times-Jierald. I KBT CtKCtll.ATIOM Ot tkr iNTHtnrouimr. BKrTfMBKH IM. i ;a 1 News. irdnnn if here Intake; I uemiiuiiH given nwny tore. nil he hi the fair In we the governor He in the new town M See,. I I uriioy. rAn alinoet new heat- Wire of I. Schwartz. BUSINESS OROWTH OF THE First National Bank of Burns UNITED STATES IN POSITAKV Statement to tbc Government rittce tUllluunWeMI of Bnwnm June lth. 190. i i ,iv mm July lth, 1W ' ' ' Feb 6th. 1908 . ' Jan. 22nd, 1904 117,V Jan. nth, 190s $'.77 Ihii 2!Mh. 1,906 1 W.S84.H ApriH5t.li. MM Hi $184,81 Jur... 1st).. LMM 11,8808 September 4th, ioof $210,05.02 a , Uih"i vh.iUv. M MtfCtty. 1 was her a couple of day during tli. Iirt of (lie Week viniting the 1 iitholio nenple. 1 hi' genthtnan KlM favorably imprenaed with thin nection and wan verv enthnni aalic a to ito f u 1 11 r- He regretted his inability to remain longer, hut hope to viit 11 again at no difitant late and become better acquainted. He in n v- t pieanant gentlemmi " j NOTICE KH l'HTM ' H'.i 1 "I. r I. 1 PUBLICATION I We Are going to continue to share our profits with you by giving away absolutely free a LARGE STEEL BORN RANGE, ROGERS BROS. CELEBRATED SILVERWARE, known the world over as the best silverware made. QUAD UPLE SILVER PLATED WARE, Now choice of a full Assortment. mAJLTSX .. . . 1 V n Come to the fair. The latent thii.ga in ladiea ooaln. paon, one of the sue- ' L HohwarU. men of the Lawen nee- flank bv Mail with Harnev city Monday. County Bank. iley and Jack Parker jol, Bennett day with nome racem vitilora Monday arrive today. Hee my Mm of Udie-' coal". 1 Schwartr. wan among our Ht Mm. Hantiee', a of Pattern Hate, cape w-, etc Call and ree tin in the market for home hair and civ- wantn all of them Mood pricee. liurrow hi. rliiineil lurch choir at her inlng. I Imne prenent cninvahlc evening. thereby notified to re- tapanning upon B)J Blirun I nhiill pron- mii tounil trenpiMntng tiln Si nci.IVT. If you want to nell your ranoh or farm nee Archie MoOowan the land limn at once Grain nackn at the Bom Store II Hall ban gone to Albert (Canada, with a lot of hnraee. Il.menlead and denert land Iw catinnn See .1 (' Turn' .lamea Mahon wan in the cit (Quality Salt'tar- l-llerilil ix informed Bine hie Imiight I lie Irn t it r m nt the lirnlue the connideration T) d I'll if Km MX lit ojrt convene here next The docket ix ijuite nhort He of importance in up i It at All. from i liul lug Harvey II Will lie given of young Knmeev. Tuee- Horn At Harney, to Mr Mm. Chan I.oggan. Wednesday, Hept. It, a aon. Dr. W. C Brown, Deutiat. Offic in the new atone building north ol the Poal Office, if you wish to he located on a good hnmeatead. aee F. M. Jordan, county aurveyor. School tablet- cheap at Mm llnUie Haativ'n Alao pena alale and lead penoila call and nee her The largeel atring of racem ever aanenihled in Burnn will compete for the ptirnen at the fair nest week ('baa Mci'herlern ha moved to hie ranch with bin family Archie M.f.nwan and wife now occupy tin Mcl'i tern tltv reeidei.ee. We nhow lb latent pnlterna in Fall ami Winter Suiting- and crcniitiuge Fit guaranteed N llrnwn iV Siii, Adam l.eorge in in the cit v, hai ling pint relumed from the railrimd i where he went after aome num. rrj KaOl Ihnl had bam ordered i. John (Jhrlatman in hem on a vin it to old time friendn. Lard pailn and 10 It 9)899 wanted at the City Merit Market How about Hlaiikeln and QtlllUT We are headqunriem .-- V Brown Monday for a nhort time 8onp New atock of QjaSM l.nok Out Oct the nafety Incu- Mioee jum in at nrnwi. n Bn(j I bator, now it rnnn without a lamp, lory . tore I Hee W T. Smith alioul it. I'nrn Hank irdern available In . i 1 1 r. Oregon. all principal citien iniicd liv Mat- Allierl llakerman . Hci.rx ibiipen neyfoimU I'.imk and I .1 Williiiinx were over frmn Mr- I Hnntoi. and littl. ana Milver creek Tuenday imn Wednen- Taylor arrived home Sunilny day. Albert made proof mi bin ft vinit to relativea and hie lid in l.omenlead Bnd the othern were bin the 'iilameite vall.i Wi,"","'',' The well at the ncliool hou-e lian Mr. A H Miirl'lieri.ni nprencn bM unk to a depth of 132 feel liy ting Malheur Mrr. utile ', of On- Hugh Mnrri- .m.l .lobn I tario will bt lore during Fair week mid no urrange to keep mil all ur- with a fine line n( Luggien and face water Tin witter It gmMl Imekn on diapla) Thhl firm art i m'Ii e"Bin n. Urgln.r NOTICE FOB 1M'HI,U'A1I' I NITI. I 1 VTKe I l. orriCB, Mil. r gnu A 'irill-t I I inunnn PfeMMHn I..11 ,,f. nl.l Un-I i ll, t,.. Ill wltanaaa to ant iiimiii an. I .iiliu" i.c.rgr W olnt. rinii ilisln i .in bl matihed lor yearn toiomr. Start in by Kt(inK ,ix BMSJ9 and MwCn ind 'iv platea and keep on till you get a complete Pinner Set. Our Stock of Merchandise Is i hi- Inrgest and most complete In Harney County. You can't get better prices than the best. tr as you may We will save you money on your Winter Ooods Trade tuith us and ask for our Trodinq Stomps. r. ! .in . nil oi tin. a Knim. NrgUln rrm ii in it iitiN iNiiorrtci Hiirn.. ONJgM, inali.l M, IM I i kittoviaa t lm. III. . hi. inlrllllni & K7W$i2U& LmV TkUmB s4m!A II Mi ll U Jel I lilt, i lam. nil.. nrfa. a i K. in. I iki'i l" rtla. m. -l.ll , i til. 'tfui Ibl BURNS. OREGON. The Satisfactory Store. Frnnk Cnwllield an" in a ilnv or Making a -.,,,,; f ,Hdl,g ... ,. . (ir- of ,1)lk(f excellent ne .it vehicle nnd are . i a ,i l'Ml ml N.iiiir- ifiiin iir. nn. a."IP. i mor I. a:a NOTICE ..., PUBLICATION NQ , ,l:' Vuu m .n ilina' In, I pleaed lo all tin dinplay lbli ttcek at ( aadfield I... i hern hall with t'll Orulientrii. ion . ..ii.no .linnet and , ",,r "" "' ""'" rdhtllv invited t.. ai-. , Kb-leln- wan here from I'-rt i laud during the week, but ban re turn Wllliamn will turned then He wan liere limkiug lor llrewney whore '"' '""' '""' decided tin- bent ll mg ii'hool Monday. M.nnl'" w"11 aBUI later, no ili be her ifniatant. tllacribed for thin great relignun in rtut.ute In aeoulingor',,' l" keep Mialed and will come bam. i g"in later Jhrk Motlirn.li.iud ban John inlcrnieh r urrive.l lien QfltaCf to Inn home Inr the Siiudny. from lit" Hilvien home, o week ntOaVM ol bringing over bin lii. .tin r, t'liarlen. I fever. lie in in iw improv wh ndly ml liupi- I.. I. nidi I.. hia du court 1.0 air. in Mi ii.' up big. next week during rer an lirollglll up laat night with a bro- M ui .Lii found it to a auffering from append ioi- ll" 'I'iit- puiieol had tuit rtceolly recovered from an attack of tvplmiii and wan out from Kugene recou er..tiiig He in improving at the home of J W Heve.ige in thin city K Heed and wife and little fracture of the Lit .'rnndduiigliler Toile Jnhnn.ni are yer waa putting a hotuv from Baker City where they co when I he animal went to take their non Nolle and struck liim on the1 Neil Hmilh. Uoewell Hamilton and Miaa Delta Oillard to the railroad on their way lo oulaide achooln M m. Bee.i took her tiret ride on a i iilr.md from Auatin to Baker I'm led b) ti Bak i i aaaai aw' 5- t w if aflaaaaf9DrZWa1'laaP aaaaaaaaaaf viaaaaaaaaaaaal ' M ' W.flfllV'V ..B VPBV aaaaaaaaaaf K, 1 Of 4 tin ul i LIVERV, FEED AND SALE ii i Mai) A " i hi. l. alu.l . ...in 1 1 H . . ... M .1.1. II, I a ! . a l n x ... .iiiaN. (U I i; I'l K II1AI ION . Sm .1 mall wf ' ! a, ...I atawaaan. ' "". ao. ' ulllli ll. Ming lin I ft vuii ..( i. 91 UOVI-KNOK (il:0. E. C(1AMBI:KLAIN 01 OKIilJON (iuvcinui I 'li.inili. il.un, with mm ml otln i iiuinih.iit pulilu mrii nl Ms ntutr, will strive ia Itoasaeal TSaSsas 9eaia t.i iit ..m t'ouniy Fan OoVwffaM L'bainlicil.iin will In- tha limt i lm f 9S9CU tivr to visit the (iic.it ll.tiiu C'..iiiiti . y lei.ui nl .1 II Krlwn nanagahle Tueaduv at ran uiarMV I I.. . ml I r I I... m t l -.... !. B.u.l I i .. 1. .1.1.- ia.. i -. K elightiv ihti.M.ate.l The regular annual lecture oi -- ..- wmmmwmm ...rgni.,,, ., ., o.,,..,-, . . u- . tl... leuin without Firnt Cliurcb ..I t'l.rmt Sciential of, " fH d winter namplen for J Hank i irr.-f.itai.le MUSB99) to ... ... ...J.. .-.J.. 4 ! a ll .......a. . . .1 I .. I he of Mr Kriaia, or it Hume, Or will Inh delivered Hun-1 '" "'"", gMi.e.,." "ime, coaie ... ...-. ......o ... i. mit. mm aaaau a A. J .at gill 9 Blat -a. I lliela avr happen, d 1 liei day Wet. II, ai . . I m 4i;- lop Iniggy ill front l.ncher'e ball by I'lnrenoe 0. Katon Mm Hattio llu-tie hae moved h. r New fall and winter millinery l it bote! la which Mm ol Tacoma, Waahinglon member of -took of Millinery and Notuuie int.. M9tUw l A Joboi .,'.... -I.-:....... c:u..... K... .il.tf.ti-,1 ... .... i. i. .,. i. on wan Killing alio iu v nii.iian iii u. ir:e nuihling jiiht .-net it i he in.l- i'n n.iir lr.. I 1 1 , . lately demolUbad ll l.ecluralil of the firm t liurch nl Bor ,,,! in prepared lii trim in the laleal irti.li. iii" iii trihiiiiiga i aped without Mfioua t 'brmt Scitmiiat in Boelon All are latent atylea. Call i.ud nee I,. ' and MM tbeui u, , ... n,i W a I tang, li.al.iv. SOTH I ! wit plHI.ICATIO.N n ,M. ..,! I. I I ' ia. mi. a gj4mi i. .,i,.a.a.l lu I ' ' .1 liraugt. aw M..u...ar. Ika " . 1 1 b. . Mill. I OH II HL.U Al l.iN ' ' I ' W ! , M, -1,1.1 Nil i III. I . W li.fci Kr.i.lri AKClill MtOOWAN I ..nil UuiliNl ImI bUU far Sak I . juJ &rip LWaxkl aaa Sale. in iis. - - oaauoM McGEE & SMITH, Propts. We took charge of ihm barn on Mi' I ami bme eijulpped it niirely with new .ign Hid Irenh. II " I i. m In a poalliou lo ac.'.immodate the publu It I vert pirli. nlar with onwlfort abb- ronvevaneen and apini.d l. no.- The Red Front i" i-rnlrnllv lin-ated and convenient lo the lending; hotel I ( 9J9 ,ni All nlnck left in our care rec. Ifee Horses lioanlril by the dav. week or month Reserved for the M. M. CO. Ei A. Fkaser, Manager. Ontario, OregOtld I ink. aunaiu Wli MH T 9. llted er, and .lr. r.rnen win coniiaiiy maged buggy. I., dure. invited lo attend thin 'The Busy Corner Store" ie huting of the Ways I 1U an all D to 1 er lingers on ana ran waning in u.c ui- bid her bt-gunt-! And in thr store tf.e new yles Will sjon be frowning upon the sum- tuft's as if thr y wer" occupying n en places g. We too feel heartily in accord with the oods idea and have priced every article mer merchandise so low that it is lair- dittgrace. However, you'll find among many atti:u live exhibits and the values are at that u e au- ure you'll help them to leave e where they are no longer welcome If II a bargain you are seeking be sure and call. in your mail orders- -they will kceive our best attention. H T) rf I"1 I I u1 -Sr-LTlw'V I I I .1 I "- (l.arle, ...-.. J I. Hopper an.' Ml. u.d Mm. AI (. U Hank. -ii- were all down from '"''.... l.n llalnev Silyie. Thuredv on land bunioenn l-l"'i ;iunly , W be.e tbey W .11 i. The b.nr all expect t one back ' k' M" next week 10 take in llie fair and - ' I" !"' "' the gn.en.ii Mn- llnnkaalrr BaVI a new l. of fall and nl. r n.iiliii. i , I id w.ar of all kindn al right prn The ladle" ol (hi vicinlli -h ,ld call and look vi iter nlock lOgte 1 piCi Mm. J (' (Jarrell lefl for her Waeli bun., alter n.-veral w. viail wilh her ihiidreii and grand children in thin coui.lv She wan accompanied bv her gMi dl ' 9i '" 1 tor Williamn who will apnea tm ''" ,r""' ""' "VUlsaMitU Val wini.i mill !. when he ami M I y ipiiiiit' durinn . he autu Mr J 11. Kile entative of Kilere I'iaii" II . - I'.irlland ... iMw Ore arriven in Inm P. M . hi ii i . '' i n 1 1 1 -. re. out toe i an an expert Inn. i 1. 1. on. ii.-bu.g then U I' i . .. . . ..... uiaim tuiii.t i. ii. al 1 he "'"" "' iun. i. in h ii Hel.ild oAtS ' MM . , a lARAASk & jIAW Burns. 0f9flon Real Estate. Timber Cruisers LaxalnM. Hatfc. A L ' (aivea the gre U gaS degjree ol aaM g w biak rigra. H Style. rtwMartana. aM(J pedert fa I every ainwaaw 9 Doo'l par far a M9l ol our cioSW lataVag ytai are pawertly laatHMd. Q Atk to aaa wm, ol our $ I CARL JOSEPH A COMPANY Merchant Tailor, Chicago OntOLXS TAKKN AND SAMPtaUS440WN SV Latest Ideas in Rrdr. I (j Wear Garroents i riall liiUr r III . OOllU V nt'H f-guiia KS. CilAS. tlliW. lem, frttss i n. smii. Mktiiw .a. i.. 1 an I VS.' Mean... HAI-KY. fKNWirK JArKSON. DRY UOOUS, FtKNISHINIS, SMOI S. HATS AND CAPS GhaEeOOaEaRIlES iiuii ... . a.i. aa.ca. a-i-i. . - ..u, ii rruii. vtOaBDio. von tafrmnaa vunmv u.vlug. I 111. limiting tionery, Olars and Tobacco. tDain at.. Burns, Oregon Job punt I I.at Small black ing bill booh I.. 'tween achan'e and liuin- Hid g line) Indian ariow bead, alao pro bably u.iiit.ii n.il papara withown era name (l I- i r.il n trip l.. U nhlillii.ii M i r fold- '",l" a t , aa , bargained b.r u.. I" M rai.cii .... r :n u arm nprinj: ..nt and in ail p' babii. It in. i a c. . ii in of Ian cattle n fulin mi. Iilneri , etc CO TO THE CITY MEAT MARKET for Clean, Wholeaomo Meata I -n.i age dial alt from lii i ....ain Ipua4. I" lital d nii-i SCHWARTZ. ward if hr..iilii to thin tin . , ,. ...i Moriin Winglield and I' K t'un Adam (.eurge all! tat no more ,, , ordere I'm treee ol any kind for fall v ..f ,,... ui Ii delivery after I) I Tlioae who Wingli.iJ, arrived here thin w.- deaire truee are requested to drop a '""" '' '"uniy Mr. Wmgii-ld card to Mr. (ienrge at Burna, i of the Time Herald Ordera e : : n e Burns Flouring Mill JOB iTUHTaVAHT. Piopt. MOHKHN mm MILL PROILSS IS USED VERU, BEEF, PORK AND MUTTON J Swlll'a wnal.lllg tUl ' lb txH 'M. will remain here a nhort tun the inir.i.iMt- of diM.ioniiiu of bin falb.i.- nronerlv il l.einu the de- .me tree will be ae cheerfully looked ,, to move tha old gentleman to after aa I0U ao Iouk an the puruhaa- a different climate on account of' hie health. The family agpaotat to leave aa noon an Mr. WiogtieldV , health will permit. er will look after it and make an ef fort to build up the country. Sold at 1 0 per cent Margin. J. ll lug ibii act A. E. YOUNG. 4 all aub in ' tiou-l'' and pflcog. wagon run lo all cauiva dining the auaaou Fully euuif-l in i try pat t I a Mil j: nt' in y jui a radius of "' mile i birini vf FLOUR, ROLLED BARLEY, CHOP, AND; All Kilt's of Mill Fd always a Hand ui; veiv auaesT aAWti wa paw m fata amiw. &.! CUSTOM WORK DONE I Good Seed Wheat for Sale