how
small, no matter how large, we will
te it careful attention This mes-
suge applies in men and women enroule to Huntington where he
MM f
Dr. H
w far the U illauietle valley
Bp to the gnldei.
iug of H ii The Udy
Ht several weeks. Her
her ii'iilih ma)
alike Harne t'oiiiity Hal.k.
Mrs K W IlletU, mother of Frank
Cole of the Overland, look her de-
Iparlure elnela tor her home
"-"a -. ... ...
.. in Washington alter a few week
hinder ,
visit wiin ner sou
Mr Hrinkwater ha a new lot
of fall and wnPr millinery I
weur of all kinds al right price
The Imliei- of thia vioinity almuld
call and look MM hit atouk.
Al due, W It I'arkar. A V
. It . I I j 1 t!
w.-h her i.leaaui.l nurinuri ano J. . r reeman aim
ii ulih iiiii I v"r ""Mi lue arm npring
-.rh. n Ihe first ol tin week r
iiiideralaud the gentlemen were all
dcr and turn sons mi . , . .
Iirioronv IWI'l III out. Ill Kill l.'tll
fro:.. 1 eioll. Ion 1 io
) loteutluii ol locating
and are well pleased I II aiiipsnii, the veteran stage
Mr dodder .ii .er who ha lien handling the
M Ii
I ,
liter vu.i join them ril.Uin lietWMfl I'.iny on City and I ,M,ini during th.-lr abaenoe
cloae of M-OOl w.-lin. came in eat. idat I n a lay
oil lie expects to remain hire for
i .. ,., a few days visiting old aouuain
IMing, inothei id ' ' " '
fl he,. Weill,, hiaj in U"0'
II. II,.. Uiggaand hie H W Kitcbeit, I M Kllobelt
llloruiM Willie uuug and J. A MuilJux unci lamillea ar-
IiihI husiness lie was accompan
,ed l. In- i-'er. Miss Joan, who
was on her way to Scotland on a
viail We did not ascertain how
long the .iinir liidv e.acled to lw
Horn In iln- on. Owl i :. Itl-,
t.. the a if. ..! .1 1 Mit'ulloi h. a
12-pound son. Our popular dis
trict attorney is all mile and later
on when he tiles Ills objection to
walking the II. air with voting Ralph,
he will find out that il will he irre
levant, incoiiiHleiit and iuiuater
ial and will continue to walk
Ontario A;gu
(ho -er Waggmr and Schweitzer arrive. here
yesterday ..from an i. nl-
ed loin uf I visit'
ed Lakeview and several oilier
Wagguei will remain here until af
ter the ti'fl .! in x' m-Mitli al leael
He bad uothiug uew for publication
regarding raill "i.l at lata
.' D, lalv. president of the Flrei
National Hank of th;s elty, ia here
fron. hi home .tt Hoise t.. attend n
meeting of the directors of tie
( Mm Surprise Valley dry land
alfalfa seed csn now he obtained of
Simon Iewis at the Hums In
ami K.ed Harn. or at V !' I
Son in thia city.
() Calkins has bought lr I'og
anln rw of wn ' r '
will deliver apple at II 10 ier nog
just i tliev come from t
11,71 partly sorted, fJ If. for lirst
clip- I, at - the -inn. If '"..
d.o.'t lind Owl-ltM leave order at
Frank Hieder has lieeu in tbll
city tin piit week laokiag
Hon.. Im 'I Ml ".'.
pauy and renewing ac.iisiiiiii,
k ha ulilv been alrsem
1' inland u few month, vet he .
kiod enough to say he finds a mark
ed iinprnvcmant in ibis section
since hi departure from our midst
and I very enthusiastic when die
OUssiug tbe futuie of Harney conn
ty. Mrs. Uieiiei and little an
visiting Mr. and Mr Halloo Higgs
at I h.lario
A aiecial invitaliiiu is exti
t,. evel Io attend a fall "e n
lug of pumpkin pie al tin- I'..
terian Mali. W i d Mill im.
( i. I :i1. MM A social i. union id
pumpkin pies and your ten
plaose I'll nerved cold (by
ial arrangements.) Superheat. '
atmoaphere (hy natural gas.)
toi.StS dfy or buttered. Srvciin
In. nd have kindly conawnted
to sing. Dirges by tbe High - I. I
I.l- ieaa i lui. lon'l ial a.,)
alop ..ii "ii (In way If not
ent at I 1 a erc!i warrant will i
ou Autnwalk at I I o
SHVhttCkllk lggltiII0N PKOJI
V Sht (Id ami I
Woll. (v... lilulo. nun srrc Ii
ilgned legal
I'liehl. !' t I II t.nev I ,.nnli . Slut.-
l ' Hi petition Ihe Hon
CVnmiIv Court ol Haraw) f ..nt , Mtat.
i i
I'elar. -, .., Mall unit
leas iimnliiis than
one , . hi in I'.iiblo pesrlnn II.
( ii.t.. ,.( ilrav"" '"f trie IVrWl
oli- - In .IiiIt laiunil will
'" I I
Mill. I I OR II HI in iN
Ailar.i V Irian - IS'leiihannli
I' 1 1 Helenhanih lm ?)
Mil... Mn aim Kola-rl IS-an
k ww
I i ink, ilriaii
Join, Tr.nrrse Hotwrl liilliani
. . M ,'..,. ... I Mnllinlt
.11 W HalH. Cw-fM
Mian PwfM Mk-bsiltfl.
. II Xt.ii.r.'
Jwo i I ( I'
I linn
' . ha
i ..
McGEE & SMITH, Propts.
We look charge of this ban on May I and have equipped it
enlirsly with new rigs and fresh, well galled teams We are ia
a position to accommodate the public in rerv particular with
comfortable conveyances and spin The Red Front
10 centrally Imaied and convenient to the leadina hotels nf the
. 1 1 All liM'k lefi In our oar receives our personal
Horses Iroiinlnl by the ilav, wwk ur month
Notice i l.araln iiixea that on V -. I
i,. th fttl del "I IwOSSnla r lia.
Ihe mill, r-mm I will apply to tin
..I Ihr Mate ol iireenn Inr liar
ney run nas rweattoneil In
i . . l ll KUAN o..' a. II
.aw i el
Reserved for tin
Mill. I.
kei i u.i. let i. on-
. PI I.l ll l I. IN
lltl I
I in i a
I ll
III wl I
a a Ion .
M'MIM II! l". H Mill. I
M. M. CO.
h, A, FRASEK, Manriger.
Ontario, ( )regon.
... ,
i Jaiaaa II K.l i, A
aaa.lKl.. a S llief.wi
M ,lM.lll WlfwwWI ".
a UaJ tie ,
laefeas ee af lfi,i
Me K. .
Nul lie la liaratu giiau that I lie uu.lei
i.uad ha Imm.ii a,.a.nill l tin- t'.iuu
,IS Ijr I ,, llama), alalr ,.(
i in g. ,, ,lnoi.ilrii i .1 iln a.i .il
real I'"'1" '"iilei. .h-4e,, ainl liaa duly
.ii,!i..i Ml i. .a having rlalaia
W.W again. I arl e.i ,.,., i.nml
J Ui preeei.i
pJM plan ui liu'lnea III III io . iiiefjbw.
It . I el h piuaei .imi'l.aia aiul oil. ran
" anion an inonilia hnui Iln ielwidllna
UAVI viii io It
Tleiw iiiaea, ut.
N.ll i 1 I in U ON
Mr. and Mr. 1' N lalUrson
bud the misfortune tu luae their tluiinei ihe week looking ml', in
d hi grandmother rived here this week Irom Ontario ' hoiue ner l.awen, by lire during oatnm uussiiiiliiic- in tlnr counli .
ill uo overland h l.uai- to lake up iheir permanent reai-! il,r high wioda last Saturday aflei- Thee autia s tela in the Silv.
Count) and arc qui.- lava
iiiiiM. cd with 'In proi I i
b,,"s'',l ,h,v i".i almoal every- .,. ,,., ,. ul
thing It was ditlioult to ..... m.m.1...
avva.t luitlici ml'. i initio ii v i
MM the hie Ir-n. aprewdliig ii
, ih.v hop.- t.. obt.i ll In. in no- u..
I ik ll.-. Ii- I lie of liMn nf tin lire la
not kiniH I.
Bn, ol Mra deuce in this valley home ul tin ,,,, Mr Cuitereou was sick in
j He io have another viail partv make proof on limie-r claims I id mt the i;mi and ihe old people
Ml in. .ul date
New Goods Invite Your Acquaintance
iBrc is a charming newness expreei1 in
Autumn lines of fabrics and accessories i tr presented in our store-- a new
Bs in chii aid r ait- tone in line and mu-
Hial. indicutinis the marked progress which
Hear ot renewed effort brings in the work
producing these new lines ui
una Granite, Broadcloth, Drap
I De Alma, Henrietta
i ilk't suiui.KS. Yuu are mviicp to come and
k and Ungar as luno as you like uli- in i you
Bh to buy now or not- Yuu arc llwpyi wel-
Pe herei
Our Line of
For Winter is now Complete.
he Busy Corner Store"
John Kuov U lure from iua home
al Kugei.e liM.kiug after aouis bust-
. i nun III n i mi .Ii
uj h tin i
MMarTaira. Mr. Iluoy baa jual i ,nenl fcoI"c "
I trum a severe attack ..l -' ' lcmg ilhilrav n Ii .
typhoid fever and ia atill i.a.kii '"d COMSlderabU- picliuiinart
:ralliii aim. Hla wit. n.ta also work wudorw b) I
l he mlh- Aftel till' HOrk ll i'l
'fortu. to tail fr oi. , tree top a lire a.lllciiu-ni ! tin i
VrP 1 Hi
a lull, i
AkCiili. McOOVki N
Lass I. stilus Heal buic far iak
Lass hrfp awKhi aa. Sal..
Ill i.l.l oiN
0 Gives the treassw dspss si sahs-
i-AlM Lwt-uae a M Imm nrm.
4 Styb. dwiaw-Uon. aa- pmVrt it ia
very canaewt
Doa'l pay Io S M-l OMT lowMS
iMilets yiai are paifeWy lalafced
Merchant Tailors, Chicago
K Idtt-'' IO
tiletai .re bis
v hull tl. - think
will cr.pple hiio I o ill'.. The
fail. II v iii- iUwtwd ''.. unforlu
l.ale Mi
erk i
I . Vaille. Mwiwlwt railway
mail aupt .
iug after mail matter u.d the
schedule of tic va.'ioo- ..ntraclora
Mr alio .. here lust year to
liaik into th i of increasing
here and
I ans on in.. I'nia i.p ai
HabwW mid u. I..,- proven tx-l ,n -i M I i uu
very lory, hut Mr. Vaille mbcr of ! .mil n i t b
was told we wuntcd another change, Oidi it Aili he Uk.ii up ill in ,.i Im
huviiiu the Mail reach here at u
clock in the araoiuf He got up a
petitiun and ueke.l e.-veral of our 1l r"i HKUII SwSTS
SSMSMi men to sign it, but be fail
ed lo get any signature. Tbe gen- Juddlieer. member tor the tilth
tleman let"; tin.- for tbe ' -iUicl, has jual renin, , ,1 lioina
railroad by way of Canyon und mwt'ng of tbe aisle Posrd ul borli
Ausliu. culture Out. of tbe principal r
i parttm nl . 'licit
I.IIOV8' auppoil to ' the
incut wuld p Tin
biouhl a I. ply lniiii lli -ii
ii. Im. i ..i al .' . ' the
aovciwOMHil lb
ably of tl..- pi",.
not no liiyc but what il i u i I
,l I). pi ivaic capital .nd thai
the xovcrnincot ivoui.l ui i
tl sui h ai i mg-runi c uld hi
readu To W-;.r Garments '
U'alM ki i - . . . 1 - . .
riM mm m -i-BpUi
Iky lIU.v VILMlrN. Bur is, OfCCM
i s swim, siki CHeOCERIES
i... i, rruil. vtfOittDio, iou urinns. uoniec
tionory, Oiars and Tobacco.
main ., lusni, Orsyon.
.j. . i
-' "'
Kill, J
for Clean. Wholesome Meats
Piekles, Chaaac, ChOwUehoui.Olivaa
Onions, Conned Goods
Applas, Ci-anb. Fi.a., Salt Pi.h. Soap
Burns Flouring Mill
JwB -TORTaVMfsT, Propl.
Fully equipped in wvsry particular ami y"
.wi't ir .'.' ''li ('
in ii i ml ut v ul Dl ' IfttUnt tn I
All liBwS of Mill Fee. always m Maud
m rciy hmilsi lAi-tr rue- pais m mm .jllum ut
Good Seed Wheat for Sale