The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 06, 1906, Image 1

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' m
l! f
fH rm-frl6
he OMlrial Paper of Hurnsj County, J
Fthe large. I rirr-olalion -ami i. one of J
Pbeet advertiainR medium in Kaatarn
(WillvJi VI Jl w
YH 41ritv a.omttrtj
('overt an arm of 6,4M,X)0 arret of
land. 4,781.000 arrca yet reran! anrtject
to entry under the pa bite land law of
the United State
NO. 46
vsr Bpi.avf.d.
Iatil Oat Mack Ftrar-
raw All Vliltert
Haair Pelk.
li no fv
. yet w) hav
me ymietv
forth our Annual
a mo red auooetp.
management and
citiien. of Har-
ke the fair held
liable MM have
aault. than warn
hoped for Even
eurprteed and de
' viit the pavilion
X I !- 1 1 ilfpUv of
in they take into
I it ion- Mint had
I have had
able " nc.n for
Baby May by Paine, and tynndav
1 v Hanlman Baby took firtt
money with Monday aecnnd.
1 i(j
The Harney county 2-year-old
trot mi" postponed and the puree
wae viven for a three -eighth". dah
in which the following hornet, a ere Mr. Bartea lpred oar Ptealt a 1 Prtc
entered: Co.nh bv Lewie: Red llcel. Faarftik Betlaett Hee Ceja-
Bird by Abbey Bermuda by Park
er; Conelance
Mr nl llniof TMef.
by Light fool Red
Bird came flret with Conetenoe Mf
Two race yeaterdav were among
the beet of the whole meet. They
were uncomfortably oloee and ex
citing rlniehee, making fine per
formance and were moet eatiefac
tory to the grand etand. The flret
waa a three-eighth ejiecial in which
Omittance, Red Rock, Nugget t and
Lnoky B.. the latter a fine black
mare that etarted on thie track for
Among our prominent Hilton
during the week wee Mr. Joeeph
Norton, general Niiperintendaiil
and manager of the Sumpter val
ley Railroad, who eaw Harney Val
id for the firt time Mr. Barton
had long contemplated the trip,
hut War- not prepared to find euch
a niagnilicent country, even though
I he hatl eeeured every pnaeihle in
formation about M, eending eecial
or repreenUttve here to make re
... " - .: :: .. .. r
.11.- lili-v iihit- iuniEMiK ... , fwtrtw
Rradfield. The etart waa made T(il. .MBMMMa wee timet agree
qOMklj and the entire bunch came n!v atjfpejurl up 11 lux flret view
1 a goodly iimnont jinto the etretch ae even an could be Uf m grrat vallev and more en
on display MM the fight for flret place wa ,, ,,. vixitrH the f'lir ground
Cren though II ha been pro-; hotly oonleeled Nuggeit came anrt fr,rt tn,. rxh,it f the pro-
good, e I liu nm-eil nrh under the wire tirat with idicay n. ()ll(,, ,,,.,,,,,!,.,, Hl xnr,- He
le crMMtent from our vie- eecund. atHled tlmt 11 utterly iiiiiM.a.i
in tlMOu' mIi' world, we all , The half-mile dath with Red ble to gel any kind of conception of
wit e.udMJ and ehould have Bird. Bermuda and Mondav ae ihi-. eeclion from description. It i
n Iwtler Bhe people will tk. -tarter waa a race from the etart nolulclv neceeeary to eee it to re-
I . I I l ..L.-.I i I 1
ii 'oleram iron, till lime on aim me noree wrm uun. om, me H;K ,, ,,.,,.,. ,.,!, Uilie
il if (h BM"' enthutiatin laat entire dittanoe. Monday wa liri
e Fair M0i "in will lincl it io'c and the other two tied for eecond
r fror,
llrney Comity Newe
printing for connty . . 7 OR
II a 1'illtird 4 day at
Irarher enaminer 12 00
.1 lrin dltO I
Hmm C.illrl.alaryaa
road ti.tttet . W 00 .tie 00
I r.i..k I '.ililv . ' iregon.
(MM INM v Deo S
Miller M7B14
J. M. Iialton, npuliet
for county ... I el I P
C B Md'lieeter. care
and kee of , Mint
r M
Irui llodron t'o., eup
t,lle. . II 70
Hank Kelton. deputy
lure 8 00
3 Bonville, notifying
theri IT State vMyere
Mary V. Ityram, report
tag tettimony, dito II N
K K Kicbanleon, jailor
ttM, etc 415
M I. I i-wia. Jnticfeet
State r Myer II l"
A. K. Kicliardein. con
stable fee, dito
C IT Voegtly, padloctta
for ballot li. .! I 7"
Hr I tiiltb, witmiw
Stair vt Myer Il M
Mm Dawaaf) tHa 1 M
.lame E l-e, .tit.. 1 m
Jarvi Smitb, .tit"
Joeeph Miller, dito I . 00
I k Uichardon. dito I ''
Mr Wet . reportliitf
tetini.o , 1I1I.. II M
!ave Miller, jurv Knin
aey inqueet
"f. o
13 11
walla walla.
CatacH al CeM Sterait Will k M lkt
14 JM Nf fr Dev--Hahr M
Teat el let Dally.
1 I 00
. , fhp another building
"iiUrge iAireeni pavilion be-
re next fair 1
. fair m week hue lirnught
tr pwnptf !' ' lOfvitMl nnd llov
nd the Fair Aocia-
Mr llnrion 11 et H
buine men at a meeting of the
I'uxb ('nib mi edneUy evening.
He itnpre'e4 all preeeni a a ein
ownacetntloup, praettool bnei
ne ii.iii. who will be grenl fac-
. lor in the future development of
(iovernor Cbamlierleiii ha gone tin- Batptra The gentle-
for 1 1 1 lli
1 i ii,... .1.1.
iiumlier of our '. ' . ,.,... ,..
Iillliiptlie mi 'I""
(Continued on page 2.)
1 with, few
..i:inl I
li u
.1 - .11-1 rwjf
b.R MM V
gill fm lb.
ut of Ae ti
uuokltkg do
1111 who wa
early loat I
'hoy finiab-
1 win Iflll
III! ii'ire- in fact ,, Hurn-v In inaiiarl un irriiralioii man bud tiolbimr to
which it wa organ- )rije(.(, M'afM regarding the intention of
He goe to Qm ootinly next hi iod. loii mir RMfll hav al
t gone n adverli MOMO la meet the anple and ttilk nv- foil kimllv toward the Sump
paeptlon-, and where 'davuliipmeiil nll-- BMtl IM aVaavN wa gen
(Uiide It wa ail lin l I,-- ii,,,l,.,i .verv devalnn eral to have tli- iuiliiiU"iii.
ar the original pro- 1M, ,, lhal ho been tin- mail to vieii u Mat Mi what
eltra card were tav tl in the elate during the paat hnd to offer a i inducement
oe program which ..,., o.., i, ......i.t ,.,.), to railroiid building
The governor i an active man ; Mr lUri ed a de-
He la an up-to-date man He Ulnae a inui li ol the country a put
long to lb ttrenuoue claaa "il'le lwta HI "bort atay. Judge
The Htate of Oregon it Barrvioc LavtXMI "Im-hi the entin
too many dead men M it IM ly I bur-duy in driving over the
Too many. valley nub the gentleman He
Qovoroot t'liamberlain ia a poor even ue.i. luvnraldy IfffMfl i
man, but he i thoroughly pulilic upon hi return in the evening.
N(,lriled I In met ling with Die I'iinIi Club
The fieople appreciate tin and wa i-t.liiely inlur imil and MM
preciated hv tbe vial-
hore men
III It A' I -
The llrat H waa a tuarler mile
aeh fur I! uulv -addle
i.rvM for Bpure of $4(1. There
, re Beutrie Vanity Fair
I I KigIA; Jin, by Carl Bitoj
iwlu'a Mi.
y oloee raoe and 11
atari the liocae were
k 11 fiart of tin- time
1 pot and Butling
ruliiig unity Fail
enl ul one time
withHteiu'eMr. Belle
nil unity ratr eeconn
money wa given in
r. on account uf a foul
m-wu entrie in the
free for all. Max bj
Handy, by 11 Ri. Iiurd-
,iee I. I 1 ('unit Nug-
I liurdttiHii Red Ruck by
. Cue. 1. by Lawle; Haby May,
vote for him regnrdlea of party
They lovii a live man.
The people know that they com
maml hie heel eervtne, hi beet
ability utid all hi energy
II.- 1 not lining hie nllice t" en-
in miicl'i g I informal ion from not
M In. nl pi.iple lo our gueel,
bni In MM I'liniribuieil very mater
ially lo the inlcre! of all who were
prevent. Mr Burum wa in t'tiili
during the early daye and know
rich himtelf but In promote the ju-t but uir eople have to con-
commoi.wealth Salem Journal. tend aitl. Tkt gentletnan waa
v aatiguine a to tiie lulure of
.t in tbe memory of many liv-the gieut llurn MfjMf and elat
ing ha then l tub a uuiveri.l ed 1 tint laming the oil wa all thai
luaroity of horeea tl proportion to M ffMaaffaf U uik I tbe
tin -ilt uiand ae exiele al preeeut gMH BMaeMINw H)te on earth.
W.111 the wel are prone anim- H diecueaed the vanout cropa
lime lo think that we are uuiiue tbeir nlutiv.- value and the adapt
in tin particular. I'erhape the ability of tin valley to diversified
, rapid agricultural and railway de- faruiing
IxlxlxM iiettiiiu away from tin
11...I order and ran in a
velopmenl in thie country hat ao j It waa a matter of regret not
K lllkuat dito
N I liar I .lilo
11 M Jonet, dito
.1 i smitb, eitneaedito
John Iitrnev. dito
I lnbiion,ditn
.1 M laey,dlto
Dr I V Itaattb, dito
In I -uiitli, axaiu
Ining iliyician dito
M I. l-em-.
1 11 aagHf, ni.iiie
1. .1 iiifc-i.-!! nl 11 s
Inn. I
(' A llyril. iiHiiiling blgli
-. I II hind
J.illll t'lll., illto
I Hbaitrir, hi... In..
T llvdr, Ulior. di'n
S mi Mnllierhrd. d
rniiirri ,y -tanili
li.lllillllg Inn. I
A I. lticbardaoii.itawii
.1. M. Iialton MaWM
.III. 1
Tuia lloaard, IbuIUm
I- SelKenat, freiitht on
tuigine it il
' lack
miiilluiig fur 1.
luo. I
lit iiiikii liul.. MM
county road .lit
f II V ... gtl) -upidiee
ter dilo
1 in
I in
I in
I 01
I ill
I hi
1 N
1 .VI
1 -ii
n 10
I . Ml
.1. .1,
4 UU
The fair of the Inland Kmpire
I of greater tlgniticance and BaWtild
! of greater Value than one in 11
central region of railroad activu
A teL'tUiti of the lale of Oreg
in. .1
What i parhap the beginning of
MM packing itidutlry for
mil empire, ii now lieing
I 11 Vlla Walla b JaMM
i Kulwell, the well known l. ck
but . 1 and kblppl I
WhIIh Walla Stateniaii a
... . i,n
i iilie 0 Kidwell, pretident of
VlLlI.e Walla Walla Meat .V told
"l irag iiitmiiy, i,nouncetl Ihia
ni run g Ibnt hi company t
1 pat vpeiiil $.'1111111 in the
er- ;-!.-r!
' lb. fool l MkM treet
The plant propr will be a threi
,, t.nv 1. rick ami lone tlruciure
1 with width "I H'i feet and a
in depth of . '.! feet and will be local-
I r
"' ed at Hie junction of the O R .1 V
"n.l W A ( R
,- TI.e work on the big plant will
h-gin Within u week and the MM
I m pany Bgpeoll to live it in fMMaV
1 " lion by the flrt ol March.
bo loinpxnv ha acipiiried five
......... ll.u f....l ..f Vi, I . . lr....l MM
( 111 IT" Ml HIT- .n. 111 ..Atll -lirr, mr
1 mi a ail.' for the new pUnl and will
I M uhxii'l'in i," 1 old iorage and kill-
' " ing plant buill norlheatl of the city
la 1 m ur, at a MM of f 10,000
' lli" MO plant will lie built un
1 i MfMfftokM end
Will I I" rn in every re
aid W 1 1 1 im in Mobr, tiiiH-riiiieoilf 1.1
of tie packing deparllneul of the
w 1. Hi Walla MoM I CoM storage
1 11 1 . .ining Mr Mottl
will hv i Iu-im- cbargi. of the
' new plant and I- eiiperinteiiding
'"o .1 .. ..1 .... 1 '... ...
Vll 1'inii iu " iiii-itui m"ii
I I 11 ' 1 ' p. 1 Mill lie III
IUII feel In dun' olont, enli
st, iii ii d ol brick and ti ne and will
ion' I.. ... jo..! in iierv particular
On Hie lir-l liner will I located tbe
engine room, and ice plant, pick-
i hi Iiuk inui In I" r, mo
flu of tbe engine
'room and lex plant ml' be 81 ' 1
I ' I In- ... 11. pain will put ill
two iri machine with a capacity
M nl n p.r fM ami will
, 1 nil r to the general trade. The to
will hg made by what 1 known at
''"' tbe plate ylein, inetead of freei
ng in can One ol the machine!
will have a capacity ..I U MM er
div and the other 17 ton We ea
thai ae will reijuire '.M MM
pril f " lb cold vlorage and
' 1
. . ond floor will be li -
ted the killing bade, cooling
1 o 1
I hi
1 H
1 .
I o0
from the ueual couri-. MM, tautage factory and Ian
larger than aome ttalei room I 1.. r. Mill be f..ur MoUMJ
OIIHtl ' "I't nl Hie l1 III nl Ol
.. Ilrli"l ( .oil
Ii, t'.. M itt.r ! III Rat l
Jacob (lrun ied'
,, M 1 Mr. Mrv Itool,
Muril.i i' t'l.tirl.- bi. -..t. frank
. w.. I'llie -nillb,
-. Mrt Minn e llnnl
Inn. I' . i,iiieiiili-i . I .lain PhlHlMk
QMtarrt i.'iieiidlke Mr t rrl M I add,
K t itiiiM. 11 W r.inetulike. Ueoeftal
Ota like IVIIU llruendlkr, N-llie
OraMtlll ', I ' ''"I. I
w arm r. 1 1 . N .. khoaaa.1
Jaaah 1 I 1 I '" MkOi Jaha ;
Oruendlke, I r , I re.1 llruendlba, I ii. M
lti. Wi.lnril Un I mi . Joha M Itroka.
MMk) I'm i" I I "! V A I..
I m . i. 1 urn . 1 . -.1, mid lUrN'M
I laat -t.iae.
Minnie A. IWtlernlae, lleiiel II '
dike, Hit II HIieMna, rtaBMal '.'em.
dike. N'elll .dike llt..l, I
(, to. .11. Ilk. I lii- llerbart
I III. .kit. I
bolt. 11 M.tOaeagt Hia V Mfafc Abboii.
rliarlotle Klfer. I lunna L. lacay, A.
... lulu, Latxtf. I i la A
ISilitlle. ind IU ,ltli I lri..r, the
known I..'!'-, mi I ,uall MM belli nn
kiiinii, 11 ni, of .lci.i. 1. .11. lullke He-
leec'd. mi. I tn all ahum it ma) concern,
' ng
1. 1 ..r 1 he thova 1 lllleil roatt,
each Kiel . I ion re hereby cited and
required let aaaaMM MMM the almve en
titled t'oiiri urn Judge llu.eof, al the
t'..iint I'onrl KiMiai, al lluma, Hregaa,
on OetoUT Ni. ltin, l 1.. 1.1 lock I'
M thru Mai llnie lo bo rente, If any
j oil have, v in Will II kin- tiliionl
MMM "I II" 1 MM aj .1. ..b i.rundlk.
.1... m-.l will. Mi,' annexed, '" I.
iilii.iio-i. .1 . un li 1 an. I In Milne uf a
certain atjremnent ht lWM Jama K.
Mabi.n. .1 llano il nregon. tnl
aMjM I' ' I '"Ilk. ilcie.l ldale.1
librnaii M, MM, t.IiI July lt,
1. n mge. 'M t.i I' la Hook "A" nl Mi
rcllaneili liaranli In llie I lerk'a ilttlre
in llariie, . ...nit, OrMMl 'iethr
aub an .oiler .r I 1 ".iiilt 1 .oil M
. .nuiil between
aid Jane I aiel .ul Admiul"
trainr, lie .uld not atei ute and lUllver M
I lauu- I Mai 11 tl and urH-
in 1.1 .lr tdailiiUlioMi 1 !!
fbllowhaadftrlberl real , ituat
, I I , I ..I 1 lllmn.lle e,i M0 in Htl
,1,1 1 , 1 iretjMi I' 'i
it. IM
. 1 Ml . . Ma. W I Whj
aid IV) , v- I Mi'4 it
iKw.a all ni I
ia, H. II J6. ID . nd Wul
',..1 laa , nvn i4 .4 awe.
U SI ', ..1 , -', Mi',, aad
HI '4 ..I W . I H-. all in T. la, 0.
vviiupt. tti Hun MMfh Heater,
Judge ul the 1, (....ri .. Ilaraey
loiinti. fJMJM, 'ti' M t tatd 1 MM
arti.e.i. no- MM 4a j "i 1..1.. feja.
1 .null, 1 . ni - al
Mh Mi.tHttlM'.'
i 1 Ink ..f Harney I BMMJ "
W 11. I I
afk it ttfikr.
IUI.Im . Hun... I'
1 1
Howano atoatx. eataiotNT . n 'aiaaoT
0. a cowot n, caaMita
first national Bank
tai nuci 1 iiiAHr. A
vnLlMM' "' a
A Oeneral BanklnK Busincs. Transacted ,
AfiaKtCAN ft. AN
Fire-Proof, Modern. Elegant.
Rata Sj.oo and $2 50 par day.
All Outside Rooms Near Depot
lin iiiiHlitn new I ola I waa only recently nwnrd to the
public. Harney County people will be alv.ia welcoMM
and uiiittriiiialy cared for. A liralclaaa bar in connocttoax.
a f
II .i T..a Nxrma.
Dae lima ttaro
Napton & Boyd
Real Kstile. lites iM litir.r,.
I'. fan. In.H..
New Wlla.Ni Hrlrk
Bnros, Oitjon.
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Table.
Club Rooms In Connection.
aparcely aellled, undevilo,d to 1...11.. ith a rapacity ol '.tai Leevee
great extent, but magniaoaol lo m4 MO MkMJ The i.M.lmg rMMMJ
MOaloiliUM, bring lo lie leading will baye a total ll.r MJMM of U)
uitiOli MOat ol the way
eice llNJt If lib Ked Kock, M
in tljAal! mile maiden M
ltd T'uere ware three
Htliu Ituck
H by (May A Co., Meaaa by
rra'.t I The little mare had il
ter oarn v nil around lin lr.nk
,ili L Rook taooud. t'lieimcal
Maday raoe were good p.,WHrfui
i' real urn
I . . .1 . -M U ..11 . . I., Ml I..., .!.,! 1.1H t. . .iiill.l
l..uuaik.J..,..,au m make on v lo M r Marlon, but our borne oenier, uie low n 01 num., iu.i v - 11-
therel.tiv aoaroilv rather more people that In. could not be hibiU d Ml re.our.e and M ,. .1. -t device, and ,.
ia iiiUreeted Ipllehineiil- '.rain rat.ea by tin mr iunxij iiimiiej no.,. ,,
acute than in moal other ulaoee. more extendi. I He
1.... 1 - - - - aaa, il.. n. t i.e d. velonoient of tbi. interior dry farming procee, elock ol
UUi WUIrrcr M" a'Biv a 1 www. - -- - - r -- --- - - .,...
country and want to he!p u. Now very be.l grade, irrigated produ. - if UO KCWAKU aS-UO
. . 11. a heller poitlou than ever not be ox.rlled. 111 fa. I
lo take ui. Un- matter intelligeutly leverylhing ibat can be raiaed n given thalhuul
Mi., e hi tout and wa may ex
world Rural Spirit
'he breath ol 1. He
Mri to iiniati, every oaru ue-
ll'ta elglilllceiil fact that the
irongei animal of it', eiae, tbe go
rilla, eleo baa the largeel lung.
lung tneaiie powerful
Hum lo keep the brealh
pact good result.
stHfcuuLt: or txptMaruats
Hhualug, tr by law requited, tbe
uo.ouiit iit 1 luiuii iioeiilu.l tiled and li
.. ,1.. -t . fr .- , 1 ...lal agatn.l the County of lromf,
"""" ""'' J,t"1' -deataiud, l-.k. -tbouaaiida of Mllta:oM" M1, lr -Uigulll -Jo.rJ
H win. in. enir.r - .,., Mr.. Ore A. Stephen., n 1 L u1 u rrK-'
the "mill)
.lb up " expectation The iK ,,rh-n riglit aliou'd be uian
irat rat
jy tiaMa; Muuel Keid, .. I arkei , prt ',,ull, u , ha. learned how
ttV, by Hard. ii. in; Max by t ,( d.i She write : "Three hot -aeri.iicher
bv Jack Riley .... Ilf ,)r KlllU. NeW w,.very "' '"
m w.t lirtl with M .mi m ipp,.,i ,y cougb for lw.. i.ur w I. Marked a month.
.....I lined me of what my Irltmd ,Urv a county i.l.y-
peciul H furh.i.g. wa hot- ' .- 1. cnnaumiitioii. (). it'. fjk
aled for by live well match tfru1j ,or ,broai nnd lung trouble'' Migg. .v RaMal MMMMI
baby May, by l nm, c;auraied by llie City Urug Siore "'"'" M,m
, by I'arker, OoaMIMtM by ?m 5 and llj0 Tril bottle j J JB
1, Uggeu u.y iiiiuiu.ii, i,.,.. i,.,ci for High wbuol
liy Abbey Haby May d vnnw, High
h Nuggult aeiolld -- aw rvuik achuol lund
aatail .,.w ..r ..,.. .. .lied A J. Jul.
U- II 1 . u - ill'.
ere wen- uirre uuirine i uu- liccaiiee nei piniuwuu "
BOIIID, l.ur n y lisun, weugiiBil t.y ueeies' urugging iuii , j , .luol
ra by Kelton All thin- ol -he could not eut, Mr. M ry H. ux
' iiuiileriite I'lllnalb la tin re Hern. -
ia a twin ei.ter lo Mull., ut and 11
development ol tbe one mean I 10 loan.bipe
development of lb other I
are undeveloped and held bail ' i
government tnU lk ate dei
tiued by their oau inherent lol 1 ri and
to bring then, capital ahicb will
lime, uiake of Iheui tin lr
Tk Lmjc Mar
('till. a ..e..fge. If -.ii
r.n la and 11 MiwU
Bakery in ounnootion
A SawtaJiy al Skarl Orotn
Ta'le fu idling
llie mark 1 1 all .id Ymtl MaMM
age tolicit.
tucciaaoa lo.wutoa aatntoa
a La'l. aa'T L l
nig and .Ineitii.g upon lb enoloaed
lund. iif the Ao.erieaii Land '.
. 1 K and I iwnablp
' - It '. K V M. Uir..
1 1. own a. the Troul
1 l
rim 111 (or bidden Auj i
.. d bin. nug or Iii pa
tl Hi Oregon The great Kallr.. ,,., MllhagUli in their pu.eatlou
eee that the ia lb'-l' on ah . -i'l will
and thai it it but a abort iia Ui ... pi 1 . uted 1 1 tbe full exuni ..I
III they will be made 1 idle, ol Hie laa A re ard ol ! it here
by dleed I 1 II."' Will
ll. Kill
illione were owned by llie alter, of 1st. Clair St. loluuibue Baaitfa bio.-, cloth tor
Co., and wore well watch- '()., wa literati Htutving to dealn.
a two liret mentioned -ire sin- write My kI'.iiih.'Ii waa .0
anil have a line 1...111 MHUk Irum u.elis. urug tnai 1
in Caltfornie Lark went could not eul, und MO nervaa ao
nil wa unable lo .tart ao wrecked that 1 ..mid nut eleep.
le pacer und King Ora went aiui no uui I m,r given up u. di.
ate in yery good time it Wlta 1 id.:,..l to ti v hleciriot Billare,
K (inn exhibition ae they ty-' with tbe wonderful reeull thai im-
olhor motl ol tbe time and nruveuieol began ut once and a
hub from atari lo liiiieh. comulelc cure follow d Beet
roday'e racing opened with health tonic on earth. 50c. (iaurau- Kyder iraa, blauU
.... .. O I If t...i.l.l
..l r .... in llie urn 1 1, In, run teeil IV I ItV lUUli DlOre - ' ",. ... . w .-. .... . j .....
fur a 150 puree Stain'a Mi w
II K 1 1".
.il pfMMH
Wclinun 'I'bariuaik rUp-
..bin MM
Herald piiuliug
om iau . -.
lUrit Any
Jullll Mllllll.
booth, at eltxlL.ti
greater jjwer ami Oealth
1600UI 16000 MMlhioioUl 10 hi
lO il.lillle tin IHill' !
jyjyy I o llie tn.i I
Hull, Ibe large!
that iiu no railroad 1
lion, al any rata it the
from the railroad of it
with II all It ha- H
of improt mei ' I
11 lnre. .ind ha In
manufaolum , 111 fact I
that a to An ul it tixa oou
Vale Oriano
1 id
67 J6
MjMJ 06 00
3 43 143
'4e.UU MOO
150 loo
I '
1 Mfl
I in'
nine 1
1 here 1
HO, but
1 light..
d have.
uli ballot boxe
H 1 l.uker, rugtiteriug
wou with Vauily Kair a vary We call your atieuiton 10 the new
iteoond I'uker Jim alto r.m. , ad of Lunabtirg & Kallou lit thie Koland Haukiue.dam-
e half-mile daab for $186, 'iaaue agat to buggy
1 :iw
1 00
'To tura a eloo
odali . I
Kull "Jlln
lb. 11 am. I and ronvictlnii
1 , I.AM, ft I fg CO
liy I- II. 1 1 11 1 Kas. 11 Man
well Worth Trlg-
II Iti.iwn the popular petition
1 attorney, ol 1'ilt.lield, 't MJMJ I
, ..I paneiou the leel
Lhing to get lr llr. King New life1
II. arriiM 'Hiey keep my ,
family In p! bealtl:." Qoiad
. MMUMbIIon and
. bill. i.irai.leed at
l...... k .. .'I.. .....ur ,1
I ..t uuixr rvun rfii.i l,uiii 11
. iiklen'r Arm.
mill' will do the net. '
So 00
1 IK)
ti 70
I mi,
.ver will,
ind tin
cure for iluru. Moil., S.;t
Woude, i'llet, Kcaeuia,
Chupped Hand., Sm id tote
eye Only -'oi-at the t ily Urug
Store, tiuuraiiteed.
Up-to-dale iob printing at reaaoti-
60 00 UiaaldUbla prioea.
I - -
Main St.,
. -. -
1 .
Haled hay al the I III Meat Mai- -. M Cwt
-MjMjMBB uimTio n P Kmiin
t4MMMMjMjMjMaaMaMMMaa wmma aummi
t'kil i3 1 1 L"l riiiniCAUiBjrjh wr
rp':' -.-'-' I OiarSOO I aVarM Mf
.ZWbn: W I "' aMP"i' km a.
Ki r'w Dweujna. Olratilarw.
dMMaxeMaaMBaweaaavV 1 -
.. Iii
i 1 1 i 1 1 '1 all' 1 a
, , I . , j
! M
tl. lJtVJENat AIM AMD TOOta 00a
Watchmaker and Optician
B-u.rrvj, regron.
Awarded fur beai wark Ma CouifMtillv fcxhlbltlou In fcurojrt.
Blacksaitbiig ui
Wagoo Work
Burns, Orn
Idlkc loi w rarwaj.
! aaraaaOaOrxM
The Finest of M ui
Nr Sm. Mj al)
Hotel Burns Bar
Agents, Burns, Ofe.
aajrKvtboi d Broa , Ui.tiibui.rt, rV.lland,
. , . ..,. . 1 , - -