,9W99mmmwwmw- --. FleraldJJ DUi.ATiim nr larnliNTT. I In a iw. lews. n fi w days ill liamV.-tl ShPti. jiiHt-' BBBBr ' a CHECKING ACCOUNTS Btr n hi for"" I BBhti- If iff Hin hit rancli 0 : Bkrovenieut. Hvnc lll from lay v i k i t i i k Thin bank olicits the chookinjf account of flnim and in.li vidualH. Upon nn (ic.-imiit withunand r obliga tion by check. This is the handy way. the IS -n. . I hi bufiineBHway. A hi'kinjr account NiMH vnu to keep bflfoflf account of your bfltlSBfll transactions while your eaMM efeaekt f rflM Ntflpti for Am aeroflftti thus p i'i National Bank of Burns UNITKD STATED DrPOSlTARY . V.'V.' nur ground 'I and dig hole- Urge aid t p in fall go thmugh all hard pan that M In "iirt-ir" than I till in lo lrr depth. Willi 111 .! ice anil, tramp il.iWli antler and plant ; . !lu -.inn I Hill ! W Wi.tr. - lip ' upon arrival, dialance to pi t : , to prepare, and how fully guard againat and oltt: Ida in-" it I" at, thai Iron- in BmMtb On 'i nt- I I pingifaainu. A K i G Fttt Abeat Saa Fraailco sA.TXik.oiPc:rTr I in was, n everytmng always. i nere s noming however small, Which (Wfs from this Stof but what carries our niamp of satisfaction v-h it rtoi only iepfts ntlng MM guarantee for th rlghtness of Roods, but for the uni t .: n t lirni si ol oUl prices. Wc count this guarantee of absolute satisfaction lUd cottddenci I b fit! as the basis of our success. The Largest stock of eneral Merchandise and doing the Biggest Business in Harney County. EVERYTHING TO EAT, WEAR AND U8E Trade uuith us and ask for our Tradinq Stamps. Bwifi arp hniue tun) ol ln'i ,prtp Htnck of Rlankat. 'iuilte and Mattrr- at Brown'. lot. Read and wife arp guet at the hnmc of Mr. and Mr. Thoa. Hagera. BoOtl noun and n nd Harry Carry the Lawen mar-thin Bk. Haatiet', Bpru Itata. papa I c.ll ami ree chant appnt laat night in 1 city. Ir W C. Brown, Hernial. OS in tli. new atonr building north of i ho F'nat Office. Innc P'oater waa OS j!! able 1 V V Smith ia apending , daya in our ciiv raw na Hil who wan mimi B bm wark, ia nng we ar I I tn Bll- Sid family, ara icciin inyBfcair city I.oiiip. monsad m f-mn the ranch nd IlUb dauph in t'anvrn city I relative mid ,llnr. haa raceiv- Ina with whinh k all kindenf Hill ill" inarkal for ( ll ill llllll MJ nta all nf iIh in Nik. V m. rr. p. . i to g' teak tn v. La J lhank. th ' Hi. II fiiMi ,.' ii ilkt bid .a. fl- . ith '- Is -,.,. inrth "i hi ny iirrawn flid Ormw .V for mlt nonB man ippinMlii.;: r be Ud i .o IKHlW a llirnail ipiilr people have le- thmr wnter tiit- Ml ol water. Im iiotiflnl Hi Ti- aaiug upon tn I alinll tiro.- 'omul in.ap laalllB vs. i.irr. rnrd left hera laat louif in lleppner. Iriil i.-.-u .ufTaring and InW I i. inn ol the at- biirlergn in .itmra- N all Im-v with Bir hig grain Kiill I., thi ll what ia ini.-.l lot home . granary. 'In ... . i..-i- , PrtHkdriNti llt tor har Ay with 'Ii intention HBiUiilia'id I a 1Mb. Frank li lan In Pk country where In- lie that will ba ta- i flh neitr I leiiio ftv of the fail -rUuaa t. MHHMH tiiat the uuu fl ail farm pioilun horticulture will l alely alter tin- no -i unly court, lint tin' fitncv needle work. ra, ohickena, etc are d he liop.- th.iee re- and red rilihona will and get their pretui- l are yet lo ! paiu Hilyer creek home WVdneeday after i e 1- . a loan ot auppima. Clarence Lucky and faroflv are home from a viait with C. K. Ken yon and wife at Ontario Ifyotiwiah to le located on a giwd'hnmpatpad. aee F. M. Jordan, loiinty aurveyur Our local umrchanta are all IP aV tinr. in lona of merchandiae tnrarr them through the winter Mr. Chaa Wil-on deairea the ladiea ofthia vicioitv to call and aee her new fall aamplea A large parly ol limner H arrived here Tlinra.lnv and haye gone out to look lo' location ,nyd Johliaon a..d wife wera Up !.,,. i, vaalerday lo alten.l tlo funeral of (irnndllia llarrla Hohool tahleta chenn al Hfl lliiltn llaatie'a. Alan pell elate mil l) ad iencila call and aee her I...- Culdwell haa agaiu Wfmm ll,. Windaor Itiir lo the pnhllc and invitea hi old time patron and friend to call. Iraft hear ft oanta Cal lieer haa taken a part nf the old home lilace near Hllverloi, lo llii-k Noble ha been in the city , I'p-to-dale i"1' printing at reaa....- for aeveral da Mr Tli. i- Howard i- over from one near Prewaey. CIirh Wilaon and wife are again out on their bomeatead. HflaBMUkd nod ileaerl land loca- cation. ae J. C. Tutnay. ll-iirv (liapen wa over from Silver creek during the week. W Hamilton pent a few day 'fob. witn ua in- -.- - .lame line ana wu were 'Sin I'r im iii Sil M.miliv Aftt i i lh title id i DIN liun dWtl i.il tdition iIcm ii ii 10 the 1 1 . nti in lion ol Sin l,-i.ui- i-i l' iiliini'i on Siinil.ll llil- W I s,iih l purchatlng b i th. will be I ha IrH for a Seattle firm icnaive ttofi - the ir 11. A. Miller and family ara tk Cily, the gneeta of frte-id- buil.lni ( .mi metropolis it "ill n .ill tin- fact and data that I. II. Holland and wife returned .vim arr inlcreirl in the Tueaday from atrip to the Ah lion ol normal I onilition with to mail lo Kaatern friend. down ill- ...A id n, .,,- from their l ow i. rena in.iue .,,,,. I.ard pail o and in in at.ea wanted at tin OMf Meat Market. lh" w,k ., .- n v... .;...' Wood conlinuea lo ne acaniw " I ,11 le inifll. nr itrir r-,.i.- I !il ..; I IOKNBI CETITTON IseilORg. "ll irrr Kiiivn , our laat iaaue looking aner ni lage liuaineaa r II S Browntnn and fainilv lui'-i returned tn their (irant count hma nfter a delightful viait with friend here. A 'phone iiienainfa from (ntrio aniinuniit, tlm urn u 1 ni a boy baby at the Imii" "f Mr. A. M llir.l la-t Saturday. (It. It. ,, ii IUskiv o matter Imw ainall. im uiall.t Ii w large, we will a-ii. It cireful attention. Tin me- aae appltea t.. men and woiiiet, alike Hanoi 0t3wt1 Bank Hrtnkwater ha- a new lot jnf fall and wot. t nnllinerv l,nlte' , nf nil kind al rialii p- hull., ol 1 1 i in-itnlv flo.uld .all mill In k nv. i b. r flnck. (Ii. Wilaon haa reoaived her fall and I mplea for readv innde garmenta auil. coat Mr Hatlie Halie lia moved h r look "I Millinery and Nottmia into the l.il.ldiliK JUMl eaat of the Wind- We, tin trr.litniMl I. I vntara t ., . .. . . ;, .ii ,hl, .,re I .ielio IT., in. I. 11rnar i minii . -laie tin weather makea it all the mor. .,..H.lfllli. ,n ll.. deairable ,, ,.,,,, ,,i i.rraV I' Hv. tute J,ook Out del the aafetv 1 ii.ii iirea.ti. ta arrant a Ii .enaa to i hator. now .1 runa without a lamp M "' ... .... . i, it.oiia I i.pior- in Ire .piantlne than S W T. Hm.th -bout ... Hun. ( J n )Vi wUtr ,Uri,y Orefon. .,t iiretcii, Inr ilia t'arlial (Ian Shaw arrived home Ve.le, - '" AW '""-' ',, o-ai ,.pe- BURNS. ORRi-ON. The Satisfactory Store. Ilnil--. I k-I l. Milh I WHt IM Ml CATION I ,.!!. 14T. i 4nm Bagjai i' with Ihr -r it I. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE day froo. a trip to HaUey, l.inn county, where he had gone to look al VMM prnp-rtv he had bnimhl Hank Kelion and wife w. fr n, their hnmeatead during lb ... k ami intend reinrnioi: tniln aier pr . Same V.laar.i . Irian Mike Mci ami Melvara Joaea I l.nhl ill brgm Iroprovi I II ll. II. .11 a In ii Hank hi aoajaa I fall and win'er niillm Meadamea Reed A- .l.ilina.o.' Draw bale, -it.nl bt and iba Uleal creation- in triui'iiiiilt Call and m tliem II i Mien .1 . all .iioe I- hrieliy itivao tliatnn H .u ..I iftjaMlkaj ii llietlll.l l-lg I Will appli In III.- ( Name ii-lenhaiih . 1 1 IMantiaiiifli ttoU.ft ma i '.-in.. I rank l.lrun i.ilbam 0 M.illmla Hah ( I. .alia I ii. ol laalrtlbailft W II Moiiroa i I p.-l-rnian lo. li.l. I , ' Ii ! o. ...1 U M ViMaai r i . ' it lata .1.1. i. .HI Nit , i. i..t Hi. tl.a Hi. .1 - U..II Sn ; i.ian.l ii so Ji .uiia. ta"i t I M I&M.M. I Mlll.t liu.iill.aa.4mmmmmmmmm.mmmB . McGEE & SMITH, Propts. We look charge nf thta barn on Mav I and hava equipped it entirely with new riga and freih. well galtad tram 1 a iHiaiimn lo aecoinmndaie the pul.'.. n every particular with oatnftirlaM onnveyanoaa and apinied tram The Had r l centrally located and convenient to the leadnm holal of Ike city All look left In our care receive our peraonel alii Horses lionnlcil by the duv, w(ik or month ,11. 1 ul II. MI.I .'. 4 h ' aura iiaMMMil I N-, .'I -. ...ml. .. . 'an. . Ii. .n S-. ' ...... ti ... M liar- il Siiriitmi. a ey drv land t a --. t n.e uraaaa aiaww m alfalfa aeed can no ba obiaiaaM M ,,irB)Jlll. , Simon lewia ul the Hum- I ami Ke. .1 litirn, M at Urown A Bon in i In-. 1 1 v . W H Johoaon and brother I i II ll KM is Tlm -Mil 11 K KH I'" HI K AMOS t-i, a i farm tor the coming year, in order gaj i,d ia prepared lo trim in KM llinl Mra (ieer lna remain III lliat luteal atyl.- fall mid aee be- climate I'm ii niiieloaae if il will heiielit her "health Frank Harrieon maabrd a finger .inn. aeverelv Thuradav bv geitina .at and W I. t 'red ! f h. re i e-terdm lo Frank Mnii Mr Maine a buying for a Seattle linn and ia paving yery good In giving lb" liat nf premium ,,ii(-t. winner ln-i i I be I inn - Hi aid erred in giving I ier on. I place on general .liaplav ol aecured - rua. i.igu.t . tn lajB ...l ia . irt.0n-. ! II l. .. . f... ihraaU ..I n... ..-I liulanl J Wnli. i -ra.lt am aal4 la -a ..i U-laia tL- m raaaa, a;ia M PbUi I .i. I. 1. 1 luaat Ida I U I. Hilt IM lll.lt llS A P. Iiiincau ia over from (he 1 1. 1 in nountry He inno-me ua be haa diapoaed of In- -beep and ia a mull of leialife fol tin- nine laililg will apen.l aooielline here i I'llig Ilia daugbteri. i sin . M nrrn i i- Reserved for the M.CO E. A. Eraser, Manager. Ontario, ( HregoHi a III. il ciiugnt under a barber cliair i vegt taiu.a l't iiinoara vilncli he waa repnirinc Knriun- t In - I pr. ii. mm. alely he will in il Ina.- I In end nf the -p. ateaui Ihreah-r paaaad finger aa at liral feared. thr.ugl. il. -if le tin- iimrning 1. Ili.nmau returned the fir., and r. ,, M M thai our mg gram fn - - i -"' ?:op : ""'rrf jr "ir, S6 .$i cr m. now h. -. I....u I... X....I li. Iio.k., Ill- I lie aiage I ur IIIIOIK. . "ft" 11(1 I IT Tt irn t ' "-- a-a - - Removal aale at McKinney qoiryal tb. ti...r..nglibred ram ' having brought in for local Having a.. Id the furniture l.ual- .1.. mad utita . . Ho . m !,,., ft) M.W t OIlO. n a S 111 market, He alalea the buck will i.. I,, i. ,i. a abort lime. taker Couutv will have a atalc iwiiialor of ila own in the next On gnu apportionment, iuatead of one joint with Haiuey and Malheur Haker i one of the laat growing . nuniiea of the alate and ia entiCed In tin. recognition. Portland On giiuian. Itol. Kichardenu who waa over at I-. Im Iv aiieiidiug the race met, waa called over Monday M account of the illuuaa nf hia wife The lady waa not ao aerioualy ill aa waa thought and B b haa returned Ha expect to go to Dayvil'e for ih.- race there. Mill lion lurii hia attention In painting and paper hanging a. Ita a abare of in patronug. He will aleo oon- ilu.-l ii cal I and repair ahop Ih i.eaiy made a profaaeiimal tup t l.u.ii Hie firat nf the araak where b- wa called to aet a lag for J. J. Ueiur who had the luiafor tune lo fall from a threahing ma chine and breaking it Th doolnr left the patient re. ling eaey. Mr. 1. W'olUenlierg and little lime lo build your sheds. I' ( I'eleranu haa jual relit Ii It. on a trip tn iiulaio- and aaya that all be could bear talked Waa the Harneycounll) He l.mkr for a gieal inllux of aelllera nexl rpnng A K Brown waa over frnio hi home near Cord Tii--dav r.inain- ing h.ie x veral -11 traiiaaoung l.uaineh. and "elling a load aj enp pller Hia family will iml move lo thlr till ibia winter which ia a i appoiiilin. -ni In Ik-all" iiiam kinaba-hniigbi Dl I'UattM-' 11 Ka I i .. I, Ii d-Ugi U have gone tn Tmul tir. orchard of win'er u I an: iw Goods Invite Your Acquaintance There ia a charming newness expressed in yg kutuiuii lines of fabi ics and accessories uAwdl ii-presented in our atott a new -K in chuiati. i aiK: tune in line and m u&l, indicuiiiiK the marked progrtsh which uLr ol renewed effort brii.fcs. in the work oiBroducing these new lines of omnia, Granite, Broadcloth, Drap H De Alma, Henrietta aB the t suiting- You are mviic l".ume and H, aiul luiutT as iun as you like. wh-.Hi r you Hh to buy now or not- You aic always wei- here Our Line of creek and Sllvlea I.. vi.M the a and Mra M.im ban (.lady. jUn( , thev Wold.-oherg ia io B.iiee taking III fl lb fair in 1. 1. .. wilb her grand- ,., will deliver apple- m I "l" Ul - (mm lh partly aoned, IS.UU far llr- .t- th. -ain. If y... patent, llama Mr and Mra M V W.I don't i'h d Calkina .hia ntlioe leav. ..rdatra 4L, i, OUvaafM baa the tuo-i law laid wail look b rtur- ,i nock ,u" of wall p..p.i -irr aeci) in thia log camp of Dyke jiuM - lb vannty and daaign, line in NeaaSa H- K- " '" a well aa .piahty are all that ..ne -re., rk on hia clal could deaire. He le alao receiving mav mi . -I fun her in ...li.UK at(L hue nf furniture in d baa MM peril thi I 't l""k " - of ll. i fumiiur- .llaplaya lag Ua will Ua gooe thre. I ur 1' a ' ' 1 Ait If If 111 I Bl I I TV m AKCllll AkdOWAN Uai LacalMti laal bl.lc far Salt Lssa bu iMtf ki ia. li. in n- . .1 i ..i. IARM.R o Bue, Oragon. Real Estate Timber Cruisers HilHlblUI AMI IBM If I - - ' ' ' -aaaaaaaaaaaa M 7 1 JlWF&. r wk W S I B KkM liL;:"rAV fidm fl Crra. the graaMS Mapaa of aMa- f J I f q Slyta. rtaMrana aad parted t ll V-rW ih -a a ...... fl ft,,! pay lor a axil of dctaea M M I V H linn fl AJk Mara MaMaf aa $ 1 U flV 1 CARL JOSEPHfLJJ, m & tuivirAPi i i m m m i i Marchanl Tailora, Chicago OKOMIS 1 AKtN AND SAMTLLi aHOWN SY SMIII. ML.I ( l I'gllll ill INTEUES1 10 MUUIIttl II kIM S HEAVY WEARING APPARELj For Winter is now Complete. SCHWARTZ. he Busy Corner Store" lin-.i Ai the h in- I nor aon, liiifttli Harrik. in ihn- I day i III ulllionl 90 ..illr I) r. i . 1 1 - I '" lieeu 111 only a abort Uin. I be to- ' aatal Un- , Caaaa tba family K"""'1 1- plaaUng Iruil i home veaurd.v afuouoo... Kev. A jriaa.et,., I have Minugi.i I 1,, IliMJa. llM "erv lJ d. M. U.e I ' ( MStUlU if 1 aba. illlle I know f lb Harria on I ljT I r. pale H.e ,, u.iiou waa fruil or kl .. .d l..ur dau.hun. vu rB gulun I Ltstast !& in I(j Wdf GdflDHltS . Du.lrv awn imw aau.piua Mb. ciian. mm Bwiss, erciM ni. i.l im Wat. i r-upi-iv and nlraau. M, .,-... i... el lilallu.g HAl.KY. KKNWirK JArKsuV DRY (i(K)US, 1 1 KMSNINflS. SMOIS, MATS AND CAfS tieocx:isi: Fruit. Vi(eM.Me, Soft Drinks,; Oonfec tionery, Oiars and Tobacco. (neio ., unni, Oieaon. Job i ll 1'hn .- i I ildreil ar.- etlll In - lag, Hugh Harr and Mir. W. W Joboaou of tbia city und oue o I In , iildrnn and llr greal-grai.d-childreii Mf.ai'd Mra Han in tliigou in 1HS4. i.i.tudma had raaidud u. tlna oily for n linn . ara with ber aon. She war a very pleaaaul old lady and her many friend will feel a vegel. If ' I- I" gbly pu.. are going to plant on laud, aiuiply barrow and plow again If apring u! row it thoroughly if i" X'1' work up in good abape win rake or bo.- Much of ni,r auoeoa will dep.-n.l i.p.u lb aay ground ia prepared Tba twlti fSO TO THE CITY MEAT MARKET for Clean. Wholeaome Meats . r ..r i. 4.111. a it,.- .lan.i.u-r baaaa bataauad I VEAli, BEEF, PORK ND MUTTON Burns Flouring Mill JOB TUTBVAfiT, Prop. Mm W I EK MILL PKOtISS IS I SEB a h'ulLy equipped in every fjartt Miji, it ni caHuitu to nutfilf 'tit fur a ruaiua a ii' muen . a. i.,i m ilt'a waabiug i bMfl hoi .V- - void in Ibeir l.vea aiiiga ahe ia Roan- j 've it. the better your reaulU- I FLOUR, ROLLED BARLEY, CHOP, AND III Kills of llll Fee. always . Head """ : iimbv laatsr aiaii ri ri aa iiiuaa aaui Sold at 1 0 per cent Margin. : custom work dome ; Z"Zm ins II Good 8eed Wheat fof Sale A. E. YOUNG. i CU aul iuapa Koda ai.J , ry wagon run io an iau.a