Wh -Mernld n tNllcial Paper of Harney Onnty, ! Iihk thn Urgi-M circulation and In one of the beat advertising medluroa in.Kaatarn Oregon. J .. . W tut e Mefala I -' . "he Hftat Warnti Xanfr ('..vers an art of fl,4T,K) aerea of lan.l. 4,721 ,000 aeraa yet varaet eahfeet to entry nieter the pnMIe land lewa ol tha United ftlatee. a a XIV BURNS HARNEY COUNTY, K I (JON, SEPTEMBER 15. 1900. NO. 43 IL COUNTY FAIR !!i00 WIZENS SHOULD MPI.P ftAM IT SUCCESS. Ave Slac Htahltti. I I I'rrmlttr, h w ill Mi Stack ia Forai Pre- Mblci. r'ralti, F.lc--I'rrml.icn Lltl. will not lie the fault County Fair Asunoi Ir next month in not esMful ever held in Tin- Association in ans to make it the B) support from the In the original hill an.) the same ia THE RAILROADS IN OREOON not just, the clerk was ordered to draw hi warrant in favor of Crook county for $2378.04 a settlement ORFAT IN AREA BUT SMALL IN MILE- la full of said hill A0E-WONDERFUL STATE BACK TO THE LAND. Spooking of modern destructive methods in farming, Prat. J. J. Hill says: "Within 20 yearR we muHt have and employ jn noma fashion .'.O.OOw, 000 addition poptila lion, and by the middle of the cen tury there will he approximately It It aa Tat Hrt af Oreat Dtvtleeertati, Says Tat Railway Aft -New la Tat Aaaulalra Tirm. Oregon is one of the greateat stales in respect to area and one of the smallest in railway mileage. With 94,600 square mi lea of land the country can two and a half ttmea aa many pen Hffm it. railway tinea aggregate "' "" ' - Slates aa there linv , --,, -..- - ,iU Ut iu square RjBsi of territory Thla ia email railway mileage, actually 11111I comparatively. Newer Wash- 10 no nun ,,.,.,,. ,, ,i. ,1, 1..- SlflM i...u L- . .! " " """ ' ..... ..ri.iuor. wn.ise Keeper we are r i ,,),.. f r(1(, , ftOJg) How are we to orovide our children I ,;!... ,.f i..,... ... -ni ,. with eheller nnd daily hread? Our are today No nation in hiitory waa ever confronted with a alerner profitable for the en- queetlon tbnn this proapeot set be- Mauiiirv bflM What are we to do with ' H woman nml child ''b interest in the an- lir, SJB)i '. "ll all he hene- r An idircetlv by inak- 1 fair a a ('riatBii" year, en far ae n puiilen proiiui'tH are ned Hre been good and a no oi'- ho not filling our m I such prod MM and eil lOellent showing Wi H mind Ihe fact that f goiOK In have several of " rW' iliHtinguiahed men mid their favor-1 national heritage iiipretBDii of the Harney , Bfceiin great assistance Cliarlea Lillard of the Reaver HH.m eiopineiit Many creek country, has snld hii brand H" n ili.e the great ami lour or five hundred of horeee they going to do about the develop ment of the vast territory In tha' atate which the railway has not reached? Evidently thoee combined interests are moving forward on a defined plan to cover with a system of eerviceable inter related rail" the great region which in a ti 1 h lliiiiiioglon to Lttttolnh, 1 'rrgon will need little more the way of east and went lima, I ,-tcrn haee of the dl range ihe Deschutes river in xhsii'tlc Stream ol northward for IT'i milea or to the t oluuihia river. II'.'HM. ----c-- ciiare Califor nia on I fie eolith. ith a territory landa havo alrooeliiK llln(s ,,,, ()f ,,.,, )lH, limee her mileage, Kaneaa with arable puhln disappeared "Our o-ie rPMiuroe, looking at ir mi ...... . .;i... 1 1. i biim.iiiity ae something more than T.tHHi ,,,,1,'s of railway more; Illi- creature of a day. is the productivi I)1B mnU u lhn two.lhird, lne tv of the soil. The reckless die- mn , i,,,, h ,,., hj trib.ition of the public lands, its ...jip. T Um9Ut f.vorably divisions among all the greedy who ,, ,,.,. nl jn rtioof mifngr choose to aak for it. the nppropria , ,,r,,H ogon to equal Washing- tlon of large areas for grating pur- , Mlll)(, ,,,.,, 1 .,,,,, ,,,, iu.,..A portation sense they mav le said to c i t upper waters, in Gfwofc pneaess. The official organiiation the DMODUtM Irrigation A of these companies is arranged for Company, under state eup- efficient independent action It n, hai built tw. main canals gon. The immediate exec ..l.rs and laterals aggregat constructive and oeralive manage "I canals, ami has f both the Southern Pacific ami the Oregon Railway ami ghtion lines it, Oregon in Mr, J. P. O'Brien, vice pr. and general manager, with 1 iinirti re at 1'orllaml In hi concentrated Hie plans and of (he chief executive at N." and of ihe operative sml t heads of the whole Harriman t tern located at Chit ag" With 1 I I bl "clamalion of lA,000 itinlvnlciit to 'l.Ht square 1 I fill lie yields already 1 on email tracts in this :r t 1 s tlet lared to prove Ihe success of the irrigation imive- liere mnl in other parts of ii. I the tte authentic. will (h built where Itiont like Ifiis are ieei calm, reasonable, candnl attil ' ' aliln'iigh interior Oregon Mr O' Urien has met th poin' reg 1 where irrigation poses, have absorbed much of the s to hHUerived from the fair Wr could nol learn the name of the ' ' ' ifflore somewhat mil 1 1 purohaaai Mr l.illanl received Hg the matter on an average of $40 a head Ban some way help I'niM'vill. Journal. h faiT es. It ia for I . .. Blelit of every oitueu Tha Ti. ...... II.. r..i,l !l of I.T.'si, to compare aith Califor nia it shoultl have 'I.Th'J miles, to match Kansas it shoultl have 10, 27l miles, to equal too uuequaled railway atate of I Minnie it ahould be covered with nearly 'JU.lKsl milee of railway. Oregon is a atate ol diversified climate and production, of large areas that may never tie productive, but of larger arena that only need transportation son.e of them trans portation and irrigation oomtined to develop great productive cepa tit lor ltn.it.er. grain of many , kiiiiis, wooi, nveeioi a, oairy pro- ill make ntv mid m.t for the this a bargain month in the way of king mni.c) gjrfca- gabgctlpUoM and has arranged sir Be stocK ol the aRso- l(, gjvp lnH Heoii-Weetlv Ht Louie .. MB l.f .1.. t..,ul imji.,1.1 1 ... "B "' "" "" i-"i"- iiepuniii: free to all who pay ui ar and one ear in advanoe to dude, fruit, vegetables, minerals Herald. New eubaoib- land v .rie.l protiuciR manufactni. ! wiuBdiii tiie Inveatnient, ,.rs who pay In advance will BO ! fr"J mills proelled by the abun lo -lock in furlh-j .,,,, ,,,e great national aemi- j tlnl "mUt power. Hut Oregon i' j weekly neweparcr and family Hitherto has not looked aa inviting 41 kiAsny tiling to exhibit ,Ui,ntx ,l. iniujd Butea. lo railway builders aa many other lottngjinir nest aasureti The two puiMTs one year for 2 lelatea in reetiect to geographitsl for this month only. aUntfAOl1 ' ' will appreciate IT mjw matter how lillie , and Jflio "ill receive ever ivaltoo. Iiring 111 tour stock, fnaaaer. ible me igSuitiL: to curry oil u of pdBium anil you should iur ua Hy HRaistiug at ue yKriil make it p .eaibb r'aigSrVe- it'iitlioti In grott Having sold the furniture bum neae, C. A. Hvrd will now turn his mi. nt to painting bunging ami eolioiU your pntrouuge He will alao oon duct u cabinet and repair ahop 1 he Breath ol to. and physical coiiditioua. Along its north line for .'100 milee (1wr the navigable Columbia river; ill western coaal more than .'100 mile and paiier '""K '" watered by the Pacific and a share 0f I a number of indentations furnish possible lauding places for coasting craft, although in real natural hat bur the Oregon coast ia lacking. Parallel to the ocean, 'in milea or ao away, the noble Willamette river (Iowa through a fertile valley shut I able 1 1 give turgor an. I on. iron year to vear. ! li's a signified,! fad that th. tnn. in Hie inter, st strongest animal of it'a tile, the go- in by the coast range oi. the west iW "I'l' The note U I rilla, alao has the largest lungs, and the formidable Cascades on the ulyoii should make an Powerful lunge means (.mwerful east, and in line narrow vallev ami gel Aiiething for the lair creatures How to keep the breath- along the great Columbia nearly all iliar un much lo your ing organs right should be man's Hie railways run and most of Hie 1 Mac clieifest -tilth Like thousands of population exists The rivers and tendency to surpeel rail w n atiotie to an extent proportion their magnitude, anil hue iuspi. ! confidence in the ptirpm llarrimau interests to give Oreg n a system of trnnsportatiuu fat adequate lo iiolh it present and its great poeeihilito - Such it lyetem is in pr. Within a few months work ii:t lecn completed or commenced nn a doxeu different lines, radii, it". eaal and west frcm the trunk lin in the Willamette vallev or sotitl, from the Oregon Railroad it Navi gation road, which a ill ad. I 1. 1 i"i miles to the system in On gon Prominent among tl, the Oregon Knetern railroe ' j... t.'l to extend from Natri R the Willamette eaeterlv. across tie Caauatle mountains ami tha sage plains, to the western boiih 1st ' - more generall) Will n i be practicable, yet the enow ' ihe many mountains anil 'he I,' meroOR streams and lakes "ill lupply water to redeem no in- part of what have It Pad the waele and use m of the slate Railway EMS IN Mil NAV. H iliv.stigatii.il seems to ' ' 'ion maile fre- f the well inform- - .1 realdenta of the valley, that il g. rms are bred in water 'list pel .I.'., ihiough alfalfa v'.tit lo which this "' 'I on is considera- bla and 'in ic.ises whenever the rage ia cut down and I ' decay in Hie ditch -, know n II liehoovie all owners and Id drinking all - Ihioiigb an alfalfa Oranl t'oinily N'rws. EIDERS MAV BE StAaKi: the alate ami to a junction with ibi Oregon Hhorl Line at OnU the St,ake river, a distance ol -rUrr like -ilNI miles Kruto long branch will run noriliMaiil g tin I'eachules vallev anil conn. with a line from tl t rJrjrj river. whlleauolberbrH.icb. ,.!' "'', ,''"". l-s-ibilily under coiiRtrud.on.w, II re.ch ROUI " '" ,Uw" "l"'" lothe fertile regions of Klamath ' " I,,t ,,,,r" "r lake and meel a branch .,.. b,.. " '" IU "' ,""1' ,"ul" '", ""l' ing from a point ,.., the Mh..u lit '' """ UU- " l" l'"' a little below Ihe Oregon t,. amao. Oilier hoes include lb. i ill, ' ' ' I'-1 -' v-ars at lea.t the em railway to run from Dufer eot.ih ",,,h " "''"- n-cpieae.ng uliout ISO miles, a line Inn, pttiuiiun Hit covers aa wide ,,i,.r- Mrs tra A KtephlM railways and not the sea have caused Hie development Mill! far 1H..1J ible ill keeping vital Port Williams, IIJxii learned Iioh umle lor prt'iiitume in do tins She writes: "Three hoi- secured, the railwava alone now nn, id l nppreciuletl lies of Dr King's New Discovery can oi.en up the vast uupeopied re- ll oll.rs premiums i stopped my cough for two years Igione in tlie interior and the lonely an, the farmer Hie uiid cured me of what my friends line of sea-coast, anil this they ar lairy, garden. I, mis. I thought consumption O, it s selling about lo accomplish giiii.it for throat and lung troubles' The Southern Pacific ami Union liauruuleed by the City I'rug Store ; Pacific lines uf the Harriman iuler- 'rice fiOc and 11.00 Trial bottle eats praeiieally -mute Ihe rail I - iool children and all ll.r.ilil c.-'tainly w,,ple of Harney Hie muttei up in the in tl make it go with il k-l BUSINESS. JM5.00 KHWAKD tJS-oo way mileage uf Oregon at present, and to these great inter eels the slate looks, hopeful of rapid tit fuel lo loseph, Ii.'! miles, limit -etiucllt'li. the Cotidau branch. A i lingtiui eotith lo Condon, I ' miles built the iieschiitis railroad fr.,t, lleschlltes south M) miles the J,,,i t'ay south W miles a el, ml III from Si John, near Portland t Trnuldale 10 miles, tl,. Orefloii Western, under construction Drain, Oct Hie Shasta route, w g. in the fall are l. mi thin i n. i. Hon I aa feedt n of . annere. Thus f.ir this seast.n Ihe H-rcenlage of on lit to go I,, Ihe killing pOCvf n itii, arkahlv small ' are averaging full) . ' r il,.,,, a year ago and the bulk of th.-o, are gon," Hie slaugl, III markets the ,e,k,s are MO l I I '-It Pllll.li I l.i.N I,, I'!,, t'eentt I I tir- cg ,'. (or I i ", 111 tl, M Itl : I '',. ,'l . rn mill ! I vol -. Re i Un Marj It.s.i, M Charles I .snk vi.i..,it. t vrn v 'i. it, BIHa amlth, . I i-aii.ii ton, pa,. ,.. Iwln 11 1 1 1 1 1 . Ollherti.ru hk. Mrs t ,n.- l I a.l.l. I t lln.il II l.r urn. bk IMlis Greet ltk N i I llic t ' Jacob i t -, 'i,n l.rnetiililir, LI 1 Klin. Davta, v .-.l,i, II. Ito.kaa, Beaeea Brya A I . B, ' Mlaate i r ii .,,. n dike, Rita i , mot I .... aa llkt vv .ii I . I i: i.r.ieii.M.. . i kte U Mi In, ..I I lt,-..ka, f. - b II H Bl II . , Mi- , rank Mile-tl. Charlotte I if, i -. 1 1, -a, a- I,, lace) it,-., I, H. I ..... I !,. I ,. S) I , Is A. ISe.hlll. r. ktM km. n i sll etfat r In lis nn- km. mil ,1 hi "i .nn , alike I e- cees-,1. nn.l lo sll ehom it nia coOURfB, ' ''K ik ,,r,i.. ,( Ute above .itnlnl RRjRjrt, eRii, an, I sii , i roe are kjereay ,it..l sn.l reqeln ! i ., .. hefun n,- rI - uirl me I Jndae Ihereol, at Ihe t.,,inii i . .ii r t Rooea, at Iterea, Ol rjn, krtnbei i-i i".. it t.. o'elork I1 M Hun ,,,l ii . ,. i.. -I,., cane,., If any ton I, ate, why Will Ii Kini tttininls iratoi "i H Ksial lacob liriiendlke, dseeaat I . win, u,u aneeaed, a ml s.lniiniatrslnr. ler sml In tirlneof a certsiu agr.eiiici,t between J emit P. Mai,., i,. t Harris) t unit . ireHjoa, sml saiil Ja. oh t .in. n.lii .. .1. c.l. 1. 11,-1 F'brn.i i on itgi- hi to 111, la Reek r ,,i Mis ci'llanetis lleearan la Ihe t lark's ime in llamay Cool in nelber Willi an i.l. r ,,f i,i ,. pr,,. ing a , tl mi sai.f Jsines I Mel. tdmlele- trali.r. li..,il,l n.,l mil deliver In shi.I .1,. I, "ii, s gfol ami sitill cni.i ilr I . Mloelaedi i-l I l ,.f VVill.i in M. .1 li.iu, in Msr net I , I.l , st,. I N ". M S i o -I ', so, i awt, u s vt , m i ,.li .1 V , ..f NW, ,iil IRM s t i, .,1 N . I ' , - , NU i .,,,1 M , H', of SI I I MTItaeaR, Mm H ,') Iteetor, .III ige "I ll,. I ..u.,t I ill) ft nt llirnet r,,iioi. i if.g.ui. eltii ,i , lli In i . I es, I inn, i . MK HirTI ('..unit I i. , k of Ha, ami have lieen . ... ,. kls, t l,,.i, ty Howaao iiRsrr ssitiMsr n lilt tV COWMN, Caesaca setwr Tirst national Bank CALDWELL, IDAHO A Oeneml Banking Business Transacted ' CXmRBSPONDRNCB INVmD A yT THE CARTER HOUSE. AflBMICAN PLAN (NTARI0. OREOON. Fire-Proof. Modern, Elegant. Rates Sa.oo and $ j so per day. All Outside Rooms Near Depot TMl modern new hotel was unly recently opened to ihe l-iibht Harney County ,eoplr will he always welcome aid cnurleouRly tared for. A rirat-claaa bar in connection. LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. ., in i.T-.e Nrrn. Dee C setae garr W Napton d Boyd i Real Estate. Hlaes ni liilig. 1 I'ATRTre, lit. an. Oeraaae, Oaaeee. A Onurtoojpaei Rew Wlleea Retak. THE CAPITAL SALOON, TKIMC A DON KUAN, I'roprietora. Barns, Ongon. Wines Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms In Connection , , ijij, .,, l!lB agaiio-t II.. ' I. r liny MarsbiielJ, H milee. th.- I matiila . I lie cattle anil ate taking Ihe ,rl of I hem. If Ibey keep Central, Iron, I'endleton south unlc, and sundry nnxirtaiit cut offs which connect .listing line, and shorten distances I increase the faoilitit I I reachlliK and lesyMig Orrgui will, M-oile ami producte the I , , ., I cifio interest has determined !; build ilR own toad betwi ,, I'.ui land and Seattle, and Ret aleu un derlaketi the -.ciulngly mii. ail I. 101) ui lor e.i i tba Notice is hereby given that hunt ing ui.d shooting UHin thn enclosed Uutl.- of the Aiiiorican Land it Live Stock Co located in lowiiebtpe 'iU A 10 S Kuuge 35 K and IjwhsIii III U I 'li! L' tl' VI U ...... (I., high auliuol. Tm,mTm ' """-'" , ... , Ur-Koii Letter known ae tlie l roui wardetl Contract to ' .1. ..f .i the Lr," "u "v ."".; re tin- ll, i, -ceilings of ourl at the regular Ml 14 . hL K. JJ Wllitere euiiloyeil .if foi N ruR ol wo. inl h'ti, Rdtiuol for ." v. I .puient Of the 1.75U miles : duty of building down tin- north cm tlit to the elate in 1505. the Her- bank of the Columbia river a nuiMi, lines represent 1,350 miles. I to Portland over RQQ uiii- kMSf The remuiiung 4UU milee are mot- paralleling its 0. K S ly made up of the Astoria A' Colum- along the south bank By all bia Kivcr road from l'ortland to the coincidence the northern 1'., ocean, 1J2 miles, and the Corvellle people that ia lo say. Mr 11.11 A Kaeten, from Vaquina bay east ward lo the foot of the Cascade,. 141 miles two parallel but widely strictly forbidden Any person nr . .. . . aeparaied roads, controlled iiy one puraoio- found bunting or treapaaa- . ... , . r . mi, nt in han rranciec". which in t A ii I, a gun in their po.-easiou on above 'lecril.t-il properly J I! (iould and IT unly load, the court oard uf road viewer ruml Ml Annie Hail, lit. ,,i 1,-nd to their art. "-1 and conviction, river oil Its Seattle ,loe fact for oare and keep' AMKKit an LAM, ,V l.iyr - , lasw of the till: roads are vigorously huilding a in, alongside of Harnuiai, gra.I.r, and ate sure to push ml" I'orCai .u a coii.peiiior in tin- latttr'e in, which will increase the nn on the Oregon metropolis a .id lod IP. i.Hlt.ri.l l,Mil,rM .f ll.e ml'mI'.,i ).....a ...I ........1., uiill ..', I,.', l,.,'l., ...1. tmi . . will) wiiicii luey conneci. joe recuv me growiu "i i lie iiioi-icul, ti lo tile full extent of .. , . .. .. . the law A .ewardofl'5ia here- S'" HtMt own, 4') miles Meantime Ihe parrsll.l ,.. hy ollernd for evidence that will I'om 1'oriUnd to the ('oluuihia road is under w ly hi, I in, in,- entire tin, is g. Ii, ing grounl In I hi Oregon that eventually it will he use tin- ui .vino t, fri tier demand in,,, nt RJ th. .(in lion M II I will not l.e Ihe same Willi nil i . j. Rl ibe a year ago, ami us the in undoubtedly will hi with - fall nun i ii, ing in Ir.un Un ull i , ,i i,, .-ui upon the re- i u, ,n of cattle and , i, grajM on the range this I'ienliful ami frems SflSRRRMed more nnlritloi, ..,. I ,r all alock have put i, and fat at a remarkable "Tu Core a Petoa" ii Kendall of Phillip' ' over il over with Anna Halve and the i-alye will do tl,. .t. ' (,,i, k. R Moils, Sons, Hceldr. Woutl I l.lieuu, ru leet.aiid SSfl eea. ..i tin i ny Drug I III 1.1 1. Sol li I KUM i i i LU Aims CHA8. WILSON, uiciaeoe ie;xeiteej eaaetroe BUcasaitkiii u. Nrsslifiig. Wagon Work ALL WORK GUAR ANTECD. Burns, Oregon tse. luaiatw The Lest Mir RE8TAURANT i i,u... ' Mala s I II Mieuta. MEAUS AT Abu HOORtt Bakery in sonnsstiori A Ssuiilly ( Sserl Orstn. I i ' bin, the mark. BaUSS age -1 Kv K II. Hill Kan. ii Ma.nai.kh ternloiy at piesent The Southern i give eiuiancu to a new . uinir. 1'sciti. n. ui SSRSMai "t the main building road, Ibe (in, ago, Mil- In, i of the Siiaata route from Han waukce it St. I'aul Oulsui. Francisco to I'ortltnd ruiining from and couligu ,us to O.i-gou all th BSQSUee her ritoinach was an '''( u.iles through the length of existing roads ere but, din g I, ran. i M.rviiig to Death. the for one year from loan Alo.lui ol ituail 1 uniiloveti anil the toruutl to nay to said 0(XJ to expend on the krd autboriaed to put Ull nc engine III ,l.u e any immHairrj si Ldireclctl lo transfer 0 from the ueiietal wrecked thai I could not aleen. into Washington and Idaho Of ' bad occasional dreams of Ooiidi... Rlitute fund. land not until 1 was itiven uu to die this line -HM miles, from i orlland across V vomiiig, It'abo unl weakened I. v u.-ele.-;. diugging that Oregon, and four or tiye shorter ea and developing ecliviii. mIi.. could no) Mt, MM. M ry H lines paralleling it along the V il- which Ibat alate will Walters of M.Clair Ml. Columbus lamette valley. Under the eaiue receive beiielit Much r ,:. i, .. ...: -!.... V'., W,. ll'.el.lllV .-'aiviin; ll, lieuill j.w,w.iio .i.u.'..v.v ... .p,.... u, L....e ill inn way Ol lltti'li.ili ... Sin writes: ' My stomach was SB railway A Navigation road operates I development will be the hue n I weak from u?cl -s drugs that I a great line along the eoutb Oauk of ever is built, which the Csfeisag could not cut, anil iuv uervee eo tbe Columbia riyer and Ibence ou Nortbwe lern It many n-il,a ' ger baa the most i ilenr eell selecleU slock 'I wall paM-r ever seen in ibi. , i ml y and design, a- well as uualilv are ail that one II. if also receiving more in, , ,- , ,, , . - a inn inn i iijiiiiiuir i mi nip wim progressive influence the Oregon por lance m the way of internal , Of tlu, l.i'.li.l tiili.ilore lIlMlilMbM well o. ih Trylag. rd.r.-il to pay UUU lo I was 1 indeed lotry BUotriol Hitlers, lo Huntington, lie in Oregon, with ' trul Oregon lo ihe I'acitic with V Kuutl Master Diet. Lil on the roads in ar of the bill of Crook Deueee incurred in tjie Millar, it appearing mil bad been added i Brown the popular pension . of i'lttatield, Vl sayR: . xt I.- ,, good pension, the beat Add ibis great through line lo tin thing to get is. Dr. Kings Sew life Oregon Eastern which the South in Pillf." He writes: 'they keep my L'oion Pacific have started, ui.,1 I family in splendid health. " luick which will he fed also Iron, i r tor hcadat In , onstlpation and the entire railway eyetem of Ore- by a long road that is lo l, i tiauranleed at gou as it stands today. What areidown the east bank of Snake livei Cite Dm,- -t n with the wonderful result that im- a number uf branches, making a ouiua bay the probable lerut'ni prSTSiS I SSaSS Si "nee and a total of o52 miles of the 0. K. dt N complete cure followed." Beat now operating iu the stales, health tonic on earth. 5Uc. (iuurau- The Union Pacific-Southern P- tuetl hy t 'itv DrugSit.re citic interests thus own praotically I Oeer and Cummiiis' ad. the mark, t afford i H RStfOS age - jBBjaaaaKtttai'-- eV atW I VT? ' Hal 2 . i tiJr y sJbp" Main 8t.t EkiajLCDiT V imam iciDrrisTiAi JbaummM wicncAUTB k in MIUJII 1 I.eM Ovesr soo H-aCi mut tm Seeutilul eiK. Llei Deelia. J Osroutarw. Map eiS V jggrwfAHi, L LEWIS W si ils. is hna. PARTICULARS ui PUCES U asyssi aadhsf INFORMATION. su DESIIiNS. 3tt ON YC dieJPk! airi i-'s - silSM o (IDai . . UN j. a iHiiiuniaa Falls, kiss. , U. a. A sjm The Finest of Ail ur MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY rWSsaesijsi; Hotel Burns Bar A ints, 8urna, Of. gMfKuthci d broe., Dietributara, Portland, Oteg JOB PRINTINQ-THK TIWIia-HKRALO