The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 20, 1906, Image 1

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Tin. (irllcial Paper of Harney 0
hn the cirrulnt ior, anil i. M
ndvcrtiaing medium in Kaitern
mtit! e
Iff t. fa I It-
rrAV vlr; 4
fn Mri warn. Caantrsj
(N an im n( A,42ft.lX) sere of J
land J ?il I1H1 arMa ... ....m... uklal
f .i."ijiwik v iwiani rapTn J
try iiniliT tl pihlir Innd law of
th t nltMl Htate. J
: :
. -8
4Cv Ha
the Vale Orlsao Innd la
The Ureal Haraev
Dry Psralsf.
Christian Scene.. M "the know- Pl.lASIO TO BE MISSIONARY IsMI b '"' " -"'"- '
ledg of, or the troth about Imd ! strain, not a different hrreij. I
and hi universe, itiflmlt ncz man 1 Mbar objection wa that 1'
the science of God's unchanging flOVRRNPR CHAMRP.Rl AIN DEI KiHTED not meat enough, they
ommm-rative n:m:RATioN
V Hi!
.111 ,UV
.... v
! -f
.1 He..
71 ii.nii any: Tin 1 11
ilnl ItaWtf proud anil
tin. Pavilion Wiir In. 1
we have "pen fmm
mil v "I tli' Wilhiiu-
This hail evry
fruit, vegetable and
tilil li rat-ed in anv
! end ita fulfillment the science WITH COUNTRY.
or true knowledge of Chntiauitv
to he accepted understood and
practiced." Write. Piprttilsf. Ml Hla AaereclairM at
II- il in i. la Ma nearer thrtt Heapltatlty at Valaateer rll
Mr. tl.ri.URli long -earoh f, r i"" T The.
the true unriVretanding .1 :. g, had
iTTiade it DOtffibll to heal restored
audi power that hail lieen loot to
The following letter wa receive. I
the first of the week from (iovernor
humanity for year through igrmr- ' ni ..-r Imi 11 . It dated Oct. fr,,m full-hlooded parent.
iiiicii, and that even the reading of I". ' MsMM
lu-r text lionk I. ad canned many Jiilmn Hynl, Beq.,
cure, fie Mated posi'ieeily that Ktiriia. '
mist, did n... wr- , g,, . , ,,.
"hip Mm. h.ddv, Init recngtneil her
diaiUM, Ulr
1 . ipa, cat r
' in. fkal I .
nid Wkv
rd md Im
Kent stock
i exhibit .
Wheal, out, har-1 a their lender l.n had point (!
mil tht; way.
In the mailer of healing of di
IM Mr. Kalon aaid that the "prac
as a lerrj.
a WIHan..
ear, plum", iieaolie.,
Tanl, melon weet,
, mlilingc, cnnlillower.
t", pen", bean, heel,
riigtiN. li'tMice and
ve gra.f. iiIIhIIa, red
". II line diuplltv .f
ive animal and ex
ex liihit U'.- aw at
Uigur I111 t e ami turnip.
we linv
vnlley .
I reached Salem Sllinlny lilglil.
after a mo.t delightful trip to your
. . 1 . . 11
expre- . till in 1 be oitisena
of volir count v in v liiirh atinrecia-
lice of Chrtatisn Science ha prov- f (ii. .j,.,,-,,, hnf,Mll. h , v
e.l in .l,.,.,.,l" of ni.i.nce thai ,,.., ,, w. l.(r,,l , . ,nd u,
oiiuin- ueaii'iv 1 uie ineviiaoie re- ,. .. ....... a. ........ ..;-.: t
ui inii uuiiiik mil 1 1
lab-aided. I found afterward 1
ton. ip in the train.
Theae leon were quite vain'
to me and may help inexpen
men. ,V gum! wav to aecora
aane tart of tock i to !. I
nrighlioi" who uaUally lino '
kind I have often een hlft
bred gilt, fed fur market th'
, ,, purobaM of the t'orvalli A Ka.ii n
Deal Vhai CIm4 tor The Parcha.e at Th
CarvallU a tauter. ccanflai t
Partlaaa Ma. kaawa.
1 he ti lid lUlletlll Ml
nation ate ahniit Ornwad for the
"nil which follow mental trnn.fur
I- Ian.
ni'Mt Bir
iim baa Bbn
""ley .,
ahal to Mi
il ntlram
bid in. 1 .
la bill fan.
the 'I
lire the enliment of all alien I
mation or regenerntion wrought in IV ,,, ,,, i)nl ,. ,
the individual, not merely through ,., f ,,, , 't Hftrrl, mr
faith and belief l.u- through the ..i,.,,,,,,,. , ,,. ..., ,lf ,. --.
MM la acceptance and undemanding of,j, ..r u... 1 j....i
..ii. . ii.iii.'i. t ill 11111
tin truth which it nreaent and , 11;.., ,u-. i ;i..i.,;. c.
1 -111 t 1 1 iini 111- an it iniiiiir 11 1 11 i
ulatinn and developuienl are not
Wi htBrofiiu Hpoken ui" die i'iicI winch i proof of the divine origin
of till" "III'
"i leme. 11 i true inai 1...1 ... .... ...
' ' "I" " 1 1 in ... 1 I I 11
genuine mini ami einc.ere nenm are . A , , pr, , .
1- - -- " "... ..... ." 1
iwned liv I S (tmir,
'Uling pi oee I Inn
Dll-i.i. I mir I .... if ! ht.1..t..l ui rli'
B. .... , ... ,.-..f.,. m r...-..u... ,.-
male, 11 brtili anil ami avat gaaatla
advnntage, and all that ia nereaaary
for rapid advancement 1 railway
1.1111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1. 1 1 1 . . 1 1 aawati 1 1 no
that Id. 1 k, I ( nmpany will
in ile miii future for ihe prott
Kmpire can raiei
up without irrigalioii
deiiiMUNtraied llnl reiiinaite factor in the demnnetra
d barley going 7ft lion ol Cbriatian Hoienoe, but they
acre by tin proc ' are not of themelve auflicieiil,
had aiicli 1MB tlu -nice all reault obtained thrmiitli
i with a Winder. On 1, it- prntice i baaed wholly upon
prayar and 1 In underHtumliug that
iod, nr uiind, ia nmnipatent, ornni
.1. Ait oonalatiofaf table cienl, and ou,nipremt and a the f .,.,,,,, , ,,. , ll,..,., , , ,
1 PBM, ounuuilNir Carrol cr,pinre nedare. there la none Ire- ,,, l( 1(, fri,n V(t,,. llirUiJn
LW" Bn,, ",,'"Bl ",d U' ,i,," ' Th" '""' ""'" "' Har,.. Lak) d Kl.u.uM
;.'., Trinl II.,- com. ug year the allm.a of (Jod being unre.erv. ,,,,,,., W1, tb Tllllillll
to raia.. b Un ...ll H,iku..wmigail, we maintain p , here .1, the oorlhweal-
there ia left p.. .... for the con- ,.ri, ,,,! ,, ( '..hf ,r,,ia i.r 1 1,. ...ul,.
miiguitude 01 oluaion that am and di.eaee are ,.. .... Mr, , . ,
vall.-v nil,,: H mile part of Ml uniyerae and lli.relo.e ,.,,,,,,, IMr th.-aonufa'
1 ii in 1 in mile nuih real anil natural, lor nl beet tliev
tine :iiiuii.ii.i II il Held can onlv lie clnirauler ted a fa e
b now which in lime heliel wbloh the truth nan and
divide I nun 10 aare idoara deetroy."
r II.-IIH) fatma. Thia The Time-Herald baa not the
th of the laxe and in paue to devote to Mr. Uaton' lee-
reached by other than tur.- mote fully It Jikhi not claim
mer 1 room for an- I to bo a partictilarly reliniou Doner.
. W 1 w w
h profeaaional breeder with a ret
latum would baye Bold for '
SO earh "aw
img man atarting in farm
life for himaelf can bnrdlv appei-cb
ale tin advantage that be will
cure by uaing tntirb care in elen
lion of tock and
watching to aaM MM
railway i.y the Cbriatian t
federation. When il
1 aeini-
wi 1 ki , per in nl family
oe III
n. a
I he Till . nbrib
1 v m edfatK. will al-.i yU nowaoo acaott ooteiocwT
ihe I'niiid Male
for ihia nth IWtl) .
w. a canrc. vir. r
COWDCN, Caaent a
first national Bank
in tin
I nil. I i .1 nit
ti -i. roi I.ICAT10H
-tate ef
mint 1 .in 1 hi) an. I Mantn e Fill
it. late toiw 1 ml, mill th.
ml am
A General lianklnfc Business Transacted
i" finally completed, d.fiolle I,,,, , .. ,.r
.on- unci nient will aoOft h MM
ibal ihe t'orvalli ,V Kaleroill
begin actual construction early
then 1 ' "pring from the MMSMl
Ihe i- ,11- inn. 11- ol the road at Idalioa a. r
. . i.
ir mm,
1 1 tai
I tee.
eage uru
'I make If
iota mom 1
tar tJImv
of tin
MA farina. In
d Hiiiiu-i. and v
Hw the only
he fair waa
we beliive
town in
a lirt cIhh
gon HK nr
im band
I'lie Mr ol the Dr. t day waa
' lo.
the laillg Tllll
It atlundew and tba MOMO waeilo auawer or iIihcu Mr. Kalun
left the lir.t of the Week for other .,,.,, I...,. I i'uir.
Iberefori inuai give prefarenoe In
it i.ilumu tn looal mid general
new of the week However, it
will u IkjSl t'hri-ii.m la oa baa
done giMid lo bumumiv in MBM
reaped at lea1 win-llier it ha
prophet," but tin cut-.. II 1
me me vilulilc, and M MMI ae it ia
mad. il will 11. I ii ml I . 1 lie-
rapid i'i elnpioeiit ol your .nli.ii
but propiitliiiiiately ever part of
the atate Whenever I can ait
in lielleriog the roudilim. ol your
i pit you luivi nut lo enmmand
11. .rv uiea.
our fair wo a ucce, and you
Ml " lie commended upuii the
iiiiigniDiient t-x In lii : whiiii w a
.nl mir ami
factory one Some anim.l- t...l ite en.t to the Hnake rm r
eaey, juet a ome horaea me at- Thi tbova 11 the late.l railr I
way fat and other cannot be made llory in a nntrhtll, a inld i. I he
fat Some animal or etrain of Hullentin tin week by a bu.ine
atock are cheaply and economically man fmm Portland, who, for good
fed, uiber eem to woale i.ed. t. . in deaired that hie name
Some ieope are all their life lluhl- hhnuld nni he mentioned.
ing again! thi leak, which nearly I I In. man h m .m invented in
tie. trny their prolit t)). h tin 1 hriiian t'o-noetallv Kedera-
011 and by a aevere re-adjiitmeiit .ion and he claim to have in.nle
gel nil the road lo pn.lil rm iliuo a lo the federation'
ilao due hi financial connection
nwiiiON NEEDS RAILROADS. with ihe company Ile eaid it
wa. veri pr.ihahle that the
If a complete analyri of Ore- nld ha clo.ed within il.
goo gain in population could be "k that negotiation had reach-
hod at thi time n wmild i.,,rlv "( -':' ' "lege thai they might I
ahow that the few localilie loach ' " '" dav lie alao atated
d by rail are the only dial tint tin re wa no doubt, whatever.
have received anv material liitlux, bulihai IgMSStSS wuuld Ire
and bv leaaoii of the fact Ih.itwe cumnn 1,. , mx t -pring if the deal
have few railroad ha givm In wa- Imallv uiiaummaled
the town and c. untie thai ire '' ailll reinemhered that the
reached I.y mil e new popuUti .. liOtiafl t'n ujieratl ve Federalioii
than they would Inm MSSff empany i.rgauiied to build
raoaived were i.uiip.nug Hot ' .ilroad. aiiwmill and
linn h which additiuun; in niaiiufactuniig concern,
iliueiiiaiit wet. tajUrad for invel- eatahli.h dwii. ibvelup far 11. . .
in-nl of and energl ' '" t'l'i'un in wlmh lie federa
building up Ihe cuu.lM Ml -Hgn l""iiwill DOjaMM will he the Wil
li. ui of the va.l ternl.i.V ...UI..I I'"""'!- Vallev l.ld QMMMI Willi
from railrunl will how iil ,.r aTtSlirs OnMN along the line of
no iucreaae. "'" proMed railiuad exieiialon
Il i a truiatn that railroad Hie plan umler
lb. fureiunneraof progre. deveo "bleb il rl .(Miale will lend in
mem and population Oregon ,' ' MS dilllcultiee now
inuat change it taclict ami n iling capital end lobor
lead of ... mining il hue and cry '""" genii, man atated that the fed-
M 'more population" it inuit In ration wa well capltaliied ami
changed lo' more railroad ' had pbnlv of fund
While Oregon l.n n.-trjei ted 1
te.taiit., oi otbeewbw, ibal m.
Ii vlrtin- .' di oiali i. ul Hon I V
lliiihciatk, . 1 tin- Inh
r .lh. IWhl.
1 ' . 1 the
Ilea, t'uiiui. . M.i
I. 11".. nn.l -. pteiober III, h.M, r.
. .1 II. lh I S. IaihI
ttltlii. at Hnrn. OMgNa -! "" 81
therein ami to .l.i.h relefenee la here
with ma le, a he. ring will M hl at thw
I I an I otlli e at B.u .., IrragOO,
mi MaBSaj MS InW, at 10
o'clork a m in the matter nl t lie aaloo
lion nl lertain lamia .iluateil In Hartley
rmiiii. ttreawn, nadet t.i ..I ugut
!.. ISM IM I ! the xtate
11, in !!' Nn. t tiled
lii i.l 1.1. .1 1. ftti 1 tin- 1 1 il. .lar ill
".'. lo the State ( 1 lie.. 11 oa
Iwhall ui Hi llarnev Vail) Improve.
nient Doaioaay, ami (or detailed
Statement i..l de.. riplion nl .aid lamia
releren. with madr to .aid Hot
nd the ruiiie i. mad a part nl llila
i.otle ami L. w lu. a I in lie bail
by any and all M"aM ln'eriel, omI
..log .llllai
Tn.ii.til ... Ii aouil. Kan. Ban
' w
1 jj
irral llruath ReiUlaat.
ltd dii .i
I helieve there i no one factor
lug dm. ii- h.Md real 01 iii.iigiiiary all I a whu I, ... eiimnlal. Mondly rival- I r'lr",l feolure of ita develop)
in,., wn iue.linn lliat we will not otteiupl ry a,olln.t , I , . H1), ill railroad thi
....I ih. l. .1... nlr -...,,1,.. ik. been alow to ,.n
.,. ,,, ....... ..'in... r , , .' b m .. ,
. - 1 ... m IH IV Will IIW I or. . KLm.1 lial
ane are piiliing tin way Willi lair ' ' "'
.1 upeneii with puiiil where he gue tu lecture.
Un in.
11 1 1 1 ui.i.l.d ol Jel- Hanger 1 1 urn th flaaua
li, Mum., and 1 mmmm
Salem, Jo.eph Har- Tiiere' grave danger from the
1, and Seiiiitor J N plague 01 cougn ami com- inai are
r. Aiieaiort wa Heiil o prevalent, unie you iwe ir.
B Governor and parly King' New Di.covery for uou-
v, 1
' Ml
J the band
.. ' iifaa
nliiued W.
uier tba 1
Again thanking you all, 1 have
the honor io leiiinm,
mir very eincerely,
Rasters Oraajoo Land
n will mi Turkey Kd wheal
ip m .nine of il land, in Sherman
oad containing 6VH 67 MM,
iiiuiiy .n.l
in ..iliar vldaaee tawrlnng anal rvganl-
ufluirni'y and at.ilabhui at
the wl. r .uppli r. .J.111..I I .1 lh reelo
in. II. .11 ..I ant ur all ol ... I lan.l-, a.
well a. MS "i her matter matter
MSHaa .ii". 1. MR ol eaid
MoU'a ..iuJ elUM ..I irrl.liuu
and Hi laiiiatimi. a. w. Il aa Ilia duaail
character ol an. ... all ul a.d Ian i, w
.nuii lliarvlu ami
covered by tl I alnraaotd Inter, and d
Fire-Proof, Modern. Elegant.
Rates fa.oo and $1 90 per day.
AH Outside Rooms Near Depot
Tli.-. intalrrn new I ntel waa iwly recrnlly urarnrd lo ihe
piiblii Hsrssy County peoplv will be alwaya wrkosta
11ml cared for. A lirit-clao bar m conanctiotv.
N rt...
I... i ....... BfMJ
Napton &. Boyd
leal Estate. Hies nd Mioirg.
In. in.
n.lar 1..
? WImMm) aaaffMata
I He, I tin. 10th. lay iiftM-tiMWr, I WO
Mm I.,
A V Clow a., l(o
lte ul IP. I Ullblli it loll .1,1 I.
uiaiHiad of botli the euatption, cough and cold Mr
ml mid mem. hand '" . '' Koreel City, Me
.. him Afler ritc 'II u Godaent lo aiopl
emor made a .hurl living in clnnala where cough and lh , unloaded
it that several trunk Iim I
Willaootl U ill the inl.l ."..lenn. "' "" I they .,.. h.v
mw .err, I. ui that will bom -'""' "''' 'hipped In for th.t
...t with m.rke.1 rapidity It ' " ' ' ' "" " f""
the approai h ,f tba ilea m whiii
1 tu give it a trial The 'J'urk.
Mill.- MIMMIII Bll tUM'la
Mam lo Orstr.
11 ..
Orego.. ha waited Imig ,.r th. IUd M '- 'atd lo U the gr.l Jfcj LaM Slgf
rould pour in and take their pen,
hi iiBrbich he atated he ."dd prevail. I liml 11 iumkly .nd
Hi liri... louiity in u. I go them It prevent I neuiuoiiiii, u, load, then mixed hog.
Kt they want Thing SSMS Lg tMsaS, gafM wi.nd.rlul ,- had inm.v good one, with
. .uatKthoee that aet idly by '' '" Aathma and May F.ver, JgajgMjb Mai M hurt their eale.
.iii Hv roilroade now have antl uiake weak lunge atrong Ull ,. ,, till(1 Ihe , uj,
.. Attn and if you expect enough lo ward off conaunipliun H 1(. B, , grl iUu lo u-ll
11. Ui Bk you mutt gu uller cougbh and cold. TiOc and I1.IM) hi aecret 1 hove often dun. i
ui 'H year ago tin wa a (iuaranteed i. City Drug Store reUieuiber once having a load of
he I. plain Now it I rial bottle fraa.
:......!B)e-ini.l a pinple liud
Kan do will, your .oil WBMIOfc 0AUfcN rll.CtLBSBMI
tare vUp i ow one tbou.und
pla Ko there ehould be ItW.- "e of the looal pra.oui;l ex
MbbbbbbbbbbL. 1..-.. ,. ... 1...-1...1 hibil aliow n at llie Keduiond fair
good time that i coining, in f, I
I tl' , -iraiige Judd Farmer, boa waited
1 barn di.iuvered mitake in been at Work elling lo trauacouti-
hi lecting and feeding hog by vinil- nental line what golden opporlun
ing the alockvard and watching "t" await them here, and winch il
Scrappy bog I token advantage of year ago
.ili. He Will he raiaed liianv
uande "I Thi ih proving Ii ue
1 B coming rapidly.
1.1 Kgreui Haruey vallev
I Mn..ll.u .. I Ii 1 In . d
,. a ioiihI have a mark. I
'.Ii.- Hplu- Hailroud only
wa 0 plant of garden buukleherrte
grown by . T. McClay on hi farm
near Kclm oti The bran.
the plant were loaded with the
- Mlid altogether the liue Ii
mil' have coiilalued a full gallon
of the luacioii fruit. The I errie
fairly nice bug at the yard at
liidlaiiapolie and wa aurpriaed to
inline the buyer Hitting oil the
like buxxaid and watching
ui in tin- pi I. ndjuiiili g mine
On looking I .iw that that pen
el drouth re.ilanl known, and It
baa aba abosM bstc :' """"' ""' '"" "f "'"
inland regiun of eu r 1 Kan
It ISg atrictly winter wheal,
.nn I wmild not frees in ih .ever-
.1 of weather ae bv. in fact, it
the winter, ui Iowa and
Kau. a, where ill. 1... ui,.iuol lor
,l.e gri 11. d In ti . ,. depth ul
I lie of a
1. r. aidant and a hardy
1 win at wuuld make a.
fur thi aaotioo Madraa
would have placed Oregon on an footing with W'aahii.gtnn and
CaJIforsia in opulalion and imlu
trj . Kugelie Kegl.ter
Ur) 'araiiBf a Saccea
gieuth H... u.n.- huokabarrM la
1 h: lap liemnnrtraling lo the oppeaiam, lliuugli tliey are larger , -hiiu() u
.pi talluin eousa SSSaJM '',IW ' '" v "r v,'' '" bad
I Klf llaiu. . ll.Hi thene "'I'''1 "' ,tt8lel"' ! Dtlt M Ll
akl.1,,.1 the home u.c luim... p.. tloul
In - .1 If rungo only, and have ie 100 eM..-i ... i.h.c ... u.r ..,- lJi(, u , ( ( w,,j(e (,,. , ;,ougnl
conlal I while hog Olid that they
Were Wei. 1.1.." in ! I l.e) linked lie
though lln-y In.d 1 utiie out of tiie
aim m. .Id Hi load aold fur 4.50
ud mine for 4 ID. Thi made
him ahull' 41 o head ,... money
I .. lute Img
and lh 1. ...- Hi) 1.... I u.lelake
ii,. il lite r.i.Mi. I a giMiu I
Hood Poiaunloc
iHiauh. giea.e wood, and fahloi,ed olallie" gathered from
ti ire Htiiu-d i h. great farui- ,"' oSSSSlslm bf 'be kloolchuian
lKpi.hle of producing all M,,i pcddl.d 111 man ,1 I be pin.
d. offdKgraiQ and vegetable l all" " ''"""l" Kvi'
1. Hi -gun can prod in
H we wih I., say Mal-
.' cuntl should f-dlow ti. I ' ''r ' ' .n-upatioi.
uje f Ht. winch 1 ipnckly cund hv !'
Hii..lul Km Sew Lite Pill rbS) r.
move an puiaonnu y.-iin iron, nn j (
evateiu in.l ml. 1 new lite ami
vigor; cure aour eloii.ach 1
iffEHr I-...1 1 delivend . '" disiin.- md idle With
.. 4L. Sunday "ul Kr'P'"K 01 diaouiufurl,
MaaMMW.'.' a Wuaraiiiei
1 .laery pluaeanl epeuki 1 u 1 KhSI'ASSI Ni .
ir. 1. -...led tu give the Hunting ia forbidden upon my
irsYUN gcieNe u.uim
i ikhl nl' t'ln .."! 1,111 Smence piemiHee.
K church H.illi l.clieved euuted
B)lK 11 dunned lliul
Treapaaner wil' be pro
11 (. LSVMM.
lain thai were h-j;
gy and alaheiied II gl
ed thai II. ..ed 01111.
ibe nl.ick hug 1 w... p ,-Miig a
feed lot one di'. when- a neighbor
had nine 'hat were
ready tulnm. Blgbl of tbesj we 1
inai. ile aSgod me if 1 bad any
tr.iulde w I I. white bog rupturing.
1 '- lw" Valley -Pi
hi. Ii 11. .1 .bowed it and
in- I Id me that In '.11111
iiiing lie m In- : uud live rupluied
Th. next winter I a-kc.l the far-iiiei.-
ill I .1 ni. ra' m.-ti tuit it line
wa a poouliarity (' the while hog.
or if we hud liut.p. 1 ed lo secure a
brain lb .1 come to piece. II...
said lI'U' tin v ' thought il might
have Imp . 1 md lo uni other breed
llarventing of grain in tile II.,
ney 'al!ev I. a ri.tiiim -1 d an I
from farmer. 1 bw crop will he greo'
iv MMSMMj over lt year
wheat will average
acre where lart year the
' im.hrl Oat and
will average (0 btJsaWlr nr itr.
Karmer are Budillg ri nlv .
all kind. .( "rain at 1 1
pound aliliiiugh Iheie 1 ...
iocul BiOrkol in dt p. nd on
eale of grain
Farming dr v Ui.l v
! .1
.,ut mii: ' 1 ui p
ir tin- largest that
known in ll.l- cuunlry and lliS
Btnekmen will ha . e pie d
for their imk Ittil w
year but the frill indo-'
cumm. eg l. , attract le lumen.
attentlDi. u.
brought under bigtl tilts
vallou ther.- wil. he .,,. h
ted In fruit growing than J1
( 11 y Miner.
J5.oo WE WARD $itj.Oo
1 I Ibal hunt
ing and .In, ing upon 1 1 . . NnhmI
land lire American I. .11 I A I. Ive
1 .U .1 in low nahlp
K a d
tJlK H '.. K W M, Harney
' ny Ksi.ohe ) I
I It n Ally peiMM. nr
.11 11. tl..
ill will
' Ill the full aiu Ul of
law A reward of K-'i is here-
nd for videitce that will
lead 1 then arrel ami OOfl I
AM.' . .1. I I 1 . 1 M...
Bv K l: H11 1 Ha!. ii
Herald will mk
tin a b ......... month 10 the way of
and has arranged
utl-Weagli IM I
Itepu In Ii.. io all who pay up
1 ii uau.
Menus at auu hours
Bakspy in eonnsstion
A Sswialiy tf Ssari wrtsrt.
Table furni bed .th ovarylMi
the uiaiki I .tl id "I or pliun
sg ...III I'
... ih. t H, Meal liar
I in-u.ll A IrONEGAN, Hroprletoea.
Bums, - - OwgoiL
2wv3ce TTclIm afnTi di.q.AMrti
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
ucctaaoa ra;witaawAAaiio
BUcasallliiig as.
TA '
Wagon Work
Main St.,
t' 9 a4ii
I.... .. J kT W bLTTtK AUD
pofaMVHHBIIfaHB icirnimu CkTiltl Till
ti I ! J 3 . p j 1 numiLim m in
ISfc ' - m ' tilnm Itt fTnl
SSW "r l Ml
$"' Boaullful BoVicw Ll.l A
A L!TBsaB'' ' eM Ooolano. I Owaulora.
""a MllMm.","""
wN Jijmu aSsSaaaasi sBm aaw
Br iAt 1 Bsi
m tf .t 4- r aaaiDs
k T 4 LJ sW kTIFTBM ' ' BVIBT aTTmlK S
I 4 f ' x X Sal k
J sra VKJ
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon
WIMm its. g farsM
It MSM SMkigf
as well, that the tiling to do was lot tur, Hi
v AN I Mi Agent,, 11
Malaga e ud
in enjoy a g.
laugh io send 5Ov for 1
Agei 1 " Worth t!A) 10 any per
son who ..ells good for a living.
1 Hslisfaclory your
back Circular for !uhj.. I Le
1 li; alaolrio CoiuU Co
1 (1
Watchmaker and Optician
AwnOivl lui bsst wvik at a Couipalilivc t:lilbUloii lu huruos.
a-- 11 ei'iiaaiow 1 a ..
yiBlian-n. akaa
j The Finest of All oS
hr Saw Sal alj
Hotel Burns
A -)nts, Burns, Of.
"Kotbci J Urns , iiisinbuters, forilan.;