The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 27, 1906, Image 1

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    h eTltmo-Wernia
Tin' ofiii'iRi Paper of Hern Omnt,
las the largest nlrcahHInn mi. I j one nf
ht advertising mlinmt in Eastern
Wt re)t Yfnr nt Cnantrq
OolMI an are of n,4.H0O sere J J
lanil. ,7t1,000 arre jet rsrsnt nh-
lo entry nmler I he tibltr land law of
the felted States.
NO. 49
would not he in the state nf enltiva- HOMIiSTEAIlS
tion that the demand for what it
would produce at a profit to the sel-
CttMS p
is hit.-
... . .
i v. urcfi
opsxf for, I.
I . in . .
' -' - " T
ad New People Will
attentat--Waal Ike
l.a Reqslret.
the people of the
adapt the in selves
f tiling-. We are
with conditions
rs ago were ennsid-
that five year ago
considered in the
Cetasritmleecr al Ike Oeeertl I and Office's
Prescribed Rales Usder Wklck Satk
lead Ms) ke Eatered
Commissioner Richards of 'he
ill Ufa
.lief for
than in I
then h
a 00 art
ud ) om
tna nana even tile
ur years and see
n unv .1 iir could
f practioiillv the
homentead. Can
Maj just one
s vii a gre ter
e piiMt four. I li.
ft a homestead .li
fts of Huriii.) Val
auler himself (lr
OK, ii inn ( In.
I exclusion uf all i
Hi- must com nl v
ery particular for
valuable to take
'!'' imlv I In- I ml
lead riltlit im well
laws, the preferred right to ent. i
mii h MntaftMM tracts liteil up
his application as will i
W$0 acres in ara ami MM ' W
one mile in length, al any H"
within IMI days from the dale .
which the list emhraring such land
was filnl in cotftt oflice. bat l
trv will he made subject to ll
right of an settler N such lend
who makes entry wiiliin M da
In. in the filing of the list I
10. When an entry .mbrac
tier at the end of the allotted time THE REGULATIONS OOVEtNINfJ ARE
would justify. OIVEN 0U1.
The Times-Herald is honeat in
this matter and is no! indulging in a '
'bop dream." It has been an class
ed in 'he past hv individuals who
could see no future in Harnev Vul
le Imt who hate lived to see its
predictions Verified It has no ue
for the calami. v howler and ,hp , -'"al land oflice has made a p,.;.
a who says a railroad would le '''" ""' "f " "", regnNtiooa gne
iIm "riiiiiNtinn" of the countrv and erning the entry of agricultural
who thinks that he will never see lands within forest reserves, as ia
this entire section dotted all over provided in th-act .! -lute I . 1
with the homes of families that are T,,, ,,,. H, homestead en-
h- ouhhc lands of Jxticeessfnlly farming, had better get ,n fr MK ri (. . ,, r(, 1 land within
it. the hands f up and dust or he II he caught hy ,,.,., ,n Tl. ri.gllHi,os
ers and bddftaj cul ,,"', " fact we are hetter off, mr in f(. MUwm
My. Just picture Hhout such have no room fori , ,,,, ,
.... . . I ,1 .U! t .
l alley as she is,""' '" K" "' progression. mi .-,., ..,,,, fr,... .,.-.
'" '""" " n,'J,""i "" i" which are chiefly valuable Tor agri-
',H- "" ' litM'.H or fall down. ,. , ,,. ,.,,,, , rr ,,,,,.
Wt ...list heiip will, (hepr. ,, (11 .,,,,. ,..
,n,l make the Ih-sI of our oppor.n- ,,,, ,,..,, , lM(1, 111)(W
'""' tl" (OBWTMm if Hie accretarv of
afrionliura. and lists then- al will I ,"- ,r'l '' "' '-"" .. t.-,-l,-
litcal legal subdivision
1 1 . The com mill Mion provisions
Clare th, I. sled land M.hiect l set- OI na noiiieaiMH laws ..,. no. r-
1 i r v .
2 Anv nrranti ilemnoir to inter
anruoli.ted lands al U,.H chi rac ' I"""1 '' "-"-"' -'-!
Oil) VtMWM
line is Cstler Jaawilsws
t tpssitlsa--Nsr1keiiers ftalldlai
Idea Prat 1st I'eealar
I- ihnsiaslic over the favornM-
tltlooh for the ivi Sinn-linn of a
w.Htem - ' niliin.g at
surveyed lands, or embraces a trai .uning Jameslnwn -v-
which forms a fractional pari H
Husrter quarter section 4 a
or embraces a fractional part of I
I tted suhdivision of a sun
MOtiOM, ihe itr nmn D
such unnirveyeil lai.dn .)
fractional parts to M surveyed lit
or under the ilirei'linli -it I h- I
... . . .
time lafore he applies to roakl
hut when all of any platted
labellvliiot) of
eiohrm .1 in Ins i-nlM he wil. i
Mcr.. presidenl of the
lefl mi tl-e .-v-rlaod trsin
'.rk. Virginia,
i i inn!. real ,
tin- In -i site obtainable ref lie
,1 htiildtng, sio n the .1. .ul
na I
Ac t e theory that lb
. II nf nct;oii hv ' he ' i
S, .K.
' who n up
I. Mew an
ers In p 'ii I' "ill also
h r iiml I until
in, m Ihl I ' lit 'I
I ipera dm for i'2
Hum-, l l
o Ii I I OH li VI'ION
i HOamSD StISCI.Ssfiisisr W. m OlOwtt. Vier
j a a cowot s, caasnea
first national Bank
irraiiw A
A Qeneral IWinklnjf Buine9 Transacted
""u wp,rc rm wuum nuntriT. , . ,-umi ,lV ,, ,, ikm ,lliy
in i lie inierinr. wrio will Itien
" , v or through its eaec.i.e -; ' "" "( '-"nave.
our o pillion ,.f r, ,,,lr tine ""'" lu" wiiniii i
, .,,,., mo,,...,, or it, v,.r,.,. ...ecii.l "" r "" lr ,.. ,,, ,,r
n unwi niHiani I,,. ,., fltce tor i e- . mlnct .
lit- ...i.. ,i ,.. """""''w'. '" discuss important , ..the register and ro
ti tiiiike it ap- , iii wi. in Ibei . h a-.eil will i. .
he law
tnd ia
- ; I
may .
v and own
r i is.
nirticuliir case but
II Bib' fellow ready Id
Hv(,sil whnii we fail to
wi nl the oontraot
" Hi
nKld cannot tie cited
i. nl I ure now deal
lib tjbrc, iiml future
itter twnr it
sioabin an u, our
liiiore Senator Pulton leaves for
Washington, some time earlv in
November, he will have conferences
with several committers of the
Chamber of Commerce which have
charge of tjiiHStion of vital inlerert
i to the people of Oregon, and which
! are affaeted hy National legislation,
says the Telegram
It ia also expected that be will
meet the board of trade either as
Washington, '
gin and Molilalia, hn llMetWtion
of - ' h indsnmi
- and inainil.o tiic nl
ll 'ir states name I . M v . i
but all i ntri men n
make iinnl .
i nltii .lion '
I . ttt - .' 1, 4 1 . fix. Iteal alien M
plv to entries made limit r thl- I ...
.!n. -Iir . ..I II. i .. ..i.a.'lai
r Mi , . r- will
Ii Iii an tin. I. .1 with
ter nl... ol, I i,rMl ... .. ....I ,..., ... I wlthlfl I he I I III-. I Ii I lie III i oil. I i
er eiiouiu present en applicalloli f ,, ,iil pannei ger agent of
nioiei tin- iiiillll' piincrilllll n , lie ,, . . .,
all Ihe gieal M in- c ml ineolnl line
general pr.'Visions nf the home-
with a I iiiring greatly te
stead laws, except that all eiii'v , , , ,
in. 1 Men for wenleriiers dinirmg
men nh. are Louired by the.
ll III- great . li .nllloll
c.-ilinc. parai'iaph lo i , .. . ..
" ' ' there i- nothing lhal will prove
amis, or any prororiinii oi iih m,
f"i ' Ii ii inalioii. classlfica-
Miing In tin lorcsler.
Wsnb n, t,e mani er
pi H item il bj
tin agricultural depei UdM '
When un laoda have beM
elate matters
As a lesult of these sessions, the
timen iiml places of which will .1.
peni upon Senator Fulton's bust-
Im.M tii.,.i.u . f..m l.! :. I
f ' - eare iiir inuiaiiiiiiiH
' daal i i.i I r . .
I""'!" fllf'II
yeeurs e
daya in the slate kiefure leaving for
Ihe National Capitol, il is expected
that a plan of campaign to lie fol
lowed hy him in bis work in the
Senate .will he outlined, for the
many industrial and commercial
projects looking toward the ad
vancement uf the interests of Oi
gon One of the tiionl important mailer-
which will tie taken up with
tin .-outor in the reclamation work,
unit-1 t m v nr ,iiulu,l I.. !. ...ft.
wit. absolutely re ' ' ' ''' '
. . " has long been known that
through persistent discrimination
against this stale on the part uf
tun Hitchcoi k, ol the Interior
rtoont Oregon ban been rob
bed of u large shun ol her perci i t
age of the rm Umulioii fund, in eplVe
of the fact thai she has paid more
than li. r proportion into the fund
many Uinen over To remedy this
flirnlheil a nl, ,f, H,H
the register alnl i, em-r williui-
I 11... I I u I .. I .... I ., . .... I. l.
...via.. ... .F... I,:n,p ,., nil, II lit.,, ,
,-. ,. . , copy of the plat and field no"
file it in their nlliee. and al the . ' '
their suiiev atlai'beil liierelo,
12. Ill all caei where a auriey
their Hppiicatiou to rti it k - ll
oi all of the lands mbrnrcil
in I in i r entrie. with a i I
land laws are, we
governed by them
Oi to litem if wees-
to our laud
we were dealing
ditious in this sec-
Were not expeotod
"it I he law re
us much Ihei. .,
tut the ic didn't
uMrni ban awakem-il In ibe
si. tbnfjBr pit'. In- lanil- inui
parly acquired and beltl
llll !
Hhnc to roll upon
uae oi me us-i '
Isnii. iii. in m of such
filing ami iiiiiih ih . boatelf
first da after the day on which
th- li-i in lileil In them as the date
on which tin lands listed therein
will he open lo -el II. llielll uinl eo
tri mull i ih. ii.iiu.istead li ws.
4. The notice im nt urn.-. I hi Ho
proceeding paragraph should be
eubatantiallv in form of the notlee
ii atl.n ll.-ii, end ynll Will keep
oopi ol ii. -he tilings uf
each list prominently posted in
your "ll.,'- luting 1 1 00 days fol
lowing such tiling , and also publish
a copy of the notice during ttiat
l"-ti .1 I r nut ! bj dun lour week
in a newspaper of general ncula
tion luihli-hi'ii in each county in
of any portion of the loodl t'lnhrac
ed in an nlrv ma.le iinihr ibis act
is reipiiici tin- register will in ad
dition to publishing and poeting
the usual final proof initio -, ! p .
.iv of tie Anal proof notice with a
. ,.i ol the field miles ami Ibe it
of such survev attached posted in
hie office during the period of pub
lication, and the eiitriman uiusi
keep a oopi ol the final pn
ami a ropy of the plat
survey prominently (misled on lln
land platted for at least 80
pimr to the day on which in
lo make iiin final proof, and at il
same time his final pro. I is nllern
he must tile an affidavit showing
ag'St-' Minn. us to immigration
.!' Mr Mi i , . win n
l I., Inn di inrlllle,
low rales to the east during
tin fair I- v. ii r. lidl 'i of the
Hesi't sin' ii . i I. r
of greater ad
i i mtlli'ii.
ti. i ti I- nothing
that will convince a prnn
Iter than a In ait to
heart talk with someone firs'
tins! that
to stalls will suh-
i- Hi difference on
ii and unite lu Ihe MMI-
hi of a building up
"sou roe of
i ii . I Ho - -i I am firm
I llini -mii a building
will .in nl, ulnlile beuelll
ivc greater woigut than four
I strut tun
Shortly before Mr MjrOft NM
rain a uniuiiiunn ..tun. limn
. I I S a. bli.gton
sin ere, in Inn, The execil
evil Is Hmi.mI..p la. .la. .a.'. .. .. .
. -..... in..
L i hujM- tor the uoiuing seeeiou of Con-
lil imlv parual coin-
jV gress. fie lias mude a persisleiit
e i.w, reiving upon
Kf the gnieriimeut y? I "Liquation along
H reckon with a new "'" '"""' '" ""P-P""
ot tiie slate, and is oo record as bs-
HK immigration that
Kii .. '" bltl,r'y oppon.-d to :l,e contiiiii-
itlOUtafHitull' ill cillltent every , . , m ,
K. . , ,, . ain.ii ot this policy of discriuiiiia-
Hesiiuhle'lenil where
Kudknf i.
.... .v e"
K IK-U U,t''
m a. a.'
Hliu.'s would no doui t
if atkete
;eel i i
e folio
Iliell hi tl,
tryiuan would
line and money to
t ol our readeir 1 1
iog from the latest
hy the general Iuiul
- tfft must, within six
bis Bt' i' upon
d, aod i. anil
I ;,
tuee w .. lor lln
H - is-
v IIioii'iip
innenli i r ,i
and make
no! t .
ve ami c j I live
I'. i: i
Bea . - can not
ised Ri" urn '- for fail
le nptn 'i i u.i
t iaou 1
t not
US iao
the puruoaee nf view of
uniting the inllueme of all com
meroal organixatiuiis of the state
and of bringing all poiislble politi
cal influence to Inter, Oregon n fen
ator desires the unslHtance of .
Chamber of Comiuerce, Board nl
Trade, Commercial C.ub and
VkMeON '.ul in (be onuin.
li lu back into in Ins ellorls o
re fair plsy before the ml
tion powers at Wuebl iguu,
o t i,. ti ri steps be will taki
along line line will i. Ul
With ihe uo ml. ir ot Hie lirigi.i,,n
Coiiiiulllee I I,, t ot t.'oi,,-
le. have complete ia' i
i! lo ihe various proj.i:!- , (
H lliuled Iiii-u. .out
i 'i o tar loword di
.. loi.-nt ,.ik, Mas 'l auiouuti
nili r. i-sn, in Itie f,.
Ulldl .-.-leui o ,,pp f'-lll
AH lhat Dregon bus anked in the.
uast or in ' nd- l i a-k In.m tiie fu
wmcu any ot M,e lands are localea. " ' ' ' th igl.i.rmg stale u Im
- ft . . a I li i ilallet llll flVlill'ii tl. illilfa nf llll
anu ., ...ere ,H no newspaper puo- :. , luring h. ,-. II ... f
iistied iii moo) county you will pub
lish the iiotiui in u neM-puperol
general circul ition putilished near
est the lend
The ct st of publishing 'h.
n .lice metiliiH ied in the oroceeding
paragraph wil 1 not lie paid by the
receiver, but I hi. publisher's vouch
er therefor, ka duplicate, should Im
forwarded kfe rough your oilice to
OMipuuied by a duly
if uf publication.
Ilti..n to the puhlica-
tlng, above pro! ided
on the duv tin- list In
this iiilici , e
executed pre
6. In
lion and ei
for, vou will
. in your
the ll - kf. t
vuu ijj ue
notice end plat were posted on
land and that they remained so
posted for st li a- tlnn
I Tins does nut apply to any
lands situated in Ho- ounliea ol
Inyo, Tulare, Kern, Han Luis th
iip .w inta Barbara. Ventura, I
Angeles, Han Bernardino, Orange
Ktverside, and San 'logo, in tie
stale of California, and entl
made tot land In Ibe Black Hills
t i. serve can "lily lie math
undit the lirins and iipui IB OUli
ditious i
-isle ol
Oregon, ibe Itiini v illej I"
I list n-rsl'l
i i.lilil-. Hint I lie
I io. I e
ami nil "tic r pei "in ' ' I'f"
-,or ftiln-'aiBe, that in.
II. ii I 1
ssi. and Seiaeesbsr 7lh. IsUB. i
! ' ..f the
i Msy
I unco al I'"" ."' . netl on il
..II. I I.. III. I.
ailb inn ie a lie.' en mill In' tis.l al the
i i oi i Mesa at Km' On
I.i, , .o I I Mfc, al 10
n'eloek a ie in Hi" mailer. l ll
li. n i.i i. tun Intel" itilnlel in llsrite
inbraeed in lii H. a, Bled
in ani (oral - iii lltk day l
0J bl I lie Mlale I Ib.-it'ill OB
liehall ol Hi- H irtie) al
Riant , onipani , a. l lo a detailed
i -mil land
refereie ' snt lo 'Shi hat
an.l tlir isiiie is madn a ."
.ml Si i us t
In mil ini'l all -i "' In" -I 'I Mid
i. oi. I. ke4a
i . a a
ami Ionian ' sire Itn n.
... .ii... .
ing olliei . inleiM-e teuilnt'S nd regard
ing ll..- lufll . and sinllalilbl) "I
the voter suppli r. 'I'll 'I i i ilie rteta
innli"ii "I an) '' nil 'I aiid I.i. --
Weil as u) "ib.r mailer ur mailers
Mai' preateeed sssiseia M irrsjallea
and reeleoisiiiin a . u iimdenett
. i.arm-t. i i inyeroMoi "' laoda,
I.. ii
covered h) il a l,.ras and de-
l tins ttk IMM.
' .f.
Uuei will I
M lilil. , lias.
Fire-Proof, Modern, I I ii,ant.
Ratcn $ j.oo and f 2 $0 per day.
All Outside Rooms Near Depot
This modern new Intel was only ret cm I p. tied to Ihe
I'libln 1 1. it mi t'uuntv people will be alerays wesrnmo
iinl , iiuiti'nul i.iinl for A firet 1 laen bar in oonnoctsm
W lliH'sme Nrnia. Iks inie U
1 Napton eft Boyd 1
Real Estate. Mines isd liaiag. 2
ffi favarra, In. iretassn, saeeei.
jj' n.iaiH. ogtee Mew Wiles Ms.
rWUnOH A IK)NE(iA.N, Proprietor
Burns, -- Oregon.
Wines Liquors and Cigars
Billiard and PmI Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
office, mail fteseff id ' "f 'btsacl
1 I. this a tbori
any settlement witbm I
Uaiigci fiont the I'U.u
Itli "J" --Is'1".
Bliiied to make utnaf o!Mi"' '" - llss
Blurt t. lroul ;u' ': " """"si
is Bt-il i whet, such ""' based n, h,-r prorate
Hfull iplianc, mil, ""'t''""" '" "" I'""' I
W 01 U ,0"1 ..Pporiloumenl gg,
uUiui une-eightb oi u,.
am. uuil she i entitled t", while
lit. i
i her flVnt'Tv wb
aiiiUgBtor must let
I aula. I -i I tier
HI ! ifjAll onlel lo tlille "Veil
.111,1 pi IS.. I. kllOM ll b
claiming a i
rlii at. ..I rci v m a mittiir on unv of ves eKcept UDOn lands nl.nli bav
, ,,,. i .. ,. ,,, ami in bM liHted and il.
th si ex .i. ' ' '
in. , it.. . ,-,., on ebon, i- - m '' attsntpt I
upi' ,,-m ion Lie lami embraced Iii un.i,lb"r..
Ibe ,M ll"l "" '' "
ami , . -.: o of ileal "
-..I rir'ht lo eenk entr p
aralmn ' lit da s from
I- hied
'" ijoaliiied to make
en ' itural pin- K
Jht '" ,,
isktueoi " i
in e Ids prevail. 1 In.'!
Lu ii n b. ot an. t,a., ii pi,...,'
from bs dale 0IMM 1. i
lo Ul ol r-u-h sgsd 'n In I iii A.
and ,. '.. s week I
tl.n i.di. ', , ooiigh lo w.ud oif i
at', paragraph lias s ' ind
d or ej.-l hi hone 'Ijuarautued !,
11 not prei ul bim .'rial ksjetet I"
J i
U d
i! In
'line will
Opol. 11 h
in lb. I
stead riijl'i hi
joint bed M I Of lie also land
thai lo lid pr.s. nl Uo- niallir
legislature a( (M ooealng
session. I'n -.,. ill Mni was
great! hi ihi- ii Mjled
hid i parlure
...I i 'iilideiitli i-ipei i in receive
t Itk. iiiits.rl I' ,.. tl
' Montana en i II .'m dor
ii. g his tav in I is evi-
idea Is lepidli growing and meel-
ui anh ii i pioval
Ibroogliout ll st
.V.t5 oo RI:V ARU $i.s
lb. I hunt
in I. net
we .ill
I .- ..lllp
it I ( i is
ll) i po-essloii
pert) will
. o i i
i will
.,. .v l
i Kam ii Manaom.
. l:l-.-l'..-.-ilM.
iiug ; ! n up.. ii no
i .' ,...., i all' Im
li i I hi-
Made I. Orr.
BeUli i
Ik Lsoc Star
i in.
'. la
Mbmj , i IUiIi Houh ,
Bakery la nnnotion
A Nfu.alu .( Skori wran.
iuicihm ro.wii. o a asMfu
Blacksait.iBK tad
Wagon Work
JmJ anteed.
Main St., a Burnffi, Oregon
L.tnliKs. J IT
VsakaT' Over BOO
IVMafr .Ul tseefna.
a i
Ciltii'LM '
up make
III in tbu si.
tout CO,
cum M
9uo fBMi aBBI
ue. HBTiHflH'
!ii-, L
v. i illlililililili.B!5
u will ke (lad t l.f.iak
Prat iVJss)
T. m)m aaliax
SaaMa aninaii
r-uc.ieU ii ""'i" , " ,
,. o.he, Wen.,,., .!..eswl.,l..ll.r..ukh 'f""""k ''- ""'' ' "' ,,''
let go and pUls .lib Beoretarv Hitch - '",;i "' J '
must live Cm'k' b,tVM '"' ;' '- '
f'leug fi
, to
fund uliuonl al ,ll. ,.- allowed '"" "'""
"") tiW il.eli ,,1, ' '"' ""
" " .'on ,. ,ii also art ihe "' ,1""" "
uo.imeivtal bodies 61 Porll.Dd lo -
Wui in I to pi-rsuade MioasTiatJai
mk iii.niie ui iiicfl' il li faMr I inn
t ouutry is ti ruuull , . ... olicatmn i...e
f I ,, to have all deve op. mot work done P"1-'""" ""
v for good land If wo a,,"e ,1.: ,.. .
(Couituued ou pugti four.)
Be man who iork.-
end will be lewiinl
inoiiths' risideii. .
hoiin-sl, ad in Ihe
Uuit) the ItiO aores '
a lie lias couj reauns fnuii i in iiatlpa'ion.
til iit.uiietiielits of wl.leb i quUdlJ cured
this mi i,,,f
uiake entry
tu as in it si
end paid $2.50 per
ted I.i huu.
en. upon whose ap
ienil is imled under
f ibe U'aOU.IiflV d '
King's Ni LU PiU '
move all poisonous 0flOI 'i"1" 'be
system and iufU s IX a 111" aod
vigor: k. ' ""'s,
head-ache, diiuees and I -I witl.
out itriuiuif or diacoiafurt, 'lie.
ui ad' Uu Uoiueslea.iCiuaranteed by Uiiy Drug Store.
Watchmaker and Optician
B-u.rn.t3, regrQ.n.
Awarded lor east work at a Cowpsllllic .. u. I urug.
a The Finest ot All
Hotel Burns Bar
A -jnta, Burns, One.
gflT'ltoilict J iir.. , i'lslributer, Furtiand. I