ft he Stmtf-evxM. ATHHDAV. DCTOBRII r IMA OMOBtFTtOM KAT1W: On. Yr i . SU Month! 100 Thrw Month. sbet- - . ,'",j I' I.I AN HYKII - - - Mairr G A Rembold's imprtjaaioo of thi' Muthtrn port f this big count) i. cortajaly coma Md mm la tin- Ir.tst ovt'i'ilr.iwn. Ow OOigi -MHO 0001 nn that (MM an even in. in- lortlMMtf th, in i- in i lim.iU- condition ami have an abundance Of W.ltt'l linnly kind. HIS IMPRESSIONS OF THE SOUTH END vnllsy " Trout .reek unit aflttoii If yon arr- not ready to plant ft.. loreuk from tti -t , (mother MOttOn day your tr'PK arrive, or If yon havo Attorney (i. A RcmMd Talk of Hsr- OOod from the wct, bh well more thnn ynu cui plant in s short gfj Counh - IMOJMM. M OHw ortak, Van HotM 01 ptM gf time, yon should at M Ottloi v eieek, and a Kr,'n Many hssl them in carefully, or pMOl i A RanMd, of the law firm minor rlvolata and brook 0 them hi a cellar t lint can he k"pt of Partial) A WOMBoH, OOM Jot W aoOJparnUtol f khihII portion of i! just at .MOttOf point If you hep' lOfflOtl h a viit tn ll MMtbtftl VOtl arm of ni'li nnil agfltUttUI I them n out Of door select a well purl of tin-, county n.i. re lie went land-, nre at present owned Hut il riialBOd lOOt, nig a trench alioiit lu iittend to MMJ MNJOl niiitlern will not remain eo much lot." two and one-half feet deep nlop- I In- WM hit tirt trip to that sec- I.ei the IntWtditlf "''ttler once , iiiH otic fide, place roots in hottom lion and he . vcrv favorahlv im ine even upon the noportunii Of the trench with tops leaning on DfOMtd with II. lie cav llariie th ( awaiting lutn and he wil! t loping fide, "prend out UN MOM v.ill-v k not nil f Harney hy any 'ho alow to avail hiniMlfof the san o thai the enrlh will conn in con- i.iemi- and thul our people The t'limiile, thr producl- t.i.'t With evcrv fOOti Fill the tr,-ni I, ibonld fisll Ilu- hoapitahle people noil thi-eeinry are more rharacl' ' imrilv full and gfaoj firmly with I of thai onO Of HO 10001 and rcalh it f California than of too a i. then till up level with top gel an idea of the gp it M - of Hat- northern Country in which we t NOTICR COR PUBLICATION n i ompllnni " v.i I toi I hi ult illforilla, lire il. a h) i llurnn. iiutl I la. mill III oil III, mi' lit M . mi. I i v r III. I. M) A. Slilllll. t W I . ,1 . Itil lilt'r anil rri.MI " OH Snttli Into- .lie' ' ll It." t ..i mi : taaa hu ii of urouml and nrefi down acain. Thai portion con aua eovarlni tba whole of the tree- with tain a big population and will at no distant i.n The Trmea-I terokj hopoi thai tin firtnci nf li.nncv Coont) will be protopt io filling out tin blank published in this issue, a il real I) important tli.it this date DM lie obtained i earl) a possible. The ai erage in i ultivation ami the average yield of crop ill in-u-i .i in an advantage In bringing more people and help vot) MOtoi ;.;!!; ... :! daveluumewi ol out n. It i in the mtn Ho I iimei that thOM UtiM . being gathei rd Ptooac help. MAM. ORDER ll(l SB i m il., i Folk id Mii,uii in a reienl MaMMM to tin Retail lii" RM00CMU0O, strongly againot the in. ii, order hiisini ami Miuiiilfil in, k ill the ltU.llloii m thr following poi ifrapb Ii a pi! i i good eooogh im a man to live .mil make BOOSH ill, it i good enough In hho to -.pen,: in stone) in Advert im in oui In, nn pipet anil help Io huliil ilu in up No OMTI nam an MS i enl withoiii id VOfl HUM kl OSM .i oi MMUOn W hen MO mil i .1 thi will Ih- found to Ik- ti. ""i1 monev erhoi make It lit ex i'pt what you intend to trim off when planting I thiM 'heeled In" will keep In j;,il condition for a whole winter, parti, -ularli il Hie urnund M "lightlv Iliroii off nurl '.,'' It SI The a1 OOFM on' fruit tr.e- mid lmrry plant grenc and deciduous ornanienla! md Bosrariog nlooM will be talked of I I Should your ntock arrive fl . ury the package HnOOOnod in well ilrano d ground or in S cold i' wiit tnr thaw nut graiiuniiv and without iieing expioeii to the air or BOO. Freezing will not Injon MsOh if direction- are fatthtullv carried out MOM let the tool- L. R I one minute in tin rnv- of the MM or to tlie air ck arriv.- with a dry shriv eled appearance take it (MM the package ami plunge into water let a ten minute. ikOD Inirx lie in lie gr.iiinil ii, an inclined MM M M to cover at leant two ilurdx of top- with Mffthj thorough ,! with water and let it f. M hnsjN or longer until it regain-. i I ' Ml III I II , II II, phinl-1! .Mil. on- iiijurv re tilting All KasMrii Oregon noil i ,1 with hoarisr a while won h head .i ih ; OOOfjak NBg Iruit treea to COnlellll With I a mte, ' :lue ivat -oiiply pul.ene , mi. salpbot In i roporl 'in ner of tre you have to plant ! and wh ii von kovt Sniabt d ploal ney ruiiiili and it- rtOOOfOt. H -ide. At ilu home of Mr Ileal- 'llarnei V alloy sonsprMM by no Inotanao, lbs visitor will find Sornoy soonly, norldoossof ths soil which wllltquii can il lav claim to excelle in in every rajOOCl uinlir prmli oibei portions of roMsd In California, such an weier MM territory turn SjMbfOOOd m melon-, puinpkin-. n(liash, imI unty If an lonbti UmboMw, apphss. poaches, potat tin-, and tin re mm -till Ii- patri p In such an ah otio oltisons ol Hums and violnitj danet that lttaa.ee his ingnnult who d, . lei him take the trip to dl'pnre ot II wtiat i- commonly called the "Providoncn has allotl -niiiii end' and bo will in all pro- rogton imnionte tracts of rich 1 1 dt babilltios be Mtoniabod not only together with more thai 'I the la -lipilv to irriglli extremely fertile land-, a- well ax wherever ne'en-arv the ,, ,.,,.,,,-nr- nf the tann- "In the pool wailefuli in Mn MM rMboOM in trout a HM handling of tin availall, wale nnmer aa Well M the -lipph . an. I a OOg lull, I abondai inoM, boa 0Mb ot the poHoy, bat Md I I generoii- ho-pitality of ISO MMJMO, lent -till i- the agSMOMM i With a certain touch of lem-dnd i- time and in ,i high brad grn- reminding nue main!- il Hui n will I. elrongli ol II-. tblVOlfOMl South and vnu will SM Mf gard. i ipM of t i -n. i. , l NOTICE l'"U PUBLICATIOK I All i llurni. iirein. Aiimix 1 '. I '"' i In iim -,i In , ,.i,i,ni-i. CLOSING OUT SAI Tlxe Bntlx Stocks: of GEER & CUMMI Must be Turned into Cash DirfManl llNl.k I . ni.,r, miii tor niiri . i i-im In . ' me! I(.i-..i. nl i. urn Msrsfeall, llmiii. lie lima , :-, It, milrt iimi- - - tHirl-. POM PUBLK ATJOS l-NITKI , Hardware, Crockery, Lamps, Tinware, 25 PER CENT REDUCTION On nearly every article in the store. BUY NOW. WHILE THE STOCK IS R L I.I at SAB Assignee. cgmI 111 K DmmI aZO 25EI3OI5X. TIM' 1 1 ' - - .,1 I 1. 1 r til" , IMI till nil' I an, I n, i oi litini; it in iicrnnii a- -non a- ,.-il.i Tie da - II all i niiit i.-ii i,y t nr i ltd ni Novcnibti sad Is to hs nasd to ," . Ill,l III III. inUllt 1 ! eltll'i' . Mai .ii., i .. u it I I Niminrr ofAcrtSiAveraKi- irld Numlwr ol A. ir- No in In i iiltii.uril -1 cn- Bpriite Oe Pall Si n M ooimn notioi l miii, -rem. I.l-l, one t Hurn ot. n.i,. Aiiiii. JU. lw" .itftt, I, ill renlrit MlTliU.lt iMffll All, I Ii. Ilu. ,,flli.' Iijr llllm A II. i -I. lmil .iifmn.l homi,li,-.l . ntri - I" A' hi mn, i. it v . -t , oi i .iwnhi .tMir.li i ,,,, II, ' tin I mI i at. I m an. I fallr.1 le ritalillali 111 lan.1 an1 l,a Del ihati i . Monti I ilaill. alel Ilia' aal.l all. aal.l latel n a" lint -In Ii an I ' I , . i In, I, e la all.'llr.l itallj! abati'lotn -I Um,o aari ,. in,.!. tllloir nl aal,l art, m i,, Hi. a hO in al ttOll'. - Ca' Burns Meat Mar-- rt OW North nl' I'osi Office M Main Si .ii i. ' whl, I laaar lim I.. .inituig Tba I lliie--llraltl. ..I llila nollr Il n iijr In. aie I I- ot palrMflgc Mlkilcd. M. J HAN Job printing The TinieM-llerahl. lattr '-" (ton von voice ilu- sentiment-and practice wrhol VOO " l" " ','',,,,, ,r"-" '""' "" '" "" inn u those from whom noraerjr, slftona bandlhl ol thepui i'Uri i.,il .nlnlidr r.iniiil aaniili 1 r.. sT-iir-is UIUIScri nioiiiin csivii lirr . in bosn should i omr, I . , . ; mr.w over it two inchssof loose OOOOer mi m I iiei the busines. , ,, , .., , .. idiit l doing thi carefoli .Set ., Kood MMMOM ""....;, !,!), Mr arounu you m p-troo.x.n, uil, ,,. ,a(il. ,,. -M1, own srbsi) wnenever possioic. our W hen uiii huv limn bu it lioni Hit; null in Mini tonvn let some of your MOOMT yet luck M the farmer- Im soil tin yi.iin the mill and sln,e motic) sm, iliei " I inn BSt) ' BS SO a. i ' n MsnoMa Name - di-laiice apart to plant ire.. I-. t.-ni i 1 1 1 1 upon the kind Ml tiial l. whether Ikjty - upright gi or dwarf or Mauilsrd in town lots where uilimd n -n, , Don t be aftattl to let you "- sllbot the Call new -i -a;- -u in youi town Iwarfor standard upright kind ..mil uanl cloaer than given I The itortiona inirtieularlv re- ilarnev e, uui wav down we ferri-d io an Wild BoMt valley, At preeent it i HM id, il pla ami. what niai U- railed for laek -eiiil a vacation, ae titer. I'r, nit reek val- iilenty of troul in tie MM Ml ild RotM fOllaf i- traven a deer in every Ini-h I in AUord creak which II ...utl. into Alvord l-.ike The ,, n-rao,, Mi.-r- mkt OOOJ i.ioi- along th lltllled Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line FRANK METSCIUN, Propt Opcr.ilini; iruoi Aastin via Prairie Cih.Jaki Day. Caayoo Cii io Buros, reoo i ' days ft. nn Bohoi City U) Hums, OfOMMk il, COSOfottabh IMUajIMMiOi Luret'ul driver First t. htM BtttiOMI aloin,' tin-route Railroad to Hum only IflSj mil, rata .11 L. WOLDENBERG. Auditor :H3-CLxrLS, Oxegron 'ssy. Meat '. .- . the governor, U.-i In -in I.,, I lorae. .1 new -i 1 pei ,in prosper ami sjNM vMtlu.ut tin- ,1 til Ol,iieil him Kl M, a . A goo, Hl.Uii.'a 1 psil to plan' ,-..pum,.r.HniorL jV. .ia.. .1... I .....1 ..-. ....1 ....1.... hav .,l 111111111! the umt. mid for . uniiort of th.-l.Kal'"' vwm -- T- nar.;ey county lair, says tne 0 ' of aor.a.lini nr.iwili olier.. . Uan on .1 Ntlle, are tin riCnSSl nut 1. mi- am: to a certain . . . .,...1 1 1 . Ullivillot. I- uil-inled i- . .-.' - " iioi.M. 1 ra.e- and that .c.,. ...., iMia-iin ""n ,t of upright growth 1 mtn -.igehrush higher than MUbth .1 UM1 I ,.rrie- bead, awaiting lb-arrival Latlei on you OVOtl 01 the hen. ,. 4, .,,, '.lg.-nt humiamim in and 111 oi tin pownpaptr's groorth m x IS icet build 1,11m .l in im money to oaOM boa I. Mj lOMM .louriiiil Al the rue. Other H rn I i in illation am influem i i pro jeei Hto of n coiooMa io telling 11- ' oh) 11 will bo to MhroaMaoja so iroaM wsth ou The local 1 1 1- v. niir help but you in.,. 1 ju-i as in. ml you money m in MO il " PrMMfa thai nn: pi.ii tier I' 111 )d 10 show soooei 1 Hi in nit - I. nil l.i tail.. lll" liiu .... f I.. .. . WW... - h. . ...... 'i' .... . . 1 am afraid the I- dtlor may think "l,M v" H" '"'' '" '" 'JJ,, 1 .. 1 am airaiu n. 1 in. ir may nuns horse ever v lima and then .-om.ng .p.,ce . . willti- , Lringiug for... a steady .ne-ney This ''-! 'I"" the urei wale, A K It (i lalormilion to Huriuuliun-i- ll-ii". I 11 ami I niriied home '1 where they attend il IN- raee The Imivs -. BSMMM BOd ' treated ii.it.i m th.-n , Jlinuiie li.nl a pair ot I lag thrown lioin ihe Isians tn a run-away 'loin M .ni ne- driyi-r h-t.l juit Bra I 11 ing '' in t nn at the nopor end Bjaapaibj iiii seerslhiug toot i ties and vhila lei giissbeeb tnei- I,, ih. ol 11. , k of ibs euaoh the great 1 mpire and II. BJM -larled to run TbeM OW 1-nly ol lla Krop'. I,,- -iriii. ,,ger- lull all wereoutniii i lion nl liu.mie vyli jiim- to lob pasetioos asked . i ,, .,, it,. ir,MII ran tbool s lie II, rsfard M , anything wa- bur! to all v 1- i.iuired m tin- leoalit but then eailsMss oltb a Miephao- nitb ai , WlnMfOMitr'i oheeothoj other port of Otogon la grusrinsj and saada a i Mtptoti oraob of the .-- I r ill t of al! the . 1Meli of innoor oaoia onoonMMlt f1(1, ,..,. kotsroan in I """" """'' "tl- bovi Throng., ni-lak. -rthwest hy tolt mmn ,,. . . ,,,, 11 laiaa, M th.- weat hi i, tra ,.X,.,i.. u,. " "- MM 01. UMfMl India. , mm Mir. '' '-K Mwuiilaiue. and T. tll, )luiL, . ,,,,;.,,,,! , Hie aouill a o.mpar- ,. r,(jr '"' " Ml , ,v. ,,,.-,., I loiaaj i.gn -.. I ne tnhjiltsjusj a .11.- lloaing mi., una ; , Mljilll Our Fall & Winter uoods ARE IN We can now take care of your or ders for everything in ous line. W have just received from th: hast u large shipment of ribbons, notioi s, Shet land flo.s. . outing flannels, dreos goods, furnishing goods for men, women and children Overcoats, rain coats, leather coals, thick coats, sheepskin lined coats, macinaw.-. and warm coats for winter. HI .nkcts, guilts, etc., a I cos p rcaks. .., 0 T 1 I r I c t" r 1 r i i r v i c I PC PUICL. DUKIu . 5flM BniLCY. proprietor. pine WinPr. Liquors and Cfga flints for Maryland Club Whiski CLUB ROOMS IN WNMCTIDN 1IBKIIII Bu'ent Hurao slrro! iuc tl Courteous and oUiifKi Mixolo4i;t .e .. ., lilt the t and 3VN WMiinato Bucks for Sale. I. .mi ot Thoroughbred kci'ttini Room, bred fron tn I raoc RaMbooletle and Delaine -u.ik Thai stock i-, myy Ml u-ni lliiouhuui l.asiiin Oregon tod are lyin; Mlialat lit ... A inuunii tm stooI producer! the Ramboubrtte and Ueluine 1 mis in- urn XCelled v all on 01 .ukii, W. D. HUFFMAN, Andrews, Oregon. IH II; II lil I 1 I 1 m1 1 1 HI ..fli H. il v iHsV-..n!im lm J m L L0Q C VHHBP','4HHHMiW T FHB 1 11: ii. 1 ISMrOi lar alt. 11I1,. 1. to I..,,, Mail. .11 . -.11, 111 Jt ' W T irnwn I'., I nil..-. BMfbO ' " "I'M' KHell' K pH LMHMeVyW 'halely -ii 1 I . a t'.riiiic.ii.. , i J4 t- ' I . U- -WmmtmJ&t I'oiii.- Iin-i'.i. a. 1 . II. iTntwr vMt HAKNI-Y COUNTY BANK burns, Oregon v . j, mmmm - MMtt V9S9S tDVJDTER D jLWSKxmm mwrn I rejolvcp i 1 I THAT TU BUSTIR BfcCiVN iToCKIrK ISHMBMSa Ii A BOON ID MOTHtK. 0 A SHAPl utreiiV TMMm FOR JAMTA CLAUT - IfiS . yV jnafc. RtI -jf 1 .Rt-n WM "Wt ti JK. 'MattksMsW J SMa m?. JaMv lit if 1 1 Ml fllP va saas "sisr- -fc.snh-a ' oyOyee MMMjslssaM fjsisl MbMMj i The Largest and Most Complete Of drugs, niedicint's, druj P'-miiii s. mtioncry, I pin's. iu., ever brouRhl to B iiiifst uinci and liqi purpost's alwavs on hand. ; Agents for Any Periodical Publi j iOLK INJCIIIK'b PltSCWniON lilVl SI'ilMH THHCITY DRUG Si ok I H. M. HORTON, "-esvevo-ev e. . Illbs Vaai!on uniiun where wsdili ill h. m BURNS LIVERV AND ftil 51 Ul a I l.' IMriut STMB I nJ II bero all. llll l ' I Mr V . . i mai I Im I - )i! Ri ''hers, (iermaii socks, felt boots, gloves, boots and shoes, trunks, valises, winnow shades etc. Tlx Oregon Hotel All FT Nd. IIOASMM. Pint .iiiun- mil, .eat iiein and aosaierta room. I-uijk iuyile hi fiieniln in ln, with linn when in Jiuru. TsMss.esll.fnrnishsii MusU :" ceut. ..,... a. i,-4 M, . w- A. : - : e ' : s : : a A. SCHENK, Merchant T nor I Suit made to order that niny be Iri tl on of all llrLd-s. '. . ii, un -tin ill on u uu.l look t'arough ebish Is Isrgur than eyor hetoru. . WL uLAKANTLL SATISFACTUW -PKICtS IIKiHI LUNABURC 6l DALTON. . 'I rf Xa flirV' LKW1K A I il I, ,.. aluMMaf mmVJ II m s htl n i , FUttl LI . m ;al in Vie Special Attention Given J to Conducting lunerals A r" ANl ACCIKAIL A SCALtSJ CONNtCIION HUH ba. before tiuishing. making sure of a suun factoryfit, All work guaranteed I SI ILL IN) iLLAMNu, KtHAIKINu AND hUSSIMi. Prices USeasorLaTol. : I IENK, Merchant Tailor, McGee BIdg. Burns, Or THE OVERLAND HOTEL. F. A. COLE. Pront. Burn., Oregon Tbe Home of the Stockman, Farm er diid Tourist iDBSTS I0SI C4HIRTE0USLV StHVtU Fipot-Cloaa, Wall Appointed House Cwtrslly lucule I, Well lurul.be.1 tubUin, coiulurtiiblc riMjeu. I BURNS MILLirG HORTON dt SCYER, F wough and Dressed Lul Rustic, Flooring, IVioulc Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Cod Lumber Yard in Burns.