The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 08, 1906, Image 1

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The Official Paper cl Humpy County, J
linn tlis InrR"'! eireiilatinn anil ii SM j
ihe b "i advertising mi(liumfiin Ksalern
9 h fffvnt Wsmiefl Conntrv
OsVSSB n rm ol n,4M,f3Q acre of
land, 4,721,000 ten jrrt rarsnt mbjsrt
to SOU, imilpr tl nltlr Innd laws of
h Cult.! ytstss.
NO. 4a
RS FOR HARNF.Y? llje Klamath region Into r-nrnm-r- ALBERTA
rial OOfltOOl with this cilv, anil lli-
iiih thr Iradp of that country
I.EADIN0 iniTORIAl IN lur(Hv from Sun Krn.iri-co to Port- THIS ,S THR JDWIMENT W
to our fruit
I l'i. Rat I Hlbl Ar
k "wVs" In ihln
yri-H! irun-prn-
lluifn hit vi- ROM t I i
RON Orcguti lis
ir ImiK tinn': and fre-
i,lr of lli'' interior
into Iblfl . r : ttt lbs
rm ail that ii i- i i
interior's large fruit
kllcy Mipl-- rvofrftr
Innd. At leiiM Portland merchant
ninl ciritiutiitiircrH otight to havn
nn cvn ch.'inrp with those of thi"
i Hnj City, to whti'h Klamath and
Luke counties have hithrrto been
altogether triluitnrv. And it in to
lo ri'iiieniliiTi'il in thin connection
that llM product" nnd population
of the Klnmnth hatn. after the re
olnniation projer-t If rail in opera
tion, will le many limo what they
have linen in the pant.
In the not fur diitant future wc
will alio iloul'tli-M have anntln I
routi' oM-ii hi'twt I'ortlanil and
Han KrancJBro, that vin Coon hi
A ithongh gelling thalaaat In ro CENTRAL MARKETS BONDS
portion to it contribution to ne
1 Irrigation fund Oregon will havolbe
R. FREY largtal nnrnher of delegate pi-eosni MONEY TO BF.
of any tate except Idaho.
Preparation for entertainment I"
upon a grand scale that would do
Vu Same Mao.nt oltltiiti Wilt (l. Farther r,-.Iit to any of the larger Western I iss RsbbH teat Frea Vseslss t t. w
la I tr Orrfon Tnwr4i Se
carlaf the SaaM HaMlaft.
ft I; Km return from Alherla
with a log Inini'h of facta stored
away in hi nliservatorv and nuni-
orv a Inch listed to disillu-
-t ordinarily jndi-
II iiinl MOlintM wope ahout
tlint country, savi I h Om-
gnninn. Ii M Albert, i
Imillv overrated, a fact that
In romlna home with lininfiil em
and, later ticrhaii. we run reach , . . .. . , . ,
' tiliaul-i I,, tin. I i.tiihi ii, w i.l Ininri.
, ,,-. .-,..., , Cno hav hv two railroad route
, county .iiinge oi
nt li Bm Urnivn. of
ry hoi' npectmiinn
gun. perhaps, ih more
nen oi iritnnporiai ,,!nnm.lllfnr ,nt, .,w,r.. thm.
Mnnqaiotl thwL- .-. , .
I... nofl.' export of npiilen ,, r0m.' to Oregon al 1M -i.tlpte-e.
until ti... promiMd ,.,rtlAII, Jolirn(l
null ahall li' huilt ih'T. I hi"
not, h&Wi'vrr. pri'viii llnrin
nra fWMD growing apple fur
B. thr tell and air and '
ate ow thi-rr. alao lkt tantc for
fruit; ml if tin people of II noil
I and Ri'i'in River Mid OfitM
da uae t li- ,"i of upple. why
Idn't tho'-' ot Murine . too"
I than a mnnlh ago Harney
to Partial. d a nnrnple of lta
'ina-4Hi and frenh and hi-ati-broug!)'
hv I ' r. of
ftie fruitn are produced (
Hbl' Ii
wortllAa il-""T' Irv mid al-
irB"' i " a fertile a
iHB'"'1' '' ih-earh
m ragai t "'n
ill will
..,..', I
tune and thIiou'
halo Iti
in lia
in treat ' ""'
ad hffciirnnii-, an neeme like
Bu paaa nlmrtlv. will I'll
EitaeeM la Seakt lr-N V.
Flaaackrt leltraatH.
A apeoial from New York to the
Hregonian nayn The projected
road through Central Oregon, to
connect with the Corvallia A Kant-
ern, owned by A. H. Hammond, i
placing it hondn nn thin market,
and it ia probable that they will be
1 1 -ted on the atock eichange in the
near future. The Oorallii A Rant-
The Va-hinaton Pont. In rhoru.,,,n U ,8 Yaqillna
rith n hunch of nelf-elected public
cilten lfeadiiiartcra bare alreaov
leen opened hv the Californiana lo
their campaign for the netl n.eet
iug at Sacramento Caucueei will
he hi 1.1 nt 9 o'clock in the mornim
of California and Oregon delefn
tionn. in order that the repreaenta
liven of thone nlaten mav act with
unanimity on leading queetiona.
on- over thii Soiithi'in Pacific fit
Mrniii and another down Ikl
umhia anil nlong the coant.
Yen. nurelv the era of railroad
ti'in State Ibiral: Two Rafjag
norlhwent of ('aldwell, mi the farm
of Fred Suudman. are four llowing
nrteniim weM The average ileptli
of theie in around KXi feet Thc
diffor in dincharge, hut all have a
-1 i'ii. I v How and the water ia noft
and of good quality. Mr. Sutnl
man ntruck thin ilrata of water a
year ago. when he wan bonne a
well, and Ihe trouaeat well till- a
Cinch pipe iiin tirnt flow wan al
u depth of ahout 10 feel and wan
1'ipp'il after panning through a !'-'
i can Itiveatori In that country many
nl whom are now Mtag the RMM
niri'iiiioii- ello't- to ni'll out amj
:h mtitry.
Mr. I oil I he volume
migratioo Into Alberta Irnm
lb'--imen lia- I-.' n pio-nlv cxag
I a?, in ho- 'iiinion llnre nn
nut mora th 'inrniiiiH in
Alberta in- tttt l.i mwhich
the magnr.inen and bnotern would
hnn' thr public In-!
"flpaaking to the m M
i' ii-or- in the efl'ete eant, nhown a
laaaaajaabla dagrtc of ignorance in
dincuniiiB the reclamation problem.
The Poet cbIIh the campaign for
100.008 for reclamation, "a
the public treanury," and
placea it on a par with the river
o : i I Ii irl Bf utealn lhat have filched
millioM from the public till, large
ly for the lienelil of theee eantern
If the I'ont would inventigate.
nayn the Capital Near, it would
1 'iite- thnt laud in held high- j learn that everv dollar expended
er in All" rin now ihiin ROrfatpajM
ing land in held in I'liiatilla and
all over eaniirn OrafjM at thin time,
in -'ii 'bat railroad. ' ! .'idvatiiagen
I are vaatl here lo thone in
Albertii, irbl b i- a new, rpw and
undeveloped rounirv --mil in Mr
i ii. liable to ulaiiy be
new, raw and undeveloped Three
tiuien within the lent .11 yearn ha
Allierlu ti:nl I be unfile f , imriLliri. il
foot nlriilii of blue clny following
I having now. an influx of b
MUii'K-aini i ne nn.iu now nr
ntruck at a depth of nearlv I'mfint
.mil WM found in the name forma-
Mr Siiiiduinn ilnnka that
ii. m
not only could a niim gi I ibiw be
depth t'v Bcinf
mingniile.l b WOkafl alio have
warnieii ,.ut RMW einlniHinliialh
than tbi'V nwarmed in.
Dry Innd (not irriirabie) i bel,l
now at l I pi i iicre, while il
citnla t:l .'ill to I leiir II of neite brunh
ii luriter pip", but Unit ' iii i .i
unil l.mii'b tfrnnn I bei. (.. I lie .irl.
ginal price munt lie nmle.l Uo
of the half of the road which nur-
r In it. hi.. I otber mm iilenlaln
By the time all theae elcmentn ,.i
expenne have been met, the Hnliil-
t'or irrigation la only a government
I on n. necured by a firnl lien on land
lhat in heller and more productive
than a majority of the eantern edi- J
torn ever aaw. If all raid on the
public treavurv were of the name
nature an the no-calM irrigation
raid", the country would be infin
itely richer than it fai
would iikeh b. foiiii.l. II' I. -
not lukei. tin len,i. ruttire .,( I be
nt welln with accuracy, RAM
.he witter would bi ciHieideri'd cold.
he aava. any day in the year. !!
rnaorvoira the water mid uee h
irrigation a well aa fur doinenln
norpimea and nayn lb" nupplv hen
I bawn a it rent help lo hi meadow
a.ul ...... ... .i..M iii.lll I lie
u...l .... p.!..!. ibin mMMamm
& fruitn -nill'h H the
red Urown
.rei! t' i.oplc in other
B atllte ene
Ihe Hicniii of Life
It'n a niirniliceiil fact that the
grant winiien lie war back in I'liiatil
la ciiunli a beie ,i'l the name advau-Ingi-n
may now be (.ecu red for the
name or aag oullnv in cah.
I. and ii .del enter contn '.'')
atraight. with ti l clearing,
l ol did hing, mid $1 per
Vear for one tinner inch of water
Ii....... II I ,..r:.. . .i I'"'' .Hi irom .May t.. lictoi..r
......... ,iriui;eni nuiiiiui in n n n.e, m. B.- . . -w.w
at, ..r...tu..!lv round Mim : ,.. ,1... iulUMt, un ."'"' '"'" ibe width of the road . ,.,,,,. r,
mil lulilulliiii if k.n itrai'l,. . I fr. . I I -
ll Iiinl uiiirknt in lieiir ,lrlrful Ungn uicaiin powerful
ai ii, w ii'i'i' 'I t ur i ii"
lime lerilllin ill, en ,.,-,,1,.,,., HiiW lokei-lillie lin-alli-
oi iii le 'ui. urgitiin right nhoud I man'n
pp'en will lie carrying obaifeal Btad Like tbounatidn of
luiliii.oii aiirnad tmn .ib.r.-. Mr, lira A Mepuena, m
l..rl Vi'.lllull.M II I. MM I..Mri.Mll llllH
I. II, 1. . . ...... - ." "- -'
Ml.. I lb HI. . 1. I I u .. I I. If .I..I..I u. I...
MM a to do thin She wrilen: "Three but- ,,
MmHII. Mf.ll II, M Lf,.u .fMAlM Mb
nppli'M mid other Ue of lr. King" New MgfJtVafJ
pl.illllCtr lo the Mttte mIi,i,. . ! o, lollgll for l" 'l . ., ,
, '' ,. buv, under all nortn of r-:
ii ine I'vm of iernoii ,,,! cured me ol what my friend-
Tbe lur'e.i b .Id. r ,. mnl t.o
-nl- i- tin aiiadian Padic milrou'l
i m b'.Miiuiug the niiualtoo for
all (and mora) ilum it will ntau.l.
' ii I lev
Of all the wentern wool on the
c.inlern market, Oregon ntock ia
one of the liveliest nellrr. accord
ing to gdvioaa Hint received tuile
a few 50-hale Iota have lieen moved
al Koatoti al 7 InT'i renin fur eant-
I -inple nnd i i., afifij cnta
No I clothing Other transaction
ot imporlniicc nre remrled to lie on
Hi" point ol connummation. In
tho. elate thing- are rapidly quiet
UaJ down. A fi w amall transac
tion httVe taken place thia waek of the mountain al a range of
11 cent.
The aeaaou in alao practically
cloned in othei part of the Weal.
Montana in cleaned up with the ex
ception of IgOOOyOOO to 7,000,000
poundn, the greater part of which
will probably In- cold before the
aeanon clone f Mori ot the buyer
M8 to ntait eant Clueing
n n made at VJaTJ cent for
MM HHII4 cenln lor medium
wool. Ii,. mil known Hair clip,
for which a bid of 2 I -L' cants wa
Bay, on the coaal. to Idanha, in the
Cascade Rang, and the oitenainn
to Snake Hirer, at Ontario, or a
point near that place, will add
nome :tn mi lee t3 the road.
The name by which the alien
nn. o i com in. inly known hare itb
Central Railway of Oregon. It i
understood that the new project will
nae the right of way through the
tate acquired by the Oregon Cen
tral h Kaatern. which wa building
over the same route 15 year ago,
and whoae project collapaed. and
waa afterward bought, road and all,
for 1100,000 by A. H Hammond,
who changed the name to Corvallia
The projected road will paa
through a part of Oregon which
now ban no rail faciltiee, connect
ing with the O. R. N. and Union
Pacific ayatem on Snake River and
with the Southern Pacific in thr
Willamette Valley at Albany. The
road ia to be bonded at 120,000 a
mile, which, conaldering the nature
of the country, ia oonaidired mod
erate. Hitherto, New York haa not
heard muoh of thia project, but it
ha been conaidarably impreesed
since the bonda have been in ihe
i market bare The Hue of the road.
if it nhould follow the old Central
A Kaatern right of way. will tra
vsree a produoliva region
It ia thought that arrangement
I will lie completed within the neat
180 dava for ihe financiinf the nro-
The foregoing diapatch ia in line
I with Mr Hammond' announced
intention, recently eiproea by him
to the Oregonian. of extending hi
, Corvallia and Kaetein through
Kaatern Oregon to Snake River,
Mr Hammond, whan in Portland
everal weak ago. aald that he
til m 1 1 ii Mil Iii Kill ti m m I waatsr .Via.
ne lo tine medium, . . . . . ,
' he expected lo have financial ar
rangement oomplrie, and lo ee-
nre an adequate supply of labor.
1 1 1 v I
In :
ot realised i - product-
o i-bould ntbiT diatriots
Oregon The Oregon
ii to o I I ,'ittln-
llH iiilurr ill ihe liexl
lid with then geograph
ic. n
Evcryeac at
a "Sailer
tboiii'ht ciiuniimpliou ". II
gland for throut and lung truul...
,1, teed l, tlie It y I'rilg Stole
'i.i.e SOo and HK Trial bottle
tr M
eineier OOmbini and lit ot
the (.uggeiibi no Exploration Bwffi-
t'tigenhaiuj an
olhcei it 1 1, i pi company, basjual re-
i to Denver lioin IWwBon
alien he Inspected tin work of a
great dredge hi company sent
' . work placet minen. wliicb
were tl, be. n w irked
I bi ' wem ro ally
i saviors
of the Klondike t.t cum they made
h heavy iut n the dredge
Bipariaaeni vbils Kaglieli apital
ials held h... k t, aaa.' rMalltS.
Til' t iuggeuhuillj e.i I bey Will
l lie law. rt rea.iiu oi m in
bv ollered lor evidence that will 'Ur" a lrtl'' - "' """
the . .nib. ii. Pacific rail- ,.,i u their arrest and i oiiviction. dredge m Alaska, i.
ing to build ia building Amkhican A lavs Sim k Co, an enoruinuactrageol ncli placar.
d, baa Imen consigned to a
aid that tha. Tb Ti-HW " "
SSM pU ,,, .lo.. a IJMyOOO "" bwio mootb in tba way o'
poun.i- in. d it is of long, firm ate- "bacripUooa and baa arranged
pie. Another Hoatou dealer pjot. , I" ' ibe Haoii-WaMl t IxMlia
edup.. potts, clip at '2 lUpuhlio fraw to all who pay up
cent win!,- tili another corraled
ol lin- interim , between
e Hange and Iks Bookj
.are t" lie redeemed by
lligei.e. udupting it
tin aj ciiliar conditions
w region. Into vary msource
K Irrigation a'ill be used
iany i 'l' 'l
uv,l j brush
$2B.oo kl;WAKD $5.00
Nollcc 1 In rd.y given that hunt
ing and shooting upon tin- enclosed
lauds of the American Land A I
k Co located in township
I III I K.inge I anil t iWushlp
;iy s, r M I M, Ha 1
j. ui 1 better known a tlie Trout
k and Coiooy Kauclie,) I
lnctl lur bidden Any person or
a cli. , ibe Mime alas at 21 cent
be ,a.t few days
hne advanced lo I cent a BOour
ed pound over ihiate rulina ten
. (iuggeubeiu, head of the! days ago il is e.limated that th
Montana clip is a little over IQjOOO
i"ioiid Aveiage price H)
cenlp Three-quarlt r of clip went
lo Huston. C. C. Journal
guilts Mil HlwAk-U
-'. 11 the
.. porsnn found hunting or lrepub-
ing Willi a nun ill their poesiou
on gROIS itnorilied property will
i.e prosecuted lo tha full extent of
Juiin Mahuii, the well known
in of Mule, Harney counU
wa in the cily ihe tirt i,( the
nop uiied In Iii daush
ter. Miss Pearl Thev were on
their way lo I'oitlaiid where Mia
Pearl will attend school tha aoill
illg winter M. Lll el Hsu., a.
cuiupaiiied them from Harney.
Jim will ilsil Csllfornia point be-
'uriiii.g home OmIhiim Argue
-( ali oruia I u ih.a wiii
till lie
i. ggat- in. .-11. i- unil
aaaiiVv' :
Mii it
b; nul from I
well ftj ih l.U.
II Brown 1 sioo
limiiH i t slh
H lliii Han. u Max.vui.k. VYblia at Powooo sJjMjr aawshllgW
bear in a (Hie wall a sin saying aiioiuey, or I'ltiniield, i ry:
thai Sib wool I cl it ti.e lliey con ' 'Nei lo a good pension ihe liegl
iributed the amount and ihe bear i iking to get i Or. King Xi a life
... 1 bat UM next day they P. I' He..., I.-- it, . keep my
eiji 11 ii,, i,,de.-- 4 uggii'K that found 11 pi urn .! 1 . wi'n (Jaa same '" Itdld beabl 'jlck
buait could not aal M H. sign on it, and ikv-y lat it atay o- '. fr keadacha oaaawipoiioii ggjl
11 1. ... . ... .1 I . . - I u
BJBfJXffl w Hi: 1 III- Walter ot.-' ' ' olumlius i.-.mii -io;ii n. i vice
Lsed thul ibi I or i n of t Mu. , .nving to dealn
riil ! .!'' ii."-it 111 lv stiuiiach wan o Oreguo Orlegalioa Lead.
m lliul II alb not be. lor wt)Ug um 1,-1 hs drug that I
1 p 4iit lo could not eat, and u.v m rves so BCM dt ) Ort-
ip over Dial route, bul wrecked I could uol bleep, gou has urpaspel all expectation
City I'iu sVtore
(Jauriinte.d tl
Having sold the furniture buai
ness, C A livid will now lorn bit
ullullilMIl t . . l.i.l.illl.M .. . . A J
gfr.ipiillv iniiei-in tiuttic and not until I wu given up to die of ihe ujOBl -anguine irriKationiats ,
D .2 ,,, c-i . . .. banging and solicits a share oi
m M.iiube.n I .icihe MUSI wus I llidcud totrv Kleotrlcl Blttera, of Ho- , ..ininoi.w.altb. and regietc-rs j((r p-lro1 He will alio con-
I route lower grades with the wonderful result that iio- for the fourteenth National Irriga- ju(lt H cabinet and repair shop
en. up linuosity became a proveuieiit began ii onofl and a lion (.ougresa a delegation number
f, und so the line from Nn- coiniilele cure followed " Best nig JlXI, umre than half of wboui 1. ,1 point health ionic 00 earth. 60c. Q(M MRM froM points est ol Umatilla, i Call and aee Mra. Haiiu Ha tie
he BtakiyOUS will ha buill. teed by City Dion .Moie wit Ij very lare deleuatious from J"1' ail of the Windsor and felacl
rill poaeibly he of great ail-
to Pnill.iud Hi bringing
Sec Qaai and Ciuniniii.-' ad.
Malhuer, hakei. and other Kasteru your milliiiery and have it trimmed
counties of Ihe plate lo older
arreara and one vear in advance to
The Timea-Harald. New ubaoib
era who pay to advance will alao
receive this great national neojl
weekly newspaper and family
uiagaxioe in tbe United Mates.
I he two papers ons ysar for $'i
for thin month only
I u Cora a
Says Ham Ksodall of Phillips
burgs Kan "Just cover it ovsr with
Huckisu' Arnica Halve and tbe
alve will do the reat " tiuicksst
curs for Hums, Hoila, Koi.s, Hcalds,
M'ouds, Pilss, KczsujS, Malt Itheuui,
Chapped Hand. Bora leet, and sors
yes. Only 25c at tbe Cily Drug
Store (Jaurauteed
O. W. Clsvsngsr has lbs uiosi
sitensive and well selected tock
of wall paper ever seen in Ibis
county The variety and dssigu,
as well as quality ars ail that one
could desirs. Hs ia alao receiving
a Hue line of furniture sod haa 011s
of the neatest furniture displays
evsr seen
Tbs advertising uisrehaul I lb
one that does Ibe business to these
days of push and soterprias Tbars
ars more newspaper readers today
than ever before iu tbe history of
the world Tbe uewspapsr plades
your business under the Bye of the
buyer. He seas what ha wants
and, knowing where to find il, look
up tbs wide awaka merchant who
asked biw to come and ase
him. Success in thsae days of
sharp competition calls for eternal
vigilance. You can't hasp a bustlar
down. Ex.
III I lie I mill I i I .'il "I I be -I lie ill 0V
lor Harnei 1 mnty
In ii. Mattel ',
b Ornsndtai 1
I., Miit. ui l! 1. ' Mi- Narj
Martha ktkstt ' l""1 tbbott, RlSwt
M.b.iil. 1 vm W l b. 11. I. iti. -miili.
Mm. lotlie Mini-, Mi- Mum . Ilaniil
Inn. I' l.nen.lo. RdWla I'lillllpS.
Ullbrrl iirueii.liVe Mr.fnrneM I ml. I.
K. .1 Itllell H I. Hie!!. Ilk. .
lirneiiilke. IVIItii OrWBw41be, Nellie
lirn. 11 like, I lli-- II iyes, I nil 1 1 .,hv
Kills C Warn 1 ' 1 1 -1 1. k bonne.
laaohG Cwpa, roha itroandMa laha
r.rnen.llk. It . I ieil (.1 i. n.l k, . I itnrii
Pasta, vvi.Ui 1 1 . . I n H iisaao,
llennl Or, km. Praol t thhatti II
Isi.i. Kranee J. Coal, nnd I'
Post, Finc i-n Htowa,
Minnie A Betterl Iga, Usui ' II
dike, Hits R -to 1. 1. .11 -nni"l Hrniin-
dike, Nslll 11, like Wall I' I ...I 1
tirusn.llk. I i ii In. M iw. II
IC Knit, Wihnni I Urokiiw. C. - b
boll. II 1 ItoaSBja-iMN I rnk VIiIk.ii.
Clinrlolte I ir..r, IIi.oiiii I
IWllletle I vel I, lil, - I iiev. I I I A
lKHlitili., nn. I lie .111. I'ri.r. tbe
k now n lieir- an.l lo all ..lnr helm un
known, it n ,. I Jaooh mliks laj-
csassd, nnd lo nil whom it may ronrsrn,
I na
Hi ..nlrr of tbealnne .ililleil cuiirt,
eai-b nnd all al yoa r hen lo cited and
raqulrnl in SOOOM MfaBS MM IROM hi
tltleil C.i.rl oil Jn In, lie, al tbs
C..iinl t..nrt l.'.-oii. ,il lliirn. Ilrrgon,
nil October Nt P., at '"" " i I'-ck P.
M limn nint Hi. -le to MM I'i'i-e, II any
you have, wliv Will IC Kinu Ailtnuiln
trator ill the Istels ol .1. oh iirusmltks,
deseaiH-l. will. Will nneiel, a mi'li ,
ailnilnislrnlnr. uii'lei an.l In virtue of
esrtsiii aareenieiil between lins K. Harney Count) ' irefni. ml
aid Jacob l.riienillke, hi'eael, i datm
tetirnaiv P., ls's.i, ie,,.r.c.l ,liil
on W IH In 1 1 '. in lhk t"ol Mi.
ivllaneus Hue. lulu III III I lerk'i I Ifbcs
in llnrnnv l oiinti llragoni losjathaV
lib sii ..i.lei .if -nl C I. i .no' ).-
proin a ii n on , j . r . ... i -.- kOtWOM
ssiil Janien I Malnni mil .nul Ailimul
trator, ihonl I lie mnl lUllvsr lo
mil Ism. - I Inl. oi. n mnnl slid mill
eienl itadi "in Ii silino, I.. II.
(ullowius ileerribed inl propert) allOSl
e.i i -i ni w Ilia Basils Marl haa, ia liar
ns Ooaotei Ossajao, te mi
-I ', ..I . IH, in I II
..I SK1, si.. I I -I ,, tl o. i .
NH'( I
n I -W kj .i I Ml , M I
ROB. IS. all i i
NW't, sn.l W ', ,, ,-W ', ..I .. - s
of NW'i4 ..I -, , i SW i, . -',
NW',. nn. I M ,,,l s ., ,, Hsc. SO,
HSol m . a, all In I
W'tines. lbs lb. n. .1.. ..l. Hector,
In l,f. o I lb. I ..iint, I ...ui of 1 1, if nil
Couiili . iregnii, will, enl .l il'l Cuurl
slflie.l, tin lull, .1..) ,.l lull . lax,
(County ( nor I -l
liSM ,.i,
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aaa..l Min. i . iUfi i...
lll.lMi ill U
aV Howano itann mmidint
w m
a a COWOCN, CMia
awajwr k
first national Bank
A General tinnkinp; Hus.ine Trantsstcted
Fire-Proof, Modern, Elegant.
Rate Sj.oo and f j so per day.
All Outside Rooms Near Depot
Thi niinbi ii new I otel wsb only rctrnlly opened to tho
public. Harney County people will be always welcome
and uniiiriiiiil) i-ared lor. A lirst i las bar in cunnection.
IMor.Toa Ni-n. Dm CaOMB aMM W
Napton &. Boyd
Real Hsiiic. Sine? U liaiaf. I
I',itt, I o, Mo. 0tbio, Oaaane. fm
"niarto oCtes New Wllen Mak.
' . i
lliilillm S.l, .
a m
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Mi'lICK Foil
BtTiiii. a, .
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II. ...ii
1,1, . lli
ul Hill ..
TRIHCIf A DONKGAN, Propristora.
Bums, Oregon.
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
I ii BB B
aucciaaoa rof neoo a
Main 8t.,
B!scks9iii!: 4
Wagoi Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon
.... asausMi
ThsLsas Slsr
Ii "Uiwla.
Bokory in aonnsation
A Sfuisll sf Satirl Urdsrs.
Tal'le furmslieil ailli .iiylliin
Ilia ui ark i R natron
ags "ln lied
Jul printing The Tiuiee-Herald
oo 'una ti. v Liiiv s.'.sasj.s r
i i
Ml 'o 'hi.
.mm7V.. ' ff JlfOal
Mftcl. ' m
' M M k I , a I M
t& jfc BaA
soommii jmmruM
1'iiCTicAurB II in
liktnm 1 itoii
Ovor OOO H wsnM tar
eoullful BsMe O
Oaalpna. I Olrcuiara.
assail 1 1
Wa m glad I ortaa
Tr mvsm dsslrtof
a The Firust oi All j
far Ssh was- al
Hotel Burns
A lnts, Burns, Or.
'Kuihi-i i Urns, Distributers, Poiilsnd, UrsgOO.