f he Simes-ptaftM. UTt'ailAY. i.CTnill i himimkiition KATK8: DM Vir fli M.n.h ThrM Montht n im . l.X .. .78 illllN HVDII - Mnnrrr : Cettremen ire receiving an ad- v.uu ed pi ; t foi thcii Mock .u iIum iimf .iikI eoMtdertblc beel ia be inn mm ' "' which will hevi i : affect upnii the countr) m general. The piiir- h.ivr MM Ihimi the Beat f( MUM lime anil MOCktUen welcomed the in-. The pie ,llllll pill is .III $l6 tn; linga, although boom have aoW foi ,50 foi di bw j Foi two ai old foi three 'l'iii is .in .iiK.iiid di l.isi . us pin is with indication ol n""1 highrt Shi 1 p pi it ea hat 1 'iiit. lemlM idling 1 high m $3 pci in .ill Every thing ix looking good t"i the Hern) l mum h llnmpnU of iIip 11101 forhirliling .leaorts in hown by the rtivitv In Mttletnent in Ihr extremely nr id portlona of Wyoming, Treat of dry lend In aoethern Vroniing, shied beva beenooneld- ered abaoltttal rt li lein fur Imlf 11 oenturi . iir, SFCONO PRUN: ESSAV. Iwailtiftil Mhhy p 'pi'' looking lit th. regelnhlt and fruit Written by Agne Cawlflleld on rjieplay ; the workmif nrt, md I Hi.' atthjeet "Of Whui Benefit i" needle work, and nil ihi Harm) Ueuntj lathe Annual Pair " fdaya "' '"' h " ,,"!'1 ''' PM. I think pi er mi' from nil tl)pi' tiling wli tit the fair i t Hip unity. It v: 1 iwarded tecond land 1 flloe huaineea In that -itv: tar R Chaplin of the CIh'vi iiiic land .llirp rpporls llml tli- iIphimmiI for luiiil in thf vicinity lef Cheyenne la unoeually large and thai tin nnmbai ! antrwa being 1 tor hoi in lOtlth- 11 Laranili oountj la greater than llld - . ! ' !' III!' ami ut Ion baln ad from a aattlc irealag to an agrlooluiral ill-trie! Daring 1I1. j,,,. 1 month 1 ' Bllaata beva baen naese tor luiiil in t in '"iili.rn p.irt of tba 1 natj All of tneeo ere made en iler tin- lionii'sli'.ul not itml will Ivp r111.1l into firms unilpr tba ilr I irmtiw vlim 1 ini The Bine Mountain Eagle nwotea in ll.uili'N aaanying "iiu' hiioni is on hi il.irni'v COOOt t utke aw epOooe to tin- tspi ee I ;s tlu'i r is no "houin" in the Hdrnin ' oiititiN W 1 .in fit. Joying .1 Mend) growth which is hut 11.1t111.1l .is pi'upli li .irn of 0111 unlimiti'il reaoun ea, In fact vm1 1 beina Milled oiiini ti ,. ... i.,..o,..i i, ih. . ,i. . 1,I, I " ,.,-,,' II'',, "'. .... andeonvtrted kite bomea nod hlrinmenv waye a few of which I ""-' ",m "' '" Un Mrv hrmlnaf aMtheda see .,,,. : ,,.,,., , ,, , Ti,- hwwiifnl md rwn ..... .. beeeeetag eofvlet in .1, utral (i,..t prodwta ,, over . durimiH ..n.i hapiq n or wp.t .-., ,,,. ,,,,,,,, ,. j,,. profaaaora ha .0 oftPii tr.pd to IA I lie l II.'XPIIIIP I rltlllMP "IIVK lt ,,l,,.l ,1 ll, ,r l ,ly 111 ' ma what tbtir neighbor 1 pliahad 1 1 m Men nicer than ha baa tfot or aumetblng Ibal ha tin not tfot li (fin's iionii' determined to hav. ntnothing that will etjael i' tin nest yon and bia neighimr. who bronghl it. hops home with the Ion iiint in' ill bova the heel 1 .I-.. In tin- w iv the ipnilitv of thp lucl "i ii ion 1 1 era Inpioi . .I M 1 n iiiorp 1 . ..;. n rp n. 'o.iriiir- , , , ,, 1 , .1 comp.titi.il. 1- not ol pil to tii Hi' -.un' niilnslriPH 11.nl thoa ihi amount of prodnetion la ! ' "v ."'"l to tin- . s-.u , 1, In oiler 11 III 1 ,,i ., ,. ''il1"' Ihi pnpiia to aiei mi. us 111 1 'inpetiiik! lor i' upon 11- the imp riant pat the dinner play in ui lining mit ill. ill It. e..ll-e ..Mill th" I.P.lt lit in agriculture al w uflloienl .1. for holding 1 1 1' n.'i" III from ti..' "Village H 1 mith" I., aptly applied t.. ihp farmer, Toiliog, rejolelng miz Onward through lifi I .. 1 1 morning -'"j muiip t.l begin, Karh evening "pp 11 1 I Something attempted m ' h tlone. Huh anrned nig N.nv before eiii-ni,i I i ill n-k i: , run ,,ii.- FOR n Hi.lt ATlnN I ' K I ' llm u ' . nn l llml n . .,iii lUnr, Dl II II in I,' el il. orti 1 1 1 nil ot v n. Karri i . 1 i 1 K..I; i-i i.i.lt ATION CLOSING OUT SA Tla.e Entire Stocr of amount of prodnetion iner. .1-. .1 glrangere viaiting th .1 1 . - . . Ibeee dllnge am made by reeidenta ii ,,, ,., i,Mr.. a.t .phi.. ,i thle oauaee oompellilon 1 11 of t hi- i-ilv for land iIioiiuiil: me, the tot:. I IlllllillPr of liirli have i.vpii led on be ing over "ilHHI I 'li- -n.'cee of the lrv farming einerimenli nbieh bow e.'irripil on in tin- seelion Ml ' foi the doomed tor lend in the vii'inity of OheyeeuM and . - 1 -up averj ! 1 . iiiui(is an m ide l-Pttl. urage many athaei tg eonie her, mill iinike home- In tin- i:. the ei'intri ml vhii.pk 'line- fapr than it wonl.l if i. Ol 11 not id VI iti-pil ly the fur 1 tin MureliNll. Ilmnm. Iilrlim.l ., He .... 1 ,, 11 I .i l I 1 1 un. . Hl'1 e.'hool work . Itliill SCMDIII I.ITFKAKN SOCIIilN Non lf i'i BLICATION I. ml oll'iee for utinrler li.ir.IU rial.f llOW hut ,.. pope ,!,.,, wi . time baeonM ftooriabing farm All of tins ii governance! lend l.iti.'n ie mcreeeahg notil gel nag .mil mc the menj Mna cnhina gaegai up nil oven, the v.illi vet tint is not ifeeag on is rapdi noo will be in "v' year, it is m l iin 11.1tur.1i cooaequeni 1 1 the httlr advertieing thai bna been m preaiatentl) bj .in enterprii pie erhe dvjan 1 t thia voaj McUon icttled npand det opiil .urn 1 ai ing ill i . .. in the unls.s il the went wlu and. with the Iiuhmi HrlP. t,. be 1 tbroogb the ('tint Val- . id oomp 10 v mi i'Ii d.iv bronghl 10 lovn f.irnipr- here, ami .tie 1 private enlerpriaea, It .1 r- ,iiire 11 ttretl I. ot imagin- .iii.ni to pietuN Obeyeflbe in the lurifp aihI 1 grhmltoml eommnnlty Hleltr Coerie in Auriiallerc. I in- Timee Herald take- ,1 pride in nit. un in", the inieioM- of not onl liurns. hut theentin 1 1 County i muili gratified t" aet li' Tin I 11, Vdvertieemeol k alwnye a hone- do? afMrneen al qoartei at I., ii.i the in un iii.,i ..f the i.'.'ioik ti,. ..ii oall ! Atin.'iiltural College . .Hi- will oil, , thin winter. mJ, two apeeial 01 ill litnrnl llnee, ohleh wiliiw the reaults in whuh it hai. ployed 'hjeaMd i It heCMM t- uiiiiinui' th,- U"1'ure. ana me ftpeclai Pu.ry ( "iire. a part. It hope- to mntinur good work end with the co-opcr ation ol tin-puhhi apirilcd people will accompliah oi m the newt M t shouliln't take a ! fa new of this matter .mil 110' take . 1 1 .in m thi. promotion movement without wajgaj an mi mediate return Their i- .1 lutnn (oi tins COaml) ami puhlu spintiil. ul Duaineaa oien iho look to tliflutuit mil reieivi- their ir wan!. Tin- man ulio vill open tin- amount gavj o pOTCent ad pnormg kui the othei pocket at .'.it .. ",i,il man lor this loinniun lt nor ..n ajthjaj lommnnili tl. r ii..!-. ( 11 ' in .111,1 1 I'll'- BhOI 11 uriiiillurp will open an Toaadey, January t, v M . and miinoa iwuiifriii, cioiiiiK un r rniiiv, Jan. I TIip i-nurip oontut- of .-1 lea "i popuiai iloog Ii.ip .u.-.e.-i UV """"-"""""'r-a.inii.-.i In Un- ' . - oj; ii-i 111 ayrn 111- tural pni-nii- in developing th'- il'irnl reaOMiei - ot nr Hute 1 in iniuree .ire mpplemeaMd by Uorj work ondei 11 f eierta, who Mrivt I .kp the iii'. iiraetioal i.v adapll v rk us far a- , needa t aaeh lodivMloel. The leeeia !''tt ui.il 'i i. eonlini eeeki cloeit 1 .. r 1- I., un, l irit nil lern t .fin- of dair Kclci el Baaaock War A Inn il i - .10 I' 1 brouyla in anil left .1 I' , 1 .1 skull 11 huh il 1 one. . led to .1 1 einenuctue ol tin bannock ami of th7h. The skull weefgeked ui gn the ahote Ol Mann lake. Il.n ne county, Oregon, and ii 1- uppo.scil Id be that of an I of the famous Hoft.iio Hon fouolit nilh llir solillei- lien ipparalua, ami leach Ibe under- k - Ibal in pnoeiptea ol ti,. proda if llld in tin. milk int., flutter ainl ehaoee. mil meet foi work ale ln- pr week Tbe foeeo. ' k) "ill 1 cii m.ik 111 ihr del In 1 iv. aseepl inoee devote. I 1,, ,,,.,,. m,iu ill oeenpi " "hieh 1- Managed i.y the inn' .liirii.L' Un or il.r. liliou ..ut the diapbu at th in la to advertiae the pneaihllitlea of our 11 unlri In nil ol th- .lillerent 1 1 von fa tvpanv- tliiuii t ii .hi win adverthw H a foli 1- 1 pin , n i.ere people k '" Mil) ' ' I exhibit lb. I ' 1 untrv Th - .vim do ibii d 1 time-. Kortu oe ilm - i" ule by I. ike II Milling HI' .ml mii'l. h 11 count 1 . whieii we it iiniv u .mk in - iiiui miverii .inn 11 inir I II t Ii Man in.livi 1 bene- v id v 1 (iaing th. ir $ foil il' iw lie .ill. nil. 11. of untie- ami in ike- them pa ll . -h,.- nl.ri. niin,. nl 1 . .1 - un. 1, on ua lo gfl it il .- n.i.. -1 mpilhv with iai.1 -r- and their work. I' hi- ureal e.iuealional H.lvant u - .IK ... the agricul- in. In th amp local-1 ity dltfereul men try .litlerent 1 in, I lie in-ill. .il that, or that la I un they learn n r ,oii.e thedravbookeefaail, D I in Mkdog m very other in.lu- iri in 11 . fair MOaei .'tm- I" t in. hi iie-itie un- our may I kmkini at the The lair ,. ,.- 1 benntlfl our eonntj alee Tin aampatlllMi ebi bit n in iie:r landi Even o.ip I' leeiag through a a things are more lieau 1 1 1 i - than bread li-lilr i enving grain, gr.nr- .1 iron llll Ol i I'I' lei With lls- fruit berda of e4iilr ami 1. pi-lni.- ,,.- iioii. .1 new ibe hill,. Net mih infill ...-r- pr. -'.ii .1 il llii mil if the pre lo.i- in. . line; .i I mill ipPTOVl 'I lie I .. r:l tl for th- wa at- foil S011U hi S.un 1 1 Reehad In Uk 0 ' ,; Duel Hvril King 111 il Hi M M Cum 1.' I It-Hit llltt lP..l. mm I'r.nikll.i it ul I iiil.il g . on. I ile it'o m . ii Smith. Ail s died Helhert; lb 1 .!. Thempaon, Alii Olnreni 1 M Klnnen lent appi n Terrill erin. 1. II 111 ami Willi- (..ul. Voi'iil s.iin 1 1 , King S.inK i.i - Ill) l 1 Hvnl King, ella Irving m Thoanpaeo arera appointed to pre pare a program for Kn.l.i Nnveu. Imt ' adjenrned al : 1 1 Mn 1 11I1 ..in. . QEER & CUMMIN Must be Turned into Cash Hardware, Crockery, Lamps, Tinware, 25 PER CENT REDUCTION On nearly every article in the store. BUY NOW. WHILE THE STOCK IS COMP D I CARI i" .In Assignee. eJ OONTMT M'i'i' 1 i'mim. .1111.1 ise oirtea, iIum. i .. 1. M i urn. 11. n ii. .tin 1" Bl.-I In till- 11HI1 I.) IIU-111 A II.. 1 km. i.e. t. -Inl .,lllll l,mii,.li ' ii- I ul 1 ..I- mn. Burns Meat IVIark North of I'iki Urtiu; un Main Si. n , -1 I wtiahi' Knitffi I iRH'l Kill I M I ! than at - U it nini thai un 'n not 1 pi.. nl-l t'T. 1 or mm rlmj , I OOCI 1 mi ek. apeii weel e. I llll.'.t sitr I - .1 prinl . Phi 1111. i . 1. il.l .iiu. in,-1 auiu-.ii;. no.. . ii.ni. i 1 ..milllf.l.i '. 1. I Mill I ir.l II, si l.jr Uu nun Joi. printing- :n. Herald, ' 1 WnJIoea ana from ii - hiinlmu trip Int.- Hat tin I IJ ami left (he following morning fm the 1 I I 'in III roomi-ii mit .iv me I o. ik' the railroad in a 1. r to maki i mil iuelf 1- 1 enuUful The i.ir.l 11l1i1lt.il. o lli reunlar laei,- i i . i . ... , - a hi. 1, L.ii. beeU ki ii-d 1 "if 1 Mr I. 1 1 1 1 r-i i it tin per It Zienn Ml lelurl 1-. ..I, -ii ,"1 'hi .,,i for .1 tlll.e 11 ,- Tills Indian, as Ihi- -lun . or in Ih,' became leperated from ihi be been aetivi 1 engaged ii iii ,uul " ... i eh,..,. n Tilla- Ins I.,, i afterward thrown ounti Oieajao the lake. Mi Breve 1. 'I t no eoiieal , . ' -li ti oi Hi - iniilaii iin anil ( .111; peth ii ol lime W inni I.N M-tU i'i Ml)Mt;s .ill ul'. o ' ' reallia at rdii ". .11 iiion 1- aeiended .. tereoii .1 Ui aaroll m 1--. in autline be ii .'I 1. 0 irn 1 I irther lnl.irin.ili n f 1. KKNT l rvalli- Oi ami pi iid. i.ti 11 1 . illi-ln .,i- ih., autiful Tin living iiiiiIm un Alatlaa II lab Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line RAtf METSCHAN. Propt. Operation tragi Austin u Prairie City, Jaka liar, Caayoa City to Birg$. Ilrexim daya from Baket Ckj to Unrn, Oregon, iiei.iniis V art-till ilnvern Kiral .nuns along the it. iiu Kniiroail 10 Borne .).ii 105 isk L. WOLDENBERG, Auditor BuxziS, Oregon iOur hul k Winter Uoodsi ARE IN We can now ike care of your or ders for everything in ous line. V Ikim -list icceivod from thf last a lar",c .-.hi)in 111 of ribbons, notions, shet laiul tios.-, outinx flannels, dress gooila, llaTOiablng xnods for men, women and children Overcoats, rain coats, leather coats, duck c ats, sheepskin lined coats, maciuuw and warm coats for winter. Blankota. quilt, etc., calicos, percaka. r vjm. u. ,JP3'I nUBlBnT.I Eff .. s . iaaaBBa'staKeiiaaaLsBZJ:ihsi i War patreaaxc selicilei. M. .1 MAN I.n, r : ..j - THE HOTEL BURNS 1 4 m i 'jflM BillLtY. pfopi pine Win? . Liquors id Ckjars flints for rqland Club Wbickij. CLUBR00M5 IN COM YnilN6Ft CourteoUi jrJ -. . , 11 i iarfla itlay yoo o mm f If I k Im o. Mil I . Ill ..ling eeyeveveyeveo' "i duu.iii wbaMai i Maalit prefer in ;. Ul- or a i i growi ui. but moil . . ,i it. BVi ii miiiel 10 U- iwrlieklvr inartful i uijxlf away " "Zoje Ol BROWN 1NQ liOHJJiMillol'MlO jaeaaeaaBeaWefeaAefchaeeUmBBaULlAAJ-Mf r ' Bucks for Sale. I i .ml ol Thoroughbred Regiatared Rama, bred I u. I i in." tUvnboukttte aini DeUia I Mock hi now il uaed throughout Eastern Oregon and an- giving MUtlac- As mutton and wool i tin kuiiihoult-ttf .mil Delaine Rama are iim.'.cellcii. Call un ai addreea. W. D. HUFFMAN, Andrews, Oregon. w- Ti j v m . po. i Dili,.. HaUae . ui. I linn- i.. . a mIi n In yv llBAjk up i, i LWt rlAkNt COD.vr, iNK BjlSy J tlurns, Oregon gw U ?j HK&?:S2aeam sm.mr JEffi' '7,e HfJOLVCD I I ' m THAT 1U fWSnROftOWN STCCKINC fK. yCBOON X MfJTMtK..5 M A JMAP ' WlaTTiMBnwa BWTBRbUOVn hk 'k awflk aaeai MMaMiB rtic Largest and Musi Complete Of druKs medicines, IH-rtunis stationery, bi etc, ever brought tu Burn I iincst wines and liqu purposrs always m hand - J Agents fur Any Periodical I'ublisheiH J VOLII UOCIIIKS PgbCWPTION (ilVtN SFhUAL AlfPi TtM J THE CITY DRUGSKRfijH J H. M. HORTON, Pifl 0 aid i ! . sucks, felt boots, gloves, boots valises, winnow shades etc. V BURNS LIVERY AND Fftf ST i i u I- .i ,. . Sjirciill (I 1 1 . tU.' I FaH kii-1 k I TtLe Ox-e3xx Hotel All 1 I'M. M lllJKt;r. iii -1 ii.isn.. itli uimi lie. i un. I eoaalorta room. Kuuu niuui-Lit. in p witli htaa ehanla Uurui. Tabled, wall fiiruitluxi Meals U IWBta. 'WfcijAiia8-,U ... sfcfcA t-M.... i A. SCHEIMK. Merchant Tuilor ! Suits made to order that muy be tried on before iiiiinhtng. making sure ot u Mlii factory fit, All work guaranteed I STILL IH) CLEANINt, KtPAlRINIi AMI MESSIM. Prices leeasonaTol. A. SI HENK, Merchant Tailor, McGee Bldg. Burns, O' ' of all ls:ind.s-- ' ul mi us .iii.i i.sjk ihrnegli r.i- largai iimn . .-. beiera WE hi MtANUil SAllSrAlTION FHICtS itliill I LUNABURG & DALTON. $ .iiis MM an ' I ; I ,4 Pa THE OVERLAND HOTEL. F. A. COLF. Proot. Special ktintim liiveii to Conducting iunerals Nt AND ACCLRAII ix KiLKJ W CONNtCIIDN HUH Um, aj IriL Burns, Oregon The Home of the Stockman, Farm er and Tourist iilESrS MUSI COURTEOUSLY StRVfcl) First-Class, Well Appointed House i. Will (nfeJeead ubla, toiiilnruul, ruoni,. BURNS IVIILL HORTON . 8 , ft, P. nrklirrWa . ' a-v -wv.s., anc ure sea i Rustic, Flooring, Moulds nnishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Lumber Yard in Burns.