The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 22, 1906, Image 1

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    Vh flmea-Weritia
The Official Taper o( Harney Coonty, J
has the largisjt cironlatlon sml it one of J
the lt advertising medium lnEster n e
-s fitf - 4 V
Th (Brent ftnritrt) Tonnl
Cover -
Intnl. 4
the I'nlted tt
nib u Ha Pretlo'ts 1 akr caa et
-. Accortlei it Herstrt--Hart
(ll rn Prtftrtaft.
'ol t' .
I sncce. '
1 1
Wood and Dr. E. F.
latter h very prominent
bl surgeon of I' iriliuul.
I day thin week
f Win Hanley The
lave gone to the P
frnm there wi!l go to
bare they will join a
luiiiiiiii; iii the Can
re they had two day
Ihhard and hie park of
noyte in which they
successful, getting six
d five the next Dr.
hi annual noting and
sport, of chasing very
Doctor first trip to
untry and he i very
Minpr.'.-.! with it great
tT .
it pnssihilllic lie
geationefor the Teaching of Clenli- HOW TO BUILD UP OREGON to the Nonhern Pacific, tdj
condition, examine it -oil, Inetsn
gate the product that thef re
raieing and keep In ftioM ton. I.
with the country
"Then I take my earople of In
tlvt nl Stclltt tea Tall Tret--
RallrttSi Art Ntret.
One of I he lest apeeche on the
subject of etate building that was
I , ..
i u
nle ,iouril
- l,i. I
with I'r '
logs cl.asin
were quite
ne day a
looker la n
njoyed tin
Tbii is. II.
the Harnev
tated in Ihe pretence of a repreeen-1 fionoerned Patrot.ixe home." nMie Tun'- ilurnld that he
would like nme land in tbi big
.'llev. but ' on hi not take a home-
ursb Among School Children." Ap-
parently it had concreted reaolt in
reducing the death rate among SOME OOOD HINTS ON SUBJECT OF
children attending tchool. In 1001 STATE Bl'HDINO.
the total Miimber living in Chicago
between I and 20 yearn of age wa
511,916 and the total number ofleaeel Isset Seeks aatl Paajaalttt Dttcrit-
death among them wa 1,882 the
rato being .1.B0 per 1,000. In Iftf
the total number of children be- '
tween .r and 20 wa :.7,20G, and the
total dentlm amnns them 1.899.
allowing a rate of UN per cent. hflrd l lhe of lh" r'(,n
TIhh percentage of decrease. 11.14, Development league at Salem win
wa a distinct victory for the ad- delivered by C. W. Mott, general
vocate of more stringent sanitary emigration agent of the Northern
regulations. I'lu-ific railway Mr. Mott told
I how people were induced to goto
Use Hnmr 'lain I'mlroh www states, and what the railways
and town could do to encourage
The Times-Herald has been in- immigration
form.'d that local merchants will "In the building of anything," he
order no Hour from the outside this aid, whether it is a house, a state
season, hut will handle only the or H nation, the one thing absolute
home product. We heartily com- jy eenlial i a solid foundation
mend this and hope it may continue The men who laid the foundations
thus, as it gives encouragement to 0r lnj ,Bte poeeed what a great
our local farmer and keeps thou- mnv other people in building up
sands of dollars at home The far- 0tht r stiite did not possess true
roers should also hnw their appre- (.urBRf They came on foot and
riiition by dealing entirely withlon horseback, in covered wagon
home concerns It is better for all drawn lv horses oxen and mules,
I aoross scorching desert plain, over
'dangerous mountains, over routes
RAISE MULES. unmarked by any trail, harassed
and tortured by blood tbiraty sava
b a way thatthev will Inspire
in tl.e reader.
Then It a home in Oregon for
Mleinan. the fruit inao, the
nan. the laborer and the
sroial man Hv and by, aflei
formation and place them in oik different line of work have
printed matter, and into th head .en extended and become nee
of our traveling emigration agent ingested, then will come your
to be shown fo the 'trade. vis the manufacturer. Induce the rail-
farmers and home -seeker
"Another thing to remember is,
the nearer you stick to the trntl.
ib" more ucceful your work wil
lie If you go among these
and make false or overdrawn atat'
- i nl of tin tat- to iwnetrate into
tli" aiMsRoopled districis
I kttrs i no iiuettion that tiitb
i ureal, big rural population noil
inur land all occupied yon will
i of the lii-bett and nm-i
A mule is a oash article at any grs, eullering ail sort of privations,
time from three month to thirty but tiny came with heart full of
inveraation he staled years ol age, say an .igriciinurei courage ami perseverance, wmen
It coats no more to 'ere the tronget elements of pio-
ad wnuld lie complol-i raise a mule than it does a steer neer life; and with thee qualitie
nty. next season and I and the mule will sell for three they laid the foundations for your
(lead as it would be iuiKible for
him to comply with the law.
tlit.l.ia, I I
. ... . . . .. . --..-.. .... ..- - .
he bad baar.l from good authority exchange
llni tbi
. . ','
'.bat work will begin this fall pro-1 limes as much. Too many farmers, present magnificent truclure
cided S labor could be secured, though, sell their mules a tbey do Oregon i about ::i miles east
rhia, hw"ver. was not given as their steers, without feeding them and west, and about J7'. mil--
flE 'i" ' ling from an ufli up. A good sixed two year old and south. It has a splendid cli-
lal tOtS He further stated that mule will if properly handled, do mate, i free from udden changes.
it, waefB report iIihi tb lliirrimati considerable work. If tbey are fed end i lo free from cholera,
neonlattreio rub ibel through up for a month or o before being yellow fever and other epidemic
in i.refclinoe to anything else. sold they will usually hring from which bine curse.l other parts of
WefManainlv hope Dr. Tucker is 120 Ut $M mute than If sold with n . ,.u,,irv
. Se need Unit road bad and out this preparation. A good span Only about one tbir.l of your
ir Mr Hriman oould heal real ixe of three year old mules will usually area is being cultivated. The in
lbs impoi it as we do he bring from l2M)ii. IHQ, Not once lerior of the slate will baye to be
would Imporl labor rather than in a hundred times is one injured bleeaed with railroads in order to
poatnoM it- building We Imve on s barbed wire fence and they bring your products profitably to
cam h -lege in our career when are seldom otherwise injured.
a railron -olutely essential to
our grsJUli and beallli Our far-
mere now almost t" the limit
in ovjBsatioti of cereals until we
ban AniportiiH"n VN'e hays
ibiiuafJBls of acre of lie line"!
farm tail in the west awmtn
cultieati and Um only way to
gel inJ&ulttvalinli is to get trun-
-" M - ml m ,.;i,.il u.uilil The Tiiues-llernld will make
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJM 1 1 I 111 "'"" wwwww i ---
I vast und l-rtil.. region tbi a bargain month in the way oi ) ' -,-...--
an empir, The greatest .ubscrlptiou. and has arranged "" foundation
...e..r -il,i.u..v i., u,v tlo-Semi-Weexlv St Louis tbuii lliiiee of a great many other
---- .1.... !... fc. ..,,14 Ia..j
llll IIMV llll """ lliai llTP Utll WIHCU lunun
"A large poition of jour land
la Warner Valley. -" aided by irrigation. In
waa in Lakeview last week.
I tmlAi. . I . .1 ...I It ft, inv
I'titisuh tliu Hist, iieetw ewtt y .....
stack washed away by tbe recent
mania, and picture the country . troi.-ie Mate in the union, and
greater than iireallv is, elint is tl have firm and lasting
result? Why, the Bret people tht inline If you will only fill your
move to the country on the ttrengtli elate wilh a good clas of
ol thee overdrawn t lenient, eeen Inral t pie."
if they find the country go
not a good s they exect II - 25. HO KLIWAKD $-5.0o
will become dissatisfied, ani
atisfied settler i the wor-t I I oiv t,, , kj lni fgf mven thai bunt-
a new country can have. WMreM n at I shooting upon tbe enclosed
if the statements are not meJnt lands nl the A merleI Land A Live
hut rather on the siib 1 I lock Co looatet) in iownhii !''
lion, so that Ihe new conn 1 will A I"-- Ranfi I and tiwoslnp
find thing even better than be ix I I U M, Harney t'o
lf ted. he in turn become a 'drum- n,,, (I., iter known a the Trout
mer' who trie to induce ill bis old c... k and CMJ Usnches,) Is
friend end nighlor to come mil strnth forbidden Any person or
nml .in him end ' t 1 v tli BraM person found bimliug or trespa-
thing thai are hi A happv ind ll( with n run 111 ll.eir p.ietion
Ciinteliterl selllel will induce Bee of on ,l... l.-.rilie, properly will
hi old friends to follow, wlnl" n , prosectiled la Ihe full exlenl ol
disgruntled one will keep l.'i nwav the law. A i hiiI of f '.ri it here-
Another serious trouble tint is by nBored tor eviilence tlisl will
ir arrest and conviction.
quite prevalent is this, that when a
prospective investor comes to a cer
tain section of th country, nml i n
little in doubt a to whether t l-cnt-
there or In some other
the people will 'knock' tbe other
locality, and say that it
Ami hi. w I ,mi.V Livx Stock M
Bt I H lint Han. 11 Manaokh
III 1 1 PRICES 0000
The l.akevii Kxamiuerssy 1
and that tbi is tb ly plat ,,,M"" ""' "",1 '"
lion 1 do Unit Such a course ,. A ' '-!" Tuesdsv.
jure your locality sod .1 M.nplv "' ll, '"- "''""'1 '" ""
give a black eye in the . ,,unir nt '' ' r"' ,"",, '-l"i'i 'K
large, T II fc Bill Hull ..r I'edaryllle li.
can locale in any of Ihe nrll. I r- in the neighlMirln.od
wettern tate. if he ha amliiiou.
and he will succcil Huild up Mr Akin, w ho ,s in Ihe c. If
1 1 II J fllUlB ll VOUI c.,,,,,1,1 mil I- ''Ml r.tll,. .H.I..1I In til. Klll.,1
let the strnmrer feel that ktj is " ' '"" ' f- dy !' ht he
water spout in that section, hut one
slack waa so filled with sand and
gravel as to lie worthies. Lake
view Herald
Mr sleuil ol watting lor the slow wheels
i11(V oi lie mm r 1. 11.. .1 I.. -. t -, von
should induce local capital to de
velop every prospect ol irrigation
for as we all know, irrigation pro
duces crops of belter quality and
greater quantity than can be raised
on iiun-itrigaled land.
' our school laws are liberal and
among friend, und not pirat-
"To gel M-ope to come In a lie
tale is a science We dou'l go to
place where the farmers are mak
ing money, but send our literature
to the hardpan districts. 'Ihe
printed matter i the advance tgeal
for the traveling man Kr.. we gsl bl'.r
quiry, which are nn-.n.l
cordaiue w iin the fa. 1- ..1
on I purchased about .'' " 1 hesd "f
oeefi.n the Klamatb Marsh and
Lake country This lot ol
II probably go to the city lo
ib. U. (.in Meti l'o. of which Co,
Mr. Akin is siockbolder. and he
will Imv aleiui IIMNl to put on Ills
r.iiich at lull Lake, the old I an
1 him li Mr Akin ny beef
1. in good 1 1 1 1011 ilii year, and
- sre hard lo ineel on price
iy tiial cattle m KwUrn
tin a
do net s.
pay up
of Har
. -ib
,e cou niv
ities they
pii.,11 Inn il is KmiiiiIiIii tree lo all
a lad Local people arrears and on. year in advance to " ""K"" 1""1- ll"r1
.reeJiaetbegreetnea Th, Tunes-Herald. New uboib- from the Up in the I.smf state.
or credit her er who pay It advance will al.o DOB .iiu.-ren.-y. Having a per--ill
-hen u receive tbi. irre.t semi- "U-- "' '" ' oul uf -"'
weekly newspaper and family
iiiugaiuu in the t'uited Slates.
The two paper one year for '-
for this uionih only,
ba begun the
Don Is lor Scbuol Children
that sell. in
of children is an absorbing nttVillg H),d the furniture busi-
ifter the long vacation the ,, A R d wjj, 0W tur ,,,,
in return to their work in the ,.,.., lo uttiiitiu and paper
health and it now become ,1Mlgju- mud elicits a share of
Imminent that they reman. Vl,r patrouauc He will alao MB
; and beullhy so that tbuy can duct a cabinet and repair shop
iplisb the moat from their
work in addition lo tin
Ion rules of hygiene ihe board
... - si ..... ,L..
SUlll. Ol v lliuago toys turn
nil should be taught
the Breath ol Lllc
liHi who can read and write and
tbe graduate of your normal
school and colleges have no trouble
.11 entering the higher institutions
of learning in tbe east
"Churches of all denominations
are here ana people coming from
(be oougested district in tbe east
find line a healthful climate, a fer
tile Moll, opportunities lo educate
their children and to worship their
1 Mid according lo their owu creed,
and without interference. I see
that tin monks ol r'reuoe, who
lire mo. I. Keller grade, target and
in battel ' .million than the .null.
ilia... .mil Mr i I li Mplti.ii ..I ll..
. Orewnfl and Northern California
to the traveling emigration eg.
in the territory, who make a oer
tonal call and continues tbe au.e
arguinent thai has been ueed in the
letter and print.-1 mulier I
lo Cure
prevent coiiiumiou, ami 11 in- u,
haaexnrcssed a prefer, me I. , '"''" "' PfclUlpAV
particular state. Mff - lo Kan ' Ju.t cover 11 over with
not try to educate h.m forS .th Huckl. ., - Arnica Salve and the
Dakolaor Montane or any oil... salve will do th. r. .1 Quickest
slat. W$ also give - ''"" l("1" , fcaw-k
lectures in country SO- U o.s , -,.ll Kheuin.
end in the small lowns ' HJ, So- l-ei,nd sore
j .. 1 . ... .. .... i i. u it.....
. - I Bl lilt l.llf I'l OM
"It .(. M 111 III.' tlllll Villi 1 nil .1 '
do a lot of good in each one 1
counties if you would MBpfl
view of diflereni farina, raoebei
end orchard, with a little hi. ton
uf tbe man owning the piopci-.
Ilea tigiilticenl feci thut the have recently had trouble with tbe
.tronge.t animal of it's ue, the go- r-""ch government, have come od
the largel lungs, ettauiitliea mem, ivet among you,
rfu ami hee sellled 00 your leuU,
staling where be ceun from hoe
much capital he bad to Mtai
and what be has do.
1.. ii.egon, end print tin- on th.
buck of a post 1 Bid 'I i.i-n 1
men lo give JTOU a litt of -
BOO names uf other farmers 11. hi.
old locality, end mail then, eai h a
Copy of thl card With the
on ll. lllVil- 1 ...! ,-p.n. lent Mill
Bt lospil it is rarely necessary rl BBII 4H 011 a slate, iluor or sidewalk Powerful lutias means pow
I au abomination creatures How to keep ihe breath- which they will make blossom a.
L 10 nut Ihe lingers into the inil ran rmbt should be man's tbe rose, and will produce civilna-
lDOU ifeutHtudy. Like thousands of tion and cbrislianity where there BOtne cnitrsl head, like
t to pick the nose. others. Mrs lira A Siepheu. of wa nolUlng oeiore ounne cactu ber of ciiniieice or ol Uau.
i lo wet tbeliof. .iihlivtt !',,rt Williams. O , has learned how and segei.rush - I 1 gooo auu a-,, have a tiu n
-.,i..a il. I-as .,la book. ....I., !.. HI.e writes "Three bol- x..ple, irrespective oi ll.eir oreeu l .rale m.MUIcerds Ilk- lie. I hev
lesttttav - ..w.- t . ..v, v....- - - - .
t lo put pencil into the uiJUth I ileM of Dr. King' New Discovery
and 1. ..lonelily. 1.1 Oregon do es Mf.ud mentiou-d and
oisteii them with their lip lalopped my cough for iwo tears she has done in the pa-t hold out t , ,tjl people WaHi
I . a !.. - ... I ..... I.. mII
It lo put money mi., tbe moulli end cured me uf whet my Irieoos mewano nt.iu iiinaitai iv
ill to put pins into the mouth ihougbt coosu. option O it's who de.i.e lo I-tie. II.-1. condition
t toputanythiug in the molllb ,jrBd for throat und lung trouble" "d psWV-l homer l.-r list :n.elve
jl food and drink and ihe Uauranlee.i by tbe City Drug Store and then chHUreu ami in. stele as
brush. "rice 50c and 1.00 Trial boltle a whole will reap the benefit.
ail tL
on I hat line ol an. . can 1.
taken up w rn.. 1. 1 gn-n'
"As lo Iii-h to r - lo ,i.
this, go the 1 I rei-
Ada. I. will take no more
; anv kind for fall
"I I bote who
1 .jinsl.-d lo drop a
rei-1 1- III .rge el Itiirn, care
I.- I in - ll.reld Orders f..i
.' r fully looke-l
. ... I'i" - - long ss the porch.
er an 1 I
I up the country
I- U 1 oWiger net lb BOS I
. and well selected stock
of wall papal ver seen in this
1 he tuiiely and design,
at well M quel ty sre all thai one
Id 1. si. receiving
no lure n.d has ani
luin, .111. diapla)a
ever .
. ITATIOM ru ll! I
nt ..f the
, .11, 1. 1. 11
In th M ill- f 1
Jsenb lini.n-lilo .1'" " "-.I '
1.. Milt. .11 I' Be . Mm
I the 41, I'll irl tl
Ihhett, ( ru w v! 1 Umllbi
Mi I ettle I Hii--. Mn Mb n llaesll-
ton. t' 5 1 ."leiiih-i llllpe,
DlltH-rt I. men. like Mr (ir. l.-t,
1 ,eii. b til
tlreerallke, 1
.ImcoIi 1 ' John
OsyjeftJthe, '1 1 I ran.u
PbnI. Wlllard i'. L . '"iin 11 1
liei Bryan, Frank " Ibl ill. H
1 , -i rlerbsri
Peat, France. I
Mtnnle A I Iteuel II '
dike, Nil U
.llk. Nellie ( .11. -n. like Well
l.rn.'ii.lik I I I I'm- I
K 1: ret, w ib...-1 1 Brokaa II II v Btaaage, Mr 1 rnk i.i..ii,
f'harlntte I ir.-t", lliliiii-l
Uenlein I .- , Jolll I els A
IVHilltlle, .il.-l He Betll I I'M ' ll"
kn-.sii I.. .".'I other hilisnn
kn.ia.i. 11 im , of .li.eeli 1. 111. nil.kt lS
eeaa.l. und I all whnn
1 .1. . 1 i.k
ll ..r.h r of the l".
ea.h snil nil .1 i.u ' In rebj lh -l I
teipiued in appewl hat-re th '
tilled t'ollfl llll-l J.le lie soli at Ihe
lellllU ( ...III It. H. III. It Hi. I I - ' It
,.,, II, . . . , 1-t. I'SSI, St IS'. '. I-11 k I'
M then .11-1 III. te he -I..." -.., II SIC
y.Mi have. Iii ill ' Km- . I. ... in
tram. -.1 ll.. li"
deeeaei 1 win. Will . h unlet an. I I. vnliii'i'fH
certain antreiueiii ketweeB Jtiaes V.
Ml... n. "i Harney Coaat) Oregen, ewi
aid I'.rn Ilk eeeeeteri nlii
I hriitu In, UM, 1 r-le.l .lull
on tajaM . " II '. 01 H - I
eilltnrii Hi. .. ! In lb 1 1
III llrns I'nui ". I"'lher
with an otit-t .( -ani '
erwrleg ertl hetwaea
aai.l I ... V Malon
trator, ln"ill .1.. .1 'liliiet la
hi. I Isnii- I M.I. .... 11 gOOd tad ".III
cloiil .It- I a am li t.lmlnUlraUii iluat
-.I Baet f w lllami lis M l-lia. In liar
in-i 1 .
, ami hi
s v ' ,
an I W ', -'
all In I
as, . H is nIV', and
t, M ' , ' 'w . ak)! a.-.l
M 4 . -v . H- .11 li 1
Wih,,.... Ihe 1 1 I
.1.1 I. e of the I "HI ll I i-url "I II
i ounti. 1 i"s .th eel
lrite.1, llll- XI. li!' I "'
I -I..I,' l
Mu M-n .
k ... llll
IS 1 1 1 1 : 1 . 1
I4i let
Mec le Orecr.
ttelahiH . luri
The Lnc m jr
1 ,
I '.11 Ma. .1 a. el I
Bakpy in on.tkion
A Spuially uf Miuri Ui4cr.
the 1
age .el
Job pin 1 1 raid
v v'v'v .:: ' - - T
ly Hotvsno acartcc, esra.etxT w n areni
Zj n COVVOtN, eastern
first national Bank 1
A General Hnnkiii I ictcd
Fire-Proof. Modern,
Rateti $2.00 anil $1
All Outside Rooms iNi
Tin iiuhIchi new I otcl i
piibln II. nml Count 1
.mil . ion I. i.ii-U rareil (.11 .tusn.
l .
Napton &, Boyd
Real Estate.
I'armt, ln.i,.
. inlari" ..Hi. .
Burns, Oregon.
v-Zalo Xlxlo Z-Xocxclq.a.axti
Wines Liquors and Cign
hilliard and Pool Tabid
Club Rooms in Conn .ti n.
tun ItSO lO.W.ltlts
Blicbnithing ui
Wagon Work
Burns, Orei
'' I. I LEI
OLifIIT4 U1 Bht (lad ! (are.ik
AIT itiikTiriii 1 lie
and Ntll
it to wap apple-cores, cendv, frSH).
ring gum "ell day slickers"
ilea food, whistle or bean
bH rs, or anything similar ttmt
iHabitually put into the moulb because
"Nun have aekttd me how to get, $1 iibeoriptioij " s
wore people. The peopling ol a fund 1
stale, a county or a township is to I ..ate advanlagta the pr i
aimplv a coinmerciel tcienoe. A jof everr body else n. tin neigfa
stomach was so great manv people have been led lo hood If ym. bring '-" ; -ople to
here is a great deal ol danger wekeiied b useles. dtuggiug that believe that tbe 'hot en artist , buy a j.iece ot uropertl ll aillnai- i,,,,i,-n.
Ehc way pencils are used. In ,,.-could n..i eat, Mrs M ry H known as u promoUr.' was a uec- j orally go higher then if v
BJB. primary grades only are slate- U alters of M Clair til. Columbus easily, and whs ihe only loroe oy brought one man
etarvleg to Death.
well Wurih Try lag.
U II. Brown lbs popular pension
i I'lttstieJd, St .ays
i" a goiai psnsloli, the Intel '
llnng to gel it UhT. Kings New life
Pills." He writes: 'they keep my
r lid healll." tuic't
I,.. I'.r In adachi coi.elluallon and
lieorsi.teed el
Main 8t.,
r...ilk.T.II it &
aejrrcr(Br-B-B KILVTISTl U Ar
' i b1 ' I H ( "1 aicnciiLTA" m
wgJkkmjSM uMndttii ,ToK
J '' Ovar BOO I
JTF" asaeulilul 'Sf J iB'r"s tul
f UM Bi Hr''
.. Jwai "
i. siaveaa m
loot, fix.
t.HI.1.. . I
oils uetd, bul llu- leadpencils q WM literally slaiving to deatn ' which u ootid up e new coiuujunl
Vjust as bad. A omnilor collects sin- writ. - M u.uiech wa so Now let me say to you that that is
pencils from the children and weak; fro, usel-. drugs that I a false theory, and ujot of these
are all dumped in together in could not eat, and u.V nerves o 'promoters have done more to re-
lunuuuily bo The next day wrm-ked that I could not Bleep, tard the settlement ot unoccupied
are distributed and of course I)U uol u,,ij 1 was given up to die territory then any other class of
child gels the same pencil again, j wa8 j indued to irv Electriot Bitters, people W hn I say that this is a
Is a hard thing to teach a child wjlh ., wonderful result that iiu- commercial scieuce, I thiuk that
leep bis pencil out of his month proveuient began tt once and tt with a little rellection, you will
ether. complete cure followed." Beat agree with uu. it is simply a case
n 1902 the Chicago health de- bealth tonic on earlln 5tk' tiaurau- , of buying and selling 1 visit often
rlment issued a circular, "tiug-
"One of Ihe Lett Mj . to iii
iuete information eon i - nl,
county l e III tlf Is k
too large, with a couiph le hi.i
of the cunt, descripiiuo (j
natural and maiiufactm Ip I
and with a liberal p. inkling ol
pictures, and, above all giving I
dgure correctly und making tb.
statements as truthful as tbey .
be, and keep from usim too touch
teed by City Drug tilore
j and examine tbe territory tributary 'red paint ' Make your statemenie
I -i
. i mmmemmmmmmrBsgammmm
u The Finest of All
rW k ttaly i
Hotel Burns Bar
fluents, Burns,
eMTHoibci 1 bios lil.
Watchmaker and Optician
3"U.rrL, Oxegroia
......a ... ., ...I .c.,.,.. fcihi, .taste, JOB puiuTIWO-THE TIMES-HER.