The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 29, 1906, Image 1

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    The fitt't -ftrri.16
The OMirinl Pnpcr ( Harney I'ounty, J
i the Urnot id. illation ami is one of
bent ilviTtiniii moll n edr in. Eastern
fpjje Lime
h trenl 3Hnrn( "enntrtj
J iVivei in 11
tr ei l the 1 1
J the late.
1 45
x ii i. jr annual county
Hfxt week.
Orff... Men Will Attcsd.
Mars. Tom Rkh
rnmn I III-
i' PrMBM
JatY- nil
libly Cangr
i Mo idj H
m in ami
rviliti I
., Hun
I dnsedsiy
i in attend
inline '
m ton.- -.
ingeaiei.i I
Blue Mt. R
. !. Midi ..
1 "'" '""" "
ii right on i
Mvers. Torn Uich
M.atnr Hurt. Hiid
'Miinn Kllin, Mul
1,. Pittnck (if the
Inseph lliirlnii of
lli-v lUilrmnl. will
TlleHllllV llflirillKIII
morning nf next
ur county fnir
nf llii- fmr nasnci
niessitge friiin ttof
mi MoikIiiv even-
nl in hi ill leave
fur It ii r 1 1-
M (.mill morning.
Vr ln'l'll llillili Willi
pill Transit Do. to
t AiiMtin iiml tiring
The following letter was written
fash Chili took tin-
It regular meeting
nixl virion- I H
llnli ted t I1111"
tr Hiiterliiintni-ni o'
I guest- iiml i i
readiness for tlu-n
lese gentlemen lire
riiinllit then.
Hill incl till' H ('
lliiri ii v
n .mil II:
vey of the coast line from Yaquina HIS IMPRESSION OF HARNEY
bar south to the stale line and
north to Nehalem bay. The gap
left between Nehalem and Seaside RAKER CITY MAN SEES OBEAT POS
will, it is said, be built by the pre SIBII ITIRS HERE.
MM management of the Astoria A
Columbia River road, and the NY-
hsle:n extention is already being 'It It Wsedarfal Stellas sad tlw Peepl
aurveyed from Seaside "-""'r ' Psa.lUlltlss
This disposition of the railway ' 1W p,t,f"
known at the Hammond road in
' trefoil in the moat louical mlutloli
,.r.n Am - ,l, i..... i by John ! Foster from Dyke. Nev-
ot all the puzzling reports that have I '
recently been in circulation on lhed nd p Wished in a recent issoe
coast and in Wall street concerning of tbe Baker City Democrat:
the sale or extension of the Corval- The trip from Kakei City to
ii- I Kastarn. It Mi said tbe Ore- ,)kl. ,,y im . eigtejtete, at
N Coast A K a stern people can , , .
, , , ,, j ,. I this season of the year is a pleasant
u til i ted both tbe Hammond lines
toeicellent advantage and thatl0,,,, '"'cil " '"' h b"
t diate possession of tbe proper- 'v"r passed through that section
ties would give the company a 0' the oniintv
inn -lens from which to go ahead; Passing ..ver the divide by Whil-
r.ipully with construction of it '" . Tipton I Austin, through
ooaal system and proposed line " immense forest of white pine
mid will ""ward through Oregon. Joue- I timber, you drop int.. ttte J. .in. iay
na valley at i'ratrie city, tier you
j hear nearly as much railroad talk
War on Sheep Stab " N" do m Baker City especially
a to when the Sumpler Valley
About 50 delegates to the Oregon railway will fjfatej lie valley, and
..olgrower'K Association met lust aTatefl
week at Condon in their ninth an- T'"' Ihiv valley is certainly
mini session President R R. " ' ""ml lrc-roini aprear
and overturned the buggy throwing
Mr. Altnow out, breaking th
of his right arm betwe n -lioulder
and elbow Dr Smith wa bnrr'e.lljr FUfil.LENT CROPS SHOULD BRING
called and beside the hr. ken arm iitUMI rVHIBITS.
found him considerably shaken up
He was resting easy when 4 outer
returned to town It will he re- " Mteatesl tsla ta Saa DaliMf
memliered that Mr. Altnow was th
gentleman that was so badly burn
ed aloiit two month ago while tak
ing honey from the hives Drewsey
correspondent to Vale Oriano
I'rnplr Wkat M iaa RltM-0ar
l'rflaan Vitrt Well.
The Development League
again issued its "mandates"
I otori of the Fair Associs
lion are parlli-ularly desirous of a
lb .'I' i iba pftdiioti nf tins
at th fsir next week and
the fanners will naipond
'Inllv Tbf a hi, I impression
lltaida p.-ipli- is certainly some-
designated next Monday morning u, , to strive (ur. i specially since
clean up day in order to ba -the c.uiitnoii impressiun on the
streets in shape for fair week Theaafroad and Western Oregon that
city authorities will co-operate wiCi bOtbing pi'inuUr can raised m
theclul. in this matter and ba rlnme) (oiinlv We have had ex-
already ordered the marshal ' i cell. i,t crops this seaaon and there
look into the con.liiKin of ba. k in no n ion why should noi
yards where combustible hebrl bnvi- a . reditahle dsplay of our
allowed to accumulate b. hind to. pmdurt) H me may consider the
nest houses snri is so dangcrm.- i. pi -mall, but it should be
the a of startin" lire. Kverv reineininr. n iht we do mil get ap-
citizen should Iskc iictive inl.rct i - do other fair di
in this and make clean-up day g la, and even then wa com
eral in every respect favorably with those that do
The League also look tip other get shite mil Only In a very few
matters of interest In the citv and instnni." do the other district faira
Key of Wheeler Cnunln, was in mK octlona In Euts'i Oregon. ,.,,,, ts jtl, ),.BKi. ,nH tiken Ihs give liirg.r pieiniums. while in
i he chair, ami II. C. KiMiper, secre- I'll" "tattle are 1st, the pigs are in Jpr,,per step- l terlain the di.n- uie pnrii, ular classes we exoead
tiirv The gittbertng wa attended cloyer (or allalla) anl the ople
l.v sheepmen ail over the state. aaom co..i.i. ,1 and happy. The
The moat important matter that I ""' "' ,r,r'- c,ly- John n
came be'ore the association was thend Canyon City are steadily grow
new law in regard to scab and '" H,,,! "'"' laW !'
quarantine. The pmiKiaed law, M altelBtl uie noli, , al.l. M
I by the committee appointed ,'"1 Kr""' ''.V.-n OUf you
aukantl.. '" """ '"d -rf P'i- I " l1"' ""'' M'"-
.dad he program '- ' N "' ''"-o". Federal Hcmse lie, vhII-
D.K. - , renting - ...rylMhcer ,1 sect s were I tl.c,.ver a ..w rang .. u.i-
t, ,.M,, loieror, teil and eii.lained i... ' tains into I he great Harney valley
lingoished uuesia hope lo "io inierpr. leu ami expiainm nt
.. i .. aaaaa as a 1 1 .. I i . . . . I to l...i.i. .. it 1 1 1 a
lie I t.enrge I lick ok. the I lilteil " r ' "w
I . 1. . . riiilma t ii 1.1 u 111 lliaa tM III I r
Tim. -Herald i, op-h "laies sanitary inspector oi in " - 1
mo I i I. ild ii. ' "'-' I "it entire aenlimeiit of Uie ''. '" "-" ..""..
..... 11. .P.. ..... mmmt ta,.M. ,.f .llililillill
t it. . 1. 1...... A-nu lit l,.t...r ..I m iit.l i.'i " r n.irw i,
oli limy is' i.i' hi vi- - " - -". -j--., - -
.. ' lh. -,,.,. il, wrfNl law to regulate the scab i " ""' '"'"'" '".Hon
K ,,,, u n.,,1 thai ha bean an prevalent in the ! I. u-hil- of bailey to tbe
dannltX known - tb.l during th. few years and Mtel Ju-t think ol ,C Why. , I,
(oiv.ruj Id la. pre mm law will he introduced in Um " ""1'1 '- "
y would ha ... ir I. I."islature next winter to that'''!' ' "'"'" Hc,.l, t ow
L ,, ooruoaa gill, Wnghi. I.illard and others to
thatt Will .'",' tin purpiaje. s
V,,,.il,.u rt.nt ....iter th.i siioui .or joy. nui me wr.uTi.o-
! as many
I in ttaflbVi alien. I
9, TasB-Herald slated three received attention is the plan of the
Kt n. all likelihood InteriorDepartuient to cut dowu by
,MkSr JKuiburlain and oil. cent the number ol ibeep in
ugobllMiK"1'1" ""'" would M i he I. .rest reserves It waa decided
during ti." fair week .but it '" ,mmend that the out be not
not kaewn dedt , u-h at thai more than M er cent.
We ho i our people will The sheepmen also went alrougly
udvantog 'I tin opportunity '"i record with a clear cut raaolu
oat our p.. I. lie men Thia will on favoring eslabliabtnent of a
I Brat gii emor of Oregon to jute mill at tbe Stale Peiillanliury
lb.. Ha, lunlrv and our ' H manufacture of wheat sacks
Kiuiy appreciati it A resolution waa adopted in favor
1 will aftw Ion, eve, i .,-,., I "f the passage of a law placing a
great in.."" on sheep entering the slate
i of Hdo
K in keeping will, the August 1
BOl the occasion
y bualaWIe liou-i in tin- , ,t to
i durA th. program oi the Says Sam Kendall of I'
'I Push t'lul." has burgs Kan "Juat cover it over with
d tuatflpir Mam street he up- KuckleiiV Arnica Salve and
liced that where this was lieiug ac-
complished, great ponds of water
stood here and there throughout
tbe valley, no be) If still furtl.ei con
tinned in lh.- opinion that "dry
farming" u. Fasten. Oregon is all
right, nrovided you have plenty of
water fur surface or sub-irrigation.
It is a wonderful suction, and tbe
people hurdly realise the possil ill
ties of tbe future. Miles and milee
of rich sage brush land that will
some day come under the plow
I'rMeiieuhu all .be alreama and
Hmo nine .d the great on sneep entering toe siaie
... i iie.n the m. .nibs nl April 1 and ;" was .......n,,.. .,-..
hay lanu an now owned (. v toe
great Miller .V Lux stoik company,
but when that estate is
settled and parceled out I. is he.
In led thai conditions will be dill'
gnished gentlemen n will vt-H ins amounts given h others
us next week The mailer of ait. It Wl that a few do not con
sian water waa also given attention eider this matter in the right light
and are prone to take into consider
mlj ihe value of the annual
or silicic that is exhibited, rather
and will ire followed up later
Wk Shssls BeBj Haw Horssr
thsn the re.atli i.oln,ice ol the
Industries reprs nted II is not
tin I"!- nil. I the .nanageiuei.Lin
oi faioritisiu in any respect
To Cure e l-eloo
Horns are often cm.-ider. d a do
tincl ornamenl to cattle, bill
gists Id! us that cattle a, te uric'
nnllv hornless and we are now i. ' I i , very Indus
ling buck to that original mui, an chance
Tbe AiigusCi.llowai ,.l.t..e with its importance
are to en Ming imo ..,, premium
lNK'f-raiers, and a Used prefer. srltfa inn, el 'he raieilie worth of
for polled can ! ii rapidly aptvad in or aniaaaM aiblbitew btj
ing It ha led in the i. vro ,, 1 1. M,,. m
of Hi. I', lie I I i,r ha mi- which ;.,- ,,,dutii i. ."I its relation to the
really l.ornles Short bonis, the I'.o on
ed llerefords and lite Polled .Ml,. Our I. .cut fair premiums e.,ial
One. Huyers will gii.- more , i .i bj our stale fair and
polled than horned I., ef cattle The are larger in some reM. is thsn
homes may Iss removed ir. earl, those offe red by the National Callle
calfhoud by lite use of caustic pel- I roarers Aeeoci allot..
uh. but tbis is aomewhai tedious ,, , n, ,, ,,, ,.iUr f ,,,,..
They may be removed in adult life iUaaM that pMpH l..k at or eg
bv ibeuaeof horn-clippers, but tin county fair, hul the great
ia really a barberou pra.n.e Th. , ( ,, nlir ..i,,,,
beat way i t breed them off by es
tablishing hornlees breeds It i-..
little surprising that the beef-raisers
should be so far ahead of the
dairymen in that resect We have
six polled l.eef breeds and no polled
dairy brced Nearly all dairy m. i.
take oil the horns by rUAoUl
means l.v not ban- poll)
eeys, Holsteins, QtMMMi
shires and Dutch Ii. In
look better and lehaye In t
Country Life in America
by w i loparisun and the
l 1 . i r t . i . i . t y to get in closer touch
with her viifod industries People
engaged III farming, stuck raising
- m. telly lieuefllled
in making these exhibits and the
PI it iiiaj nilv aie coming to ,eal
'I I I." -i.nlt. I la new to the
I II ro -y, hut in a lew
'i.'1 will take a greater int. r
In v.. a of the fact ll.a" we will
. naaabai of the publie men
, I. i mill ..( the 11 .1.
i,,r Marne) I
In t "I
Ii tire. '..dike. I'. ,.'.' 'I '
To Miiion R i: it, Mr Mary Rate,
Martha lils.ti. ( l.rl. Frank
,,,it, . ,,,.. V tfcbott, I Hie
Mi Lottie Ktlrtae, Mrs Minm- llan.ll
ton, I' a ili.iendi.e, H.lwi.. I'l'illips,
..ill., it .. rin ii, like i. I aine I. add.
I; ,1 l', II (.iiiendik,',
QeajMBjIIni lelha .men, like. Nelll,
i .rin n like, Rate It i'" I
Warn.r. I m as .'. IHeckheaaai
.' I, ol. , , , O Il,
;rue...bke , 'i . I red ' n.l'kr, I ran, ,.
Iaiis. W 1 1 lard Pmka . lobn IV ll.okaa,
rtess.e C in I V Mi ill. I
i, and IferlaTt
post, i , , . ' i RtidsM -i
I Better! in--. Raws) ii i
,lke, III. I I -liel.lon, -mini,
like, . Mi. . .men, liKe Vialtte, li.d It
Hineiill,, I i o k. i. M iail. Ilmlwrtj
.. wdii. ,.t I Riskew, c. I t.
holt. II IV dunu Mr. I rank lil,tt.
Charlotte I If, rv I limna. I. In
llei.leti. I S ei . .Inbn N I.. i.. I . la A
Usetittte, in f, the
kafl heir-, an I to all oil... bei
known, il ni,,'l Jeaoto . on. niliks He
ceased, urnl to sll hum it uisy eoBcera,
Hyordrrof the above etitled soari,
earl, ami all .1 vmi are hereby cited and
re., .1 to appear In-lore Ihe six . rn
Ii, ltd Court ami Judge thereof, at Ida
Co. mi. Curl K.-,m, st Boras, Oi
ajtetel lt. I'.ssl. at MM o'rloek IV
M then and staN t ' show can.e, ll any
ou have. In Will II King V .In. i iii
Iraloi oi il,, I I. ite of I.. ,,l i.rioMi.hke,
d.-ceaaed. with Will ae.iei.Hl, it. .it, Ii
adiiiinnlralor. tin Ii i and lo iniii.. of a
ertain aar.einei I James F.
Mahoii. ,,l llan.ei Cunli, Hregon, and
ssid ...lie. i. bki defeased, ,.I.h
I , l.mai. M rde.1 Jail
mi sjagae "itii . ... Rnb ai M.-
rellaueil. lie. ,,r,. in ll,. I , . k
in liar. is. onnti Dragon I I
aill. an "id. i I I saM ' I) I ap-
foi oik a cello no o ii
said Jamea I Mali,,., and - I Idiii.m
Ifalnr, should Ml . I nl. and del... I ! Jam.- I Mai. ii ,i gis.l and snltl
clei.t SSS. i.lnioil.lialoi I ii. prop, rt) liuat
ed Cast of Willamette Meridian, le liar
nil , . irego.i, ! wit
W , Ml1, M,IC
and BR ', .1 let I RWH M', o
I hi all In I
i. . . .i R
HW ',..1 -.. I S , .1 VW ', ) Mm.
IT SI ', .1 NW ,. -' .. Ml . and
n - u ,. i
Wlln.. Ihe Hon. J di Kartoi,
Judge of lh. fount) Court of llan.ei
(, ailh ,ealof salt! Court
.(tiled, .III- Pth day of Jul. teH.
,., I oiul al
i i kerb el n.. I aaan Ote
Win It h
bigt no.'
Ml I If Mill Ml II bl IS tMlM'IkN
Male le Order.
iii.i Hums, ...
Howano sissrt smiioin- w. si aeanrt. atettef
n a BOWOIN, aawira
first national Bank
A (lcnernl llnnkiin; Ba IHH1R Trnrnacted
Plre-Proof, VocJvrn. HI vi,ant.
IvftttiH Sj.oo mid $i 511 per tl.
AH Outside Rooms- Near Depot
. mod. hi n iv i .del i il to the
p.ll.lll II' o. 1 1, hi ii uii-U . . "ixectkM.
l;Ta M
af m ajr ' I '
Napton Si. Boyd
Real Islalc. Minus and Rinir.K.
-'.lie il i .ii
lht. erent-uiore favorable lo tbe small . Jay.oo REWAaSO $JJ.O0. , .... aj rate, te lb
ranober and farmer
.mil show lb. n. i, hi liar-
K.imn Hav
irialul Iftooraled which will no nulve will do the rest " tJuit'keal
H tie earned out ttete tef Hums. Ilolls, Sores, Hcalds, ""1 "' 'U" "7 l " . , ii N""" "" '" " ''V ' '" "'"' ''""' lj '"" nmW " ",',,'i"
E Wnude, I'.lee, KceU.a, Salt KbeU.n -'"l lkM ",,b "'" , . I H'g ! sboolil.g upon tl dosed Hell, hay ,,"
. .1' IL...MI, ...... a. I . aaeaa ali.l tasl kaV I I I . . . -a a a a. a. . . S aw ...
CbuniK-U Hands. Sore leel.aud aore ' '-'""-"""" -- lands ol the Aiaienrai. l.anu .v i.i,. Il, J. II. -is.... Myre and Hoi,
iinl L','.c at the City Drug
flllMi L g
ol Harney ouuiilv
he nlili.eil, or nrtesian Hows
be Offton Cimsi "l""
ae fcuipun le
bo pqfMiaai. of tbe Corvulln- A We call your attention to tbe new
iern aSjrJ the Astoria A (. oluin- ml id I.uniiliiirg ,V Dnlluti in this
Kieerateilwuv, it is suul, vltb hatte
a successful out
Journal's New Voil;
Bt.t is credibly
,l-io. A- Cral.lre. of St. LfMlU,
in New York City, a ttoaUng
(!l Will
tiuotfaUK'"". w'1'. om
..!' the si
tie tOfJOrl le glVell no I '
ha Breath ot l.lle
In tupM-d, wbiL'b will transform
the great sage brush districts into
fields ol yellow nrain
The large borax deposits will also
add their proportion to the wealth
of tbe county I'erhaps fbW of the
busy uouewives of Baker City know
that the borax ll.ey use is likely
produced so near ai hand Thirty
k In located It. townships ''.' il.ii lilucaiuan art leith ol. Ihe
- Kange .'I'. K and tiwuah,. in gon coiNUtisaion to the;'.".-
i: ... K V M. Hsrn.i I in l.ehildi I i
Qtesjjpsj (bjfjkter known ae tbe J, out gu.ia n They will waul
Creek and Colony Kanches l I Han.-, county s products
strictly forbiddeo. Any person ,.. rhap. will mak. ele. mo,.
persona found burning ' Uaapgj iriog i out week
ing with a kuii in poseaeioi, ,.i us hav .ihing woilhy of
on above I propertl i .,. iniglo . pioud ol
be pros. the lull n'.iil i . credit l.. ihe great
II .11 el I oooiri
be Law Star
i alna i urge, ir. .nalK.
Main and II Mrveta.
Bakery in ;rr.atlon
A Satviill ef Stwrl OraVt.
Table furnished mil. everything
the ii.a.k. i ..I) ol- i our i
age soli. ...
live miles Iron, the Ne.ada stale .i.,, i.W- A reu, 0 i
line la located large borax works be oflt-reil lor eiid.i n
- a . M...1 i..o. ..I' lead to their arrest .in d OOUViol
tttie kepi Hi loUO
inaoring ih ''r- "'
lea. Ii.. Uregun I
has for iln leal loui
1 no less Il.ii. i li'e
lies in Ihe licld I be
turning in limn repOTta,
ny seutio.iH of the line
ade filial locutions itnd
aianei.l stakes r.ngl-
llau who built large
yorvallis iV Kustcn. and
ge of ciinstruclloi; of the
ge road, is now in i lie
the Oregon Coast ii
glid is ..inking (In
ftpel ll is said tbe ngt
rJL secured a remarkably
ii line, with soar gradea and
iAd that tbe cost
tioo will be lower than was
Hb) the promoters
rve.Yf and projected roule
IX, gathered from there .-p,,sitr
on the aurluoe ..I tbe earlb and pu.
intO inarkeluble condillou. The
leu. us lo iniiuuiucci .yada.
and ihei.e l.v rail to tire markets
Aali-.ll. AN I. AM .V I.I . I I
Bv K , Iln I Kan. ii M i
all atan Mccl al Jake l)a
I. j,., has the U.oat
i.d well s. i. . i. ,i .look
of Wall paper ever sren ll, II, .
I he i .itinly anil design,
as well aa uslny are all that
He is also r. celling
of th.
I si el,
furniture display
lis a fsct Ibut Ihe
sir. ingest itnimul ol it's sue, the go
rilla, also has the largest lungs.
Powerful lunge ineans powerful
H.. to keep the brcatb-,..-
, y ill slum (I be man's
.-... il..l I.Ike Ihoosrtlnls of
'1 n'lll , i. i l.ui. ul.i. l.e bit freiulit
otl.cis. Mrs. lira A. Sieuhei.s. ..I""' "- J ."T.
I..rt illlams, O , has learned how
Ul' 4t this She wiiles-"Three ImiI
tl.-soflir King's New Discovery
-u.ppi-d my cough for two years
and cured me of what my friends
thought consumption 0, It's
.....o.l tir ll.r.t.1 ...ol Lioohles'
nteed In ihe t ily Hrug Store I IRteltetei. There ur.- .ili.r large I Kair Assotulion to bold I r.l J BroVH tbe popular pai.aloi.
Prioe 60c and tIUI Trial bottle deposits ,n II, imey .-u..t that will annual fair ibis full, bol ..,., to at'o,... ,l I'.tisli. Id l says:
soon be uroducing a porliou of the the lalenera id He season, and th. ooil pension, lbs heel
id -supply short time in winch i get ready i ibing lo g. l la Dr Kings New life
U lu-n you arrive at the lute dl- for a succeesful fair it was d Pills. Hi writes ihey keep my
viding the two stales -Dreg.,., and to wait for another yeur lolbe fau.iK ... spl.-ii.lid health " QulfA
Nevuda--vou hod low.ta less meantime buildings will .. for headach. onatlpation and
than a half mile apart. Denio on and preparations made ('.., ag usj loll,. I .auranteed ul
tbe Oregon side und Kloudyke on time next fall y ,uy ; SI
the Nevada side Near here is lo- H All manager ol
...... i! . .' ....... W .1 I
I lie , . lain . "iinii r r
' M ...,. I,... ... I , . r a . , I ,, r. i.i, ,. I,.- ... u
m . , - ..... ..,.. ,., IJW. ,..
of Hi. i.rdluoi.. uti rrau- ulion will bold a rn
.ml Portland, and tithe east piiji aeal Bvtitl ':
ern markets, and no doubt a pertain urejay, Detohei 13 and i in... tag
per. tillage liin'- Me m hack lo .,. i U i, lo.rd , ti W(., vvor(1 TrvlaM
witlim e abort dietanoa of where it It n,. iuieution oi
Main 8t.,
age soil. ( """"""
Baled hay a ih. it v Meal Uar- -f' m ,'
i odKLfl ct V Biroi in
fgMRifRRBRj.pM vunrniki jAr ntira w
I ' i -Al -& IL PRACTlClLLJit '
Utatncaiit m K fTOHe
bXatJfc' " ' ' er BOO U " '"
IRBateK:- ,"! ' atoatallfol I Pt
&-"! W Oaelane. JH
WlllJlh 3mmwm Hbrn '
wmmntmWt.jWmKmx JrWl
M., i o.k te Death.
Beuause her stomach was so
weakened Li uscles . drugging that
,uld not eat, Mrs. M ry H.
Walters, of SI. Clair Bi. Columbus
O., was literally .iluiving to deatn.
Sbo writes ' My siomach was ao
weak fro... usel-iss drugs
sravaaa AJtais and tool oo.
i -i ii 4 HON I ', n, i ..pnetnea.
Burns, - - Oregon.
HdCalco XI
Wines Liquors and cigars.
hillinrd and Pool Tables.
Cloh Rooms In Connection.
mi i .una in i Mimi ..r a
Blatasmilhion aid
Wagon Work
Burns, Oregon
1. L LtWIS
eiUkgi.le leraiat
lu Mjratt wtekiag
Sue bb luiiwi
catetl the i'ueldo mine, recently Speed Asao.i.lion, ha- teste a busy
sold lor 7J,tsxj and many other mu uung nie i,.,s( ....
that 1 i prouiiuaut properties larrytogcop- gelling the track in hlu.p. I i nei
could not eat, and ...y nerves so , P-- H0,u uu "'v,,r n ur,vr ' tuonlli. A oouaultous grand nana
wrecked that 1 could not sleep. : thirty miles lauds you at the new i, being .reeled on tbe 0 I
and not until I was given up lo die ' "iiuing camp of Dyke Having ' of the track and etubles u.
juat arrived in camp win reserve built on the went end of the iruck
our opinion of tbe gold tielda ui.l.l for I he accomodations of the race
nl" He proposed plan of pur
M Stli.' Corvallin ':l'" ' Wtt8 I j.oed lo try Electriot Bitters,
Hematuria & tloluuibi.i tiiv.-r H lUi u,,, woajrful resuli thai im-
U, gW it is believed this bus .,ri)Vtltlt)lll 1m)1.u11 at oooi ad a
luu bete the beginning of Cvmil,eU, cure followed." Best
mm ol Uie couhi line ounu- .... .. .,,, .. artb. 50c Uauruu-
rr have compKt d the sur- i,., ,N CiU D.ui! More
further investigation
horses. (iraut t'ounty New.
While on tbe road home from Up-to-date job printing at rcusou
Vale. Win. Altuow'e team rau away I able piioee.
Watchmaker and Optician
Slants, Oxegroxx
A ward d for tasat weak at a CuuipctltUa tah.hillou ia Kuroge.
, The 1 All ct
hr Salt at.
Hotel Burns Bar
fl tents, Burns, Or.