?hc $imr$ttfd. ATt!Et)AT. OCToni I moil HUMCRtlTtON RATH: One Yaer . ra, ais Mentha ,1,00 Three Month. ,aj llll.lAN nun. ,...,, THE (lOVI-NNOR VISITS US NnTHINd RUT PRAISE FOR OUR MAG NIFICENT COUNTRY. in diii praise eversitue tluit firs st'MMoNs. visit and now feels hi- is some , ,, j In tlic I irrnit I unit ol I hi- Mali thing of a prophet m things he nreami, fm tin rnnnvr nf Itmnj preiln li'il ,il dial lime have proven i Krem li (lleim Live si, irk Cnmpam . true rvrn sooner ill. in expected. ' I'INVI HiiTTl.EMK!T. The Minns Development I-ea-ftM ami Harney I ounty Fan Association art- certainly making OOd and deserve (he riiium, fo ment of all our citizens in (In- rM ullrnt work holh organizations an doiag toward the devdop niiTi of flames i-miiMv. The path dob" h 10 lie eonnratnlat eil fol its efforts in bringinir pin miiieni puhlie men here to see us and yet a propri mineplion of mil grtAIIM and the wonderful oppiMliimtu M lure and tin I in Assmialton deserves ere. lit for liu i-M.eption.illv line displ.i of out prodwcll to "how tliese pvofllfl without then having to gu all met the iount 10 liml Iheui. The Whole il luiund (o hiuii good ll Milts Eetlre Party Med Afrttiklr Sarerlstd and Predict Ureal Fatar ler at Tan Rlchsrdsea Seadi rl (iovrrnor George E. Chamhet lain and party arrived in this cit) Wednesday at non and were In llw nmtter of tin- Ratate of Ailam r.nehel, ilort ii'il. Nottoala hereby ulrmi thai tin- muter ration, Plaint M. nicrnoil administrator of the nbovi rti- ,,, ,, , ., - 'luiiii eamie ii? iniiv noil inr nun. "Jell is one of the most popu- ., ... o. - ... . . , ., . ,, , J ' ' John M. Mwaras, lelrralant. o,,,nnt herein, ami thai llie Hon. .1. 1. In men in Oregon and n'M a pai ,.l,,,,, Klniir.lv IVtemlani K.,im, ao of the Coiintv Court of tutil.n fiiend to llannv eounty In Ihe oeaee Of the Blete "( Oreu, the state ol OfOfae for llarnei enmity ,i ,1... i ; .. ri-.t ..;.. I Von ire tiarebv required to u prion r .1 fiasapeetnted Moadai Iha Brat day al e - -' -- Me slated during the 1 nurse of I answer the complaint in the t.n. i tilled s.iit on 01 bafora tlu let ilar his remarks that his happiness October, 1908, the same batraf aaataj Mi I.;. .; .1 1 1... i i week from tlio ,1 it" ,! tin- flrat dii1 in' u 1 ' omm it.o r rr 11 Him- Oitober M8, at Id o'ctoel A. M. At the I'oiinty Cool Hoaaa al Unrna, reiroii, li.iiti,.ti ,,f lli.. ml 11 1 1 11 ' ill- anil if vrn f plele hail he heen ahle to VinjJ , ,, ,1,.,...,, ih.eJ.1 greeted hy a very representative j Tn, Richardson to view llainev Uff will apply to the Court for toe rati and enthusiastic crowd of Harney V.dlev in unlet that the latiei -. t-ajri. i--1 In the complaint, to-wi I'imntv i-ilifem ivknhiirl.iiilk.r..l' :.a.. ... ... ...i i ., I hat a iiiit;ie in u dei-d Irnm said .1 j ....... ... ....... nnn, j,,, m, , ;i,1(l preacn me , to ilo him honor. Resides the Governor the party WM composed of Hon. Jefferson j,, letter nt .lohn l IMnatil' to I', i truth" boot this great tmpire. In-mli. of Iha land hartleaftar ilnrn Mr. Myers then read the follow- ') booorTPctw, ami that aaid drx in i iio rafarmad, and that a rloud up plalntlff'a UUa to aald land ba raaaon ami thai Iha ptalntlff'l tillt to aald Imi a quia tad, ami fat aai h othar ami hi Hut r ; i -i aa to tlio Ooarl may aaei lOqeltaMe niil real aroparty laid am i.l h- lolloai, to-wll I he Norlhoa auartai nf Hv tin twentv-fiiea. in Tan Ayent; Joseph Marton, Keneial lf aoh diMDpoiiiteMOt M I iblp lapaotynla Booth, of Kan. Shall li'fl at inn Mlbg ilhle tour- lytasa SMI Of Willamette Meridian, i '.uii.oiv voursrlf and (lovermr Waiatej UaoatTi Oragei italahag a ri.amlerlao, to Horn- Il la a 'i'i.i,lt.-,l ami .tv acres. , , , Thla -ninnioii" i ooo n our inio wuii which i tint i hoped in baconm familiar, and I M ei -. Mesidenl of the LtWhl M)d (Mark fair commission and now it the head of the state commission for the Jamestown exposition nei e.n: Oswold West, Stale I.uiil "Hon Jefferson M vera. (Are lr U I. Marsden, Unrna. Oregon. "M ih at Sir "I don't reiiienilier pvci eajpeth taw Han ,.i B . vraa aMtrvhtwhag Ins conathueala la thia count doraag the weth, iuiiiii injj into then legialative wants. Tin ejentlenian spent a porthM ot the luiH- 111 ridhaf ovi the country .vu aktahlg .hat in ii'iniaiion he v mud regarding out unes. lie paid llirnev oiintx i , r hjgfa i oinphment upon M-itiiij,- the pavilion at the fait grounds and making the on ipialitied as.prtiop thai we had a hotter display than Jiakei miiii'v at In i fan last month, .-en. Hot Marl bol (he appeatain i of OfJag an energcti. wmker and will do bai utnio.t I,, upiesent In athtaeata during the next leim of the legiaJaturc CKMPLETK IRRIUATION PLANT ' i inierealiiiii, Hh.l wr hape the moat heneficin. dtirinn the lair waa a euuipleto irri Kaiion plant eonaiatinu of a five- iora poarar gaaolme eiigiiic ami-l centrifugal pump Thia axhlhll matie hy N Kronn A OMMM agents of the Kairhauke Mot Aa irrigation one ol gaj parti- inlar fealiif. in fannere in Ho .ili.- it arae of great lien-tit tl, Ibaui and deoiunatraied the fact that irrigation hf pumping era poeeible and that the gaaolme aa gnu- wa- pr.i lioally eat. I ic f-airbank-Mnr.e ei.ginea and i in - u iiiautf ii the aaat yet pM on the maikel a.,,1 ,,. wilblii the lueana ol i cheap for the good material ami mnple to uiideralaud and run 1 to- our eihllut ehoulti be audi - ive tha irrigation pro Batroaj valley and i- the mean of much more farming a larger eiald par acre paaaj the lime on It i- an nlertl pj nit for Iha orchardiet and small Uuok 11. il in.ix on a l.trger aoalr with it p rt ianata onn' .,i u,. hag laru,er It wa- also i f ini.riet e u,, i. ..in in making the u,:ti iuruihing water toi alock at a i..'innial coal beeidra thir : the power lor -running a faruniug mill, bar- manager of the Sumpter Valley; H "ii I Hart, state senator for Makei, Harney and Malheui, ami Dr. W. H. Morse, memhet of Ihe Mate hoard of health Several of our local citizens a lonipanied President Marsden "I Iha "Push Cluh" out to I'oison creek where the part) vv,is taken in charge and escorted to tin i m Thfj hand hoys met them at Ihe enliam. to Hums and marched lo Maui Street. Here the publii achool and hiyh school pupils were o.iiheted and orerled the Govern fM with rousing . h'l.ijjs wen- ilvuij,' all over town and the (niveinot's pntuie was ijinle ion picuoiis aaWoag the decoration- nneinot y 'lianiherlain slc-, .! from his carriage after the gTOtt tin achool children and m d them, at once winning iris of all In- hearers in lit- usual happy way. The l.ulic hand also participated in wilmm i' chief exei utive. ftet luncheon the party was cm ot ted 0 the fan i,'t"iind when Oevaraoi Chamhcrlam spoke to in immense throng thai had n it I rod In do him honoi He naid n excellent triliillc to the ifie.lt 1 it in t'ounlry and pre.luted.i " foi R, He insisted thai He do noi m oppor- tunilie- and posubilitier. I.iki il other- who view Harney Valley for Ihe first time, the Governor was most agreeably surprised to lind such an immeuae body of IM aj'Miultiii.il land Hi spoke of our isolation and what a change would come in the immediate fu ton iipmi the advent of railroad Thursday afternoon tin dm ernor addressed tin- Indian- fmm the grand stand aftet l)i Mn-d. n had spoken to them in then own laagaa At the Governor'- own rMaaat wa no )eiul effort made to entertain him in partkulai he mingled will, tin crowd at the fait grounds, VIMtril the pilllon, hV rat lag, a iMes, dlaad aai ad infuioully with hi- personal liieii'1-, a- .-uilcd his own piea-uii I In- added lo in- populaitty and ill feel that he wa- indeed an executive to h,- proud of. Hi a- here a- the guett of all the gaf ac.piaiiiti-,1 with Uhmb lo iw this BMgaiflcenl Imaiin l.mpn,- ajaj IhoroughU fa iniliarue himself with COOditiona by piilih. iion io pidar of Hon i.i .. i Devi imlk'. ol the above entitled rourt ihtlf flill inland to g" there HI h l-llei ti len.l in tl all led ,l,i, i hi- iiin dor ol tagoat, law, tha ahne I .., bawaa ..... ..1 ' ' a J"o nii.PT-, ins I'lllll- ' ! mnle t,.r ii... i... :;;: ;;,. .-poKiine mere ware so many pen phi i .I tha -tr.-it- ( it bthag Bfajhane !a at Ih ir Poll I hiiiI il wm- an illlli.illt to gel ii vehicle that we I 01 tram limine iiu.iv from niv nffiea so muah ol l Me, it wa- r.aliv imp. aarhla for. Hi'' t" -1 . i r t on aOOthfl lour. without at leaat a fnw hour- - al in arranging affaiis that dem u,.h d IIU Htelitlon it paa old -xprea- mj all the people ol planum; Ihl ahull ba o-n groaatal I folly ap preeiate what I no m u i mix roan TOM Rll Ihir wi1.-, and ihe tn-i iuiiiii. "' Ihti inmeinm i Anunii s, nuii. .,i Wo 1 1 i Mn . Wimi IMS W .hiii . i intiii I Mi ,tti r,-e - lor SIMMONS In the ( h nil i mirt t Iha -1 I oa, t ll.irioo ' ii Live Htoek I 'ompani I'barh lam in ii i an-ner the rmplainl in tie i . ii,.- lat i i i i ,ii,. ii- an, I il , i thooaj and peaee for tin-hearing nf .I'lectinna to aaiil linal account and the -i llleinent tliereof .in, I haaditected The r.ine-lleral'l as tlio newapaner for the pnlilicalion of thia notice. Any and all paraooa, or tlv aarpatata whatever, la Irtag lo objeei to the npiroral of said n "Hint anil Ihe ellleini -ill llo-riKifaro lierehv tepiireil to iri-int or Hie their ma "ii or bafora asiil dor, Dalai AiiRiiat i. tii noa. nOti) i r IBKRQ, V'liniiiiitrntnr. M0TI01 ruR PUBLICATION. : mi i i. -r . i i . I isn iii i i. , Burns, oretoti, ahrhni ii laai ,.n... i ii. ,eio i.nr,i that tie Mlewlaa hit- nieil hotlre ,f hie In taalloi I rail in i npporl ol ion lalsa, m, l ir. Mil i 01 Ii,, in: (he Heal-- I , I In.io aa I J, ,. iii Sii i!i;,ti u , -i ' , sw , mil st i i i w M He namra Hie follow i na wiiaesiai iti prOTi I ini ,i,,ih i, iiileni'i ui-,, 1 1 a in I i ii It i ,i I inn i'l aai, I laml ill .lohn II Inn,. Ilmniaall -1 1, a. ,,f -in nil oraaaa. ana rti -i i- mat. Keilatrr , l.auil.Arl Ncl'K'l POU PUBLIOATIOM I N l i i 1 1 i Hums, in, i:,, n 'i Hi I flrea that In aeaipllaaea .. iiru , nan -. ,.f ,,l Viik lawSlce al Mai .aai w M CLOSING OUT SAl Tlto.e FIErrtlre StocUr of M Mit'l-ii titatln i ' a I. . The part) left on then ratlin I'nd.iv rnorrinii with tin excen (''iio,!. in llie is, i. ii, I out Mi Wort and Dl M iii .lined I, eie the good lame- Mahon on a huoting trip -l MMn- ( in. rhai ill id 1 1 iii tin ami ililendanl lo I till ii ,. Mini tor -an I .;.! MlD tl i i . il"- rlbed in imi that -a ,1 i.-ai proparl) 1 i gear lor of Section iweatyfoori ili Nortb In, iily .. lon.,i, tin, , , nil Holltll 1 ItaOgl Hum ,,u. I i-i am I I u.l ball "I Hie aatharl ami tin La- miiii- llllV III Il l, .. . M .,1 Mai- ,.n n. la, thai tim Ma. I. In. I ' ' GEER & CUMMIN Must be Turned into Cash Hardware, Crockery, Lamps, Tinware, 25 PER CENT REDUCTION On nearly every article in the store. BUY NOW. WHILE THE STOCK IS COM R L SABIN a iofjt r mi, iei ids Assignee. CONTfST NOTI01 I'anii io i -e " Paras Oraeee, loaswi .,' Mi ii , ..lllral m,laII lia.,n, ' ai.'.l In no- . mi A II, .l i, -lain itfatnst hoateatea I i,tri -,, i- Inr S' , -I , an, I I ill. an I ' ,",!' i I ,nahl. Ham i Inei 1 aMaell, mil..'. rh Ii la allege, II, a, mi, I I, hi , ik i :; ha l.ilallv alMinlm,. ami lalli'.l in establish hla i i -i-.n sal lati'l an i iia n.,1 i itian ai. i n - pi lor '" ai I an , laill. alll thai aal'l al.-i"l a l-l laml n a inn tin-' I,, hla I i ml N 'I 'lllr I a .l. a', aolillei , officer, anaiian 01 ai aai nallli- mi ,iriin I ami snteatani lis. in, In - i , Uffii.l I III la. 'a whn l Burns Meat Mark North of I'uvi Iliiiu on M.nii Si. .wnin r bidaa OS. Hi ii vy i '.. Rand II. arris t of las y. Be redhal iea Of rona t rlhof ram in. 'intiiio. The I on H I ai Jul' prlntlag Thai n a iM "-'N - .. . ' fl SjMi r,1 HlM't jtrtad Vr hmm n, " . . sw if n..i S W aajl tfeUhl Soar n.iiinn.'iiii' uiii. ii.rl II I I ' A rJ I . naaSSSl flH 9 thia y .oa-a,e-aoooaaHoa,-Hw , niR w it..- at ii.. oitv of llaroaj ' i 'i, I n. t,- k i v aatoaaaliaO) riuuiiiii, o. Uaorye Haahoadla DeJeoaoa1 II I Ilo Klen.l.inl in llie nanio ol tim Mat.- ,. 0o ion jo- nerein riinrr,i lo .(n.4r ami larrtal lliree ami four in -rclmii iiiiii anawer tlio ioiii,l,nnt in the BOOM '" aBM in ' li.t I ii lull ,.l Ilia " , r la-lore llie liral Ja of ' niiailn, au I Iota nuinberi-l "iia and Oatoher. Iisk., ami il mi uil in ao an- n thlrt) In TVroeabtp thli- aer for aan: ainlitl f II 1 1 loor e tl ftanpa Ihlrtyta Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line FRANK NETSCHAN. Propt. iip'.r.iiiiit; mini Aaslin ia Frairk City. Jaaa Day. laovon City to Baris. UrtKoa d.i- Iioiii ll.iket t'ny lo llurns, Oremin. Good, ei'inloiianii i .unes ames Careful ih ivers First tJi- .si. iii. mi- ijoiio tin in uie Kailroail to Hum-only fo.S miles I'i i rales a-k ai'i.i i" tim i our i i.n iii,. n-Jicf deaaand el in ihe euiuplaint. lo-n Thai a Unslake in a l.i from aald l I t lie laml herein ili,-r , I. -, ulx-l baoor ami lliat said detsl he r, inn,, ., ami ior u uacrea mat a cloii'l lie r.-imn ol Id. Will. , I,.,, a ,,, ai Ml) o,i i iri'Kon, lb) I'ui'ii'H 1 i Deris Judge Ol llie tlaire enliih l . . nrl ,ul, " ,1 in tl,. a ii entitled WOLDENBERG. Auditor WyjLBOM, Orog-ora. THE HOTEL BURNS i SUM BfllLIY. proprietor. Fine Widp . lienors and Cigars flints fnr ..rulanfl Club Wbrskq CLUB ROOMS IN CONNECTION VCRYFMING f Courteous tni ol'iittim; Mixologists .i it. r. PI rrivea i hsgbk l liinei i- toned i-Hara 0aea'e eeeeeee. ...... - J. Iio Mil r Gas hottis 1 her. iha. aalant qi (taaaaaaaaaaoeaae.v .-,:. MaMaaa aaaaaaaai aaaaaajaatjaj toptat I ' the larui tin f t flatiri'll.ir I I isKl ( 1. .( a. I.- '" "f Bi ' ,... . :. i, ... ... ink i areateaaaf lahajatha.! ould "l "" '""'"Kcl' "I""' ha eeaaiaial and or ,l! """' Maaiag bafora him , ,,,,, rassaaatal M taptachtiioa inginutli l"f '"' 1'e.itinenl li ,,ui people, Cioverooi Chambeilain proii . (i; -vi.i '"'- that he will CaaM eg no. About lis. head of ea,.. .n-f,. ",MW & Md will .pen. I 'suuinaar raniff ill hav land !" acre 11 head of horses ami on. ,ue """ JHerson iM era delis ei ed lie Hum- Thee Wir " "dress at the i and stand on on or writ Thursday afternoon in which he M'.i-ki- WiMiHa.ii. . "iiiiasled the exhibit at the fai ai n mi- vaai with that of three i.h- IgQ when he visited u- lot the . k- at ih. u.i-v Oaraai ,;,,, ,lmt.. ..jctf ha-i.ee.. thag. plaiotlfl i land i ,, an, I lor an, I, aihaM ami lurtlnr ielu-1 M to the Court aaajr aaaa eaaaHahai -a real pi read I" la .1. -, rilM-.l aa lolloaa t,.-v, il ..,illmai aaaSfaW "I Iii- .Suit i, east aauvjti r ihe laoUl i I I lion I i n Foom '"rti ... an i bail aeotli H llnrU-lH Martdlao, all m Hateaj i euaiy, Vat' aaaaaioiag ooa head ami .ui, acraa lias aaiuuioua la aarvetl h nil,n i eWl I Hon l,uo liau-, Ju'Iji- Of the al "ii- .'lilillel euuri Jul. i.i. I,. in I , nl.-ri I in ll,, ,il,,. aotlllad iau. IMI tl," I mo 1 I'a.nUxl foi imhlKalion i .easive weeks, aud i, lien i i.i Aoaoal is, ras, o iii . sVauaoa, sVooo A I itmjci m. .Illnriiey- loi I'lainllll i I'llhlical I I tl.a tiral nbliejliuli id logos 1 . Wh i Mil i sa. n 1 1 1 .. ureal) tt . V'li. I mi; PUBLII ITION as nam I till'. Jai .. ali.,1 "Mi, .. ur,t all ill -..iio, i. ..,-, ,,, , ,, it tha Bui I laud r-ee.1 liari a whole week with the good i ! Oil- llf 11.11 II. . inil.ll. 11,11,111 ' Bucks for Sale. 1 h a vi a Kind of Thoroughbred Registered Kim-, bred from KraaOO Kamhouletle .Hid Delaine slock. Thla slock is now i- itiveiy iwed throughout LSaalajra Oregaa and are giving atisf.n-j As mutton and WOOl prodtaei- the Kainboulette and Delaine ii,- an unexcelled. Call on 01 address. W. D. HUFFMAN, Andrews, Oregon. SOIli Hi Ihin cUl tBFmWUBB'9EFI -Jl n' t bi iih r ail'! i i 1st i lH am ai aaaam 7 HH I 1 J I 1 1 V oP"s gtBtWtUf "' Baft r ish? IVaW h.au, hi .v ,irli nlar atti ntion lo Iia kiny rL ,,v Mail. mi i ei o, yoiii , ,,, LM J y I'.nr own I'oal ih, inll- IS w ami l.-rio- , i.i-Iiu hit, ami inn,,.- jH kJWS'V ' ' Jf r I"IV" '" on wUr-zJ l '"'' tl m auH MAkNl:V H'NTY liANK vbflllf Burns, Oregon L """BX EaOaBlaas i ii I i aaae- Be.JBol aaBaBaBVBaoaaaaiaaaaiHaaeaaaaoBSj.. , toaaaBakBBVajOaa - Our Kail & Winter i.ooHs ARE IN We can now ike care of your or ders for everything in ous line. VV have just received from the r-ast a large shipment of ribbons, notions, thet i mn floss, outing flannels, ilrews gomis, furnishing; goods for men, women and children Overcouts, rain coats, leather coats, duck coats, sheepskin lined coats, uiacinaw and warm coats for winter. l.l.inkcls, quilts, etc., calicos, percalea. BROWN NG i 'a. '' a, .eaj III ooo The Largest and Most Complete SiJ (t drugs, :!i:ii.-in" j sundrii li.iitiiiii a . .a..... . I. I I iu i IllOIIUf) , Pli m biought iu Hum lines! wines and huiioiM for n putpossj siwiyi on hand Agents for Any Periodical Published. 0lk U0C10KS I'KhLHIPIIIh IJIVIN SIUU1. til IM THE aTY DRUG STOkti. H. M. HORTON dICTTER Jt vSTOOCl aaaaac i ii aSTjsA REJOLVCP J (' ('. THAT Th BUJTIR MWWN 5TOCKINC Tin I lam U ABOONSDMOTHr.KJaajAiWSP m a.rer.i aaoim ret. JISsir CLAW -toWSKijg' swlJJgrBUmRBBOWN S"-;t!S t at fc dUbki --SaOsaK. jlaV aUaaaV. aa. taaf i am India i miti 1 1 tin IjB I IT L I 1)11 l'1 T ,eur o iat jSi i hail I'ftfl a aae U ea.. a aaa gjaaaaj aaaaaaaaaai - li0t llUi 01 iii la uisai plei BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STAifLE ll U is A i. i ,i i i 7 .i,. a H:?bbcr, (ierman socks, felt boots, gloves, boots and shoes, trunks, valises, winnow shades etc. QP-OCEBIES of s.11 atelndaS. VVti Invite tl" public lo cull on ua ami look tiiruugli to k liu'h is turgor than uer Isefoie WE (jl.H4.Mtl SATISFACTION P1ICES k I Oil I LUNABURC & DALTON. -- 445SS4c.' I'li'iila. s''ff alii i, .in i to h ttii.si it ,, , i ui I i i I JtaVi 'HJtel ii.y uvEK", Hit i . , o M . rr. ' if'i j-a-siI I esrrvswv.vA ;l I JT. ... I j Special Attention Given to Conducting luneralsr NE AND ACCLHAlt DA SCALIv IN CONNECIION Willi BAKN. A lit Su tar fat mt ti t ne of y th so ii if -a - ' The Oregon Hotel J AH Fl'N(i, Manager. KirstJi'laeeaivnuiiiiudaUoiii- eitli ueat, clean ami comforla room Fuuk inwt.-his friemld to utti witli hiui when iu Burus. Tatileawell furnished Meals a& cents. '.aa.a J A. SCHENK, Merchant Tailor Suits made to order that may be tried on before finishing, making sure of a satis factory fit, All work guaranteed 5 I STILL DO CLEANINfj, KEI'AIKINii AND PKESSINO. "T3-V. ICKSl T3B fnasvS , -L. "1 I A. SCHENK, Merchant Tailor, McGce Bldg. Burnsi, Or J THE OVERLAND HOTEL. F. A. COLE, Propt. . a e e e a e : e , 4- .-- " .Hi Ji&yv Burns, Oregon Tbe-Home of the Stockman, Form er and Tourist iUESTS MOST COURTEOUSLY BJSJ Firat-Claaa, Wail Appoiotad House Centrally locattd, Well luriilahe.1 tahlec, comfortable room. BURNS MILLING 0C HORTON 4 s YltR, prop 3- "ougn and Dre-ised LurrlwC Rustic, Flooring, Mould ng, Finishing Lumber. I Nearest Savvmili to Burn.. Cood Lumber Yard in Burns.