In self Defence Major Ilatncu. editor anil manager of the Constitutionalist, Kminenoe Ky., when he wan fiercely attackeil, four years r(,, hy Piles, bought n Imx of Ituoklen's Arnica Halve, of which he says: "It cured me in I' B days and no trouble since " Quickest healer of Hums, Horns, Ottll and Wounds. Ml at City 7rtip Store. SIMMON.-. I Hi.' i iroiiit Court of the' o4 Oregon, f..r tin- County of Harney I tench tpini live stork Company, Arorpnratlon. linintill, Simon lwln. Murii. ran mark, nroii and nn.tiiMI liilrftrm ! ami un.liT half rro. nfl'rltht. Jrthn Wltsell linrna, li.irtet. w l, .... tlsrtl MIHi i'llt'. 1111111111. 1 l.r .... I, n .I1 In sat li ear, rttl.' littler ehtn For Sale Five choice lots in Huntliiv of MN month at a. m., Ontario, 40 lots in La wan, 1 lot ami ?tfO p. m. t-aMmtb school at in Hums; ItO acres of good land a 10 a. m. every Sal. hath morning. part of it natural meadow 10 ...ties ,m.hlllg .vicM Bt t, Baptilt 1 ,J JR.!"".-"!,-, HS' east ot Hums, unimproved, two (.h,ir,,, ,.v.-rv 1st and 2nd Sundays, acres near Saddle Huti with pre ajar-tag ftlll ,,vening Sunday sent crop of wild grass standing M,,i ,.v,.rv Sunday at 10 a.m. has a house and good fence. Par- ,)r,,v,,r BMStlag everv Thursday ticulars can he ohtainerl at this evening The pastor will preach at oflce Silver Creek the third Suml.iv of I he 111. mill, and at Van the lth Suti Adam (ieorge can furnish yon .l.iviinlil t'lirlli-r notice Hev A with nursery stock of any kind and 1. Mimiker. Pastor. quantity lie has nursery stock from the Hluzartl lelt section that iieonle are invited to IntPtOt, He -nli sells school furniture loh printing I'lie Titne-'llerahl FOIl BALK. t ...... ...,.) i : il i.ii .. ..I i-n.'ll'Ullu Ultllll II 'III t' , .,. . . . , i) ,. . 1'ive Mmuoiith .Hack Siu.ip.nn I Infix III I 111 u I T..U. sort- nn.l liieiin Millar, ! KeateetJ .lacks, from 14 to M Ivien.lrtiits i hands high, weighing from 1000 to In tie mm,. 0f n. (.(!. 1. 1 I lieu. n .' H i each, raised in Harney roiitt i,.tt .tre lu-reb- to appear sn.l , . v AJ guaranteed good covers H-Hi I IL lllllKt TOHV TIT OBKiinS: In I'trh rr 1 lih full name runt Vsrlrn Hri. . hnrtet, II ..ti Mate Mill. tattlo I T .in Main liip mark, rrov, npperl "'"I "" , 'irrnii in nam ear J A Wtlltsai. Van, burses,) bsi "l"' rantr, i.b. ii, on i ii Tinp . inarK.uti.l.' i n in ten car.'r loie lii I Ifet ii i I hot I, Hum h..e., H mint,, I on Ml mill. . i'iiii'. . ...i I. It Hi. I,., mark n I. In r luht ear, left Upllt In half low,., i doWs aalnt side of bead c Johnson, Van, hnrseM. U ,,., . rattle, s.l on I. it hip niik. rrn,, ,. ; U1I,,,, naif ito In Main i'r, underMI In I, i r J Jninmon. nil. i, tattle, ( tare. i. Ii tilt.: mark. all.. f.'ik m rlht oar, (.M in lift. H Ii Johnaon. rattle, .IK . .imhloeili.. I. Ii hip. mark, rnin off right i-ar, In., t.t ., Irr half crop Ii I. f. u i I amplHll. Narrowa, horses, Nt i on I. n . mil. . t.r Ni , ., Idcr, mark, ni.pi . half pr... I.'ftear. John Blloi. It'll !., Ii. .... 'lion I, i- . ,,nl,lrr rsille, ?H on right hipm (Id: mail. men esr, bolt in i , . nalon iJotm M Meailn ; i . Hilton iitntter the i-.implainl in thealmveen- iJ V williainaoi,. Mirn ( viintini-utntral a.m Crawford ' ...i .1 nor I i tiaiulMTlaln -. . ti 'mi ot tlo Y . I . hunt.! : .it M.M.ri' -mi I'uhlli Inatrurtlon .' II Arkprman I Malt I'linti . .1 It Whii.i.n and safe. Also tillo.1 attit on or Iwfore II. o lit .lav , f ti..t.i..r I0M " - "- latailll" with a reconl of - "iv.v -i u.'.k ili.' .Iat t tin-Mrt .itlili-; animals are at the White Front r.iti.'ti ..( tin- WaWi tad if m.ii tail Kuril in tin- fitv and horsemen are Stan standard! ti,,.., NIMH IttDIi I i UISTBIC1 I l)il , i. - n I a M.x.r. HbJIp) Into an-o the plain lltl Will ;tppl la tile ('..iirt lor till' ll'll. I iaMMaW in the .'tnplatnt . ! .-wit : pl.iintif! m.iv I-.lei-rep. I la be the owner ..( the real profs'rtv h.t. matter triaarf, an.l that atMd thereon may I', rpm.ive.l. ami that plaint if!'- title to sanl laml he .pitete.!. in. I .Ii rp.iiii; that an anil all right, title or cUini to sai.t l.iml. or any part thereof, by aai.l deiftt ilnnt". Of liber .f them, if voiil ami f..r stnli olhrr ami further relief a- t. He' I ..itrl ma tpfMf eipiitable wblefa sail real f.rofsrty is ilvsitibpil as follow , t.'-wtt the taWto hall m the N rth eait quarter, Weal half of the .-otiiliet ifuartvr, of Section nineteen . the Weal half of the Northeat iuarter, and the I. it hill ol the Northwest i-.iarter. at Si ctiou thiitj , in Towophip twenty -eiijht - ill;, ti Uanw'. thirtY-lhrov Katt, of W illatnette Merulian. contatntuk; TkfM llmilreil ami Tw ntv arret In BtfM) i in iron I In kuinmuu it eerreil by pubhea tt.'ii h order uf Hon. to. I lavlt, .In. Jo of tl o atiove entitled court .nl " at . I enteral in the .lUn. entitled eausi-. I lth da) of Auuntt, l'k,. the time prescribed for publication is m weeks, anil the llrtt publication .1 tin- suae mousl August 1-th IM Wit t int HTTtrtT, Won K. W.-H. i I.imiiii DM, riiei. for PUInlifl. invited In call and see them kviifiou- Services. First Church t,'hrist scientist ser vices II n ti, Sunday I'lveningser .11 Wed evening meeting at Sundav school 10 a m, in the King hiiilding twn door nortii of The I ime--Heriild otliie Ke A I Irwin will preach at Harney the '2nil Sundav of each month at 11a. m. and T.'lOp. in Sahhath school every sabbath at I p. m. The llurnev Sundav school tne.t nt 'J o'clock each Sundav ami a cordial invitation i extended aim .an attend to meet with U". At the I'reshvtenan church Hums, Kav. A. J. Irwin pastor. Deviue services the third and fourth mum. i Jii.ih.' itton . Dial Alt. tpill an i. in i u loti.t BspfsseaHtles Mr I N lllllh. I, rm Sntlno o.-k 1. 1 1 left nl. . lilMik, little lit,, I, John UIimtiii. l:n rue, horap n I (in,, i i.t o'i riahttlrte. . ten ear, two annet bit in iiaht sm KIiik. It.ii.o - it... nn. i mi. i. i ear, wt )w Pll. Ii" . 1 ."i 1. fl.tlr 1 .." i Ik tit In p. inai k. npiH r half prop. J w hikk. Barsa, hi -. nil ,,n I. It I slmmonp Mai n it, linrap, in '.ft nitl. , tin, , pireta i mark, rrop ami ilmlrr iiir , m ,, , ,r ,,,, in Hiit. dewlap tinder tlimai II Howard, Burnt, liorup. in. nn left mil. .mil, . !.,, i, ii i,p, n,,,. w MpCuIIocii ' " ' In ilalu f II i.eiinai.l I W D iianii'i. Rurnt, hnnws, bell A in 1 eattll'. lll.' III. t, I. 1,1. mark I . roan meet! the rlri M.m.lai In , tpllt In rlht par, wallii lurk In tefi paltli' I .' ih. inik.witoii fork ;-. Ixillipara, J i' t'reaeaian. Rnra. eatili JVaaiavi h n i't.' ... hip nuiik . nip . tit W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. HE ALSO HAS A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHINC. nil kinds of Prmsh Vegetables la Season, GIVE HIM A CALL. I m Itheimti Building. PROFESSIONAL CARPS. Wm. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Bums, Oregon. Oltlce first door west of Bank. M.iiti Street. .t... .J I. Sila I I Hml ii hi : In U. I it herlfl it i t . n Hotheraheed Haiti in i M Jordan ... .' I I oa. i l I llilv I A Vrt . H Miller i t n. t ft! I '.lilt tin I l III! fltt M IS 't.iir r. I,. Mar. Jnh . -i p'. mm 1 ml ' Kll.lklll It, , ft i i Clark, Narrows, a ahouldei l' II neath. llnrn. Ii ft Ibu . "II the I, II I I . w Nwe 4.v HARRISON & STONER URNS OSCOON THE VLnS0K Hi ten. lent nera . - i .ii orrt.e. Will litre A How an iiTr.-si ss I i Hulklp, - It let, . kjhlpai I nlii iih maik. i.uK,tii I, waMfc leal iltf. I red nki rtaaa, ' , ,,i tier t . ni.. t ;, ,t i, , j ,klu. IllOp Irion . , ,.,;, t on U'lt Ml It. Irfl a... I i ne In iliht. .. M mill '' nri t I rial.! hip mrk Boftes sasae bramlist right i law, iiurtif i atih br hip earvaarkasqtian eai In It (I. ale pa ml iippi t hi1' ihoiililrr ll Kellei . ion., l on Ii (i Mlltr, at.. K on I. Her, Burnt h tin. , i'l.. aarnp . w M si. i", n.ii... . mil. ,,., " Il"ll Rll. I1!. ! bote hran.l.T t. ... ,u:.i- skS Sli-jvincitui (jaii' Majroi t i .imitin.i . 'I I In. I. I John I I M I..H.. 1 I II, r. I ' Plllim! " IH'ltne " ... I I .oli't I mtk. . t. ft ... i. In rattl on n am ol in i , iuiii Ki.nrtl. IV" Ini-!, m:t:u:;mt:ut:ut:nmnt:;in(tu:n:um:ii.-::::::::::.v:::::: ::,::::::n::;::::-:m DROP HI'MMONU. In tl... I ir. uii t oort ot tlie State o( . .ti, m Ho- ...ititv ,1 Harm . Ireuil. Bet '" . 0eaB A cori ..ran ti. I'lanitif!, vs. Mrao, iMfendant. njsuiin -wan, Ivfen.lam In the naaie f tl.e Male ol OtafJBB i ..ii are heieny reqniriil lo spooar ami anawer tlie cuuiplaint in the alwre onti IIomI auit nn or before the 1st .lay of i tuber, IMS., the tame beion more tlmn ii wevka from the date of the Ur-i puh- Ination ol tint auniniont, ami if you fail to mi answer, fur want thereof, the i.iatn tiff will apil I-, the Court for tlie relief .Iroianiieil In the complaint lo-nit That a mistake in a dee-i from eaiii .le. icn.lant t.. fawr l-rench ot the land karaiaaiiar describe! may b corrected, ami i hat aaid deed may kej reformed, and j ilotiil removed from the plaintiff' title to said land, and thai Hie title platntill t.. said land be quieted, and for er .iii.l lurllier relief a to the .1. fptsiBiPi'i. sliitli said real property I deti ribad as follow, The Kat hall "I the NaMrvaM .uarler, the oulli half of the .Noutheati .(uarter, ... -p. tiotl 'r..t IS' li ...inhii II. tin tlie ry.utl. "i SBaMfi llnrti Imo Kant '.I Willamette Meridian all Hi llaruei ( ount) tat Ulalng oii hundred ami aixlt scree. I t.i-aummooa is served b pnbltea oidei . ( lion Dae I lair, I 'I'!k-oI the aluve riilitl.-l r itt duly made sn.l Mstaead m tit. abort aaUllarl aMBH lltl. da al Augutl, li"' the nine r p ii.ltcatiouiatii aucaaaatva week, and the Urt puhlieaii t I eiituwon is Augutl i V i l 'ii.Lia.wa, V..i. 4 UsTTsUCCM, Utomeya for Flsintift .tMIM.-ll;Altil: - KOTII I .Noli..-1 hereby given that t!.. under itfiiel has been appoiuled by tin I Court of llaruey ( ouuu Hale ol OeagaM A'liiiinlklrator of the estate of llarvc) Kumee) .leeeaaol, aud hai dun quali lltxl All trsoua haviug elaima a.aiUBt Mall ate her. h ro.iir.-.l t. pre rent the k.iuk to me at tin olhce iu Hum, Oregon, with proper vouebers .11.1 I'll . lerlU.-.! Wlthlll H: Uiollliil I'e of ttii Li. lict I'.tel tin all. dsv ol Aiirfusl, : M 1 I I.WI-Adu Extraordinarij Clubbind Propositioo Tli.' Tiium-H.-rulil. tin- U" luliln mill uiiv tun- of (be (61 lowing papn-i om year Ibr 18.00 if paid thlsmonth: The S'llli Wit'klv ( rlVJSjOn .liHIITIllI Ol I'tirtlaiitl. tin- .kl Sun liMiiriMii lixainiiifi . Thrice :t .i'k w iirk oihl The Tim.- II.Miilii Iiuh ilf tiil.'.l lo make tin- u Inirpiin iiioiitli itiul ufit'i siiinc exoep tiomii tliilii)iiir rai.-H. To all who pii their Hiibsri-iption on.' v.'ur in nth inn . during tin- month an aUI and tin Twioi ;i Walk BepnbUc of Bl Louie, an .'iitir.- JNMeff l"-' TIum will be givnn atu huIi tcribera nml old oaaa who r iit'u during ti" iiiontii Tli.- Times Herulil rlu- It.- public ami '.fkh OregoniaD One y.'ar foi.M.OOii paid tln- IllOlltll DO IT NOW. IIKAMi C01.1 MN iiMi. r, Burst i '.: i utile . hip. mt. , in . ' ll 1 am I hl . :ti. . . . II. . . . t .mark . rep . la-iaar.. it in rlahl. mht hip lew sesa rrill. h It ilfc'lit nl. n refill nnark . rati I.- .. I. rt !.;. as I tlM .1 III rasa ... 111.1 r. It Mifl. Id, Barai tldl mark , r. ... naiit bote, i at I rfc . mark I .ii louble dot borl - sa nt.t ti.i. k t liurnt. horar. I on Irl . n rltht tide ami hip rat am ear. imp ami uudrr bslf i. t . M lb led ,! . l f . eartntik. un n on tie Irlt i . .. , lit alao ii ami III in I. ft ear. ri i... i. .1.. ..lahleedon i .n Irlt hip. eat r Slefa o oath ear wain, ob hni Nir .o. hiirset ll -on rliht : . rttlntrk. H . ale In . a. I. rat (usbaudli Ii II ni)th, fiiiiiIi . till roll! ri I. .rank Planum ' I. lo. I Ira . i ..ti I. . IN AND LOOK W vNTRI. -TBI -nvimn He vm sroHKN I., trsv. I snd a r in-. I jlablllir. loot.. ..I -oil. I I, standing Salar) -' . pen. . all psyal.le in . . v. a. sing r'.iin. .I hn i.i II aiilreir. I'aiiipeil .n . I m Maetgar MA i!aston mi" Chieago 1 .un pit i.niil in hirnUh in) cuatomera with the nttteJ high da and invite the publh lo call wliati deat-ring ANYTHING IN MY LINE. Ciuuiiiihr tin Good a if I'rirc.s Solid Gold Watches, Kancj Clocl j "i .ill kinds, Silverware, Bbooyware, i ui '. liandpainted China el i. Take . pa -p ti ni window 0-rra.Toorlin.-. tut:i:::::.:::ti::iti:it:ii:::::::i:::'ttututin:tt::::n::::::!t:::::::ii::t:::::tmtmimmttn! J. W BIHOS. DAI.TONBKIOH Biggs & Bigg ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, Ii HNS, OHKtltiN. Practice in all the courts of Ore. ('nlleetions promptly made. n. A Bissoi.n ,: W.raiiii PflRRISH & REMBOLD, Attorneys-nt-I-ow, Hiirnsfsnil Csnyon City,) Oregon. A III prartlpp In Hip pi.nit ol Hsrse) Sen irsnlPounllPt ami In thp aupreme court el Hip tatr. an.l alto In I ,1 Itml offlpe. ( 'hiiH. ii. i suouard, Attohnkv- at-i.aiv, Careful attention given to Collec- (ions anil Real k'stnte nniffers I'ire Insiinin. I Notary I'ulilic MllHNb, Ohkiion. Onti Sti 'enyea Be at 6:10 a m. lv from ontt The only tl irntiHler rnuag rnilnmtl. Kir-t-eUt, lliiini euiilig diaiat'. ss wii.i.iaI I.. Wnl(inMn nw t.l (i S. SIZKMORK, attohnby, Huhns, Obkiion ri.llei'.'ioii'. IiikIiiph. and Hrnl KUte matter promi ll alien. le.l to DR.M. J. CFRDES. (leneral Practice of Mffdieine and Hurgery. falls urotnpll anawered din oi night. Hrewsey, Oregon. J. 1X1. CBARY Physician nml Surgeon. Hurm, - - - Oregon. Offiee sei-oml d.Hir imrtii r'rench Hotel. I'hoiie Main Ho. w .1 oouniAK, Hlenograplier and Notary I'ulilir Hi kns, - Ohkiihn om. a In i tilt. i Hank Bull. Una Ui li WARSDBN I'livtieian and Mirgeon. mmmmm n.errtor i .HrTrtT', Wwarrsen gUJJHJ .I.'.HIjH , to .oU.mJ ",.;; Hiating ni tonic :.' Hakei Clltesgte Suit l.tbfl I'orll ...I W.m.l Jt,a Hpeeisl -, C, 1 I i the ps ;l " ,., right "hs loaa lrl rat Tldl. It Allium. Mali (lv Ripress Werll, "1' sedey a itaaa w St. l-atll Wall "" K'slMsili dialing III i wilt eetion i '.. aetl in its Offiler HI rtiiiltiirr. nllHION. TJgf'Vi.o. dee it Our new hook , ni ti, .1 n M IB1 irli t . ., MaJtUM let I ' ''seieesai.l g .. to eer) Uian alio want lo -i hi a I I. -: I nia it . . . mail i i. r I u li 1.11s p.ll .. I v it maeaasfalli ad as .'." ' . el a I tOI. I ltll I'll ll.lfB. M ralaabla m . ti n t'BNT. M I'l III 111. llKB Mk 1,4' ' IBM Don't Overlook the Special Inducements Offered to lli.Me in ie inleiior nli. i like till i. ' .tlillliing III. ll. e.l III III.' Mail aiptl) alien. I .1 I . -Jim" J, H y-Ml i:v, Ontario, Oregon. jiriCA Iw.rii I .hII.hhI nil.) Bill ral 1 lrf i t a ik. W I 4. II kiiif ' ,i.b I... i. it .'vniap on 1 1 . ilgbt DeWltt's, KtS, Salve For Piles, Burns, euro. KOTICI FOB PUBLICATION 1 siiri. -1 it- Last Ulrica, Muru 'ht n I. , , .at llirt' , tier n I u' hurut is H H. ua . . - ' prove 1111011 Martin IU.i li lata E -mill, Hubert attilh. all v gaaat kp U ANIKD Agente, Husllem inn. Clerks anil everybody w in wauls to enjoy a good hearty laugh to sei.d frX: lor lu- fl Agaula." Worth .Tl lo any t--1, uhiipell goixln for a living, ll mil satisfactory your money hack Circular lor bIuuiii. '1 In lii Whili; electric Cotiih Co., Uccu lur, 111 A new and complete line of shoea hut just been received- James Huiith. Every Heart-Ache I'. very pain in the breast, dif ficult breathing, palpitation, tlutteriii", 01 dizay spell means that your heart la atraining it self in it-, effort to keep in motion. Thi-i is rtiiigiroui Sonic luddetl strain from over exertion or excitement will completely exhaust the m or rupture the walls or tftariea of the heart, and it will stop. Relieve this terrible strain .11 once with Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It invigorate-, and strengthens the heart nerves and muscles, stimulates the heart actum, and reliecs the pain and misery. Take no chances ; make your heart strong ami vigorous with Dr. .Miles' Heart Cure. 1 buffered terribly with heart dl eaae. I have been treated by different phyalclmna (or my trouble without reauits. 1 went to a pi clan In aleiophia, who lalrn..l 111.U 1 hail dropity of the heart lie put -ray on me, sod In connection with hn ine-Ju'liie he came neat nab lug a limsh of me. Home time bsfoi Ml Young, of St. Louis wai In our town He a.iw in condition. snd recoinmendrd Lr lauea' ll. .n Cura to me l gate It little attention until my return from UemphLe. when I concluded to try It, and am pleated to aay three bottle cured me CIIAUI.KS UOODItli'll i aruthertvllle. M. Dr. Mllet' Heart Cure Is sold by our druua'.t, who will guarantee that he ttrat bottle will baneflt. If It tall. he will refund your money Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind BULLS FOR SALE Yearlings and I wo-Year-Olds Quantities to Suit. 1 I- 1 an M seen at the "I"' ai. rtag "ill. I in. (Hire there of I II llni. ,- it. I lo tlie lieneral lanauei. win. will luruiklt liiloruialiin a 1.1 piiuss ami Mill aell the same. FRtKCH-liLEINN LIVE STOCK CO. THE BURNS HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON, Propt. ee-iMMiubk kittes, (ioud Clean YU;ils, Comfurtabk kjiionis, Cuurteous Truutn cnt. Special Accommodations for the Traveling Men. F1KST (LASS IN EVEB1 I'Al.TII'UUlt ui Your Patr-onoge Soiit. ted H.S. arowinon . I. II II. bat. I I I ll.biml iV I Irnwitliili. I IKNTIKIK .MM., nrti .hwrtatt ..t tin i ttii. nt Hank Burn Oregon W. C. BROWN, DE1TTIST. Ill lis. (ltki... (Htlce ill linH.lail.l ollne hull. line door north ol ssl ufllee. soi 'l mica IlkHM , i nin, 1 so ; n U V. Meeta erery ssrond aa.l 1....111 ... ...1. .....1.11, all aupui . llawlllob, I. J, boas. . 1 inai 1 UaUtatooai nu w, i t u . Merl. u.,,, 11, , .,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,., ,,.,,, - 1 1 alpeut.i. n kl 1 . utuait C. We! h eontli (Ml IN ami Hill . Srt'0'- ..tiaiH HP . r aH ' ir H li in eb. .. rm ile and hX ."Mill -J ttJj fslur.l Uuj It . I iriiey i b s. m ". Kle.,.i '"' sliJ"--1 "umiak -li I- .v 7 a 01. "iMSjt jj Taaadaj Ur.eH I hi, Tle 1 I! a in nnii. 0VtiHM T..e..l..y I'-iliatCai Il"ir-A , U.tiB 7 Sat P le I m,. V It 111 y -J, H Dalle. aM1 - the tl m lien I'll- ' IW ,, tl... .1 ii.'ll I.I., .WB am Jkteof ll wo - Core Your Cough atop your Lung Irritation, relieve your Sore Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold, with the only cer tain, and atriotly aolentlflo.Cure for Coughs and Colds: DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR OON8UMPTION i ,'. ' JOHN McHULLEN, UP-TO-DATE FHOIOUKAPHhR i ; . . , INI 1. nn, km. aj K ..1 1 M..U.,.,, Tliuraaa. ...nlt.t ,,, 11,. n bliaNSLOtHJICNo V. a 11 i. . aleeit ever tvrou.l ami intll, HtJai ' " ii ssasl'' " "" w nm o. aTmnaiim .l N"IS.-o,e,,J,tuU,,)'""""1 '''-"-" UII tb- ..... - '- . 11 inn; mi 4U ,, j- . kll7u:,Vui, ',H',"", V '"-"'" ".)., lo --'-aVntcr, j;;i:,r ' - -VtVUabHKKAlll.b.iH., K -setssssrrutsi K AH.- Ba ",L..U""'-i NU- AMWt UIXBYt ,nv, ,, orw as-eteri Srataiei., 1 ,, W, A. !.... . ,-..' "' "" '' ' - . . ii-u Forest h u,w'" very o ( lo-e . fterin .iked t acres an.l up ml ""aftipru nee ami . I eai LjUt,i I Hi - tt'ul ' lor aorvive in all IrsoS ieau ami War . H. B. asitvusa s.iv All the Latest styles sad improved phoiogrsph) In ui in he It. n! Protile I'.inel', rrtiat's Proof um lain in. . iu Photos liniahed in up lo date btyle upon appik aiion All sisea Iron the t it locket picture up to an 8 x iu linislied in rXriatn I'l.iln.i. in on ;in i.l Ihe Aiii.tu .in . ,,. i ii i r a i Ural rial so al bank. . u.. Aliuoat In Despair. "Our little daughter was given up by two physicians with consumption of the throat, and we were almost In despair, when our druggist recommended Dr. Kiug u Htm Discovery. Alter taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since." -CUB. A. EYLBB, Cumberland, Hd. twm&wx?0Wv&ax&Q M. L If WIS FIRE INSURANCE. Price, soc and li.oo TRIAL BOTTLES FREE aacoMssaaoao. quabantssd ANDeouav The City Drug Store. The ftatteM .k. UI Mil aiaBi JgS HuBesaa. i I taBB in aawgsovt "" Ti . IP l! aliin n - -i ;. -.- ik..,k.v ., oi-. . ;" ?! I ,! IB Ueelttirrv ourlli lu,i.. ' t !. Kfo Ioub MiiiiU(, curb. ""'s Ualiuii.i. RlV,' ihoes 1 - "Scicnn rrjt1 Jve. A btadtoni. ! tL, - Hi.... I, i -" a. 1 r "icjion. . T i rv ,-b. T JCf .Til n wwao .luwultti ... Represents tin .... Hume Insurance Co., of New York, Liveipool, London & Globe, lire Assurance Co , Philadelphia. Ol I IU Willi tSlllUS & IlKIUS. llu nt, Oregon. Corner --oull. ol Luuabuix 6s Dalt .it'a. VVVVr(VaS QG&WWV!&&1 i JOHN UKMBtHia.Mi, V-FIHU-Iltli - -Tat VM. Fine Watch Repaiii. A i 0 wily. I" it., i. nil Ml) Klve llu kill. ti. ' tint n nai'i ' ; . .. i.'. . . Siliio AilUH B- W. HAMILTON. Slack Isspixlsr, daraey Uaj,y Lt . . iiouie aiiurtsb, Hg "ns, Oregon, I'H'liTlbs: ji'snl I'liouipeou . K. tlrowu R. A.Hirjitl, A I.Uinliu Aichie atalsawaa I'artio latwen Veu tt tor liiilmw- I'elili, Itti , ,, inUnU,u,,,,Uluv,,.twk,lioiilil a.'V,.tb".lu,lu'--re.t.lel),1,v Z ys iiotiee. I"") ten 1 I ha VI and lhe ilr noui larl was ul K ma nee gi out ell SI Ji t mil an leu'. Ihe 'I'l. tit obi an fat ha m baaeS- WM I ueWin lis-: For PH., Bursa1